www.bolandgazette.co.za bolandgazette.mobi Drakenstein Year 4 • Friday 18 July 2014 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365 In Paarl Post )Tinus Linee in centre of family feud; )River murderer arrested )Teacher arrested with stolen goods )New face of Paarl Police )All the Berg Riv- er action Talle ongelukke 2 Scouting glory 3 The incredible Hulk 8 The official start of the 53rd Berg River Canoe Marathon took place on Wednesday 16 July. The event was attended by Executive Mayor of Drakenstein, Advocate Gesie van Deventer, Executive Mayor of Swartland, Tijmen van Essen, Western Cape Minister of Sport and Cultural Affairs, Professor Noma- french Mbombo and Drakenstein Mayco member for Sport, Culture and Youth Development, Aidan Stowman. Minister Mbombo had the honour of firing the starting pistol to commence the race, send- ing canoeists on a 240 km journey beginning in Paarl and finishing in Velddrif. Drakenstein Municipality has been a sponsor of the re- nowned competition for many years. On your marks, get set, go

Drakenstein gazette 18 jul 2014

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Drakenstein gazette 18 jul 2014

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Page 1: Drakenstein gazette 18 jul 2014



Year 4 • Friday 18 July 2014 | Tel. 021 870 4600 | SMS 32365

In Paarl Post)Tinus Linee incentre of familyfeud;)River murdererarrested)Teacher arrestedwith stolen goods)New face ofPaarl Police)All the Berg Riv-er action Talle ongelukke 2 Scouting glory 3 The incredible Hulk 8

The official start of the 53rd BergRiver Canoe Marathon took placeon Wednesday 16 July. The eventwas attended by Executive MayorofDrakenstein, AdvocateGesie vanDeventer, Executive Mayor ofSwartland, Tijmen van Essen,WesternCapeMinister of Sport andCultural Affairs, Professor Noma-french Mbombo and DrakensteinMayco member for Sport, Cultureand Youth Development, AidanStowman. Minister Mbombo hadthe honour of firing the startingpistol to commence the race, send-ing canoeists on a 240 km journeybeginning in Paarl and finishing inVelddrif. Drakenstein Municipalityhas been a sponsor of the re-nowned competition for manyyears.

On yourmarks,get set,go

Page 2: Drakenstein gazette 18 jul 2014

Drakenstein Gazette News - Nuus Friday 18 July 20142

Bekende winkelweer beroof’n Bekende klerewinkel in Lady Grey-straat het vandeesweek vir die tweedekeer vanjaar onder diewe deurgeloop.DiewehetvroegDinsdagoggendbyEd-

gars ingebreek.Volgens ’n woordvoerder van Paarl-

polisie het polisielede omstreeks 05:45Dinsdagoggendop ’ngeaktiveerdealarmgereageer.Met hul aankoms by die toneel is dit

gevind dat ’n winkelvenster met ’n klipstukkend gegooi is. Die verdagte/s hetklere uit die winkel gesteel en van dietoneel gevlug.Die voorval kombynaviermaandena-

dat diewe ook deur die loop van die nagby die winkel ingebreek het.’n Sementblok is toe na bewering ge-

bruik om ’n winkelvenster stukkend tegooi.Handelsmerk-jeans is tydensdié in-sident gesteel.Niemand is nog in verbandmetMaan-

dag se inbraak in hegtenis geneem nie.Die ondersoek duur voort.Enigiemand met inligting kan Paarl-

polisie skakel by 021 807 4000.

Golden Games totake place next weekA District Elderly Golden Games event willtake place on Wednesday 23 July at BolandPark Stadium in Worcester.The Cape Winelands District Municipality

will host the event in partnership with theWestern Cape Older Persons forum, Stellen-bosch Municipality, Drakenstein Municipali-ty, Breede Valley Municipality and Depart-ment of Cultural Affairs and Sport.This comes after the Golden Games was

stopped a few years ago.The target for this event will be to get 1 400

elderlypeopleacross thedistrict toparticipate.The purpose of the event is to sensitise elderlypeople about their rights and to instil a senseof dignity.

Hierdie geliefde staffie-reun het verledeWoensdag indieDeZoete Inval-omgewing ver-mis geraak. Hy is swart en bruin met ’n witbors, wit pote en wit tussen sy oë en mond.’n Beloning word aangebied vir inligting watsal lei tot die hond se veilige tuiskoms. Skakel082 878 6069 met inligting.

Talle in botsings beseerMARYKE SWART

Minstens 11 mense is die naweek in ver-skeie padongelukke in Drakenstein be-seer.

Indie jongstevoorval is ’nvrouSondagaandbeseer in ’n botsing tussen drie motors op diehoek van Jan van Riebeeckrylaan en LadyGreystraat.Dit word beweer dat die bestuurder van ’n

wit Toyota Corolla ’n rooi verkeerslig veront-agsaam het en voor twee aankomendemotorsingedraai het.’n Passasier in die Corolla is met beserings

hospitaal toe geneem.Niemandanders is indiebotsingbeseernie.Saterdag is altesaam nege mense in twee

verskillende enkelvoertuig-botsings beseer.In die eerste ongeluk is vyfmense beseer toe

’n minibus omstreeks 11:30 teen ’n paal in

Monicastraat, Dal Josafat gebots het.Die insittendes het geringe beserings opge-

doen.Omstreeks15:10 isnogviermensebeseer toe

’n motor naby die Verkeersdepartement inJan vanRiebeeckrylaanwat in ’n voor belandhet.Die insittendesvandiemotor is vir onder-skeidelik skouer- en kniebeserings en kneus-en snyplekke behandel.’n Man (55) het ook Vrydagaand kneusplek-

ke en ’n moontlike nekbesering opgedoen toehy kort voor 19:00 in Klein Drakensteinwegdeur ’n motor raakgery is.Die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit het by na-

vraagoorpadveiligheid indie gebiedgesêver-keersoperasies word dwarsdeur die week oppaaie in Drakenstein gehou om die veiligheidvan motoriste te verseker.Hulle het ’n beroep op motoriste gedoen om

verantwoordelik te wees, versigtig te bestuuren by die padreëls te hou.

Die toneel Sondagaand op die hoek van Jan van Riebeeckrylaan en Lady Greystraat nadat drie motorsmet mekaar gebots het.

Ken jou reg met uitsettingsBehuising is noodsaaklik en ’n primêre be-hoefte vir elke mens. Aangesien meeste vanons akkommodasie bekom deur te huur ofdeur huislenings of selfs deur staatsbehuisingwat deurmunisipaliteite voorsienword, is ditbelangrik om te weet wat jou regte is en watdie korrekte prosedure is as dit komby regma-tige uitsettings.Met die uitsluiting van plaasgrond, word

regmatige uitsettings van residensiële perse-le, geboue of strukture daarop, wat enige hut,plakkershut, tent of soortgelyke struktuur ofenige ander vorm van tydelike of permanentewoning of beskutting insluit, deur die Wet opdie Voorkoming van Onwettige Uitsetting enOnregmatigeBesettingvanGrond19van1998,algemeen bekend as die “PIE Wet”, beheer.Wie het die reg om uit te sit?Die reg om uit te sit in terme van die PIE

Wet word gegee aan ’n geregistreerde eienaarvan ’n perseel of aan ’n persoon in beheer vandie betrokke residensiële perseel. Persone inbeheer van ’n residensiële perseel sluit in:’n Regmatige huurder;’nEksekuteurwatdieboedelwaarindieper-

seel val administreer;Enigeanderagentwatvolgensdieregmatige

instruksies van die eienaar optree.Wie kan uitgesit word?Mense wat uitgesit kan word sluit die vol-

gende mense wat die perseel okkupeer, in:Huurders inverstekwiesehuurooreenkom-

ste beëindig is;Verbandgewers in verstek wie se verbande

gekanselleer en die eiendom in eksekusie ver-koop is;Onregmatige okkupeerders of plakkers;Enige anderpersoonwatnie dieuitdruklike

toestemmingvandieeienaarofpersooninreg-matige beheer van die perseel het nie.Wat is die spesiale oorwegings?Wanneer ons howemet aansoeke om uitset-

ting tedoenkry isdiehoweverpligomspesialeoorweging te skenk aan bejaardes, kinders,mense met gestremdhede en ook huishou-dingsonder leidingvanvroue.Alle feiteenom-standighede van hierdie personemoet aan diehof uitgelig word vir die evaluering van die

sogenoemde spesiale oorwegings.Regmatige uitsettingsprosedure:Stap 1 – Kennis van uitsetting’n Kennis van uitsetting waarsku die okku-

peerdervandiebeoogdeuitsettingenvoorsiengewoonlik die okkupeerder van 30 dae om dieperseel te ontruim. Dit gee ook aan die partyedie geleentheid om skikkingsterme of termeen tydsraamwerke vir die ontruiming van dieperseel te onderhandel. Hierdie kennis kandeur die Balju van dieHof per hand by die per-seel of deur middel van geregistreerde pos be-teken word.Stap 2 – Hofaansoek om uitsetting’nHofaansoek bywyse van ’n kennisgewing

van mosie tesame met ’n ondersteunende be-edigde verklaring moet deur die Balju op dieokkupeerder en die relevante munisipaliteitbetekenword.Ditsaldiedatumvandiehofver-skyning asook die datum waarop die okku-peerder opponerende hofdokumente moet li-asseer indien die okkupeerder van plan is omdie aansoek om uitsetting teen te staan, aan-dui. Die okkupeerdermoet die hofaansoek tenminste 14 dae voor die hofdatum ontvang.Stap 3 – Verskyning in die hof vir die aan-

hoor van die aansoek om uitsetting’n Hof is verplig om alle relevante feite ra-

kendedie aansoek omuitsetting opdie bepaal-dedatumvandieverhoor teoorweeg.Regsver-teenwoordigers van die partye sal ’n geleent-heid gegun word ommondelinge en geskreweregsargumente namens die onderskeie partyeaan te voer. Die hof sal dan, by wyse van ’nhofbevel indien die aansoek suksesvol is, dieokkupeerder genoegsame tyd gee om die per-seel te ontruimwat gewoonlik tot 1 maand salweesmetdiebepalingdat indiendieokkupeer-der versuim om in hierdie tyd te ontruim dieBalju geregtig sal wees om, op die onkoste vandie okkupeerder, die okkupeerder en al sy be-sittings van die perseel te verwyder.Stap 4 – Gedwonge uitsetting van die okku-

peerder deur die BaljuDie Balju sal eers ’n kopie van die Uitset-

tingsbevel op die okkupeerders beteken. Dansal die Balju geregtig wees om die okkupeer-ders met mag te verwyder indien die datum

van ontruiming soos deur die hof bepaal, ver-by is. Die Balju is ook geregtig om die bystandvan die polisie, indien nodig, te verkry enmagook die besittings van die okkupeerders ver-wyder asook enige opgerigte strukture sloop.Die Balju kan tot 3 weke neem om uitvoeringaan die Uitsettingsbevel te gee nadat die nodi-ge reëlings getref is om die okkupeerders uitte sit.GevolgtrekkingRegmatige uitsettings kan 2 tot 3 maande

neem om af te handel en kan baie tegnies vanaard en duur word. ’n Verhuurder, eienaar ofpersoon in beheerwat iemandwil uitsit asook`’n huurder of okkupeerder teen wie uitset-tingsprosedures aanhangig gemaak is, wordbeide aangeraai om regsadvies van ’n proku-reur wat in uitsettings spesialiseer te bekom,ten einde te verseker dat die uitsettingsprosesregmatig en korrek uitgevoer word. Deur dieregte uitsettingsprosedure te volg word frus-trasie,kostesenverderepotensiëleverliesege-minimaliseer. Bron: Van der Spuy en vennote

Page 3: Drakenstein gazette 18 jul 2014

Drakenstein GazetteNews - NuusFriday 18 July 2014 3

Adventure the key tosuccessful youthsAs South Africa commemo-rated youth standing up forinclusive education, inScouting we also remem-bered the journey ScoutinginSouthAfricahas taken toaddress the needs of ouryouths by using excitingprogrammes to teach mor-als, values and life skills.SCOUTSSouthAfrica isoneof the biggest youth organi-sations in the country with308 000 girls, boys, youngmen and women all beingprepared for life, before lifehappens.

“Ifwe reallybelieve that thefuture of any country is in itsyouth,we have a big responsi-bility to see to it that we in-spire themtobethe leaderswebelieve they can be, and thatcan be done through verysound youth developmentprogrammes, moral values,such as the ones that theScouting Movement offers,”says Chief Scout Sibusiso Vi-lane – first black Africanmanto summit the peaks of theworld and the North andSouth Pole.“From my adventure trav-

elsandactivities, Ihavelearntthat any type of physical ad-venture or activity undertak-en has the amazing ability to instil a numberof attributes, and very important charactertraits toan individual.Adventure teachesyouthat for you to succeed in anything, you havegot to work hard, be determined, work withpeople, never give up and keep on trying be-cause you don’t succeed overnight. Successtakes a long time, success is about takingrisks,breakingoutof limitingbeliefsandyourcomfort zones. Adventure does all of this ina practical way and that is what I believeScouting is about, it’s learning by doing!” hesays with a smile.“SCOUTSSouthAfrica recognises that edu-

cation is a tool of empowerment for childrenin our country enabling them to achieve theirmaximum potential. Our programmes strivetofill thevoidcreatedbetweenthebreak-downof family units and overstretched educationalstructures. Central in this Scouting pro-gramme is a continuous transference of val-ues such as honesty, loyalty, responsibilityandrespect.Allactivitiesareaimedatgovern-ing individual behaviour and the develop-mentofstrongleadershipskills thatwillequipmembers to be of service to others and to theircommunity”, explains SSA CEO Milly Sie-

brits.Scouts in South Africa have a long history

of getting involved in the upliftment of com-munities and environmental preservation.The programmes are either offered as extramural activities in schools or by independentscout groupsnationwide. “Wepride ourselvesin theefforts that arebeingmadeby thevolun-teer educators as well as the driven out ofschool volunteers in building the capacitiesof youths”, she concludes.Scouts in theWesternCapewelcomedChief

Scout Sibusiso Vilane to their celebratoryyouth day weekend where he inspired adultleaders at the Bellville Scouters Conference,encouraged the Scouts that sailed from Capeto Rio to embrace their adventures and en-joyed the fun day at the Scouting HawequasActivity Centre in Wellington.SSA is amember of theWorld Organisation

of ScoutMovements,WOSM.TheScoutMove-ment was founded in 1907 by Baden Powell.Ithasover40millionmembersgloballyinover200 countries and territories. More informa-tion: Natasha Kayle, PR Manager SCOUTSSouth Africa, 073 127 9356 or [email protected]

Chief Scout Sibusiso Vilane says that scouting prepares youngsters forlife. PHOTO: GAVIN WITHERS PHOTOGRAPHY

BREI-ATHON. Talle vrywilligers het Saterdag ingespring en deelgeneemaandie Afrikaanse Taalmuseumen -monument (ATM) se brei-athon in samewerking met Dorkas en Buzzy Beez Vroueklubs, watgehou is ter viering van Nelson Mandela-dag. Deelnemers kon serpe, truie of komberse brei watvandag, 18 Julie, ook bekend as Nelson Mandela-dag, aan behoeftiges in Drakenstein uitgedeelsal word. Op Mandela-dag span lede van die publiek saam om vir 67 minute liefdadigheidswerkte doen, ter nagedagtenis van ontslape oud-president Nelson Mandela. Hier is van links ShereeJulies, Marinda Samuels en Jennifer Koopman van Buzzy Beez. FOTO: MARYKE SWART

Page 4: Drakenstein gazette 18 jul 2014

Drakenstein Gazette General - Algemeen Friday 18 July 20144

Good coffee is not enoughDAVID MALHERBE

Inmy line ofwork, I of-ten meet clients in cof-fee shops and because Ioften advise businessowners on managingtheir businesses, I amvery alert regardingthe quality of servicebusinesses render.

Each business ownershould ensure that theyknow what good servicemeans to their clients.From certain businesses clients ex-pect speedy delivery, like when abuilder orders sand or bricks. Fromamotordealerclientsexpect,amongothers, excellent after sales service.If the service is lacking, no matterwhether you sell products or servic-es, customers look for alternativesuppliers.Let us look at the coffee shop ex-

ample, seeingthat theysellproductsaccompanied by service delivery.

WhatdoI look for inacof-fee shop? Being a coffeeshop, onewill expect thatquality coffee is a given.But what goes with thecoffee?Let us first look at whypeople visit coffee shops?Sometimes it is a teatimemeeting place forwomen. Business peoplemeet clients there be-cause nowadays manyhave offices at home and

need a meeting place. I see many ofthem regularly because I am one ofthem.People working from home mayfind that a home office becomes alonely place. So they take their lap-tops and go work in a coffee shop.For instance, I like to write theseweekly articles in a coffee shop.So what is important besides the

coffee? Atmosphere, made up of acombination of the interior, back-groundmusic, the location, etc. andmost important – the service ren-dered by waiters.Are they friendly and do theymake you feel welcome? Do theyknow the menu by heart?Also, can I easily access theWi-Finetwork with my computer? In twocoffee shops the past month I couldnot access the internet because theshop’sWi-Fiwasnot up to standard.This limits the work I can do there,aswell as the quality of service I canrender to my client.So,what aspects of service are im-portant to your clientswhen theydobusinesswithyou?Doyouknowanddo you exceed their expectations?* DavidMalherbeisabusinessand

career consultant living in Welling-ton. He can be contacted through hisweb page www.jedidiah.org.za orcontacted on 021 873 0262 or on Face-book at “Jy die Entrepreneur.”

Huge cash prizes for entrepreneursThe Western Cape Premier’s Entre-preneurship Recognition Awards2014 is currently in its second yearand entrepreneurs are invited to en-ter.This prestigious programme isaimedatrecognisingtheimportance,achievements and potential of someof the province’smost exciting entre-preneurs.Byacknowledging, supporting andshowcasing successful entrepre-neurs, the awards programme helpsbuild a culture of entrepreneurshipand encourages new start-ups, aswell as business excellence andachievement.One winner per category is select-ed for the following: emerging busi-ness, established business, social en-terprise, green business andbest stu-dent idea, each winner winningR90 000 in cash.The overall winner will receive atrip for two to attend a global entre-

preneurship event or internationaltrade fair, to the value of R100 000.The overall winner will also re-ceive R50 000 in cash for the develop-ment of his or her business.Inaddition to theabove, 10winnersof other business and entrepreneur-ship competitions from the WesternCapewill be recognised and awardedwith special achievement plaques.Enter thecompetitionbyobtainingan entry form, or online atwww.wcpremiersawards.co.za.The closing date is 15 August.A panel of experienced, independ-ent and expert judges will evaluateall the entries using a standard scor-ing system.Three finalists per categorywill beselected, and the winner will be cho-sen from these finalists.Site visitsmaybe conducted tover-ify the information provided.Finalists may also be required togive a short presentation on their

business or student idea to the judg-ingpanel,andanswerquestions fromthe panel.Failure to attend this presentationmay result in a finalist not being con-sidered, orbeing replacedby thenexteligible finalist.Printed formswillalsobeavailableat all Small Enterprise DevelopmentAgency (Seda)Offices andmunicipalmanagers’ offices.To submit entry forms by hand:drop them off at any Seda branch orsatellite branch in theWesternCape.(go to www.seda.org.za/Contac-tUs/Pages/WesternCape.aspx)You can also fax the completed en-try form to 021 418 3673. If you wishtoemail theentry form,scan thecom-pleted form and email it to: [email protected] orpost it to:POBox1183,SeaPoint,8060.You can also enter the award pro-gramme by visiting www.wcpre-miersawards.co.za.

Do you produce Mbek-weni Muffins or ChicagoChocolates? Or maybeKlein DrakensteinCookies or Smartie TownSweets? DrakensteinGazette wants to findout more about entre-preneurs that operatetheir unique businessesfrom their homes. In to-day’s tough economy,starting your own busi-ness is the solution. Notonly do you create workfor yourself, but for oth-ers too. Send us a de-scription of your busi-ness, or come and tellus about it. Once amonth the Gazette En-trepreneur of the Monthwill be selected. Thewinner will receive a pro-motional article in theDrakenstein Gazetteand an advertisement toboost his or her busi-ness. To enter or formore information, call021 870 4614; e-maildrakenstein@ media24.com or visit our office at1a New Street, Paarl.

Page 5: Drakenstein gazette 18 jul 2014

Drakenstein GazettePeople - MenseFriday 18 July 2014 5

As part of Ramadan weekly youth programmes, members of the Paarl Muslim YouthMovement distributed bread to the needy in different sections of Paarl and Mbekwenion Saturday 12 July. With the youth is Sheigh Zareer Moerat (in grey robe), Imam ofthe Paarl Muslim Jamaa.

Mrs South Africa recently held a Lifestyle Challenge at Grand Roche Hotel. Here with the finalists are Anja Bosken (back, secondfrom left), the general manager at Grand Roche, and some staff. PHOTO: LIEZL DAVIDS

The Lollipop Day, which isa fundraiser for Draken-stein Association for Per-sons with Disabilities(DAPD, managed to raiseR66 000. To celebrate this,a prize-giving ceremonywas held where this groupfrom the DAPD receivedtraining from Verna Kasper(at the back far left) to per-form songs in sign lan-guage under the guidanceof Naki Stapelberg (projectcoordinator). The groupsurprised theaudiencewitha rendition of The Prayer byAndrea Bocelli. With thegroup is Little Miss Worldand Lollipop ambassador,Allucci Moller (middle atthe back) from CourtaiPrimary School.

NETWORK: DrakensteinHealth and Wellness(DHW) attendedameetingin partnership with Naco-sa, a community basednon-profit organisationpromoting capacity devel-opment, networking anddialogue in the Nuy Valleyoutside Worcester. Herefrom left are DHW volun-teers, Ann Maralack, KarelDampies (middle) andNowidaWatson fromPaarl,who attended the training.

Oud-studentevan NOvergaderAlle oud-studente van NewOrleans Sekondêre Skool watbetrokkewas of is by rugby ennetbal, word genooi na dieDerby-vergadering op 21 Julieom 19:00 by die skoolsaal.Die oud-studentewedstryde

sal onder andere daar be-spreek word.Vir navrae, bel Mark by

084 991 4672 of Ricardo by076 680 6289.

HOLIDAY FUN. Arise Billionaires held a holiday programme forchildren during the winter school holidays. There were soccergames aswell as fun activities for Grade1-2 learners. The childrenwere also treated to lunch.

Die 53ste Bergrivier kanomarathon het Woensdag in die Paarl afgeskop. Talle geesdriftiges het die koueweer trotseer om die atlete se wegspring dop te hou. Hier staan ’n groep toeskouers op die Langstraatbrug.

Page 6: Drakenstein gazette 18 jul 2014

Drakenstein Gazette Classifieds Friday 18 July 20146


















KEMP ELEKTRIES - Ska-kel 083 228 3208 vir alleelektriese werk. Huishou-delik. Industrieël. Kon-struksie. 24 uur diens.









KASSIER WERK METONDERVINDING.Maandelikse pos is beskik-baar @ R5000; Deeltydsepos Vrydae & Saterdae @R120 p/d. Kontak Rhode082 885 2740 / Faks 086695 3786 / Epos:[email protected]

Vyandige familie?Antie Klara

My verloofde kom uit ’n groot, kwaaien beledigende familie. Daar word vanons verwag om hulle weekliks of selfsmeergereeldtesien.Syfamiliepraatniksmet my wanneer ons saam soontoe gaannie en as hy nie daar is nie, dan is hulleonvriendelik. Hulle tree dieselfde opteenoor sy suster se mans en my verloof-de se vorige 3 verhoudings het geëindiga.g.v. sy familie. Hulle het teen die eenmeisie gedraai omdat sy haar man ge-staan het. Wanneer ekmetmyman daar-oor praat, sê hy hy sal iets daaraandoen,maardangaandaeverbyenhy’tnogniks gedoen nie. JessieLiewe JessieEk sal graag vir jou wil sê om weg te

hardloop, maar ek weet hoe moeilik ditis omverskeur tewees tussen selfbehoud

en om iemand te wil liefhê en beskerm.Daar is families wat, vir watter rede

ook al, so disfunksioneel is dat dit on-moontlik is om mee te onderhandel, dieverhouding te herstel of om by in te pas.Jy mag dalk die volgende wil doen:•Volg die voorbeeld wat deur jou ver-

loofdeseeksegestel is enbeëindigonmid-dellik die verhouding•Om dalk vir ’n ruk lank ’n breek te

neem, terwyl hy hulp kry om die selfver-troue te hê om sy familie aan te spreeksodat hulle jou met meer respek behan-del.•Om die troue eers uit te stel, maar om

nog steeds ’n verhouding te hê, maar danmoet hy hulp kry en ook net sy familiesien wanneer hy emosioneel sterker is.•Omuitmekaartegaanofomnogsteeds

saam te wees, maar dan moet hy min/geen kontak met hulle hê nie.


KLARASkryf gerus vir Klara by

[email protected],

SMS 32365faks 086 559 9644 of

lewer ’n brief af by

Newstraat 1A, Paarl.

Teach your children to recycleDid you know - SA ranks among thetop six countries worldwide in termsof recycling rates for cans!Harry the Hominid, Maropeng’s

spokeshominid, says that today thecan is the most successfully recycledprimary packaging in SA with bever-age cans now only contributing lessthan 1% of litter.Recyclingmakesgreat“cents”,says

Harry. Not only is it a great way ofsavingrawmaterialsbut italsoreduc-es the need for landfill. Did you know,for example, that the volume of allcans recovered during the last tenyears (this means the space thesesavedcans takeup) equals thevolumeof major landfill sites designed to ac-commodate all the rubbish of a majorcity like Johannesburg over a 15-yearperiod!Harry says that recycling also cre-

ates much needed jobs for many un-employed and underemployed entre-preneurswhooperateascollectors.Ofthe 40 000 people earning or supple-menting their income by collecting,about 80% have no other formalmeans of employment.Collect-a-Can is the company re-

sponsible for the collection of cansand tins for recycling in SouthAfrica.

They urge all parents to teach theirchildren:•To recycle both food and beverage

tins•Toencourageeveryone in the fami-

ly to do this, including friends

•Start a collection point at a localschool, shopping centre or communi-ty hall.“Remember every can recycled not

only helps the environment, but alsohelps alleviate poverty,” says Harry.

Cans should be recycled.

Theunissen family celebrates ancestryThe Theunissen family will host aneventincelebrationof250yearssincethe arrival of their ancestor,Marthi-nusAegidiusTheunissenat theCapein 1764.The event will take place at 09:00

on Saturday 11 October and Sunday12OctoberattheOldDutchReformedChurch in Church Street, SomersetWest.All interested persons or descend-

ants are invited.The main focus will be on this an-

cestor, his family and the role thatthey played regarding the family’shistory.Dr.DanSleigh,awell-knownhisto-

rian and author of various books in-cluding Die Buiteposte, will be theguest speaker.LunchwillbeservedatVergelegen

Estate in SomersetWestwhere there

will also be a guided tour of the farm.Anouting is planned onSunday 12

October to places in the Overbergsuch as Genadendal, Greyton, Zoet-melksvallei, The Oaks, Harte-beestkraal and Ziekenhuis, all ofwhichare importantheritagesitesofthe Theunissen family.For more information contact

Frans Theunissen on 028 315 1990 or082 559 4290.

VermaakDie Boeremusiekgilde se Bo-land-tak hou hulle volgendedans met die orkes van Pam-poenkraal, Poena Weyers op25 Julie. Die dansword gehouby Laerskool Noord-Eind indie Paarl. Vir navrae, bel Ci-ceel Wentzel by 083 346 7083.Almal is welkom.

) Wilma Brooks bied om19:00 ’n ladies night aan op 25Julie, by Rivers of Joy (pas-toor Graham Taff). Die temais Nuwe Jy.Bring saam ’n spieël en lip-

stiffie. Toegang is R40. Be-spreek jou plek by076 334 0563.

Wen ’n skootrekenaar vir jou skoolWil jy die kans staan om ’n skootreke-naar vir jou skool te wen?Die sewe titels van Boland Media

(Paarl Post, DistriksPos,HermanusTi-mes, Eikestadnuus, Worcester Stan-dard,WeslanderendieGazette)wil eenskootrekenaarvir eenskool inonsver-spreidingsgebied weggee. Jy kan onshelp om ’n wenner te kies!Ons soek stories by leerders oor

waarom hul skool die beste in die Bo-land is. Hulle moet dit op ons webwerflaai, en ons publiseer dit dan onder dieJeugjoernalis-afdelingoponswebwerfvir al ons lesers om te sien. Die ideeis nie om te besluit watter skool iswaarlik die beste in die streek nie,maar eerder watter skool se leerdersvironsdiebesteenmeesentoesiastiesemotiverings gestuur het.

As ons jou storie gepubliseer het,“share” dit op Facebook of twiet dit opTwitter. Moedig joumaats aan om ookinteskryfenvergroot jouskoolsekansom te wen.Hoe skryf jy in?Registreer as gebruiker op ons web-

werf (jy kan ook met Facebook regi-streer). Klik dan opTell your story. Dieaanlynvormpie wat dan verskyn is somaklik om te gebruik soos Facebook.Dit is belangrik om jou naam en van

in te vul, ’n foto van jouself op te laaienook jou skool senaamêrens tenoem(dit is verbasend hoe maklik ’n mensdit vergeet).Stories moet ongeveer 300 woorde

lank wees en kan tot die einde van dieJulie-vakansie opgelaai word.Besoek www.paarlpost.co.za.

Page 7: Drakenstein gazette 18 jul 2014

Drakenstein GazetteSchools - SkoleFriday 18 July 2014 7

Derby-tydDie derby tussen NederburgPrimêr en Amstelhof Primêrskop op 25 Julie af om 08:30 byAmstelhof Primêr, met die vol-gende sportkodes: netbal,skaak, tafeltennis en padwed-loop om 09:00. Op 26 Julie sal al-le rugby- en sokkerwedstrydeop Faurestraat plaasvind.Kaartjiesvirdiepaviljoenbe-

loopR15 ennie-paviljoenkaart-jies beloop R10 by die hek.

FINALISTE.Hierdietop-tien finalistegaan op Woens-dag 23 Julie om19:00 meedingom die titel vir MejWeltevrede 2014.Vanjaar se tema isWinter Wonder-land. Die kroningvind plaas byBergrivier seskoolsaal. Toe-gang is R25.

Die geliefde Spektrum Kin-derteater-span is te sien inJan en die Boontjierank opVrydag 18 Julie om 10:00by die Ou Meul-teater.Soos in die sprokie, ver-koop Jan hul koei vir vyfwonderbone, tot groot ont-steltenis van sy ma wat ge-hoop het op ’n geldjie omhul deur die swaar winter-maande te dra. Ma gooidie bone weg - wat onmid-dellik groei tot ’n wonder-boontjierank. Die nuuskie-rige Jan kan dit glad nieweerstaan nie en moetgaan kyk wat daar tussendie hoogste blaartjies ge-beur. Op die ander puntvan die boontjierank ont-dek Jan ’n heel ander wê-reld. ’n Wêreld met reuse,feëtjies, goud eierlêendeeende en harpe wat selfspeel. Kaartjies isR45.Be-spreek by Vicky Stemmetby 083 564 0056 of [email protected].

The Shoutush Shabaab Qasi-dah (Islamic devotional sing-ing) group from Wellington, isthe first and only group of itskind in the Boland area. Theyentertained the youth with theirinspirational singing on Satur-day 12 July at the LappertsStreet Madressah complex.The members are: (front fromleft) Azhar Salie, ShaqeelSmith, Uzayr Jooste and RiyaadMarthinus. At the back; ImrahnAhmed, Muaath Abrahamsand Irfaan Latief.

Skool vir Outisme gee omDie Boland Skool vir Outis-me beplan om tussen 21 Ju-lie tot 25 Julie leerders te re-gistreer by IdentiMasses sedatabank.IdentiMasses is ’norgani-

sasie wat saam met dieSAPD en Missing ChildrenSA werk om vermiste kin-ders op te spoor.Outistiese kinders kan

nie altyd vir hulself praat-

nie. Indiendiekinddanver-mis sou raak, het IdentiMasses talle voetwerkers,DNA-monstersen foto’svandie kind, om so spoedigmoontlik met ’n soektog tebegin.Lizellee Raath, die skool

se bestuurder, voel dat eni-ge skool hierby kan baat.Vir verdere inligting bel

076 677 8153 of 022 482 3762.

Ride with your children to ensure safe cyclingParents can teach their childrento be safe cyclists by going outwith them and leading by exam-ple.

South African roads are publicspaces and cyclists have the right toride their bicycles on them, but rid-ingabicycleonpublicroads isahugeresponsibilityand it isvital that chil-dren are made aware of the rules ofthe road as well as how to handle abicycle inasafeandresponsibleway.

Teaching children to travel effec-tively by bicycle as they get older de-velops patience, discipline, self-reli-ance and personal responsibility.Learning to cycle also teaches es-

sential driving skills that will makethem safer and more courteous mo-torists later in life. Like swimmingand driving, the safety of cycling isdetermined primarily by behaviour;education and skill development.Animportantconsiderationforcy-

cling with children is matchingroute selection and adult supervi-sion to the developmental and skilllevels of the child.“Riding with children affords a

parent the opportunity to supervisetheir cycling, especially at edge loca-tions such as street crossings. Par-ents should model consistent behav-iour by stopping and looking bothways before proceeding, and invitethe child to assist in assessment oftraffic conditions,” says Karin Pohl,general manager of the Pedal PowerAssociation.Although many parents and chil-

dren are tempted to think of pave-ments as safe places for children toride, travelling any distance on apavementinevitablyresults incross-ing intersections and driveways or

crossing roads mid-block – this isillegal in South Africa unless thereis a specific cycle path on the pave-ment. Suchmovements are associat-ed with the most common collisiontypes for child cyclists, in part be-cause of children’s errors, but alsobecause motorists are less likely tonotice bicyclists entering their pathfrom pavement locations when theyare focusedon traffic approaching inthe roadway.A leading contributor to car-bike

crashes is cycling on the wrong sideof the road, which is also illegal inSouth Africa.At intersections, where the vast

majority of car-bike collisions hap-pen, other drivers aren’t expectingor looking for traffic approachingfrom the “wrong” direction.When riding with a child to super-

vise their bicycling, an ideal ridingposition is slightly behind and to theright of the child, with the child set-ting the pace.This position allows the parent or

instructor to watch and communi-catewith the child,while also divert-ing overtaking traffic to pass at alarger distance from the childChildren between the ages of 7 and

10 can develop the necessary trafficand handling skills to operate safelyonlowspeed, lowtraffic two-laneres-idential streets.By their early teens, they can de-

velop the skills to handle multiplelane streets.The Pedal Power Association of

South Africa offers helpful informa-tion that parents should share withtheir children from an early age:

. You must always wear a helmet

. You must ride in single file

. Youmaynot hold onto any other

vehicles. Youmaynotdeliberatelyswerve

from side to side. You may not carry another per-

son or object that prevents you fromseeingwhereyouaregoing,andfromhaving complete control over yourbicycle

. If youare riding onapublic roadwhere there is a bicycle lane, youmust use that lane

. Youmayrideonanyroad,excepton a freeway or a road closed to cy-cling

. Obey all traffic laws, includingstopping at red traffic lights and allstop streets. Proceed through inter-sections only when it is safe to do soIt is important for everyone to

check their bicycles before settingout – you do not want to break downin the middle of a busy road, or farfrom help! Check the bikes togetherand set an example to your children.Checklist before your bike ride:. Are the tyres free of holes, cuts

or any embedded?. Are the wheels pumped hard

enough?. Are the wheels tightly secured?. Check both the brakes - are they

working?. Are the gears working as they

should?. Is the chain cleanandwell oiled?. Is thehandlebarandsaddle firm-

ly fixed?. Are there any cracks in the

frames or forks?. Do you have a saddle bag with

emergency spares attached to the bi-cycle that includes a spare tube, apatch kit and tyre levers?

. Doyouhave lightsandreflectorson the bicycle (red at the back, whiteat the front) Pedalpower encourages cycling safety.

Page 8: Drakenstein gazette 18 jul 2014


Year 4 • Vrydag 18 Julie 2014 | Tel. 021 870 4600


) Miss Albions word 2 Augustusby Laerskool Paulus gekroon.Daar sal ’n junior en senior afde-

ling wees. Almal wat wil deelneemkan vir Manfred Matjan by078 746 2598 of Ryan Dirks by079 183 6048 bel.Die inskrywingsfooi is R20 en die

hekgelde is R30.) Young Peoples speel Saterdag19

Julie 2014 weg teen Maccasar.DiebusbeginbyFairfoods (Groen-

heuwel ) 10:00 oplaai.Spelers weesgereed by julle punte asb.Busgeld R20 vir toeskouers.) Hillcrest speel Saterdag in St.

Helenabaai teen St. Helenabaai. Busvertrek om11:00 vanafMannies. R60vir volwassenes en R40 vir kinders.

OLD BOYS SPORT)Die jaarlikse BoysHigh enGim-

nasium Interskole Old Boys (enGirls) se program lyk soos volg:Aksiesokker (1 x mans), netbal (2

x vroue), hokkie (1 x mans) en krie-ket (2 x mans) by die Paarl aksie-sportarena op 22 Julie vanaf 19:00.Kontantkroeg en ligte etes sal be-skikbaar wees.Hokkie by Girls High se astro op

29 Julie vanaf 19:00.Rugby (Golden Oldies en OuMan-

ne) by Gimnasium se velde op 30 Ju-lie van 19:00 af. Biertuin, kontant-kroeg en ligte etes sal beskikbaarwees.

HOCKEY) Paarl Hockey Club trains every

MondayandWednesday from19:00 –20:00 at Paarl Gim’s astro.All thosewhowould like to join the

club can contact Alan Julies at074 830 3358 or send an email [email protected]

BOLAND UMPIRES) The Boland Umpires Associa-

tion’s AGM will be held at BolandPark Cricket grounds in the audito-rium on 26 July, at 10:00. We, themanagement,would like towelcomeeveryone young or old. We especial-ly urge women, Black Africans andstudents to comeand join our associ-ation. It’s of utmost importance thatall current umpires attend this spe-cialmeeting. Issues like theway for-ward will be discussed.Also in August 2014 the CSA um-

piring course will be presented byKarl Hurter and Murray Brown atBoland Park. The respective datesfor this course are 9/10 and16/17Au-gust. It is compulsory for all currentumpires to attend this refreshercourse.Anyone interested inbecom-ing an umpire is very welcome.Snacks and lunch will be served onthese dates. More information willfollow.To get warmed up for the new sea-

son we want to host a Picnic Dancein September at Boland Park. Thesefunds will be used to invest in ourcurrent, new and upcoming um-pires. More details of this functionwill follow shortly.For more info please contact God-

win 084 777 7761, Earl 082 530 7051 orMervyn 081 004 8491

KRIEKET) Paarl-Oos Krieketklub hou op

Sondag 10 Augustus om 13:00 hul al-gemene jaarvergadering. Die verga-dering sal plaasvind by die klubhuisopdieNewOrleans-velde.Alle nuwelede is welkom, asook seuns of mei-sies wat graag wil krieket speel. Virverdere inligting bel gerus vir An-drew Apollis by 083 689 0017 of RenéKlaasens by 079 276 8746.

Klubrugby: uitslae enbepalings

) Uitslae van die Top 6 wedstryde:Top 6Young Standards 22 Violets 20Lower Paarl 41 Rangers 15Onderste 6Riverstones 36 Paarl United 29Simondium 40 Albions 30Young Gardens 40 Windmeul United 9

) Wedstrydbepalings vir 19 Julie:Young Peoples vs Macassar ­wegYoung Peoples o. 20 vs Macassar o. 20 ­wegPaarl Club vs Elsies River Faure­stadionPaarl Club o. 20 vs Elsies River o. 20 ­Boy Louw AYoung Standards vs Rangers Daljosafat­stadionAllandale vs Lower Paarl ­AllandaleWindmeul United vs Riverstones ­WindmeulYoung Gardens vs Albions ­Daljosafat ASimondium vs Perel United ­SimondiumFranschhoek United vs Stellenbosch Corinthians inFranschhoekPniel Villagers vs Goodwood by Pniel

Paarl-streek se Top6-spanne was Sater-dag in aksie op dieDal Josafat-velde.Hier speel YoungStandards teen Vio-lets. Geraldo Cleo-phas (Standards)soek aansluiting bysy medespelers.Standards slaagdaarin om die nael-bytstryd 22-20 tewen. FOTO ERNEST KI-LOWAN

The 53rd edition of the annual Berg River Canoe Marathon started in Paarl on Wednesday. This gruelling race covers morethan 230 km of icy river water. Here one of Paarl’s favourite sons, Luke Stoman sets of on another journey towards Velddrif.The race ends on Saturday. PHOTO: FRANS LE ROUX

Die Boland Natuurlike Liggaamsbou-vereniginghet onlangs ’n nasionale kompetisie in die Paarl-stadsaal aangebied. Die geleentheid het ook ’nvoormalige lewenslange vriend van die stigting endeelnemer Pieter Coetzee vereer. Hier is die Paarlse eie Abe Davids wat ’n tweede plek in die vete-raan-afdeling behaal het. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN