CSIRO DIGITAL PRODUCTIVITY AND SERVICES FLAGSHIP Exploiting the UNSDI Spatial Identifier Reference Framework (SIRF) in Australia: Innovations and Policy Implications Canberra, 20 - 22 November 2012 Paul Box, Rob Atkinson, David Lemon & Laura Kostanski CSIRO


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Exploiting the UNSDI Spatial Identifier Reference Framework (SIRF) in Australia:Innovations and Policy Implications

Canberra, 20 - 22 November 2012

Paul Box, Rob Atkinson, David Lemon & Laura Kostanski CSIRO

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• Why? – project drivers• What? – the solution • Where? – Indonesia and Australia • How? – Innovations • Where next? - Policy implications

UNSDI Spatial Identifier Reference Framework | Paul Box 2 |

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The problem • Large scale complex interwoven challenges • ‘Big data’ - the information tsunami • ‘Glocalisation’ • Rapid Information integration • Highly spatially & temporally variable phenomena

Over the nextdecade, the numberof "files,“ or containers for Information will grow by (source: EMC)


2005 2010 2015

130 1,227


Exabytes ( 1m Gb)

(Source: EMC)

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• Multi-sectoral information• Reliable • Uptodate• Timely• Integrated • Useable

Social Protection in Indonesia

1United Nations Research Institute For Social Development

Social Protectionpreventing, managing, and overcoming situations that adversely affect people’s well being[1] - policies & programs to reduce poverty / vulnerability - reducing exposure, enhancing capacity to manage risks

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Integration realities - Information Silos

System 1

System 2

System 3

System 5 System


System n

System 7



$ $

Discover Access Understand Extract, Transform, Load


Time and effort

Everything Happens Somewhere

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Spatial identifiers describe ‘the Somewhere’

Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)

• Fundamental component of spatial datasets • Used to reference data

Geospatial information

BPS-ID Name GER ‘08 Tpop’10

003 Nusa Tenggara Barat 111.08 1,318,840

005 Nusa Tenggara Timur 112.09 335,805

Statistical information (Implicitly geospatial)Spatial


Bureau of Stats - 003

West Nusa Tenggara

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One real world feature - multiple representations

Multiple - names, identifiers, geometries, versions

Geospatial information


IND03 NTB 8,080

IND05 NTT 4,769

BPS-ID Name GER ‘08 Tpop’10

003 Nusa Tenggara Barat 111.08 1,318,840

005 Nusa Tenggara Timur 112.09 335,805

Statistical information (Implicitly geospatial)Spatial

IdentifierReference FrameworkGazetteer ID - 002234

Bureau of Stats - 003

Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)

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Gazetteer – a special case of Spatial Identifier

GAZETTEERID, placename(s), feature type, location

• Official list of names • Related to mapping process (toponymic)• Used for map lookup

• Names are ambiguous • One name – many places• One place - many names

• Australia, Australie, أستراليا• Wollongong, ‘the gong’ • Sydney, City of Sydney

Melbourne – locality – Victorian Gazetteer –Official

Melbourne – municipal council boundaries – official

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Foundation spatial data themes

Spatial Identifiers – an index for SDI

• Addressing • Administrative Boundaries• Positioning• Place Names• Land parcel & Property• Imagery• Transport• Water• Elevation and Depth• Land cover

SPATIAL IDENTIFIER SETS Post codes, locality namesAdmin area codes/namesTrig points GazetteerPlots and ParcelsImage tile indexRoads and BridgesAHGF (Geofabric) features

Sensor networksCell towers

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• Overlap and duplication• Heterogeneity – everyone does them differently • Fragile, unreliable• Limited access mechanisms• Used out of context

• Disconnected from underlying geospatial data • Limited metadata provenance/authority

Spatial identifiers

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• Infrastructure to register, link, and deliver spatial identifiers

The solution

Discover Access Understand Extract, Transform, Load


Time and effort

Discover Access,


Extract Transform Load Use

Spatial Identifier Reference Framework fundamental, systemic improvement in information

integration, enabling more effective and cost-efficient service delivery

• Leverage national SDI efforts• Governance• Information• Technologies

Provide stable SI

Link multiple



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SIRF – spatial identifiers for the geo-semantic web


Spatial Information

StatisticalInformation User

Linked Data Web

Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure

NationalSpatial Data


6. Enable seamless integration of statistical and spatial information in Linked Data Web

Harvest /index

Agency BTreasury


Agency C Welfare


Agency AStatistics


1. Harvest spatial identifiers from geospatial data sets2. Mint identifiers and build cross-walks

3. Deliver as URI identifiers into the Linked Data Web and back to SDI (standard interfaces)

4. Users access ’Spatial Bookmarks’ & can connect back to underlying data

5. Downloaded & embedded in system to reference statistical information


http://id.data.gov.au/id/AusGaz2010/ NSW56500 Same as


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UNSDI Gazetteer for Social Protection in Indonesia

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In Indonesia • Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG)• Ina SDI - ESRI geoportal

• Harvesting• Publishing into InaSDI portal

• OpenStreetMap

In Australia• OSP, GA, CGNA, ANDS • MyMaps Australia Gazetteer


Where are we SIRFing?

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Innovation – the right information….

•Common reference – unambiguously reference a place using URI• Granularity - moving from dataset to feature level

– Better discover, explore, understand then download/use the bits you need

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“Linking Open Data cloud diagram, by Richard Cyganiak and Anja Jentzsch. http://lod-cloud.net/”

Innovation – delivered in the right way

• Linked data • ‘spatial bookmarks’ for the web • Interwoven feature level metadata with data - authority, licence,

• The role of spatial identifiers to link information• SI as index to underlying data in SDI • Linking multiple representations of the same real world feature • Linking information to locations across systems

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Innovation – handling the social dimension

• Linking - not choosing a winner• Registering and cross walking

• Evolution not revolution• Providers – no need to change underlying business process/systems • Users – continue to use preferred SI sets• Convergence

• Building a social network graph of information resources • FOAF graph of info resources and their usage

• The power of the crowd

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Key enablers – Openness

• Open data• ‘freemium’ for spatial identifiers PLUS • Links to underlying data • With various price & licence models

• Open standards• Open source software

• Open Government Indonesia• Innovating• Working with the crowd• A legislative framework

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Implications for spatial policy and practice• Openness • Governance – to steer or row

• Policy (legal?) framework • Community behaviour – tin hugging, information modelling & design for

reuse • Formal and informal (VGI data sources)• Linked data - Spatial feature identifier governance

• Information custodianship and access• From supply to demand driven information • Stability and predictability - improved change management

• Engaging with the broader community• Identity not geometry

‘Thinking outside the polygon’

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CSIRO Land and WaterPaul BoxUSIRF Project Leadert +61 2 9325 3122m +61 406 256006 e [email protected] www.csiro.au/gazetteer


Thank you