Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad email: [email protected] [email protected] Platinum Gazette Platinum Gazette Tel 0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements) Fax 0865549031/013-231 7147 9 January 2015 Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P Burgersfort, Lebowa Business Park ark ark ark ark Shop where South Africa shops! Tel: (013) 231 7227 el: (013) 231 7227 el: (013) 231 7227 el: (013) 231 7227 el: (013) 231 7227 © Platinum Gazette The Constitutional Court handed down judgment in an appeal against the decision of the Supreme Court of Appeal concerning the Bapedi Kingship on 15 December last year. Under the Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act (Framework Act), the Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims (Commission) investigates traditional leadership disputes in South Africa. With regard to the Bapedi paramountcy, a dispute had arisen about whether the kingship resorted under the lineage of Kgoši Sekhukhune I or of Kgoši Mampuru II, who fought each other for the throne in the second half of the 1800s. Having considered the evidence before it, the Commission ruled that Kgoši Mampuru II had been the rightful heir to the kingship in terms of the Bapedi customary law of succession at the time. However, it concluded that Kgoši Mampuru II lost the kingship in 1861 when Kgoši Sekhukhune I challenged and drove Kgoši Mampuru II out of the kingdom. It was not unusual at the time, according to the Commission, for kingship to be usurped through “might and bloodshed”. While Kgoši Mampuru II returned in 1881 and killed Kgoši Sekhukhune I, he did not ascend the throne because he fled and was ultimately captured and executed by the Boer government for Kgoši Sekhukhune I’s killing. Bapedi Marota Mamone (the applicant), a traditional community representing the descendants of Kgoši Mampuru II, challenged the Commission’s decision. The applicant argued that the decision was irrational because it applied the might and bloodshed rule to Kgoši Sekhukhune I’s driving-off of Kgoši Mampuru II in 1861 but ConCourt decides Bapedi kingship not to Kgoši Mampuru II’s killing of Kgoši Sekhukhune I in 1881. And, the applicant argued, the Commission ignored the fact that Kgoši Mampuru II was installed as leader of the Bapedi while Kgoši Sekhukhune I was imprisoned by the British. These arguments were unsuccessful in the High Court and in the Supreme Court of Appeal.The Constitutional Court granted the applicant leave to appeal but ultimately dismissed the appeal. The majority judgment, written by Khampepe J (Moseneke DCJ, Cameron J, Froneman J, Leeuw AJ, Madlanga J, Van der Westhuizen J and Zondo J concurring) concluded that the Commission’s decision was not irrational. After challenging Kgoši Mampuru II in 1861, Kgoši Sekhukhune I took the kingship and ruled the Bapedi for 20 years. By contrast, Kgoši Mampuru II never ruled the Bapedi after killing Kgoši Sekhukhune I in 1881. The events therefore differed in a material respect and it was not irrational for the Commission to distinguish them. In addition, the Commission found Kgoši Mampuru II’s brief rule during Kgoši Sekhukhune I’s reign was of no legal relevance. His coronation was a unilateral act of the British government and there was no evidence that it was sanctioned in accordance with Bapedi customary law. The minority judgment, written by Jafta J (Nkabinde J concurring), would have set aside the Commission’s decision on the basis that it failed to consider relevant facts and was not rationally connected to the information before it. In addition, Jafta J held that the Commission did not apply the relevant customary law that existed at the time, as it was obliged to do by the Framework Act. “Je suis Charlie” (“I am Charlie”) is a statement used by supporters of free speech against the 7 January 2015 massacre in which 12 people were killed at the offices of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France. The statement identifies the speaker with those who died at the Charlie Hebdo shooting, and by extension for freedom of speech and resistance to armed threats. Some journalists embraced the expression as a rallying cry for the freedom of self-expression. The website of Charlie Hebdo went offline shortly after the shooting, and when it returned it bore the legend Je Suis Charlie on a black background. The statement was used as the hashtag #jesuischarlie on Twitter, as computer printed or hand-made placards and stickers, and displayed on mobile phones at vigils, and on many websites, particularly media sites. Beyond expressing sympathy for the victims, within hours of the attack the hashtag was embraced by journalists over the issue of censorship and threats. Gene Policinski, chief operating officer of the Newseum Institute and senior vice president of the First Amendment Center, said the Charlie Hebdo killings were part of a string of recent threats toward journalists and freedom of speech, following North Korea’s threats over the 2014 film The Interview and ISIL’s executions of journalists. He noted that instead of being successful at silencing anyone, these attempts at censorship and the Paris massacre have backfired and instead brought more awareness and support to freedom of speech. Journalist Peter Bella wrote that more than 100 reporters were killed “doing their jobs” in 2014 and that “many were executed just because they were journalists.” As colleagues on the other side of the world, Platinum Gazette wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment : “Je suis Charlie; nous sommes tous Charlie.(I am Charlie; we are all Charlie).”

Platinum Gazette 09 January 2014

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Local newspaper for Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad and surrounding villages in Limpopo Province, South Africa.

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Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstademail: [email protected]

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Platinum GazettePlatinum GazetteTel 0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements)Fax 0865549031/013-231 7147

9 January 2015

Burgersfort, Lebowa Business PBurgersfort, Lebowa Business PBurgersfort, Lebowa Business PBurgersfort, Lebowa Business PBurgersfort, Lebowa Business ParkarkarkarkarkShop whereSouth Africa shops! TTTTTel: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227el: (013) 231 7227

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The Constitutional Court handed downjudgment in an appeal against the decisionof the Supreme Court of Appeal concerningthe Bapedi Kingship on 15 December lastyear.

Under the Traditional Leadership andGovernance Framework Act (FrameworkAct), the Commission on TraditionalLeadership Disputes and Claims(Commission) investigates traditionalleadership disputes in South Africa. Withregard to the Bapedi paramountcy, a disputehad arisen about whether the kingshipresorted under the lineage of KgošiSekhukhune I or of Kgoši Mampuru II, whofought each other for the throne in thesecond half of the 1800s. Having consideredthe evidence before it, the Commission ruledthat Kgoši Mampuru II had been the rightfulheir to the kingship in terms of the Bapedicustomary law of succession at the time.However, it concluded that Kgoši MampuruII lost the kingship in 1861 when KgošiSekhukhune I challenged and drove KgošiMampuru II out of the kingdom.

It was not unusual at the time, accordingto the Commission, for kingship to beusurped through “might and bloodshed”.While Kgoši Mampuru II returned in 1881and killed Kgoši Sekhukhune I, he did notascend the throne because he fled and wasultimately captured and executed by theBoer government for Kgoši Sekhukhune I’skilling.

Bapedi Marota Mamone (the applicant),a traditional community representing thedescendants of Kgoši Mampuru II,challenged the Commission’s decision. Theapplicant argued that the decision wasirrational because it applied the might andbloodshed rule to Kgoši Sekhukhune I’sdriving-off of Kgoši Mampuru II in 1861 but

ConCourt decidesBapedi kingship

not to Kgoši Mampuru II’s killing of KgošiSekhukhune I in 1881. And, the applicantargued, the Commission ignored the factthat Kgoši Mampuru II was installed asleader of the Bapedi while KgošiSekhukhune I was imprisoned by the British.

These arguments were unsuccessful inthe High Court and in the Supreme Court ofAppeal.The Constitutional Court granted theapplicant leave to appeal but ultimatelydismissed the appeal. The majorityjudgment, written by Khampepe J(Moseneke DCJ, Cameron J, Froneman J,Leeuw AJ, Madlanga J, Van der WesthuizenJ and Zondo J concurring) concluded thatthe Commission’s decision was notirrational.

After challenging Kgoši Mampuru II in1861, Kgoši Sekhukhune I took the kingshipand ruled the Bapedi for 20 years. Bycontrast, Kgoši Mampuru II never ruled theBapedi after killing Kgoši Sekhukhune I in1881. The events therefore differed in amaterial respect and it was not irrational forthe Commission to distinguish them. Inaddition, the Commission found KgošiMampuru II’s brief rule during KgošiSekhukhune I’s reign was of no legalrelevance. His coronation was a unilateralact of the British government and there wasno evidence that it was sanctioned inaccordance with Bapedi customary law.

The minority judgment, written by Jafta J(Nkabinde J concurring), would have setaside the Commission’s decision on thebasis that it failed to consider relevant factsand was not rationally connected to theinformation before it. In addition, Jafta J heldthat the Commission did not apply therelevant customary law that existed at thetime, as it was obliged to do by theFramework Act.

“Je suis Charlie” (“I am Charlie”) is a statement used by supporters of free speechagainst the 7 January 2015 massacre in which 12 people were killed at the offices ofsatirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France. The statement identifies thespeaker with those who died at the Charlie Hebdo shooting, and by extension forfreedom of speech and resistance to armed threats. Some journalists embraced theexpression as a rallying cry for the freedom of self-expression.

The website of Charlie Hebdo went offline shortly after the shooting, and when itreturned it bore the legend Je Suis Charlie on a black background.

The statement was used as the hashtag #jesuischarlie on Twitter, as computerprinted or hand-made placards and stickers, and displayed on mobile phones atvigils, and on many websites, particularly media sites.

Beyond expressing sympathy for the victims, within hours of the attack the hashtagwas embraced by journalists over the issue of censorship and threats. Gene Policinski,chief operating officer of the Newseum Institute and senior vice president of the FirstAmendment Center, said the Charlie Hebdo killings were part of a string of recentthreats toward journalists and freedom of speech, following North Korea’s threatsover the 2014 film The Interview and ISIL’s executions of journalists. He noted thatinstead of being successful at silencing anyone, these attempts at censorship andthe Paris massacre have backfired and instead brought more awareness and supportto freedom of speech.

Journalist Peter Bella wrote that more than 100 reporters were killed “doing theirjobs” in 2014 and that “many were executed just because they were journalists.”

As colleagues on the other side of the world, Platinum Gazette wholeheartedlyagree with the sentiment : “Je suis Charlie; nous sommes tous Charlie.(I am Charlie;we are all Charlie).”

Page 2: Platinum Gazette 09 January 2014


He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live inJudah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says toyou: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of thisvast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. ... Youwill not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions;stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will giveyou, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do notbe discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and theLORD will be with you.’” 2 Chronicles 20:15, 17 (NIV)

(Photograph: Ruben Zwart - December 2014, Lekgalameetse

Nature Reserve, Limpopo)

Eastplats SA up for sale

Canadian mining firm, Eastern Platinum (Eastplats) expects to net $175.5-million from selling its South Africanplatinum assets to Chinese firm Hebei Zhongbo Platinum, after accounting for buying out minority partners andsettling other costs.

The TSX-listed Eastplats on November 7 announced that the Chinese firm had agreed to pay $225-million incash for its assets, including the flagship Crocodile River mine in South Africa’s North West province, which wasshuttered on August 1, 2013, and its Eastern Limb development project. Under the Agreement, Hebei Zhongbo willacquire a portfolio of PGM assets including the Crocodile River Mine, Spitzkop, Kennedy’s Vale and Mareesburgprojects (which too was placed on care and maintenance in the fourth quarter of 2012) and their associated miningand prospecting rights in a manner compliant with South Africa’s mining laws, environmental and socio-economicrequirements.

Closing the deal was subject to buying out the minority interests, which Eastplats had calculated to cost $25.7-million. Eastplats would also pay just under $20-million in finders’ fees and $3.8-million in transaction costs.

Eastplats shareholders would vote on the proposed transaction on February 5 and the deal was expected toclose within three to six months.

Photograph: Eastplats’ development near Steelpoort (currently undercare and maintenance).

Page 3: Platinum Gazette 09 January 2014


Millions for community upliftmentOn 11 December 2014 Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM)officially opened the Phabema Project. This project saw more thanR10 million in capital spent to date and will benefit the communitiessurrounding ECM.In the Lannex Mine Social and Labour Plan a Waste RockBeneficiation and Brick Making plant are included. The aim was tomove these plans towards an enterprise that is sustainable andoperational. This was realised with the official opening of PhabemaProject.Currently the operational activities of the project include crushingand screening, concrete batching and brick making.To ECM it was important to invest in something that will yield long-term results, possible growth and be sustainable in the area. Thelarge amount of aggregate already available to the project saw it offto a flying start and one of their first orders from a mine in the areaconsisted of more than 240 cubes on opening day.Formalities of the event took place at Winterveld village after whichthe group traveled to Lannex Mine where the Phabema Project issituated. There LEDET MEC Seaparo Sekoati and Mr. JürgenSchalamon, Samancor CEO officially opened the plant. Visitorswere taken on a tour of the plant and demonstrations given.Mr. Schalamon praised the community for their commitment towardsthe project while Mr. Sekoati thanked Samancor ECM for theircommitment towards upliftment in the area.

Page 4: Platinum Gazette 09 January 2014


Proud CalvinitesCalvin College in Burgersfort received a94,56% pass rate - an improvement on theprevious year.The school had 45 candidates qualify for furtherstudies for a Bacherlors degree, 24 for adiploma and 18 qualified for a higher certificate.The school is very proud of Harmony Sefiti whoobtained 7 distinctions. She will be studingtowards becoming an accountant. HoosnahGani received 5 distinctions. She would likequalify as a teacher. Dimpo Maphanga has 4

distinctions and will join Harmony in studyingtowards becoming an accountant. PreciousMagane also has 4 distinctions. She has beenaccpeted to start her studies in medicine at theWits University this year. Bernedict Mokoenaobtained 3 distinctions and will be going to theUniversity of Pretoria to qualify as a computerengineer. Ms. Lorraine Brits, principal of theschool and Mr Devassy, school manager arevery proud of every learner who passed andwish all of them a bright future.

Apply now forthese bursaries

The Mining Qualifications Authority hasannounced their allocation of bursaryfunding for the 2015/2016 financial year.Bursary funding will be for students for the2015 academic year.The bursaries will be available to studentsintending to study full time at a South Africanuniversity, University of Technology orTechnical Vocational Education TrainingCollege (TVET) in the following core miningand other related disciplines: HigherEducation Discipline: Mining Engineering,Metallurgical Engineering (Extractive only),Mechanical Engineering, Electro-Mechanical Engineering, Mining Survey,Geology, Electrical Engineering (HeavyCurrent only), Chemical Engineering(Mineral Processing), Industrial Engineering,Jewellery Design and Manufacturing.TVET Institutions Discipline: DieselMechanic, Fitter and Turner, Electrician,Boiler Maker, Fitting including Machining,Millwrights, Rigger Ropesman,Instrumentation.Special preference will begiven to applicants persuing the followingfields of study: Environmental Managementand Health; Analytical Chemistry and RockEngineering. The bursary programme offersfinancial assistance to students covering thefollowing: Tuition, Accommodation, Mealsand prescribed book allowance. The bursary

is renewable annually based on academicperformance and results, subject to the MQAbursary policy.To be considered for a bursary, the applicantmust have: Grade 12 or Academic recordsof previous year/s. Preference will be givento financially needy applicants from previousdisadvantaged groups with the focus on thefollowing categrories: Female Applicantsand Applicants from Rural Areas. Applicantswho had/have been approved for a bursaryprogram by another organisation/institutionat the time of the application for MQAbursary will not be considered.Prospective students applying should submitthe following: Certified grade 12 results,Certified copy of Identity Document, Proofof Acceptance or Registration as a studentat a South African Academic Institution.Shortlisted applicants will also be subjectedto a selection process by the MQA bursaryCommittee. Applications will close on 30January 2015 at 12:00 and no lateapplications will be considered. Applicantswho have not been contacted by the MQAwithin 28 days of receipt of their applicationsmust accept their application as beingunsuccessful. The awarding of bursaries isat the sole discretion of the MQA.Enquiries: [email protected] or call: 011 5931916

Page 5: Platinum Gazette 09 January 2014


Passport to the FutureProject farewell

Passport to Future Project (PTF), a youth careerdevelopment programme initiated by the Olifants RiverWater Resources Development Project (ORWRDP-2C)held a farewell and closure function on the 9 December2014 at Mapodile Thusong Service Center for all its intakes.The function was held to send off all participants from allintakes and officially close the programme. In attendancefrom Sekhukhune District Municipality was Cllr MikeMamahlako. Tubatse Local Municipality was alsorepresented. Other stakeholders included ORWRDP-2Cproject manager Mr Ntsoli Maiketso, ORWRDP-2C Socialspecialist Dr Thato Shale, Basil Read and AureconNdodana Joint Venture representatives and participantsfrom all three intakes.Participants fromintake three wereissued theircertificates and PTFjackets, participantsfrom intake one andtwo did not leaveempty handed asthey had alreadyreceived theircertificates they alsoreceived their jackets.PTF was launched on9 April 2014 atMapodile ThusongService Center. Theproject accepted 300participants fromdirectly and indirectly

impacted ORWRDP-2C areas (each intake consisted of100 participants each).Although training has come to an end this is not the endfor PTF and its participants, the project will continue withits objectives of assisting participants with findingemployment, identifying opportunities available andapplicable to them and also finding an institution to continuewith the project. Therefore the project appeals to allemployers in all sectors to assist in providing opportunitiesfor these participants who are both qualified and eager totake part in building the economy thus alleviating andbreaking the cycle of poverty.Enquiries contact Ms Jessica Sekhukhune 078 411 1306.

(Photographs and information: Passport to the Future project).

Page 6: Platinum Gazette 09 January 2014

6 Advertorial 9 JANUARY 2015

More than R100 million in infrastructuredevelopment for communities

Khulong Ya HwashiEngineeringWorkshop

This project forms part of Enterprise DevelopmentInitiative and it is also classified as an income-gener-ating project. It offers the following services to themines:• Manufacturing and repair of hydraulic cylinders

• Repair of hydraulic pumps, valves and motors

• Supply of hydraulic hose and fittings

• General Engineering

• Repair of conveyor gearboxes and tail and drivepulleys

• Field services on all trackless mining machines andearthmoving machinery

• The supply of parts and components for tracklessmachines

• The installation and extensions of conveyor belts

• Repair LHD Boom and Bucket

• Frame work repairs

The project washanded over withgreat joy and pride.Celebrationsincluded prayersand blessings forthe project andthanks to the Mine.

Located 15 kilometres northwest ofBurgersfort, along the border be-tween the Mpumalanga and Limpopoprovinces, Modikwa Platinum Mine isa proud and caring mine which formsan integral part of the local commu-nity. The mine was formed through ajoint venture between ARM MiningConsortium and Anglo Platinum andhas become a cornerstone of eco-nomic development in the area.One of the core priorities of ModikwaPlatinum Mine is creating Socio Eco-nomic Development programs for sur-rounding communities, as well as itsemployees. Through the Social LabourPlan, Modikwa Platinum Mine dem-onstrates care and commitment to thecommunity and has to date builtinfrastructre designed to:- Supply communities with basic water, electricity, roads and buildings.- Relieve and alleviate poverty.- As well as to develop the community as a whole.To achieve this Modikwa PlatinumMine inter alia launched the follow-ing three projects on 10th and 11th De-cember 2014:1. Diphale Tribal Office2. The Makgapheng Agricultural Farm3. Khulong Ya Hwashi Engineering WorkshopThe implementation of these projectshas been based on the needs of eacharea, in consultation with the benefi-ciaries and, with the guidance of theDepartment of Mineral Resources.The mine trained local SME’s to pro-vide goods and services to meet theneeds of the company and also en-hanced their capacity to access mar-kets that are external so that they canbecome self-sufficient and sustain-able.These projects are just a few of themany initiatives Modikwa PlatinumMine implements in an effort to as-sist with uplifting its surrounding com-munities.

Page 7: Platinum Gazette 09 January 2014

7Adverotrial9 JANUARIE 2015

DiphaleTribal Office

The Tribal office falls under infrastructure develop-ment. Tribal offices are used for community gather-ings, where matters are riased, discussed and re-solved. The offices also serve as a base for informa-tion services that render government services thatinclude SASSA and other related public services.Both the mine and the traditional authority appealedto the community to look after their new tribal officeand see it as a place where a better future can begenerated and not as something to be neglected ordamaged.The celebrations at the opening of the office included alunch served in the hall area of the building. The launching of the various

projects were attended by ModikwaMine management representatives,representatives of ARM andmembers of the community andleadership structures in thecommunity.

The MakgaphengAgricultural Farm

The Makgapheng Agricultural Farm isdesigned to aggressively address one ofthe major economic issues facing thepeople of our country by relieving aswell as alleviating poverty and stimulat-ing economic development within thehost communities, an effort withoutwhich the development and progress inthe area, is severely hindered.In light of this premise, ModikwaPlatinum Mine implemented theMakgapheng Agricultural project. It ismade up of 14 members who farmvegetables such as cabbage, spinach,potatoes, tomatoes, butternut, carrotsand maize on 10 hectares of land.This farming project not only providethe families involved with fresh veg-etables, but also an income through thesale of their produce.

Page 8: Platinum Gazette 09 January 2014


Nineyears ofsafety

Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines’ (ECM) Lannex Mine celebrated9 years of safety in December. The mine reached a milestone of 6000 fatality free shifts (FFS) early in December.Employees and mine management came together in honour of thisrecord. At the event veteran workers of the mine were also rewardedfor their years of service.A special trophy was handed over to Lannex Mine in recognition ofthis achievement. Mr Emile Britz, Samancor ECM General Managerencouraged employees to continue being vigilant when it comes tosafety. “We take safety extremely serious and would like to thankevery employee and stakeholder that contributed towards thismilestone”.Employees participated in dance competitions and quizzes to winprizes. Before being served lunch and receiving a gift from the mine,they also raised a glass of non-alcoholic sparkling wine in a toast totheir achievement.

An ox on the spitwas on the menu atthe celebrations.

Lannex veteransreceived gifts inrecognition for theirservice and hardwork.

Mr Emile Britz, Mr Zenzile Moni, Mr Jacques van derSchyff from ECM with Ms Anna Mantsiu whorepresented the Department of Mineral Resources.

Page 9: Platinum Gazette 09 January 2014


Doornboschcelebrates 6 000 FFS

Early December was a time of celebration at SamancorEastern Chrome’s Doornbosch Mine.The mine reached a 6 000 fatality free shift milestone.This took 9 years to achieve.The achievement was celebrated with an event thatincluded a handover of a special trophy from Samancorto the mine, fun competitions and quizzes, a special gift

for every employee and a meal. A toast with non-alcoholicsparkling wine emphasised the importance of safety andeveryone’s joy with this achievement.Employees, contractors and other stakeholders were allthanked for their contribution into making safety a priority.Mr. Emile Britz, ECM General Manager congratulatedeveryone and encouraged them to keep up the good work.

Celebrations werescheduled so thatevery employee, nomatter on what shiftthey were receivedfood and a gift inrecognition of theirachievement.

Page 10: Platinum Gazette 09 January 2014

10 NEWS 9 JANUARY 2015

• Fenders • Bonnets • Grills • Bumpers • Head & Tail Lights• CV Joints • Brake Pads • Aircon fans • Radiator fans •

Mashifane Park (Ga-Mashamothane) • Cell: 076 848 3936

Tubatse Towing

24 Hour Towing Services,including insuranceregistered vehicles



Re-build engines for sale





For Sale

Above: Ford Ranger being stripped



To advertise inPlatinum Gazette contact

Beánnla Celliers on083 543 1676 or e-mail:

[email protected]

Do youhave news?Let us knowabout yournews and

events on 013231 7147 or

083 271 9151or editorial@




Ms. Lucia Mosoma held Sekhukhune’s namehigh when she was chosen as South Africa’sUltimate Brand Ambassador for 2014.The 30-year old Mosoma were one of 6women from different parts of South Africawho, for months, went through a rigorousreality and mentorship TV program designedto empower, mentor and create awareness.Their journey culminated into the SouthAfrica’ Ultimate Brand Ambassador (SAUBA)finals gala event held on Saturday 13December 2014.During the gala the finalists had to impressthe audience and judges by showcasing theirvarious talents, the good causes theysupport, intellectual capacity and the aptitudeto become the national ambassadorrepresenting South Africa in and around thecontinent.Mosoma’s journey was a remarkable one. Itwas characterized by her activist ethos ofoptimism, confidence and hard work. Sheinvested her time in the worthy cause ofcreating awareness of teenage pregnancies,peer pressure as well as alcohol and drugabuse in order to minimize HIV/Aidsinfections among the youth. She raised R80000 which was channeled to this cause,setting her apart from her competitors interms of fundraising skills and strategies.Mosoma also displayed her originality as sheventured into giving attention to social issuesand equally taking the business communityto taks by making a difference in her villageof Diphale and the broader area of GreaterTubatse Municipality in Sekhukhune District.She has committed herself to work towardscreating a positive image of South Africa andto raise awareness about social issues. Shewill be working with associated brands whilebenefitting the underprivileged using herpublic figure status. Among the prizes shewon is a SUV Car, endorsements as the faceof neaTela fashion and Euphrates beautyproducts.She said: “This is a life-changing experiencethat opens doors of dialogue and goodwillbetween businesses, communities,entrepreneurs and for my developmentalventures as the ultimate brand ambassador.As the reigning South Africa’s Ultimate BrandAmbassador I will not disappoint but achievephenomenal success beyond measure”.(Information & Phtographs: SekhukhuneDistrict Municipality).

Diphale village’s Lucia theUltimate South African

Brand Ambassador

Help assebliefDie Ondersteuningsraad Lydenburg is ‘n nie-winsgewendewelsynsorganisasie in Lydenburg. Die organisasie fokusdaarop om dienste te lewer aan behoeftige gesinne asookkinderbeskermingsdienste aan kinders in nood. Lydenburg iseen van 16 kantore in die land en die organisasie bereik baieindividue deur projekte or groepwerk. Daar is dikwelsintervensie nodig by behoeftiges.Een van die plekke wat geïdentifiseer is waar behoeftigesgehelp word is Mev. Bessie Viljoen se sopkombuis inKellysville. Hierdie sopkombuis gee daagliks een maaltyd aan25 behoeftige kinders.‘n Beroep word op die publiek gedoen om betrokke te raak bydie projek. Die volgende items sal dinge baie vergemaklik virMev. Viljoen. 1 x 2 plaat gasstofie, 1 x yskas, brood en enigesmere, eiers en melk, vrugte en groente. Enige skenkings salwaardeer word. Skakel die Ondersteuningsraad gedurendekantoorure by 013 235 2847 of besoek die kantoor by 28Viljoenstraat, Lydenburg.

Women celebrateEvery year a group of women from Burgersfort get together tocelebrate the end of the year. At this event they focus on theirgratitude for the lives and characters God entrusted to them asmothers, sisters, wives etc. Last year they celebrated at LapengLodge. This is the fifth gathersing and it is always on the secondThursday of December. The group are inviting more women to jointhem for future events they are planning.

Above: The group ofWomen at LapengLodge. The ladiesclosed off 2014 andcelebrated thebirthday of one of thegroup’s members -Samantha Leotwane.Anyone wishing tojoin them for theirplanned futureevents can contactYvonne Makuwa [email protected]

Page 11: Platinum Gazette 09 January 2014

11Platinum Gazette9 JANUARIE 2015

Klein Advertensies • SmallsPlace your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: [email protected] • Fax: 086 554 9031

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, LydenburgTel: 087 151 1034 Tel: 087 802 7054

E-mail: [email protected]

Registered Debt Counsellor &Administrator

(Reg No: NCRDC 487)

Burgersfort Office Lydenburg Office

The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limbof the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are

located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. Theseendeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising andsinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitatedthe employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to

the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.

Closing date: 16 January 2015 www.asametals.co.za

A world-classopportunityin Mining andBeneficiation

General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity em-ployer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments maybe one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers acompetitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves theright not to appoint.

Please forward your application, stating which position you are applying for by e-mail:[email protected]

Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date mustaccept that their applications were not successful.


Role Purpose: Ensuring the total engineering efficiency of the Smelter and the optimum avail-ability and reliability of all equipment and plant through compliance with engineering standards,targets and service level agreements as well as the delivery of capital projects now and in thefuture.

Role Responsibilities: Ensure legal compliance and carry and 7 (2) MHS Act legalappointments Facilitate optimum decision making related to the Smelter Engineering functionand ensure that the professional requirements of the discipline is optimally managed and inte-grated in to the business activities Implement business plan objectives to ensure targets aremet optimally Manage budget and cost efficiently Manage subordinates performance, includ-ing HR, ER Skills development etc. Research and implement process improvement to mini-mize operational impact and maintenance strategies Provide technical support to subordi-nates during fault finding and improvement work Identify and motivate projects to ensurecontinuous improvement Manage projects to cost and time Adhere to the clauses andregulations of the Mines Health and Safety Act Participate in the Company’s Health, Safe andEnvironmental Management Program.

Requirements: Grade 12 B Degree/National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Certifi-cate of competency for Mines and Works will be an advantage. 5 Years experience in theEngineering and/or Maintenance Management At least 2 years experience in open and closedArc Furnace and/or Crushing and Screening Plant maintenance and Pelletising Experience inmanaging Engineering Projects Computer literacy at a skilled level A valid Driver’s licence.

Mechanical Engineer (D2) -Smelter Engineering



1.Sport Klubs /Sport




4. Oornag




5. Troeteldiere/Pets

6. Persoonlik/


7. Allerlei/


8. Finansies/


9. Te Huur/To Rent

10. Te Koop/For sale


Khadima’s Lodge nowopen. 171 Nyala

Street, Ext. 5,Burgersfort. Opposite

Department ofLabour.

Contact:076 666 1100/013

231 8609

4. OornagAkkommodasie/


9. Te Huur/For Rent

Lang en kort termynverblyf beskikbaar op

plaas 10km buite

1 Bedroom Flatavailable

In Burgersfort.Contact:

076 666 1100

The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limbof the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are

located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. Theseendeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising andsinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitatedthe employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to

the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.

Closing date: 20 January 2015 www.asametals.co.za

A world-classopportunityin Mining andBeneficiation

General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer.Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one ofthemethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remu-neration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint.

Please forward your application, stating which position you are applying for by e-mail:[email protected] or by Fax: 013 230 7754.

Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must acceptthat their applications were not successful.


Role Purpose: To prevent and minimize accidents, dangerous occurences and non-conformaces inrespect of safety and health standards. To coordinate and conduct safety inspections, incident/acci-dent investigations, monitor legal compliance and implement safety initiatives in the workplace. Toprovide a safety and risk advisory and reporting services to the business area to ensure a safe andhealthy work environment for all employees.

Role Responsibilities: Participate in regular safety meetings and make recommendations toensure overall safety standards are achieved Perform regular inspections of an area of work andreport hazards to ensure environment is safe and hazard free and recommend remedial action wherenecessary Ensure compliance with OHSAS 18001 standards Follow up on all corrective andpreventive actions as identified during internal audits and ensure that it is maintained Collectsafety data as an important input to compiling all Safety and Health statistics Conduct requestedlegal inspections and report deviations / Investigate all accidents and dangerous occurrences andrecommend corrective and preventive actions Assist during investigation of Section 54 / 55 andrecommend corrective and preventive actions Follow up on all corrective and preventive actionsas identified during Section 54 / 55 investigations and ensure that it is maintained Assist in conduct-ing Safety risk assessments and provide input, corrective and preventive actions Monitor risks andtake control over affected business operations in order to minimize the negative impact.

Requirements: Grade 12 / Matric Certificate SAMTRAC, (or equivalent) with 2 years SmelterSafety related experience Computer literate (MS Word and MS Excel) with advanced MS Excelcapability Medical Certificate of Fitness and a valid code EB (08) drivers’ license are essentialrequirements Knowledge of ISO 9001, 14001 and OSHAS 18001 auditing and implementationexperience Proven knowledge and experience of Health and Safety Management in a Smelterenvironment Sound knowledge of the MHSA Formal Hazard identification and Risk assessmentcourse National Diploma or Degree in Safety Management will be advantageous.

Safety Officer (C5)

Burgersfort opLydenburg pad.

Kontak Miena op082-960-3689 of(013) 231-7899.

10. Te Koop/For Sale

2 Bedroom Flatavailable

In Burgersfort.Contact:

076 666 1100

Well establishedhardware store forsale in Burgersfort.Situated in central


076 666 1100


Company Registration,Tax Clearance Certificates, Tax

Returns, BBB-EE, Liquor License,NHBRC, CIDB & Pricing.

Contact: Mr MM MmabokoTel: 072 326 8057; Whatsapp: 071 279

0078; Fax: 086 691 1833;E-mail: [email protected]

Office @ Riba Cross next to Sasko Bakery


Platinum Gazette contact details:

Editorial: William ZwartTel: 083 271 9151E-mail: [email protected]

Advertising: Beánnla CelliersTel: 083 543 1676E-mail: [email protected]

Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147

Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150

Website: www.platinumgazette.com

Printers:Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, CityDeep Production Park, City Deep.

Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / orother material contained in the Platinum Gazette areexpressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the CopyrightAct (98 of 1978).

Get the newspaper atthese distribution spots:

MototoloConcentrator PlantDwarsrivier Mine

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Morena’s TavernKubu Tavern

Glencore TrainingCentre

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Pick n PaySteelpoort

One Stop MotorSpares SteelpoortVyfster Slaghuis

Steelpoort AkademieTingeling

KleuterskoolSasol SteelpoortDepartment of

Education Circuitoffice BurgersfortTwickenham Mine

Dilokong MineModikwa Mine

Praktiseer SAPS

Page 12: Platinum Gazette 09 January 2014

12 9 JANUARY 2015

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avoidedKodi White Doves F.C. is starting2015 on a high.The Club bought SAB status andmoved from number 15 on the logwith 7 points and 11 remaininggames to finishing at 12th position atthe end of the 2013/2014 season.The zonal team also finished atnumber 12 and the U/15 teamfinished third.Mamelodi Sundowns developmentcoaches scouted for talent at the cluband 631 players participated in thePlayers Exposure Program. 179Players from U/12 to U/23 wereidentified for further assessment.

The club also started with netball.Girls U/12, U/17 and in the seniorcategories are participating incompetitions. Kodi White Dovesended the year by winning the Top 8Tournament on New Year’s Eve at theMphana Winter Roses ground. “It is agreat achievement for this young teamof 100% U/20 players and the futurelooks bright. We plan to win theregional and inter-regional provincialplay-offs and gain a promotion to ABCMotsepe League,” said Mr SenyaneKodi, chairman of the club.(Photograph & Information: KodiWhite Doves F.C)