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Space Probes

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Space probes

Space probes are un-crewed and carry scientific tools to planets and other bodies in space. They are impt. b/c they can complete missions that are too dangerous or expensive for humans to do.

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Clementine Moon Craters may contain water

Luna 1First probe to pass the moon

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Lunar prospector

Confirmed the existence of water on moon

Luna 9

1st probe to make a soft landing on the moon

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Venera 9 was the first probe to land on Venus. It found that the temp, atmosphere pressure and greenhouse effect were more intense than we thought. It also found that rocks were similar to those on Earth.

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launched to map out thesurface of Venus. It was also discovered that Venus has tectonics and volcanic activity. Venus also has surface temp. that could melt lead.

The Magellen probe (1989) was

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The Viking missions were launched to see if there was life on Mars. They also discovered that Mars was once wetter and warmer than it is now.

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The first space probes to visit the outer planets were Galileo and Cassini. Galileo gathered data about the geology of Jupiter's moons. It discovered that 2 moons have magnetic fields and that Europa may have liquid water under its frozen surface.

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The Pioneer probes found the dark belts on Jupiter gave a deep view at Jupiter's atmosphere.

Pioneer 10 collected samples of the solar wind. It was also the first space probe to go beyond Pluto.

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The Huygens probe detached itself from Cassini and went into the atmosphere of Saturn's moon, Titan. Scientists hope to see if Titan is like Earth's early atmosphere, and if it can give us clues about how life developed on Earth.

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Discovery is a NASA program that is creating smaller space exploration programs.

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Stardust is the first space probe to concentrate only on comets.

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Instead of burning chemical fuel for propulsion, Deep Space 1 uses ion propulsion.