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  • 1. You are the best husband ever! Even you are busy at work, you have time to sneak just to greet me in fb hahhahaha! May 16, 1014

2. Happy Anniversary Mahal! Please enjoy watching A simple present Wrap with love just you! I pray that God blesses us a lifetime joy, love and happiness! 3. Andy & Rena the jacksons Happy 1st Anniversary baby May 16, 2013 4. ME and YOU as Husband and Wife 5. Our journey was never an easy one, but we remain standing, more inlove as day goes by. Every words has been said, action has been done, smile and tears been delivered, all are wonderful and beautiful. 6. Your heart, my heart, beat as one. Distance and time difference never a reason to give up, rather a motivation and inspiration to move forward. Our love is stronger than anything else. We thank you for our family and friends who walk with us all the way. We love you with all our hearts, without you, theres never be US.. 7. May 16, 2013 Our wedding day!!! One of our happy moments, dream come true! 8. Our beginning never been easy but, just like my favorite fairytale, it end up with a happy ending. 9. We kneeled it HAWK! 10. Officially Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Jackson!!!! 11. Everday is special with you.. 12. From this day forward, you nor me will never be alone because YOU have Me, and I have YOU always and forever! 13. I would like to look back on our sleepless nights and laughter while holding tears because we miss each other. Indeed it was hard but everything was worth it! 14. November 23, 2010 The beginning of our fairytale Been talking night and day before we became fb friend 15. Love is getting sweeter.. In relationship with him.. 16. Creating memories together.. Your heart is my home! 22nd Monthsary 17. I love everything you told me but I would like to highlight the ff words that chilled me to the max Here we goes.. All about love 18. Remember this? Your anniversary message to me (Nov. 30, 2011) On December 1 their were many historical accounts which happened before and during my lifespan. I would like to take a little time to compose a short list of such events in no particular order.... 10. 800- Charlemagne judges the accusation...s against Pope Leo III in the Vatican 9. 1913- The Ford Motor Company introduces the first moving assembly line 8. 1989- Philippine coup attempt: The right-wing military rebel Reform the Armed Forces Movement attempts to oust Philippine President Corazon Aquino in a failed bloody coup d'etat 7. 1878- 1st White House telephone installed. 6. 1891- James Naismith creates the game of Basketball 5. 1913- 1st drive-up gasoline station opens 4. 1955- Rosa Parks(black) arrested for refusing to move to the back of bus 3. 1981- The AIDS Virus is officially recognized 2. 1982- Michael Jackson releases the album Thriller.... Although some or many of these events have come to shape our lives in various ways, in my humble opinion, NONE compare to December 1, 2010. It was on this very day ONE YEAR ago that my Love, Renalyn Cofuentes invited me into her heart and her life to remain. A day that will live on in my life forever..... HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY BABY!!!!!MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! MORE HUGS AND AN ETERNITY OF KISSES.... 19. This? 20. Indeed you are the sweetest! 21. Indeed you are the sweetest! 22. You captured my heart over and over again.. 23. 20th Monthsary .. 24. I love you Baby The longer you wait for something, the more you'll appreciate it when you get it. Cause anything worth having, is definitely worth waiting... You are worth waiting Mahal! 25. From ME.. You ad turned my life to poem and its rhythm akes my dears and Nears to rejoice ver and ever. 26. Your love is always appreciated! I love you more each day! 27. Valentines card Feb. 14, 2012 28. I love you!! Our first wedding nniversary marks the first ilestone of many ther eautiful ones that we re yet to experience n our beautiful arried lives. 29. You spoiled me everyday. 30. I love our dates all the time! 31. My 1st birthday with you and more to come! 32. I wish good health, long life and abundant life for Our parents, siblings, sons, and our entire Family. All the best for all of us! 33. I Love you 34. With kisses And hugs! 35. Hope you like my lil present Mahal. I love you and Happy happy happy ANNIVERSARY! Looking forward for a lifetime happiness with you!! 36. With hugs and kisses. 37. See you later! 38. Your wife, Rena I love you Baby!!!