PARQ’S FIZZING LAUNCH Preston Park luxury apartments from Oakley page 14 STUDENT LIVING University of Brighton talks accommodaon BRITISH AIRWAYS i360 Join the team behind the iconic landmark PROJECT BRIGHTON Rachel Clark, CEO of West Pier Trust FREE CHARTERED SURVEYORS ESTATE AGENTS RESIDENTIAL LETTINGS AUCTIONEERS PROPERTY MANAGERS 01273 326171 www.psandb.co.uk NATIONAL LANDLORD INVESTMENT SHOW 20 PAGE SUPPLEMENT INSIDE page 17 the no.1 place to buy or rent a property 15 – 21 March 2016 Issue 770 Are you home yet? Outstanding agents Outstanding results

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Parq's Fizzing Launch, Preston Park luxury apartments from Oakley.

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PARQ’S FIZZINGLAUNCH Preston Park luxury apartments

from Oakley page 14

STUDENT LIVINGUniversity of Brighton talksaccommodation

BRITISH AIRWAYS i360Join the team behind theiconic landmark

PROJECT BRIGHTONRachel Clark, CEO of West Pier Trust







01273 326171www.psandb.co.uk



the no.1 place to buy or rent a property 15 – 21 March 2016 ★ Issue 770

Are youhome yet?

Outstanding agentsOutstanding results

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8PROJECT BRIGHTON/CITY PLANNERRachel Clark, Chief Executive & company secretary of West Pier Trust, and Brighton’s Waterloo

13THE BUSINESSStunning new homes with Brighton Rocket, and Parker Bathrooms & Kitchens design award finalist

15STUDENT ACCOMMODATIONThe learning curve that bucks against the clichés

5BRITISH AIRWAYS i360/BUILDING OPINIONSJoin the team behind Brighton’s latest iconic landmark, and the history of Stanmer Village



5 5

12THE BUSINESSMove straight in to a seafront apartment at Azure, in Rottingdean

14SHOW HOME LAUNCHOakley announce Champagne show home launchat the Parq Development, Preston Road

17LANDLORD INVESTMENT SHOW20 page supplement for National LandlordInvestment Show including itinerary and info

76TV LISTINGSTV Listings for the next 7 days



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The countdown toopening this

summer is on and inpreparation we haveadvertised another 8positions. Do you wantjoin our team? Rolesinclude:Head of Commercial(full­time) – a seniorlevel position leading our sales, retail and other commercialactivity.Finance Manager (part­time) – we are seeking a qualifiedaccountant who is a great analyst for this senior levelposition.Visitor Services Manager (full­time) – leading our front­of­house commercial activity (e.g. admissions, retail, play zone)and customer service.Operations Manager (full­time) – leading our front­of­house vertical cable car, Sky Bar and security operation.Sales Managers x 2 (full­time) – selling to the travel trade,groups and functions, weddings and one more senior rolemanaging the booking office team.Sales Executives (various part­time/full­time) – handlinginbound telephone bookings for travel trade, groups,events, and the general public.

This month will see us welcome two new team members:Emily Bamber (PR Manager) and Eva Holt (buyer). We willgrow out of our Portakabin. Our friends at the BrightonCentre kindly are loaning us some office space until we areall able to move into our permanent offices inside ourBeach Building.www.britishairwaysi360.comTwitter/Instagram: @ba_i360Facebook: British Airways i360

The proud roots of the current twenty or so cottages ofStanmer can be traced back to the mid­1700s when a

new village was built by the then owners of the estate, theEarls of Chichester. I would suggest that the history of thevillage may be crudely divided into three phases: workingvillage, war zone and visitor attraction. I recently visited inmy role as a City Councillor to discuss with residents howthe emerging third phase should be managed and ended upon a tour of the village with scones at the tea rooms.

The oldest cottages in the village aren’t so difficult todate due to their characteristic flint work. Putting an age onsome of the newer cottages, such as Nos. 5/6 which havebeen masterfully attached to Nos. 3/4, is trickier as exactlythe same style has been followed. It may be that they werebuilt a few years after the original cottages but it could justas easily have been a century later.

Many of the buildings feature the same style of porchwhich includes a stacked tile detail that I recall from myown first house in Hangleton that was built by the localauthority in the 1950s. This detail reminds us that it was infact the local authority that bought and restored the estateafter the Second World War following its use as abattleground by Canadian troops. The war claimed the lifeof the Eighth Earl of Chichester, not long after the deathsof the Sixth and Seventh Earls (both in 1926). Death, anddeath duties, brought the family, and estate, to its knees.

The Estate – park, wood, manor, roads, farm – is stillowned by the local authority save for a handful of housesthat were bought under right­to­buy. The close­knitcommunity has rightful concerns about the implications ofproposals for investment that will see the Estate turnedinto a gateway into the South Downs National Park (notleast over parking) but there is reason for optimism –history continually shows Stanmer winning through.www.buildingopinions.com

> Stanmer Village


> Your chance to join the BA i360 team




Left to right: Anna, Pippa, Ruth, Dave, Eleanor, Sophie, Susan,Sean, Georgie

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Rachel Clark speaks exclusively to Latest TV's MikeMendoza on The Vote about The West Pier Trust and

British Airways i360.

Many people would say that your position was defunctwhen the West Pier burnt down. Tell us the story aboutwhy the trust was created.It was created soon after the pier was closed to the publicin 1975, a campaign was born from that to save it frombeing demolished – that became the West Pier Trust.Initially it hoped to restore the pier, and that became areality with the creation of the National Lottery in 1994. Ijoined the trust as an employee in 1993, the ‘90s were allabout trying to secure lottery money.

Initially they gave us just under £1m for emergency workin order to stabilise the pier and then they awarded us amassive grant of £14.2 million towards the restoration. Thework was going to cost twice as much as that which meantthat we had to get matching funding, which was quite a tallorder that took some years to secure and also to getprivate sector partners who were suitable.

There were many obstacles and planning permissions toget in place, we were really close to starting restoration asall the obstacles had been removed and then sadly thearson attacks occurred in 2003. The first one didn't lose usthe lottery money, they came out in support and told us not

to worry as the structure was still secure. After the secondarson attack that took place in the May of 2003 the lotterydecided that they had to withdraw the funding, so we werein a pretty bad situation, very little pier left and no funding.

A few months later we were approached by MarksBarfield, the creators of The London Eye with theirfantastic new idea for an observation tower, which is nowknown as BA i360, so a whole new era began! It was quiteeasy to get planning permission and was welcomed by thecity. After that funding had to be secured, a bit was alreadyin place, but they needed more than they had. Shortlyafterwards the recession hit, which meant everything wasstalled for more or less six years. Funding was found afterwe emerged out of the recession and as everyone knowsbuilding began in June 2014 and it’s due to open very soon.

One of the arguments is that the BA i360 is not a pier, thetrust was set up to build a pier and here you are with a bigtower instead. We know that there's no public funding available for a newpier now, that's finished. The BA i360 is an excellentattraction to have on this site as it does a lot of what theWest Pier did when it first opened in 1866 in terms ofattracting new visitors to the city. The other marvellousthing about the tower is that it doesn't preclude thepossibility of a new pier, it's presence may generate enoughinterest to have a new West Pier. That's what we hope willhappen.

> The BA i360 could benefit The West Pier

PROJECT BRIGHTONRachel Clark, Chief Executive of The West Pier Trust


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There was a statement made last week: 'We will build anew pier by 2026' – West Pier Trust hits back at doubters. That's not beyond the bounds of possibility, it's a long gamewhich will take some time. We are waiting for two yearsafter the BA i360 opens, we believe that this will give us agood indication if there's interest in building a new pier. It'ssuch a quirky thing to do, you can never quite predict theinterest there might be. That's why we ran our publicconsultation last year – to see whether the public andBrightonians are interested, and they definitely are! Therewas a real consensus that yes it would be great to have anew pier, but nothing bulky, something delicate and lightand not too commercial. While all of those ideas are reallyinteresting, they would be difficult to execute. A pier wouldhave to sustain itself and be commercially viable.

You've had at least two businessmen come forward andsay that they'd like to rebuild the pier, why has nothingever happened?Quite often we've had approaches where people havesuggested things that are just not suitable, ranging fromvery heavy builds, hotels, flats to Shopping Malls. Or it'stranspired that the money needed isn't actually there.

Last week Peter Kyle came out and suggested building thePier from the King Alfred, how would you respond to that?Although that's an interesting idea, it's beyond ourjurisdiction. The trust own what's left of the West Pier andthe seabed beneath it, that is why it's conceivable that anew Pier could be built.

2016 is a big year for the trust, the launch of BA i360 plusthe 150th anniversary of The West Pier, how will you bemarking the occasion? We are definitely planning to celebrate! We also hope touse the occasion as a launching pad for a fundraisingcampaign to restore and reinstate one of the original kiosksthat was salvaged from the West Pier in the late 1990s. It'san octagonal kiosk, very beautiful and a key part of theoriginal pier. We're hoping to start fundraising for that inthe autumn to coincide with the anniversary. www.westpier.co.uk Transcribed by Samantha Harman

> Samer Bagaeen MRTPI FRICSBrighton’s Waterloo

Last week, I hinted that building houses in Whitehawkwill not create communities nor solve the city’s housing

problems. When ‘Towards an Urban Renaissance’ waspublished in 1999 by the Urban Task Force it marked amajor shift in urban policy setting out a vision ofsustainable regeneration of our towns and cities throughmaking them multi­centred, socially mixed, well designed,connected, and environmentally sustainable.

In Brighton and Hove, the ‘Toads Hole Valley’ (THV)question is back on. The site is expected to make asubstantial contribution to meeting identified housing,education (school may fall off a cliff), office, open space andtransport needs as well as the long­term, sustainablegrowth of the city. The site presents, if developed atsuitable densities, a major opportunity to deliver mixed­usesustainable development in the city. Past examples ofsuburban development in Brighton and Hove produceddisconnected, low­density neighbourhoods. The NewEngland Quarter was not that much better given its lack ofactive frontages and absence of mixed­use lots.

The council proposes to place at least 700 dwellings onthe 37 hectare THV site. Take away 5 hectares for theeducation site, 3.5 hectares for the office space site and 2hectares for the blue­green infrastructure site and you endup with a site area of roughly 26.5 hectares. For 700homes, the density is 19 dwellings per hectare on the 37hectare site and 26 dph on the 26.5 hectare site. This is afar cry from the council’s advertised density of 50­75 dph.For these densities to be achieved, the site, 37 hectares,would have to house 2,775 dwellings on the site (75dph)and 1850 (50 dph). Assuming 26.5 hectares for housingwould give us 1988 dwellings at a density of 75dph and981 at 50 dph.

How we develop this site is of huge importance to thosefamilies looking for housing in the city and they shouldengage with the consultation on how we develop the site.Great cities attract great talent but consider theimplications for a city if future talent is priced out (Modusthis month). When talent is no longer able to afford a housein Brighton and Hove, that’s when the city will have met itsWaterloo.www.samerbagaeen.com



“ Great cities attract great talent ”

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*Guides are provided as an indication of each seller’s minimum expectations. They are not necessarily figures which a property wil l sell for andmay change at any time prior to the auction. Each property wil l be offered subject to a Reserve (a figure below which the Auctioneer cannotsell the property during the auction) which we expect wil l be set within the Guide Range or no more than 10% above a single figure Guide.

01273 [email protected]

Denmark Terrace, Brighton*Guide price £175,000 - £185,000

2 bedroom lower ground floor flat

Latimer Road *Guide price £180,000 - £190,000

3 bedroom house with vacant possession

Brunswick Place, Hove *Guide price £130,000 - £140,000

Ground floor studio flat with new 125-yearlease

Brunswick Place, Hove *Guide price £240,000 - £260,000

2 bed flat with new 125-year lease

Garage south of Farm Road, Hove*Guide price £100,000 - £110,000

Planning consent to create a detached 1bedroom house

Ditchling Road, Brighton*Guide price £135,000 - £145,000

Freehold retail investment currently ley a£10,000pa

Brunswick Place, Hove*Guide price £170,000 - £180,000

1 bedroom, second floor flat with new 125-year lease

Vine Cottage *Guide Price £80,000 - £90,000

Freehold 2 bedroom bungalow

Berwick Stores, Berwick *Guide price £350,000 - £375,000

Substantial freehold detached village storewith 3-4 bed flat

Dyke Road, Brighton *Guide price £ 135,000 - £145,000

Freehold development site with planningconsent for a 3 bedroom detachedbungalow

Brunswick Place, Hove*Guide price £280, 000 - £300,000

Large 2 bedroom patio flat with new 125-year lease

Sackville Road*Guide price £340,000 - £360,000

Mixed use investment - refurbished shopand 2 bedroom flat

clarendon villas church, 21-23 clarendon villas, hovebn3 3re, thursday 7th april 2016, 2.30pm

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Are you advertising your properties on Latest TV?We can produce high quality property videos from your photographs withprofessional voiceovers and music to appear as TV advertisements, on theLatest Homes website, and they are ideal for all your social media needs andother property portals.To find out more contact Patrick on 01273 818150 or email [email protected]


Jason Dean

People not Property. Thepeople are you and usworking to achieve thesame goal. Together weboth havecomplementary knowledge, you of yourhome and us of the local market. You tellus about your property and we tell youabout the market and similar properties.It’s an exchange of information in returnfor the best possible outcome. Luckily wehave an affinity with people which ourclients tell us counts for a lot, especially ifthe journey involves hills – we are goodat climbing! Sarah Indranie at Jason Dean, 1bMontefiore Road, Hove, BN3 1RD, 01273727000, www.jasondeans.co.uk

Baron Estates

Jonathan started hiscareer within a smallindependent EstateAgents in Hove andover the last 8 years hehas progressed to his current role atBaron Estates as a Sales Manager. “I wasborn in Brighton and I have lived here allmy life, I love the buzz and atmosphereof this city and for me there is no betterplace to live”. Jonathan feels thatcustomer service is really important andwill ensure regular feedback withpositive advice at all times. Call Jonathanto discuss any property related matter oremail him. Jonathan@baron­estates.co.uk or 01273733 334. 20 Western Road, Hove, BN31AE, www.baron­estates.com

Brand Vaughan

Property expert SimonLemcke MNAEA heads upBrand Vaughan's sales team inHove. Simon brings a wealthof experience having workedin estate agency for 30 years, 13 of which werespent running a prominent agency in Hove.

Brand Vaughan is an independent, awardwinning sales & lettings agency who was the topselling agency in Brighton & Hove in 2015(source Rightmove intel). Brand Vaughan alsoscooped their 5th Gold award at The 2015Sunday Times estate agency of the year awards,for best small agency South East.Speak to Simon for valuations in Hove,01273 22 11 02, [email protected] Town office 01273 683 111Preston Park office 01273 504 441

Phillips & Still

“Chris Still and Richard Phillipsare the Managing Directors,bringing with them over 30years of combinedexperience. Our primary aim isto ensure the highest level of customer carewhilst providing a professional and tailoredservice to suit each individual.

“We ensure that your property gets full marketcoverage by advertising on websites that gain themost traffic, alongside local property magazinesand eye­catching ‘For Sale’ boards. Not only is ouraim to always achieve the best price for yourproperty or find you that dream home, but we areequally focused on removing from you thestresses that can often come with moving house.” Phillips & Still, 112 Western Road, Brighton, BN12AB, 01273 771111, www.phillipsandstill.co.uk

Q Estate Agents

Q Estate Agents haveestablished an enviablereputation for deliveringfriendly, informed advice totheir clients and achievingexceptional results through their strikingapproach to marketing. Sales Director JamesBeale has been at the forefront of this sincejoining Jim and Jose Quintana at Q three yearsago. With over a decade’s experience in thelocal property market, James has gained awealth of knowledge through working for anumber of local estate agencies. James’ calmand reassuring manner means that his clientscan enjoy the moving process with completeconfidence they have chosen the right agency.Q Sales 195 Lewes Road, Brighton. BN2 3LA,01273 622664, www.qsalesandlettings.co.uk

Due to expansion a full time position is being created atOakley estate agents, working in the Brighton citycentre residential sales & new homes office.

The successful candidate will have a proven track recordwithin a sales environment, be a team player withexcellent communication & organisational skills, becomputer literate, hold a full driving licence and have apositive, enthusiastic and professional manner.

• Experience of estate agency essential• Motivated individual with initiative• Knowledge of Brighton & Hove preferable• Good customer service and attention to detail• The ability to progress sales to a successful conclusion

All enquiries/CV’s in the strictest confidence to James Epps,Residential Director.

Sales NegotiatorBrighton City



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Azure, a unique collection of luxury apartments inRottingdean, has an exceptional waterside location set

directly above the shore, offering the rare opportunity fortrue seafront living. This is a prestigious development thatwell and truly stands out from the crowd.

Built by niche property company GeneratorDevelopments, Azure represents the best in aspirationalmodern living. Only two apartments now remain for sale,both available immediately, so if you are interesting inmaking Azure your home, it is time to act fast. Furthermore,second home buyers who complete before April, when thestamp duty rise takes effect, will benefit from significantsavings of on average of £30,000.

The two remaining homes at Azure are a spacious threebedroom apartment and a fantastic two bedroompenthouse. Perched directly above the beach, both homescombine stylish design, immaculate finishes and large

private balconies that wrap the length of the property,offering unbeatable views along the coast.

Designed by award­winning architects, Azure takes itsinspiration from the elegant, simple lines of Art Decodesign, reworked in a contemporary style. Interiors offerflexible, airy open plan living spaces filled with natural lightthat are ideal for entertaining, with sliding glass doors thatlead out to the balcony. The signature style is sophisticatedbut neutral, providing a fresh canvas onto which the buyercan stamp their own personal style. For further information visit: www.azurerottingdean.co.uk orcontact agents Mishon Mackay on 01273 829 300 or DavidWebb Residential on 01273 300525.

> Move fast to secure a fabulous seafront homeat Azure

It’s still quite cold, and waking up to streaming windowscan be a familiar sight for many people – this is usually the

sign of a condensation problem. Over time, other signs suchas damp patches on walls and mould might start to appear.Homes are prone to condensation during this time as thereis a great temperature difference between the warm interiorof your home and the cooler outdoors.

Cold weather usually tempts homeowners to conserve asmuch heat as possible in order to stay warm, which meansthat warm moist air has no way of getting out. Mouldappears as pinpoint black spots, usually onthe side surfaces of internal walls, windowsills and corners and in poorly ventilatedspaces. MOULD SOLUTIONS specialise in mouldremoval, prevention andventilation.

They can identify the cause,treat the mould and give youadvice on how to keep yourhomes healthy. If your home is suffering, don’tdelay: call 01273 589 689 orvisit www.mould­solutions.co.uk


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Local Brighton designer Khan Stevens, of ParkerBathrooms & Kitchens, has been nominated as a finalist

in the Kitchen Designer of the Year project costing between£30,000 and £50,000 category, in this year’s prestigiouskbbreview Retail & Design Awards. Entered annually by thevery best in the kitchen and bathroom industry nationwide,the ceremony is organised by kbbreview, the industry’sleading trade magazine for over 30 years.

Khan Stevens, Kitchen Designer, of Parker Bathrooms &Kitchens, says:

“It was a great honour to be selected – the design chosenwas priced at the lower end of the category and the judgeswere impressed with what we achieved within cost. Thiswas one of the most challenging but inspirational kitchens Ihave worked on – and I think the results prove that we canreally design a great quality kitchen to a set budget.”

Tim Wallace,Editor ofkbbreview says:“As always, wehave receivedan abundanceof submissionsof the veryhigheststandard whichhave undergonea rigorous judging process by our panel of industryprofessionals.

“We would therefore like to extend our congratulations toKhan on being nominated as a finalist in his category, andwish him the very best of luck going forward.”For more information about Parker Bathrooms & Kitchens,telephone 01327 359282 or visit their website atwww.parkerbathrooms.co.uk

> Parker Bathrooms & Kitchens DesignerNominated at National Kitchen and Bathroom Awards


According to recent research from Quick Move Now1,Brighton is amongst the top 10 places across the UK

for a quick house sale. With property prices rising morethan 11 per cent in just one year, homes in this fashionabletown sell in an average of just 91 days (compared to thenational figure of up to 358 days). With this high demand inmind, Hyde New Homes encourage buyers to snap up oneof their last available penthouses at their very populardevelopment, Brighton Rocket.

The luxury two and three bedroom penthousesencompass stunning views of the city’s vibrant panorama.Each penthouse enjoys access to its own spacious rooftopterrace, making these homes ideal for entertaining. Thestylish Symphony kitchens contain integrated SMEGappliances, whilst large format Saloni ceramic tiling in thebathrooms complete the polished feel throughout.Residents at the development also benefit from modern

amenities including avideo entry securityphone and Sky+ access.

Brighton Rocket isideally located on theeclectic St JamesStreet. Formally knownas ‘Little Laine’, St James Street is one of the most bustlingareas of Brighton and plays host to a number of popularcafes, pubs and restaurants, as well as independent shops.Just moments from the seafront, Brighton Rocket haseverything on its doorstep including a vibrant nightlife.

Within walking distance of the Brighton seafront and thesoon­to­launch BA i360, the private sale penthouses atBrighton Rocket start at £475,000.Visitors can view a show home or the finished apartment oftheir choice. To find out more about any of the above homesvisit www.hydenewhomes.co.uk, or call Sales Agents OakleyResidential on 01273 688 881 or Mishon Mackay on 01273829 300

> Beat the Brighton rush with last remaininghomes at ‘Brighton Rocket’

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Parq is a prestigious development of 31 luxury 1, 2 & 3bedroom apartments, situated within an exclusive gated

environment. Parq is located directly opposite Preston Parkand the tennis courts and is within easy reach of Brighton &Preston Park train stations.

All apartments come with allocated parking and themajority benefit from a balcony or terrace.

Parq is being created with quality in mind, incorporatingengineered oak wood flooring in the living areas.Contemporary high gloss kitchens with integrated brandedappliance, Porcelanosa bathrooms & en­suites and fittedwardrobes toall bedrooms.

James Epps,ResidentialDirector ofOakley said,“These outstanding homes have high ceilings, which arecoffered in the living areas and master bedrooms withconcealed LED lighting and oversized American Walnutdoors throughout add to the spacious feel.”

James added “Over 50% of the scheme has been pre­soldby Oakley ‘off plan’, including the amazing penthouse, thesedistinctive contemporary apartments are selling fast, so werecommend you arrive early to avoid disappointment”.

The open day is between 10am­5pm on Saturday 19thMarch and Cross Stone Homes welcome you to join us allfor a glass of champagne when you visit the showapartment. Parking will be available on the day for visitors. For further information about Parq visitwww.parqbrighton.co.uk and take the virtual tour or call soleselling agents Oakley on 01273 688 881.

> Oakley are delighted to announce the launch of the fabulous new showapartment at the Parq Development, Preston Road, Brighton

“ Parq is being created withquality in mind ”

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How we all love stereotypes:letting agents are monsters and

students live like The Young Ones,getting up at noon and living ontakeaway pizza. The truth issomewhat different. With studentsnow investing in their universityeducation, most are dedicated andhard working and most have part­time jobs in order to survive.

The same applies to letting agentsand landlords. Many are excellentand want to make the most of theirinvestment property.

The University of Brighton is keento work with landlords and offers excellent deals that canmake letting to students simple and cost­effective. From aroom in your home to a whole property, they can help youto find the right student tenants, advise you on the best wayto let your property, and even offer a community liaisonteam who work with local tenant and resident associationsand mediate in the rare occasionswhen disputes arise.

While the university works happilywith many agents, they also haveschemes that can save landlords andhome owners money. By workingwith them directly, they can smoothout any problems and supportlandlords and tenants alike.

Harry Hillery, accommodation manager at the university,is responsible for the allocation of hall of residence spacesand provides support for people needing accommodationfrom students to staff.

“We want landlords to deal with students fairly andappropriately and we encourage students to be equallyresponsible. One scheme the university runs is Unihomeswhere we engage with landlords, lease their property andallocate it to tenants with guaranteed rents. We inspectproperties each term throughout the year, checking thatthings are being looked after. Students treat well­looked­after properties with respect and make good tenants.”

Another university scheme is Homestay, where home

owners can let a room in their house, like an old­stylelodger. Here, the university can offer advice on appropriaterents and the tax implications.

“It’s hard to get the message out that we are looking forlandlords as not all of our first year students can be

accommodated in halls of residence.We want to reassure the privaterental sector that student tenantscan offer a safe and profitablesolution.

“We also have Studenthomes, anonline register of private sectorlandlords with a code of standardsand the appropriate certificationsthat they have to meet. This gives

landlords a window to nearly 22,000 students and is free tojoin if they comply with those criteria. We encouragestudents to use the register and it can save them hugeamounts of money in agency fees.

“We love working with good landlords and agents alikeand we are always looking for landlords who understandthat if you offer a decent home the student tenant willrespect and look after it.”

If you would like to know more about what the University ofBrighton Accommodation Service can offer you, whether alandlord, home­owner or student, find out more atwww.brighton.ac.uk/landlords, or call them on 01273 805463.

> University of Brighton accommodation manager, Harry Hillery,talks to Latest about student homes

“We want to reassure theprivate rental sector thatstudent tenants can offer asafe and profitable solution ”

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78 St George’s RoadKemp Town, Brighton

Refurbished, 2 double bedroom GFF close totrain station. Kitchen, bathroom, living room,communal gardens. Built in wardrobes.Resident’s tennis court, and bike shed. Parkingpermit and visitor’s permit. Available now, U/F.

As a member firm of thenational Team Association,Bonett’s can now offerclients:*

• No sale, no fee conveyancing

• Free professional photographs

• Free floor plan of your property

• Free Energy Performance Certificate

* Terms and conditions apply


Apartment in a secure gated developmentwith communal facilities. 2 double bedrooms,2 bathrooms, lounge/diner and a balcony, allimmaculately decorated in a neutral palette.Viewing is highly recommended.



Merton Court£1,400 pcmTwo bedroom U/F Southfacing apartment withMarina views and parkingspace. Available 24March. Energy Rating C

Neptune Court£1,250 pcmTwo bedroom U/Fapartment on the 1stfloor with garage andwater views. Available 24March. Energy Rating C

25 Waterfront, Brighton Marina,East Sussex BN2 5WA

Tel: 01273 [email protected]

Holiday LetsPer WeekA selection of studio – 3 bed quality apartmentsavailable for weekly orshort term lettings. Call for details.

Britannia Court£1,075 pcmTwo bedroom U/Fapartment on the topfloor with corner balconyand parking. Availablenow. Energy Rating C

Starboard Court£895 pcmOne bedroom U/Fapartment on the secondfloor with parking space.Redecorated. Available18 April. Energy Rating D

Eastern Concourse£750 pcmA F/F studio apartmentwith views and privatesun deck. Sleeping area.Available 29 March.Energy Rating TBC

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Page 38: Latest Homes: No. 770

Netherfield Green£279,950 Freehold• Modern kitchen & Bathroom • Off road parking • Lovely views over Woodingdean to the sea • EPC D61 Call Woodingdean Office 01273 278866

Hollingbury Park Avenue£285,000 Leasehold• Delightful two bedroom flat • Excellent decorative order throughout • Modern fitted kitchen • Rear patio with side access, EPC D59Call Fiveways office 01273 566777

Carden Avenue£395,000 Freehold• Modern fitted kitchen and bathroom • Off street parking • Front and rear garden • Excellent decorative order, EPC D58. Call Fiveways office 01273 566777

Princes Road£475,000 Freehold• Attractive bay fronted period house • Spacious accommodation • Boarded attic • Four season summer house, EPC D65. Call Fiveways office 01273 566777

Langley CrescentPrice guide £290,000 FreeholdThrough lounge, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms,great views, attractive garden. EPC D67Call Woodingdean office 01273 278866

Lockwood Crescent£194,950 Leasehold• NO CHAIN • Spacious Purpose Built Flat • Bus Stop & Shop Close By • Close to park. EPC D55.Call Woodingdean Office 01273 278866

NEW to the market

NEW to the market

NEW to the market

NEW to the market

NEW to the market

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Grand ParadeOffers in excess of £185,000 Leasehold• Top floor one bedroom flat • Located in the heart of Brighton • Fantastic views over Victoria Gardens • Easy distance of beach & station. EPC D63 Call Lewes Road office 01273 677001

Gladstone Place £285,000 Share Of Freehold• Well presented split level maisonette • 2 double bedrooms • Spacious lounge with feature fireplace • Modern white bathroom suite. EPC D58 Call Lewes Road office 01273 677001

Regency Square £395,000 Leasehold• Courtyard garden • High ceilings • Plenty of character • Excellent location. EPC D65 Call Hove office on 01273 321000

Brunswick Terrace £229,950 Share Of Freehold• No Onward Chain • In one of Hove's most iconic addresses • Modern bathroom and kitchen • Close to Beach and central Hove. EPC D69 Call Hove office on 01273 321000

‘Very professional & kept me updated throughout. Very pleased and will be recommending you.’ Ms Hammond, Greenleas, Hove

NEW price

Jevington Drive Offers in excess of £325,000 Freehold• Spacious 3 bedroom semi-detached house • In need of some updating & modernisation • FF shower room and GF WC, 75' garden • Integral garage. Chain free. EPC D66 Call Lewes Road office 01273 677001

North Gardens Offers in excess of £725,000 FreeholdA three double bedroom townhouse in the heartof the central Brighton conservation area just offthe North Laine. Open plan living with front andcourtyard garden on the ground floor. Locatedwithin 200 metres of Brighton Station on a relatively quiet one way street and with theadded benefit of two off street parking spaces,this property is an absolute must see. Energy rating: D58.Call Hove Office 01273 321000

NEW to the market

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Brighton £725,000• 4 bedroom terraced house

• Great school catchments. Lawned rear garden

• Versatile layout. Fantastic transport links

Fiveways: 01273 317140 EPC D

Kemp Town £550,000• 3 bedroom terraced house. Plenty of living space

• Set over 4 floors. 2 separate front entrances

• Stylish and fabulous!

Kemp Town: 01273 317128 EPC D

Hove £550,000

• 3 bedroom third floor apartment• 22ft lounge/diner. Balcony with direct sea views• Garage to rear. Resident/visitor parking

Western Road: 01273 317147 EPC D

Brighton £525,000

• 4 bedroom terraced house. Lovely kitchen/diner• Central Hanover. Views of the sea and The Downs• Close to highly regarded schools

Lewes Road: 01273 317108 EPC D

Saltdean £515,000

• 4 bed detached family home. Very modern• On a private road. Double garage• Excellent condition

Saltdean: 01273 317170 EPC C

Brighton £700,000• Unique 4 storey period townhouse

• 3 double bedrooms, 1 en suite. Large dining kitchen

• Feature staircase to lounge. Close Hove lawns & seafront

Western Road: 01273 317147 EPC TBC

Hassocks £600,000• 4 bedroom detached house

• Large plot with spacious garden. En-suite to bedroom 1

• Garage and parking. Immaculate throughout

Patcham: 01273 317175 EPC C

Kemp Town Offers Over: £550,000• 'Contemporary' 2nd floor apartment

• 42 foot open plan living area. 2 double bedrooms

• Balcony. No onward chain

Kemp Town: 01273 317128 EPC C

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Saltdean Offers Over: £450,000

• 3 bedroom detached chalet bungalow• On a corner plot. Good size garden• Integral garage. Solar panels

Saltdean: 01273 317170 EPC C

Hove Offers Over: £450,000

• Ground floor Regency apartment• Open plan living. 2 double bedrooms• Sunny aspect mature garden. Garage to rear

Western Road: 01273 317147 EPC D

Southwick £449,950

• 4 bedroom semi detached house• Lovely character home. Sought after location• Spacious. Bathroom & shower room. Off road parking

Southwick: 01273 317158 EPC E

Telscombe Cliffs £435,000• 4 bed detached home with stunning sea views• Beautiful cliff top home. Picturesque balcony• Spacious sun room. Off road parking and garage

Peacehaven: 01273 317165 EPC E

Brighton £400,000• 3 bedroom house on corner plot• Bright and spacious lounge and dining areas• Useful garage. Well presented

Lewes Road: 01273 317108 EPC E

Brighton £375,000• 3 bedroom mid terraced house• Spacious lounge and dining area. Rear garden• Close to schools. Access routes in & out of the city

Fiveways: 01273 317140 EPC D

Kemp Town £375,000• 2-3 bedroom semi-detached bungalow• On a corner plot. Versatile layout• Garage & driveway. Generous sized garden

Kemp Town: 01273 317128 EPC D

Hove £350,000

• 2 bedroom 2nd floor apartment with pleasant views• Highly sought after development. Dining lounge• Allocated secure parking space. Communal gardens

Western Road: 01273 317147 EPC C

Price: £515,000 £343,500Saltdean4 bed det modern home.Private road. Dble gge.EPC TBC

01273 317170

Price: £360,000 £240,000Southwick3 bed semi det house.Large garden. Great loc.EPC TBC

01273 317158


Telscombe Cliffs £375,000• 5 bedroom, semi-detached home set over 3 floors• Modern decor throughout. Large rear garden• Garage. Offers by Sealed Bids by Midday 21/03/16

Peacehaven: 01273 317165 EPC D

Brighton Guide Price: £370,000• 4 bedroom maisonette on 3 floors• So much character and space. Open plan living• Great location. Close to great schools

Lewes Road: 01273 317108 EPC D

Woodingdean £370,000• Semi-det chalet bungalow with 3 double bedrooms• Popular North Woodingdean, well presented• En suite to master bed, close to shops & buses

Woodingdean: 01273 317185 EPC D

Hove Offers Over: £350,000• 3 bedroom 1st & 2nd floor duplex apartment• Open fire to lounge. Modern finish throughout• Moments from Portslade train station

Western Road: 01273 317147 EPC D

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Hove £325,000• GF purpose built apartment with private entrance

• 2 double bedrooms. Modern fitted kitchen & bathroom

• South facing decked garden. Garage & visitor parking

Western Road: 01273 317147 EPC D

Brighton £310,000

• 2 bedroom end of terrace home• Courtyard garden. Great location• No chain. Great first time or investment buy

Lewes Road: 01273 317108 EPC E

Southwick £345,000• 2 bedroom terraced house. Character property

• Sought after location. Good size garden

• Close to Southwick Green

Southwick: 01273 317158 EPC D

Hove Guide Price: £325,000• Modern 2 storey detached house

• Open plan living room/kitchen. Conservatory

• 1 double bedroom. Courtyard garden. Central Hove

Western Road: 01273 317147 EPC D

Brighton £320,000• 2 bedroom purpose built flat

• Sunny balcony, garage

• Front & side gardens, immaculately presented

Fiveways: 01273 317140 EPC C

Southwick £349,950• Traditional 3 bedroom semi detached house

• Good size rear garden. Ample off road parking

• Ideal family home. Modern kitchen area & bathroom

Southwick: 01273 317158 EPC D

Brighton £300,000

• 2 bedroom semi-detached house• Integral garage & off street parking. New kitchen (2014)• Potential to convert garage, STPP. Close shops & school

Patcham: 01273 317175 EPC E

Woodingdean £295,000

• 2 bedroom bungalow with vacant possession• Lovely sun room, close to local bus routes• Garage and off road parking, downland views

Woodingdean: 01273 317185 EPC TBC

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Woodingdean £289,950• 3 bed semi-detached house in South Woodingdean• Garage and off road parking, close to schools• Close to bus route and shops, vacant possession

Woodingdean: 01273 317185 EPC TBC

Brighton £275,000• 2 bedroom ground floor purpose built flat• Shared rear garden. Off street parking• Spacious room sizes. Share of freehold

Fiveways: 01273 317140 EPC C

London Road £269,950• 3 bedroom fifth floor apartment• Views & balcony. Good size accommodation• Great location. Lift & parking x2

Patcham: 01273 317175 EPC D

Brighton £275,000• 2 bedroom purpose built flat• Art Deco style building. Convenient location• Good FTB or investor purchase. No chain

Lewes Road: 01273 317108 EPC C

Brighton £250,000• 1 bedroom lower-ground floor flat• Sunny rear garden. Spacious lounge• Great commuter links. 'Golden triangle' location

Fiveways: 01273 317140 EPC D

Brighton £175,000• 1 bedroom second floor apartment• Ideal first time buy/buy to let investment, good size rooms• Bright & spacious, chain free

Fiveways: 01273 317140 EPC C

Kemp Town £250,000• 2 bedroom 5th floor apartment• Enclosed balcony, far reaching views• Well sized, great Location

Kemp Town: 01273 317128 EPC C

Brighton £200,000• 3 bedroom purpose built flat• Kitchen/diner. Good school catchment• Buy to let opportunity. No chain

Lewes Road: 01273 317108 EPC E

Shoreham-By-Sea £249,950• 2 bedroom second floor flat. Town centre location• Modern home with river views• Balcony off lounge. Great choice for commuters

Southwick: 01273 317158 EPC C

0Notice Of Offer28 Arundel Road, Brighton, BN2 5TD. We advise that an offer has

been made for the above property in the sum of £220,000. Any

persons wishing to increase on this offer should notify the agents of

their best offer prior to exchange of contracts. 7 St Georges Road,Kemp Town, BN2 1EB Tel: 01273 681811. EPC rating C (69)

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Hove | £160,000• 1 bedroom fourth floor seafront apartment• Passenger lift. In need of modernisation• Sea views. Lift. No chain, EPC rating C (75)

WESTERN ROAD | 01273 820600

Brighton | £220,000• 1 bedroom lower-ground floor converted flat• Large rear garden. Patio. Modern kit & bath• No onward chain. EPC rating D (68)

FIVEWAYS | 01273 564444

Newhaven | £210,000• 2 bedroom apartment set in Harbour side loc• Views from balcony. Open plan living area• En-suite. Allocated parking. EPC rating B (86)

PEACEHAVEN | 01273 584511

Kemp Town | £175,000• 1 bedroom first floor flat• In need of modernisation. Good size• CASH BUYERS ONLY. EPC rating D (66)

KEMP TOWN | 01273 317128

Brighton | £230,000• 1 bedroom lower-ground floor converted flat• Modern galley kitchen. Modern bathroom• Courtyard. Parking permit. EPC rating C (74)

FIVEWAYS | 01273 564444

Peacehaven | £254,950• 2 bedroom detached bungalow• Large corner plot. No onward chain• Parking & gge. No through road. EPC rating D (57)

PEACEHAVEN | 01273 584511

Kemp Town | £230,000• 2 bedroom 9th floor flat, purpose built. Balcony• City centre location. Excellent market value• EPC rating C (73)

KEMP TOWN | 01273 317128

Hove | Offers Over: £230,000• Stunning apartment in the heart of Hove• 1 double bedroom 4th floor apartment• Dining lounge. Balc. Parking. EPC rating C (73)

WESTERN ROAD | 01273 820600

Kemp Town | £230,000• 2 bedroom 3rd floor apartment• Balcony w/ sea views. Secure entry system• Close hospital. Purpose built. EPC rating D (68)

KEMP TOWN | 01273 317128

Brighton | £269,950• First floor converted flat• 2 good size bedrooms.Useful loft room• Refurbished. No onward chain. EPC rating D (58)

FIVEWAYS | 01273 564444

Woodingdean | £295,000• 2 bedroom bungalow with vacant possession• Lovely sun room, close to local bus routes.• Garage & off road parking, downland views

FIVEWAYS | 01273 564444

Woodingdean | £289,950• 3 bedroom S/D house in South Woodingdean• Garage & off road parking, close to schools• Close bus route & shops, vacant possession

WOODINGDEAN | 01273 606121

Patcham | £350,000• Extended 3 bedroom semi-detached house• Space to add parking. Front & rear garden• Bath. Gge, no onward chain. EPC rating E (50)

WESTERN ROAD | 01273 820600

Brighton | £375,000• 1st floor purpose built apartment• 3 bedrooms & 1 en suite. 25 foot balcony• Central Brighton. Chain free. EPC rating C (80)

WESTERN ROAD | 01273 820600

Woodingdean | £327,500• Spacious light & airy detached bungalow• 3 good size bedrooms, garage & driveway• Views, no onward chain. EPC rating E (43)

PATCHAM | 01273 541934

Brighton | £320,000• 2 bedroom first floor flat• Front & side gardens.Useful Garage• No onward Chain. EPC rating E (39)

WOODINGDEAN | 01273 606121

Hove | Offers Over: £425,000• 6th floor luxury apartment• 2 double bedrooms. Lounge & dining room• 2 balconies. Stunning views. EPC rating C (75)

WESTERN ROAD | 01273 820600

Brighton | £430,000• 3 bedroom semi-detached bungalow• Front & rear gardens. Off street parking• No onward chain. EPC rating D (64)

PATCHAM | 01273 541934

Saltdean | Offers Over: £425,000• Detached 2 bedroom chalet bungalow• Modern kitchen & bathroom. En suite• Parking & gge. No onward chain. EPC rating E (49)

SALTDEAN | 01273 304453

Brighton | £850,000• Impressive 4 bedroom detached house• 4 bathroom (3 en-suites). Front & rear gardens• No onward chain. EPC rating C (73)

WESTERN ROAD | 01273 820600

Notice of Offer28 Arundel Road, Brighton, BN2 5TDWe advise that an offer has been made for the aboveproperty in the sum of £220,000. Any persons wishing toincrease on this offer should notify the agents of their bestoffer prior to exchange of contracts. 7 St Georges Road,Kemp Town, BN2 1EB. EPC rating C (69)

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Hamptons Brighton & HoveSales 01273 796157 I Lettings 01273 796159

Hilltop, Hove £925,000Four bedroom detached house with low maintenance garden. EPC D

Connaught Mews, Brighton £475,000Four bedroom newly built end of terrace house with patio. EPC B

Kings Road, Brighton £325,000One bedroom ground floor flat with patio. EPC D

Mallory Road, Hove £1,450,000Five bedroom family home with garage and south west garden. EPC E

The Drive, Hove £750,000Three bedroom top floor flat with balconies and garage. EPC E

Ovingdean Road, Brigthon £1,750,000Mediterranean style split-level five bedroom house. EPC D

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01273 777000Western Road Residential office

01273 820280Hove Residential office

Lorna RoadHove2 bedroom second floor flatSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Fourth AvenueHove2 bedroom top floor flatSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Payne AvenueHove4 bedroom terraced houseSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Easthill WayPortslade3 bedroom semi-detached houseSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED





Montpelier RoadBrightonFirst floor converted apartmentin ideal central locationSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Stafford RoadBrightonTop floor converted apartmentwithin popular areaSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Lansdowne PlaceBrightonTop floor converted apartment indelightful regency buildingSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Dyke RoadBrightonBright and spacious top floorconverted two bedroomapartmentSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Waterloo StreetBrightonPerfect opportunity for a BTLinvestmentSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Prestonville RoadBrightonConverted two bedroom groundfloor apartmentSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Davigdor RoadBrightonSecond floor two bedroomapartment in attractive blockSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Dean StreetBrightonBeautifully renovated 3 storeypropertySOLD – SIMILAR WANTED





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01273 688148Kemp Town Residential office

01273 508761Preston Park Residential office

Freshfield RoadBrightonThree bedroom mid terracedVictorian house near Queens Park.SOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Courcels, Arundel StreetBrightonMagnificent three bedroompenthouse with breathtaking views.SOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Portland MewsBrightonThree bedroom town house in avery central gated mews.SOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Arundel TerraceBrightonMagnificent first floor flat withone bedroom in a listed building.SOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

01273 677544Lewes Road Residential office

Waldegrave RoadFivewaysVictorian Houses and FlatsSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

London RoadPreston Park AreaPurpose built 1 & 2 bed flatsSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Cedars GardensWithdean AreaCharacter detached housesSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

WaysideWestdeneModern houses & bungalowsSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Islingword RoadBrightonA LOVELY 4 bedroom houseSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Crayford RoadBrightonA BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom houseSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Inverness RoadBrightonA WONDERFUL 2 bedroom houseSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Buller RoadBrightonA MAGNIFICENT 2 bedroomhouseSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Atlingworth StreetBrightonOne bedroom second floor flat ina lovely period building.SOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Victory MewsBrightonNewly refurbished four bedroomtown house in Brighton MarinaVillage.SOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Collingwood HouseBrightonTwo bedroom seafront Regencyflat in a beautiful listed building.SOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

St Georges TerraceBrightonFour bedroom mid terracedhouse in central Kemp Town.SOLD – SIMILAR WANTED









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01273 675101Woodingdean Residential office

01273 309968Rottingdean Residential office

01273 554505Patcham Residential office

01273 778455Hangleton Residential office

Dean Court RoadRottingdeanSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Gorham AvenueRottingdeanSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Gorham AvenueRottingdeanSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Ryoles CloseRottingdeanSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

The Park Apartments Brighton £279,950• Three bedrooms• Family bathroom plus en-suite• Parking permit for two cars• Gym, EPC: D

Barn RiseBrighton• Two bedroom housesSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Fernhurst CloseBrighton• Two bedroom housesSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Lyminster AvenueBrighton• Two bedroom housesSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Seaview RoadNorth WoodingdeanThree Bed Semi Detached HouseSOLD – Similar Houses Wanted

Falmer RoadWoodingdeanFour Bed Detached Chalet BungalowSOLD - Similar Houses Wanted

Brownleaf RoadWoodingdeanTwo Bedroom Semi Det BungalowSOLD – Similar Properties Wanted

Rudyard RoadWoodingdeanTwo Bedroom Terraced HouseSOLD – Similar Houses Wanted

Sherbourne RoadHove• 2 bedroom flatSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Wayfield AvenueHove• 3 Bedroom HouseSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Findon CloseHove• 3 bedroom houseSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED

Hangleton Valley DriveHove• Modern BungalowSOLD – SIMILAR WANTED
















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01323 899116Seaford office

01273 587222Peacehaven office

Willow DriveSeaford £389,950• Popular South East corner of Seaford• Spacious detached family home• Four double bedrooms, kitchen/breakfast room• Integral garage, off road parking, EPC Rating D 01273 461671

Shoreham office

Katherine WaySeaford £400,000• Spacious detached family home• Four double bedrooms, two reception rooms• En suite to master bedroom• Garage and driveway, terraced rear garden, EPC Rating C

Quarry LaneSeaford £300,000• Detached bungalow, three bedrooms• Spacious lounge and dining area• Front and rear gardens, garage with driveway for parking• No onward chain, EPC Rating D

Pelham ClosePeacehaven £233,500• Two Bedrooms• Terraced House• Conservatory• Summer House• Allocated Parking

Headlands ClosePeacehaven £225,000• Spacious Ground Floor Flat• Two Double Bedrooms• Expansive Private Rear Garden• Country Views, FREEHOLD• 17' Garage and OSP, Balcony

Beach GreenShoreham £549,950An opportunity to acquire this bright and spacious detached houselocated in one of Shoreham Beach's most prestigious roads. Benefitingfrom a modern high gloss fitted kitchen with integrated Bosch appliances,spacious living accommodation, office, cloakroom, en-suite to masterbedroom with further three double bedrooms, family bathroom andSouth facing rear garden. Local shops can be found close by on Ferry Roadas well as the recently opened Adur foot bridge. Local train station.

North StreetShoreham £475,000Town house. This idyllic locationoffers easy access to all amenitiesincluding shops, bars restaurants,Adur foot bridge, local station,bus routes and Shoreham Beach.OSP, integral garage and garden.Private entrance hall, access tointegral garage, fitted kitchen.

The BurrellsShoreham £560,000Detached three bedroomresidence located on the everpopular Shoreham Beachlocation, Shoreham-by-Sea.Benefits include an extendeddual aspect modern open livingspace to the ground floor,combining a lounge.

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• 3 bedroomterraced house

• Lounge/dining area

• Potential toconvert the loft

• Garden£499,995

Saxon Road, Hove

• 3 bedroomterraced house

• Arranged over 3

storeys• Lounge/dining room• Decked garden


Shakespeare Street, Hove

• Four bedroomdetached house

• Secluded location

• Gardens• Garage and

off-road parking£995,000

Hove Park Gardens, Hove

• 1 bedroomground floor flat

• Amazing lounge

• Some originalperiod features

• Fantastic garden



Compton Avenue, Brighton

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Somerhill Lodge, Hove

• 2 bedroom ground floor flat • Wonderful sea views• Garage


Chichester Close, Hove

• 3 bedroom semi-det house• Lounge & sep dining room• Good sized rear garden


Bath Court, Hove

• 2 bedroom 2nd floor flat • Balcony with sea views• Allocated parking space


Wordsworth Street, Hove

• 3 bedroom maisonette• Kitchen/breakfast room• Close to Hove station



Coleridge Street

• 2 bedroom terraced house• South facing garden• No onward chain


St Aubyns, Hove

• 2 bed lower ground floor flat • Modern throughout• Fabulous garden and patio


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3 bed 6th floor apartment with lift onseafront, sea views, balcony, car park.Floor Area: 1711 sq ftWhere: Kings Road, BN1Price: £800,000‐£825,000


Luxuriate in views which span the centuries across a listed Regency garden square to the rolling seaand the Brighton i360! This large, three bedroom apartment in a modern block has secure parking, liftaccess, double glazed windows and a fabulous south facing balcony. With potential to add value overtime, it is also beautifully situated close to the fashionable shops and restaurants of Western Road andnear to the station.

timeless appeal

6 bed det house, sea views, 2 recepts,3 en‐suites, patio, sun terr, garden, gge.Floor Area: 4326 sq ftWhere: Downside, Tongdean, BN1Price: £1,850,000


This 6 bedroom detached home is a blend of modern luxury and home comforts. Its modernist whiteexterior, with argon glass windows, allow it to stand out from its neighbours, but inside the doors andfloors are warming in solid oak, and there are many spaces to relax, work and entertain. The position inthe road means that almost every room has panoramic views across the city to the sea, and these canbe enjoyed from two sun terraces as well as the large garden. There is also a double garage.

no downsides

3‐4 bed period house close KempTown seafront, gdn, balcony & roof terr.Floor Area: 1452 sq ftWhere: Crescent Place, BN2Price: £800,000‐£850,000


On a quirky lane with the Kemp Town Village at one end and the beach at the other, this three/fourbedroom period home has spacious rooms and a private garden as well as both a west facing balconyand a glamorous roof terrace, each with sea views. In a popular conservation area this loved homeneeds a little TLC and will interest home seekers, weekenders and investors alike as The Lanes, schoolsand the station are within easy reach.

creative hideaway

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4 bed, 2 bath semi‐detached Victorianhouse, south facing garden, closeto popular schools and station.Floor Area: 2010 sq ftWhere: Florence Road, BN1Price: £950,000

gracious victorian7 bed detached house completed2011, 4 recepts, views over down‐land, W/F gardens, twin garages.Floor Area: 2852 sq ftWhere: Montacute Road, Lewes, BN7Price: £799,950

substantial asset

6 bed house with 1 bed annexe onedge of South Downs National Park,large S/F landscaped garden, OSP.Floor Area: 2648 sq ftWhere: Glynn Road, Peacehaven, BN1Price: £775,000

dream home4 bed, Edwardian terraced house,garden with summer house, closeto popular schools.Floor Area: 1694 sq ftWhere: Surrenden Road, BN1Price: £750,000

exceptional edwardian2 bed, 2 bath, Regency balcony flat,sea views 1st floor with a lift, permitparking.Floor Area: 1156 sq ftWhere: Brunswick Terrace, BN3Price: £650,000

glamorous regency

4 bed Grade ll Georgian houseclose Queen’s Park, walled gardenwith a rare back gate for bikes.Floor Area: 1145 sq ft Where: Egremont Place, BN2Price: £575,000

romantic georgian4 bed, newly renovated, end tracedhouse popular Poets Corner location, garden.Floor Area: 1261 sq ftWhere: Coleridge Street, BN3Price: £540,000

prized poet3 bed, 1st floor apartment in a Victorian mansion leading to thesea, close to shops and station.Floor Area: 948 sq ft Where: Third Avenue, BN3Price: £550,000‐£575,000

stately avenue

2 bed, Grade l listed FFF in seafrontsquare, S/F balcony with sea views,access to private gardens.Floor Area: 651 sq ftWhere: Sussex Square, BN2Price: £475,000

exclusive square2 bed 1st & 2nd floor spacious maisin central Kemp Town, beautifullypresented with high ceilings.Floor Area: 941 sq ftWhere: College Road, BN2Price: £450,000‐£475,000

stylish central

3 bed, 3 en‐suite stable mewshouse circa 1830, parking for 2 carsplus integral garage.Floor Area: 2087 sq ftWhere: Brunswick Street West, BN3Price: £949,950

luxury lifestylenew listing

new listing

new listingnew listing

3 bed, 1970s terraced house, Preston Village, close to station, 1 en suite, garden, spacious.Floor Area: 1185 sq ftWhere: North Road, BN1Price: £500,000

generous proportions

new listing new listingnew listing

new price

new listing new listing

new listing

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3 bed modern house, large ‘L’shaped living room plus sun room,sea views, S/F garden, OSP.Floor Area: 973 sq ftWhere: Sussex Street, BN2Price: £450,000

golden opportunity2 bed, raised GFF with sea views inGrade ll Regency seafront mansion,S/F communal garden.Floor Area: 916 sq ftWhere: Marine Parade, BN2Price: £449,950

super seafront2 bed flat in innovative developmentwith lift, close station, Juliet balcony,comm gdn and roof terrace.Floor Area: 691 sq ftWhere: Fleet Street, BN2Price: £375,000

award winning

1 bed, ground floor flat, Regencyterrace, study, rear garden, close to beach.Floor Area: 815 sq ftWhere: Brunswick Place, BN3Price: £350,000

artist’s residence2 bed house with patio in Hanoverarea close station and North Laine,free on street parking.Floor Area: 589 sq ftWhere: Islingword Road, BN2Price: OIEO £350,000

fashionable hanover2 bed, lower ground floor flat, closeto the seafront, small patio garden.

Floor Area: 847 sq ftWhere: Cambridge Road, BN3Price: £340,000

centre court

2 bed top ﴾2nd) FF in convertedChapel central Kemp Town, vaulted living room.Floor Area: 713 sq ftWhere: High Street, Kemp Town BN2Price: £280,000

heavenly holidayGF studio flat in Grade ll Regencyseafront terrace, sea views, commlawn, first come, first served parking.Floor Area: 451 sq ftWhere: Marine Parade, BN2Price: £275,000

seafront studio2 bed, 1st floor, Victorian villa, balcony close to schools, parks and station.Floor Area: 529 sq ftWhere: Harrington Road, BN1Price: OIEO £325,000

elegant entrance

new listing

new listing new listingnew listing

new listing new listing

new listing

new listing

new listing

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17 offices across Sussex andalso Park Lane, Londonwww.mansellmctaggart.co.uk email [email protected]

01273 508955

Underhill LaneCLAYTON £750,000

A pretty period 4 bedroom detached house within the SouthDowns National park standing in its own south facing plot of

approx. one third of an acre. There is also an additional parcel ofland on the opposite side of the lane that measures 0.15 acres

and provides our owners with additional recreation space or couldprovide a building plot subject to obtaining the necessary

consents. EPC G.

Station RoadNR. PRESTON PARK STATION GUIDE PRICE £495,000A spacious nicely presented period property over three floors andoffering two or three bedrooms depending on how you would liketo use the versatile accommodation. The entrance level offers agood size front sitting room (which could easily be a bedroom)

and a bathroom whilst the first floor has two good doublebedrooms. On the lower level is the kitchen and spacious open

plan family room with double doors open to a quaint rear garden.EPC D.

Houndean RiseLEWES OIEO £850,000A spacious 5 bed detached 1930’s residence now in need of refurbishment but offering huge potential to create a modern family homestanding on a good size plot (0.4 acre) with well stocked mature gardens. With an impressive pillared entrance the ground floor has acloakroom, a sitting room, dining room, study, garden room and a kitchen/breakfast room. The property enjoys a corner position and is

approached via a gated private drive to a tandem garage. Vacant Possession and no onward chain. EPC E.

Church LanePYECOMBE GUIDE 650,000

Dolphin Cottage is a stylishly modernised four bedroom detached period house tastefully remodelled and blending character withmodern living resulting in a lovely family home of unique charm and feel. Worthy of immediate inspection this delightful property sitson a pretty corner plot at the top of Church Lane and enjoys attractive well stocked southerly side and westerly rear cottage gardens

and also has a further separate triangular shaped garden area behind the church. EPC E.

Lilac CourtOPPOSITE WITHDEAN PARK £185,000Enjoying views to Withdean Court this delightful 1 bedroom fifth floor balcony flat forms part of this exclusive retirement developmentbuilt by McCarthy and Stone. Approached by a lift and carpeted communal ways the apartment is very nicely presented and enjoys a

good size lounge with a double glazed door opening onto the balcony, a double bedroom with built in wardrobe, a kitchen and acontemporary shower room. For residents use there is a communal lounge which opens to an attractive garden. EPC B.



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Jason Sarah Natalie Mike Richard

The natural choice for 2016Whatever your needs – letting and managing

property, selling a flat, a house or a garage – ourstrategy is always carefully designed for you.

To find out more please contact:

[email protected]

01273 7270001b Montefiore Road, Hove BN3 1RD

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w w w . s p e n c e r a n d l e i g h . c o . u k

Occupying the entire GROUND FLOOR of thispurpose built detached residence formed of onlythree apartments is this SPACIOUS two doublebedroom garden flat. EPC – D

Hove Guide £400,000 - £425,000

Occupying what must be considered one of thebest positions in the road, this three bedroom S/Dhome is adjacent to a small green with views to theSouth Downs. Open Day Sat 19th March 2016. EPC – E

Hollingbury £345,000

This two bedroom apartment is on the groundfloor of a secluded block in Regency Court and isoffered for sale in exceptional condition. Open Day Saturday 19th March 2016. EPC – C

Withdean £285,000

A three bedroom semi-detached family home,garage and offered with no on-going chain. Doubleglazing and is centrally heated and has a lawn reargarden with a workshop to the rear. EPC – E

Patcham £320,000

No on-going chain is this vacant three bedroom mid-terraced family home with a garage. Althoughperfectly habitable, the property could benefit fromsome improvement. Viewing recommended. EPC – C

Hollingbury £315,000

This four bedroom extended chalet bungalow isversatile, having two beds and a bathroom on theground floor and an additional two bedrooms and ashower room. Shared driveway and garage. EPC – D

Patcham Guide £399,950 - £424,950

In a popular road in a desirable part of Patcham isthis purpose built first floor one double bedroomflat with double glazing, gas fired central heating, noon-going chain and entry telephone system. EPC – D

Patcham £190,000

In a cobbled mews is this CHARACTERFUL groundfloor converted flat boasting a double bedroom anda private front door and entrance. Close Station,seafront and the lively life of Hove actually! EPC – D

Hove OIEO £275,000

A two double bedroom apartment in the prestigiousVarndean Park development with two bathrooms, abalcony and under croft private parking. Lounge andbalcony overlooking the communal pool. EPC – D

Varndean £349,950

A bay fronted three bedroom family home whichhas been extended on the ground floor. Lounge,kitchen, utility room, family bathroom and abeautiful tree lined lawn rear garden. EPC – D

Patcham Guide £475,00 - £500,000

A two bedroom semi-detached bungalow occupyingan enviable position overlooking a central Greenwithin Westdene. 20' living room having Frenchdoors overlooking the rear garden. EPC – D

Westdene £399,950

Citywide sales & lettings

If you are looking for HIGH QUALITY, space andnatural light then this is the home for you! Lovinglyimproved and extended to create a spacious andentertaining four bedroom property. EPC – F

Southwick OIEO £550,000

Patcham Office: 0 1 2 7 3 5 6 5 5 6 6 Portslade Office: 01273 421777






New New

NewPrice New


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St Helen’s RoadLovely 3 bedroom family house with large throughlounge/diner and contemporary kitchen. EPC – D

£425,000 Halls Elm Grove 01273 691688

Davigdor RoadSpacious 2 bed flat, en-suite & bathroom, allocated parking. EPC – C

£1,275pcm Halls City Centre 01273 571955

Edburton Avenue, Fiveways Three-bedroom Victorian house,  wealth of character,two reception rooms.  EPC – D

£625,000 Halls Fiveways 01273 236000

Regent Street, BrightonBeautifully presented city centre penthouse withwest & east facing roof terraces. EPC – C

£534,950 Halls City Centre 01273 571955

Howard Road3-4 bed house with good sized rear garden.Newly renovated. Suitable for families. EPC – D

£1,450pcm Halls Elm Grove 01273 691688

Park Manor, London RoadA two double bedroom, recently refurbished apartment, new kitchen. EPC – C

£1,150pcm Halls Fiveways 01273 236000


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Hamptons Brighton & HoveLettings 01273 796159

*Tenant Charges Tenants should note that as well as rent, an administration charge of £216 (Inc. VAT) per propertyand a referencing charge of £54 (Inc. VAT) per person will apply when renting a property. Please ask us for more information about other fees that may apply or visit www.hamptons.co.uk/rent/tenant-charges

Old London Road £2,750 PCM (charges apply)*

Private & detached, gated four bedroom residence within easy access ofthe A23 with three bathrooms, four reception rooms & gardens. EPC 47

New Church Road £2,750 PCM (charges apply)*

A five bedroom, two bathroom double fronted family home, in a populararea with off road parking for 3 cars, garage and lovely garden. EPC 68

Palmeira Avenue £1,650 PCM (charges apply)*

Two double bedroom two bathroom apt in modern purpose built block.Balcony and underground parking. Central Hove, close station. EPC 74

Eaton Gardens £1,950 PCM (charges apply)*

A three bedroom mansion flat on the ground floor of a period buildingwith an underground parking space. Close to Hove station. EPC 74

Crown Gardens £1,450 PCM (charges apply)*

A two bedroom cottage which has been refurbished to an extremely highstandard and has a summer house & a secure video entry system. EPC 48

Third Avenue £1,595 PCM (charges apply)*

A stunning two bedroom, two bathroom conversion with balcony, sea views and communal garden. EPC 67




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Studio, 4th floor PB, newly renovated, close Hove Station, lift.

Available: NowFurnished: NoPrice: £725pcm *fees apply

Marlborough Court1 bed, raised GFF, high ceilings,close to beach and Hospital.

Available: April 2016Furnished: NoPrice: £775pcm *fees apply

Abbey Road1 bed, immaculate 1st floor, Queen'sPark, close to beach.

Available: April 2016Furnished: NoPrice: £825pcm *fees apply

Evelyn Terrace

2 bed, 2nd floor Regency apartment, close to city and sea.

Available: NowFurnished: NoPrice: £950pcm *fees apply

Lansdowne Place1 bed, GFF, patio, close to city, seaand Brighton Station.

Available: NowFurnished: NoPrice: £950pcm *fees apply

Montpelier Street2 bed, 2nd floor flat, close to LewesRoad, newly renovated.

Available: NowFurnished: NoPrice: £1,000pcm *fees apply

Devonian Court

2 bed, 2nd floor PB flat, spacious,close to Hove Station.

Available:March 2016Furnished: NoPrice: £1,100pcm *fees apply

Philip Court2 bed, 1st floor flat, close toBrighton Marina and Kemp Town.

Available: NowFurnished:OptionalPrice: £1,125pcm *fees apply

Cliff Road2 bed, 1930s 1st floor flat, south facing balcony, Seven Dials.

Available: NowFurnished: NoPrice: £1,150pcm *fees apply

Old Shoreham Road

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2 bed, 2nd floor, Victorian, fully furnished, close to sea and city.

Available: April 2016Furnished: YesPrice: £1,250pcm *fees apply

Cambridge Road2 bed, 2nd floor Regency flat,Kemp Town, communal gardens.

Available: NowFurnished: NoPrice: £1,250pcm *fees apply

Sussex Square2 bed, GFF, newly built, close to citysea and Brighton Station.

Available:March 2016Furnished: NoPrice: £1,350pcm *fees apply

Sillwood Court

3 bed TFF, Regency townhouse,views, communal gardens.

Available: NowFurnished: NoPrice: £1,750pcm *fees apply

Sussex Square3 bed, TF maisonette, exceptional,new renovation.

Available: NowFurnished: NoPrice: £1,895pcm *fees apply

Salisbury Road2 bed, 2 bath 1st floor apartment,secure parking, balcony.

Available: NowFurnished: YesPrice: £2,200pcm *fees apply

Palmeira Plaza

2 bed LGF Regency flat, 2 patio,communal gardens.

Available:May 2016 Furnished: YesPrice: £2,200pcm *fees apply

Sussex Square5 bed, eco student house, close toUni, garden, parking.

Available: September 2016Furnished: YesPrice: £2,650pcm *fees apply

Bevendean Road

Available:May 2016Furnished:OptionalPrice: £3,900pcm *fees apply

Westbourne Villas

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Holland RoadBrighton £800pcm• One Double Bedroom Flat• Lift, Residents Parking• Energy Rating F, Unfurnished• Available 28th March

Waterloo StreetBrighton £1,400pcm• Three Bedroom Apartment• Just Off Seafront, Arranged over 3 Floors• Energy Rating TBC, Fully Furnished• Available 1st April

01273 770635Western Road

Argus LoftsBrighton £1,050pcm• One Bed Apartment, City Centre Location• Open Plan Kitchen with Appliances• Energy Rating TBC, Unfurnished• Available16th April

Wilbury Road Brighton £1,095pcm• Two Bedroom Flat, Top Floor• Separate Kitchen, Energy Rating C• Unfurnished• Available Now

Brighton Belle Brighton £1,600pcm• Two Double Bedroom Apartment• Next to Brighton Station• Balcony, Energy Rating B• Furnished, Available 25th March

Norfolk Road Brighton £2,700pcm• Four Bedroom House• Two Receptions, Two Roof Terraces & Patio• Energy Rating D, Unfurnished• Available Now

Wick HallBrighton £1,650pcmLet Agreed – MORE NEEDED• Three Bed Apartment• Balcony, Lift Access• Energy Rating C, Furnished

Sussex Heights Brighton £1,600pcm• Two Double Bed Apartment• Modern Fitted Kitchen• Modern Bathroom, Lift Access• Energy Rating D, Furnished, Available 31st March



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Barry WalkKemp Town £1,700pcm• Newly refurbished• Sough after location• 4 bedroom house • South facing garden• Garage, Energy Rating D

Marine SquareKemp Town £1,000pcm• Spacious One Bedroom

Apartment• Seafront Location• Access to Kemptown Enclosures • Ground Floor

Walpole TerraceKemp Town £1,150pcm• Newly Refurbished • 2 Bedroom Apartment • Popular Location • Front & Rear Patio • Energy Rating C

Chichester TerraceKemp Town £1,500pcm• Large Seafront Apartment • South Facing Balcony • 1 Bedroom, 2 Reception Rooms • Stunning Views• Energy Rating E

GreenacresKemp Town £1,350pcmLet Agreed – MORE NEEDED• Two Bed Apartment• Balcony, Allocated Parking• Lift, Separate Kitchen, Energy Rating D

Monterey Court Kemp Town £1,400pcm• Two Double Bed Apartment• Allocated parking• Two Bathrooms, Communal swimming pool• Energy Rating E, Available Now

Robinia Lodge Kemp Town £1,275pcm• Two Double Bedroom Apartment• Separate Dining Room/Bed 3• Allocated Parking, Next to Preston Park Station• Energy Rating C, Available 30th March

Harrington RoadKemp Town £1,150pcm• Two Double Bed Apartment• Close to Preston Park Station• Residents Parking, Energy Rating D• Furnished or Unfurnished, Available Now

01273 620841Kemp Town

01273 556506Preston Park



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bricesw w w . b r i c e s . c o . u k

brices sales & lettings LETTINGS 01273 776633 30C WESTERN ROAD, HOVE BN3 1AF





NEW!BRUNSWICK PLACE,HOVEA two bedroom flat withlots of CHARACTERsituated on the third floorof this GRADE II listedCONVERSION close toWESTERN ROAD andHOVE SEAFRONT. L-shaped entrance hall,21’1 x 13’3 LOUNGE,Shaker style kitchen,bathroom and utility area.STORAGE AND PERIODFEATURES, GCH. EPC C.AVAIL END MARCH £1,250 PCM




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Inside Obama’s WhiteHouse: 100 DaysBBC2, 9pmThe first of a four-partdocumentary examining whatBarack Obama’s presidencypromised, and how he struggledagainst opposition withinCongress to change the shape ofAmerica through its biggesteconomic crash this century.With exclusive insider interviews.

First DatesChannel 4, 9pmLooking for love at best, and atasty meal if that doesn’t workout. Tonight’s collection of blinddates include choir master Jayand investment banker Robbie,burlesque dancer Becky and newcomedian Lewis, as well as A&Econsultant Ruth with her dateUma – who has made a promiseto her late sister.

The AliensE4, 9pmBrand new comedy-drama inwhich aliens – who look oneheck of a lot like humans – live ina ghetto on Earth. When Lewis istold that his real dad is an aliencalled Antoine who needsbreaking out of prison, hecertainly rallies. But such blindfamilial behaviour is not withoutits risks, as he soon discovers.


Sky110.00am Hawaii Five-0 (x2)12.00pm NCIS: Los Angeles1.00 Hawaii Five-0 (x2) 3.00The Holidaymakers 4.00Futurama (x2) 5.00 TheSimpsons 5.30 Futurama(x2) 6.30 The Simpsons (x3)8.00 The Flash 9.00 Stella10.00 NCIS: Los Angeles11.00 Hawaii Five-0 (x2)1.00am Road Wars 2.00Night Cops

BBC47.00pm News 7.30 PagansAnd Pilgrims: Britain’sHoliest Places 8.00 TheTaff: The River That MadeWales 8.30 The BreconBeacons With IoloWilliams 9.00 The OtherPompeii 10.00 Exposed:Magicians, Psychics AndFrauds 11.20 Indian HillRailways 12.20am TheStory Of British Pathé

ITV212.10pm Emmerdale 12.45Coronation Street (x2) 1.45The Ellen DeGeneres Show2.40 Judge Rinder 3.40 TheJeremy Kyle Show (x2)5.50 Take Me Out 7.00You’ve Been Framed! Top100 Animals 8.00 Two AndA Half Men (x2) 9.00 FILM:Run Fat Boy Run (2007)11.05 Family Guy (x2)12.05am American Dad!

ITV39.35am Judge Judy (x3)10.55 Noah’s Ark 12.00pmMurder, She Wrote 1.00Heartbeat 2.05 The Royal3.05 Where The Heart Is4.15 Doctor In The House4.50 In Loving Memory5.20 On The Buses 5.55Heartbeat 7.00 Murder,She Wrote 8.00 MidsomerMurders 10.00 A Touch OfFrost 12.05am Noah’s Ark

E45.00pm New Girl (x2) 6.00The Big Bang Theory (x2)7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 The BigBang Theory 8.00 TheGoldbergs 8.30 The BigBang Theory 9.00 TheAliens. See highlights.10.00 Virtually Famous10.50 Tattoo Fixers 11.55The Big Bang Theory (x2)12.50am The Goldbergs1.20 Brooklyn Nine-Nine

More410.05am Come Dine WithMe 11.10 Four In A Bed (x5)1.55pm Come Dine WithMe (x5) 4.40 A Place In TheSun (x2) 6.50 The Supervet7.55 Grand Designs 9.00Selling Houses WithAmanda Lamb 10.00 Multi-Million Pound Properties11.05 24 Hours In A&E12.10am Ramsay’s KitchenNightmares USA

Film411.00am My DarlingClementine (1946) 1.00pmThe Frogmen (1951) 3.00The Mark Of Zorro (1940)4.50 Butch Cassidy AndThe Sundance Kid (1969)7.05 10 Things I HateAbout You (1999) 9.00 Non-Stop (2014) 11.05Watchmen (2009) 2.10amShogun Assassin (1980)4.00 Close

Syfy2.00pm FILM: Asteroid vsEarth (2014) 4.00 Buffy TheVampire Slayer (x2) 6.00Star Trek: Deep Space Nine7.00 Star Trek: The NextGeneration 8.00 Fact OrFaked: Paranormal Files9.00 FILM: Knights OfBadassdom (2013) 11.00FILM: Tucker And Dale vsEvil (2010) 12.50am FILM:Sharknado (2013)

Victoria Nangle

Channel 46.00am Countdown 6.45 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.10 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.35 Everybody Loves Raymond 8.00 The Morning Line 9.00 Frasier 9.30 Frasier 10.00 Car S.O.S 11.00 Shipping Wars UK 12.00pm Channel 4 News Summary12.05 Food Unwrapped 12.35 Cheltenham Festival: Channel 4Racing 4.30 Three In A Bed 5.00 Couples Come Dine With Me

6.00 The Simpsons 6.30 Hollyoaks John Paul is onedge, worried that someone has acrush on him. 7.00 Channel 4 News8.00 Obsessive CompulsiveCleaners Reality show that matchespeople who can’t stop cleaning withthose in dire need of a tidy. LouiseAndrews has nine kids and a homethat is all about order, with dusttackled several times a day andfingerprints banished from everysurface. She takes a trip toWokingham to visit Paula, whosechaotic home has become a giant toybox for her three-year-old son. 9.00 First Dates See highlights.10.00 Gogglebox A comedic reviewof the week’s TV. 11.05 Very British ProblemsComedy series examining socialawkwardness in British society.James Corden, Jonathan Ross, RuthJones and Stephen Mangan ruminateon Brits’ excruciating inability toexpress emotions and feelings.12.10am PokerStars & Monte-Carlo Casino EPT Grand Final 1.10Cheltenham Festival Highlights 1.50KOTV Boxing Weekly 2.15 GilletteWorld Sport 2.45 MSA British RallyChampionship 3.10 The SuperhumansShow 3.40 Ultimate Dealer 4.05Selling Houses With Amanda Lamb5.05 Deal Or No Deal 5.55 How I MetYour Mother

Channel Five6.00 – 7.10am Children’s television7.10 Little Princess 7.20 Bob TheBuilder 7.35 Thomas & Friends 7.50Noddy In Toyland 8.00 Ben AndHolly’s Little Kingdom 8.15 Peppa Pig8.25 Peppa Pig 8.35 Paw Patrol 8.50Bananas In Pyjamas 9.00 Toot TheTiny Tugboat 9.15 The Wright Stuff11.15 Cowboy Builders 12.10pm 5 News Lunchtime 12.15Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords1.15 Home And Away 1.45Neighbours 2.15 NCIS 3.15 FILM:After All These Years (2012) 5.00 5News At 5 5.30 Neighbours 6.00 Home And Away Ashphysically assaults Charlotte and triesto force her to admit that she setBillie up. 6.30 5 News Tonight 7.00 Police Interceptors Action-packed observational documentaryseries following police responseteams in Durham and Cleveland.8.00 Britain’s Horror HomesDocumentary series. A South Londonhouse is overrun by maggots, in WestSussex a woman’s loft conversion isleft unfinished and a couple inScotland are left homeless after aflash flood ruins their home.9.00 Benefits By The Sea:Jaywick Documentary series aboutthe daily lives of the residents ofEngland’s most deprived town. Darrenintends to ask Tara to marry him, butshe is already married. Fred wants toreunite with his ex-wife, but sherefuses to see him. If alcoholic JP canstay on the wagon, he has a chanceof seeing his children again.10.00 The Best Of Bad TV Clipseries.11.00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us InVegas Magic competition hosted byJonathan Ross. 11.55 On Benefits And ProudDocumentary.12.50am Tattoo Disasters: UK 1.15SuperCasino 3.10 GPs: Behind ClosedDoors 4.00 Wildlife SOS 4.25 DivineDesigns 4.45 House Doctor (x3)

BBC16.00am Breakfast9.15 Heir Hunters 10.00 Homes Under The Hammer11.00 Countryside 999 11.45 Caught Red Handed 12.15pm Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News At One 1.30 South East Today 1.45 Doctors 2.15 WPC 56 3.00 Escape To The Country 3.45 The TV That Made Me 4.30 Flog It! 5.15 Pointless

6.00 BBC News At Six 6.30 South East Today 7.00 The One Show 7.30 EastEnders Tragedy strikes forthe Carters. One resident struggles tokeep a dark secret. Phil continues onhis downward spiral but can anyoneget through to him?8.00 Holby City Hospital drama.Bernie is forced to question what shereally wants when her future at Holbyis put in doubt. Ollie and Zosia’sworld is blown apart when a formerflame of Ollie’s turns up on Darwin. 9.00 Happy Valley Drama seriesabout a Yorkshire police sergeant.Catherine confronts a delusionalFrances, while John’s torment leadshim to desperate measures.10.00 BBC News At Ten 10.30 South East Today 10.45 The Estate We’re In With thebuildings of London’s West HendonEstate deemed beyond repair by thelocal council, this documentaryfollows homeowners and counciltenants as they fight to save theirhomes and campaign against aplanned multimillion-poundregeneration, which they claim isforcing low-income families out ofLondon. 11.45 Shop Well For Less? Helpingfamilies change the way they shopwithout changing their lifestyle. 12.45am Weather For The WeekAhead 12.50 BBC News

6.00am Bostin Bear Club 6.30 TellusA Story (x2) 7.00 Teleshopping 7.30Burn Up With Natalie 8.00Teleshopping 8.30 The Vote 9.00 TheVote 9.30 The Newspapers 10.00 GuyLloyd's Telly Show 10.30 The Vote(x2) 11.30 Tellus A Story (x2) 12.00pmBostin Bear Club 12.30 Barnado'sBelieve In Children 12.45 SlumEchoes 1.00 Latest Homes Live 1.30Guy Lloyd's Telly Show 2.00 Drop thePuck 3.00 Latest TV's Big News 4.00Latest Homes Live 4.30 Burn Up WithNatalie 5.00 Brighton Album ChartShow 5.30 Noise Reel Extra (x2)6.00 Latest News6.25 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow6.30 The Rosies7.00 Under The Radar Paul and Jeffshow and discuss great music videos.7.30 Latest News 7.55 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow8.00 The Vote Frank Le Duc coverslocal and national politics.8.30 Digital Nation The mostinspiring, amazing and amusingstories of the week.9.00 Latest News 9.25 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow9.30 Barnado's Believe InChildren 9.45 Slum Echoes10.00 Here I Come Drama seriesbased on real life stories ofimmigrants living in our society.10.30 Latest News 10.55 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow11.00 Bowlegs 11.30 Arts Alive: Acoustic 12.00am Latest News 12.25 GuyLloyd's 2-Minute Telly Show 12.30Brodian's Basement 1.30 The Vote2.00 Digital Nation 2.30 Here I Come3.00 Barnado's Believe In Children3.15 Slum Echoes 3.30 Bowlegs 4.00Arts Alive: Acoustic 4.30 DigitalNations 5.00 The Rosies 5.30 UnderThe Radar

BBC26.15am Heir Hunters 7.00Countryside 999 7.45 Caught RedHanded 8.15 Emergency RescueDown Under 8.45 Great BritishRailway Journeys 9.15 VictoriaDerbyshire 11.00 BBC News 12.00pm Daily Politics 1.00 The Super League Show 1.45 Coast 2.00 Who Do You Think You Are? 3.00 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 3.55 Mountain 4.55 Terry And Mason’s Great FoodTrip 5.25 Bargain Hunt 6.00 Eggheads Quiz show.6.30 Too Much TV Emma Buntonand Rufus Hound take to the sofa todiscuss what is hot on TV. 7.00 This Farming Life An insightinto modern farming life. Christmas iscoming, but this is no holiday for thefarmers.8.00 Mary Berry’s Easter FeastMary shares her favourite Easterrecipes, such as hot cross buns,simnel cake and roast lamb.9.00 Inside Obama’s White House:100 Days See highlights.10.00 Scrappers: Back In The YardDocumentary following straight-talking scrapyard owner Terry and hisglamorous wife Lyndsay as they fightfor the future of their business andtheir family. Lyndsay announces thatshe and Terry will do a role swap.10.30 Newsnight In-depthinvestigation and analysis of thestories behind the day’s headlineswith Evan Davis.11.15 Miss Transgender: Britain’sNew Beauty Queens Over 40transgender women are battling to becrowned the UK’s first MissTransgender, but also to be acceptedas the women they were born to be. 12.15am Let’s Play Darts For SportRelief 1.15 Dominic Sandbrook: LetUs Entertain You 2.15 Sign Zone:Back In Time For The Weekend 3.15Sign Zone: Cats V Dogs: Which IsBest?

ITV16.00am Good Morning Britain 8.30 Lorraine 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10.30 This Morning 12.30pm Loose Women 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News 2.00 Jeremy Kyle’s Emergency Room 3.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 The Chase

6.00 ITV News Meridian 6.30 ITV Evening News 7.00 Emmerdale Charity has an offerfor Ross. Chrissie and Andy growcloser.7.30 The Inspectors Are ComingDocumentary series following lawenforcement teams up and down thecountry as they battle againstmisbehaving Britain. 8.00 It’s Not Rocket Science Fast-paced science-based entertainmentshow presented by Ben Miller,Romesh Ranganathan and RachelRiley. 9.00 Speeding Wars Two-partprogramme about speeding on theUK’s roads, an emotive subject thatdivides motorists with varyingopinions across the board. In ruralWales, Dyfed Powys Police have aproblem with drivers using their roadsas if they were race-tracks. 10.00 ITV News At Ten 10.40 Rugby Highlights: AvivaPremiership Mark Durden-Smithand Ugo Monye present highlightsfrom New York City as London Irishtake on Saracens at the Red BullArena. 11.40 Davina McCall: Life At TheExtreme Davina McCall takes a leapinto the unknown and explores someof the most extreme places on Earth.12.35am Jackpot247 3.00 LooseWomen 3.50 ITV Nightscreen 5.05The Jeremy Kyle Show




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Horizon: The ImmortalistBBC2, 8pmWho wants to live forever, askedFreddie Mercury. Rather a lot ofpeople, it turns out. Not least ofwhich is Russian internetbillionaire Dmitry Itskov, who hasgathered the world’s leadingneuroscientists, robot buildersand consciousness researchersto see if he can escape hisbiological destiny. Worth a shot.

Person Of InterestChannel 5, 10pmShaw’s taken pole position aschief saver of people of interest,it would seem, stepping up to themark and right into the line of firejoining a group of internationalthieves led by the latest person ofinterest. Thing is, this risksdiscovery by Samaritan, whichnone of us want. And then there’sthe issue of phials of a virus.

The 100E4, 9pmPeace on Earth – it’s not just awish for Christmas. Although itseems almost as elusive to Clarkeas that unicorn she asked Santafor when she was four. She’sdoing her best though, bless her.Meanwhile, Raven finds that shehas become a target – well she isa clever asset – and Murphy runsa dangerous con.


Sky110.00am Hawaii Five-0 (x2)12.00pm NCIS: Los Angeles1.00 Hawaii Five-0 (x2) 3.00The Holidaymakers 4.00Futurama (x2) 5.00 TheSimpsons 5.30 Futurama(x2) 6.30 The Simpsons (x2)7.30 The Simpsons 8.00Arrow 9.00 Limitless 10.00FILM: Cellular (2004)12.00am Hawaii Five-0 (x2)2.00 Night Cops

BBC47.00pm World News Today7.30 Pagans And Pilgrims:Britain’s Holiest Places8.00 Hidden Kingdoms 9.00Seven Ages Of Starlight10.30 Horizon: SwallowedBy A Sinkhole 11.30Ancient Egypt: Life AndDeath In The Valley Of TheKings 12.30am HiddenKingdoms 1.30 DreamingThe Impossible

ITV212.45pm You’ve BeenFramed! Top Tens 1.45 TheEllen Degeneres Show 2.40Judge Rinder 3.40 TheJeremy Kyle Show (x2) 5.50Take Me Out 7.00 You’veBeen Framed And Famous!8.00 Two And A Half Men(x2) 9.00 FILM: The FastAnd The Furious (2001)11.10 Family Guy (x2)12.10am American Dad!

ITV312.00pm Murder, SheWrote 1.05 Heartbeat 2.05The Royal 3.10 Where TheHeart Is 4.20 Doctor In TheHouse 4.55 In LovingMemory 5.25 On The Buses5.55 Heartbeat 7.00Murder, She Wrote 8.00Rosemary And Thyme 9.00Love Your Garden 10.00 ATouch Of Frost 12.15amWire In The Blood

E43.00pm Baby Daddy (x2)4.00 How I Met YourMother (x2) 5.00 New Girl(x2) 6.00 The Big BangTheory (x2) 7.00 Hollyoaks7.30 The Goldbergs 8.00The Big Bang Theory (x2)9.00 The 100. Seehighlights. 10.00Gogglebox 11.00 The BigBang Theory (x2) 12.00amThe Aliens 1.00 Gogglebox

More49.35am Food Unwrapped10.05 Come Dine With Me11.10 Four In A Bed (x5)1.55pm Come Dine WithMe (x5) 4.40 A Place In TheSun (x2) 6.50 The Supervet7.55 Grand Designs 9.00Discovering Britain 10.00 8Out Of 10 Cats DoesCountdown 11.05 24 HoursIn A&E 12.10am Ramsay’sKitchen Nightmares USA

Film411.00am Duel At SilverCreek (1952) 12.35pm TheBest Of Benny Hill (1974)2.15 The Violent Men(1955) 4.10 Above Us TheWaves (1956) 6.20 RobinHood (2010) 9.00 This Is 40(2012) 11.40 The SixthSense (1999) 1.50amThumbsucker (2005) 3.50Close

Sci Fi1.00pm Defiance 2.00FILM: Mega Shark vsCrocosaurus (2010) 4.00Buffy The Vampire Slayer(x2) 6.00 Star Trek: DeepSpace Nine 7.00 Star Trek:The Next Generation 8.00Killjoys 9.00 Extant 10.00FILM: Black Sheep (1996)11.50 Extant 12.50amFILM: Sharknado 2 (2014)2.50 Defiance

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Channel 46.20am How I Met Your Mother 6.45 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.10 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.35 Everybody Loves Raymond 8.00 The Morning Line 9.00 Frasier 9.30 Frasier 10.00 Car S.O.S 11.00 Shipping Wars UK 12.00pm Channel 4 News Summary12.05 Food Unwrapped 12.35 Cheltenham Festival: Channel 4Racing 4.30 Three In A Bed 5.00 Couples Come Dine With Me

6.00 The Simpsons 6.30 Hollyoaks Myra is stunned byher shocking discovery, while Alfietries to do the right thing when he’sfaced with the return of his cancer. 7.00 Channel 4 News8.00 Scruffts: Britain’s FavouriteDog Documentary about six lovablefamily pets competing to win theScruffts title, the Crufts competitionfor the crossbreeds that many of usown as pets. 9.00 24 Hours In A&E Documentaryseries following patients at StGeorge’s Hospital in south westLondon. Gerry, who’s 75, is rushed toA&E with a dangerously high heartrate of over 250 bpm. 10.00 Raised By Wolves Comedy.Aretha is worried about her future, sodecides to go to the localcomprehensive school, promptingmuch discussion of the family’s homeeducation credo. 10.35 How To Get A CouncilHouse Documentary series. 11.35 My Big Fat Asian WeddingObservational documentary.12.35am Live From Abbey Road:Music On 4 1.05 CheltenhamFestival Highlights 1.50 The TrainerAnd The Racehorse: The Legend OfFrankel 2.45 FILM: Comanche Station(1960) 4.05 Location, Location,Location 5.00 Selling Houses WithAmanda Lamb 5.55 How I Met YourMother

Channel Five6.00 – 6.55am Children’s television6.55 Pip Ahoy! 7.10 Little Princess7.20 Bob The Builder 7.35 Thomas &Friends 7.50 Noddy In Toyland 8.00Ben And Holly’s Little Kingdom 8.15Peppa Pig 8.25 Peppa Pig 8.35 PawPatrol 8.50 Bananas In Pyjamas 9.00Toot The Tiny Tugboat 9.15 TheWright Stuff 11.15 Cowboy Builders 12.10pm 5 News Lunchtime 12.15Trauma Doctors: Every Second Counts1.15 Home And Away 1.45Neighbours 2.15 NCIS: Los Angeles3.15 FILM: Damaged (2014) 5.00 5News At 5 5.30 Neighbours 6.00 Home And Away Evie usesDenny’s wedding gift to persuadeLeah and Zac not to cancel theceremony, it is not what Denny wouldhave wanted. 6.30 5 News Tonight 7.00 The Nightmare NeighbourNext Door Documentary seriesabout Britain’s feuding neighbours. 8.00 GPs: Behind Closed DoorsObservational reality series filmedinside the consulting rooms at theBalham Park Surgery, a busy NHSpractice in south-west London. 9.00 Nightmare Tenants, SlumLandlords Documentary series inwhich cameras follow the victims andvillains of the buy-to-let boom. Aretired secretary has to visit hertenant in prison in order to retakepossession of her buy-to-let flat.10.00 Person Of Interest Seehighlights.11.00 Person Of Interest Drama.Reese volunteers as an NYPD policeacademy instructor in order to keepan eye on a talented young officer,who is spying on her fellow recruits.Samaritan orders Martine Rousseauto find and kill Shaw.11.55 Law & Order: SpecialVictims Unit Police drama series.12.45am True Crimes: The First 72Hours 1.15 SuperCasino 3.10 TraumaDoctors: Every Second Counts 4.00Wildlife SOS 4.25 Divine Designs4.45 House Doctor (x3)

BBC16.00am Breakfast 9.15 Heir Hunters 10.00 Homes Under The Hammer11.00 Countryside 999 11.45 Caught Red Handed 12.15pm Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News At One 1.30 South East Today 1.45 Doctors 2.15 WPC 56 3.00 Escape To The Country 3.45 The TV That Made Me 4.30 Flog It! 5.15 Pointless

6.00 BBC News At Six 6.30 South East Today 7.00 The One Show 8.00 Shop Well For Less? AlexJones and business journalist StephMcGovern are on a mission to helpfamilies change the way they shopwithout changing their lifestyle. Inthis episode, Steph and Alex are inHertfordshire with a family who loveto shop as a way of spending timetogether and having fun, but it’s anexpensive pastime and this family arehoping they can become cannier withtheir cash. 9.00 Famous, Rich And HomelessFour Sport Relief volunteers immersethemselves in the lives of real peopleliving with long-term homelessness.Comedian Nick Hancock, TVpresenter Julia Bradbury, formersnooker player Willie Thorne andcelebrity cleaner Kim Woodburn mustnot only deal with the business ofday-to-day survival on the streets, butthe reality of people’s livesunravelling in front of them. 10.00 BBC News At Ten 10.30 South East Today 10.45 The Richard DimblebyLecture 201611.30 Pompeii: New SecretsRevealed With Mary BeardDocumentary. 12.30am Weather For The WeekAhead 12.35 BBC News

6.00am Bostin Bear Club 6.30 TellusA Story (x2) 7.00 Teleshopping 7.30 Burn Up With Natalie 8.00Teleshopping 8.30 The Vote 9.00 TheVote 9.30 The Rosies 10.00 DigitalNation 10.30 The Vote 11.00 The Vote11.30 Tellus A Story 11.45 Tellus AStory 12.00pm Bostin Bear Club12.30 BollyHeat 1.00 Barnado'sBelieve In Children 1.15 Slum Echoes1.30 The Rosies 2.00 Rugby AM3.00 Latest TV's Big News 4.00 We Are Stardust 4.30 Carib-Asian Cookery 5.00 Under The Radar5.30 Under The Radar6.00 Latest News6.25 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow6.30 Movie Line7.00 Latest Homes Live7.30 Latest News7.55 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow8.00 The Vote Frank Le Duc is joinedby guests to cover local and nationalpolitics.8.30 Guy Lloyd's Telly Show GuyLloyd explores the subjects thataffect our everyday life.9.00 Latest News 9.25 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow9.30 F-Stop F-Stop showcases thebest film makers, animators andvideo artists in the East Midlands.This week: David Lilley.10.30 Latest News10.55 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow11.00 On The Verge New soundsand breaking bands.11.30 CoquetBar Breakfast InBrighton 12.00am Latest News 12.55 GuyLloyd's 2-Minute Telly Show 12.30 DJBox Sessions 1.30 The Vote 2.00 GuyLloyd's Telly Show 2.30 F-Stop 3.30On The Verge 4.00 CoquetBarBreakfast In Brighton 4.30 Guy Lloyd'sTelly Show 5.00 Movie Line 5.30Noise Reel

BBC26.15am Heir Hunters 7.00 Countryside 999 7.45 Caught Red Handed 8.15 Emergency Rescue Down Under 8.45 Great British Menu 9.15 Victoria Derbyshire 11.00 BBC News 11.30 The Budget 3.45pm Britain’s Lost Routes WithGriff Rhys Jones 4.45 Terry And Mason’s Great FoodTrip 5.15 Bargain Hunt

6.00 Eggheads Quiz show.6.30 Too Much TV A celebration ofall things television. 7.00 This Farming Life It’s Januaryand the New Year brings wildweather. On the Isle of Lewis in theOuter Hebrides on the edge of theAtlantic, ex-barrister-turned-crofterSandy Granville is surveying thedamage to his croft after one of theworst storms on record. 8.00 Horizon: The Immortalist Seehighlights.9.00 Brendan O’Carroll: My FamilyAt War10.00 Live From The BBC FelicityWard, an Australian comedian,performs a live stand-up set alongwith Scottish comedian Larry Dean,who was crowned Scottish Comedianof the Year at just 23. Larry has beennominated for Fosters EdinburghComedy Awards: Best Newcomer2015. Larry divulges that he callshimself Feminem, whilst Felicityintroduces the audience to her twofriends, the Blues Brothers.10.30 Newsnight11.15 Inside Obama’s WhiteHouse: 100 Days12.15am Land Of Hope And Glory -British Country Life 1.15 DominicSandbrook: Let Us Entertain You 2.15Sign Zone: The Great Sport ReliefBake Off 3.15 Sign Zone: Nature’sMiracle Orphans 4.15 Sign Zone: MyBaby, Psychosis And Me

ITV16.00am Good Morning Britain 8.30 Lorraine 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10.30 This Morning 12.15pm The Chancellor’s Budget: AnITV News Special 2.00 Jeremy Kyle’s Emergency Room 3.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 The Chase

6.00 ITV News Meridian 6.30 ITV Evening News 7.00 Emmerdale Aaron faces Gordonin court. 7.30 Coronation Street Sarah isrocked by a pregnancy scare. 8.00 Big Star’s Little Star9.00 Grantchester Drama series setin the 1950s. When Theo Grahamconfesses to Sidney and Geordie thathe attacked and killed his landlordEric Whittaker, they rush to theboarding house and find the allegedvictim alive and well, along with histeenage daughter Joan and herstepmother Vivian. Back at thestation, despite his protestations thatEric will come after him, Geordiesends the young man on his way.Just hours later, Eric is killed in a hitand run.10.00 ITV News At Ten 10.45 UEFA Champions LeagueHighlights Mark Pougatch is joinedby Roy Keane and Lee Dixon forhighlights of the week’s UEFAChampions League knockout roundsecond leg matches as the fate ofArsenal and Manchester City in thisyear’s competition are decided. 11.50 Bear Grylls: MissionSurvive Bear Grylls presents theseries in which celebrities face a 12-day survival mission in the dangerouswilderness of the South African bush. 12.45am Jackpot247 3.00 ITVNightscreen 5.05 Jeremy Kyle Show

¸ terrestrial


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Albion NightLatest TV, 7.30pmWe are a city of football fans.Just take a stroll through thecentre of town on match day andyou’ll see the blue and whitescarves flying through the streetsas testament to that. So this is areal treat – two hours of newsabout the squads, competitionsand classic games from thearchives. Oh yeah, and enjoy.

Jo Brand’s Hell Of A WalkFor Sport ReliefBBC1, 9pmJo Brand is walking across thewidth of England in seven days.She admits she’s not fit, buthopes her efforts will be inspiringto middle aged overweightwomen across the country. GoJo! Not that it’s easy, taking it outof her mentally and physically,but helped by her fab friends.

DC’s Legends Of TomorrowSky1, 8pmOh yeah! Get in! Moresuperpowered beings roamingthe world getting into all kinds ofscrapes for our very delightedentertainment. And there’s awhole gang of them this time. Notthat they’re not morallyambiguous, as Snartdemonstrates when he sends Jaxto steal a valuable gem.


Sky112.00pm NCIS: Los Angeles1.00 Hawaii Five-0 (x2) 3.00The Holidaymakers 4.00Futurama (x2) 5.00 TheSimpsons 5.30 Futurama(x2) 6.30 The Simpsons (x3)8.00 DC’s Legends OfTomorrow. See highlights.9.00 Childhood’s End 11.00Stan Lee’s Lucky Man12.00am Hawaii Five-0 (x2)2.00 Night Cops

BBC47.00pm News 7.30 The SkyAt Night 8.00 Indian HillRailways 9.00 Digging ForBritain 10.00 Bullseyes AndBeer: When Darts Hit Britain- Timeshift 11.00 Sappho:Love & Life On Lesbos WithMargaret Mountford12.00am Only Yesterday:The Carpenters Story 1.00Duets At The BBC 2.00Pappano’s Classical Voices

ITV21.45pm The EllenDeGeneres Show 2.40Judge Rinder 3.40 TheJeremy Kyle Show (x2) 5.55Take Me Out 6.45 The HotDesk 7.00 You’ve BeenFramed! 8.00 Two And AHalf Men (x2) 9.00 Scorpion10.00 Celebrity Juice 11.00The Vacuum 11.30 FamilyGuy (x2) 12.30am AmericanDad! (x2) 1.25 The Vacuum

ITV39.35am Judge Judy (x3)10.55 Noah’s Ark 12.00pmMurder, She Wrote 1.05Heartbeat 2.05 The Royal3.10 Where The Heart Is4.20 Doctor In The House4.50 In Loving Memory5.20 On The Buses 5.55Heartbeat 7.00 Murder,She Wrote 8.00 Foyle’sWar 10.00 A Touch Of Frost12.05am Wire In The Blood

E49.00am New Girl (x2) 10.00Baby Daddy (x2) 11.00Charmed (x2) 1.00pm HowI Met Your Mother (x2) 2.00The Big Bang Theory (x10)7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 TheBig Bang Theory (x3) 9.00Brooklyn Nine-Nine (x2)10.00 The Inbetweeners(x2) 11.10 The Big BangTheory (x2) 12.05am TattooFixers 1.05 Rude Tube

More410.05am Come Dine WithMe Extra Portions 11.10Four In A Bed (x5) 1.55pmCome Dine With Me (x5)4.40 A Place In The Sun(x2) 6.50 The Supervet 7.55Grand Designs 9.00 TheGood Wife 10.00 ThickerThan Water 11.20 GadgetMan 11.55 Gadget Man12.30am 8 Out Of 10 CatsDoes Countdown

Film411.00am The Bridges AtToko-Ri (1954) 1.10pm TheSons Of Katie Elder (1965)3.40 The Victors (1963)6.50 Rat Race (2001) 9.00 2Guns (2013) 11.10Daredevil (2003) 1.15amThe Yellow Sea (2010) 4.00Close

Syfy1.00pm Defiance 2.00FILM: San Andreas Quake(2015) 4.00 Buffy TheVampire Slayer (x2) 6.00Star Trek: Deep Space Nine7.00 Star Trek: The NextGeneration 8.00 Extant9.00 FILM: Lesbian VampireKillers (2009) 11.00 FILM:Infestation (2009) 1.00amFILM: Sharknado 3: Oh HellNo! (2015) 2.50 Defiance

Victoria Nangle

Channel 46.20am How I Met Your Mother 6.45 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.10 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.35 Everybody Loves Raymond 8.00 The Morning Line 9.00 Frasier 9.30 Frasier 10.00 Car S.O.S 11.00 Shipping Wars UK 12.00pm Channel 4 News Summary12.05 Food Unwrapped 12.35 Cheltenham Festival: Channel 4Racing 4.30 Three In A Bed 5.00 Couples Come Dine With Me 6.00 The Simpsons 6.30 Hollyoaks Joanne threatens toexpose Lisa’s secret identity. 7.00 Channel 4 News8.00 Ugly House To Lovely HouseWith George Clarke Design serieswith George Clarke. Tammy andStuart have a budget of £50,000 totransform their outdated bungalow inWest Sussex into a family home.Renowned architect Will Alsopdesigns a unique barrel-vaultedextension for the bungalow.9.00 Speed With Guy Martin Seriesin which motorcycle racer and lorrymechanic Guy Martin explores theboundaries of speed. 10.00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man AlanCarr hosts his light-hearted chatshow. Alan is joined by reformed girlgroup All Saints for an exclusive chatabout their comeback, and performtheir new single One Strike.11.05 Tattoo Fixers Reality series inwhich tattoo artists join forces to fixthe UK’s shocking tattoocatastrophes. 12.10am Cheltenham FestivalHighlights 12.55 Ramsay’s KitchenNightmares USA 1.45 Royal NavySchool 2.40 Housing BenefitMillionaires: Channel 4 Dispatches3.10 Richard III: The Princes In TheTower 4.05 Location, Location,Location 5.00 Selling Houses WithAmanda Lamb 5.55 How I Met YourMother

Channel Five6.00 – 6.50am Children’s television6.50 Peppa Pig 6.55 Pip Ahoy! 7.10Little Princess 7.20 Bob The Builder7.35 Thomas & Friends 7.50 Noddy InToyland 8.00 Ben And Holly’s LittleKingdom 8.15 Peppa Pig 8.25 PeppaPig 8.35 Paw Patrol 8.50 Bananas InPyjamas 9.00 Toot The Tiny Tugboat9.15 The Wright Stuff 11.15 Cowboy Builders 12.10pm 5 News Lunchtime 12.15Britain’s Horror Homes 1.15 HomeAnd Away 1.45 Neighbours 2.15 NCIS3.15 FILM: Dispatch (2015) 5.00 5News At 5 5.30 Neighbours 6.00 Home And Away Charlottegatecrashes Zac and Leah’s weddingand proceeds to list all of the secretsthat the guests are hiding. 6.30 5 News Tonight 7.00 Ben Fogle: New Lives In TheWild UK Documentary series as Benmeets those who have escaped thedaily grind. 8.00 Secret Life Of The FamilyDocumentary series which capturesthe lives of six British families 24hours a day, 7 days a week. 9.00 Trauma Doctors: EverySecond Counts Observationaldocumentary series following thedoctors and paramedics of London’sAir Ambulance and the specialisttrauma team at the Royal LondonHospital. The air ambulance is on thescene minutes after an elderlywoman is hit by an HGV, before beingcalled to respond to a windowcleaner who has fallen off his ladder.10.00 Britain’s Worst Crimes: AprilJones Documentary series delvinginto some of the most chilling crimesin British history, presented byDermot Murnaghan. 11.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take ItAway! Heartbreaking stories ofpeople on the sharp end of bad debt. 12.00am SuperCasino 3.10 KittenImpossible 4.00 Wildlife SOS 4.25Divine Designs 4.45 House Doctor(x3)

BBC16.00am Breakfast 9.15 Heir Hunters 10.00 Homes Under The Hammer11.00 Countryside 999 11.45 Caught Red Handed 12.15pm Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News At One 1.30 South East Today 1.45 Doctors 2.15 WPC 56 3.00 Escape To The Country 3.45 The TV That Made Me 4.30 Flog It! 5.15 Pointless

6.00 BBC News At Six6.30 South East Today7.00 The One Show7.30 EastEnders The Carter familyrealise their lives may never be thesame. Shocking truths come to lightthreatening to tear one family apart. 7.57 BBC News; Regional News 8.00 Room 101 Frank Skinner hosts aspecial addition featuring the bestbits from the series and loads ofbrilliant stuff which you haven’t seenbefore. Guests compete to have theirpet hates and peeves consigned toRoom 101. Subjects include HotelCheck In And Check Out, Grumpy Kidsand Men Who Get Grumpier WithAge.8.30 EastEnders The Carterscontinue to drift apart. Phil turns toan old friend for help but will theylisten? One resident makes a toughdecision about their future.9.00 Jo Brand’s Hell Of A WalkFor Sport Relief See highlights.10.00 BBC News At Ten10.30 South East Today 10.45 Question Time Topical debatewith a panel of prominent publicfigures and an invited audience.11.45 This Week A political reviewof the week presented by AndrewNeil, with Michael Portillo andguests.12.30am Weather For The WeekAhead 12.35 BBC News

6.00am Bostin Bear Club 6.30 TellusA Story (x2) 7.00 Teleshopping 7.30Burn Up With Natalie 8.00Teleshopping 8.30 The Vote 9.00 TheVote 9.30 Movie Line 10.00 BollyHeat10.30 The Vote 11.00 The Vote 11.30 Tellus A Story (x2)12.00pm Bostin Bear Club12.30 Barnado's Believe In Children12.45 Slum Echoes 1.00 Movie Line 1.30 We are Stardust 2.00 Here ICome 2.30 Carib-Asian Cookery 3.00Latest TV's Big News 4.00 Cook It4.30 Northern Cuisine 5.00 Arts Alive(x2)6.00 Latest News The latest newswhere we are, the latest sportsnews, plus national and internationalupdates, and the up-to-date forecastfor your area and beyond.6.25 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow6.30 You Make It, We Show It!Latest Bill, Nelda Pereira and DavidNetherton present films made by you,the great Brighton public.7.00 Digital Nation The best ofLocal TV from across the UK.Featuring the stories you may notnormally see, whether quirky, comicor hard-hitting, prepare to learn morefrom our local TV channels.7.30 Albion Night See highlights.10.30 Latest News The latest newswhere we are, the latest sportsnews, plus national and internationalupdates, and the up-to-date forecastfor your area and beyond.10.55 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow11.00 Brighton Album Chart Show 11.30 Under The Radar Paul Mexand Jeff Hemmings show and discussgreat music videos that may havebeen under your radar.12.00am Latest News 12.25 GuyLloyd's 2-Minute Telly Show 12.30Arts Alive 1.00 Albion Night 4.00 Brighton Album Chart Show 4.30 Under The Radar 5.00 You Make It, We Show It! 5.30 Digital Nation

BBC26.15am Heir Hunters 7.00Countryside 999 7.45 Caught RedHanded 8.15 The Great InteriorDesign Challenge 9.15 VictoriaDerbyshire 11.00 BBC News 12.00pm Daily Politics 1.00 The Chef’s Protege 1.30 Portillo’s State Secrets 2.00 Who Do You Think You Are? 3.00 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 3.55 Britain’s Lost Routes With GriffRhys Jones 4.50 Terry And Mason’s Great FoodTrip 5.20 Bargain Hunt 6.00 Eggheads Quiz show.6.30 Too Much TV Emma Buntonand Aled Jones give you thelowdown on telly. 7.00 Big Dreams Small SpacesMonty Don travels around the countryhelping amateurs to create thegarden of their dreams.8.00 The Secret History Of MyFamily The true story of twoVictorian mothers, Lavinia andFlorence, from opposite ends of thesocial scale - brought together bydomestic violence. 9.00 Murder Drama series. Ten yearsago three men were convicted of themurder of PC Stuart Durridge in thepresence of his daughter Jess. Now17, Jess has ended up behind barsherself. Due for release in themorning, Jess struggles to come toterms with the legacy of her father’smurder.10.00 Stewart Lee’s ComedyVehicle Stewart Lee’s award-winning stand-up series. In thisepisode, Stewart looks at patriotism.10.30 Newsnight11.15 Brendan O’Carroll: MyFamily At War12.15am Britain’s Tudor Treasure:A Night At Hampton Court 1.15Dominic Sandbrook: Let Us EntertainYou 2.15 Sign Zone: Panorama 2.45Sign Zone: Let’s Play Darts For SportRelief 3.45 Sign Zone: How To Die:Simon’s Choice

ITV16.00am Good Morning Britain 8.30 Lorraine 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10.30 This Morning 12.30pm Loose Women 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News 2.00 Jeremy Kyle’s Emergency Room 3.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 The Chase

6.00 ITV News Meridian6.30 ITV Evening News 7.00 Emmerdale Liv causes troublefor Aaron. Laurel holds her hen do. 7.30 Alcohol - How Much Is TooMuch?: Tonight As tough guidelineshave cut the recommended drinkinglimits and new research claimsalcohol can increase risk of cancer,Jonathan Maitland investigates justhow much is too much when it comesto drink.8.00 Emmerdale Doug cannot hidehis true feelings. 8.30 The Cruise Documentary seriesthat follows the crew who live andwork on board the cruise ship RegalPrincess for up to nine months.9.00 Bear Grylls: Mission SurviveBear Grylls presents the series inwhich celebrities face a 12-daysurvival mission in the dangerouswilderness of the South African bush. 10.00 ITV News At Ten 10.40 UEFA Europa LeagueHighlights Mark Pougatch presentshighlights from the Europa League asManchester United entertainLiverpool in the second leg of the lastsixteen. 11.55 Speeding Wars Two-partprogramme about speeding on theUK’s roads.12.45am Jackpot247 3.00 Alcohol -How Much Is Too Much?: Tonight3.25 ITV Nightscreen 5.05 TheJeremy Kyle Show




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Unreported WorldChannel 4, 7.30pmReporter Marcel Theroux anddirector Victoria Bell visitMalaysia, where the governmenthas declared transgender peopleto be the enemy of Islam. Therethey meet some of thetransgender women currentlyliving in what human rightsgroups consider the worse placein the world to be trans.

NCIS: New OrleansChannel 5, 9pmTime to see what happens whenTennessee Williams meetsColumbo yet again. Every episodebeckons like a Sandals advertwith the attractions of NewOrleans, while at the same timesearching for the next clue to findthe killer of the drone pilot on thetrail of some mysteriousevidence. At least this one does.

Arena: Loretta Lynn –Still A Mountain GirlBBC4, 9pmShe really was born a coalminer’s daughter. Seriously. It’snot just a song. Loretta Lynn, stillperforming in the eighties, looksback at her incredible life thatreads like one of the countrysongs she sings. Featuring WillieNelson, Sheryl Crow, Jack White,Sissy Spacek and Loretta herself.


Sky110.00am Hawaii Five-0 (x2)12.00pm NCIS: Los Angeles1.00 Hawaii Five-0 (x2) 3.00The Holidaymakers 4.00Futurama (x2) 5.00 TheSimpsons 5.30 Futurama(x2) 6.30 The Simpsons (x3)8.00 Dogs Might Fly 9.00Stan Lee’s Lucky Man 10.00Stella 11.00 Hawaii Five-0(x2) 1.00am Road Wars2.00 Night Cops

BBC47.00pm News 7.30 Top OfThe Pops: 1981 8.00 JohnWilliams At The BBC 9.00Arena: Loretta Lynn - Still AMountain Girl. Seehighlights. 10.30 CountryQueens At The BBC 11.30Dolly Parton @ Glastonbury2014 12.40am Top Of ThePops: 1981 1.15 Arena:Loretta Lynn - Still AMountain Girl

ITV21.15pm You’ve BeenFramed! 1.45 The EllenDeGeneres Show 2.40Judge Rinder 3.40 TheJeremy Kyle Show (x2) 5.50Take Me Out 7.00 FunniestEver You’ve Been Framed!Family Special 8.00 TwoAnd A Half Men (x2) 9.00FILM: The Break-Up (2006)11.10 Family Guy (x2)12.10am American Dad!

ITV310.55am Noah’s Ark12.00pm Murder, SheWrote 1.00 Heartbeat 2.05The Royal 3.05 Where TheHeart Is 4.15 Doctor In TheHouse 4.50 In LovingMemory 5.20 On The Buses5.55 Heartbeat 7.00Murder, She Wrote 8.00Agatha Christie’s Marple10.00 Midsomer Murders12.00am A Touch Of Frost

E42.00pm The Big BangTheory (x2) 3.00 BabyDaddy (x2) 4.00 How I MetYour Mother (x2) 5.00 NewGirl (x2) 6.00 The Big BangTheory (x2) 7.00 Hollyoaks7.30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine8.00 The Big Bang Theory(x2) 9.00 FILM: Limitless(2011) 11.05 The Big BangTheory (x2) 12.00am TattooFixers (x2)

More410.05am Come Dine WithMe 11.10 Four In A Bed(x5) 1.55pm Come DineWith Me (x5) 4.40 A PlaceIn The Sun (x2) 6.50 TheSupervet 7.55 Great CanalJourneys 9.00 Spin 10.00 8Out Of 10 Cats DoesCountdown 11.05 8 Out Of10 Cats Does Countdown12.10am Ramsay’s KitchenNightmares USA

Film411.00am Battle Of TheRiver Plate (1956) 1.25pmOh! What A Lovely War(1969) 4.10 The Tall T(1957) 5.50 Australia (2008)9.00 Fantastic Four (2005)11.05 Boxer From Shantung(1972) 1.40am God BlessAmerica (2011)

Sci Fi1.00pm Defiance 2.00FILM: IndependenceDaysaster (2013) 4.00 BuffyThe Vampire Slayer (x2)6.00 Star Trek: Deep SpaceNine 7.00 Star Trek: TheNext Generation 8.00Killjoys 9.00 FILM:Waterworld (1995) 11.50FILM: The Hollow (2015)1.40am FILM: Tucker AndDale vs Evil (2010)

Victoria Nangle

Channel 46.20am How I Met Your Mother 6.45 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.10 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.35 Everybody Loves Raymond 8.00 The Morning Line 9.00 Frasier 9.30 Frasier 10.00 Car S.O.S 11.00 Shipping Wars UK 12.00pm Channel 4 News Summary12.05 Food Unwrapped 12.35 Cheltenham Festival: Channel 4Racing 4.30 Three In A Bed 5.00 Couples Come Dine With Me 6.00 The Simpsons 6.30 Hollyoaks Myra braces herselffor a financial windfall, but will herplans ruin Tony for good? 7.00 Channel 4 News 7.30 Unreported World Seehighlights.8.00 Grand Designs Property designseries. Angelo Mastropietro plans tospend £100,000 turning a darkabandoned cave into a retreat to helphim cope with a recent diagnosis ofmultiple sclerosis. Months of carving,cutting and drilling into the hillsideare needed just to create the roomsand prepare the space for electricityand running water, let alone make thecave comfortable for contemporaryliving.9.00 Formula 1: Fast And Furious Apreview of Channel 4’s coverage ofthe 2016 Formula 1 season.9.05 Gogglebox A comedic reviewof the week’s TV. Viewers share sharpcritiques from their sofas.10.05 The Last Leg Adam Hills, JoshWiddicombe and Alex Brooker hostthe satirical comedy series that looksback at the week’s main talkingpoints. The guest is Louis Theroux.11.10 First Dates Dating series. 12.15am Raised By Wolves 12.45Cheltenham Festival Highlights 1.30Virtually Famous 2.15 FILM: Sex Drive(2008) 4.05 Ultimate Dealer 4.30Location, Location, Location 5.25 DealOr No Deal

Channel Five6.00 – 6.55am Children’s television6.55 Pip Ahoy! 7.10 Little Princess7.20 Bob The Builder 7.35 Thomas &Friends 7.50 Noddy In Toyland 8.00Ben And Holly’s Little Kingdom 8.15Peppa Pig 8.25 Peppa Pig 8.35 PawPatrol 8.50 Bananas In Pyjamas 9.00Toot The Tiny Tugboat 9.15 TheWright Stuff 11.15 Cowboy Builders 12.10pm 5 News Lunchtime 12.15Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! 1.15Home And Away 1.45 Neighbours2.15 NCIS 3.15 FILM: Abducted: TheCarlina White Story (2012) 5.00 5News At 5 5.30 Neighbours 6.00 Home And Away Nateproposes to Ricky during the weddingreception and she says yes. 6.30 5 News Tonight 7.00 The Gadget Show Action-packed consumer show presented byJason Bradbury, Amy Williams, OrtisDeley and Jon Bentley. 8.00 That’s So... 1984 Series thatlooks back on different years from the1980s and 90s via the news, pop andTV archives. Reagan joked aboutbombing Russia, Scargill took onThatcher, Torvill and Dean won theOlympics with their Bolero, and BobGeldof created Band Aid.9.00 NCIS: New Orleans Seehighlights.9.55 NCIS Drama series. TheSecretary of the Navy assigns theNCIS team to a joint terrorism taskforce after a naval research scientistis murdered and the lead suspect iswanted by the Russian government. 10.55 NCIS: Los Angeles US policedrama series. Sam goes undercoverin prison to investigate a highlysecretive terror group. Callenuncovers and pursues a clue to hispast.11.50 True Crimes: The First 72Hours Award-winning part-dramatised crime documentary series.12.15am SuperCasino 3.10 90 Cats& Counting: Cat Crazies 4.00 41 DogsIn A 3-Bed Semi 4.45 House Doctor5.10 House Doctor 5.35 House Doctor

BBC16.00am Breakfast 9.15 Heir Hunters 10.00 Homes Under The Hammer11.00 Countryside 999 11.45 Caught Red Handed 12.15pm Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News At One 1.30 South East Today 1.45 Doctors 2.15 WPC 56 3.00 Escape To The Country 3.45 The TV That Made Me 4.30 Flog It! 5.15 Pointless

6.00 BBC News At Six6.30 South East Today 7.00 Sport Relief 2016 Gary Linekerand David Walliams kick off thebiggest Sport Relief night ever livefrom Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park,packed with appearances from thebest sport and entertainment talent inthe UK. Sporting encounter Clash ofthe Titans returns as two celebrityteams, captained by cricketing heroFreddie Flintoff MBE and Olympiclegend Sir Steve Redgrave, go headto head in five events across thenight. David Walliams returns withhis anarchic Little Britain characterEmily Howard alongside formerEngland striker Peter Crouch,comedian Mickey Flanagan and theEngland women’s football team ‘TheLionesses’. Comedian Jo Brandreceives a hero’s welcome and sharesthe unique experience of her ‘Hell ofa Walk’. EastEnders star Lacey Turnerjoins the line-up to reveal more abouther character Stacey’s recentexperiences, while Michael Crawfordis back in a beret as Frank Spencerreturns to the BBC after nearly 40years for more calamitous events onthe track with Sir Bradley Wiggins. 10.00 BBC News At Ten 10.25 South East Today 10.35 Sport Relief 2016 1.00am The Celebrity ApprenticeUSA 2.25 Weather For The WeekAhead 2.30 BBC News

6.00am Bostin Bear Club 6.30 TellusA Story (x2) 7.00 Teleshopping 7.30Burn Up With Natalie 8.00Teleshopping 8.30 The Vote 9.00 TheVote 9.30 BollyHeat 10.00 Barnado'sBelieve In Children 10.15 SlumEchoes 10.30 The Vote 11.00 TheVote 11.30 Tellus A Story 11.45 TellusA Story12.00pm Bostin Bear Club 12.30 YouMake It, We Show It! 1.00 In Focus1.30 BollyHeat 2.00 Cook It 2.30Northern Cuisine 3.00 Latest TV's BigNews 4.00 The Vote 4.30 Under TheRadar 5.00 The 2ube Live7.00 Guy Lloyd's Telly Show:Phones and Friends Time to phonea friend?7.30 Latest News7.55 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow8.00 The Vote Frank Le Duc coverslocal and national politics and theupcoming key elections for our future. 8.30 Brighton Album Chart ShowA new concept in TV charts. Ourmonthly top 10 is compiled solelyfrom albums bought in Brighton'sindependent cult store, ResidentRecords. 9.00 Noise Reel David and Ellie hostBrighton's first and foremost localmusic entertainment show.9.30 CoquetBar Breakfast InBrighton Climb aboard Nick Coquet'smisty-eyed, musical merry-go-round.10.00 DJ Box Get to know the worldof DJing and dance music. 10.30 Latest News11.00 On The Verge 11.30 Noise Floor12.00am Bowlegs 12.30 Under TheRadar 1.00 Under The Radar 1.30Latest News 1.55 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute Telly Show 2.00 Kick Out TheJams 2.30 Brighton Album ChartShow 3.00 Noise Reel 3.30CoquetBar Breakfast In Brighton 4.00 DJ Box4.30 Under The Radar 5.00 On The Verge 5.30 Kick Out The Jams

BBC26.15am Heir Hunters 7.00Countryside 999 7.45 Caught RedHanded 8.15 Sea Cities: Plymouth9.15 Victoria Derbyshire 11.00 BBC News 12.00pm Daily Politics 1.00 The Chef’s Protege 1.30 Portillo’s State Secrets 2.00 Who Do You Think You Are? 3.00 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 3.55 Britain’s Lost Routes With GriffRhys Jones 4.55 Terry And Mason’s Great FoodTrip 5.25 Bargain Hunt 6.00 Eggheads Quiz show.6.30 Too Much TV Reviewing all thecurrent TV shows.7.00 Mary Berry’s Easter FeastMary discovers the diverse traditionsfollowed British families andcommunities during Lent and GoodFriday.8.00 Mastermind John Humphrysinvites five more contenders toanswer questions in the black chair inthe penultimate semi-final.8.30 Gardeners’ World As part ofhis planning for summer Montybegins to sow annual climbers andgets started on tidying and mulchinghis borders. 9.00 Land Of Hope And Glory -British Country Life Seriescapturing the glory and eccentricity ofthe men and women who live therural life. Jane Treays discovers theworld of Country Life magazine andthe meaning of beauty to people inthe countryside.10.00 Sport Relief 2016 JohnBishop, Claudia Winkleman andDavina McCall keep the hits comingas we switch over to BBC2. 10.40 Newsnight In-depthinvestigation and analysis of thestories behind the day’s headlines.11.10 Artsnight Magazine arts show. 11.40 The People V OJ Simpson:American Crime Story12.30am Athletics: WorldChampionships 2016

ITV16.00am Good Morning Britain 8.30 Lorraine 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10.30 This Morning 12.30pm Loose Women 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News 2.00 Jeremy Kyle’s Emergency Room 3.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 The Chase

6.00 ITV News Meridian6.30 ITV Evening News7.00 Emmerdale It is Laurel andAshley’s wedding day. Robert growssuspicious of Liv’s questions. Chrissiemakes a faux pas.7.30 Coronation Street Billy and Evago on a stake out. Kevin demands thetruth. Kylie gets a shock at Freddie’shouse.8.00 Best Walks With A ViewWith Julia Bradbury Julia Bradburychooses some of her favourite andmost accessible family treks fromacross the UK, in search of theperfect walk with a view suitable forall experience levels. 8.30 Coronation Street Aidansquares up to the O’Driscolls. Kevinproves his mettle to Anna. Kylie’sheart goes out to a grieving Freddie.9.00 It’ll Be Alright On The NightGriff Rhys Jones reveals a collectionof flubs that the celebrities wouldrather we did not see. 10.00 ITV News At Ten 10.40 Benidorm Madge unwittinglygives Donald and Jacqueline theimpression that she is a swinger. 11.10 FILM: For Your Eyes Only(1981) Starring Roger Moore, CaroleBouquet, Topol, Lynn-Holly Johnson,Julian Glover. Spy thriller.1.25am Jackpot247 3.00 Murder,She Wrote 3.50 ITV Nightscreen




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FILM: The Day AfterTomorrowChannel 4, 7.40pmNow, if you really want to get thefull impact of this environmentaldisaster film, start watching at6.45pm, when you can getyourself into the scary-about-the-world mood with a starter of TheWorld’s Weirdest Weather. Thenjoin Jake and Dennis to battle theworld. Yikes.

You’re Back In The RoomITV1, 8.40pmAnd you thought Phillip Schofieldwas such a nice man. Here he is,joined by world-renownedhypnotist Keith Barry, hosting abrand new game show in whichfive strangers team up to try towin up to £25,000 by completingincredibly simple tasks – havingbeen hypnotised. And you thinkyou’re your own worst enemy.

Follow The MoneyBBC4, 9pmDanish drama double bill – itmust be a Saturday. This time thebattleground for crime is theeconomic world of banks, theequity market and theboardrooms. Starting with a bodywashed ashore by a wind farmthat leads to the higher echelonsof an energy company. Killing isso not good for the environment.


Sky112.00pm The F1 Show12.30 Kung Fu Panda 3:Special 1.00 Flintoff’s RoadTo Nowhere (x2) 3.00Richard Hammond’s JungleQuest (x2) 5.00 Big Cats: AnAmazing Animal Family (x2)7.00 The Flash 8.00 HawaiiFive-0 9.00 Limitless 10.00Arrow 11.00 DC’s LegendsOf Tomorrow 12.00amNCIS: Los Angeles

BBC47.00pm Human Planet 8.00Survivors: Nature’sIndestructible Creatures9.00 Follow The Money (x2)See highlights.11.00 KenDodd’s Happiness: Arena12.00am The Bee Gees AtThe BBC... And Beyond 1.00The Joy Of The Bee Gees2.00 Sound Of Cinema: TheMusic That Made TheMovies

ITV212.30pm The AlmostImpossible Gameshow 1.25Scorpion 2.25 You’ve BeenFramed! Top 100 Animals3.30 FILM: Legally Blonde(2001) 5.25 FILM: MissCongeniality 2: Armed AndFabulous (2005) 7.40 FILM:The Mummy (1999) 10.00Celebrity Juice Live 11.00Family Guy (x3) 12.35amAmerican Dad! (x2)

ITV38.10am Where The HeartIs (x2) 10.25 The JohnThaw Story 11.35 SherlockHolmes: The EligibleBachelor 1.55pm A TouchOf Frost 3.55 AgathaChristie’s Sparkling Cyanide6.00 Midsomer Murders8.00 Midsomer Murders10.00 A Touch Of Frost12.10am Blue Murder 1.40Doctor In The House

E410.00am Melissa & Joey(x2) 11.00 Baby Daddy (x2)12.00pm New Girl (x2) 1.00How I Met Your Mother(x2) 2.00 FILM: Big (1988)4.05 The Goldbergs (x3)5.30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine(x2) 6.30 The Big BangTheory (x5) 9.00 FILM: MaxPayne (2008) 11.00Gogglebox (x2) 1.10amTattoo Fixers

More48.50am Time Team (x2)11.00 Four In A Bed (x5)1.40pm Vet On The Hill2.40 Walking ThroughHistory (x4) 6.55 WalkingThrough Time 8.00 CoastalWalks With My Dog 9.00FILM: Downhill (2015)11.05 Walking TheHimalayas (x2) 1.10amCoastal Walks With MyDog 2.15 Spin

Film411.00am UnidentifiedFlying Oddball (1979)1.00pm DragonballEvolution (2009) 2.40 StepUp: Miami Heat (2012) 4.40The Phantom (1996) 6.40Home Alone 2: Lost In NewYork (1992) 9.00 Paul(2011) 11.05 Rush (2013)1.25am The Haunting InConnecticut (2009) 3.30Close

Syfy11.00am FILM: Merlin: TheReturn (2000) 1.00pmFILM: The Sorcerer’sApprentice (2002) 3.10FILM: Mega Shark vsCrocosaurus (2010) 5.00FILM: D.A.R.Y.L. (1985) 7.00FILM: Asteroid vs Earth(2014) 9.00 FILM: Cursed(2005) 11.00 FILM: LakePlacid 2 (2007) 12.50amFILM: Zombie Shark (2015)

Victoria Nangle

Channel 46.15am How I Met Your Mother 6.40The King Of Queens 7.05 The King OfQueens 7.30 Mobil 1 The Grid 8.00Everybody Loves Raymond 8.30Everybody Loves Raymond 9.00 TheMorning Line 10.00 The Big BangTheory 10.30 The Big Bang Theory11.00 The Superhumans Show 11.30Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. 12.30pm Formula 1: Australian GrandPrix Qualifying Highlights 2.15 Channel 4 Racing 4.30 Come Dine With Me 5.00 Come Dine With Me 5.30 Come Dine With Me 6.00 Come Dine With Me Cookery-based reality show.6.30 Channel 4 News6.45 The World’s WeirdestWeather Documentary series. Theweather in this episode creates astrange symphony. Lightsabre soundsresonate from icy lakes, rocks ringlike bells, and deadly multipletwisters roar and rage across theearth.7.40 FILM: The Day AfterTomorrow (2003) See highlights.10.00 FILM: Kick-Ass 2 (2013)Starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, ChloeGrace Moretz, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Jim Carrey, Clark Duke.Superhero action comedy. Self-madesuperhero Kick-Ass and sweet-faced,foul-mouthed assassin Hit-Girl try toreturn to life as ‘normal’ teenagers,but soon they are faced with theirdeadliest challenge yet. To seekrevenge for his father’s death, ChrisD’Amico has re-invented himself asthe leader of an evil league of super-villains. To defeat their new nemesis,Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl must team upwith a new wave of maskedcrusaders, led by the badass ColonelStars and Stripes.12.05am Ramsay’s KitchenNightmares USA 1.00 HollyoaksOmnibus 3.10 Kirstie’s Fill Your HouseFor Free 4.05 Location, Location,Location 5.05 Kirstie’s HandmadeTreasures 5.20 Deal Or No Deal

Channel Five6.00am Peppa Pig 6.05 Bananas InPyjamas 6.20 Angelina Ballerina 6.30Bob The Builder 6.45 Tickety Toc 6.55Zack And Quack 7.05 Roobarb AndCustard Too 7.15 Make Way ForNoddy 7.30 Paw Patrol 7.40 LittlePrincess 7.50 Pip Ahoy! 8.10 BlazeAnd The Monster Machines 8.35 BenAnd Holly’s Little Kingdom 8.45Wanda And The Alien 8.55 Fairly OddParents 9.30 The Saturday Show Live11.40 Funniest Falls, Fails & Flops 12.10pm The Gadget Show 1.10Police Interceptors 2.05 Can’t Pay?We’ll Take It Away! (x4)6.00 Five News Update 6.05 NCIS: Los Angeles US policedrama series. When Deeks is shotwhile trying to stop a robbery, Callenand Sam discover that he is beingused as bait in a bigger plan.7.00 NCIS: New Orleans Spin-offAmerican crime drama series. Theteam are joined by an Australianagent who ruffles a few feathers.8.00 NCIS US crime drama series.During a joint Coast Guard and NCIStraining exercise at sea, Gibbs andCGIS Agent Borin spot a deceasedman overboard, who is discovered tobe a missing crew member from aship 60 nautical miles away. 8.55 5 News Weekend 9.00 The Championship: FootballLeague Tonight Kelly Cates andGeorge Riley present highlights oftoday’s action from the SkyBetChampionship, with special guests onhand to give their reaction to the bigstories.10.00 Goal Rush: Football LeagueTonight Kelly Cates and George Rileypresent the highlights from SkyBetLeague 1 and 2.10.30 The NCIS Movie: JudgementDay Crime drama series. 12.10am SuperCasino 3.10 LawAnd Order: Special Victims Unit 4.00Law And Order: Special Victims Unit4.40 Divine Designs 5.05HouseBusters 5.30 Access 5.45Angels Of Jarm 5.50 Angels Of Jarm

BBC16.00am Breakfast 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Live 11.30 James Martin: Home Comforts 12.00pm BBC News 12.10 Football Focus 12.50 Saturday Sportsday 1.00 Athletics: World IndoorChampionships 2016 2.00 Six Nations Rugby: Wales v Italy 4.30 Final Score 5.15 Dynamo: Magician Impossible5.45 Celebrity Mastermind

6.15 BBC News 6.25 South East Today 6.30 Pointless CelebritiesAlexander Armstrong and RichardOsman present a special celebritycomedy edition of the generalknowledge quiz in which four teamstry to come up with the answers thatno-one else could think of. FeaturingSimon Day and Paul Chowdhry, EmilyAtack and Ian Lavender, KerryGodliman and Graeme Garden andSteve Pemberton and Bob Mortimer.7.20 Six Nations Rugby: France vEngland John Inverdale presents livecoverage of the final fixture of the2016 Six Nations as France hostEngland at the Stade de France. Thereverse fixture between the sides lastyear was one of the most memorablein the competition’s history.Commentary comes from Eddie Butlerand Brian Moore.10.00 The National Lottery LiveThe National Lottery Live, includingthe Lotto and Thunderball draws.Hosted by Gaby Roslin.10.10 BBC News10.30 Match Of The Day GaryLineker presents highlights of theday’s six Premier League matches.11.50 FILM: The Uninvited (2009)Starring Emily Browning, ArielleKebbel, David Strathairn. Thriller. 1.15am FILM: Wake Wood (2010)2.40 Weather For The Week Ahead2.45 BBC News

6.00am Bostin Bear Club 6.30 TellusA Story 6.45 Tellus A Story 7.00Teleshopping 7.30 Tellus A Story 7.45Tellus A Story 8.00 Teleshopping 8.30Under The Radar 9.00 Brighton AlbumChart Show 9.30 Noise Reel 10.00 Rugby AM 11.00 Albion Night2.00pm Burn Up With Natalie2.30 Latest News 2.55 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute Telly Show 3.00 BWC BritishWrestling Weekly 4.00 Latest News 4.25 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute Telly Show4.30 Drop the Puck5.30 DJ Box6.00 Latest News 6.25 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow6.30 Brighton Album Chart ShowA new concept in TV charts. 7.00 Noise Reel David and Ellie hostBrighton's first and foremost localmusic entertainment show. 7.30 Digital Nation The best ofLocal TV from across the UK.8.00 Guy Lloyd's Telly Show:Phones and Friends Time to phonea friend?8.30 Movie Line All the latest movienews, reviews and previews. WithJessica Kellgren Hayes and JosephGunn.9.00 FilmFest on TV JessicaKellgren-Hayes interviews filmmakersThomas Smith and James Atkins, aswe watch some of their best shortmovies.11.00 Bowlegs Live tracks fromFrànçois and The Atlas Mountains,Gazelle Twins, Courtney Barnett, HisClancyness, Islet, and Abi Wade.11.30 CoquetBar Breakfast InBrighton12.00am Latest News 12.25 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow 12.30 DJ Box Sessions 1.30 DigitalNation 2.00 Guy Lloyd's Telly Show:Phones and Friends 2.30 Movie Line 3.00 FilmFest on TV 5.00 CoquetBar Breakfast In Brighton5.30 Bowlegs

BBC26.35am FILM: The Big Sky (1952) 8.35 FILM: Forbidden Planet (1956) 10.10 Homes Under The Hammer 11.10 Natural World 12.00pm Rick Stein From Venice ToIstanbul 1.00 The Best Dishes Ever 1.30 Escape To The Country 2.20 FILM: The Red Shoes (1948) 4.30 Flog It! 5.30 Big Dreams Small Spaces

6.30 Gardeners’ World As part ofhis planning for summer, Montybegins to sow annual climbers andgets started on tidying and mulchinghis borders. 7.00 Celebrity Antiques Road TripCountryfile’s John Craven andpresenter Johnny Ball join the roadtrip in a search around Hampshireand Dorset, accompanied by expertsPhilip Serrell and Charles Hanson. 8.00 Perry And Croft: Made InBritain Series looking at how thecomedies of Jimmy Perry and DavidCroft became a unique chronicle ofBritain in the 20th century. 8.30 Dad’s Army Classic wartimesitcom about the Home Guard unit ina seaside town during the SecondWorld War. Mainwaring lets Frazertake over in a bid to end hisgrumbling.9.00 FILM: MICHAEL JACKSON’sJourney From Motown To Off TheWall (2016) Documentary by SpikeLee about The Kind of Pop, MICHAELJACKSON, which follows him fromhis early years at Motown Recordsuntil is legendary first solo album ‘Offthe Wall’.10.30 Pop Goes BBC TWO12.00am Athletics: World IndoorChampionships 2016 3.00 MessiahAt The Foundling Hospital 4.00 ACabbie Abroad 5.00 The FifteenBillion Pound Railway

ITV16.00am Bottom Knocker Street (x2)6.25 Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures(x2)s 6.45 Signed Stories: Share AStory 6.50 Sooty 7.05 Super 4 7.15Looped 7.30 Scrambled! 7.35 MrBean 7.50 Horrid Henry 8.10 Nerds &Monsters 8.30 Jessie 9.05 The TomAnd Jerry Show 9.25 Murder, SheWrote (x2) 11.20 Jeremy Kyle Show 12.25pm ITV News & Weather 12.30Big Box Little Box 1.00 Judge Rinder2.00 The Chase 3.00 Tipping Point4.00 ITV News Meridian 4.15 ITVNews & Weather 4.30 Rugby: 6Nations Live - Ireland v Scotland 7.10 Ant & Dec’s Saturday NightTakeaway Ant and Dec host the fun-packed live family entertainmentshow. Hollywood superstar HughJackman is guest announcer, joinedby his Eddie the Eagle co-star TaronEgerton. Peter Crouch and AbbeyClancy each channel their inner childin the latest I‘m a Celebrity... Get Outof Me Ear!, the plot thickens in thepenultimate instalment of Who ShotSimon Cowell?, the casts of twoheavyweight West End musicalsappear in a spectacular End of theShow Show, and the Fickle Finger ofFate selects another lucky player toWin the Ads.8.40 You’re Back In The Room Seehighlights.9.40 The Jonathan Ross Show Inthis week’s show, Jonathanwelcomes X-Men star Hugh Jackman,along with his co-star Taron Egertonfrom the upcoming Eddie the Eaglefilm. Other guests include Britishstand-up comedian Shazia Mirza,High-Rise and The Hobbit star LukeEvans, while Primal Scream providethis week’s music.10.45 ITV News; Weather11.00 FILM: Yes Man (2008) StarringJim Carrey, Zooey Deschanel, BradleyCooper, John Michael Higgins.Comedy, loosely based on a truestory. 1.00am Jackpot247 3.00 Murder,She Wrote 3.50 ITV Nightscreen


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The Voice UKBBC1, 7.45pmEmma Willis and Marvin Humesoffer words of encouragement inthis second knockout round,where the singers select one‘killer’ song to impress theircoach and escape elimination.Tension mounts, adrenalin spikes,make sure you don’t squeezeyour sofa-mate’s hand too tightas you get swept up with them.

Doctor ThorneITV1, 9pmWouldn’t it be great to have oneday next week where we all gotto wear period costume for theday and saw evening gownscycling to work and britches withstiff collars serving the coffee?Pick your own fantasy outfit fromthis little lot. It’s a lavish perioddrama based on the novel byAnthony Trollope.

Marvel’s Agents OfS.H.I.E.L.D.E4, 9pmHe may look mild-mannered, butwhen Coulson gets crossed you’dbetter watch yourself. He’s cross.After his trip to Maveth,S.H.I.E.L.D.’s absent leader ismore determined than ever tostop Gideon Malick and its bandof Hydrans. Maybe he couldsquash them like Hydr-ants?


Sky111.00am WWE: Raw12.00pm Futurama (x6)3.00 Modern Family (x4)5.00 The Simpsons 5.30The Muppets 6.00 ModernFamily 6.30 The Simpsons7.00 Dogs Might Fly 8.00 ALeague Of Their Own 9.00Hawaii Five-0 10.00 NCIS:Los Angeles 11.00 AirAmbulance ER 12.00amThe Force: Manchester

BBC47.00pm John Williams AtThe BBC 8.00 Pappano’sClassical Voices 9.00Darcey Bussell DancesHollywood 10.30 FILM: I’mSo Excited! (2013) 11.55Len Goodman’s DanceBand Days 12.55am TheBee Gees At The BBC...And Beyond 1.55 The JoyOf The Bee Gees 2.55 TheStory Of British Pathé

ITV21.30pm FILM: TheIncredible Hulk (2008) 3.40FILM: Nim’s Island (2008)5.45 Ant & Dec’s SaturdayNight Takeaway 7.15 FILM:Liar Liar (1997) 9.00 IbizaWeekender 10.00 FamilyGuy 10.30 Bordertown11.00 Family Guy (x2) 11.55American Dad! (x2)12.55am The ClevelandShow (x2)

ITV36.25am A Touch Of Frost8.15 Heartbeat (x2) 10.20 ATouch Of Frost 12.35pmAgatha Christie’s SparklingCyanide 2.40 InspectorMorse 4.55 MidsomerMurders 6.55 MidsomerMurders 9.00 Carry OnForever 10.00 Wycliffe11.05 FILM: PrivateBenjamin (1980) 1.25am ATouch Of Frost

E47.35am How I Met YourMother (x4) 9.30 HollyoaksOmnibus 12.00pm CouplesCome Dine With Me (x2)2.00 FILM: Hairspray (2007)4.20 Rude(ish) Tube Shorts4.30 The Goldbergs (x3)6.00 The Big Bang Theory(x6) 9.00 Marvel’s Agents OfS.H.I.E.L.D. 10.00 TattooFixers (x2) 12.00am VirtuallyFamous 12.50 The Aliens

More412.00pm Jamie’s 15Minute Meals 12.35Discovering Britain 1.35Selling Houses WithAmanda Lamb 2.40 Four InA Bed (x5) 5.20 Come DineWith Me (x5) 8.00 CarS.O.S 9.00 Inside Jaguar:Making A Million PoundCar 10.00 24 Hours In A&E(x2) 12.10am Ramsay’sKitchen Nightmares USA

Film411.00am Five Children AndIt (2004) 1.00pm TheGolden Compass (2007)3.10 Catch That Kid (2004)4.55 10 Things I HateAbout You (1999) 6.50 G.I.Joe: The Rise Of Cobra(2009) 9.00 Non-Stop(2014) 11.05 Hanna (2011)1.15am Nine To Five (1980)3.30 Close

Syfy11.00am Fact Or Faked:Paranormal Files 12.00pmThe Captains Close Up12.30 FILM: Earthfall (2015)2.20 FILM: D.A.R.Y.L. (1985)4.30 FILM: Waterworld(1995) 7.10 FILM: 9 (2009)9.00 FILM: Lesbian VampireKillers (2009) 11.00 FILM:Black Sheep (2006) 1.50amKilljoys 2.50 Fact Or Faked:Paranormal Files

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Channel 46.10am How I Met Your Mother 6.35 How I Met Your Mother 7.00 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.25 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.50 Frasier 8.15 Frasier 8.40 Frasier 9.10 The Big Bang Theory 9.35 The Big Bang Theory 10.00 The Big Bang Theory 10.30 Sunday Brunch 1.30pm Formula 1: Australian GrandPrix Highlights 4.00 FILM: Percy Jackson: Sea OfMonsters (2013) 6.00 Heston’s Dinner In SpaceDocumentary. Before lifting off for hissix-month mission on board theInternational Space Station, Britishastronaut Tim Peake challenged chefHeston Blumenthal to create dishesto take with him which would remindhim of home. 7.30 Channel 4 News8.00 Great Canal Journeys Travelseries with Timothy West andPrunella Scales. The duo head intouncharted waters as they attemptone of the longest and most beautifulcanal journeys in the world, travelling350 miles, coast to coast acrossSweden. 9.00 Indian Summers Drama aboutthe decline of the British Empire andthe birth of modern India. Aafrin’swounded comrade Naresh isconvinced someone betrayed him.10.00 Gogglebox A comedic reviewof the week’s TV. Viewers share sharpcritiques from their sofas.11.00 FILM: The Taking Of Pelham123 (2009) Starring DenzelWashington, John Travolta. Actionremake of the 70s thriller about amild-mannered train dispatcher whobattles to avert disaster when a NewYork subway train is hijacked. 1.00am Embarrassing BodiesDown Under 1.50 Come Dine WithMe (x5) 4.10 Selling Houses WithAmanda Lamb 5.05 Deal Or No Deal5.55 How I Met Your Mother

Channel Five6.00 – 7.35am Children’s television7.35 Little Princess 7.50 Pip Ahoy!8.05 Blaze And The MonsterMachines 8.30 Ben And Holly’s LittleKingdom 8.50 Wanda And The Alien9.05 Toby’s Travelling Circus 9.20Jelly Jamm 9.30 LazyTown 9.55 FairlyOdd Parents 10.30 The Championship:Football League Tonight 11.30 GoalRush: Football League Tonight 12.00pm Chinese Food In Minutes12.15 FILM: Madeline (1998) 2.00FILM: Jasper En Julia En De DappereRidders (2013) 4.00 FILM: A Cinderella Story (2004) 6.00 Cats Make You Laugh OutLoud 2 Clip show.7.00 Now That’s Funny! Family-friendly clip show featuring hilarioususer-generated video content fromaround the world. 7.55 5 News Weekend 8.00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us InVegas Entertaining magiccompetition hosted by JonathanRoss. In front of a live audience atthe Rio Hotel in Las Vegas, the world-famous duo challenge their fellowillusionists to perform their mostmystifying trick, then try to work outhow it was done. 9.00 FILM: Tower Block (2012)Starring Sheridan Smith, RalphBrown, Jack O’Connell, Russell Tovey,Jill Baker, Julie Graham, ChristopherFulford and Kane Robinson. British-made thriller. A year after theywitnessed a murder, the inhabitantsof Tower Block 31 are terrorised by amysterious sniper.10.45 FILM: Harry Brown (2009)Starring Michael Caine, EmilyMortimer, Charlie Creed-Miles, BenDrew. Crime drama about an elderlyex-marine who rediscovers his killerinstinct when his best friend ismurdered. 12.35am Tattoo Disasters UK 1.00SuperCasino 3.10 Police Interceptors4.00 Wildlife SOS 4.25 Wildlife SOS4.50 The Great Artists 5.15 DivineDesigns 5.45 Angels Of Jarm (x2)

BBC16.00am Breakfast 7.40 Match Of The Day 9.00 The Andrew Marr Show 10.00 The Big Questions 11.00 Sunday Politics 12.15pm Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News 1.15 The Sport Relief Games Show2016 3.15 A Question Of Sport 3.45 Escape To The Country 4.30 Lifeline 4.40 Songs Of Praise 5.15 Sport Relief 2016: The Best Bits

6.15 BBC News 6.35 South East Today6.45 Countryfile Matt Baker andEllie Harrison are in Sussex exploringAshdown Forest, the inspiration forthe Hundred Acre Wood in AAMilne’s Winnie-the-Pooh stories.Matt also visits a farm belonging tothe Countryside Restoration Trust,which promotes wildlife-friendlyfarming. Ellie is on the hunt forwoodpeckers - easy to hear, butharder to spot! John Craven is atWest Rise, the state junior schoolwith a difference.7.45 The Voice UK See highlights.9.00 The Night Manager Dramaseries based on the John le Carrénovel. A suspicious Roper gathers hisentourage around him in an attemptto root out the traitor, forcing Pine toplay a dangerous game. In London,Burr and Steadman face mountingopposition from Whitehall.10.00 BBC News10.20 South East Today 10.30 Match Of The Day 2 MarkChapman introduces highlights of theday’s four Premier League fixtures,which include two derbies. 11.55 Athletics: World IndoorChampionships 2016 Live coverageof the concluding session of theWorld Indoor Championships inPortland, Oregon.1.25am Weather For The WeekAhead 1.30 BBC News

6.00am Bostin Bear Club 6.30 TellusA Story (x2) 7.00 Teleshopping 7.30The Newspapers 8.00 Teleshopping8.30 Barnado's Believe In Children8.45 Slum Echoes 9.00 Family, FaithAnd Fun 9.30 Growing Concerns10.00 The Newspapers 10.30 Burn UpWith Natalie 11.00 Latest Homes Live11.30 Tellus A Story (x2) 12.00pmBostin Bear Club 12.30 BollyHeat 1.00Rugby AM 2.00 BWC BritishWrestling Weekly 3.00 The Rosies3.30 Growing Concerns 4.00 Family,Faith & Fun 4.30 Arts Alive: Acoustic5.00 DJ Box 5.30 Under The Radar6.00 Latest News6.25 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow6.30 We are Stardust Recycling isan important part of people's lives.Tonight's film visits Bulky Bob's, aYMCA re-use shop. 7.00 Latest Homes Live A propertyshow, a commercial feature, withhomes for sale and to let in the area,iconic buildings, architecture andfinance tips.7.30 Latest News The latest newswhere, and the latest sports news.7.55 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow8.00 Brighton Hi-Lights The bestconversation, videos, music andfunniest moments from Latest TV'sfirst broadcast series of Brighton'stopical magazine programme.8.30 Latest News8.55 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow9.00 FilmFest on TV All filmed inBrighton, 'Out of Time' is the story ofa policeman who's girlfriend getskidnapped and he has to do whateverit takes to get her back.11.00 DJ Box11.30 Noise Floor12.00am Latest News 12.25 GuyLloyd's 2-Minute Telly Show 12.30Brodian's Basement 1.30 Brighton Hi-Lights 2.00 FilmFest on TV 4.00 DJBox 4.30 Brighton Hi-Lights 5.00Brodian's Basement

BBC26.15am An Island Parish 6.45 An Island Parish 7.15 This Farming Life 8.15 Gardeners’ World 8.45 Countryfile 9.45 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11.15 The Best Dishes Ever 11.45 The Best Dishes Ever 12.15pm MOTD2 Extra 1.00 Homes Under The Hammer 2.00 Heir Hunters 3.00 Athletics: World IndoorChampionships 2016 5.00 Flog It! 5.30 The Secret History Of My Family 6.30 Perry And Croft: Made InBritain Series looking at how thecomedies of Jimmy Perry and DavidCroft became a unique chronicle ofBritain in the 20th century. 7.00 Gareth Malone’s Great ChoirReunion To mark the 10thanniversary of The Choir, GarethMalone tracks down members fromall his choirs for one huge reunionparty. 8.00 World’s Weirdest Events Fromthe team who brought you Nature’sWeirdest Events comes a seriesexploring the unexplained, theunexpected and the unidentifiable.9.00 Tribes, Predators And MeGordon Buchanan joins a Waoranitribal family in Ecuador’s Amazonjungle as they search for giantanacondas. 10.00 Thirteen Drama series. Thepolice investigation makes somebreakthroughs but Carne andMerchant find themselves onopposing sides. Ivy’s family lifeimplodes as lies are uncovered.11.00 The People V OJ Simpson:American Crime Story Epic dramaJohnnie Cochran’s tactics and mindgames hurt far more than the pride ofthe prosecution team.11.50 Line Of Duty Police drama.12.50am Line Of Duty 1.50 SignZone: Countryfile 2.45 Sign Zone:Holby City 3.45 A Cabbie Abroad 4.45The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway

ITV16.00am Bottom Knocker Street (x2)6.25 Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures (x2)6.45 Signed Stories: Share A Story6.50 Sooty 7.05 Super 4 7.15 Looped7.30 Scrambled! 7.35 Mr Bean 7.50Horrid Henry 8.10 Nerds & Monsters8.30 Bear Grylls Survival School 9.05The Tom And Jerry Show 9.25 ITVNews 9.30 Murder, She Wrote (x2)11.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 12.25pm ITV News & Weather 12.35The Jeremy Kyle Show 1.40 RiverMonsters 2.40 Big Star’s Little Star3.40 Off Their Rockers 4.10 FILM:Octopussy (1983) 6.35 ITV News Meridian6.45 ITV News; Weather 7.00 Beowulf: Return To TheShieldlands Fantasy drama seriesset in Britain’s mythic past and basedon the epic poem. The future of theShieldlands rests in Rheda’s hands.With Beowulf’s help, she attempts tostave off her anguish and summonthe courage to fight against her ownbrother and his fearsome army.Loyalties are tested, relationshipsshattered and lives lost - but who willprevail?8.00 The Story Of Cats9.00 Doctor Thorne See highlights.10.05 ITV News; Weather 10.20 Rugby: 6 Nations HighlightsJill Douglas presents highlights of thefinal round of matches from thisseason’s 6 Nations Championship asWales host Italy, Ireland playScotland and Eddie Jones ends hisfirst campaign as England head coachas they take on France in Paris.11.20 Rugby Highlights: AvivaPremiership Mark Durden-Smithand David Flatman present highlightsfrom Leicester as the Tigers take onvisitors Saracens at Welford road.Other matches include Exeter vNorthampton and Wasps v Sale.12.15am Jackpot247 3.00 ITVNightscreen 5.05 Jeremy Kyle Show


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Cook ItLatest TV, 9.30pmAndrew Kay gets to eat brilliantfood. Just read his ‘Dines Out’page in Latest 7 for proof. Whichis why it’s so darn fortunate thathe’s a dab hand in the kitchenhimself. Lots of scrummy food!And he doesn’t keep theyumminess to himself, sharingsimple recipes so that we can alleat well. How generous.

Fresh MeatChannel 4, 10pmFinals are approaching, whichprobably means that as real lifelooms the world for our studentchums is getting more and moresurreal. Tickets for ‘Vodstock’ areselling fast... maybe too fast. JPhires a revision barge. Kingsley’srelationship is not good. AndOregon has been sacked asUnion President. Trouble ahead.

KilljoysSyfy, 8pmIf your ship is called Lucy, doesthat make it more likely to moveaway an American football-shaped object just as youapproach to kick it? Or is thatonly in the world of Snoopycrossovers? Anyway, Lucy’s crewactually uncover some of thesecrets of their past tonight, asthey track down Khlyen.


Sky11.00pm Hawaii Five-0 (x2)3.00 The Holidaymakers4.00 Futurama (x2) 5.00 TheSimpsons 5.30 Futurama(x2) 6.30 The Simpsons (x3)8.00 The Muppets 8.30Modern Family 9.00 AnIdiot Abroad: The ShortWay Round 10.00 Football’sFunniest Moments 11.00Limitless 12.00am HawaiiFive-0 (x2)

BBC47.00pm News 7.30Britain’s Holiest Places8.00 Digging For Britain9.00 Art Of Scandinavia10.00 Horizon: Living WithAutism 11.00 DarceyBussell Dances Hollywood12.30am Sappho: Love &Life On Lesbos WithMargaret Mountford 1.30Alexander Armstrong’s RealRipping Yarns

ITV21.45pm The EllenDeGeneres Show 2.35 TheJeremy Kyle Show (x3) 5.50Take Me Out 7.00 You’veBeen Framed! 8.00 TwoAnd A Half Men (x2) 9.00Family Guy 9.30 Bordertown10.00 Family Guy 10.30American Dad! (x2) 11.30The Cleveland Show (x2)12.25am FILM: The FastAnd The Furious (2001)

ITV39.40am Judge Judy (x3)11.00 Noah’s Ark 12.05pmMurder, She Wrote 1.10Heartbeat 2.10 The Royal3.15 Where The Heart Is4.20 Doctor In The House4.55 In Loving Memory5.25 On The Buses 5.55Heartbeat 7.00 Murder,She Wrote 8.00 Lewis10.00 A Touch Of Frost12.05am Noah’s Ark

E42.00pm The Big BangTheory (x2) 3.00 BabyDaddy (x2) 4.00 How I MetYour Mother (x2) 5.00 NewGirl (x2) 6.00 The Big BangTheory (x2) 7.00 Hollyoaks7.30 The Big Bang Theory(x3) 9.00 Tattoo Fixers10.00 Scheiffer Bates: ICon 10.35 Rude Tube 11.35The Big Bang Theory (x2)12.30am Gogglebox

More49.35am Food Unwrapped10.05 Come Dine With Me11.10 Four In A Bed (x5)1.55pm Come Dine WithMe (x5) 4.40 A Place In TheSun (x2) 6.50 The Supervet7.55 Grand Designs 9.00Vet On The Hill 10.00 24Hours In A&E 11.05 40Year Old Virgins 12.10amRamsay’s KitchenNightmares USA

Film411.00am Death DrumsAlong The River (1963)12.45pm The Bridges AtToko-Ri (1954) 2.50 ButchCassidy And The SundanceKid (1969) 5.00 The Mark OfZorro (1940) 6.50 Night AtThe Museum 2 (2009) 9.00Fast And Furious 5 (2011)11.35 Changing Lanes(2001) 1.30am The EnigmaOf Kaspar Hauser (1974)

Syfy12.00pm Star Trek: TheNext Generation 1.00Defiance 2.00 FILM:Destruction: Las Vegas(2013) 4.00 Buffy TheVampire Slayer (x2) 6.00Star Trek: Deep Space Nine7.00 Star Trek: The NextGeneration 8.00 Killjoys9.00 FILM: Earthfall (2015)11.00 Killjoys 12.00amFILM: Infestation (2009)

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Channel 46.20am How I Met Your Mother 6.45The Goldbergs 7.10 The Goldbergs7.35 The Goldbergs 8.00 EverybodyLoves Raymond 8.30 Everybody LovesRaymond 9.00 Frasier 9.35 Frasier10.00 Car S.O.S 11.00 Shipping Wars 11.30 Shipping Wars 12.00pm Channel 4 News Summary12.05 A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun1.10 A Place In The Sun: Winter Sun2.10 Deal Or No Deal 3.10 Countdown 4.00 A New Life In The Sun 5.00 Couples Come Dine With Me 6.00 The Simpsons 6.30 Hollyoaks Louis is in shock ashis suspicions about Joanne spiralout of control. 7.00 Channel 4 News8.00 Secrets Of Cadbury: Channel4 Dispatches The current affairsseries investigates what hashappened to beloved confectionerCadbury since it was bought byAmerican giant Kraft in acontroversial takeover in 2010. FromCreme Egg controversies to foreignmanufacturing.8.30 The Food Chain Documentaryseries about the production anddistribution of Britain’s best-lovedfoods. 9.00 Royal Navy SchoolDocumentary series following recruitsundertaking the Royal Navy trainingcourse. The Cornwell recruits reachthe final week of their gruellingtraining, but it is not plain sailing allthe way to their passing out parade. 10.00 Fresh Meat See highlights.10.50 8 Out Of 10 Cats DoesCountdown Jimmy Carr hosts thefamous words and numbers quiz. 11.50 24 Hours In A&E Documentary 12.50am Alan Carr: Chatty Man1.45 Undercover Boss USA 2.35Kirstie’s Fill Your House For Free 3.30Location, Location, Location 4.25Selling Houses With Amanda Lamb5.25 Hugh’s 3 Good Things: Best Bites5.30 Jamie’s Money Saving Meals

Channel Five6.00 – 7.10am Children’s television7.10 Little Princess 7.20 Bob TheBuilder 7.35 Thomas & Friends 7.50Noddy In Toyland 8.00 Ben AndHolly’s Little Kingdom 8.15 Peppa Pig8.25 Peppa Pig 8.35 Paw Patrol 8.50Bananas In Pyjamas 9.00 Toot TheTiny Tugboat 9.15 The Wright Stuff11.15 Funniest Falls, Fails & Flops11.40 5 News Lunchtime 11.45 HomeAnd Away: An Eye For An Eye 1.15pm Home And Away 1.45Neighbours 2.15 NCIS: New Orleans3.15 FILM: The Boy Next Door (2008)5.00 5 News At 5 5.30 Neighbours 6.00 Home And Away Kat breaksthe news that Charlotte’s body hasbeen found. 6.30 5 News Tonight7.00 Left For Dead: Weather TerrorDocumentary series about life-threatening weather events. 8.00 Police Interceptors Action-packed observational documentaryseries following police responseteams in Durham and Cleveland. 9.00 The Tube: GoingUnderground Documentary seriesfollowing the work of the staff whokeep London’s underground trainservice running smoothly. Charlottestruggles to keep the ageing stock ofPiccadilly Line rolling. 10.00 Gotham: Rise Of The VillainsDrama series set in pre-BatmanGotham City. When Bruce Wayne isabducted, the ‘last good cop inGotham’ Jim Gordon begins to let hismorals slip in his mission to rescuethe young heir.10.55 Person Of Interest Americancrime drama series. When Elias istargeted by Dominic, Reese and Finchget caught in the power struggle forcontrol of the city’s gangs. 11.55 Person Of Interest Complexcrime drama series.12.45am True Crimes: The First 72Hours 1.10 SuperCasino 3.10Benefits By The Sea: Jaywick 4.00Nick’s Quest 4.25 Divine Designs 4.45House Doctor (x3)

BBC16.00am Breakfast 9.15 Heir Hunters 10.00 Homes Under The Hammer11.00 Call The Council 11.45 Caught Red Handed 12.15pm Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News At One 1.30 South East Today 1.45 Doctors 2.15 Think Tank 3.00 Escape To The Country 3.45 The TV That Made Me 4.30 Flog It! 5.15 Pointless

6.00 BBC News At Six 6.30 South East Today 7.00 The One Show 7.30 Fake Britain Matt Allwrightinvestigates the conmen. Thisepisode looks at the faux fur that’sactually real animal fur - and the highstreet chains that have been sellingit.7.57 BBC News; Regional News 8.00 EastEnders Stacey returns tothe Square for a day visit, but will allgo to plan? 8.30 Too Poor To Stay Warm -Panorama Documentary.9.00 New Tricks Drama. Standingand McAndrew travel to Glasgow,where a new UCOS section is beingestablished. While there, they agreeto help investigate the unsolvedmurder of a bookie called JamesSoutar, and the case bringsMcAndrew face-to-face with an oldadversary.10.00 BBC News At Ten10.30 South East Today 10.45 Cuckoo Comedy series. Dylandecides to leave university after onlythree weeks. 11.15 Have I Got Old News ForYou Satirical news quiz.11.45 Live At The Apollo AdamHills introduces performances fromAndi Osho and, all the way fromAlbert Square, Terry Alderton.12.30am Weather For The WeekAhead 12.35 BBC News

6.00am Bostin Bear Club 6.30 TellusA Story (x2) 7.00 Teleshopping 7.30Burn Up With Natalie 8.00Teleshopping 8.30 The Vote 9.00 TheVote 9.30 The Newspapers 10.00Growing Concerns 10.30 The Vote11.00 The Vote 11.30 Tellus A Story11.45 Tellus A Story 12.00pm BostinBear Club 12.30 Barnado's Believe InChildren 12.45 Slum Echoes 1.00 TheNewspapers 1.30 Growing Concerns2.00 BWC British Wrestling Weekly3.00 Latest TV's Big News 4.00BollyHeat 4.30 Millionaires' Row 5.00 Noise Floor (x2)6.00 Latest News6.25 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow6.30 The Newspapers7.00 Noise Reel Extra: Brighton'sFinest7.15 Noise Reel Extra7.30 Latest News7.55 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow8.00 The Vote8.30 Carib-Asian Cookery SherrieEugene-Hart and Pat Hart blend anintoxicating infusion of Caribbean andAsian Food. 9.00 Latest News 9.25 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow9.30 Cook It See highlights.10.00 Northern Cuisine Gareth Kylecontinues his culinary tour of greatfood destinations in the north-east. 10.30 Latest News 10.55 Guy Lloyd's 2-Minute TellyShow11.00 CoquetBar Breakfast InBrighton11.30 On The Verge12.00am Latest News 12.25 GuyLloyd's 2-Minute Telly Show 12.30The Newspapers 1.00 Brighton AlbumChart Show 1.30 The Vote 2.00 Carib-Asian Cookery 2.30 Cook It 3.30CoquetBar Breakfast In Brighton 4.00On The Verge 4.30 Carib-AsianCookery 5.00 The Newspapers 5.30Brighton Album Chart Show

BBC26.00am Heir Hunters 6.45 Show MeThe Monet 7.30 Caught Red Handed8.00 Emergency Rescue Down Under8.30 Gardeners’ World 9.00 VictoriaDerbyshire 11.00 BBC Newsroom Live 12.00pm Daily Politics 1.00 Coast1.20 Athletics: World IndoorChampionships 2016 2.20 The Doctor Blake Mysteries 3.15 Britain’s Lost Routes With GriffRhys Jones 4.15 The Best Dishes Ever 4.45 Terry And Mason’s Great FoodTrip 5.15 Antiques Road Trip 6.00 Eggheads Quiz show.6.30 Too Much TV If you don’t knowwhat to watch - this will tell youwhat’s new and what’s going to begood on TV this week. 7.00 This Farming Life Lambingseason is just a month away for mostof the farmers. Near Loch Lomond,Anne is left in charge of the farm andbegins by feeding breakfast to over2,000 animals. 8.00 University Challenge It’s thepenultimate quarter-final match in thelong and winding road to the semi-finals of the quiz for students. JeremyPaxman asks the questions.8.30 An Island Parish: ShetlandThis series comes from Shetland’smost northerly island - Unst. 9.00 The People V OJ Simpson:American Crime Story9.50 QI XL Quiz show. Stephen Frylooks into literature and language.With Lloyd Langford, Victoria CorenMitchell, Jack Whitehall and AlanDavies.10.30 Newsnight 11.15 Kipling’s Indian AdventureDocumentary film following thefootsteps of Rudyard Kipling, 19th-century English writer and a NobelPrize-winner. 12.15am Sign Zone: Question Time1.15 Sign Zone: The CelebrityApprentice USA 2.40 David Gilmour:Wider Horizons 3.50 A Cabbie Abroad4.50 Fifteen Billion Pound Railway

ITV16.00am Good Morning Britain 8.30 Lorraine 9.25 The Jeremy Kyle Show 10.30 This Morning 12.30pm Loose Women 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News 2.00 Judge Rinder 3.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 The Chase

6.00 ITV News Meridian 6.30 ITV Evening News 7.00 Emmerdale The guests awaitthe bride and groom at the reception. 7.30 Coronation Street Sarah andTodd are reminded of their past. Annaendures the chattering masses. 8.00 Further Tales FromNorthumberland With RobsonGreen Robson is travelling throughthe countryside closest to England’sborder with Scotland. He encounterssome very busy bees at Chain BridgeHoney Farm and tells the story behindone of Britain’s most popular dogbreeds, the Border terrier. 8.30 Coronation Street Todd andDavid help as Sarah struggles inlabour. Kevin gets under Phelan’sskin. Money is too tight to mentionfor Tyrone.9.00 Davina Mccall: Life At TheExtreme10.00 ITV News At Ten10.45 The Agenda ITV News at Tenpresenter Tom Bradby hosts a seriesof talk shows looking at the bigissues of the week. 11.25 The Jonathan Ross Show Inthis week’s show, Jonathanwelcomes Hugh Jackman, TaronEgerton, Shazia Mirza, and LukeEvans, while Primal Scream providethis week’s music.12.20am Jackpot247 3.00 TheJeremy Kyle Show 3.55 ITVNightscreen 5.05 Jeremy Kyle Show


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Regulation 25 AdvertisementTO: WHOM IT MAY CONCERN

We OLD TREE BREWERY do hereby give notice that it is ourintention to apply to Brighton & Hove City Council in the county ofEast Sussex for the grant of a premises licence to use or permit the

use of premises known as (OLD TREE CAFÉ) PRESTONBARRACKS, LEWES ROAD, BRIGHTON, BN2 4GL for the

following licensable activities proposed will be carried on from thepremises:

Sale of alcohol for consumption On and Off the premises betweenthe hours 8.30am and 8.00pm

*In the case of an application for a provisional statement, representations are restricted after the issue of a provisional

statement. Any person who desires to make a representation to thegrant should send to Head of Planning and Public Protection, Health& Safety and Licensing, Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Square,

Brighton, BN1 1JP no later than 25th March 2016 a brief writtenstatement of the grounds of his/her objection. The register and

records of applications may be viewed at the above council officeduring normal office hours; summaries are available via

www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/licensing. It is an offence knowingly orrecklessly to make a false statement in connection with an

application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable onsummary conviction for the offence is currently £5000 [level 5].

Dated this: 23rd day of February 2016Signed: William Neame

*28 days starting the day after applying to the Licensing Authority



Regulation 25 AdvertisementTO: WHOM IT MAY CONCERN

We The University of Sussex do hereby give notice that it is ourintention to apply to Brighton & Hove City Council in the county of

East Sussex for a new premises licence to replace the existing one forthe Gardeners Art Centre to use or permit the use of premises nowknown as Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts, University of

Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9RA so as to allow the sale of alcoholboth on and off the premises between the hours of 10.00 to 01.00

daily the premises remaining open to 01.30 and including Late NightRefreshments and Regulated Entertainment.

Any person who desires to make a representation to the variation,should send to Assistant Director, Public Safety, Health & Safety and

Licensing, Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Square, Brighton,BN1 1JP no later than the 5th of April a brief written statement of the

grounds of his/her objection. Copies of the register and applications may be viewed at the above council office during

normal office hours; summaries are available via www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/licensing.

It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement inconnection with an application and the maximum fine for which aperson is liable on summary conviction for the offence is currently

£5000 [level 5].

Dated this: 8th day of March 2016Signed: Doug Simmonds FBII, tp. Licensing Consultant,




Regulation 25 AdvertisementTO: WHOM IT MAY CONCERN

We, Silo Brighton, do hereby give notice that it is our intention toapply to Brighton & Hove City Council in the county of East Sussex

for the variation of a premises licence to use or permit the use ofpremises known as 39 Upper Gardner Street, Brighton, BN1 4AN for

the following proposed variation which it is proposed will be carried on, on or from the premises: The sale by retail of alcohol onthe ground floor of Silo from 12pm. Sales will be limited by both

volume and ABV.

Any person who desires to make a representation to the variationshould send to Head of Planning and Public Protection, Health &Safety and Licensing, Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Square,

Brighton, BN1 1JP no later than 01/04/2016 a brief written statementof the grounds of his/her objection.

The register and records of applications may be viewed at the abovecouncil office during normal office hours; summaries are available

via www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/licensing. It is an offence knowinglyor recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an

application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable onsummary conviction for the offence is currently £5000 [level 5].

Dated this: 4th March 2016Signed: ...................

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