THE ARRIVAL OF the YWAM MEDICAL SHIP in NEWCASTLE “YWAM Australia & PNG Ship Tour” edition 001

Arrival of the YWAM Ship in Newcastle

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This is the first edition of the YWAM Ship Photo Magazine. This edition covers the arrival of the YWAM Ship in Newcastle on February 17, 2009.

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Page 1: Arrival of the YWAM Ship in Newcastle

T H E A R R I VA L O F t h e Y WA M M E D I C A L S H I P i n N E W C A S T L E

“YWAM Australia & PNG Ship Tour” edition 001

Page 2: Arrival of the YWAM Ship in Newcastle

Staff of YWAM (Youth with a Mission) walking out to Nobby Harbor to welcome in the Pacific Link to Newcastle

One of the first moments of spotting the Pacific Link on the horizon

Page 3: Arrival of the YWAM Ship in Newcastle

One of the first moments of spotting the Pacific Link on the horizon Waving and welcoming in the crew of the Pacific Link that travelled 6 days from New Zealand.

Page 4: Arrival of the YWAM Ship in Newcastle

Excited YWAM Staff, students and locals at the Newcastle Forshore dock welcoming in the YWAM medical ship to Newcastle!

Page 5: Arrival of the YWAM Ship in Newcastle

Throwing the mooring lines across to the wharf.

Cees Bol, Ken and Robyn Mulligan, Director of YWAM Ships, and Captain Jesse Miisa

Excited YWAM Staff, students and locals at the Newcastle Forshore dock welcoming in the YWAM medical ship to Newcastle!

Hannah Peart, Medical Coordinator, getting interviewd by local news

Page 6: Arrival of the YWAM Ship in Newcastle
Page 7: Arrival of the YWAM Ship in Newcastle
Page 8: Arrival of the YWAM Ship in Newcastle

created: february 22.2010 : edition 1photo credit: Joanna Orpia, Jordan Norris, Stephanie Anderson, Mic Withall