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WHAT IS IGNITE? We are a division of specialists dedicated to creating new and inspiring ideas which are anchored in the discipline of disruption.

WHAT CAN WE DO FOR YOU? Using our team and comprehensive Ignite toolkit, we create tailor-made Ignite Disruption Days where we employ a mix of bespoke divergent and convergent ideation tools and techniques to help answer your objective. Whether it is opening up new and exciting paths and opportunities, helping you tackle upstream strategic challenges or generating disruptive and innovative ideas or amplification tactics, the Ignite process works as a real catalyst for the imagination and you are guaranteed to walk away with some exciting and tangible next steps.

HOW DO WE DO IT? The traditional format is usually a half day or full day session at one of our offsite event spaces. Here we get together an influential mix of creative agency, media agency and clients combined with some of the most senior people across a cross section of our NEC business - Sales, Powered, Content and Brand Integration, Sport, Editorial and even talent. We do all the heavy lifting when it comes to logistics and the build of the session. All we require from you in order to tailor the day is a crystallisation of the challenge (a one sentence challenge statement), some key insights and key criteria on which we assess the ideas. For more details please contact Kate Evans, National Ignite Director, katevans@nine.com.au 02 9156 6748