Monkey Talk

Monkey Talk

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Monkey Talk


Get downloaded Eclipse

Get downloaded Android SDK

Configure Android SDK to Eclipse

Install AspectJ plug-in to Eclipse

A sample android project

Get downloaded MonkeyTalk (https://www.cloudmonkeymobile.com/download/monkeytalk-community)

Install AspectJ plug-in to Eclipse

•Open Eclipse –ADT and click help menu and select install new software

Install AspectJ plug-in to Eclipse

•Click on Add button

Install AspectJ plug-in to Eclipse• Type URL http://download.eclipse.org./tools/adjt/37/update in Location

•Give “ADJT” to Name Textbox•Internet Required

Install AspectJ plug-in to Eclipse

•Select AspectJ Development Tool (Required)•Click on Next Button to download online plug-in.

Configure Eclipse

•Right click on your project in project explorer > configure > Convert to AspectJ project

Configure Eclipse•Go to downloaded MonkeyTalk folder \MonkeyTalk\agents\android

•Copy monkeytalk-agent-1.0.30 jar file•Paste it to Lib folder in Project

Configure Eclipse•Right click on that jar file > AspectJ Tools >Add to Aspectpath

Configure Eclipse•Open AndroidManifest.xml

•Add these access permissions and save it•<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>•<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS"/>

Configure Eclipse•Go to project properties by Right click > Properties

•Go to Java Build Path •Make a ticked for AspectJ Runtime Library

•Click OK

Configure Eclipse•Right click on the project > Run As > Android Application

Configure Eclipse

•App is running now

Configure emulator to MonkeyTalk

•Open MonkeyTalk IDE•Go to File > New > MonkeyTalk Project

Configure emulator to MonkeyTalk

•Right click on the project > New > Script

Configure emulator to MonkeyTalk

•Give a name for the script and click Finish

Configure emulator to MonkeyTalk

•Click Window > Preference

Configure emulator to MonkeyTalk

•Click MonkeyTalk Preference > Browse the Android SDK path > Apply > OK

Configure emulator to MonkeyTalk

•Click Connect to Emulator button•When it connects successful, you be able to the message in console area

Configure emulator to MonkeyTalk

•Now you can start record and play

Download Whole Demo
