Survey monkey Results Esme Quantrill - 6094 Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School Center Number: 64135 Web link : https ://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3M73WRQ

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Survey monkey Results

Esme Quantrill - 6094

Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School

Center Number: 64135

Web link :


The graph connotes that more females than males filled out my survey. However, my target audience is equally male and female.

In comparison to my questionnaire there was an equal amount of male and female input.

• The graph connotes that it is mainly the age group 18-24 and 35-40 that have completed my survey on the rock genre magazine.

• This is beneficial to me as that was the target demographic I would be basing my magazine on so it is interesting to know what that age range of people think about the rock genre.

From this survey I have found that most people do not physically buy magazines, therefore it is important to have a website so that the magazine can be viewed electronically and could also have some interactive aspects to viewing the magazine. I have decided to have the magazine as a monthly magazine as I don’t think that many people would buy a music magazine weekly to make enough money to pay for weekly print also not enough happens in the music industry on a weekly bases to make it worthwhile.

My survey has shown that people like to see free items and chances to win tickets over concerts and festivals in a rock magazine, for example “promotions for concerts and re sale tickets for popular bands” stood out because they have mentioned the idea of ‘pre sale tickets this would encourage people to buy the magazine to have this benefit. Therefore I will include a ‘chance to win’ and ‘free download’ promotions in my magazine. The people that filled out my survey have also said they would like interviews with artists. Therefore my double page spread will be an interview with the band ‘you me at six’ on their new album.

A large amount of people chose the house style colours of red, black and white. These are the conventional colours of the rock genre so therefore I will also use a small amount of yellow in my magazine to break the dark colours up and have something bright on the page to look at.

50% of people would buy music magazines, which is a large target market considering the amount of genres of magazines there are.

Before conducting my survey, I thought that most people would like to buy the cheapest magazine as possible, however 90% of people chose the middle range of prices for the magazine (£1.00 to £2.99).

Therefore my magazine will be priced within this range as it needs to be an appealing price as if it is too expensive people will not buy the magazine. I have chosen to price my magazine at £1.00 So that people are more likely to purchase it. When my magazine has achieved some brand identity and became known like other rock magazines such as ‘KERRANG!’, I may increase the price to £1.99.

80% said that they like magazines to have competitions. This makes the magazine more interactive for the consumer. My magazine will have competition to win a chance to meet ‘you me at six’ as that is the band my double page spread will be about. My question will be ‘what was Y.M.A.S first album called?’ As shown in my screen grab ‘KERRANG!’ also use competitions to interact with the consumer and gain readers. a competition on a front cover

may attract ‘pass along audience’ as if people see a competition and are interested in the prize they are likely to buy the magazine even if they don’t normally purchase it.

50% of people said that magazine promotions would influence them buying a magazine.

The people who completed my survey said that promotions such as chances to win, tickets, posters and free downloads would make them want to buy the magazine.

Therefore in my magazine I will offer chances to win and also free items such as posters and free iTunes downloads.

70% of people that filled out my magazine survey said that their favourite music genre was rock, therefore displaying that the rock genre is very popular. This may be beneficial as if the rock genre is more popular than other music genres more people are likely to buy the magazine.


• In conclusion I have found that it will be beneficial to include a website as most people do not physically go out and buy magazines on a regular basis and will also broaden the appeal of the magazine across the e-media platform.

• I have also found that my magazine should be released monthly as people would not buy a music magazine on a daily or weekly basis and also there would not be enough music content for a weekly magazine. I have found that people like to buy magazines for the promotions involved such as free poster or iTunes download in the magazine. My survey has found that people like there to be competitions and chances ‘to win..’ inside magazines. My survey has also found that people would like a rock magazine to have a house style of red, white and black. Out of the people who have completed my survey I found that most of them like the rock genre the most out of any music genre therefore my magazine on rock was a good decision as if more people like the rock genre more people will buy it.