My magazine Proposal My magazine Proposal Fraser Corrywright Fraser Corrywright

My magazine Proposal

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My magazine Proposal. Fraser Corrywright. Genre. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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My magazine ProposalMy magazine ProposalFraser CorrywrightFraser Corrywright

GenreGenreMy magazine would be a kind of mainstream genre. However, My magazine would be a kind of mainstream genre. However, mainstream should not be confused with Pop, and so I probably wont mainstream should not be confused with Pop, and so I probably wont include people like Cheryl Cole and her kind. My magazine will be include people like Cheryl Cole and her kind. My magazine will be about a wide variety of music, as long as people listen to it and its not about a wide variety of music, as long as people listen to it and its not really bad, it’ll be in here. I understand that this genre is quite wide really bad, it’ll be in here. I understand that this genre is quite wide but it will give me a lot to write about at least. The genres i am likely but it will give me a lot to write about at least. The genres i am likely to include include: rock, Grunge, Indie Rock, Electronica, Post-punk to include include: rock, Grunge, Indie Rock, Electronica, Post-punk Revival, House, garage rock and maybe even Dubstep.Revival, House, garage rock and maybe even Dubstep.

Audience Audience My target audience will be a variety of different people. I will try to My target audience will be a variety of different people. I will try to appeal to all different sects of society by including storys and appeal to all different sects of society by including storys and aesthetics that appeal to both indie and grunge followers. this will aesthetics that appeal to both indie and grunge followers. this will be difficult, as these kinds of people tend to be very exclusive, and be difficult, as these kinds of people tend to be very exclusive, and so it must not be particularly biased towards one kind of music. the so it must not be particularly biased towards one kind of music. the age range is probably between 15 and 30, because the music will age range is probably between 15 and 30, because the music will be fairly new, but still fairly tame.be fairly new, but still fairly tame.

Front Cover Front Cover IdeasIdeasI think i will use a stylish black I think i will use a stylish black coloured theme for my front colour. I coloured theme for my front colour. I will probably base it on Q magazines will probably base it on Q magazines ‘Muse’ front cover, which i find very ‘Muse’ front cover, which i find very aesthetically pleasing. The basic aesthetically pleasing. The basic black background style that this black background style that this slide show shares, is quite simple to slide show shares, is quite simple to pull off, but still looks good with pull off, but still looks good with most genres of band. I want to come most genres of band. I want to come up with a styling and memorable up with a styling and memorable logo to be central to the cover, and logo to be central to the cover, and stylishly edit the main picture to fit stylishly edit the main picture to fit with the rest of the magazine well.with the rest of the magazine well.

Planned Planned ContentContent

I will include content such as: interviews with the bands, reviews of new albums, upcoming I will include content such as: interviews with the bands, reviews of new albums, upcoming bandsbands

There will be a main article that will probably be an interview with an artist about a new album There will be a main article that will probably be an interview with an artist about a new album or singleor single

There might be puzzles or games near the end, probably music relatedThere might be puzzles or games near the end, probably music related

There will be rumours that foretell any possible new band or music that may be out soonThere will be rumours that foretell any possible new band or music that may be out soon

There could be posters on double page spreads of bandsThere could be posters on double page spreads of bands

I may include advertisements related to the shown musicI may include advertisements related to the shown music

Unique selling Unique selling pointpointMy magazine will be looking at a huge variety of music; My magazine will be looking at a huge variety of music; by looking at all different genres. Even little known by looking at all different genres. Even little known genres, and finding the best or most critically aclaimed genres, and finding the best or most critically aclaimed music and artists from each. This way the magazine will music and artists from each. This way the magazine will sell to a huge variety of different sorts of people, whilst sell to a huge variety of different sorts of people, whilst also keeping people who don't ‘know’ music as such, but also keeping people who don't ‘know’ music as such, but are interested in a wide variety and still want to know are interested in a wide variety and still want to know about new up and coming bands and music. There are about new up and coming bands and music. There are not many bands that do this, as most tend to specialize not many bands that do this, as most tend to specialize on one genre or type of music, such as mainstream or on one genre or type of music, such as mainstream or indie, which are very mutually exclusive.indie, which are very mutually exclusive.

Magazines Magazines NameName

I have decided to call my magazine ‘Midas’ I have decided to call my magazine ‘Midas’ after myth of the greek king, who turned after myth of the greek king, who turned anything he touched to gold. This connotes anything he touched to gold. This connotes power and wealth, which is just the kind of power and wealth, which is just the kind of thing that suits my style of magazine. The thing that suits my style of magazine. The name is quite intellectual i would think, which name is quite intellectual i would think, which means that it should attract the attentions of means that it should attract the attentions of inteligent people, who wont be prejudiced by inteligent people, who wont be prejudiced by one type or genre of music, which is good.one type or genre of music, which is good.

Readers ProfileReaders Profile

The reader of this magazine is a male 15-25 year old, who has finished his A levels and gone The reader of this magazine is a male 15-25 year old, who has finished his A levels and gone to uni, to study english or history. He has a small part time job to keep himself busy and have to uni, to study english or history. He has a small part time job to keep himself busy and have some extra money to buy music and new computer games. He has always enjoyed gaming, some extra money to buy music and new computer games. He has always enjoyed gaming, and a good night in playing games is as well spent as a day out socializing. However he does and a good night in playing games is as well spent as a day out socializing. However he does have many freinds, both gamers and just people interested in music and hanging out, so get a have many freinds, both gamers and just people interested in music and hanging out, so get a wide variety of different experiences. His introduction to music started with his parents who wide variety of different experiences. His introduction to music started with his parents who listened to a wide variety of big bands and different types of music, both modern and from listened to a wide variety of big bands and different types of music, both modern and from their generation; they listened to it whilst they made dinner or worked around the house, so their generation; they listened to it whilst they made dinner or worked around the house, so he nurtured a good ear for catchy tunes. Now that he has so much work to be doing, and he nurtured a good ear for catchy tunes. Now that he has so much work to be doing, and coursework to do; he has found it hard to find new music that he likes. This magazine would coursework to do; he has found it hard to find new music that he likes. This magazine would be perfect for him to find more music he likes, or the kind of music he may like.be perfect for him to find more music he likes, or the kind of music he may like.

Editorial Mission Editorial Mission statementstatement

This Magazine promises to keep a good record of all the good and This Magazine promises to keep a good record of all the good and listenable music that is coming out, and interview the biggest names listenable music that is coming out, and interview the biggest names and bands. It should look aesthetic and keep to a simple basic style. It and bands. It should look aesthetic and keep to a simple basic style. It should be filled with a lot of good, high quality content.should be filled with a lot of good, high quality content.