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What do worms look like?

• soft, slimy and pink• pointed at both


• It’s body is made of lots of coils.

Worms do NOT have:•Eyes




So they use their skin to feel with


How do worms move?

• It has tiny little hairs sticking out underneath its body. The earthworm uses these bristles to cling to the ground as it moves.

Do worms eat?

• Worms have tiny mouths.

• They eat mud or sand as they tunnel through the ground. 

• They love dead leaves and other bits of plants.

Where do worms live?

• Most  worms live in burrows

• Worms cover the openings to their burrows with sticks, leaves or mud to keep out the cold and rain

Do worms have enemies?

• frogs • birds • People

How do worms stay alive?

•Worms have 5 hearts that keep the blood flowing around their body and helps them stay alive.

•Worms live for 2 months. If he was born on Christmas day, he’d go to sleep forever, today!

Worms and tunnels

Worms spend their days tunneling through soil. Worms usually tunnel at least 20cm everyday.

Let’s see how long that is!

I’m a little earthworm

• I’m a little Earthworm, slimy and long

• I’ve no eyes or ears to hear this song

• I wriggle through my burrow eating mud a leaves.

• The bristles on my belly help me move with ease.