Getting started with google communities



This slidedeck was created to introduce teammates how to Sign up for a Google Account, then how to access Google+ and some of the Google products/features. Specifically it is to showcase how to find and participate in a Google Community.

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Getting Started with Google Communities

Video Walk through found here:Part 1 – Setting up a Google Account 2 - Getting started with Google Plus 3 – Getting started with Google Communities

Open up your internet browser.Go to

Click “SIGN IN” – upper right corner

If you already have a Google Account, sign in and jump to slide


If not, click “SIGN UP” in the upper right corner.

Fill in the details into the form.

Pay attention to the username and password you create. This

will be needed to login at a later date.

This also your login for Gmail, Google

Drive, Google Docs, YouTube, etc.


It is your choice to use these additional


Add in a profile picture of yourself. This helps others find

and identify you.


Let’s get started and look at the products/features we can use.

You are now signed in to Google and if you click your name in the upper right course you will see “ACCOUNT”, “PRIVACY”, “VIEW


You can edit/modify your account settings (security, privacy, etc.), anytime, by

clicking “Account”

To Start using GOOGLE + features, click “View Profile”.

This first screen allows you to find other people you know that are

using Google+.

This next screen, suggests some groups you might want to follow.

This page allows you to add some extra details to your profile.

This is your Google+ profile page.

Things you post and the people/groups you follow that post items will show up here.

To add a post to your time line, start by writing or adding a link in

the “Share what’s new” area. Then choose who you want to

share it with. The Public or certain Circles that you have

created. (see slide 15)

At the top of the page, in the black toolbar, where you can

access Google products such as searches, Google Maps, Play games, view YouTube, News,

access your Gmail, access your Google Drive & Google Docs, and


You can also switch the view of your profile to what you see

“Yourself” and how the public can see your profile “Public”.

Move your mouse over to the left and this toolbar appear. Here is

where you can access many other Google+ features.

Let’s go through some of these features…


This is where you can find others to follow, and see who is

following you. You can also group/categorize people you follow in to CIRCLES. You can create as many circles as you

want. People you follow may be placed into more than one circle.


This is where you can view any photos that you have posted.


This is where you can find other people that share similar

interests. They come together and join these online

“communities” so they can discuss and share.

We can browse any of these communities, but let’s search

for those about “baking”.

Here are many different communities found by searching


We may now pick one to browse and see if it meets our interests.

I may look at this one because I know this person

and I have similar interests. I might like this group too.

This Community seems right and is one I would like to be a part of.

It’s public so I can see the posts members have added. Private

groups I need to be invited to join or request to join to see the


Now that I am a member of the Community I can add posts,

comment on posts, and share posts.

Adding a comment to a post or joining in a

discussion is this simple.


Each Community has it’s own selection of

categories that make the posts easier to follow and


Adding my own post/link/video is this


You will want to choose a category to place your post


You can edit or delete your posts if you need to by clicking the small grey

dropdown arrow.

You can invite friends to the Community and leave

the Community if you decide it’s not right for


To do this click the small “GEAR” on the Community

Profile area.

You can turn on/off email notifications by clicking

this “BELL” icon.


Google+ users can have hangouts with one another, live for anyone to join in, and private ones set up

just for groups.

You’ll want to click the “LEARN MORE” button to get a more

comprehensive introduction to Hangouts.

Need to know more

Click the Take a Tour link to get a walk through of all of the
