Graphic novels

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1. What is a graphic novel?

2. How to read a graphic novel?

3. Why teaching graphic novels in the English classroom?

4. Reading tasks for graphic novels

5. Example: Vendetta

6. Pros and cons of a graphic novel

Gallo, D

. & W

einer, S. (2004). B

old books for innovative teaching: S

how, don't tell: G

raphic novels in the classroom

. English Journal 94(2), p. 115.

3What is a graphic novel?

fictional, novel-like, long-telling story Makes use of ways of representation of a comic Name by Will Eisner – “A Contract with God“ (1978)

“A well done graphic novel offers the immediacy of the prose reading experience, with the pictures and the words working simultaneously, making a graphic novel not only something one reads but something one sees as well, like reading and watching a movie at the same time.”

4How to read a graphic novel?

1. Language elements

2. Visual elements

3. Succession of panels

4. Relation between the textual and visual elements

5. Graphic novels as part of a historical or cultural


5Why teaching graphic novels in the English classroom?

Narrative competence Graphic novels contain main characteristics of narrative:




Fictional storyworld,

Classic narrative structure (conflict rising action climax resolution

Possible transfer to other text types is possible

6Why teaching graphic novels in the English classroom?

Visual literacy “Bildverstehen”

Dominance of pictures requires visual literacy:

Understand interactions and constellations (‘kulturelles Sehen’)

Understand comic language (‘ästhetisches Sehen’)

“Filmverstehen” Imitation of filming techniques (switch of perspective etc.)

7Why teaching graphic novels in the English classroom?

multiliteracy Simultaneity of many communicational modes in one

communicational action

Reading competence Graphic novels consist of a mode of communication: imitation

of communicational manners Comic pictures and text-picture combinations (eg. animated films,

internet, ads)

“medial socialization” is the cause of the increase of reading interest and literary interest (‘Pop Culture’)

8Why teaching graphic novels in the English classroom?

Novel lecture Graphic novels develop reading and understanding strategies

For support of sustainable reading motivation reading tasks are needed

9Reading tasks for graphic novels

1. Reading supportive tasks Outline the important facts during the whole reading process

Reading journal/ reading log

Collaborative work in groups

2. Plot-reconstruction tasks Gather important characteristics of the plot

Also good for writing competence Taking notes

Writing summaries

Storytelling with pictures

10Reading tasks for graphic novels

3. Story-orientated tasks Identification and and reconstruction of story events, scenes,

events etc. All tasks that focus on the storyworld

4. Thematic tasks Focussing on relevant topics mentioned in the graphic novel

Required when getting deeper into story and plot area

11Reading tasks for graphic novels

5. Narrative discourse tasks Help to discover how a graphic novels and comics work

Used to figure out how they are told Naming specific narrative and visual elements (eg. lines, frames,


6. Tasks that direct the student‘s attention Generally understanding, reconstruction and interpretation tasks that

are related to a certain aspect occuring in the graphic novel

12Reading tasks for graphic novels

7. Production-orientated tasks Excerpt of a graphic novel serves as basis for open tasks such

as: Writing a possible sequel

Writing an interpretation

Generally giving the students a chance to develop personal ways of expressing and formulating their own thoughts

13Example: V for Vendetta

Which reading tasks would you choose?

Prepare pre-/while-/post-reading activities. Also think of additional material you might need.


What – in your opinion – are the pros and cons of teaching graphic novels in the

English classroom?


Hallet, Wolfgang: Graphic Novels In: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch 117 (2012).

McCloud, Scott: Understanding Comics – The Invisible Art (1993). Harper Collins, New York.

Moore, Alan & Lloyd, David: V for Vendetta (2005). DC Comics, New York.