Werris Creek Public School CONTACT Week 6 Term 2, 2016 www.werriscrk-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Email: [email protected] Principal’s Message Tomorrow 36 students will travel to Lake Keepit for a three day camp. I know the children are quite excited and I thank Mrs Roser-Whitney, Mrs Thistle and Mr Peach for their commitment to the students by giving up their own time to accompany the group. On Friday June 10 students in years 3-6 will be joining other Liverpool Plains schools to partici- pate in an Aboriginal Cultural Experience Day. The students will be collected by a bus at 9am and will firstly travel to Quirindi High before be- ing placed in groups to travel to a number of interesting sites in the local district. The sites in- clude the First Fleet Gardens at Wallabadah, the Willow Tree Information centre to view the Kamilaroi people display and an Aboriginal Heritage Site at Pine Ridge. The children will be having lunch at Pine Ridge as well as seeing a performance by the Gomeroi Dancers. The cost of the excursion is free as it is funded by a Department of Education grant to our local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG) and will be free to all students. A per- mission note will be issued on Monday. Thank You Mrs Leonie Byrne Principal Term 2 Dates to Remember Wed 1st—Friday 3rd June Year 3-6 Lake Keepit Excursion Friday 17th June PJ Day and Disco (afternoon $2) 6th June - 10th June NAIDOC Week Monday 13th June Public Holiday Weekly Items Tuesday—Breakfast Club 8.30am Tuesday— Scripture 11.30am Tuesday—NO CANTEEN Thursday—NO CANTEEN Friday— Assembly 12.30pm Friday—Sport PO Box 11 Dewhurst Street Werris Creek Phone: (02) 6768 7065 Fax: (02) 6768 7732 Principal: Leonie Byrne Assistant Principal: Deeanne Wand

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Werris Creek Public School


Week 6 Term 2, 2016


Email: [email protected]

Principal’s Message

Tomorrow 36 students will travel to Lake Keepit

for a three day camp. I know the children are

quite excited and I thank Mrs Roser-Whitney,

Mrs Thistle and Mr Peach for their commitment

to the students by giving up their own time to

accompany the group.

On Friday June 10 students in years 3-6 will be

joining other Liverpool Plains schools to partici-

pate in an Aboriginal Cultural Experience Day.

The students will be collected by a bus at 9am

and will firstly travel to Quirindi High before be-

ing placed in groups to travel to a number of

interesting sites in the local district. The sites in-

clude the First Fleet Gardens at Wallabadah,

the Willow Tree Information centre to view the

Kamilaroi people display and an Aboriginal

Heritage Site at Pine Ridge. The children will be

having lunch at Pine Ridge as well as seeing a

performance by the Gomeroi Dancers. The

cost of the excursion is free as it is funded by a

Department of Education grant to our local

Aboriginal Education Consultative Group

(AECG) and will be free to all students. A per-

mission note will be issued on Monday.

Thank You

Mrs Leonie Byrne


Term 2

Dates to Remember

Wed 1st—Friday 3rd June

Year 3-6 Lake Keepit Excursion

Friday 17th June

PJ Day and Disco (afternoon $2)

6th June - 10th June


Monday 13th June

Public Holiday

Weekly Items

Tuesday—Breakfast Club


Tuesday— Scripture




Friday— Assembly



PO Box 11

Dewhurst Street

Werris Creek

Phone: (02) 6768 7065

Fax: (02) 6768 7732

Principal: Leonie Byrne

Assistant Principal: Deeanne Wand

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Assembly Award Winners We extend a warm welcome to parents, siblings, friends and community members to join us for

our weekly assembly each Friday at 12.30pm.

Award winners from last week were:

Kinder Joshua Robson

Nate Symington

Year 1 Talia Verning

Year 2 Taniell Anderson

Deagan Howard

Year 3 Laura Davis

Jordan Woods

Year 4/5 Jacob Doolan

Hayley Hicks

Year 6 Kiara Erickson

Sara Ryan

Art Award Recipients from the

Currabubula Art Show

Tiarni-Lee, Kiara, Josh, Willow &


Recently we have had a number of new enrol-

ments. We would like to welcome Caden, Amilee

Caitlyn, Taniell and Talia to our beautiful school.

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Year 1 Enjoying Mathematical Games in Class

1H Mission Statement

Our Mission in 1H is to build active and creative

minds. We strive to learn new knowledge each day

through exciting ways. We promise to respect oth-

ers, use our manners, never give up and to always

try our best.

I know I am in charge of my own weather and I en-

sure that I always bring sunny weather to our class-

room environment. Our goal is to be awesome

leaders, use our 7 habits and to never stop absorb-

ing knowledge.

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Last Wednesday, Kindergarten and Year 1 walked to the Werris Creek Library for National

Simultaneous Story Time.

Last week the K12 students attended the simultaneous

story time at the Werris Creek library. I was delighted

today to have a phone call from the Librarian, Marilyn

Deeks, to tell me that a number of other customers

commented on how lovely the children looked in their

uniforms and that their behavior was a credit to the

school. Well done K-2 students, though we already

knew how wonderful you are.

Next week we are celebrating NAIDOC Week. Everyone is invited to join us for the Flag

Raising Ceremony at 10:30am on Monday. The oldest and youngest Aboriginal student

will cut the cake. The P&C are once again kindly making individual patty cakes for the

children. Please join us for morning tea on this day. On Wednesday we will be holding a full day of celebrations commencing at 10am. The

children will participate in workshops based on Aboriginal culture. Please join us for a

sausage sizzle lunch and a performance from Sean Choolburra, Aboriginal comedian

and performer at 2pm.

Environmental Science Leaders talking to our students about reduce,

reuse and recycle

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Werris Creek Public School participates in Student Banking. Currently we are holding an in-

school activity to encourage students to bank. If a student banks 3 times

between week 7 – week 10 they will be eligible to go into a draw to win a


If you wish your child/children to participate, please call into the school

office to pick up a bank book. You will then need to go to your nearest

Commonwealth Bank to join (if not a member). Once this is done you then send in your book

with banking into the school to be processed.

We are looking for volunteers to listen to children

read and to participate in our Sit & Chat program.

If you are able to help please contact Mrs Byrne on

6768 7065.

Expectation of the Week

Be a good example for other students. Choose to

behave sensibly.

“He who opens a school door,

closes a prison.”

Victor Hugo

This week we started to focus on Habit 4: Think Win Win.

We will focus on this habit for the next 5 weeks. Our aim is for the students to understand that by thinking Win-Win, everyone has a say in the decision-making process. Children will learn that if there are more than two people involved, it is important to talk about

the problem/situation to create a Win-Win.

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Pie Drive Delivery Thursday 9th June

Canteen Roster

Mon 30th May N. Jones, B. Woods

Wed 1st June A. Patterson, K. Holloway

Friday 3rd June S. Furner

Mon 6th June A. Patterson

Wed 8th June E. Garey

Friday 10th June N. Jones, B. Woods

Friday 17th June (Disco in the afternoon)

$2 Entry Fee

Canteen Meal Deal

Friday 17th June

Hot Dog, Fandangle, Popper & Bag of Lollies


Please note the price

changes in the canteen

menu .

Next P & C Meeting

Thursday 9th June


1pm in the community classroom

** There will be no more

accounts in the canteen

as at

30th May 2016 **

Don’t forget our break-

fast club every Tuesday

morning before school

8.30am - 8.55am

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2016 Joan Carpenter Scholarship

Total Prize Money $1,000

Where: Quirindi High School Hall

When: Sunday 19th June 1.30pm for 2pm start

Who: Students who sing or play a musical instrument

Students who live in the Liverpool Plains Shire

Students who attend Shire Schools

Age Groups: Children 8 years to 11 years on the day

12 years to 15 years on the day

16 years to 18 years on the day

Prizes: 1st, 2nd, & 3rd in each age group

Closing Date: Friday 17th June 2016

Interested students can request an application

form from the office.