The Most Holy Blood and Body of Christ June 3, 2018 Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church FREDERICKSBURG, VIRGINIA

The Most Holy Blood and Body of Christ

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The Most Holy Blood and Body of ChristJune 3, 2018

Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic ChurchF R E D E R I C K S B U R G , V I R G I N I A

Page 2: The Most Holy Blood and Body of Christ

_____W E W E L C O M E Y O U H O M E. 540-373-6491


upcoming events


of theI M M A C U L A T EC O N C E P T I O NRoman Catholic Church


June3 SUNDAY, THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (Corpus Christi) Scrip on Sale after all Masses except for 2:30pm Work Camp Raffle after all Masses CoffeeShopafter7am,8:30am,10:30am,12:30pm,Mass 12pm, Spanish Legion of Mary, Parish Life Center, Room 204 12:30pm, Special Bilingual Mass with Corpus Christi Procession at Holy Cross Academy 3pm, Parish Picnic at Holy Cross Academy

4 Monday, Weekday (Ninth Week in Ordinary Time) 10:15am, Legion of Mary Our Lady of Perpetual Help Presidio, Parish Life Center, Room 100 1pm, Psalms Bible Study, Courtyard Meeting Room

5 Tuesday, Saint Boniface, Bishop and Martyr 7:30pm, Life in the Spirit Prayer Gathering, Courtyard Meeting Room

6 Wednesday, Weekday [Saint Norbert, Bishop] 9:45am, Wisdom Bible Study, Courtyard Meeting Room 3pm, Divine Mercy Devotions, Church 6:30pm, Bishop Barron Bible Study, Courtyard Meeting Room 6:30pm, Spanish Junior Legion Of Mary, Parish Life Center, Main Hall 6:30pm, YouCat, John Paul II House 6:30pm, Confessions, Church

7 Thursday, Weekday 9:30am, Craft Group, Parish Life Center, Room 100 9:45am, Wisdom Bible Study, Courtyard Meeting Room 6:30pm, Trail Life, Parish Life Center, Main Hall 7pm, Nar-Anon, Parish Life Center, Room 204 7pm, Baptism Class, Parish Life Center, Room 201

8 Friday, THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS 9am, St Anne Sisters in Faith, John Paul II House 6:30pm, Home School Graduation Mass, Church 7pm Spanish Prayer Group, John Paul II House

9 Saturday, The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8am, Confessions 8am,MananadeReflexion,ParishLifeCenter,MainHall 10am, Mariamante Sewing Circle, John Paul II House 10am, Al-Anon, Parish Life Center, Room 204 10am, Baptisms, Church 3:30pm, Confession, Church 4pm, Spanish Prayer Group, John Paul II House 6pm,ScriponSaleafterMass

10 SUNDAY, TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Scrip on Sale after all Masses except 2:30pm JoinusforCoffeeShopafter7am,8:30am,10:30am,12:30pm,Masses 12pm Spanish Legion of Mary 12:30pm, Baccalaureate Mass, Church

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nota bene (note well, please):


SUNDAY Saturday Vigil 5 & 7pmMASS Sunday 7, 8:30, 10:30am, 12:30, 2:30pm (Spanish), 5pm, 7pm 10:30am at Holy Cross Academy

DAILY Mon.-Fri.: 6:30am, 9amMASS M/W/F: 12 Noon Sat.: 9am First Friday 8pm Holy Days of Obligation, as announced

DEVOTIONS Adoration, Daily between 6:30am & 9am Mass, Wednesday 12:30pm - Friday 9am Miraculous Medal Novena, Mon., after 9am Mass, Divine Mercy, Wed., 3pm

CONFESSION Wed., 6:30-8:30pm; Sat., 8am & 3:30pm, or by appt.

PARISH 540-373-6491, fax 371-0251OFFICE [email protected] Mon.-Fri., 8:30am - 4:30pm; students staff office weekdays until 9pm, Saturdays 9-5pm, Sundays 9:30-1:30pm

Pastor, Fr. John Mosimann Fr. Stephen Holmes Fr. Colin Davis Fr. Michael J.R. Kelly Deacon Alberto Bernaola Deacon Dick Delio Operations Manager, Jim Florio Business Manager, Elaine Stanislawski Parish Secretary, Elizabeth Tellez Director of Music, David Uschold

HOLY CROSS 540-286-1600ACADEMY 250 Stafford Lakes Parkway Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406-7234 Principal, Sr. Susan Louise Eder, O.S.F.S.

ST. MARY 540-373-7553PRESCHOOL Director, Nanci Scharf

RELIGIOUS 540-373-6491EDUCATION Director, Aristides LucasOFFICE Associate Director, Karen Sturtevant

YOUTH 540-373-6491MINISTRY Director, Leo Chavarria Tatiana Beltran

OUTREACH 540-373-6491 Elena Doyle - [email protected]

BAPTISMS Parish registration (90 days) and class required. Please contact the parish office to schedule the date at least four weeks in advance.

MARRIAGE Parish registration required; contact parish six months in advance to begin preparation.

JOIN US New Family Registration meetings held in the Parish Life Center on fourth Sundays, following the 10:30 Mass. Please notify us of any contact changes.

Articles must be submitted two weeks prior to publication. Send articles to [email protected]. Thanks!

contact us stmaryfred.org

▪Join in the engaging Call to Evangelization series —moreinformationonpage7.

▪Our Annual Parish Picnic will be held Sunday, June 3 — Find more information on page 9

▪Feast of Corpus Christi bi-lingual Mass at Holy Cross with procession, June 3 — more information onpage7

▪Save the date - All graduating seniors are invited to be recognized at Mass on June 10 - more informationonpage8

▪You're invited! Mary's Shelter Annual Soirée — Findmoreinformationonpage10

▪Father's Day Novena will begin June 17 — more informationonpage13.

▪Important information for all parish organizations on page 10

Fellow ParishonersWe are quickly approaching the summer season. With this, comes many visitors to the Fredericksburg area. Communion procedures can be confusing to those people who are not familiar with St. Mary. They do not realize that the people inthefrontpewdonotgetCommunionfirst.Toreduce confusion, we will begin Communion from the FRONT, with the alcoves receiving Communion LAST, starting this weekend. This will continue until further notice. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.


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Dear Folks,Corpus Christi, the feast of the Body and Blood of our Lord!It is such a great occasion to consider this fundamental truth the faith entrustedtousbyOurLord.St.MaxamillianKolbesaid,"If Angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: HolyCommunion."Thesebeautiful,purespiritsgazeuponthefaceof God. And yet they can not receive Jesus in the manner that we do. Sometimes I ask my guardian angel to worship God on my behalf and to pray as he deserves.How can I more worthily receive the Eucharist?1. Remote Preparation - Spend time in adoration. To come to church and pray in the presence of the sacrament is to invest my time where my faith is. It is an act of faith to be willing to go sit and gaze upon this Sacrament. When we bask in the light of the Son, we are warmed and transformed. Will I spend more time this summer sun-bathing or Son-basking?2. Immediate Preparation - Do I arrive at Mass early enough to pray, settle, and recollect? Also re-read last week's bulletin note on dressing in our 'Sunday Best.'3. Reception - when I receive on the tongue or in the hand, am I focussed only on Jesus? Am I giving him my best and most reverent attention? Banish all thoughts of watching others receive, or checking out the fashion choices of others.4. Thanksgiving - after receiving and returning to my spot, whisper to Jesus who now dwells within me like tabernacle. And this is the taber-nacle that He prefers, a loving heart.5. Discipleship - live in the manner worthy of the sacrament. Be His disciples to the world, making Him known in your love for the poor, in your concern for youth, in your charity to all. Reject Sin, Satan, and all His works. Live the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.Ok, that is quite a recipe, and one that is far from complete. I will leave you with a beautiful prayer from the Byzantine liturgy of the Mass. It is said this just before receiving Holy Communion. It is a lovely medita-tion on this great feast. Praying this prayer is bound to deepen your faithinthiswonder-filledSacrament.OLord,IbelieveandprofessthatYouaretrulyChrist,theSonofthelivingGod,Whocameintotheworldtosavesinners,ofwhomIamthefirst.AcceptmeasapartakerofYourmysticalsupper,OSonofGod;forIwillnotrevealYourmysterytoYourenemies,norwillIgiveYouakissasdidJudas,butlikethethiefIconfesstoYou:Rememberme,OLordwhenYoushallcomeintoYourkingdom.RemembermeOMaster,whenYoushallcomeintoYourking-dom.RemembermeOHolyOne,whenyoushallcomeintoYourkingdom.MaythepartakingofYourHolyMysteries,OLord,benotformyjudgmentorcondemnation,butforthehealingofsoulandbody.OLord,Ibelieveandprofessthatthis,whichIamabouttoreceive,istrulyYourmostpreciousBodyandYourlife-givingBlood,which,Ipray,makemeworthytoreceivefortheremissionofallmysinsandforlifeeverlasting.Amen.OGod,bemercifultome,asinner.OGod,cleansemeofmysinsandhavemercyonme.OLord,forgiveme,forIhavesinnedwithoutnumber.pax,

Fr Mosimann

pax et bonumfrom our pastor

From the Pews at St. Mary Dear Father Mosimann,I travel as part of my job. I have been increas-ingly struck by the decline of availability of Catholic masses and services across the coun-try. I have attended adoration on a number of occasions throughout my life. However, the ability to spend time with Our Lord over a two day period each week has been nothing short of transformative.

I have a family and a full time job. I juggle lengthy commutes, long work hours, frequent work travel, and a dynamic family schedule. Many times I arrive at adoration tired, hungry, and distracted with the days events. While nothing in my life has changed, EVERYTHING isdifferent.Thelovingandsubtletransfor-mation that Jesus has wrought in my interior life though adoration has been profound, and sustaining.

Attending adoration will not take away your problems, but it has consistently given my guid-ance, insight and peace about the many things I bring to Jesus each week. The Eucharist is the greatest gift, because God giving us Himself. Je-sus waits, silent and patient, for us to come and be with Him. He longs to share every aspect of ourselves with us. It’s as simple as dropping by for 15 minutes and telling him what’s in your heart.

It’s easy to take what we have at St Mary’s for granted. We are truly blessed to have access to dailymass,weeklyconfession,andanextendedadoration each week. I pray that more of our parishioners will take time dwell in the heart of Jesus. In such a tumultuous world we are all in need of a peace and love that only God can provide. He will never disappoint us. Thank youforfortheextendedopportunityyouhaveprovided the parish for weekly adoration.

Sincerely,Mary CM

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holy cross academyeducation

Girl Smarts/Total Boy WorkshopFourth and Fifth Grade students at Holy Cross recently participated in a Girl Smarts/Total Boy workshop.Studentsexploredtopicssuchasbodylanguage,firstimpressionsandmaintainingeyecontact.

They participated in activities to promote team-work and social media smarts. HCA faculty and staffworkedwithDiannaFlettandherstafftoprovide guidance and direction to our girls and boys as they approach the transitional years of Middle School. They discussed the connection between our values and our decisions and how these form our character.

This engaging program reinforces the values taught to our children by their parents and our school, making it fun and interactive. A great way to help our children bridge into the new relation-ships with empathy and compassion.

Accepting RegistrationsSaint Mary Preschool and Holy Cross Academy are a wonderful place to learn and grow. We hope that you will consider our parish school for your children. To learn more, we invite you to visit our school website, holycrossweb.com. If you would like to see what we can do for your child, please callourHCAofficeat540-286-1600orSt.MaryPreschool at 540-373-7553 to arrange for a tour or to let us tell you all about our parish school. or St. Mary Preschool at 540-373-7553 to arrange for a tour or to let us tell you all about our parish school.

A National Blue Ribbon

School of Excellence

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MagnifikidThe Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ“June opens up with the beautiful solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. This celebration is often referred to as Corpus Christi Sunday, from the Latin name of the feast. The Church rejoices that under the appearance of Bread and wine, the most ordinary of foods, God gives us the Body and Blood of his Son to be an abiding presence with us.”

religious educationparish life

Vacation Bible School RegistrationcontinuesforVBSattheParishOfficefrom 9am-4pm, Monday to Friday. Registration fee is $25.00VBSwillbeofferedtheweekofJune18–22,9am-12noon.VBSisopentorisingKthroughrising 5th grade students.

“After this, I simply cannot understand how anyone can argue that science and religion don’t agree. I recommend it to everyone.” —Paul J, Chula Vista, CA

Where Faith and Science Align All too often, science is employed as a means of disproving the tenants of Christianity. In this informative talk, Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ – expert in physics, philosophy, and theology – debunks the incompatibility of science and Faith as he discusses the origin of the universe.

Science, the Origin of the Universe, and God


Listen on formed.org

JOIN FORMED --- 1. formed.org 2. click register 3. enter parish code: F6F228

New Year Registration Registration for the new school year began June 1st. All students who will attend Religious Educa-tion classes are to register. Students preparing for First Holy Communion must provide a copy of theirBaptismalCertificate

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get involvedparish life

Call to EvangelizationEmpower your witness! Every day we have opportunities to share our story about why we love being Catholic, but do we? Or, do we hide our light under the proverbial bushel?

This small group's purpose is to support and encourage each otherinoureffortstoshareourfaith. We discuss opportunities we’ve had to evangelize, what worked and what didn’t, or what prevented us from trying.

If you want to engage others in conversation about our faith, join us. We meet every 3rd Sunday between the 10:30am and the 12:30pm masses(excepton holiday weekends) in the Courtyard Meeting Room.For more information contact Bryan Richardson at [email protected]

Special Corpus Christi Mass & ProcessionIn honor of the Feast of Cor-pus Christi, we will celebrate a special additional Sunday bi-lingual Mass at 12:30pm at Holy Cross (the English 12:30pm as normal at the church), June 3, followed by a Corpus Christi Procession around the school property, followed by the Parish Picnic! All are invited to attend and celebrate this great Solem-nity of the Body and Blood of Christ!

Pilgrim Virgin StatueWould you like to have the Pilgrim Virgin Statue visit your home? Contact Mary Lou Felts, 571-723-3333 or [email protected] for more informa-tion. This is one of the works done by the Legion of Mary.

Volunteers NeededThe Office of Migration & Refugee Services, in the Fred-ericksburg area, is currently in desperate need of tutors for school-aged children needing help with homework. They are asking that tutors commit to two hours per week. Tutoring takes place in the home of the student (due to transportation issues). The kids are wonderful, very well behaved, polite and eager to learn. This is a great volunteer opportunity for high school kids needing community hours, National Honor Society Members, retired folks, empty nesters ..anyone, wanting to connect and teach a child will-ing to learn. Interested volun-teers can start by submitting their information on ccda.net and clicking on 'volunteers' and they can also contact the volun-teer manager, Arielle Reynoso at 703-778-9128, or through email, [email protected]. We can match tutors based on their preference for gender and grade level.

Baccalaureate Mass We invite all graduating high school seniors to come to Mass at 12:30pm on Sunday June 10. Graduates will process in with the priest and sit together in the front of the church and be rec-ognized for their achievements!

Become a CITIZEN Apply now! Come to a citizen-ship application workshop host-ed by Catholic Charities Hogar Immigrant Services on June 16, from 10am-1pm at St. Anthony Catholic School. Cost is $110, cash or credit. Contact us or pre-register by calling (571) 208-1572 or email hogarimmigrantser-vices.org/workshop.

Father's Day Pancake Breakfast!Enjoy a great breakfast while celebrating Father's Day, June 17!YourKnightsofColumbuswill be hosting a Pancake Breakfast from 8am-12pm on June17.Enjoyfluffypancakes,sausage, eggs, hash browns, and varied beverages appropiate for all ages! You cannot start the day better than celebrating our Lord and enjoying a wonderful breakfast with your family. Hope to see you there!

You Were Born a ManBecome a KnightWhat do Vince Lombardi, Babe Ruth,andPresidentJohnF.Ken-nedy all have in common? They were all men of faith. They were all legendary not only for their extraordinaryachievements,but also for the many ways they gave of themselves in service to others.TheywereallKnightsofColumbus.

For more than 130 years, Knightshavebeenleadersintheir communities. Rooted in faith and supported by a global fraternity of 1.9 million brother Knights,youcanbemoreanddo more. When you join us, you’re joining the company of heroic men, and answering a higher call to become what God wants you to be!

MeetotherextraordinaryKnightswhoarepartofyourlocal council. See what being aKnightcandoforyou.Con-tact us at either [email protected] or [email protected]. Or, sign up now on line at KofC.org/JoinUs

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get involvedparish life

August 4, 2018Save the DateSPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE

1601 Princess Anne St., Fredericksburg, VA 22401 • 540-374-3407 • marysshelterva.orgPhotography: Kathryn Mandel Photography, mandel.smugmug.com • Graphic Design: The Design Room, Inc., thedesignroominc.com

“How can there be too many children? That’s like saying there are too many flowers.”

—Mother Teresa

No Cost to Attend • Reservations Required • marysshelterva.org

9th Annual Summer Soirée

August 4, 2018Fredericksburg Expo Center

+++++++++++++++++++++ Red Cross Bloodmobile Blood Drive

Knights of Columbus 4034

Save the Date, Save a Life!Wednesday, June 6

2-6pmSt. Mary's Parking Lot


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june 3, 2018

save the date

Our annual PARISH PICNIC is Sunday, June 3 from 3–7pm on the fields at Holy Cross Academy


Help is needed! Hamburgers, turkey burgers, hot dogs, sausages, baked beans, potato salad, and drinks are prepared by the Knights and served by the CCW. Side dishes and desserts provided by parishioners. To help serve food, contact the Council of Catholic Women: Eileen Geary, [email protected], 540-371-1844

To help cook, set up or clean up, contact Knights of Columbus: Paul Scott, [email protected], 540-891-9331


AMAZING games and rides

LIVE MUSIC in concert by Vision

TASTY food and drinksserved from 3-6pm

AND everything you bring:If your last names starts with:A-G: bring chips to share;

H-P: bring a dessert to share;Q-Z: bring a non-perishable snack.

GAMESExtreme Air Bungee Jumper

Wrecking BallJurassic Adventure

5 in 1 3D Sponge BobBungee Run/ Gladiator JoustFire Rescue Obstacle CourseBig Kahuna Dry Water Slide

ACTIVITIESFace painting

Pony ridesCotton candy

Sno conesPopcorn

Music by VisionMajest Martial Arts demo

get involvedparish life

WeinviteallChristianstogatherinthepeaceofChristatSt.Mary Monday, June 18aswe“prepareaplaceforunityandpeace”together.

You are invited to a monthly gathering of prayer in the ecumenical tradition of the Taizé Community in France, the second Monday of every month at 8:15pm.

It is our hope that this monthly prayer brings together Christians of allchurches,pastorsandflocks,astogether we realize a bit more each day that we must rely upon God’s power to bring about Unity among all who follow Jesus, “as he and the Father are one.” It is something we are unable to do ourselves.This Unity which embraces all people stands at the very heart of Christ’s mission...and belongs to the essence of our community. Let us provide a place wherehisSpiritcancomeandfulfillhis plan for us.

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happeningsparish life

Epic is coming in September!Discover the “Epic” Story of the Catholic Church, watch the bul-letin for more details

Pastorial TransfersFather Stephen Holmes will be transferring from Parochial Vicar at Saint Mary of the Im-maculate Conception to Pa-rochial Vicar at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Winchester, Virginia. Father Holmes will be replaced Reverned Michael J. Folmar–uponordinationtothepriesthood. These appointments by Bishop Burbidge will be ef-fective as of June 28.

Health MinistryBlood Pressure Check-In June 17 According to the Johns Hopkins Medicine web site, some 60 million Americans have high blood pressure, but only about half of them know it, primarily because it so rarely causes any noticeable symptoms and is usually detected only incidentally during a routine physical. Left untreated, a person runs the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage, just to name a few. This is why hypertension is known as the silent killer. However it is important to also remember that many factors that contribute to hypertension are within an individual’s control.Everyday activities such as the food choices we make, maintaining a healthy weight, routine activity level, regular checks of our blood pressure numbers are prevention strate-gies that are shown to make a significantimpactonthedevel-opment of hypertension.Our Health Ministry Team is offeringabloodpressureCheck-In on Sunday June 17 from 8am-12noon during the Sunday CoffeeShopaswellasafterthe2:30pm Spanish Mass. We will be in room 100 of the Parish Life Center. Parishioners will be given a written record of the findingsandresourcematerialsis also available. This Check-In

can support you, the parishio-ner in several ways.1. Provide a record of blood pressure readings for the parish-ioner to pass on to their primary care physician.2. Alert the parishioner to situa-tions that may require immedi-ate medical attention.3. A means of sharing a simple blessing with the parishioner. The act of “Presence” or being totally available to the parishio-ner for this brief encounter can be a powerful source of bless-ing for the parishioner and the Team member.

Attention All Parish OrganizationsYour calendar for the use of parish facilities from September 2018 to August 2019 should be submitted to Elaine in the Par-ishOfficeno later than July 31. Please make sure you submit your request to Elaine, in writ-ing, as soon as possible, either by regular mail, or by email to [email protected]. In setting up your schedule, please note that evening activi-ties cannot be scheduled before

8pm from September through May, due to Religious Education classes in the Parish Life Center and the John Paul II House.

CCW NewsA sincere thank you goes out to all of our picnic servers who will keep the plates full and the faces smiling.

OurnextgatheringonJune12,after the 9am Mass will be our finalmeetingbeforethesummerbreak.Officerswillbeinstalledin church and a pot luck lunch will follow in the Rooney Room. Please join us.

Loli Ibarra (540-899-8949) invites you to join the fun of putting together our annual tea to be held on September 29. Just give her a call. May you all have a blessed summer.

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SHARE Order FormValue Package ($23) _____ x $23. = $______

Baby Back Ribs ($35) _____ x $35. = $______

Gourmet Chicken Breasts ($24) _____ x $24. = $______

Sirloin Strip Steaks ($22) _____ x $22. = $______

TOTAL: $______



city state zip



Community Service Hours:___ hrs Church ___ Host site___ hrs Youth ___ Transport___ hrs Shelter ___ Comm. Dinner___ hrs Seniors ___ Vincent de Paul___ hrs Micah ___ MW Hospital___ hrs School ___ Parish Ministry___ hrs Community Service___ hrs Other ___ hrs Other

PAYMENT METHODS:CASH or MONEY ORDER.No CHECKS; Payment due when order is placed. Money Orders should be made to: SHARE FOOD NETWORK.

june shareWelcome to SHARE at St. Mary Parish!Order Deadline: June 11Food Pick-Up: June 23This is a food cooperative program with a community service requirement. Package Pick-up is typically the fourth Saturday of the month at the Parish Life Center between 8-9am. The following month’s menu will be available at the time of pick-up.

Please contact Rick Caporali for more information and details, [email protected].

Value Package $23 (2 hrs community service)

▪ Ground Beef - 1lb▪ Smoked, Thick-Cut Bacon - 1lb▪ Tysons Chicken Tenderloins - 1.3lb▪ Turkey Sausage Links - 85/15 - 1lb▪ Plus 8-12 lbs. of the freshest fruits and vegetables we can find for you and your family

Baby Back Ribs $35 (2 hrs community service)

Ready to fire up the grill?▪ 10lb Box of Baby Back Ribs!

Gourmet Chicken Breast Box $24 (2 hrs Community Service)

▪ 10-pound box of hand-cut, skin-on, boneless chicken breasts, with wingette

Sirloin Strip Steaks $22 (2 hrs Community Service)

▪ 6-8 oz steaks, ready for the grill!

Menu items are always subject to change. When we must substitute, we try to give better value.

our parish

Father's Day NovenaTheHolySacrificeoftheMassisthe best way to remember your father,livingordeceased–oryourgrandfather, godfather or someone who is like a father to you. Begin-ning June 17, Father’s Day, a No-venaofMasseswillbeofferedforall the intentions placed in front of the altar. These intentions will remain before the altar throughout the Novena. Fathers’ Day Cards andextranovenaenvelopesareavailable in the vestibule of the ChurchandintheParishOffice.

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Helpful Hints & Reminders▪Didyouknowthatwhenyouwrite a check, you should use only black or blue ink? All other colors may look very nice, but they don’t show up on bank scanners and bank employees have to manually enter the amount at the bottom of the check or return the check to us. So please use only black or blue ink when writing a check.▪Fromtimetotimewereceivecontributions in envelopes from other parishes in the Diocese. If there is no notation, it is our policy to send these contributions to the parish indicated on the envelope. If your contribution is actually meant for St. Mary, please be sure to use St. Mary envelopes, or a plain envelope with your name and address indicated, or cross out the name of the parish on the envelope and clearly write St. Mary on the envelope so that we can process your contribution properly.

Choose Life ReflectionIn the midst of the abortion tragedy, the Church does not pointfingersofcondemnation.Rather,theChurchextendshandsof compassion and help to lift up out of despair those who are tempted to abort their children. The Church informs her people of the many alternatives to abortion and says, “I am with you and will enable you to say ‘yes’ to life.” Lord,maywereachouttothosewhoaretemptedtoabortbecausetheyfeelalone,thattheymayknowthatweandYouarewiththem.

Al Anon Surviving the Weekend GroupAllwhohavebeenaffectedbysomeone else’s drinking, and members come together to learn a betterwayoflifeandhowtofindhappiness. It’s important to know that you are not alone and there is help. Al Anon meetings are every Saturday at 10am in Room 204 of St. Mary’s Parish Life Center.

Nar Anon Support AvailableNar Anon is a program that of-fers support to family members and friends of loved ones strug-gling with substance abuse. All information and discussion is non-judgemental, informative and strictlyconfidential.Ourmeetingsare in Room 204 in the Parish Life Center on Thursday from 7-8pm and are open to the community at large. Contact Cathy at 703-201-8821, [email protected] or Wayne at 540-840-5230.

Weekly OffertoryCollections for May 20

Offertory $27,052DiocesanRetiredPriests $8,079SpecialParishNeeds(add'l) $1,905StVincentdePaulPoorBox $174

Second Collection next week is for the Diocesan Mission Appeal for The Oblate Sisters of St. Francis

De Sales. Thank you for your generosity!

Corpus Christi Reflection“ToengageinEucharisticcontempla-tionmeans,concretely,toestablishahearttoheartcontactwithJesusreallypresentintheHostand,throughHim,toberaisedtotheFatherintheHolySpirit....Eucha-ristic contemplation is to look at one whoislookingatme.”(Fr.RanieroCantalamessa)

Children’s Offertory Envelopes for JuneOurChildren’sOffertoryCon-tributions for the month of June will be donated to Hope House, which was established in 1987 to serve homeless women and their children from the City of Fred-ericksburg, and the counties of Stafford,Spotsylvania,Caroline,andKingGeorge.HopeHouseisanon-profit,501(c)3,transitionalfacility where homeless women and their children can stay up to two years. Hope House provides safe housing and the opportuni-ties to transition to successful, independent living. Hope House also provides a childcare program thatdemonstratesexcellenceinchildcare and ensures academic success. For more information, visit their website at hopehouse-va.org.

given in loveoperations

Page 13: The Most Holy Blood and Body of Christ

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Saint Mary Prayer ListPlease pray for those who are sick or in need, especially: Maria Eliza Franca Maciel, Eileen Bourne, Marty T., David A, Pedro Rios, Cathy Burgh, Roger Dewayne, Angus Johnson, Peter Wood, Jude Murphy, Paula Snellings, Mary Jean & Don Williams, Harold Gardiner, Gerald Gardiner, Tina Ott, Michael Carr, Ste-phen Daley, Deanna White, Maria Stein, Elizabeth Da-vis,JeanetteWilliams,DeborahJuneKing,AnnGalla-gher, Robert & Brittani Horner, Mary Ulmer, Antonio Christianson, Thomas Moeller, Marianne Ford, Ortiz Family, Maryann Seidlinger, William Hackbarth, John Michael Ides, Sylvia Pressley, Tamlyn Leaf, Matthew Roberts, Deanna Uperti, Gabriela Mason, Maria Stine, Joy&LarryKligman,DavidDuke,DennisMorris,James Murphy, Joan Cheek, Ted Mayor, Tim Conway, Billy LaPietra, Daniel Bustamonta, Maryann Deve-nas, Frank Spatt, Micheal Chen, Joseph Stefano, Fred Becker, Chuck Boyer, Maria Celia Brandao Lage, Leah Sapphire,FelicityStanfield,MichaelKraljevich,SteveZawisa, Casey Roby, Calvin Mills, Mary Jean Mills, Elise Velez, Tracey Hansen, Elizabeth Ames, Aleisa Barber, David Arnold, Maryann Greatsinger, Anto-nio Ferrara, Wilson and Joan Parker, Emma Gilbert, Virginia Gannon, Maureen Guilfoyle, Daniel Burke, KatherinePerusi,DorieLee,ChristopherSzynal,JoyZerby,MariahCeidlinger,KellyCarperter-Silvers,Suzi Eggleston, Bernad Castillo, Nancy Buhite, Mi-chael Durant, Matthew Gomer, Tricia Davis, Martha Clements, Dolores Renninger, Donna Long, Mary Ann Valentine, Mary Ann Maynard, Zachary Payne, Mar-garetKrebbel,AdriannaPruitt,DeannaPruitt,Mont-gomery Wood, Gail Russell, Patricia Russo, Charles Dittmer, Bruce Mattern, Dorothy Simmons, Lillian Kendall,NikolaiSherba,SharonS.,BarbaraClarke,Roseanne Nash, Jeanne Burke, Prudy Tarpe, Mau-reenMizzles,MilesWood,MaryEllenKearney,KaySimmons, Robert Meyer, Marc and Susan Wood, John Gil, Lita Mary Mamboyo, Nathan Apicella, Timothy Travis,KadenSabo,RobertNathanServetnick,DianneClancy, The Chevchuc Family, Mary DamatoPlease pray for all the men and women in our military and civilian support services overseas, especially: Glenn Dickinson, Paul Fischer, John Moring, Dominick Joseph Petro, Jamal Williams, Lance Schulte, Brian Hellman, Sean Plunkett, Roy Selvidge, Patrick Fenton, David James, Shawn Tupta, Vincent Petillo, Christopher Johnson III, Patrick Desmond, Andrew M. Smith, Nelly Garcia, Mindy Hakenson, Xavier Alas, Anthony Howell, John Anthenor, Andrew Dowdy, Sean McCullum, Josue Bermudez, Monica Hannan, Julio A. Alarcon, Gabe Gonzalez, David Oechslein, Shawn Herr, Logan Mullins,GregFeroldi,TylerWood,KelseyCullinan,Jason Cullinan, Estrella Bernaola, Frank Spatt Jr.Please pray also for those who have died, especially the benefactors of Saint Mary Church.

daily breadliturgy

Daily Mass Intentions and ReadingsJune4 MONDAY6:30am Silvia Campos9:00am Ana R. Bernaola+2 Pt 1:2-7/Mk 12:1-12

5 TUESDAY6:30am Mariam Ricard+9:00am Barbara Mertens+2 Pt 3:12-18/Mk 12:13-1

6 WEDNESDAY6:30am Rev Joseph Farrell9:00am Teresita Canizares+2 Tm 1:1-12/Mk 12:18-27

7 THURSDAY6:30am Michael Dickinson+9:00am Charles White+2 Tm 2:8-15/Mk 12:28-34

8 FRIDAY6:30am Catherine M. Gordon+8:15am* Sister Mercedes Maria+9:00am Elaine ReyesHos 11:1-9/Eph 3:8-19/Jn 19:31-37

9 SATURDAY9:00am Joe O'Connor+5:00pm Elvia Burgos & Ernest Bailey+7:00pm Mr & Mrs. Walter Weir+2 Tm 4:1-8/Lk 2:41-51

10 SUNDAY7:00am Teresita Canizares+8:30am For Our Parish10:30am Father Holmes10:30am* William Sampson+12:30pm Jeffrey Alexander+2:30pm(sp) Helen Ruiz5:00pm A. J. Schalk7:00pm Fr. Peter Reynierse & FamilyGn 3:9-15/2 Cor 4:13—5:1/Mk 3:20-35



SCRIP Helping HCAHow it works: Most of us shop at various local vendors that are supported through SCRIP. These include Giant, Weis, Wawa, Starbucks, Wal-Mart, Target as well as popular restaurants like Olive Garden, Red Lobster, IHOP and Outback. Complete list at shopwithscrip.comThere are several ways you can order/purchase gift cards through the SCRIP program. One is to visit a SCRIP table after most Masses (including HCA). There is a volunteer who will provide info and help you purchase gift cards. Checks or cash accepted. You can also order online for delivery to either HCA (after 10:30am Mass or during school hours when school is in session) or for pickup after Saturday or Sunday Masses at the Church. And the most convenient way, set up a Presto Pay account and order gift cards online. You will need St. Mary’s enrollment code to set an account. For the enrollment code and assistance, please contact Christi Greenwell at [email protected] or 703-994- 2142. She will help get you started.