-. ( , TEMPLE BINAI OR BULLETIN Sd to: I Library HUC-JIR 3101 Clifton Ave. Cincinnati, OR 45220 R. Mt. N 0Ἐ An Affiate of the Union of Amerin Hebrew Congrations May, 1c3 The Rabbi Writes... The Bar or the Mitzvah? There is a growing conce among some Temple mem- bers and within the Reform Movement about BarlBat Mitzvah parties. In the words of a recent resolution of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, the parties o on become "excessive and inappropria celebraons... occasions for idolatry and the relentless commercial colonization of o sacred events," examples of "excesses of wasteful consumption ... glitzy theme events, sophisticad entertainment and expens� VC dLY favors." They on force families to spend way yond their means; and besides, they usually are not ve Jewish. This particular resolution calls on the UC to promote celebrations chacterized by "fily cohesion, au- thentic iendship, acts of tzedaka, and parties suitable for chi1dren." It also suggested that Temples consider the creation of guidelines. There is nothing wrong with a BarlBat Mitzvah party. Actually, it is an expression of a very wonderful tradi- tion known as the s'udat mitzvah, literally the "mitzvah Continued on Page Five.... Last Day Of Religious School Rescheduled See Religious School News page 4 Annual Congregational Meeting May 20, 1993 8 p.m. SCHEDULE OF SERCES . 1 a m exander wensteiJennifer Greeneba B'nai Mitzvah 7 Family Shabbat Seice - 7:30 p.m. 4th Grade Shabbaton pm Teacher Recognition honoring Elaine Gaidemak Join us as we express our thanks to Elaine Gaidemak . 8 +' a m Meredith CarletonlElizabeth Waʦon B'not Mitzvah . p Shabbat Evening Seice -8:00 p.m. Renaissance Shabbat Rabbi Z. Dad Levy will speak . / am Tot Shabbat - 9:15 a.m. Garrett Szibdat Bar Mitzvah -11:00 a.m. 5 pm Consecration of Conmands (private) - 7:15 p.m. Shabbat Evening Seice - 8:00 p.m. Drim Graduation Members of our 12th grade graduating class will speak . 6 am Stephen FrieJonathan Sterman B'nai Mitzvah 7 a Confirmation y : am Coffee and... -8:45 a.m. Shavuoizkor - 9:00 a.m. < p Shabbat Evening Seice - 8:00 p.m.

TEMPLE BINAI OR BULLETIN - AJAcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/ms/ms0882/00830/ms0882.00830... · ,&JIrz. SCHOOL NEWS v,, __ "" I SNOW CHANGES SCHOOL SCHEDULE School was closed

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Page 1: TEMPLE BINAI OR BULLETIN - AJAcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/ms/ms0882/00830/ms0882.00830... · ,&JIrz. SCHOOL NEWS v,, __ "" I SNOW CHANGES SCHOOL SCHEDULE School was closed

.,. - ....... ( ,


• I

Library HUC-JIR 3101 Clifton Ave. Cincinnati, OR 45220

� E:e Overlook Road. MOtTIstown. New Jersey 07960

An Affiliate of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations May, 1993

The Rabbi Writes ...

The Bar or the Mitzvah? There is a growing concern among some Temple mem­bers and within the Reform Movement about BarlBat Mitzvah parties. In the words of a recent resolution of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, the parties too often become "excessive and inappropriate celebrations ... occasions for idolatry and the relentless commercial colonization of our sacred events," examples of "excesses of wasteful consumption ... glitzy theme events, sophisticated entertainment and expens� VC }idLY favors." They often force families to spend way beyond their means; and besides, they usually are not very Jewish.

This particular resolution calls on the UAHC to promote celebrations characterized by "family cohesion, au­thentic friendship, acts of tzedaka, and parties suitable for chi1dren." It also suggested that Temples consider the creation of guidelines.

There is nothing wrong with a BarlBat Mitzvah party. Actually, it is an expression of a very wonderful tradi­tion known as the s'udat mitzvah, literally the "mitzvah

Continued on Page Five ....

Last Day Of Religious School Rescheduled

See Religious School News page 4

Annual Congregational Meeting May 20, 1993 8 p.m.


Saturday. May 1 11:()() a m

Alexander Lowenstein/Jennifer Greenebaurn B'nai Mitzvah

Friday. May 7 Family Shabbat Service - 7:30 p.m.

4th Grade Shabbaton


Teacher Recognition honoring Elaine Gaidemak Join us as we express our thanks to Elaine Gaidemak

Saturday. May 8 11'()() a m

Meredith CarletonlElizabeth Watson B'not Mitzvah

Friday. May 14 8:()() p.m. Shabbat Evening Service -8:00 p.m.

Renaissance Shabbat Rabbi Z. David Levy will speak

Saturday. May 15 11:()() am

Tot Shabbat - 9:15 a.m. Garrett Szibdat Bar Mitzvah -11:00 a.m.

Friday. May 21 8:()() p m. Consecration of Conflrmands (private) - 7:15 p.m.

Shabbat Evening Service - 8:00 p.m. Drim Graduation

Members of our 12th grade graduating class will speak

Saturday. May 22 11:()() a m

Stephen Fried/Jonathan Sterman B'nai Mitzvah

Sunday. May 23 11:()() a.m.


Wednesday. May 26 9:()() am Coffee and ... -8:45 a.m.

ShavuotlYizkor - 9:00 a.m.

Friday. May 28 8:()() p.m.

Shabbat Evening Service - 8:00 p.m.

Page 2: TEMPLE BINAI OR BULLETIN - AJAcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/ms/ms0882/00830/ms0882.00830... · ,&JIrz. SCHOOL NEWS v,, __ "" I SNOW CHANGES SCHOOL SCHEDULE School was closed

Th()ughts From The Cantor

ACTIVITY IN THE CANTOR'S CORNER The calendar has been so busy the last few months. What fun it has been to make music with the new Temple B'nai Or Children's Choir! I am so proud of the work they have done. In addition to being motivated, sweet, committed, and talented, they have managed to sing in Yiddish with flair! They are getting better by the minute!

This year the Adult Volunteer Choir has been producing some pretty fine and impressive sounds. As always they take on the musical challenges with spirit and commitment. During the next two months they shall participate in some special services.

I have received great satisfaction from teaching the inquisitive persons who have attended the Prayerbook Class that is held on Sundays at 12:00 noon. We are studying the structure of our prayers, their history and meaning . You really don't need to have any knowledge of Hebrew in order to understand. Call me with any questions I have many thoughts concerning a class for next year and I'd like to know who is interested.

Last, but not least, it has been a pleasure to work with the Confirmation Class of 1993. They will share their thoughts and talents with you on May 23rd. It has been very gratifying to get to know them and to see their growth as people and students throughout the year.


m ...... frwrt tile Preatdeftt MAY EVENTS With the Blizzard of '93 behind us, May begins with the wonderful Cantorial Concert on May 1. If you attend only one concert this year, Cantor Staiman's "Nostalgic Journey" should be that concert. Join the congregation in this highly anticipated event!

Add to your MUST DO list for May the ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEET­ING on May 20. As a member in good standing and a partner in the success of Temple B'nai Or, come and participate in our annual meeting. You'll meet your friends and share in very important events: electing your new Officers and Board of Trustees; adopting the balance of a new constitution; reviewing the budget for the 1993-94 fiscal year; reviewing our activities this year and plans for the coming year. Congregational attendance has been "modest" in past years. We urge you to come and share in your Temple's direction.

Also, please highlight the Food and Clothing Drive scheduled for May 2 - May 9. Make it a family Mitzvah to help others who are less fortunate. Share and help others suffer less.

Looking forward beyond May, please think of all that Temple B'nai Or means to you as we begin to make plans for two very important activities. The first is a revitalized Endowment Program that Past President Marc Allen has agreed to direct. A successful endowment program will help assure the health of your Temple in future years. Without an endowment program, we will be subject to annual budget problems and will have insufficient funds to draw upon for major financial requirements. We will be developing a complete program during the next several months. Please contact Rabbi RossotT, Marc Allen, or myself if you

Continued OTt Page Five ....

The Men's Club thanks the following businesses for their gen­erous contribution to our Temple:

Argyle's All American Restaurant 217 South Street

Four Seasons Wine and Liquor 154 South Street

Headquarters Plaza Hotel 3 Headquarters Plaza

Khiva 11 South Street

Saturn of Morristown 50 Morris Avenue

Please show your appreciation by pa­tronizing these businesses.

SOCIAL ACTION NEWS There will be a food and clothing drive the week of May 2 - 9 here at Temple. We can really use peanut butter,jelly, juice, baby food, tuna fish, pasta, cere­als, canned soups, canned vegetables and canned fruits. In the clothing line we need men's clothes, children clothes, linens and towels. We also have a need for suitcases.

Temple B'Nai Or (201) 539-4539

An Affiliate of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations

Rabbi Donald B. Ros!;OfT

Cantor Deborah R Staiman

Rabbi Emeritus Z. David Luvy

President Irv GozonlSky

Sisterhood President Barbara Ackerman

Men's Club President Richard Burgh

Editor Catherine Litwin

Director of Education Elaine R Gaidemak. RJ.E.

Choir Director Alice Maleski

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Faithfully Yours An Open Letter To President Clinton Concerning Jonathan Pollard We, the undersigned rabbis, represen­tatives of the broad spectrum of the Jewish religious community, wish to voice our plea for justice for Jonathan Pollard.

We in no way condone acts of espionage or any violation of our country's laws. We nonetheless call upon you, Mr. President, to recognize that the life­time sentence imposed upon Jonathan Pollard is unduly harsh and grossly inconsistent with the punishment given to other Americans convicted of simi­lar and even worse crimes.

We therefore call upon you to demon­strate your commitment to justice by commuting Jonathan Pollard's sen­tence to the time, almost seven years, he has already served. This would be consistent with, indeed, longer than, sentehces typically imposed by Ameri­can courts for similar offenses. Jonathan Pollard's sentence should appropriately reflect the punishment that is commensurate with his crime.

Signed by the Presidents of the Semi­naries and the President and Executive Vice President of the Rabbinical orga­nizations representing Conservative, Reconstructionist, Reform and Ortho­doxJudaism, and by Rabbi Donald B. Rossoff

May 7-8

. . �-�. TORAH DIGEST �----'f4 � --- I,J '" r

� �

EM OR Leviticus 21:1 - 24:23

Following the responsibilities of the Biblical priesthood to remain ritually and morally pure is a description of the Biblical holy days. First among them is the Shabbat. The first of the three Pilgrimage Festivals is Passover, feast of unleavened bread. Mter Passover are seven weeks of bringing barely offerings (the "Omer"), culminating in the festival of weeks, Shavuot. The third of the three festivals is celebrated at the final harvest by taking lulav and etrog, and living in booths, Sukkot. At harvest time we are commanded to give the poor thei r due. The two nonagricultural Holy Days are also commanded: Rosh Hashana, a day of the sounding of the shofar and Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, a day of self-denial and expiation.


Leviticus 25:1 -27:34

In this week's Torah portion, laws concerning economicjustice and equality; The Sabbatical year in which the land itself observes a year of rest every seventh year; the Jubilee year every 50 years in which slaves are freed and land is returned to the original tribal owners ("Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof!"); the command to lend money to the needy without interest.

May 21 -22 BAMIDBAR

Numbers 1:1 - 4:20

This portion begins the book of Bamidbar (In the Wilderness). A census is taken of the Israelites, hence the English title of the book, Numbers. The tribes are assigned their encampment positions for the journey to the land oflsrael. At the center of the camp will always be the Tabernacle, the physical token of God's presence in their midst. The Levitical families are given their individual responsibilities in the transporting and functioning of the Tabernacle.

May 28 - 29 NASO Numbers 4:21 - 7:89

The initiation of the Tabernacle continues with the ceI1sus of the Levitical families and a description of their ritual responsibilities. Laws concerning N azirite vows and the suspected adulteress are also given. The sons of Aaron are instructed to pronounce the "Priestly Benediction" over the people: "May the Lord bless you and keep you ... "

Summary Of Board Of Trustees Meeting Minutes Thirty-one Board members were in at­tendance on March 8 to hear about, advise and guide the Temple's direction for another month.

Irv Gozonsky presided over the meeting and named the committee who will ne­gotiate the Cantor's contract.

Treasurer, Phil Kaufman explained that the 1993-94 budget will be presented in April. Cantor Staiman told of the suc­cess in ticket sales for the concert and Richard Burgh reported on the popular Men's Club Tennis Party.

Rabbi Ross off requested that everyone be sensitive to the Jewish holidays when planning events. He also spoke of the Religious School's parent/student pro­gram on AIDS presented by outside experts.

Wendy Fried discussed the progress being made on the Educa tor search com­mittee. She felt they needed the leeway to offer a multi-year contract. A motion was offered in that regard, but follow­ing an emotional debate, was tabled.

The acting administrator mentioned the - .

building is now open on Tuesday eve­nings until 10:00 PM for meetings, but must be scheduled through the office. She also informed the Board that the new employees continue to be working out well.

Standing Committees: Personnel - Search is on for an admin­istrator Nominating - Submitted slate for 1993-94 Fund Raising - Urged the support of SCRIP program

Continued on Page Seven ....

Page 4: TEMPLE BINAI OR BULLETIN - AJAcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/ms/ms0882/00830/ms0882.00830... · ,&JIrz. SCHOOL NEWS v,, __ "" I SNOW CHANGES SCHOOL SCHEDULE School was closed


School was closed on three Sundays, two Mondays, one Tuesday and one Thursday this year due to our unusual winter weather conditions. Because of the bad weather we will add one day onto our Sunday schedule. Therefore school will be open on Sunday, May 23rd. In order not to interfere with Confirmation, which will also take place that morning, parents are asked to follow this revised schedule:

INTERMEDIATE GRADES; (4 -7) The Lag Ba'Omer Field day scheduled for May 16th will now take place

on May 23rd. Parents of students in Grades Four through Seven are asked to drop students off at the regular time at the school entrance and pick their carpools up at the Thomas Jefferson Playground at 11:10 AM.

PRIMARY GRADES (K -3); Students will follow their regular schedule and will be dropped off and

picked up at the school entrance. Elaine B. Gaidemak, RJE Director of Education

REGISTRATION FORMS DUE If you have not yet returned your Registration Forms for the 1993-1994 school year to the Religious School Office, please do so before the last day of school. This information is important for staffing decisions. Thank you for your he} !




GRADE TWO - Join us on Sunday may 2nd at 12:15PM in the Sanctuary when Second Graders will find a letter of their name in the Torah, receive special blessings from their families and prepare to begin the formal study of Hebrew.

GRADE FOUR- Join us on Friday evening, May 7th for Teacher Recognition Shabbat when Fourth Grade will lead us in worship. Help honor students and their teachers.

PRIMARY (K-3)- We will hold our special End of the Year Music Program on Sunday, May 16th at 12:30 PM in the Courtyard.




May 21st 8:00 PM





Join us as these Seniors graduate from ORIM.

Ben Henson Megan Gannet Sarah Nelson

Marc Sukoneck


David Ackerman Scott Martin Kevin Cookler Julie Marx

Rachel Dougan Rachel Nelson Jeremy Konwiser Kathy Piermont

David Lyon Eric Rosenthal Sadie Marcello Chad Schorr

Starr Marcello Randi Sukoneck

Watch for flyer for the

3rd Annual Golf Outing Call Alan Ackerman 895-2097

Page 5: TEMPLE BINAI OR BULLETIN - AJAcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/ms/ms0882/00830/ms0882.00830... · ,&JIrz. SCHOOL NEWS v,, __ "" I SNOW CHANGES SCHOOL SCHEDULE School was closed

Bar or the Mitzvah? Continued from Page One

meal." This is a celebration held to extend and enhance the joy of a family member's fulfillment of a mitzvah, e.g., brit milah, barlbat mitzvah, wedding. Ideally, the party should reflect the values and financial situation of the family. And yet, so often, parents find themselves under a great deal of pres­sure: from the children to imitate what their friends might have had; from fam­ily, business associates and friends to "keep up with the Cohenses"; as well as from the desire to make everyone else happy. We at Temple have been addressing these issues more and more. It is impor­tant to do so, not only because of the money that is spent but because of the messages that are given as to what is really important. As I say in a letter to families preparing for BarlBat Mitzvah: the values that the party expresses are a more powerful statement than any spoken lessons we could im­part to our children!

To help families create the most mean­ingful BarlBat Mitzvah experiences, we have begun to distribute to the families of Sixth Grader a wonderful new book by my friend and classmate, Rabbi Jef­frey Salkin, Putting God on the Guest List: How toReclaim the Spiritual Mean­ing of Your Child's Bar or Bat Mitzvah, as well as the issue of Reform Judaism MaiAzine discussing the issue. We hope that each family will give these tools careful consideration when planning their "simchas." This, of course, is a very personal/famil­ial issue. I would like to open up a dialogue on the issue. What do YOU think about the UARC resolution and the issue of BarlBat Mitzvah celebra­tions? What have been the most mean­ingful experiences in your family and with those celebrations you have at­tended? What are the pressures you feel or felt? What are the values that you think should be expressed by the celebration? Write to me and in the coming months. We will publish ex­cerpts of your responses. I look forward to hearing from you.

Rabbi Don Rossoff

May Events Continued from Page Two

meeting. You'll meet your friends and share in very important events: electing your new Officers and Board of Trust­ees; adopting the balance of a new con­stitution; reviewing the budget for the 1993-94 fiscal year; reviewing our ac­tivities this year and plans for the com­ing year. Congregational attendance has been "modest" in past years. We urge you to come and share in your Temple's direction. Also, please highlight the Food and Clothing Drive scheduled for May 2 -May 9. Make it a family Mitzvah to help others who are less fortunate. Share and help others suffer less. Looking forward beyond May, please think of all that Temple B'nai Or means to you as we begin to make plans for two very important activities. The first is a revitalized Endowment Program that Past President Marc Allen has agreed to direct. A successful endowment pro­gi-am Willheip·assure the health' of your Temple in future years. Without an en­dowment program, we will be subject to annual budget problems and will have insufficient funds to draw upon for ma­jor financial requirements. We will be developing a complete program during the next several months. Please contact Rabbi Rossoff, Marc Allen, or myself if you would like to participate in creating this vital program. The second event is the celebration of Temple B'nai Or's 40TH ANNIVER­SARY in 1994. Our Temple was founded in 1954 and we're approaching a special time, a grand celebration complete with fond memories, stories, and special events. That's the good news, now we need your help to make our 40TH AN­NIVERSARY truly outstanding. We're reaching out to our entire congrega­tional family for volunteers to help in many ways, too many to list here. Just call the office, or Rabbi Rossoff, or my­self. We need to begin making our plans now for the grand 40th. rn be looking forward to seeing you at the Concert and at the Congregational Meeting.

Irv Gozonsky

IN MEMORIAM When cherished ties are bro­ken, our burden of sadness is made lighter by the sympathy and comfort of friends. The Congregation extends its sym­pathy to the families of:

Sam Chase Ida Berman Morris Cooper Betty Erichson

Seymour Hackman Gary Rosencrans

MEN'S CLUB NEWS Men's Club and Sisterhood are spon­soring a Gourmet Breakfast on Sun­day, May 16th, at 10:00 AM, followed at 11:00 AM by a lecture on Human Sexuality And The Talmud. The guest speaker is Arthur Kurzweil who is an editor, writer, teacher and lecturer. 'He is the author of From Generation to Generation· How to Trace Your Jewish Genealogy and Personal Histoa and My Generations· A Course in Jewish Family Histoa.

He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Jewish Book Club and is the Vice-President of Ja­son Aronson Publishers. Cost is $8.00 for adults, $4.00 for chil­dren under 12. Baby sitting is $1.00 per child. Please mail checks to Rich­ard W. Burgh, 13 Grace Way, Morristown, NJ 07960. The annual Temple Picnic is being held on June 13th from 12:00 PM until 4:00 PM at the Lewis Morris Park, Sunrise Lake Picnic Area. It is free to Temple members, just bring your fa­vorite salad or dessert to share with others. Men's Club will provide barbe­cued chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs. RSVP by June 7 a must. Call Richard W. Burgh at 984-9703.

Don't Forget.... Temple B'Nai Or's Pilgrimage

to Israel and Egypt 12118193 - 112194

Call Catherine Litwin 539-5552

Page 6: TEMPLE BINAI OR BULLETIN - AJAcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/ms/ms0882/00830/ms0882.00830... · ,&JIrz. SCHOOL NEWS v,, __ "" I SNOW CHANGES SCHOOL SCHEDULE School was closed

Special Notice In accordance with the Constitution of Temple B'n4i: Or, the Nominating Committee submitted the following slate of Officers and Trustees for election at the Annual Congregational Meeting on May 20, 1993.

Temple 8'Nai Or 1993-94 Slate of Officers and Trustees

Phyllis Feinblum

BarryEfros Dolores Gingold

Roy Konwiser Larry Leibowitz

Gary Aidekman Bill Blatt

President Vicki Nelson

Vice Presidents LindaHaan Treasurer

Phillip Kaufman

Financial Secretary Janice Burgh

Board Secretary Bonnie Ackerman

Trustees (Term ending 1994)

Marc Spurr

Stephen Leviss Jack Piermont Donald Piermont Harriet Samuels Stewart Ginsberg

Trustees (Term ending 1995) Dolores Rems Connie Rubin James Rubenstein Elaine Schwartz Ronald Levy

Trustees (Term ending 1996) Catherine Litwin Deborah Sprung Ken Parker Shari Stack Art Klein


To celebrate a special simcha, you are invited to purchase a stone or leaf on our Tree of Life.

For information, please call Judy Helderman at 540-0346

There are three important dates to re­member coming up in the near future. First, we have a Gourmet Breakfast on Sunday, May 16th at 10:00 AM honor­ingRenaissance members. Thetopic is

Human Sexuality and the Talmud. Secondly, on Friday, May 14 at 6:00 PM, there will be a catered Renais­sance Sabbath Dinner prior to the Re­naissance Shabbat Service. Ira and Barry Tabatchnik are the featured ca­terers, and the menu includes chicken. glazed carrots, tossed salad, kugel, a dessert cake , chaUah, wine and coffee. The price is $15.00 per person. For reservations, send your check to Jack Swotinsky at 19 Locust Drive, Morris Plains, NJ 07950. RESER­VATION DEADI'INE IS MAY 8!!! Last, but surely not least, save the date of June 12 from 8:00 until midnight. Renaissance is subsidizing a Temple wide FortieslFifties Dance featuring the Elusive Eleven under the direction of Bud Clark. The price is $12.50 per person and this inlcudes a buffet. BYOB. Seats are allocated on a first come basis. Space limitation of the Social Hall may require ticket issu­ance based on the postage date. Hefter­vation Deadline ;8 JUDe 3. Send checks to Jack Swotinsky, address printed above. r-------------,





Amount Enclosed:



Shop Rite Foodtown

Send to: Joan Sherman 26 Footes Lane Morristown, NJ 07960

L _____________ J

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May is blossoming with events!

Join us in the So cial Hall on Tue sday evening. May 18th. at 7:00. when Debbie Powell perfor m s for our Me and M y Kid evening. This is a t ime to bring your child and your voice for an evening of pur e f unl RSVP to Linda. 539-5876.


The marvelous month

of m21)' in �isterhood T

Come join us at Temple on Su nday morning. May 23 r d at 11:00. as we honor the Con firmation class of 1993.

That Su nday, the following wonderf ul s t udents will be conUrmed. We will be sending each of them a Goldengram f r om the National Federation of Temple Sisterhood s. The y will be calligraphed with the Signat ur e s of each of their well­wisher s. We will be

happy to calligraph your name on one of these spe cial

do cumen t s for the price of $1.00. Please caU Barbara

A ck.er man 540-8863.

Con firmand s of 1993 David Acker.an Ke vin CookieI' Rachel DouQan Jereay Konwiser David Lyon Scot.t. Martin Sadie Kar cello St.arr Mar cello Julie Marx Qachel Nelson Kat.h y P ieraont. Eve Rosent.hal Chad Schorr Randy Sukonek

I' - ••..


Finall y. ma.n y thanks to S tace y Sch lo s ser and the Crad le Roll cr ew for ano ther grea.t year of young famil y tun! Enor mous thanks, also, to Ch ris tine Freed man for a gr eat Pa.s sover Seder.


Page 8: TEMPLE BINAI OR BULLETIN - AJAcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/ms/ms0882/00830/ms0882.00830... · ,&JIrz. SCHOOL NEWS v,, __ "" I SNOW CHANGES SCHOOL SCHEDULE School was closed

Tributes . . . thank you for caring


In memory of Morris Cooper, Donna Okin's father

• Renee Cooper, Donna and Ed Okin Ida Berman, Herbert Berman'S mother

• Herbert and Eleanor Berman Larry Ross' mother

Linda and Ed Wacks


In memory of Leah Farber

Joy, Leon and Meredith Kurland


In honor of Our 50th wedding anniversary

• Natalie and Ivan Basch

In memory of Betty Erichson, Carol Kane's mother

Child Study Team and Pupil Services Special Education Department of the Morris School District Dee and Irv Gozonsky

Seymour Hackman, Shirley Lazarus' brother Natalie and Ivan Basch

Larry Ross' mother Hilda Benes

Yetta Smilowitz Shirley and Burt Appel


In honor of The birth of Deenie and Sid Schlosser's grand­son, Marc

Elaine and Sy Lewis

In memory of Seymour Hackman

Elaine and Sy Lewis Renee Stanley's husband

Beth & Gregg Benson Lila and Peter Roberts


In memory of Mildred Stern William Ottinger

Liese Wayne


In honor of Alexander Schuhz's Bar Mitzvah

• Barbara, Bob, Jeff, Danny and Hanna Siegelman

In memory of Morris Cooper

• Pam and Bob Handler Morris Cooper

Cindy and David Sims ·Denotes the purchase of a prayerbook.


In honor of The Sisterhood


Marc Hamihon Schlosser Shari and Jay Stack


In memory of In memory of Christina Marie Meredith

• Barbara and Ken Parker


In honor of The acceptance of Elaine Schwartz's second textbook

Elaine Gaidemak

In memory of Morris Cooper

The Keil Family


In honor of The birth of Marc Hamihon Schlosser

Elaine and Bernard Menkes


In memory of Sid Salny

Jane S. Redbord and Family


In memory of Julius Levine

Tobey Levine and Children Ida R. Goldblatt

Joy and Ron Goldblatt Max Neger

Marion Gaines Saul S. Stein

• Sid Stein Mendel Schleichkorn

Dora Faber Evelyn Jewel

• Jane and Kenneth Jewel Sidney Margolin

Bonnie and Alan Ackerman Anna Basch J. Bernard Basch

Natalie and Ivan Basch Evelyn lahn Sam lahn Gertrude Lerner Paul Lerner

Lynda and Irwin Lerner Rochelle Berman

Herbert Berman Carl Liberman

Adriene and Martin Liberman Jacob Marlowe Jackler

Margot Jackler Erwin Widmann

• Widmann Family Angela Bittman

• Harry Bittman Edith Spector

Marcia (Spector) Feinsod

Joseph Milman Yvette Cohen

William Orgel Phyllis Feinblum

Bessie Flowerman The Flowerman Family

Pauline Kohn Sid Kohn

Sade Somach Margaret Grow Catherine and Marissa Litwin

On March 15th Natalie and Ivan Basch celebrated their 50th wedding anni­versary. Congratulations!

Pleallf! share your good news with Temple. Call Debbie at the Temple ofllee, 539-4539, and we'll be happy to print your family new ..

Watch for flyer for the

3rd Annual Golf Outing -Call Alan Ackerman


Board Minutes Continued from Page Three

Social Action - Requested $200 from Tzedakah be used for an ad in the Soup Kitchen Journal (approved unani­mously)

Prior to adjournment Don Piermont handed out a summary of the Board retreat and suggestions for immediate action.

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AlA 111 TUTORINe lIel scaOOL , IUllOlliel I.IRLS


C&U: IIJ.IfI class f211) 217-3121

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Michael Suber",

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Headquarters Plaza Hotel

ADVAKfAGE GRAPHICS ,. . . , . . . . . . .


ZH ROlJTt % EAST, FAIRAELD, NEW JERSEY 07004 11011 S7HH7 FAX IlOII 5iS·+ ... .

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............ ,. "J O,tfII,O "UJUt' Uu u �)I 1100 f •• IlUII'" .,,,.

Place your ad in this space for $150.00.

Call the temple office at 539-4539

to reserve this spot!

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Footwear Plaza I. , ••

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Stephen C. Groaman

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Page 10: TEMPLE BINAI OR BULLETIN - AJAcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/ms/ms0882/00830/ms0882.00830... · ,&JIrz. SCHOOL NEWS v,, __ "" I SNOW CHANGES SCHOOL SCHEDULE School was closed


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Page 11: TEMPLE BINAI OR BULLETIN - AJAcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/ms/ms0882/00830/ms0882.00830... · ,&JIrz. SCHOOL NEWS v,, __ "" I SNOW CHANGES SCHOOL SCHEDULE School was closed


2 9:20am Sth Grade

Life Cycle Slide Show

12:00pm 2nd Grade Naming Service

il ,. 9 Mother', Day Food & Clothing

Drives End

16 IO:OOam Gourmet

Breakfast 12:45pm 2nd Annual

Sisterhood Bargain Bake Goods Sale

23 Last Sunday Religious

School Lag B'omer Field Day

Grades 4-7 II :OOam Confinnation


May 1993 Iyar-Sivan


3 4 5 6 6:00pm 12:00pa SiIIaIaaod 7:30pm I 0:00am


Adult Ed Sisterhood Pros.-7:30pm Exec 7:00pm Cabdar Seminar

Board Mectiat Meeting

10 11 12 13 8:00pm

Board of Trustees Meeting




DAY Office Closed

4:30pm Last Tuesday Religious School

7:39pm Sisterhood Board Meeting

18 7:00pm Me

& My Kid 8:00pm

Religious School Board Meeting

25 Erev Shawot

7:30pm Adult Ed

7:30pm Volunteer Cbo�!"

19 7:30pm

Volunteer Choir


Last Thurs. Religious Sch.

I 0:00am Sisterhood Seminar

20 IO:OOam

Sisterhood Seminar

8:00pm Con-gregational Meeting

27 Office Closed IO:ooam 9:00am Sisterhood

Shawotl YizIcor



7 6:00pm 4th Grade

Shabbaloft DUw:r 7 :3Opm Service 4th

Grade Shabbawn '" Teacher Rc.:oanition


SATURDAY 1 II :ooam Service A.

Lowenstienll. Greenebaum B'nai Mitzvah

8:00pm Cantorial Concert

8 11 :ooam Service M.

Carleton/E. Watson B'not Mitzvah


. ..

·c· ·· .

6:00pm 9:15am Pre-K Renaissance 9: 15am Tot Shabbat Dinner II :OOam Service

8:00pm Garrett Szibdat/ Renaissance Brett Green B'nai Shabbat Mitzvah

21 7:ISpm Con­

secration of Confinnan­ds

8:00pm Service ORIM Graduation

28 8:00pm


22 11 :ooam Service

Stephen Fried/Jon Sterman B'nai Mitzvah