Accounting Auto Saved)

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    Accounting 1

    Self Reflection Methods

    Customer Inserts His/her Name

    Customer Inserts Grade Course

    Customer Inserts Tutors Name

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    In my profession of accounting a person should have the skill of auditing, bookkeeping

    and financial analysis. In the accounting occupation one must attain a certified accountants

    certificate for one to practice his skill. I am a certified accountant with skills in the field of

    auditing and bookkeeping and I qualified to be an accountant within a period of five years where

    I studied accounting and finance at the university. Auditing and bookkeeping are important

    activities used to track the financial records of organizations while bookkeeping is an activity

    used to analyze the books of accounts of any organization (Sevigny 2006). These skills help me

    in achieving my main goal of owning an accountancy firm in a few years time, my passion in

    accounting has enabled me to focus on my goals by using my skills in auditing and bookkeeping

    to learn the necessary skills needed in achieving my goals (Jones 2005). When I was undertaking

    a self reflection of my skills and abilities, I expressed the qualities I posses using missions,

    visions and values statements as outlined below:

    Personal Mission

    My core purpose in the next 1 to 3 years is to develop competencies in the accounting field. My

    focus is not only developing my professional competency but also enhancing the ethics that

    creates complete professional qualification. The type of person that I will like to be in my

    professional career is an efficient, ethical and competent professional accountant. I believe in

    developing my professional qualifications to the highest level possible. I believe in the maxim

    that knowledge is power and consequently I would love to develop my skills to empower myself

    knowledgeable in my career and in my personal development.

    I believe in the existence of truth and justice for every person, because the truth enhances work

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    Accounting 3

    ethics (Blair 2004). Ethics is the core value which enriches our professional work and our

    company work.

    By pulling together we make the world better, everybody in my judgment has a duty of helping

    each other and unity in undertaking their duties. I plan to involve myself in community

    empowerment using my skills and qualifications.

    The best lessons in life are learnt through experience, since learning involves practical and

    theoretical perspective, I will thrive to learn from other peoples mistakes in order to minimize

    my own mistakes that are inevitable in the process of career building (Clarke 2010). I will thus

    optimize my learning experience through practical experience in accounting field and application

    of my accounting theoretical background.

    I will endeavor to positively accept other peoples criticisms in building my career as I believe

    that their contribution is of essence in my personal growth as an accountant (Blair 2004).

    Vision Statement

    To become a leading Certified Accountant in the field of accounting and be proficient

    through recognition of all the relevant bodies in accounting. I intend to attain the highest

    qualification in the accounting field (Sevigny 2006).

    To attain the role of a leading partner in a leading accountancy firm. I relish the

    opportunity of being a leader in an accountancy firm and I believe my contribution will

    be enormous in expanding the field of accounting (Regal 2007).

    With my qualifications as a graduate with Bachelors in Accounting coupled with my

    determination and ambition, I am empowered enough to make a living and self

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    satisfaction from my skills and qualifications within a period of around 5 years (Wright


    By means of my hard work and accounting prowess, I am sure to rise through the ladder

    in the accounting profession and be able to form my own accounting firm within the

    period of 5-7 years that will provide accounting services within and outside my country.

    I plan to build partnerships with other accountants in order to offer pro-bone services,

    being part of the society; I have a duty to give back to the society in the spirit of

    collective responsibility (Csank 2006).

    Values statement

    I believe and work through determination since it gives me the strength to endure and

    pursue my goals and objectives in life. Determination will be my steering basis through

    the challenges of life.

    Keeping faith, I trust in observance of faith since faith keeps the fire burning in my

    pursuit for greatness in life. Faith helps in taking each day as it unfolds and preparing

    oneself for the unexpected (Blair 2004).

    I believe in the value of truth, I strongly acknowledge the position of building trust by use

    of truth. In standing for truth I will be answering to the call of being truthful as it is the

    only way of enhancing competence in my professional career (Wright 2009).

    Understand the value of perseverance; perseverance bears the fruit of winners. Through

    perseverance we overcome small challenges and trails in life and keeping the imperative

    focus in achieving the ultimate goal.

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    Accounting 5

    Team work is a value that I believe in, I believe that sharing academic information with

    your peers helps in getting more concept of the task and both in academics and in our

    every day life. Team work will thus play a critical role in enhancing my career in

    accounting field.

    As clearly emphasized, my values will enhance my career development since they are the

    core ideologies of my life. In essence, being ethical, truthful, determined, incorporating

    team work and enhancing perseverance are some of my un-negotiable values that I live

    and breathe.

    Personal Development Plan

    Techniques to be used in the Professional development plan


    This requires a discussion of professionals in the accounting field to generate credible ideas

    that will assist in understanding the goals that I need to attain and the exploring channels and

    avenues for achieving them. This includes listening to already established professional

    accountants and leaning from their experience and ideas about the market.


    This is basically a diagram that represents words and ideas about the goals that I need to

    achieve in a period of 5-10 years. The diagram will assist me to visualize and to generate proper

    structures that I need to follow to become a certified accountant and to be among the best in my

    profession. It will also help me arrange my ideas according to the order of priorities and will be a

    constant reminder of the steps I need to follow to get to my goal.

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    Mind Mapping Diagram




















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    Accounting 7










    SWOT analysis

    The SWOT analysis will be the key to the future success of my career. Examining my

    strengths which include hard work and determination will assist me focus on them and overcome

    my weaknesses. The opportunities in the accounting career are enormous hence I need to take

    advantage of the good environment and establish myself and company and help me stabilize in

    the market and minimize competition from other accountants.

    As a young profession in the field of accounting, there are various goals that I must

    accomplish to reap the full benefits of my career. It is my intention to complete my CPA in the

    next two years and to be officially a certified public accountant. This is a requirement for all

    accountants besides giving me a competitive edge in my career and higher prospects of getting

    employed in an established Accounting firm in the short term. A recent survey found out that

    majority of the established corporations view CPA as very vital and an important consideration

    when employing accountants. Working in an established accounting firm will help me gain a lot

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    of knowledge and experience in this field and contribute significantly in building my career.

    To be employed in an established accounting firm will put me in a privileged position

    because I will be able to earn a living as well as developing my career. Accounting field is one of

    the most paying careers in the modern world. Within the first year, accountants can make over

    fifty thousand dollars which is much higher than professional careers can offer (Edwards 2008).

    All these will go a long way in ensuring I live a quality life, enable me to create wealth and be


    With a Bachelors degree in Accounting and CPA, I expect to climb the corporate ladder in

    a period of between 5-7 years. My leadership skills will enable me assume a managerial position

    in an established accounting firm and this will further boost my career as well as strengthening

    my credentials (Gaylord 2006). My values of hard work, dedication and team work will be my

    guide to get recognition through substantial contribution to the firm. As a manager I will gain

    experience and understand fully how the industry operates and I will work to be among the best

    certified accountants that the country has to offer, this will place me in a more strategic position

    with respect to the market.

    With vast experience in the accounting field as a manager, I expect to build my own

    accounting firm which is my ultimate goal. I aim to employ the best certified accountants in the

    country who will make my firm to grow and through my leadership credentials I will be able to

    build the careers of many accountants. I expect the firm to be in a strategic position and be able

    to compete with other firms in this information age in acquiring substantial market share.

    Lastly, given the ever growing impact of globalization, my firm seeks to strategies to take

    advantage of globalization and leverage on it in order to expand its boundaries beyond our

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    Accounting 9

    geographical limitation. Given that there is an ever increasing need or demand for accountants

    and accounting services in the world, there is a clear market that requires exploitation. In this

    sense, I will leverage Information Technology to my firms business process and organizational

    structure in order to align them to achieve sustainability and continuous development.


    The accounting profession is one of the most recognized and respected careers which

    provide employment for many individuals and offers good pay for professionals. They perform a

    broad range of accounting duties including auditing tax for government corporations, businesses

    and non-government organizations and individuals. This is why it is my career of choice and

    hope to benefit from the qualities it has to offer. My professional qualifications will also be vital

    in developing my future firm and ensuring that it develops to achieve its visions and missions in

    the ever increasing globalization.

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    Blair, G R 2004,Personal Mission Statement: Defining Your Life's Purpose, GoalsGuy Learning

    Systems, California.

    Blair, G R 2004, Personal Value Statements: Writing Your Personal Operating System,

    GoalsGuy Learning Systems, California.

    Clarke, G 2010, The Vision Statement, Matthias Media, Cologne.

    Csank, P 2006, Self-reflection: Its impact on self-concept clarity and affect, Concordia

    University, London.

    Edwards, H 2008, Managerial AccountingFreeload Press, London.

    Gaylord, G L, & Reid, G E 2006, Careers in Accounting, McGraw-Hill Professional, Mississippi

    Jones, L 2005, The path: Creating your mission statement for work and for life, Hyperion Books,

    New York.

    Regal, S 2007, Vision Statement,, New Delhi.

    Sevigny, L, Pugh K & Burgess, T 2006, The Personal Vision Workbook, Cengage Learning,


    Wright, R 2009,Achieving Your Life Mission, Cedar Fort, Boston.