© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited Aastra IntelliGate ® Upgrade course I7.9 News News Slide 2 © Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited New type of connection for hotel management systems. Via Ethernet TCP/IP Port 1051 The available hotel features via IP are : Check-in/Check-out Barring of room-to-room traffic with the possibility of bypassing using a secret code The input of wake-up times Automatic exchange barring at check-out Room Status Mini bar Missed wake-up times notification Hotel management systems via Ethernet

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© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

Aastra IntelliGate®

Upgrade course I7.9


News Slide 2© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

New type of connection for hotel

management systems.

Via Ethernet TCP/IP Port 1051

The available hotel features via IP

are :

• Check-in/Check-out

• Barring of room-to-room traffic

with the possibility of bypassing

using a secret code

• The input of wake-up times

• Automatic exchange barring at


• Room Status

• Mini bar

• Missed wake-up times notification

Hotel management systems via Ethernet

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News Slide 3© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

Hotel Interface

Automatic check in/out from PC to PBX

• wakeup calls are erased

• redial list is erased

• voice messages and CFU’s cleared

Guest name update from PC to PBX

Wake up call (*55)

Missed wake up calls can be shown on

hotel management system

Wake up calls can be set at the PC

Call logging of all room and/or operating

telephone calls

Costs are seized at the PC and booked in

guest calculation

The status of the minibar, cleanup

required, … can be send with a *77

procedure to the hotel application.


5 0 7 1 5*

Waking time


automatic wake-up


News Slide 4© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

Application interfaces

Pocket Adapter and V.24 based proprietary atpc1 and VM protocols are still

supported with IntelliGate I7.9, but atpc1 will not support the new 600d

DECT terminals.

V.24 interfaces (Pocket Adapter & main board V.24) and V.24 based

proprietary protocols (atpc1, VM and printing) will no longer be supported

with IntelliGate R8.0

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SIP improvements

G.722 Codec support for all 67xxi phones

Take function now also supports calls with SIP trunks involved

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3 possibilities to send a name in the


• User-defined FROM field

• Display name defined

• Trunk group set to private

SIP provider

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CNIP: User defined “FROM” field

If the user defined from-field contains a string

•With no “@“ character, the from field is concatenated as today. This

means “user-defined string” + “@” + “provider domain / IP- address”

•With an “@” character as last character, then the from field is

concatenated with the PBX IP address. This means the from field will

look like “user-defined string” + “PBX IP-address.”

•With an “@” character followed by a string (e.g.. Hostname or IP

address), then this string is used for the from field in the outgoing SIP

messages, send from the PBX.

Note, no additional characters will be added to the “user-defined”

from field. It is not checked if the domain name or IP-address which

the user has entered is valid!

News Slide 8© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

CNIP: Display name

A name is also sent when a “Display name” is defined.

The FROM-field type has to be set to default (SIP ID).

The FROM-field is created: “[Display name]”<sip:[SIP ID]@[IP-addr PBX]>

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CNIP: Trunk group set to private

With SIP networking we use SIP-

provider without accounts. So the

names cannot be defined in the account


The trunk group is set to private. Now,

the user name is send in the FROM-


The FROM-field is created:

“[user name]”<sip:[user no.]@[IP-addr


News Slide 10© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

WEB Administration



Printing Labels

Import / Export Contact


Usability improvements

• Linking of ports &


• Alphabetical sorted


• Sorting by columns



• Login 3 times faster

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WEB Admin: System assistant access

With the “System

assistant access” a

reduced menu tree is


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WEB Admin: System assistant access

System administrators and operators can now log on

the Web Administration for daily maintenance :

• Phone book edition (short dial)

• User names and terminal descriptions

• Activate/de-activate remote maintenance

• Date/Time setting

• DECT phone registration and deregistration

• Etc…

The configuration possibility are comparable with the

settings in AIMS attendant and system manager access.

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WEB Admin: Printing Label

In Terminal ���� Key

configuration the label can

be printed out.

Team key: Number and

name are on the label

Function key: Name of

memory 1 is on the label

Number key: Name of

memory 1 and 2 are on the


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WEB Admin: Import / Export contact lists

The lists of the public and the private contacts can be exported / imported.

The exported list is a tab stop separated text file.

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Screensaver – Aastra 5370ip an 5380ip

The user has the possibility to:

• Enable / disable the

screensaver functionality

• choose the design

Screensaver menu under:

Settings ���� Display ����


== Display == 14:24Display contrastBacklight Backlight intensityM353 display contrastM353 display contrastModify


== Screensaver == 14:25���� OffClock round Clock square


Clock round

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Voice Mail Greetings

Users can now give names to voice mail greetings; thus various

absence situations can now easily be matched with the proper greeting.

An icon shows if the caller can leave a message or not after the greeting

Supported on Aastra 53xx series, 2380ip, 600d and OfficeSuite (OIP 7.9)

Active Greeting

Greeting with

message deposit

Greeting without

message deposit

News Slide 18© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

== Voice Mail == 14:24���� Global Greeting

Greeting 1 Greeting 2Greeting 3

Name for Voicemail greetings

The user has the possibility

to change the name of their

greetings using the terminal




Greeting 1


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LCR – Routing table

The limit of routing table has

been increased from 10 to 20.

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Transfer to busy PISN user

Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber (CCBS) in PBXs virtually

networked with ISDN

• The main goal of this feature is to provide the possibility for an

Operator to transfer a call to a busy user that is seated in a virtual

ISDN networked system.

• The operator gets an incoming call and tries to transfer the call to a

busy user that is seated in the other system.

• The operator parks the incoming call and sets CCBS to the busy


•As soon as the destination user is idle again, the parked call rings

on their phone.

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Aastra 600d integration improvements

Aastra 600d DECT phone functionality improvements

• Display of Call Distribution information (CDE)

• Read/write idle text from AIMS/Web


•Menu guided programming of function keys

• Personal call routing

(same possibilities as with 53xx phones)

• Auto-keylock

•Menu language can now be set or modified by AIMS

• Auto answering of calls when taking out of

charging bay

News Slide 22© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

Aastra 600d: Long click 2

Long click 2:

• Situation 1:

AIN with overlapping DECT coverage

With long click 2 the terminal is

forced to re-synchronise.

• Situation 2:

Two subscriptions

With long click 2 the terminal toggles

from system A to B and back.

• Situation 3:

More than two subscriptions

With long click 2 a menu to select the

system appears in the display.




Use any system

Select system


Enable Bluetooth

Select system

SW version

Battery : 100%

Survey Mode



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Aastra 600d: Long click 5

Select system:

Menu to select the system appears in

the display

Survey Mode:

This is like former long click 4 Enable Bluetooth

Select system

SW version

Battery : 100%

Survey Mode



Enable Bluetooth

Select system

SW version

Battery : 100%

Survey Mode



Enable Bluetooth

Select system

SW version

Battery : 100%

Survey Mode



¦PARK: 1000ADA3

FrameErr: PP:000 FP:000

LA / SB dBuV

0 / 15 48

0 / 02 41

0 / 06 40

1 / 12 38

News Slide 24© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

OMM SIP 1.7 support

The OMM SIP 1.7 is now supported, allowing :

•OMM software hosted on the IntelliGate platform (TFTP server)

• Support of the Aastra 600d handset family including Download over Air

•Quick system status overview

• Automatic import of database files from a server

• Automatic backup of database files to a server

•Manual backup and restore via TFTP / FTP(S) / HTTP(S)

from / to a server

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© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

Aastra IntelliGate®

Upgrade course I7.9

Chapter 1

Silent Intrusion

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Silent Intrusion – Introduction

A supervisor (C) has the

possibility to do a silent

intrusion on an existing

communication, in order to

help / rectify things.

The intrusion is discreet on

the agent side (B).

No audio, no display.

The previous version of

intrusion indicated on the

terminal of the intruded

user; who could allow or

deny the intrusion.

A: customerB: call centre agent

C: supervisor

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Silent Intrusion – Licence

The feature “silent

intrusion” is available

by adding a system


This licence enables any

number of intrudes to

take place (subject to

switch maximums).

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Silent Intrusion – Permissions

A permission set with

the necessary

authorisation has to be

assigned to the person

wishing to intrude.


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Silent Intrusion – Protection

On the agent side the

protection against silent

intrusion has to be

switched off.


This protection is not

configurable in the local

terminal settings.

News Slide 30© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited


Agent 403 busy

Silent Intrusion – Activating

After the supervisor calls

the busy agent / user they

can press on 4 to activate

the silent intrusion.

A function key can be

configured for direct

activation of silent intrusion

to a specific number.

(F44#1403# – here 403 is

the number of the agent to

be supervised).

Callback CallWait C intr >>

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Agent 403

Change to normal intrusion

During the silent intrusion

the supervisor can press

the fox-key “C intr” or the

mic-mute key to change to

a normal intrusion.

C intr Save

News Slide 32© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited



14443 party conference

14446 party conference





On MBA (A150/A300): A mix of max. 4 features (6pty, 3pty, intrusion) can be

established simultaneously

On MBS (2025/2045): Also mix of max. 4 features (6pty, 3pty, intrusion) can

be established simultaneously

On MBL (2065): A mix of max. 14 features (6pty, 3pty, intrusion) can be

established simultaneously

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Silent Intrusion – Limitations 1

A silent intrusion can be done on most kind of connections as long

as the necessary recourses are available.

Connections with (at least) one AD2 or via ISDN can be intruded on

silently (no noise, no click, no change of the display)

On DECT to DECT connections a silent intrusion is not possible.

On IP to IP connections the silent intrusion causes an update of the

media stream destinations, i.e. the media is switch through the PBX

like a conference. This can be recognized by the connected


Enough VoIP channels have to be available on the PBX.

News Slide 34© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

Silent Intrusion – Limitations 2

On analogue terminals a silent intrusion can be executed

(Flash 4), but changing back to a normal intrusion is not possible.

Silent or normal intrusion can’t be executed from ISDN terminals.

With the parameter “Call waiting / intrusion on exchange

connections” CM-3-1-1 a silent intrusion (like a normal intrusion) on

any external ���� internal connections can be blocked or allowed.

On the terminal where the silent intrusion is placed, an enquiry call

is at that moment not possible.

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Silent Intrusion – Connection overview

100%100%100%100%DECT to AD2/ISDN/ab or any IP/SIP

100%100%100%100%any IP/SIP to AD2/DECT/ISDN/ab

not possible

not possible







98%98%98%SIP trunk to Aastra53X0ip/AastraSIP/SIP

98%98%98%Aastra53X0ip/AastraSIP/SIP to


100%100%100%AD2/ISDN/ab to AD2/ISDN/ab

not possiblenot possiblenot possibleDECT to DECT

not possiblenot possiblenot possibleAny trunk to any trunk

100%100%100%SIP trunk to AD2/DECT/ISDN/ab

100%100%100%ISDN trunk to any

Aastra 600d

(135, 160)


53X0 ip


53X0 AD2Supervisor


100%: absolutely silent (no noise, no click, no change of the display)

98%: media stream update can be recognized

© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

New Aastra 6739i

Executive SIP Terminal

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New Executive Level SIP Terminal

Feature Highlights

Physical Attributes

6739i pricing and ordering information


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Advanced and expandable

Executive Level SIP Phone

Newest member of the 67xi SIP


Large VGA high resolution color

touch screen display

Intuitive graphical user interface

and navigation menus

Dual Gigabit Ethernet ports

Bluetooth headset support

USB port

Expansion modules support

Aastra 6739i- New Executive Level SIP Terminal

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Aastra Hi-Q Audio™ Technology

Full wideband frequency response


17 dedicated hard keys

Up to 55 programmable softkeys

Additional headset connection

options (RJ9 and RJ45)

Built-in EHS/DHSG port

Up to 9 lines with call appearances

with multi-proxy support

XML support for productivity-

enhancing applications

Aastra 6739i- New Executive Level SIP Terminal

News Slide 40© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

User Interface

• 5.7” Full VGA (640x480) color Touch

Screen LCD

• Intuitive graphical user interface and

navigation menus

• Color based icons

• Translucent buttons

• Adjustable screen contrast and

brightness settings for user comfort in

different lighting environment

• Multi-lingual support

• Downloadable language packs

• Caller and Calling Line information

• Distinctive ringing, priority alerting

• Callers list

• Missed Call Notification

Aastra 6739i- Feature Highlights

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Picture ID See who is calling, for real!

• Available for incoming and outgoing calls

• Callers List

• Redial List and directory

Why settle for just text-based caller id?

Aastra 6739i- Feature Highlights

On screen QWERTY / QWERTZ keyboard

• Useful Display keyboard can be invoked to add

or edit information on the phone

• Simply tap on the entry field and enter letters

and , configuration parameters etc.

• numbers as required

• Add or edit directory entries

News Slide 42© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

Excellent Audio quality

• Aastra Hi-Q Audio™ Technology

• HD hardware design for enhanced wideband audio:

> Handset

> Full duplex speakerphone

> Headset port

• Multiple headset connection options:

> Modular headset jack

> Built-in EHS (DHSG) port

> Built-in Bluetooth headset support

• Hearing aid compatible (HAC) handset

• Codecs:

> G.711 µ-law / A-law

> G.729

> G.722 wideband

Aastra 6739i- Feature Highlights

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Aastra 6739i Physical Attributes

Call management keys

HD, HAC Handset

Callers List



Mute and Volume Keys Speakerphone/Headset

key with LED

Full duplex HD Speakerphone


Up to 55 soft keys



Message Waiting Lamp

5.7” VGA (640x480) color Touch Screen LCD

Dedicated Message key with LED


Line 1, Line 2 , Line 3 keys with LEDs

Hold and Redial keys


News Slide 44© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

Aastra 6739i Physical Attributes

Gig-Ethernet LAN Port

Supports PoE

Power jack (48VDC, 0.31A)Only required if PoE is not available or expansion modules are connected

4 position Stands for desk installation

USB port for applications and storage *

* Second software release

Gig-Ethernet PC Port

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Aastra 6739i Physical Attributes

Expansion module port

High density port for future use

Hands-free Microphone Built-in Bluetooth

headset support

Modular Headset port

AUX port for EHS/DHSG headset

Handset port Wall Mount holes

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Aastra 67xi Series











Expansion Module

(3x20 progr. keys)


Expansion Module

(36 programmable keys)

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6739i within the 67xi series

© Aastra Telecom (UK) Limited

Aastra IntelliGate®

Upgrade course I7.9

Chapter 2

Diversion Header

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Diversion Header – Overview

There exist two types of diversion in

SIP, recursing and non-recursing.

In recursing diversion (RD) the caller is

routed directly to the diversion

destination. The called party receives

the identity of the caller and the

diversion information.

In non-recursing diversion (NRD), the

caller receives a “302 Moved

Temporarily” containing the new

destination and diversion information,

which is then used by the caller to make

a new call.





The SIP diversion header provides the called SIP user with the identity of

the diverting person and the reason for the diversion.

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SIP Trunk / SIP Provider

With SIP provider setting CM-3-2-2-SIP

settings “send redirecting information

– No” the PBX sends a normal “INVITE

– from B” to CFU destination C.

With SIP provider setting CM-3-2-2-SIP

settings “send redirecting information

– Yes, using Diversion header

(recusing)” the PBX sends an “INVITE

– from A and diversion header” to CFU

destination C. The diversion header

contains the account-number of B and

the reason “unconditional”. The

provider validates the account of B.

Switzerland: This is the preferred

setting for SIP provider COLT and





B with

CFU to C


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C wants Diversion Information

ACaller is not interested

in diversion information

(setting: No or RD)


PBX Cwishes to receive

diversion information

(setting: RD or NRD)


From: A


CFU to C


From: A

To: C

Diversion: B@PBX ;reason=unconditional

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Recursing: SIP header

Request: INVITE sip:[email protected]/SDP62.2.46.1210.10.1.150xxxxxx


Request-Line: INVITE sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0

Message Header

• Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;...

• To: <sip:[email protected]>

• From: <sip:[email protected]>

• CSeq: 2 INVITE

• Contact: <sip:[email protected]>

• Diversion:

<sip:[email protected]>;


Destination C

Caller A

Diverter B

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SIP Trunk / SIP Server

With a BROADSOFT-server or a SIP-

unified-messaging-server the provider

setting CM-3-2-2-SIP settings “send

redirecting information – Yes, using

Diversion header (non-recusing)” is


This setting has the effect that the PBX

sends back a “302 Moved Temporarily”

to the provider with diversion header

(account-number of B and diversion


The provider then takes care about the

diversion himself.




B with

CFU to C




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A wants Diversion Information

ACaller is interested in

diversion information

(setting: NRD)




From: A


CFU to C

302 Moved

From: A


Contact: C

Diversion: B@PBX



From: A

To: C

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Non-recursing: SIP header

Status: 302 Moved TemporarilySIP62.2.46.1210.10.1.150xxxxxx


Status-Line: SIP/2.0 302 Moved Temporarily

Message Header

• Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;…

• To: "0445566778"

<sip: [email protected]:5060;user=phone>;…

• From: "0326553322"

<sip: [email protected]:5060;user=phone>;…

• CSeq: 1 INVITE

• Contact: <sip:[email protected];

• Diversion: " 0445566778 "

<sip:[email protected]:5060;user=phone>;


Destination C

Caller A

Diverter B

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Settings for SIP provider

For public SIP trunks the setting “Yes, using ‘Diversion header (recursing)”

is the right setting, if supported by the

SIP provider.

With a BROADSOFT platform or a

private SIP server the “non-recursing”

setting might be appropriate.

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Settings for Standard SIP terminal

For standard SIP terminals the

parameter CM-3-2-2-SIP settings

“Send redirecting information” can

be set.

Default: recursing

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Settings for Aastra SIP terminal

For Aastra SIP terminals the

parameter CM-3-2-2-SIP settings

“Send redirecting information” can

be set.

Default: recursing