Survey Monkey Results


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Survey Monkey Results

Results and analysis from a questionnaire that was completed through survey monkey, an online survey creator

Question 1- Are you Male or Female?

The first question was a generic closed question asking whether the respondent was male or female. From this I found out that the majority of people that answered my questionnaire were female with 88.89%. This shows that mainly females are interested in spending time answering a questionnaire online about topics they are interested which means that my target audience is aimed towards females rather than males.

Question 2- How old are you?

From this question I found out that the majority of people that answer my questionnaire were between the age of 15-24 with 77.78%. I aimed he questionnaire to people between these age groups since this is the age group that my magazine will be aimed at so I thought it would be best to find out from my target audience what they would want from my magazine. I also have a reply from a different two different age groups which gives me a more varied idea of what other age groups would prefer to read in a music magazine which reduces how bias the questionnaire results are.

Question 3- What genre of music do you normally listen to?

In this question I found out what my readers would rather read about and what music they normally listen to. From this it shows that the majority of my respondents prefer to listen to a bit of everything with 77.78%. This shows that readers prefer to read about many different types of music instead of focusing on one type of music. Due to this I think I will create a magazine with a very large range of music so that I can target a very wide target audience and be able to cater to everyone who would read my magazine.

Question 4- Do you read music magazines?In this question I asked a very basic closed question to find out whether my target audience actually red music magazines. This helps me to find out the percentage of people that would read my magazine and what ideas that they believe should be in the magazine. The majority of people said yes they did with 77.78% which allows me to have both ideas from people who read and don’t read music magazines

Question 5- Do you like music magazines to cover one genre or more?

From this question I wanted to find out whether my readers would prefer to read about many different genres or just focus on one type of music. The results show that most people prefer to read about many different genres so I will use this result in my own work to create a magazine that targets many different genres

Question 6- Do you like to know about the latest release?From this question I wanted to find out what sort of things to include in my actual magazine. This question focused on latest releases and the result gave a unanimous result with 100% saying yes to knowing about the latest releases. This means that I will use this in my magazine and have latest releases on the front page or clearly in the contents page.

Question 7- How do you prefer your music?In this question I wanted to find out the most desired way of listening or owning music. This would help me get an idea of what sort of advertisements to put inside the magazine about latest releases. This question shows that the majority of people prefer to own a hard copy of their music with 55.56% which is only just higher than downloading music. This means I will incorporate both types of music adverts in my magazine but highlight CDs more than download

Question 8- What type of story do you like to read in a magazine?

In this question I wanted to get ideas of what my main story should be about. I found out that the majority of people prefer to read about new artists with 50% but life stories are also pretty close with 37.50%. This means that for my main story I will have to chose a story that could use both new artists and a life story for example behind the scenes of a new up and coming artist. I believe that most people would want to read about this since it would capture the attention of the readers and it satisfies the curiosity in everyone about other peoples lives.

Question 9- What is appealing in a front cover?

In tis question I wanted to gather ideas for my front cover and how to layout the front cover. I wanted to find out what is the most important attraction that encourages people to read the magazine. I found out that the two most important parts were the main picture and the main story but the main story was slightly higher than the main image with 44.44% whereas the main picture had 33.33%. This shows that people are more interested in a catchy and appealing main story that they can read and become engaged in. From this I will combined both aspects and exaggerate the main story so that more people would be interested in buying and reading my magazine.

Question 10- Do you attend music events?

In this question I wanted to find out what sort of puff promotion I could add onto my front cover. My first idea was to have a competition for tickets to a music event so I wanted to find out whether my readers have been to a music event and would be interested in going. The majority of people said they had not been to one but they wanted to go to one and then I received two comments about what sort of music event should be used. One was Vfest and the other was concerts in general which gave me two ideas of what my readers would prefer to win tickets for.