Platinum Gazette 17 May 2013



Local newspaper for Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad and surrounding villages in Limpopo Province, South Africa.

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Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstademail:

Platinum GazettePlatinum GazetteTel 0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements)Fax 0865549031/013-231 7147

17 May 2013

Burgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreShop whereSouth Africa shops! TTTTTel: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491

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Millions for water - p 3

Spekboom River outside Burgersfort, just before winter.

2 Advertorial 17 MAY 2013


This page was sponsored by Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine

Students learn howDwarsrivier Mine cares

for the environment

Mr Chris Letsoele (above and below), Senior Geologist at Dwarsrivier Minegave a presentation about the Mine, where it comes from and how itoperates. This formed an informative background to the practical site visit.The students were keen to learn more and asked questions that showed theirinterest in the mine and environmental issues.

The group during the site visit with Dwarsrivier Mine employees.

Students from the University of Limpopo visited Dwarsrivier Mine on the 9th ofMay 2013. The International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) requestedthe visit. The students were all honours students in Environmental Managementand for most this was their first visit to a mine.The group first received safety training before Dwarsrivier Mine’s Senior GeologistMr Chris Letsoele gave a presentation that formed the background of their practicalsite visit. The students learned how Dwarsrivier Mine rehabilitates areas wheremining has been completed, recycles water to maximise its use, dispose of varioustypes of waste and manage their tailing dams.The group used their theoretical knowledge about environmental issues to find outhow the Dwarsrivier Mine team copes with practical challenges surroundingenvironmental conservation and rehabilitation.Mr Humbelani Magau and Ms Thandiwe Buthelezi were the guides during the sitevisit and explained the practical challenges the Mine address on a daily basis.The visit ended with lunch where the group excitedly talked about how they’veexperienced what they are learning in the classrooms of their university.

Mr Humbelani Magau explains about water purification andrecycling.

Ms Thandiwe Buthelezi talks to the group during the site visit.

3NUUS17 MEI 2013

The Sekhukhune District Council and a number of gueststook to Steelpoort Academy last week Friday to hear theExecutive District Mayor, Cllr Mogobo David Magabe,explain explaied the political and strategic framework ofthe final budget proposal for the next financial year,starting on 1 July, to the council and guests.

The Member of the Mayoral Committee responsiblefor Budget and Treasury, Councillor Lionel Seloanetabled the budget in the Council, highlighting al thefigures. The debate about the budget is taking placetoday at the chambers of Fetakgomo Local Council.

Mayor Magabe said the district municipality will focuson the successes of the past and improve upon it. Hespecifically mentioned bulk water infrastructure that hasbeen completed, such as dams, pipelines and reservoirs,while also focusing on project such as the provision ofmore than 7000 toilets valued at R65 million.

This year he said, there is a massive allocation of 38169 VIP toilet units. Of these 14 517 are allocated toGreater Tubatse Municipality and 11 599 toMakhuduthamaga Municipality, with the rest allocated tothe other three municipalities in the district.

The Mayor said “as part of our future plans, we willreview the Water Master Plan so that we move awayfrom water provisioning through RDP standard to house-hold connections where we aim to improve the quality ofservice we render to communities.” He also stated thatthe “District Municipality is stable administratively, with allthe key administrative positions filled, we are gearedtowards implementing all the deliverables guided by thefive Mayoral priorities guided by the available systemsand controls.”

Regarding the issue of the disclaimer audit the District

Municipality received from the Auditoe General, CllrMagabe “we are pleased to report that the Auditorgeneral has found significant improvements regardingthe financial viablility of our District Municipality and thereduction of matters of concern. This is based on the factthat in 2010/11 the total number of audit findings thataffected the report were 16, compared to only nine in2011/12, that irregular expenditure was reducedsignificantly, that the standard of documents submittedwas high and than in-roads are being made regardingthe compilation and upkeep of the fixed assets register.”

Cllr Magabe announced that definite steps areimplemented to obtain a clean audit through theimplementation of an Audit Action Plan.

Mayor Magabe made specific refence in his speechto the government’s partnership with businesses such asmining companies in the Sekhukhune District, sayingfruits of these partnerships is clearly evident, mentioningthe Moptsepe Foundation’s donation of R10 million forenterprise development, the handing over of a R16million water project by Marula Platinum Mine to theDistrict and Lion Ferrochrome Smelter’s (Xstrata/Merafejoint venture) R50 million donation towards waterprojects.

He also mentioned other mines that continue toprovide quality service to communities through fundingcommunity development trusts, employment, bursariesand eterprise development. He called for strenghteningof these ties, assistance and development partnershipsin the future and he congratulated communities for thepeace that is prevailing amongst them and the mininghouses.

“This truce should be cherished” said the Mayor.

R1451 millon SekhukhuneDistrict Budget tabled

New water and sanitationprojects for 2013/14 :

· Ephraim Mogale Water and Sanitation- Moutse Bulk Water Supply worth R364million

400thousand rand.

· Greater Tubatse Water and Sanitation- Mahlakwena Village (Steelpoort) BWS valued

at R3million,- Mooihoek Bulk Water Supply at R38million

700thousand,- Praktiseer Water Supply at R1,1million,- GaMaphopha Command Reservoir at

R34million,- Steelpoort Valley Connector Pipeline at

R18million 200thousand,- Mokobola Water Supply at R2million,- Mooihoek Reticulation (GaMaroga, Mapea) at

R9million,- Connector Pipes and reticulation to Lebalelo South

villages (Driekop, GaRiba, Rivercross, GaMadiseng,Mandela and France) valued at R29million,

- GaMaphopha, GaMalekana, GaMasha, MapeaConnector pipes and reticulation valued atR15million 500thousand, and

- Burgersfort Waste Water Treatment Works 7Ml(New plant and refurbishment) valued at R24million.

· Fetakgomo Water and Sanitation- Olifantspoort South Regional Water Scheme

valued at R40million,- Mphanama village connectors (Gabeng and Ga-

Mmela) valued at R10million,- Apel Sewerage WWTW at R10million,- VIP sanitation for 107 RDP houses in Mashilabela,

Phahlamanoge, and Radingwana and Machachavalued at R1,1million.

· Makhuduthamaga Water and Sanitation- Nkadimeng Bulk Water Scheme at the cost of

R9million 89thousand,- Nebo Plateau Bulk Water Supply at the cost of

R172million 161thousand,- Upgrading of Piet Gouws WTW and Piet Gouws

Bulk supply and storage at the cost of R30million,- Bulk Supply from Vergelegen to Mochadi at R45million,- Magnetheights to Schoonoord Bulk pipeline and

Schoonoord 5ml command Reservior at R45million,- Sekwati Water Supply Project phase 2 and 3 at the

cost of R3million 560thousand,- Ga-Moloi Water Reticulation at R7million

391thousand 39rands, and- Jane Furse Water Demand Management at


Total Budget R1451 million

Capital expenditureR849 million (61 percent of total)Operating budgetR595 million (39 percent of total)

4 Advertorial 17 MAY 2013

Safety pays off for Mr MoelaTubatse Chrome’s SHEQ Departmentran a competition into which employ-ees were automatically entered if theirdepartments or shifts were injury freefor the duration of the competition.The stakes were high - a new car couldbe won.On 22 February employees gatheredfor the draw. A festive atmospherewith Zhazi, the Tubatse Chrome Mascotplaying around.

Ms Juanita Erasmus, SHEQ Managerand Mr Andor Esbach handled thedraw with Zhazi making sure thateverything is fairly done.The lucky winner was Mr Moela.The SHEQ Department is continuously striving forexcellence and Tubatse Chrome employees know thatcaring for each other is not only a value, but a lifestyle.

Mr Andor Esbach congratulates Mr. Moela.

Mapping yourcareer path

The Women’s Forum atTubatse Chrome hosted aCareer Day.Women were educatedabout the possible careerpaths at the company aswell as the requirementsfor each position. This funday was also a great wayfor the women to get toknow each other.

Team building for managementThe Tubatse ChromeManagement Teamstarted the year off witha great team buildingand planning event. Thegroup was treated to agame drive and learnedmore about the conser-vation of the leopard inthe area.

Tubatse Chrome deliversto community

Tubatse Chrome

Tubatse Chrome delivered tools to local sec-ondary schools in the area during February.Kgahlanong and Ngwaabe Secondary Schoolsform part of teh apprentice school progam

hosted by Samancor Chrome Khphuka.The programs aim at developing essentialskills to address the shortage of artisans.Tubatse recently sponsored tool boxes filledwith essential tools, useful equipment, PPEand bench drills.Lydenburg High School also benefitted fromdonations.

Caring onValentine’s Day

Employees received something special as theyarrived at work on Valentine’s Day this year.Zhazi helped distribute the sweet treats.

High heels for a dayThe Women’s Forum dressed up in high heels for aphoto shoot - just to show they are still women! Thiswas naturally only done in areas where it is safe todo so.

Health Risk AssessmentsDuring April employees at TubatseChrome were encouraged to go for HealthRisk Assessments. This programme hadtheir blood pressure, Body Mass Index,Cholesterol and Blood sugar tested.

Shavathonin aid of

CansaThe annual Shavathon was great fun. Employ-ees contributed towards this worthy cause andcoloured or shaved their hair in the spirit of car-ing for others. A nice sum of money was raisedfor Cansa through this effort.

5NUUS17 MEI 2013

6 NEWS 17 MAY 2013

Is this a dollar sign?Sections of the road through Steelpoort isbeing renovated and new road traffic signshave been installed.Trucks had in the past regularly parked inthe area and made visibility for drivers ofregular vehicles difficult. It also obstructedthe traffic flow, especially during peak

times.Chief Traffic Officer, Superintendent VictorLekwadu told Platinum Gazette that theyare clamping down on drivers who do notobey traffic signs, especially trucks in theSteelpoort area parking where they are notallowed to stop.

This is illegalAttaching your advertisements to any road traffic sign is illegaland the Greater Tubatse Traffic Department will embark on aneffort to hold transgressors of the bylaws accountable.Superintendent Victor Lekwadu, Chief Traffic Officer atGreater Tubatse Municipality told Platinum Gazette thatshould anyone be caughtattaching their advertise-ments to road traffic signsthey will be fined on thespot. They will also followup where it is clear whichbusiness is responsible forthe advertisements. Finescould be issued per sign.Recently in Johannesburgpeople were fined R10 000per traffic sign to whichadvertising was illegallyattached. GTM haschannels in place forbusinesses to advertisenext to the road. Enquiriescan be directed to 013 2311000.Anyone spotting aperson attaching posters orother advertising materialto a road traffic sign cancontact SuperintendentLekwadu on 082 305 9031.

Reward to catch those guiltyStop signs from Leopard’s Bush towardsAloe Ridge were once again flattened overthe weekend. A R500 reward is now offeredfor any information that will lead to the arrestand succesful prosecution of thoseresponsible for this vandalism.Another problem area is the stop sign nearAutozone. This one gets stolen as soon as anew one is placed at the corner of the street.Anyone with information that will help trafficofficials to catch those guilty of vandalisingstop signs can contact Chief Traffic OfficerSuperintendent Victor Lekwadu on 082 3059031.

7NUUS17 MEI 2013

Kohin reik uit na die jeugKohin het die afgelope week ‘nuitreikaksie na die jeug in die areagehou.Hulle het Steelpoort Akademie,

CalvinCollegeenMaelebePrimarySchoolbesoek.By dieskole hethulle eers‘n gees-

telike boodskap op ‘n maklikverstaanbare manier aan diekinders gebring voor daar heelikspeletjies gespeel is.Jacques Gombault, ‘n akteur enfilmmaker het ook die weeksaam met die Kohin groepgewerk.Creare het met drama diekinders vasgenael gehou terwylhulle geleer het van Jesus seliefde. Kohin het ook deur dieweek by die NG Kerk tydens diePinksterweek met die jeuggewerk.

8 News 17 MAY 2013

Thorburn Security Solutions(Northern Region): Vacancy

Vacancies for Grade D Security Officers inthe Driekop/Maandagshoek/Steelpoort/

Tubatse Area

Vacancies exist in the Driekop/Maandagshoek Area forGrade D Security Officers. Successful applicants musthave matric or an equivalent qualification and be registeredwith PSIRA as at least Grade “D” Security Officer. Candi-dates must present the necessary competency certificates.

It would be an added advantage if the candidate resides inthe area or be prepared to relocate to the area.

The remuneration will be discussed with thecandidates during the selection interviews.

Applications can be sent to:

Applications can also be faxed to: 086 756 1245

Read Platinum Gazette online at


teachers facethe ball

Teachers from Calvin College in Burgersfort played amixture of mini cricket and cricket on Friday last week.The learners supported their teachers with loud cheers.

The day was to build team spirit and it wasclear that none of them missed their callingby chosing the teaching profession instead ofprofessional cricket.

The Calvin College teachers. The green team walked away as the winners.

Learners cheeredloudly for theirteachers.

9NUUS17 MEI 2013

Premises to let840 sqm

Industrial areaBurgersfort



Become a proud owner of a brand new house in an eco-estate.100% Finance availableWe are looking for properties to sell. List your property with us today and we will sell it!

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Wesley Engelina

Still renting... We can help you become a homeowner!

www.platinumgazette.comRemember, read the paper online:

Netbal op OhrigstadAs deel van ‘n vriendskaplike sportdag het Laerskool Atokia enLaerskool Burgersfort se netbalspanne op Ohrigstad teen mekaar endie gasheerskool gaan deelneem. Die wedstryde is verlede weekDonderdag gespeel.


Klein Advertensies • SmallsPlace your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/

here:1.Sport Klubs /

Sport Clubs2.Betrekking/


4. OornagAkkommodasie/


5. Troeteldiere/Pets6. Persoonlik/

Personal7. Allerlei/

Miscellaneous8. Finansies/

Financial9. Te Huur/To

Rent10. Te Koop/For




available inBurgersfort.

Restaurant, washing,safe parking, truckparking, aircons,fridge in rooms,

coffee/tea facilities inroom.

Contact:Judy: 082 308 9221

We buy and sellsecondhand

furniture. 3 Monthslaybuys available.

10. Te Koop/For Sale

Bargain properties forsale.

Tel: 082 496 4312

7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous

3. Te Huur/To Let

Platinum Gazette contact details:

Editorial: William ZwartTel: 083 271 9151E-mail:

Advertising: Beánnla CelliersTel: 083 543 1676E-mail:

Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147

Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150


Printers:Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, CityDeep Production Park, City Deep.

Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / orother material contained in the Platinum Gazette areexpressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the CopyrightAct (98 of 1978).

Springkastele te huur.Vyf verskillende

soorte. Steelpoort/Burgersfort.

Kontak Bianca,082 558 9129.

Khutso GuestHouse Luxury

accommodationTea/coffee station in

rooms, swimmingpool, meals on

request.Contact: 013 2317313/ 0765808934

Luxurious twobedroom flat to let inBurgersfort.Available

at the end of themonth.

Contact:082 922 3909

Luxurious bachelorflat to let in

Burgersfort.Availableat the end of the

month. Contact:

082 922 3909

Phone her on 083 543 1676/013 2317147 or e-mail

adverts@platinumgazette.comto book your advertising space today.

Platinum GazetteBeánnla Celliers will see to it thatyour advertisement in Platinum

Gazette meets the higheststandards with regard to design

and reproduction.

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Advertising deadlines: EveryTuesday at 17:00. Enquiries:

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Wednesday at 17:00.

4. OornagAkkommodasie/

OvernightAccommodation2. Betrekking/


Two bedroom flat torent in Ext. 5.

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11NUUS17 MEI 2013

Rugby vir groot en kleinBy Ohrigstad Laerskool se vriendskaplikerugbytoernooi verlede week Donderdag hetvan die Bulletjies tot die laerskole seeerstespanne ‘n beurt op die veld gekry.Laerskool Ohrigstad, Laerskool Burgersforten Laerskool Atokia het deelgeneem.

Die foto’s op hierdie bladsy is van dieBulletjies en die eerstespanne vanLaerskool Burgersfort en LaerskoolAtokia. Daar is nog foto’s op bladsy 12van hierdie koerant.

12 17 MEI 2013

SPORTPlatinum Gazette

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Next to Toyota, Burgersfort.Tel: 087 151 1034

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Skolerugby op OhrigstadLaerskool Ohrigstad het verlede weekDonderdag ‘n vriendskaplike sportdag

aangebied.Daar is netbal, rugby en bulletjie rugbygespeel tussen Laerskool Ohrigstad,Laerskool Burgersfort en Laerskool Atokia.Die wedstryde is in goeie gees gespeel enLaerskool Ohrigstad het almal bedank watvan die dag ‘n sukses help maak het.

Op hierdie bladsy is dieo/11 spanne van Laer-skool Ohrigstad (blou) enLaerskool Burgersfort(rooi) in aksie.