How does your business gain success using Social Media Marketing? www.didesignsstudio.com

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How does your business gain success using Social Media Marketing?


Social Media ServicesDI DESIGNS STUDIO is pleased to provide your business with the following social media proposal. The intent of the proposal is to deliver a complete social media and integrated marketing solution designed to improve net revenue results as well as customer loyalty and engagement.

Melissa DiVietri will provide social media consulting and execution services in the following areas:

+ General Analysis and Social Marketing Integration Consulting+ Social Media Strategy Development and Execution+ Daily Social Media Management Services

General Strategy and Social Marketing Integration Consulting

Proper integration of all aspects of marketing and messaging with clear objectives, target audience and flow are essential for optimal performance and ROI within social media marketing. Currently, few indi-vidual components are in place leaving a significant opportunity for unified and consistent messaging, as well as the need for significant upgrades in digital marketing norms, resulting in opportunity to connect and engage customers.

DI DESIGNS STUDIO will provide strategy, development, consulting and execution to bring all aspects of social media and traditional marketing efforts into alignment with unified goals and purpose.

Melissa DiVietri - Featured on 32 social media platforms with a network of 500,00 users. Melissa’s social media expertise has been featured in the Detroit Free Press, Metro Times, Detroit News and Fox 2 TV appearance. Her past work experience was on the global social media team at Team Detroit (Ford), in Los Angeles at The Garage Team Mazda, Google in Ann Arbor HQ and recently signed a proposal with Mercedes Benz.

Melissa is the ultra-entrepreneur that tackles small to mid size businesses in Detroit, MI by utilizing automation, social media listening, geo locating targets and developing robots to serve branded messages.

Personal Blog:

3.5K monthly visits

800 subscribers

“Everything you post on social media will impact your personal brand. How do you want to be known”


Has your company implemented new business development using Social Media?Has your company expanded the online audience using Social Media?Are you effectively reaching out to thought leaders in the industry using Social Media?Does your company publish posts daily on Social Media?If you answered “no” to any of these questions, you may need assistance with Social Media MGMT.

Every company has a different need or wants for their business to be successful. By developing a marketing strategy, our collaboration can measure the Includes custom social media marketing plan that will increase brand awareness, generate leads and improve brand awareness for your business. The development of a social media plan will depend on company’s need-analysis. A need-analysis is a structured outline that includes business goals and key performance indicators to measure suc-cess. A few examples of social media platforms may include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn and more.

Develop a Content Marketing Strategy

Purpose of Social Media Management:

Maintaining a business can become a difficult, time-consuming position where social media can easily be left behind. Marketing on social platforms can be essential to drive traffic while improving search engine optimization.

Marketing Plan for Social Media:

Focus on the quality of your followers, not the quantity: Social media influence matters on multiple levels. It can be better engagement with customers and also a sign of advanced skills to create interesting social media content.

+ Measures influence based on topic keyword to see who is considered an expert in the subject.+ Utilize social media listening practices to find users talking about your content / brand and serve branded messages that entice these users to communicate.

Post interesting content regularly: Content marketing will educate, inform and entertain customers by creating attention that results in leads, sales or advocacy. This communication will result in leads, sales and conversation.

Don’t focus on implementing all social media channels: Identify where customers spend their time online, asking what customers want to see and where do they find it. Convert followers into paid cus-tomers: Transform social media followers into customers that will generate followers, leads and sales.


Social Media Listening

Geo-Located Published Posts

Monitoring Published Posts

Melissa DiVietri [email protected]

Geo-Located Published Posts:

Geotargeting is the practice of delivering content to a consumer — via mobile or web — using geo-graphic location information about that individual. Geo located searches allows businesses to filter searches based on radius. For example: if the business is in Detroit – draw a geofence to hone into users who are discussing similarities to the business so you can serve a branded message. Geo located search function is helpful for local businesses who are relying on walk in traffic or local con-sumers to make business successful. The effectiveness of geo-targeting is only going to further improve as mobile use grows and location data becomes more accurate and available.

Social Media Listening:

What are users saying about your brand or how do you respond? Actively seek users who are socially talking about your company with the help of social media listening tools. Search the @tagname or #hashtag that is pertinent to the business and establish a connection with those users. By utilizing social media listening tools, you can narrow down what strategy is best to find prospective business. Measuring hashtags, geo-located posts will locate the right audience.


Google Analytics

Robust Reporting Software

Schedule ConsultationThe first step is to schedule a consultation that will include an audit on any social media programs that are running and discuss successful campaigns for the business. This audit will highlight the audience engagement, how many impressions / profiles were served and areas that could use improvement on any social media program. A free report will be provided at the end of the consultation.

Social Media Packages

Social Media Packages: 3mth, 6mth and 12mth contracts

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