5 3 rd August 2010

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3rd August 2010

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2. Music while you work

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2. Music while you work

The researchers explored the ‘irrelevant sound effect’ by requiring participants to perform serial recall

(recall a list of 8 consonants in presentation order) in the presence of five sound environments: quiet, liked music (e.g., Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Stranglers, and Arcade

Fire), disliked music (the track “Thrashers” by Death Angel), changing-state (a sequence of random digits such as “4, 7, 1, 6 ) and steady-state (”3, 3, 3 ). Recall ″ ″ability was approximately the same, and poorest, for

the music and changing-state conditions. The most accurate recall occurred when participants

performed the task in the quieter, steady-state environments. Thus listening to music, regardless of

whether people liked or disliked it, impaired their concurrent performance.

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3. Facepark – ‘analogue facebook’

Diesel are challenging the norm by turning social networking

analogue again, asking us to waste our lives in the park instead of in

front of the computer

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3. Facepark – ‘analogue facebook’

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4. Technology making driving safer

An ingenious piece of lateral thinking plus a bit of projection technology come together with the aim of making driving safer

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4.Technology making driving safer

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5. Surrealist drench ad

Drench have started a new campaign with a surreal ad -

turning a man’s head into a rubik’s cube

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5. Surrealist drench ad