CHARACTER PROFILES Tom Hardwill Alex Craven Ali Coulthard

Character profiles

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Page 1: Character profiles


Tom Hardwill

Alex Craven

Ali Coulthard

Page 2: Character profiles


The characters name is Tom Hardwill, he is a thug alongside the other 2

characters within the scene. He plays one of the more prominent role in the

argument and comes in about half way through the scene. He doesn’t have any

props but will start the scene in a chair in another room as the other 2 come in.

This character will be wearing something along the lines of jeans, a plain T

shirt and a Jacket. This is plain and simple as this character is not one to be

wearing anything fancy, he will be wearing something similar to the other 2 as

they have all just come off of a job. He is going to be in his early twenties as I

feel that this is more suitable than his actual age of 16 for the job they have just

pulled off. I feel that he is going to be a confident character who does not have

any problems sharing his thoughts with people. He will also have a rivalry for

dominance with character 3 over who is the Alpha male of there group. You can

see this through there aggressive argument in the opening scenes, he, as well

as the other character's, is a bit out of the regular age range used in

psychological Thrillers against the like of Leonardo DiCaprio however I don’t

feel this matters.

Page 3: Character profiles


I feel this image represents character 1 because it

shows quite a casual dress however the look on the

mans face is very serious and he is quite young.

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The second person is going to be Alex Craven, I feel he would be around the age

of twenty as he is the least dominant of the 3 and therefore his costume is going

to consist of a grey hoodie and jeans, something that is simple and casual,

therefore nothing too noteworthy. I feel that because he has been brought in just

for this case that he is the most disliked in the scene and this is why character 3

uses him as a scapegoat as to why the job went badly causing them to be in the

scene they are currently in. I feel that his immaturity is shown in the scene

through his attire. He has the most minor role in the scene and therefore watches

as the other 2 characeters argue amongst themselves until character 3 turns on

them. This character doesn’t have a prop however before character 1 is entered

maybe sat down or on his phone.

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I have chosen this image to represent character 2

because it is associated with young people and

immaturity and this represents character 2 well and

helps portray his innocence within how the scene

cam about with them failing to do the job.

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Character 3 is called Ali Coulthard and within the scene is the most

dominant as he gets the most screen time however also in the argument

he has the most to say and has a serious problem with Alex. He is

fighting for dominance over character 1 and pulls out a gun when the

argument gets intense turning it on Alex showing just how serious he is

and uses it as a symbol of his dominance. He is the last to arrive at the

scene which suggest that he made the other 2 wait for him to portray

his dominance. I also feel that he is the oldest of the 3 and therefore

has the most experience. He is a very confident character and likes to

get angry at people.

Page 7: Character profiles


I feel that this image represents the character the

best as the leather jacket suggest a gangsta life and

I feel that the facial expression is good as it is very

serious and out of the 3 photos I feel this guy is the

oldest and the most serious.