MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013

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  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013

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    ROAD RIGHTS OF VEHICLES & BICYCLESLos derechos de bicicLetas y vehcuLos

    GET THE DISH ON MUSICAL THEATERLas Ltimas Novedades de musicaLes JuveNiLes

    KEEPING ABOVE WATER: LEADING THE WAYcoNtra La marea: Lideres eN soLucioNes

    ITS HURRICANE SEASON: ARE YOU PREPARED?ests PreParado Para La temPorada de huracaNes?


  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013


    Chances are you lead a nonstop life. Keeping it all together isnt always easy especially

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    why we created the Mount Sinai Womens Centered Care Program, where healthnavigators are ready to coordinate your

    care, and doctors understand the unique

    needs of women.

    Mount Sinai, Life. Saving.

    To learn more visit MountSinaiWomensCare.com or call 305.674.2131


    takecare of


    ONCOOgY nd More

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    08 Next Generation /Prxima Generacion

    PRODUCTIONOce o Communcatons


    Mark Taxs

    EDITOR-IN-CHIEFNannette Rodrguez

    EDITORYudy Pnero

    DESIGN DIRECTORCamlo Rojas-Lavado

    DESIGNERJacke Gonzalez

    CONTRIBUTING WRITERSShar Holbert-LpnerJacke Gonzalez

    Yudy PneroDr. Lesle Roseneld


    Jacke GonzalezDr. Lesle RoseneldElzabeth Wheaton


    [email protected] US

    [email protected]

    E-SUBSCRIBEGo to miamibeachl.gov



    City of Miami Beach


    magazne s produced quarterly by the Oce omuncatons. The publcaton o an advertsementnot mply endorsement o any product, servce oron by the Cty o Mam Beach, ts employees orals. r mb p on cnn.

    quest ths materal n accessble ormat, sgn languagepreters, normaton on access or persons wthbltes, and/or any accommodaton to revew anyment or partcpate n any cty-sponsored proceedng,e contact 305.604.2489 (voce) or 305.673.7218ve days n advance to ntate your request. TTY usersalso call 711 (Florda Relay Servce). P lpln n n l, p npngj gn, l nn pn p, q lq lq n / p pp n

    q p pn p l , nql cn inn l c p ln,

    604.2489 (z), 305.673.7218 (tty) l n 5 npn. tn l 711 pn n l s rl L Fl.

    UMMER 2013 | VOLUME 8 | ISSUE No 4

    06 AT YOUR SERVICE /PARA SERVIRLEHispaic Hria Moh clbraios | volr oppori | road closrsCelebraciones del mes de Herencia Hispana

    |oportunidad voluntaria

    |cierres de carreteras


    Lari o pla or school /Aprende a planifcar


    Crais p o childrs msicals /Sub el telon en musicales


    Pla o sa sa, is hrrica saso /Preprese para estar a salvo


    Flamio Par is ad ooball ld maovrs / wbsi rcivs ovrhal

    Tenis y utbol en Flamingo Park/sitio web renovado24 SINCE YOU ASkEd / USTEd PREGUNTO

    Miami Bach Bawal projc / Hma Rihs Ordiac

    El Paseo de Biscayne Bay/Derechos Humanos


    Sa o whls / Ruedas en el camino


    Sav or ds /Salvar nuestras dunas


    War arobics ad mor /Gimnasia acutica y ms


    MB magazine Advertisements | Mount Sna | Atlantc Broadband 2 |Mam Beach Coalton / Beauty Schools o Amerca 8 | Adrenne Arsht Center11 | Gray & Sons 12 | Playng the Game o Le 15 | Mam Beach CommuntyChurch / Central Cab / mbculture.com20 | Mam Beach Parkng 23 | Sultan /Boucher Brothers 26 | Maya Tapas & Grll 29 | Mam Beach Gol Course / MamBeach Botancal Garden 38 | Sprte 39 | Magc Cty Casno 40 | Precous Smles

    41 |Jont & Jont42

    Cover Contest WinnerGanador Concurso De Portada

    Paula Delgado










    SPRING/primavera 2013

    Last cover: water lilies and lotus owers oat onthe pond at "A Garden o Meditation at TheHolocaust Memorial on 19 Street and MeridianAvenue. The garden is dedicated to the memoryo the European culture and the six million Jewishsouls lost during the holocaust. The photo alsoillustrates the reection o the "Sculpture o Loveand Anguish," a giant outstretched arm, tattooedwith a number rom Auschwitz, which rises romthe earth at the garden.

    18 THE ECONOMIC IMPACT O THE CONVENTION CENTEREl Impacto EconmIco dEl cEntro dE convEncIonEs

    29 dEENdING OUR CITY ROM CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTSdEEndIEndo nuEstra cIudad dEl cambIo clImtIco


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    t v i n t e r n e t p h o n

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    ouR BunDlEs

    Do Donuts


    thE CoMPEtition.

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    COMMiSSiONERJonah Wolson

    305.673.7102 [email protected] Term 20112015Frst elected 2007, Group IVProessonAttorney

    COMMiSSiONERJerry Libbin

    [email protected] Term 20092013Frst elected 2005, Group IProesson COC CEO

    COMMiSSiONEREdward L. Tobin

    [email protected] Term 20112015Frst elected 2007, GroupVProessonAttorney

    COMMiSSiONERJorge R. Exposito

    [email protected] Term 20092013Frst elected 2009, Group IIProessonVP, Claims

    MAYORMatti Herrera Bower

    [email protected] Term 20112013Frst elected 1999Proesson Mayor

    COMMiSSiONERDeede Weithorn

    305.673.7105 [email protected] Term 20112015Frst elected 2007, GroupVIProesson CPA

    COMMiSSiONERMichael C. Gngora

    305.673.7103 [email protected] Term 20092013Frst elected 06-07, GroupVProessonAttorney


    CARTA DEL ADMINISTRADORAs Mam Beach embarks on several world-class projects, ncludng the renovaton andexpanson o the outdated Mam BeachConventon Center, the admrng eyes o theworld are gazng on our cty.

    Mam Beach has emerged as a major player n the arts and travelndustry, recently recognzed by USA Today as the natons topconc waterront and by CNN.com as one o ve spectacularart ar ctes n the world, rankng among ctes such as Basel,Swtzerland and Vence, italy.

    We also reman on the oreront o some o the most mportantssues o our tme. We are the rst muncpalty n the naton knownto ncorporate sea level rse data nto our stormwater nrastructureplans n an eort to protect our ctys uture rom clmate changempacts.

    However, to contnue to compete on the world stage, t s crtcalthat we progress wth technologcal advances and provde modernamentes that are essental to sustanng our economy, whch sbased on toursm dollars.

    Ths s why we am to revtalze the Mam Beach ConventonCenter the areas man economc engne nto a vbrant dstrctthat wll provde year-round actvtes or the entre communty whlebrngng n at least $150 mllon more a year n vstor spendng.

    As the sngle most mportant nvestment n the hstory o MamBeach and South Florda ths s sure to gve us the compettveedge we need to evolve as a leader n the busness world, as well.

    We want to ensure that our nternatonal cty that we call homecontnues to prosper and make ts mark as a one-o-a-knd tropcalparadse that oers top-notch amentes and acltes n a lad-backatmosphere. in order to acheve ths vson, we need your support.

    in the pages that ollow, you wll learn more about the ctys sealevel rse and conventon center renovaton plans. You can also vstus at www.mambeachf.gov or up-to-date normaton.

    a q m b n p l nl, nln l nn l lln ll cn cnnn m b, l j l nn n n n .

    m b n n n l l n l , nn n p l p usat l n l nn p cNN. n l n pl ln, n n bl, sz vn,il.

    N n n nn l ng lgn

    l pn n p, nnnn l p l p n np l nl nl l n n pln n gpll. el z p pg l n l p l l.

    sn g, p g pn n l n nl, nnl pg n l n nlg l n p n n n,q n .

    P n j lz l cn cnnn m b l pnpl n l zn p q n n n p ln, n l n 150 lln l

    l n.c l nn pn n l m b - l s l Fl p gn n l njp q n p ln n l n ln l ng.

    Q gn q n nnnl, qn n g, g ppn n ppl n, n nln p l n nn lj. P lg n, n p.

    en l pgn gn, pnn l pln p l n nl l l pln nnp l n nnn. P nn l , nn www.f.g.

    Jimmy L. Morales

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    From ree events to dscountedprograms, the Cty o MamBeach oers resdents thebenets they deserve to lve,

    work and play n our lvelycommunty. Go to www.mambeachf.gov and clck onResdents or a lst o perks.

    L n n n n

    g nn . v www.f.g pn l pnrn.

    Cty Commsson honored Rachel Castllo, who

    was gong about her job o oerng drnk and

    snacks to golers on the greens when she ound

    a bag lled wth cash not just a ew bucks,but $36,000.

    She never thought o keepng any o t and

    reported t to polce. Ater an nvestgaton, polceound the person who msplaced the cash an

    elderly man. Her actons made headlnes across

    the country. Job well done Rachel.

    L cn m b n rlcll, n pl l l gl, qz l j n l 36 l n qnn n n l.

    cll nn pn nn l n lp nn l pl. dp

    n ngn, l pl nn l pnl . s n pn l ln l p. tj n rl.

    Doing the Right Thing! Haz Lo Jto!

    Hspanc Hertage Month s celebrated yearly n

    the Unted States rom September 15 to October

    15. Jon us n celebratng the achevements and

    contrbutons o Hspancs n Mam Beach:

    el n pn l nlnn l e un l 15 pl 15 . apn p ln q n :

    Ol! Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

    Celebra el Me De La Herencia Hiana

    THERES ANAPP FOR THATMam Beach Report it

    s a ree, smple, real-tme

    platorm to report concerns

    n your neghborhood n asnap. Download t on your

    smartphone ree rom your

    app store.

    pARA EsOHAy uN Appm b rp i n pl g,nll, l p l, pp n nnnn n n.dgl ln g.

    Jon hundreds o ellow volunteers and communtyservce agences rom 9 a.m. to noon onSaturday, September 28 n a massve cleanupeort amed at beautyng our cty.

    The amly-rendly aar, whch wll take placeat North Shore Open Space Park on 81st Streetand the beach, s part o an annual Mam Beachntatve to restore our streets, parks and dunesto ther natural splendor by askng resdents andbusnesses to get nvolved.

    Clean-up projects nclude: Dune restoraton, treeplantngs, ltter and storm dran cleanup.

    n n ln gn l n l 9 .. l l , 28 p n nz lpz g ll

    n .el n nl ll n l Ns opn sp Pk n l cll 81 p n ll, pq n pln nl pl n n p q nln.

    L p q n n:lpz nj , n n, plnn l.

    Community Service DayDa De servicio Comnitario

    ag 5 Ocob 31Celerating Hispanic ArtistsMimi Bch Ciy Hll a Glly1700 Covio Cr Driv, orh foor

    spmb 25 Free live music|Msica gratisoo Truc & Music est (5:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m.)Noh sho Bndhll |Collis Av & 73 Sr

    Ocob 5 Free live music, entertainment, art, workshops, & moreMsica en vivo, entretenimiento, arte, talleres y msOrgullo: Hispanic Prie estivalNoh sho Bndhll |Collis Av & 73 Sr

    Ocob 11Miami beach Hispanic Heritage estival(5:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m.)Noh sho Pk & Yoh Cn |501 72 Sr


    www.miamibeachf.gov / 305.673.7491












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    305.673.7610, ext. 6956.



    2013COMMISSIONMEETINGSREuNIONEs DE LACOMIsINCommsson meetngs aregenerally held monthly onWednesdays at 9 a.m. nthe Commsson Chambers,thrd foor, Cty Hall, 1700Conventon Center Drve,unless otherwse scheduled.

    Lve telecasts o theCommsson meetngs areclosed captoned n Englsh (cc)and Spansh (cc3).

    WATCH MBTV ONAtlantc Broadband (77)AT&T U-verse (99)




    Mam Beach s lookng or sxth and seventhgraders who would lke to jon an exctng newprogram exclusvely or students who attendpublc schools n our cty. All Stars s a programdesgned to equp adolescents on how to ace the

    challenges o a ast changng world.

    Partcpants meet n small groups wth acerted All Stars traner or 13 nteractve,45-mnute sessons that take place weekly. Eachsesson s packed wth actvtes, games, projectsor dscussons desgned to nspre parental andpeer bondng, oster sel-esteem and producecommtted leaders all whle havng un. Programpartcpants receve ree breakast, snacks andtransportaton. in addton, ater the 13 sessons,partcpants are honored at agraduaton ceremony.

    i you would lke more normaton, contactTana V. Cabrera, program coordnator, at305.673.7491 or [email protected].

    m b n n n lx p g q n n nn pg xln p l qnn l l l . all s n pg p nnl

    ln nn l nn q pn.

    L ppn nn n pqgp n n nn p13 n n, 45 n q ll n. c n pl , jg, p n p np lp p nln, nl p l p n n. L ppn lpg n n, p np g. a, p l 13n, l ppn n n n n

    n gn.s nn, png n nn tn v. c, n l pg, l305.673.7491 [email protected].

    Are You a Miami Beach All Star?Ere una primera Figra en Miami Beach?

    The Cty o Mam Beach Buldng Departmentrecently opened a Homeowners Help Deskn the lobby o the rst foor o Cty Hall. Thepurpose o the Help Desk s to provde permttngassstance or Mam Beach condo and sngle-amly homeowners.

    The recepton desk wll be staed rom 8:30a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Frday wthexperenced sta ready to assst our resdents

    n navgatng Buldng Department processes.Ths benet s strctly orMam Beachhomeownersand requresproo oresdencyand propertyownershp.

    el dpn cnn l c m b n n p pp n l ll p p l nn. el pp l ppn n pp pp nn nm b.

    Remodeling Your Home? Theres Help!Obtener permio de Contrccin Ahora e Ma Fcil para Reidente

    Fi wk ospmb






















    L pn 8:30 .. 4:30p.. ln n. e nl n lpn l p n pnln l p n pn p npn.e n ln ppp n nm b q p n.

    Recomrade Arma deFego







    [email protected]

  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013

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    We lve n nterestng and

    challengng tmes whereour chldren are aced wth

    many dstractons such as

    socal meda.

    The Cty o Mam Beach, n

    partnershp wth Mam Beach

    publc schools, s helpng youth

    ocus on whats mportant by

    provdng them a tool to succeed a planner used to organze

    and manage tme.

    Each year, students receve a

    cty-sponsored planner and

    are taught the mportant skll otme management.

    its the best tool or organzngmy sons assgnments, sad

    Hed Tandy, Char person,

    Commttee or Qualty Educaton

    Char and parent o HarrsonTandy, 13, Nautlus Mddle

    School student.

    Planners help parents or

    guardans express nterest n

    ther chlds academc progress

    and support plannng andorganzatonal sklls related to

    ther studes.

    Mam Beach publc schools

    place emphass upon the value

    o students learnng to plan,

    organze, and manage thertme eectvely and help them

    become responsble or ther

    own learnng, whch s an

    internatonal Baccalaureate

    prncple, stated Dr. AlceQuarles, lead eeder prncpal,

    North Beach Elementary.

    Tme management and

    related sklls are consstently

    lnked to student success n

    college settngs.

    Every student must learn to

    plan or success, stated JohnDonohue, prncpal Mam Beach

    Senor Hgh School.

    Mam Beach youth contnue

    to be a prorty or our

    communty, as we strve to

    enhance learnng opportuntes.

    v n n p nn n n n j

    nnn n l l.

    el ann, n ln n l l pl mb, n n jnn n l q pn,nl - n pln pgnz n p.

    c , l n n npln pn p l l n l pn nj p.

    "e l j n p lgnzn l j,j h tn, Pn l c en l c hn tn, 13, n n n ll n Nl.

    Pln n l p xp n n l pg j pplnn, gnzn lnn .

    "m b l l plpnn l n n l l lpnzj l n npln, gnz nj p n p l pnl pp pnzj,q n pnp l bllinnnl, l d. al Ql, l P N b.

    L gn l p l lln n nl l x ln n n n.

    "c n pn pln p l x, j Jndn, l ln m b.

    L ppln jnl g n np p n n g ln p j lpn pnzj.



    Aprene aPlanicar

    Dr. Lesle Roseneld

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    Gsel and Amala use ther agenda books to make notes on ther assgnments.COMPACT UPdATEMiami Beach Oers Health Services to Students /Miami Beach Ofrece servicio de sald para Etdiante

    MB Parent Program / MB programa de padre

    Mam Beach partnered wth neghborng

    muncpaltes, the Mam Beach Chamber o

    Commerce and the Chldrens Trust to und

    a shared ull-tme regstered nurse and three

    ull-tme medcal assstants at North Beach

    Elementary, Treasure island Elementary, and

    Ruth K. Broad Bay Harbor K-8 Center or

    the 2013-14 school year. Ths partnershp,

    whch ncludes the muncpaltes o Sursde,

    North Bay Vllage, Bay Harbor islands, and

    Bal Harbour, wll ncrease the health and

    well-beng o our youth and s supported by

    Mam-Dade County Publc Schools.

    m b n npn, l c c mb l t l N p nn nn p pl n p pl pl nl l p N b, tiln, r K. b b h K-8 cnn l l 2013-14. e n- q nl l s, Nb vllg, b h iln, bl h- n l l l n njn pl n l p lel Pl l cn m-d.

    Take tme to partcpate n an

    array o parent educaton

    workshops oered n partnershp

    wth Mam-Dade County Publc

    Schools The Parent Academy.

    Learn more about mprovng your

    chlds organzatonal sklls and

    communty connectons. Jon us oran normatonal workshop and

    the opportunty to enter a drawng

    rom 4:45 p.m. 5:15 p.m. at the

    ollowng acltes and/or vst the

    normatonal booth outsde open

    untl 6:00 p.m.

    t l p p pp nn ll pp n n n La p P l elPl l cn m-d.ong nn l j l p l

    nxn n l n j. n n p n lln l pn pp n n 4:45 5:15 n l gn nln / n n q l 6:00 p..

    Mobile Pediatric Clinic / Mobile pediatric ClinicAug 6, Oct 8 North Shore Park & Youth Center| 501 72 ST

    Sept 10, dec 10 Flamingo Park| 11 ST & Je erson Ave (PAL)

    Nov 12 Scott Rakow Youth Center| 2700 Sherdan Ave

    The Unversty o Mam Pedatrc Moble

    Clnc wth support rom the Cty o

    Mam Beach Educaton Compact wll

    vst recreatonal acltes to provde ree

    comprehensve health care servces to local

    youth who do not have medcal nsurance.

    The clnc wll be open rom 8:30 a.m. to

    3:00 p.m. To make an appontment or the

    dates/tmes below, call 305.243.6407.

    L cln P ml l un m - n p l en cp l c m b - nln p l g l jn ll q nnn g . L ln

    8:30 .. 3:00 p.. P n n l / gn, p ll l 305.243.6407.

    Seeking International Inormation /En Bca de Informacin Internacional

    Keep your Mam Beach publc

    schools n mnd as you travel abroad

    and brng back brochures, maps,

    menus, etc. To learn more, vst

    mambeachf.gov and clck on the

    Educaton tab.

    mnng l l pl m b n n n jl xnj l ll,p, n, l.P n nn, f.g g l n lp en.

    July 25 City Hall| 1700 Conventon Center Drve

    Aug 21, Sept 26, Oct 25 North Shore Park and Youth Center| 501 72 ST

    Sept 13, Oct 11 Flamingo Park| 11 Street & Jeerson Avenue (PAL)

    For more normaton on youth supported ntatves through our Educaton Compact, please vst the Ctys webste and clck on the Educaton tab.

    P n nn l n p jn n P en,tab.l w l c g l n l p en.

    Above Gsel and Amala use ther agenda books to make notes on ther assgnments.

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    Curta inS UP!Sub el Telon

    i your chldren love

    the lmelght, want to

    kck ther shyness or just love

    a good story, Mam Beach

    s where theyll want to be

    ths summer.

    From the Teen Club to Theatre

    Camp, Mam Beach s home to

    multple summer and year-round

    youth camps that teach chldren

    the undamentals o actng

    and choreography through

    movement, character-buldng

    and mprovsatons.

    Were makng actors o kds

    who have never taken actng

    beore and takng care o a lot

    o socal ssues rom motvaton

    to communcaton, sad

    Wlly Pregues, a recreaton

    supervsor who ounded the

    Mam Beach Teen Club. These

    are sklls that wll help them

    become actve members o

    the communty.

    The Teen Club, whch Pregues

    developed to mantan the

    communtys at-rsk populaton

    n a postve envronment, has

    mpacted hundreds o youth

    snce ts ncepton n 2005.

    Asde rom the drama program

    known as the CMB Players

    the Teen Club oers ts 300

    members a score o educatonal

    programmng and entertanment

    at cty acltes.

    A lot o these teens come to the

    program to nd a sae haven,

    sad Pregues. The Teen Club

    acts as a second home to many

    o our youth.

    The Teen Clubs CMB Players

    practce weekly, perormng

    three ree plays a year. Last all,

    they perormed the Broadway-

    ht Wcked. Ths September,

    Mam Beach resdents and

    vstors are n or a specal treat

    as the CMB Players present the

    rockn muscal Grease.

    For those who preer a tale as

    old as tme, the award-wnnng

    Mam Chldrens Theater wll

    present multple perormances

    o the classc muscal Beauty

    by Yudy Pineiro

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    The poetry contest wll be held

    ths all. Entres by the nalsts

    wll be dsplayed onlne. For more

    normaton, ncludng contest

    gudelnes, rules and judgng crtera,

    please vst www.mambeachf.gov.



    a l pg n cmb Pl l tn cl 300 n pgn nnnn nln npl.

    m ln

    nnn n g gn l pg, Pg.el tn cl ngn g p n jn.

    L cmb Pl nn nnl pnn g l . en l p, n n gnx n n l pnn Wk, l l

    bw. e , nn pnn l lq G.

    a l n l nnG, , Pg. en g q n x.

    P qn pn n l l p, l mcln t pn ll L ll l l9 10 g n l clnt, n l n 1040Lnln r.

    e l p z q

    n s b, q q gn pl pp l gn, n tF, l mcln t.

    F xpl q nn z p q lpn n nnn, p nnn q j p

    n n l pl npn n.

    N n ln q l n pz, F.Pn q n l lg j n p pnl p n p gn.

    and the Beast on August 9 and

    10 at The Colony Theatre, 1040

    Lncoln Road.

    Ths s the rst tme we wll be

    n South Beach, so we wanted to

    pck a show that people love,

    sad Tm Fath, drector o the

    Mam Chldrens Theater.

    Fath sad they strve to keep

    chldren actors entertaned by

    ncorporatng theme days and

    karaoke contests, but they also

    requre hard work to master the

    show n just our weeks.

    We dont beleve the urban

    legend myth that kds are

    lazy, Fath sad. We thnk they

    actually lke to work hard and

    take prde n beng part o abg project.

    Poetry Contest

    s j l nn l n nn,

    qn p z pln n n n, m b nn q n.

    d l tn cl l

    pn l, m b l n pgjnl p l n p l , q nn ln l l n,l g ln, l nn pnj l pn.

    e nn n q nn nn n n l qn l n l nn, nWll Pg, p

    n q n lm b tn cl. snl q l n n n l n.

    el tn cl, ll pPg p nn n nnn p plnn g, n n p n jn n n 2005.

    Miami beach Stage door Youth Conservatory

    willie wona August 2 | Byron Carlyle Theater, 500 71 ST

    www.mambeachstage.org | 305.397.8977


    Miami Chilrens Theater

    beauty an the beast August 9 & 10 | Colony Theatrewww.mamchldrenstheater.com

    Miami beach Teen Clu (CMb Players)

    Grease September 7

    www.mambeachparks.com | 305.673.7784

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  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013

    14/4412 MB magazine | Summer 2013

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  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013




    Hstory has taught

    us that hurrcanepreparaton s

    essental to avodng major


    To mnmze

    your chances

    o loss n a

    storm: plan

    ahead. Know

    when to board

    up your home,

    where to stay,how to get

    there, when

    to go, and

    what supples

    to take.

    Now s the

    tme to dust o

    your storm preparedness plan

    or ths hurrcane season, whch

    began June 1 and lasts untl

    November 30.

    Mam Beach wants to ensure

    the saety o all o ts resdents

    and vstors, sad Charles

    Tear, the ctys emergency

    management coordnator. it s

    never too early to prepare, but t

    can be too late you wat.

    Every resdent should have

    a dsaster plan that ncludes

    key documents. Asde rom a

    preparedness plan, you should

    pack an emergency sutcase

    wth mportant documents and

    personal tems so you are ready

    n advance.

    Beore evacuatng, make

    sure to secure your

    home and busness

    so they are

    ready to

    weather a storm. Board up

    wndows and glass doors.Brng n any loose tems.

    Secure boats or move them to a

    predetermned locaton. Turn o

    gas applances and unplug TVs

    and computers. Place valuables

    n waterproo contaners.

    Also, ll up your vehcle wth

    gasolne and take out some cash

    n case o a power outage.

    Dont orget to prepare a survval

    kt wth at least two weeks worth

    o ood and drnks to last you

    through an evacuaton

    and your return to the cty ater

    a storm.

    Other tems to keephandy n your

    survval kt


    batteres, fashlghts, rst-ad kt,

    a months supply o prescrptonmedcnes, water purcaton

    tablets, propane or gas grlls,

    manual can

    opener, and


    Once a storm

    threatens, keep

    a close eye on

    the orecasted

    track. Snce all

    o Mam Beachs an evacuaton

    zone, ocals


    you begn



    beore an

    order s gven.

    Ths wll allow you more tme to

    calmly get o o the sland.

    The Cty o Mam Beach wllbegn evacuaton procedures as

    soon as there s an evacuaton

    order rom the state and county.

    For those who dd not make

    pror arrangements

    on where to go

    durng the


    the Cty urges resdents to go to

    a Red Cross hurrcane shelter.

    Stayng at home n Mam

    Beach can be very dangerous,

    especally snce the Cty o

    Mam Beach's Fre, Rescue

    and Polce teams stop all

    emergency operatons at the

    arrval o Tropcal Storm orce

    (40 mph+) wnds.

    For more normaton ncludng

    a handy Hurrcane Gude, vst

    the Cty o Mam Beach webste


    Hurricane Prepareness TipsMake arrangements to stay at a rend orrelatves home or, as a last resort, at anevacuaton shelter.

    Make arrangements wth a kennel or rendto care or your pets.

    Tell amly, neghbors, and servce agenceswhere you wll stay n an emergency.

    Have a plan to secure your boat or take telsewhere.

    Send a lst o rends' and neghbors'telephone numbers and copes o mportantpapers to amly members n another cty.

    Make sure that you take proper Mam Beachdentcaton wth you; you wll need t tore-enter the cty.

    Revew your nsurance polces to ensure thatyou are ull y covered. insure rs cease ssungpolces when tropcal systems are wthn thequadrant.

    inventory and take photos o your propertyand valuables, and store these photos andother mportant documents n a waterproocontaner and take wth you whenevacuatng.

    Have a transportaton plan or emergences. Practce your Dsaster Plan.

    i necessary, regster wth Mam-DadeCounty's Specal Needs EvacuatonAssstance Regstry.

    See the Hurrcane Gude on the websteor a lst o evacuaton pck-up stes (www.mambeachf.gov/oem/).

    Plan To Stay SaeIts Hurricane Season

    Ne Paringloo Relie Program

    Parkng prvleges are now provded toresdents n food-prone areas. i you lven one o the desgnated food areas, youqualy or a voucher to park at a nearbymuncpal garage durng a desgnatedfood event. 305.673.7505


  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013


    L n n q l

    ppn n n

    nl p n pn.

    P l g p p nn, ng pp npln. sp n nlpnl pn p n, n lj, llg l lg, n

    q pn ll.a l n pl pln ppn p l p n, q pz l1 jn n l 30 n.

    L c m bq l p l g n n, l cl t,n gnp l c. Nn

    pn ppp, p n

    pn pp


    t n nn pln n

    q nl n l.a n n pln ppn, np n ln gn n npn lpnl p l n n n.

    an , pg ng p q pn

    p l n. cn pnl lnn p .Ll j l ln. ag l lll n lg l.apg l p g n l l lp. clql j l nj pl.

    a, lln l nq gln l qlg n n p n l.

    N l pp n k pn n p l n n, q nn l n ll l p n n.

    o l q nn n n

    k pnn: pl,


    p xl, n p n , l pn g,g ppn p ,l nl l gn pnl.

    cn nz n, pnz n l pn .tnn n n q m b nnn n zn n,l gn qp l pn n n q n n. a n p p l n l l l.

    L c m bn l pn n n pn ln l n nn n n. s n

    gnz qn lgn lg l l,l c g l n g n g pn l cz rj.

    Q n n m

    b p plg,pln nn nn q l qp pl, l c m bpnn l pn gn n llgnn n z npl ( 40 p).

    P nn, nln p g

    n, l w l c m b(www.f.g//)

    Preprese paraestar a salvo

    14 MB magazine | Summer 2013

    Consejos e preparacin para huracanes

    Organce cmo alojarse en la casa de unamlar o amgo, o como ltmo recursoen un reugo de evacuacn.

    Haga los preparatvos para que unaperrera o un amgo se hagan cargo de susmascotas.

    Avse a amlares, vecnos y agencasde servco dnde se quedar en unaemergenca.

    Tenga un plan para asegurar su barco ollevarlo a otro lugar.

    Enve una lsta de nmeros telencos deamgos y parentes, as como copas depapeles mportantes, a amlares que seencuentren en otra cudad.

    Revse sus plzas de seguro paracercorarse de estar completamente cuberto.Los aseguradores dejan de emtr plzascuando hay sstemas tropcales dentro delcuadrante.

    Asegrese de llevar una dentcacnapropada de Mam Beach: la necestarpara volver a ngresar a la cudad.

    Haga un nventaro con otos de sus benesy objetos valosos, y conserve esas otos yotros documentos mportantes en estuchesmpermeables para llevarlos con usted alevacuar.

    Tenga un plan de transporte paraemergencas. Practque su plan de desastres.

    De ser necesaro, nscrbase en el Regstrode Ayuda de Evacuacn para Personas conNecesdades Especales del Condado deMam-Dade.

    Vea en el sto web la Gua de Huracanespara encontrar una lsta de stos derecogda para evacuacn (www.mambeachf.gov/oem/).

    Nuevo Programa e Estacionamiento

    El Ayuntamento ha puesto en marcha un nuevo programa para proporconar un alvo

    temporal a los resdentes en zonas propensas a nundacones, dndoles el uso de

    estaconamento en aparcamentos muncpales durante nundacones, tormentas tropcales

    y huracanes. 305.673.7505 | www.mambeachf.gov/parkng

  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013


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  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013


    The Mam Beach

    Conventon Center s long

    overdue or a acelt, whch

    would bolster the ctys poston as

    a major player n an ncreasngly

    compettve meetngs and trade

    show market.

    A complete makeover s estmated

    to brng n approxmately $150

    mllon a year n vstor spendng

    and generate more than 12,000

    jobs durng project constructon

    and 2,300 jobs once complete.

    Ater a decade o talkng about

    revampng the dated Mam Beach

    Conventon Center and more than

    a year o vettng development

    proposals, cty ocals are on

    the verge o movng orward wththe project.

    Ths wll be the sngle most

    mportant nvestment n the hstory

    o Mam Beach, and South

    Florda, sad Mam Beach Cty

    Manager Jmmy L. Morales. So

    ts mportant to get t rght. i we

    do ths rght, t wll promse a

    brght uture or our communty.

    Mam Beach Commssonerschose between two prelmnary,

    cuttng-edge desgns that each

    cost a bllon dollars o publc and

    prvate money. Cty Commson

    selected Tshman South Beach

    ACE as the wnnng team to

    contnue negotatng a term sheet.

    Now that the Commsson

    selected a team, we get to the

    really hard job o sharpenng

    our pencls and negotatng

    leases, development agreements,

    tghtenng constructon and budget

    schedules, Morales sad. That

    wll probably be a 6 to 7month process.

    At the same tme, voters wll

    ace the ultmate decson on

    the uture o the project n a

    publc reerendum.

    Plans to enhance and expand the

    Mam Beach Conventon Center

    last renovated n 1990 have

    been dscussed or years as dated

    technology and amentes have

    kept large conventons away.

    Meanwhle, other major ctes

    have responded to ndustry

    changes by ncreasng ther

    conventon center spaces and

    provdng addtonal amentes

    ncludng technologcal

    advancements, hotels, and

    entertanment arenas t to capture

    the meetngs market.

    Rght now, our aclty, wthout aconventon center hotel and world-

    class amentes, does not allow

    us to compete or hundreds o

    busness meetngs and conventons

    some o whch could easly brng

    n a bllon dollars, sad Max

    Sklar, drector o Toursm

    and Cultural Development or

    Mam Beach.



    nn n pg 20


    16 MB magazine | Summer 2013

    t npl wng. eln pln j ng. F nn www.f.g

  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013


    el cn cnnn m b

    p l n nn pl,l q z l pn

    l n jgpn n l nn q z p.

    un gn l $150 llnl n gn 12.000 p j n l nnl p 2.300 pn z pl.

    dp n l l nznl cn cnnn m b n l pp ll, nn l n pn gln n l p.

    e l nn pn n l m b l

    Fl, j J L. ml,l an l c m b. a q pn l n.s l n, p n lln pn n.

    cn m blnn tn sb ace p ngl nn l

    l p.

    un z q l cnln n qp, llg l ln l l l lp lnn, n

    ll, p l n nn l pp ngn, j ml.e pln np 6 7 p .

    al p, ln nnn ln n l l p n nn pl.

    L pln p j

    pl l cn cnnn mb q np l z n 1990 - n n , pln pq lnlg n l n p gn nnn.

    mn n, gn n pn

    l l n,nn p n nnn n nl n nlg,l, p nnn p p l nn.

    nn n pgn 21





  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013


    in 2012, when Cty Commssoners

    revsted the dea o renovatng

    the Mam Beach Conventon

    Center Dstrct, eght promnent

    developers stepped up or the rst-

    rate opportunty. in November,

    Mam Beach Commssoners

    narrowed down the lst to two

    nalsts, askng Portman-CMC

    and South Beach ACE to drat

    competng plans.

    Both teams submtted plans

    to revtalze the 52-acre ste,

    whch ncorporates the 22-acre

    Conventon Center, Cty Hall and

    nearby oces, area roadways

    and canals, and The Fllmore

    Mam Beach at the Jacke

    Gleason Theater. The dstrct

    would also nclude the nearby

    Lncoln Road Mall, Collns Park

    Cultural Center and the beaches.

    Most aspects are

    qute smlar n

    the team desgns,

    whch gve the

    area an nnovatve,


    twst on standard

    conventon arenas


    wth a headquarter

    hotel, restaurants,

    shops, cultural and

    communty spaces, parks and

    greenway networks.

    in the past year alone, there have

    been numerous publc meetngs

    and opportuntes or resdents

    to wegh n on the project

    and examne each teams

    prelmnary desgn.

    Mam Beach resdents, toursm

    advocates, busness owners, and

    hotel operators have expressed

    a deluge o support or the

    renovaton plans, whch would

    generate a substantal economc

    mpact to the communty, and the

    entre regon.

    The drect economc mpact to the

    communty s anywhere between

    $750 to $850 mllon durng

    constructon alone, Sklar sad.

    Once the conventon center sopen, were lookng at anywhere

    rom $115 to $150 mllon n

    annual economc mpact. You wll

    have conventon center attendees

    who spend

    $500 per day

    on restaurants

    and retal

    stores. So

    busnesses n

    the communty

    wll benet,



    undng sources

    or the new Conventon Center

    project nclude $55 mllon rom

    the Mam-Dade County Buldng

    Better Communtes General

    Oblgaton Bonds, the new 1%

    Mam Beach Resort Tax on

    hotel room rentals, project

    generated taxes, and other

    project revenue sources.

    Morales has recommended

    lmtng the amount o prvate

    leases on publc land to 20

    percent so an overwhelmng

    majorty o the dstrct would

    reman under publc ownershp.

    Ths s a crtcal step n our uture

    not just or Mam Beach, but or

    Mam-Dade County and SouthFlorda, whch depends on toursm

    dollars, Morales sad. Thats

    why ts mportant to us that the

    communty come out to the publc

    meetngs and educate themselves

    on the sgncance o ths project.

    You can nd addtonal

    normaton, ncludng upcomng

    meetngs and desgn detals,

    on our homepage at www.


    Blow i imlin o vn gding h Mimi Bch Convnion Cn novion pojc

    1957 Mimi Bch Convnion Cn opn

    1990 Mimi Bch Convnion Cn pc i novd co o $92 million

    2001 Mimi Bch Commiion g o mov owd wih pln o nov h convnion cn

    Novemer 2004 Mimi-Dd vo ppov h Cony popod Gnl Obligion Bond m lloing $55 million o MimiBch Convnion Cn novion

    March 2005 G Mimi Convnion & Viio B compl dy pding 2001 ibiliy dy highlighing hponil o impovmn nd dvlopmn pln

    decemer 2008 Mimi Bch compl Long-rng sgic Fciliy Nd nd M Pln anlyi o h Mimi Bch ConvnionCn (MBCC), poviding inigh ino h dmnd o ciliy impovmn

    May 2010 th Ciy Commiion g o n ino conc wih aqiconic o dvlop m pln o h Convnion Cn,ling in nmo pblic ming o dic h pln

    eruary 2011th G Mimi Convnion & Viio B bmi nw dy olining h conomic impc o h Ciy ndgion wih popod xpnion o h MBCC ll whil ing commi viw pln by aqiconic,which w limly jcd

    eruary 2012 th Ciy i rq o Qlicion o dvlop h Mimi Bch Convnion Cn Diic (MBCCD)

    April 2012 eigh dvlop bmi qlicion o h Ciy

    June 2012 th evlion Commi h pnion om mining vn dvlopmn m nd nk hm ccoding opopol

    August 2012 Mimi Bch idn ppov lvying 1% o x on hol oom o inc x doll owd h novion o

    h convnion cn

    Novemer 2012 th evlion commi commnd ho-liing wo dvlopmn m - Pomn-CMC nd soh Bch aCe -nd h Ciy Commiion ppov h commndion monh l

    January 2013 th Ciy hold h commniy wokhop on h Convnion Cn

    eruary 2013 th wo mining dvlop pn hi iniil viion o h MBCCD

    March & April 2013 th m wok cloly wih h Ciy dminiion nd conid pblic nd khold dbck on pliminym pln

    May 2013 Dvlopmn m pn ocil l o inn wih popod m pln nd h Commiion nd Plnning Bod honmo pblic wokhop o dic ch popol

    June 2013 Ming pocd h pblic conin o viw ch m dign convnion cn i opnd in l My

    July 2013 Commiion lc tihmn soh Bch aCe o h nx ph

    18 MB magazine | Summer 2013

    Art Basel 2011 Dermatology Conventon

  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013


    en n, n n l n nnn l nl, np p p n nn ng nnn - lgn ll pn ln n lln l, j mxskl, l dpn t dll cll m b.

    en 2012, n cn l c n l n l d cnnn mb, llpnn pln p lpn. en n, ln m bjn l l nl,

    pnl Pn-cmc s b ace q npln n n pn pl p.

    a qp pnnpln p lz l 52 , q np lcn cnnn 22, l ann ln n, n nl l zn,

    nl t Fllm b n l JkGln t. el n nl l nn l Lnln r, lcn cll clln Pk, l pl m b.

    L l pn l n l l qp, ql n l zn n q

    nn, npn np n l nnnn n. L nln n l ,n, n, pll n,pq .

    en l l , n nn pl pn p q

    a conincin m n conolog d lo vno lciondo con

    l poyco d novcin dl Cno d Convncin d Mimi Bch

    1957 ab l Cno d Convncion d Mimi Bch

    1990 el Cno d Convncion d Mimi Bch novdo n coo d $92 millon

    2001 L Comiin d Mimi Bch dcid gi dln con pln p nov l cno

    Noviemre 2004 Lo von dl conddo d Mimi-Dd pbn n pop d bono q incly $55 millon p nov lCno d Convncion d Mimi Bch

    Marzo 2005 el Bo d Viin y Convncion d Mimi compl n dio nvo ob l vibilidd d n novcin

    diciemre 2008 L Cidd compl n Pln y anlii ob l dmnd p mjo n l Cno d Convncion d Mimi Bch(MBCC)

    Mayo 2010 L Comiin d l Cidd n n cono con aqiconic p doll n pln mo dl Cno dConvncion, lndo n nmo nion pblic

    erero 2011el Bo d Viin y Convncion d Mimi oin n nvo dio d l concnci conmic p lcidd y l gin con n poyco d xpnin d l MBCC - l mimo impo q n comi vi lo pln daqiconic, q nlmn on chzd

    erero 2012 el aynmino mi n solicid d Cliccion p l dollo dl Diio dl Cno dConvncion d Mimi Bch (MBCCD)

    Aril 2012 Ocho dolldo pnn cliccion p l poyco

    Junio 2012 el Comi d evlcin oy pncion d i qipo y lo clic d cdo l pop

    Agosto 2012 Lo idn d Mimi Bch pbn n impo ico d 1% n hbicion d hol q mn l cpilq iliz p l novcin dl cno d convncion

    Noviemre 2012 el Comi d evlcin comind do qipo p doll lo pln - Pomn-CMC y soh Bch aCe y l Comiin d l Cidd pb l comndcin n m dp

    Enero 2013 L cidd in pim ci comniio ob lo nvo pln p MBCCD

    erero 2013 Lo do dolldo n pnn viin inicil p MBCCD

    Marzo & Aril 2013 Lo qipo bjn n colbocin con l dminicin d l Cidd y conidn l opinin dl pblicoy d vio indo p doll pln plimin

    Mayo 2013 Lo qipo pnn pln mo d pop y omn cbo nmoo ll pblico p dici cdpop

    Junio 2013 rnion pocdn y l pblico ig conidndo cd dio n n iio d cno d convncioningdo nl d myo

    Julio 2013 L comiion lccion tihmn soh Bch p l pxim dl poyco

    n pnn lp xnn l pln qp.

    L n mb, n ,p p l n xp nln p lpln nn, qgn n p nnl p l n, p l gn.

    el p n l n n $750 $850 llnn nn, jskl. un z q l n nnn ,p n $115 $150lln n p nnl. h ppn l nn n l n

    q gn p l n$500 p n n n. a q l p l n n nn.

    Fn nnnpp p l np n nnn nln 55lln l n nl cn m-d,l n 1% p

    l l n m b,p q gnnl p, n ng.

    ml nl l n np n pl 20 p n p q l gn l q pp pl.

    e n p pn - n l pm b, p p lcn m-d l l Fl, q pn l l l , jml. e p q pn p n q ln lg l nnpl p lpn p.

    P nn nn

    nl, nln ll l px nn l , n n pgnw n www.f.g.


  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013

    22/4420 MB magazine | Summer 2013

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    TXTMBto 91011or normaton on arts and

    events n Mam Beach


    AT YOU


  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013

    23/44 21miamibeachf.gov


    The Oce o Captal improvement Projects completed a

    $5.3 mllon rebuld o the tenns courts at Flamngo Parkand the tenns center buldng that serves the courts.

    There are now 17 new hydro courts wth a sub-surace rrgaton

    system that wll ensure they are kept n play or years to come.

    A localzed dranage system was nstalled to keep standng

    water o the suraces, whch provdes more tme or play. Top

    ndustry standard Musco lghts now llumnate the courts ater

    the sun goes down. The adjacent buldng holds a ully stocked

    pro shop, oces and a mult-purpose room. There s a covered

    terrace wth a vew o the courts, provdng a comortable vew

    o all the acton, rom lessons to compettve matches.

    For more normaton about the courts, schedules and classes,

    log on to www.mambeachparks.com or call 305.673.7761.

    L on P mj cpl nlz l

    nn l n n Flng Pk l n n ng l n, n n l 5.3 lln l. a 17 n n n n gn n p gl nn l . s nl n llz g p p l nn g n lp p jg. L nn nn n lnn nn n l lm, q nnn n l j l n. el n n n n n pnl, n n ln lnn. un z n ln p n l ,

    l n n.

    P nn l n, l, l pgn w www.pk. lll 305.673.7761.

    The summer heat dd not deter Cty ocals andthe project team rom celebratng the start o a rapd

    renovaton o Memoral Feld at Flamngo Park and tsamentes. On Frday, June 14, cty ocals welcomed a

    crowd o about 40 people to honor the hstory o the eld andthe commencement o constructon.

    in addton to the artcal tur eld, the $2.4 mllon project alsoncludes renovaton o the bleacher buldng and press box,new restrooms and concesson stand, mproved lghtng anddranage. The track s beng ncreased to eght lanes and wllhave an upgraded surace.

    The entre cty s cheerng on the contractors, CSR HeavyConstructon, inc., to complete the ambtous 120-dayreconstructon plan by the start o Mam Beach Senor HghSchools all ootball season, whch begns September 6.

    el l l n n pn q l nn l c l qp p jn l l n n p nn l n p mlFl n Flng Pk nln. el n, 14 jn, nn l c jn n pl 40 pn nn l l n l n l .

    a l n l, l p 2.4 lln l nl: nn l g l n pn, n n nn, j lnn g. L p p n ln

    lzn j p.

    t l pl l z l n, csr hcnn, in., p nn pl l pln nn n 120 p l p l ln l m b sn hg sl, q nl 6 p.





    on inormatonaboutcaptalconstructonnyourneghborhoodandaroundMamBeachsavalableatyourfngertps.ThenewCiPwebste,www.MBPlannedProgress.com,provdestheanswerstoyourquestonsaboutconstructonschedules,projectscopeandexpectatonsdurngconstructon.

  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013


    what is the status o theMiami beach bayalproject?In mn o h Ciy conind o o c pblic

    pomnd long Bicyn By, h Mimi Bch Bywlkgmn bhind Flmingo soh Bch i now opn o h pblic,mking bnil mon lly ccibl long h wnwon om C5 s o Lincoln rod.

    th Ciy i king pmi o bild ddiionl gmnbhind W avn popi. Ngoiion conin wihom bilding own nd condo ociion vn ohhv gd o llow h Ciy o conc conncion o hcn by wlk.

    Cul es el estaoactual el paseo a lolargo e biscayne bay?En un testamento a los esuerzos continuos de la Ciudad paracrear un paseo pblico a lo largo de Biscayne Bay, el segmentode Paseo de la Baha detrs de Flamingo South Beach ya estabierto al publico. Una cantidad sustancial de la va ya esttotalmente accesible a lo largo de la costa occidental desde Calle5 hasta Lincoln Road.

    La ciudad est actualmente buscando permisos para construirsegmentos adicionales. Continan las negociaciones conalgunos propietarios de edifcios y asociaciones de condominios.Los dems han quedado permitir que la ciudad construya lasconexiones que altan.

    th Mimi Bch Hmn righ Odinnc blihd

    h Ciy o Mimi Bch Hmn righ Commi,

    which commnd lgilion in n o o

    pvn diciminion in mploymn, hoing o

    pblic ccommodion wihin ciy limi. th

    lw povid idn nd viio wih vil

    inomion concning hi igh nd incld

    complin om.

    I yo bliv h yo hv bn h vicim o n

    nlwl diciminoy pcic in violion o h

    odinnc, yo m l complin wihin 180 dy

    h llgd nlwl c occd.

    La Ciudad de Miami Beach estableci La Ordenanza

    de Derechos Humanos y un Comit que recomienda

    legislacin con el fn de prevenir la discriminacin

    en el empleo, la vivienda o el alojamiento pblico

    dentro de los lmites de la ciudad. La ley orece

    inormacin vital sobre los derechos de nuestros

    residentes y visitantes e incluye un ormulario

    de queja.

    Si usted cree que ha sido vctima de una prctica

    discriminatoria en violacin de la ordenanza, debe

    presentar una queja dentro de los 180 das despus

    de que ocurri el incidente.

    Qu es la Orenanza ederechos Humanos e laCiua e Miami beach?

    what is the City o Miamibeach Human RightsOrinance?

    or more inormation or to le a complaint, please visit .miamieachf.gov to or call 305.673.7524.


    Submt your Snce You Asked questons to [email protected].

    22 MB magazine | Summer 2013


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    Miami Beach recently opened new municipal garages or

    your parking convenience.

    Sunset Harbour Garage, 460 spots

    Pennsylvania Avenue (17 Street), 550 spots

    City Hall (18 Street & Meridian Avenue), 650 spots

    5 Street & Alton Road, 1,081 spots

    For a listing o additional parking spots,

    visit miamibeachf.gov/parking

    2,741 NEW SPOTS


    1755 Meridian Avenue | 305.673.PARK (7275) | miamibeachl.gov/parking


    Collins Ave.

  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013

    26/4424 MB magazine | Summer 2013

    A bcyclst aled to

    stop at a stop sgn andcrashed nto the ront bumper

    o a marked patrol car, causng

    the cyclst to be thrown o

    the bke and onto the hood o

    the car.

    Ths ncdent, whch occurred

    last summer, underscores theserous car-cycle collsons

    takng place n the ctys streets

    on any gven day.

    Recent ncdents have gven

    rse to the latest eort by cty

    ocals to educate cyclsts

    and motorsts on the rules othe road or a more peaceul


    Were gong to use all

    the resources we can rom

    educatng drvers and cyclsts to

    ncreasng enorcement

    o bcycle saety laws,

    sad Mam Beach AssstantChe o Polce Mark Overton.

    We want to encourage

    motorsts and cyclsts to ollow

    the rules and cross major

    ntersectons saely.

    Some cyclsts do not realze that

    n Florda a bcycle s classedas a vehcle, meanng a cyclst

    must obey the same trac rules

    as motorsts such as comng to

    a complete stop at a stop sgnor red lght. Or, ace a ne.

    Alex Ruz, owner o MamBeach Bcycle Center, whch

    partners wth the Cty or a b-

    weekly Communty Bke

    Rde, sad, a lot o bcyclstsdont realze theyre rdng

    ther bke they need to

    ollow trac laws.

    A lot o tmes motorsts get

    blamed or accdents, butcyclsts need to use maxmum

    cauton, he added. You cantjust run red lghts. That creates

    a dangerous envronment or

    motorsts and cyclsts.

    Lke vehcles, bcycles operated

    under the nfuence o alcohol

    or other controlled substances

    can result n serous punshment.

    Bcyclsts must rde n the same

    drecton as trac and use alane marked or bcycle use

    when avalable. Florda law

    also requres any person under

    the age o 16 to wear a helmet.

    However, whle bcyclsts oten

    are at ault or dsobeyng rules,ts not always the case.

    in late May, a bcyclsttravellng east on Dade

    Boulevard was struck rom

    behnd by a vehcle and

    transported to Ryder TraumaCenter or treatment.

    Motorsts have to aordcyclsts the same rghts,

    Overton sad.

    Flordas Sae Passng Laws

    requre drvers to yeld to

    cyclsts at ntersectons and

    as drected by sgns

    and allow at least threeeet clearance when passng

    a bcyclst on the road.Snce most crashes occur at

    ntersectons, drvers makng

    rght turns should watch out

    or cyclsts to avod accdents.But let turns can be just as

    dangerous, whch s why

    drvers should exercse the

    same cauton as they would orany approachng car.

    in 2010, 618 cyclsts were klledand an addtonal 52,000 were

    njured n motor vehcle traccrashes, accordng to the latest

    avalable gures rom the U.S.Department o Transportatons

    Natonal Hghway Trac

    Saety Admnstraton. O those

    ataltes, 83 occurred

    n Florda.

    Mam Beach records showthere was a total o 82

    accdents nvolvng

    bcycles n the past

    year. Fortunately,none were ataltes.

    Our goal s to make

    the cty as sae aspossble or all o our

    ctzens to move around

    reely and avod as many

    accdents, Overton sad.

    Tips or a smoother, saer ie rie

    Obey all trac control sgnals and sgns.

    Use hand sgnals to ndcate stops and turns.

    Wear a helmet, regardless o the dstance o the trp.

    Always rde n the same drecton as trac and use the urthest rght lane on a roadway a marked lane s not avalable.

    Dont swerve around parked cars or nto the roadway and check or trac beore enternga street or ntersecton.

    Be vsble at nght by wearng brghtly-colored clothng or refectve tape and usng a whteront lght and a red rear lght.

    Make eye contact wth motorsts to make sure theyre payng attenton.

    .miamieachf.gov/pulicors/transportation | 305.673.7080

    wheelson theRoa Yudy Pnero

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    Rueas en el Caminoun l n n l llg n l p n l pq

    ln n l pl; l glp

    xpl l l l l nl p l l.

    e nn, n l n p,j n l l g l q q pnn n n n l nl l.

    inn n n lg l lz l npl p l l n l n l p n xn p.

    v lz l q p,

    l n l j l pln l n g n l, l mk on, pl m b. Qn l l l pll gl z n g lnn pnpl.

    algn l n n n q nFl n l l l, l l gn q n l nq l n n ql n, n pln

    n n l 'p' n nj. d l n, nn q pg n l.

    al gl q n l l, n n lj l l ll nnl p lg g nn.

    L l n nz n l nq l l l p l pq l . a, gn l glnn l Fl, n n 16 .

    a n, nq n l lnpln l n n, n p nll l pnl.

    a nl , n l q n l p d bl pp p n l q np l cn tlg rp n.

    L l nn q nl l l l, pn on.

    L n p g Fl lgn l n l p l ln l nn n l l lnqn, p n p l n

    p n lnn n l n l .d q l l n pn n l nn, l ln n l l p q n gn l . L g l zq n pn plg, pl l n l n n l n g, l n nlq l n.

    en 2010, 618 l n 52,000ln p n , n l l pnl l ann Nnl sg l t n c, ldpn enn tnp.d , 83 gn n l Fl.

    N j q l l g pl p q nn ln ln p nn, nl on.

    Recomenaciones para un transporte en icicleta ms tranquilo y seguro

    Respete todos los sgnos y seales de control de trco.Vaya sempre en el msmo sentdo del trco, y utlce el carrl que seencuentre ms a la derecha de la va s no hay un carrl marcado parabccletas.

    Haga seales con las manos para ndcar cuando va a parar o a hacerun gro.

    No haga gros alrededor de vehculos estaconados n gre bruscamentehaca la calzada; observe el trco antes de entrar a una calle onterseccn.

    Use casco, sn mportar cul sea la dstanca que va a recorrer.Establezca contacto vsual con los automovlstas para asegurarse deque lo estn vendo.

    En la noche, use ropa de colores claros o cntas refectoras para que los dems lo vean; use una luz blanca para la parte delantera de la bccleta yuna roja para la parte trasera.

    .miamieachf.gov/pulicors/transportation | 305.673.7080

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  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013

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    Yudy Pnero



    Resdents and vstors are

    drawn to Mam Beachor our clear blue waters, whte

    sandy beaches and brght

    sunny days. However, beng

    surrounded by water also makes

    the cty partcularly vulnerable torsng seas.

    Accordng to projectons

    publshed by the U.S. ArmyCorps o Engneers n 2009,

    scentsts predct local sea

    levels wll rse about three toseven nches over the next 20

    years. These projectons were

    developed usng hstorcal sea

    level data, takng nto accountglobal warmng.

    in the case o South Flordaand Mam Beach, whats really

    encouragng s that nstead o

    respondng to an event, theregon s actually plannngahead, sad Danel Kreeger,

    executve drector o the

    Assocaton o Clmate

    Change Ocers.

    Over the past year, Mam

    Beach has engaged clmate

    change experts n collaboratvedscussons to denty short-

    term and long-term protecton

    measures or the cty and the

    regon. Later ths year, the Cty

    wll host a program calledDutch Dalogues where experts

    rom the Netherlands, local

    unverstes, and Cty sta wll

    have an open dalogue wth thepublc about clmate change

    adaptaton strateges.in order to be better prepared,

    the Cty s desgnng our

    storm water nrastructure to

    accommodate the sea level rse.

    sad cty engneer Rck Saltrck.

    in 2012, Mam Beach adopteda new Stormwater Management

    Master Plan (SWMMP). The

    SWMMP s ntended to be a

    gude or mprovng the ctys

    storm water management

    perormance or the next 20years, wth consderatons o

    potental sea level rse over ths

    tme perod. Mam Beach sthe rst muncpalty that

    has taken sea level rse nto

    consderaton n storm water

    nrastructure desgn.

    The ctys exstng storm water

    system s prmarly gravty drven.However, as sea level rses, the

    storm water system needs to wllrely more on pumps. in addton,

    the Cty s rasng protectve sea

    walls to protect the Cty rom

    hgh tdes mpacts and lookng

    nto addng ran water storageareas to hold water durng

    perods o heavy rans.

    Ths past June, Mam Beach

    was selected as one o eghtctes natonwde to partcpate

    n the Rockeeller Foundaton-unded RE.nvest intatve. The

    RE.nvest intatve s a new

    program that wll help develop

    tools to nance and buld a morereslent communty.

    Wth up to $3 mllon n supportrom the Rockeeller Foundaton,

    the RE.nvest intatve wll deploy

    teams o engneers, lawyers and

    publc nance experts to workdrectly wth Cty ocals and

    managers to develop strateges

    or nvestable nrastructure

    plans. Cty ocals also hope to

    encourage busnesses to play anactve role n the process through

    publc-prvate partnershps.

    Stormwater mprovements

    are smply one component

    o a larger, longer eort to

    protect the cty rom clmate

    change mpacts.

    The Cty s also collaboratng

    wth our regonal partners,

    explaned Betsy Wheatonthe envronmental resources

    manager, through sharng

    expertse and resources we

    wll contnue to buld and

    strengthen our Ctys reslenceto clmate change.

    The Southeast Florda Regonal

    Clmate Change Compact s an

    on-gong collaboratve eor t

    among Monroe, Mam-Dade,Broward and Palm Beach

    Countes to oster sustanablty

    and clmate reslence at a

    regonal scale. in 2011, the

    Compact released the RegonalClmate Acton Plan (RCAP)

    to create a ramework togude clmate adaptaton and

    mtgaton polces.

    Ths s only the begnnng o

    the conversaton, sad Saltrck.And we wll contnue to lead

    the dalogue or addressng the

    challenges presented by clmate

    change and sea level rse.


  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013


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    slc niv pln nd

    g h dogh

    nd p in. Niv

    pln qi l w,

    iliz, nd picid. thCiy o idnil Gn

    W rcycling 2800

    Midin avn.

    Poply o pool chmicl

    o pvn lk nd pill,

    pbly in covd

    o void xpo

    o om w.

    Whn wlking yo p,

    mmb o pick p h

    w nd dipo o i

    poply. Lving p w

    on h gond incpblic hlh ik by

    llowing hml bci owh ino h om wym nd vnlly inoBicyn By.

    ridn cn k lov

    pin nd oh hohold

    chmicl o h nx

    Hzdo W Collcion

    on Novmb 17.

    som w i h in nd

    w w h fow ov

    lwn, divwy, idwlk,

    nd . a hi w fow

    i pick p dbi, chmicl,

    iliz, o fid, nd oh

    polln bo ning ino

    h om w ym. O

    om w ym i dignd

    o din h ciy o in w

    nd o hlp minimiz fooding

    by cying h no hogh

    ym o inconncd pip

    bo dpoiing h no ino

    Bicyn By. By pcicing

    hlhy hohold hbi,

    homown cn kp common

    polln o h gond nd o

    o omw. Hlp poc o

    col w.

  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013

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    ourdunesHealthy dunes are a

    crtcal component o

    coastal communtes, servng as

    a habtat or natve plants and

    nsects and a eedng ground

    or mgratory brds. They also

    oer storm protecton to uplandpropertes and reduce the

    mpacts o eroson by trappng

    and stablzng sand.

    Knowledge o ther mportance

    has become more apparent

    n recent years, makng them

    a prorty or habtat

    conservaton ntatves.

    Dunes serve as our rst

    lne o deense aganst stormsurge actng as a buer

    aganst damage caused by

    waves, sad Betsy Wheaton,

    envronmental manager.

    They are vtal to all the

    propertes along the beach.

    Wthout them, they would be

    more lkely to food.

    Because o the mportance o

    our dune system, Mam Beach

    ocals have embarked on an

    eort to restore the dunes and

    educate resdents on the benet

    o protectng these vegetated

    sand rdges.

    Earler ths summer, the Ctys

    Publc Works sta hosted an

    educatonal dune workshop

    and led communty volunteers

    n the removal o non-natve,

    nvasve vegetaton as part o a

    grant-unded project to restore

    the system.

    Coastal sand dunes are

    typcally ormed through naturalprocesses lke wave acton

    and wnd. in Mam Beach,

    the sand dunes were orgnally

    man-made, but have contnued

    to evolve through natural

    processes and now serve the

    same uncton and provde

    the same benets as a


    dune system.

    The ctys dune

    system absorbs

    the energy o

    the waves that

    arse rom hgh

    storm surge. Dune

    vegetaton plays

    a key role, actng

    as a wndbreaker.

    Wthout the

    protecton o the

    dune, the ctys sot

    coastlne would

    rapdly dsappear.

    The Ctys dune


    strategy ncludesremovng non-

    natve nvasve

    speces that

    threaten the growth

    and survval o the

    system and replantng

    natve speces to

    restore the health and

    uncton o the dune. These

    habtat restoraton eorts are

    conducted through volunteer

    events wth local non-prots, lkethe Surrder Foundaton, and

    through compettve restoraton

    and mantenance contracts.

    The plants that wll be removed

    through the next restoraton

    contract are detrmental to the

    system and wll overshadow or

    kll the natve plants that are

    essental to the stablty o the

    dunes, sad Dune Management

    Bologst Rob Barron, who wascontracted to oversee the ctys

    dune management plan.

    Mam Beach wll host two more

    volunteer restoraton events

    and addtonal educatonal

    orums later ths year. Footage

    rom the rst educatonal dune

    workshop s avalable at www.

    mambeachf.gov/green so

    nterestedctzens can learn

    about the hstory and value o

    the Mam Beachs dune and

    beach systems.

    These events are unded n part

    through a grant agreement

    rom the Florda Department

    o Envronmental Protectons

    Florda Coastal Management

    Program and provded by the

    Oce o Ocean and CoastalResource Management.

    The beach s the most

    mportant asset to the economc

    well-beng and qualty o le o

    the Cty o Mam Beach, sad

    Mam Beach resdent Sdney

    Goldn, who partcpated n the

    June dune restoraton event.

    Yudy Pnero

    How You Can Help the Dunes

    We all play a vtal role n protectng thedune system. Whle dunes may appearnvtng, they are not a playground.Wanderng through the dunes can nhbtplant growth, whch s vtal to the systemsstablty, so please reran rom walkngthrough them and poltely ask othersto do the same. i you are nterested nvolunteerng or recevng more normaton,please contact Margarta Wells at305.673.7080 or [email protected] or more normaton.

    Scaevola plants, an nvasve plant speces

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    Cmo puede ayudar usted aconservar las dunas?

    Todos tenemos un rol esencal que cumplren la proteccn del sstema de dunas.Aunque puedan parecer llamatvas, lasdunas no son un terreno de juego y sonen realdad bastante vulnerables. El pasode transentes por las dunas puede nhbrel crecmento de las plantas, que es vtalpara la establdad del sstema. Por lotanto, evte camnar por las dunas y pdaamablemente a los dems que tampocotransten por ellas. S desea colaborarcomo voluntaro retrando objetos y plantasnvasvas de nuestro sstema de dunas,llame a la cudad al 305.673.7080.

    Dunas saludables son un

    componente undamental

    de las comundades

    costeras, srvendo

    como hbtat para las

    plantas y los nsectos

    natvos y una zona

    de almentacn para

    las aves mgratoras.

    Tambn orecen

    proteccn contra

    tormentas y reducen los

    mpactos de la erosn al

    retener y establzar la arena.

    El conocmento de su

    mportanca ha sdo ms

    evdente en los ltmos aos,

    su creando una prordad

    para conservacn.

    Las dunas son nuestra prmera

    lnea de deensa contra las

    mareas de tormentas, srvendo

    como barrera de proteccn

    contra el dao causado por las

    olas, comenta Betsy Wheaton,

    gerente de medo ambente.

    Son vtales para todas las

    propedades cerca de la

    playa. Sn ellas, el resgo de

    nundacn sera mayor.

    Debdo a la mportanca de

    nuestro sstema de dunas, los

    unconaros de Mam Beach se

    han embarcado en un esuerzo

    para restaurar las dunas y

    educar a los resdentes sobre

    sus benecos.

    A prncpos de este verano,

    el personal de Obras Pblcas

    de la Cudad organz un taller

    de dunas educatvo y drg

    voluntaros de la comundad en

    la elmnacn de la vegetacn

    nvasora con ondos de

    subvencn para restaurar

    el sstema.

    Dunas costeras normalmente

    se orman a travs de procesos

    naturales como la accn de

    las olas y el vento. En Mam

    Beach, las dunas orgnalmente

    ueron hechas a mano, pero

    han do evoluconando a travs

    de procesos naturales y ahora

    srven la msma uncn y

    orecen los msmos benecos

    que un sstema de dunas

    ormado naturalmente.

    El sstema de dunas de la

    Cudad absorbe la energa de

    las olas que surgen de la alta

    marea. Vegetacn de dunas

    juega un papel undamental,

    actuando como una cazadora.

    Sn la proteccn de la duna,

    la costa suave de la cudad se

    desaparecera rpdamente.

    La estratega de gestn de la

    duna de la Cudad requere

    elmnar especes que no son

    natvas y replantar especes

    natvas. Estos esuerzos de

    restauracn se llevan a

    cabo a travs de eventos de

    voluntarado con

    organzacones sn

    undos lucratvos,

    como la Fundacn

    Surrder, y

    tambn a travs

    de contratos

    de restauracn

    compettvos y de


    Las plantas que

    van a elmnar son

    danas para el

    sstema y perjudcan o matan

    a las plantas natvas que son

    esencales para la establdad

    de las dunas, explca Rob

    Barron, blogo de gestn de

    dunas, contratado por la cudad

    para supervsar los planes

    de restauracon.

    A nales de este ao, la

    cudad orecer dos eventos

    de restauracn voluntaros

    y talleres educatvos. Las

    mgenes del prmer taller

    educatvo estn dsponble

    en www.mambeachf.gov

    para que los cudadanos

    aprendan la hstora y el valor

    de los sstemas de dunas de

    Mam Beach.

    Estos eventos son en parte

    nancados a travs de un

    acuerdo de subvencn del

    Programa de Admnstracn

    Costera de Florda, drgdo por

    el Departamento de Proteccn

    Ambental de Florda, y

    orecdos por la Ocna de

    Admnstracn de Recursos

    Ocencos y Costeros.

    "La playa es lo ms mportante

    para el benestar econmco

    y la caldad de vda de la

    Cudad de Mam Beach", djo

    el resdente de Mam Beach

    Sdney Goldn, quen partcp

    en el evento de restauracn de

    dunas en juno.

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    th ho mm wh cn b big n o whn i com ongging in ny phyicl civiy.

    I k lo o moiv yol o

    xci. Howv, g wy ob h h i o indlg in wobic cl.

    W obic cl o mliplphyicl nd mnl hlh bn wll hlping yo y civ, bn nd hv n. th cl i combiniono hyhmic body movmn nd dncp pomd in h w. I h nl inc nd boyncy ow gin yo body o povid

    wid viy o condiioning civii,mking i l likly o c injy.

    W obic xci i gd onghn nd on mcl, bildndnc, impov nd inccincy o h cdiovcl ym,inc fxibiliy nd bn cloi llwhil hving n.

    accoding o Nomndy Il poolinco, Yn Bnz, w obic

    cl bing od hogh h MimiBch Pk nd rcion, boopopl hlh, inc ngy,min nd ngh. I i lo

    hing civiy h li yo mood.

    th gol o w obic i oinc yo h nd bhinglowly o n obic lvl. th wpovid yo g inc ndx chllng o yo cdiovclwoko id Bnz.

    On o h mo popl w obiccl igh now i aq Zmb,od Flmingo Pool on

    Mondy nigh.aq Z i yejye wk h we e-e, ge i he, he , e diik, ii miibeh eie.

    Exercise has never een so cool!Cl ccommod ll n lvlnd od wkdy boh

    Flmingo nd Nomndy pool. Noonly i i n, b lo o MimiBch idn.

    thi mm, d in yo diionlobic cl o cool, inn ndn w woko oin.

    Jcki Gonzlz

    Dese un chapuzn hacIa una buena saluD!

    MAKE A


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    el clima caliente durante latemporada de verano es ungran desaliento a la hora de

    realizar cualquier tipo de actividadsica. Se necesita un gran esuerzopara auto motivarse a hacer ejercicio.Sin embargo, una buena manera decombatir el calor es disrutar de unaclase de aerbicos en el agua.

    Los ejercicios de aerbicos de aguaorecen mltiples benefcios para la

    salud sica y mental, y es una buenaopcin para mantenerse activo, quemargrasa y divertirse.

    La clase es una combinacin demovimientos rtmicos del cuerpo ypasos de baile que se realizan en elagua. Los ejercicios de aerbicos en elagua utilizan la resistencia natural y laotabilidad del agua contra su cuerpopara proporcionar una amplia variedadde actividades de acondicionamiento,

    por lo que es menos probable quecausen lesiones en el cuerpo.

    Los ejercicios de aerbicos en el aguase enatizan en ortalecer y tonifcarlos msculos, aumentar la resistencia,mejorar y aumentar la efciencia delsistema cardiovascular, aumentar laexibilidad y quemar caloras mientraste diviertes.

    Segn la instructora de la clase deaerbicos en el agua de la piscinade Normandy Isle, Yanet Bentez, lasclases que se orecen a travs delDepartamento de Parques y Recreo dela Ciudad de Miami Beach impulsanla salud de las personas, aumentanla energa, la resistencia y la uerza.Tambin son una actividad rerescanteque levanta el nimo.

    El objetivo de los ejercicios aerbicos

    en el agua es aumentar el ritmo cardacoy la respiracin lentamente a un nivelaerbico. El agua le proporciona unagran resistencia y desaos adicionalesa su entrenamiento cardiovascular.,dijo Bentez.

    Una de las clases ms populares deejercicios de aerbicos en el agua enestos momentos es la clase de AquaZumba, la cual se orece en la piscinade Flamingo todos los lunes en la noche.

    aq Z e ejeiieee ge qe eeie eii e e,ee e y ezieie, f diik, iie e e yeiee e mii beh.

    He ejeii hi i eee!

    Las clases estn disponibles a todos los

    niveles de condicin sica y se orecendurante la semana, tanto en la piscinade Flamingo, como en la piscina deNormandy. Y no slo es divertido,sino que tambin es completamentegratis para todos los residentes deMiami Beach.

    Este verano, cambie su rutina tradicionalde como hacer ejercicios aerbicos, poruna rerescante, intensa y divertida clasede aerbicos en el agua.


    Nomndy Pool * T. & Th. 18 + years 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm FREE/$10 class

    Flmingo Pool Th. 18 + years 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm FREE/$10 class

    Flmingo Pool ** Mon. 18 + years 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm FREE/$10 class* Nomndy Pool W aobic smm Ho 2 - 3 p.m. ** aq Zmb cl

    For additional program inormation call us at (Para ms inormacin sobre nuestros programas llame al) 305.673.7730 or visit us at ( visitenos al) www.miamibeachparks.com

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    before & after school


    RRcion viw

    thi yly pogm o dncing, inging, nd c, gppnc nd cdmic. Bih Cic nd immnizion -cod qid o giion. Childn m b poy ind.spc i limid. (Este programa orece baile, canto, artes manualesy aprendizaje. Se requiere certifcado de nacimiento y expedientesde vacunas para la inscripcin. Los nios deben estar entrenadospara ir al bao por si solos. El espacio es limitado.)begins (iez):ag. 26regii (iii): ag. 5 (.)/ag. 12 (non-.)


    NSPYC M. - F. 9:30 am - 12:30 pm 3 - 4 years $425/$640

    Normandy Isle M. - F. 9:30 am - 12:30 pm 3 - 4 years $425/$640

    Flamingo M. - F. 9:30 am - 12:30 pm 3 - 4 years $425/$640

    a mli-mdi xpinc o pn nd nolld child only.8 wk i pogm. (Una experiencia multi-media entrepadres y nios inscritos. Programa en series de 8 semanas.)begins (iez):ag. 26 Dc. 2 M. 10


    Normandy Isle M. & W. 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm 12 - 30 mo. $100/$150

    Civ nd c o pn nd nolld child only. 8 wi pogm. (Artes manuales creativas para padres y nios somente. Programa en series de 8 semanas.)begins (iez):ag. 27 Dc. 3 M. 11


    Flamingo Wed. 11:30 am - 12:15 pm 2 - 3 years $50/$100

    Normandy Isle Tues. 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm 2 - 3 years $50/$100

    sonl cd nd pvid pogm od vio

    i o vying g. acivii incld: gm, po, onmnhm vn, phyicl n nd pcilizd clb. (Estructuradossupervisados programas por temporada son orecidos en dierentlocalidades para varias edades. Las actividades incluyen: juegodeportes, torneos, eventos, ejercicios y clubs especializados.Locations: 21 s rc. Cn (FREE) Fiwy Pk (FREE) Flmingo Pk (PAL) M Pk Noh sho Pk Yoh Cnsco rkow Yoh Cn.all Season (Temporada de Otoo): 08/19/13 - 11/24/13DAY TIME GRADES RES/NR

    M-F 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. K - 12 $175/$325

    Miami Beach Parks & Recreation provides weekday beore and ater

    school programs and activities that are sure to keep your kids busy in a

    un flled sae environment. (Parques y Recreo de Miami Beach provee

    programas y actividades semanales para antes y despus de la escuela

    para mantener a sus nios ocupados en un ambiente sano y divertido.)

    Plytie Prgr STICKY FINGERS PRoGRam

    ToT TImE PRoGRam

    aFTER SCHooL PRoGRam


  • 7/28/2019 MB Volume 8 Issue 4 Summer 2013

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    RRcion viw

    Year-round family events planned just for you!Eventos anuales planeados especialmente para usted!

    Visit www.miamibeachparks.com for other planned activites! (Visitemimirk.ompara otras actividades planeadas!)

    FRIDAY, Oct. 4 FREE

    Fo movi il & im vii:

    (Para la pelcula y el horario visite:)www.mimibchpk.comNormany Isle Par7030 tovill eplnd

    Movie in the Park



    Youth DuathlonFRIDAY, Oct. 18 5:00 PM

    Fin Chllng o g 17 & nd.rqid p-giion. (Desao para edades 17 y menos. Inscr-base por adelantado.) r: F (gi) Non. r: $10

    1 mile run, 300 yard swim, 1/2 mile run(corra 1 milla nade 300 yardas corra 1/2 milla)

    lamingo Par Trac12 s & Michign avn

    Safe Night of FrighttHURS., Oct. 31 6:00 PM FREE

    Ghol & Goblin invid o njoy nigh o tick o ting, mic nd n.(Todos los antasmitas estn invitados a unanoche segura de Trick or Treat msica ydiversin.)North Shore Par banshell 7275 Collin avn

    HalloweenHappeningstHURS., Oct. 31 6:00 PMChildn ncogd o com in com & njoy cni-vl gm nd . F admiion. Wi bnd o idnd cnivl gm $5 (ch only). Concion will b old.(Invitamos a los nios a que vengan disrazados y disrutende los juegos de carnavales, arte y dulces. La entrada esgratis. Pulseras para los juegos de carnivales y juegos paramontarse estarn a la venta $5 (solo eectivo).Venta de comida disponible.)Scott Rao Youth Center 2700 shidn avn

    Back 2 School BashFRIDAY, AUG. 16 6:00 PM

    F ninmn, & c nd id.Cnivl gm ick nd concion old.(Entretenimiento, artes y juegos gratis. Tickets para juegos decarnival y comida a la venta.)lamingo Par14 s & Midin avn

    HispanicHeritage FestivalFRIDAY, Oct. 11 6 PM

    Mic, diionl lin ood, pomnc,ki, cnivl id nd concion old.(Msica, comida latina, espectculos y venta.)North Shore Par501 72 s


    Visi or wbsi a: > www.miamibachf.ov Clic o (rih sid): > sbscrib Slc (chc mar) > rcraioal prorams

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    inusvlid a



    facilities at a glance

    1 21st Street Recreation Center 2100 Whingon av. 305.673.7784

    2 beachvie Par & Vita Course 53 Collin av. 305.861.3616

    3 belle Isle ParIlnd av. on Bll Il 305-861-3616

    4 brittany bay ParIndin Ck D. 65 s. 305.673.7730

    5 Crespi Par7801 Cpi Blvd. 305.861.3616

    6 airay Par200 Fiwy D. 305.993.2011

    7 isher Par50 s & alon rd. 305.861.3616

    8 lamingo Par11 s. Jon av. 305.673.7766 (PaL)305.531.5636 x. 26

    9 Inian beach Par46 s. & Collin av. 305.673.7720

    10 La Gorce Par6421 alon rd. 305.861.3616

    11 Lummus ParOcn Div, 5 - 15 s. 305.673.7730

    12 Marjory Stoneman douglas Par3 s & Ocn D. 305.861.3616

    13 Maurice Gi Memorial Par/boat Launch, 18 s. & Pdy av. 305.861.3616

    14 Miami beach Gol Clu 2301 alon rd. 305.532.3350

    15 Miami beach SounScape 1670 Whingon av. 305.673.7730

    16 Muss Par4400 Ch av. 305.673.7765

    17 Normany Isle Par & Pool 7030 tovill eplnd 305.993.2021

    18 Normany Shores Gol Clu 2401 Biiz Div 305.868.6502

    19 Normany Shores Par2401 Biiz D. 305.993.2021

    20 North Shore Open Space 79-86 s. & Collin av. 305.673.7720

    21 North Shore Par banshell/Amphitheater 7275 Collin av. 305.861.3616

    22 North Shore Par & Youth Center 501 72 s. 305.861.3616

    23 Palm Islan Par159 Plm av. 305.861.3616

    24 Pinetree Par/kaya Launch 45 s & Pin D. 305.673.7730

    25 Polo Par4301 N. Michign av. 305.861.3616

    26 Scott Rao Youth Center & Ice Rin2700 shidn av. 305.673.7767

    27 South Pointe Par1 Whingon av. 305.673.7006

    28 Stillater Par8440 Hwhon av. 305.993.2000

    29 Tatum Par8050 Byon av. 305.861.3616

    30 washington Par & Community Garen 201 2 s. 305.673.7766









    1 3

    4 4



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    The City of Miami Beach Parks & Recreatiwould like to congratulate Scott Rakow YoCenter Pool Adult Advance Swim participaDr. cr Vdo(second place mwinner) andDi Dir(tenplace medal winner), in the Race 3-K Swithe Senior Pan-American competition.

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    Jade Vi

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    43/44 41miamibeachf.govOffer expires October 2013.

    Offer expires October 2013. Offer expires October 2013.

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    1700 Conventon Center DrveMam Beach, FL 33139www.mambeachf.gov


    PAIDPERMIT #7046


    We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.