Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en technologie Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology

Doctoraatsbeurzen voor strategisch basisonderzoek

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Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en technologie

Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology

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Agentschap voor Innovatiedoor Wetenschap en Technologie

Doctoraatsbeurzen voor strategisch basisonderzoek (SB)

Doctoral (PhD) Grants for Strategic Basic Research

Dr. Michele Oleo

July 1st, 2013

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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT


IWT: Mission

IWT is the government agency for Innovation by Science and Technology. We help Flemish companies and research centres in realizing their research and development projects. We offer them financial funding, advice and a network of potential partners in Flanders and abroad. We also support the Flemish Government in its innovation policy.

Budget : approx. 300 mln €PhD Grants (2012): 29 mln € ~ 800 fellowships


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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT



1. How to get a PhD in Flanders?2. What is an IWT PhD Grant?3. Who can apply?4. How to apply?5. Evaluation and selection 6. Suggestions

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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT


How to get a PhD at a Flemish University?

Research projects – ca. 47% A.A.P. (assistants) – ca. 21.1% IWT (Phd) – 8.9% FWO mandats – 8.4% University Scholarships– 3.5% Other– 11.1%

• IWT Baekeland-program

website: http://www.doctorereninvlaanderen.be/

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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT

How to get a PhD at a Flemisch University?Bron: steunpunt ECOOM


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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT


IWT applicants: success rates

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Success rates %

43 29 22 34 37 38 42 56 40 30 31 29(28)

N fellows 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 201 200

N applicants 353 521 676 585 548 524 478 357 495 655 644 697(709)

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Success rates IWT

Why these high success rates?


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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT

Who is successful:success rates per diploma in %

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012Higher Education Institute 36 40 37 15 30 17

University 43 58 41 32 31 30Pharmacy 67 76 36 33 30 44Medicine 38 50 38 42 25 18Bio-engineer 54 58 31 34 34 26Engineer 43 59 46 43 39 36Veterinary medicine 33 47 50 35 30 9Sciences 39 57 43 28 29 29Humanities, Social Sciences - - 38 27 25 24Kinesiology and Rehabilitation - - 40 25 0 33

Average 42 56 40 30 31 29


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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT

Who is successful:succesrates of reapplications

First application: candidate-score = 13/20-14/20Reapplication: succesrate = very low 15-20%

First application: candidate-score= 15/20-15,5/20Reapplication: succesrate = or > average


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Success rates per university over the years. 2004–2012


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

VUB 30 47 47 45 59 36 30 33 34 UHasselt 46 38 24 27 29 UGent 37 37 36 46 59 47 31 34 31 KULeuven 37 35 43 44 54 40 31 30 30 UA 22 32 26 33 55 28 27 28 18 Totaal 34 37 38 42 56 40 30 31 29

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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT


What is an IWT PhD Grant?See reglement en handleiding, rules and handbook (www.iwt.be)

Strategic Basic Research= research with a goal/application! high quality, innovative research with enough challenges for the PhD-studentscientific or technological capacity as a base for future application

Economic purpose… in the long-term! potential for applications for companies potential for applications for a(n) (industrial) sector in line with one of 6 strategic VRWI-clusters

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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT


What is an IWT Phd Grant?(the VRWI-clusters)

1. Transport – Logistics – Services – Supply Chain Management2. ICT and services for Healthcare3. Healthcare: Prevention and Treatment – Food4. New Materials – Nanotechnology – Processing Industry5. ICT for Socio-Economic Innovation6. Energy and Environment for Service and Processing Industry

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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT

What is an IWT Phd Grant?

100% subsidisedUniversity= owner of the scientific results (IPR)We require freedom to operate


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Evaluation- and selection procedure

Jury=panels of experts (ad-hoc and mixed)

Language: of the defence Timing: november-december Duration :

• min. 30 min./candidate• 1 minute introduction

Score based on 3 criteria• Candidate /20• Project /5• Application /5 (score grid on website)

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Evaluation- and selection procedurecandidate /20

Unacceptable; < 14/20 Poor; 14/20Fair; 15/20Good; 16/20Very good; 17/20Excellent; 18/20


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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT

Evaluation- and selection procedurecandidate 16 /20

Good scientific and literature knowledge, good expertise in the research field (no mistakes no gaps)

Necessary research skills

Good motivation

Masters the research proposal, critical scientific mindset

Is able to explain the application potential


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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT

Evaluation- and selection procedure Project 3/5

Good scientific quality, scientific and intellectual challenges

Innovative and inventive

Good planning, approach is well thought out to achieve the targeted objectives



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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT

Evaluation- and selection procedure Application Strategy 2/5

The project has a strategic dimension

The chosen research approach is alligned with and will (in case of success) contribute to the intended application

The targeted application is relevant

The support is aimed at developing application oriented thinking


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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT

What is an IWT PhD Grant?See reglement en handleiding, rules and handbook (www.iwt.be)

Duration• 4 years, mid term evaluation after 24 months• Fulltime

Principles• Grantholder• Promotor• IWT is employer• University is host (In co-operation higher education institute, research institute…)

Finance• Scholarship: € +2000 netto/month (incl holiday pay, end-of-year bonus,

allowance for commuting)• Benchfee: € 3000/year• Doctoral bonus: € 1189,92 after 4 years when PhD is obtained

Start date• between 1st october and 1st january (desicion mid december)


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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT

What is an IWT PhD Grant?See reglement en handleiding, rules and handbook (www.iwt.be)

Tax• equal to a study grant

Social Security• equal to an employer

leaves/sick-leaves• Maternity- and breastfeeding leave• illness/accidents > 1 month

Child’s allowance and birth premium


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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT


Applicants eligible for fundingWho can apply

See: reglement en handleiding, rules and handbook (www.iwt.be)

Diploma: Master from a Flemish University (ManaBa) Master from a higher education institution[+ agreement

university] Foreign Masterdiploma [+ attestation university]

Study results "age requirement" Nationality <18 months scientific experience

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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT

Processing of the applicationCall for proposals :www.iwt.be

- Call : +25/06/2013- 13/09/2013 (12 noon, online tool 10 am)

- How to apply:- Online registration tool (IWT.be)

- Personalia- Diploma’s- Summary of PhD project- Promotor’s recommendation

- PhD project (not via online tool)- Annexes

In hard-copy


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How to prepare ?(practical suggestions)

Be convinced for 100% that a PhD is the right start for your career

Be motivated Check the score grid (http://www.iwt.be/sb) Good planning, right methodology IMPORTANT: Incomplete = ineligible ! Start in time (online module) Keep in mind the final date for submission

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How to prepare ?(practical suggestions)

Refresh your knowledge! “Live” your project, know it inside

out Consult relevant literature Be the devil’s advocate! Exercise your 1 minute

introduction and the interactive discussion with colleagues /promotor(s)!

Be on time, but not too early!

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How to prepare ?(practical suggestions)

your introduction: keep to the time limit, give only the essentials

Anticipate to the questions, give yourself enough time for reflection, be precise.

Be enthusiastic, Defend your project, Do not get discouraged because of difficult


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Doctoraatsbeurzen van het IWT

Contact persons Doctoral (PhD) Grants for Strategic Basic Research

Program: Michèle Oleo ([email protected])Secretariat: Ann Joris ([email protected])Database en information processing: Kristof Fostier

Info: general info: Michèle Oleo Life Sciences: Mia Callens ICT-mechatronica: Carine Lucas Materials-chemistry-procestechnology: Veerle Cauwenberg Humane sciences: Michèle Oleo

Management: Maarten Sileghem

Website:http://www.iwt.be/subsidies/sbAlso read the “reglement en handleiding” and the “score grids”.


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Ellipsgebouw, Koning Albertl II-laan 35 bus 16B-1030 BrusselTel.: +32 (0)2 432 42 00Fax.: +32 (0)2 432 43 99E-mailadres i.v.m. beursaanvragen: [email protected] www.iwt.be

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