"' Sunday.Hours-10 to 11 a. m., I I - . .. r -- -- 1.· •• VOLUMF. XXXIV DOLLARS P.ER Y•AB) \ HARBbR GRACE, NFLD, TUfSI>AY, MAY 9, 1893. FOR . siLE 1 STRAW HATS f,QR.SALE. - . ROSE · JUST RECEIVE];, ·_ M·u N N BRos. · Ladies' Black ·· Straw HATS, 2(i) barrels Choice Eating . Public Notice I trom 15c. up, :l POTATOES. The Public are ht>reby notified that NEWEST STYLES. hy the ProvV.iona of Chapter 71 of the M J J o N E s Consolidated Statu te a, they are required to keep their 1!1 ., Crace Y.ardsiPremises 93 Water Street, 1 : free 'f.tom all noxious and filth which are likely to injure the pub- li c health.. . " New Seeds I Th ere will jf . New- ·seeds I A'rhprlStlgh Inspection ___________ ____ _.;..__ o!tbeiown on the- 9th .day May Just ex s.s. Austrian from Livetmool and from day to day untll 1t. 1e com· . ) 1:' I round in bad Garden and Agricultural condition will be liable to & fine or Twenty-Five Dollars. T. R. Stipendiary Magistrate. Harbor Grace, } April 28, 1893. The Celebrated SEEQS. -ALSO,- cpoos . '_ PATERSON & FPSTER hl!-ve just received from Boston per Su.rah .A. Townsend, a large :fbipment1'of American Goods, which will be sold y. t our usual LOW PRtCES. · t Blue and Whit e Cotton Ducks, Cotton Sail Duck, Cotton Sail Twine, Cotton Bank, Shore and Sed Lines. Duck Overalls and Trowsers. 15,000 Paper Collar s. 20 bags Choice Feathers. 300 Suits Cape Ann Oil Clothes. '25 dozen Bankers Hat s, Cape Ann's and St>u-\Vesters. ,80 brls assorted Lamp Chimneys. LMge variety Wicks and Burners. : 100 boxes Riggin's Celebrated Soaps. 12 dozen American Ax es. 100 Casks Keresone Oil. Not forgetting our immense St ock of DRY GOODS as a dvert is- ed last week. Central- House. Removal Notice. Mas. PIKE Proprietreee or th o H oust>, toth : 11 :k the public generally for tho ll lt J• Pnrr. liberally bestowed upon lwr. nwl Wvttlt l intimate that. ehe bns ,rclw•, .... ,, lk r huaint>ee to t hat houso '1'\\'0 IJOOH:i WEsT of the OLD STAND. THE CENTRAL hu now betternnrlgreater ncrnmu1o.l • tion and more facilitiPs thnn lwr ·•·•f•· N which cannot but ftdd to the cm n r .. and convenience or ita f.tll <'llt.ll. JEiY'"Mcale furni 11hrd aL 1111 hour-J. nu.l everj· ca re &nd att ention gi lv c..:..ul visitors . The Central House, Water St., Harbor Gra ce Mny-t tr · Great Variet y Of v Ties and Collars from 7 c. up. K. / TEAS. FOR SALE AT Butler's Clover and Timothy,rand a choice assortment or FLOWER SEEDS in packets W. H. THOMPSON &. co·. 'White is King s Water •treet, - - - Harbor Crace. I I N=== .=_ E=\JV = G = o=o=n=s =. , Thia TEA is unexcell ed ior Strength and Flavour. TRY A PACKAEC and be co nvinc ed , Bouquet- Store. FOR ALE. ALL THE Water-side - Premises, lately occupied by 1tl easrs. J. & R. dock, coneis Ling of Dwelling-House, · Shop, Office, and Grocerv Store, with CELLARS, &11 built or Bri ck 1\IH.l Stone, witb'Slated :Roof, of the beat m•teriala. The Pro- perty i.e 83 feet in front and 45 feet deep m or e or lc at, with YARD r.nd WHARF. ALSO, A Large COAL SHED Roofed, oppoaite on north aideofWater Street. If not sold on or before the 20th day of May, it will then be aold by PUBLIC A UC- TION, w1lhout reaer ve. Apply to A. RUTHERFORD. HMbor Gmce, Apri l 24. NEW" GOODS ·I Just receivetl ..cx acbr . Th.ruher !r om Engl&nd,"' abipment'of Dry GOODS · conaieting of Tweeda, Moleskina, Flr.nneh, Calicoe, eta., etc., a 1uantity of Hardware and Ea.rthenA ware Selling at lowHt pricea !or cub. On band and to arrive a few toot of BEST No.1 TIMOTHY HAY · · at 128 per ton while landing. · Oatf at 65cts .. per Bus. to clear. . J. J. HENNESSEY. OF ..U.L Sewing - Machines. Hand and F oot M.acbinea alwaye on hand, and sell ing cheaper th an ever. HALL AT - BR'OTHER .S. .. Harbor Grace, All Stookl ia the F 1u:tory at Cleveland, Ohio. Out port Orden promptly fi lled. We keep Needlea and Oil of best quali ty. r- - The White .Sewing Co JOHN CASEY, General Agent, W nter St.., Hn,rbor Grace, Nfld. Skinner's Monumental Art Studio Black and Colored Straw JI:ats fr om 12 c2 nts up. Plumes, Wreaths, Flowers, Ospreys, Ribbons etc. Dress Goods in all the lending shades from 6 cents up. Ladies' Cloo.ks,J nckets, Embroidered Robes and Dressing Gowns Art Muslin from 7 ce nt s up. White and Cream ' Cu rtnins, Net and Lace Cu rtains 8/4. . Floor Oil Cloth from 35 up. Gent's Hard Fe lt Hat , Black n.nd Cold from 40 CP. nt s up. BOOTS and SHOES in gr eat variety. Note-Ame rican and Ca nadian Notes tak en. at face Yal ue. HALL BROS. Q UR Bus in e11s Pl ace A nd Pntire Stock was destroyed in the Great Fire . of Jul y 8. We have ein<'e eucceeJf'cl in erectmg a manufacturing S hop and Wareroom on old Ppot. We have recei ved a large eupply M & C 1 AVO I• d \ Ammu ni a. of Marble, fresh from the qutmi ea; together with a number of the latett "' 8W8M 000 0 l . Rnd most beautiful for Cemetery decorations. in Headatonel and · ., Alum M M bl . I 1 i SHIPPING AND OO!OIIBSION MER- ...... ...... onuments. ar e or 'ran.te. .A eo, a few v eces of Italian Art, which CHANTS . are exquisite in dPslgn and f\nieh, 1\litable for Church purpoeu, or home . I Secur -e {Punty ornamentation. Personal attention ie given to each order, amall or large. 2 2 ST, JOHN ST., MONTREAL. I as well prepared ever to rec!ive execute ordera. Every- -- , ..... . .......... ... Wholesomeness th!ng 1s 1s . good. W1 . ll our· patrona and friends note Special attention given to"the sale BY (.SING th1s? Ae m the past, we w11l do . notb1ng but work, and thus of Fish and Fish Oila ' sustai!-1 the good reputa\.ion earned in nineteen years of succPasrul bu.ai1 A lao, to the buying . and shipping WOO DT neas hie. Toole, Ce me . nt, Plaster, and Malle\otll for aale. . of proTialons and General GERMAN BAKING TERRA NOV A MARBLE WORKS, . · ' Broduce. . Duckworth St., east of .Beck's Hill, St. Johll'll: Addreaa-Munn. A. SM ' ITH'S Marble Works. ESTABLISHED 1847. BOOTS &' SHOES. -- J. W. KENNEDY, Boot and ;!Shoe O<Ymer Vi ctoria;and Water &8. En17 deae:rlptlon or LE..._THERW ARE made and repaired. lland·Sewed Worlr. or 1\llldnda a Oanom work prompUv pertonned at Iowen and wttb de.patco. POWDER. Picture Frami og -o------ received £er ; JlHrcelonn , 1\nd for . SA E CHEAP, 1000 FEET PICTURE MOULDING. . All t:!izes, und .!'rice s. E D. P ARSONS, &c. We beg to inf orm the public that ')Ve have ) moved into ouy new Workshop and Sho\v-room, next to Sailou' Home and op- posite our old Stand, where we have in stock one of the largest and best-eelected Stocks of HEADSTONES and MONUMENTS ever seen in Newfoundland. Having purchased the stock and TO LET busineaa of the late ALEX. SKI.TR a.t a ra.te far below cost, the . : - Harbor Grace, April 13. FOR SAL_E __ _ ia in a position to ,sell during this year everything :i'HAT m hlB line at lower rates tha.n ever before. · Building LOT Best StoCk and first-class Workmanship. Otm Anl-Dura:. bility.L..Str. ength and Beauty. ; .... ; ' onlbeNortbSide of WATER STREET and sftaded Mate · A SMl Til'S MARBLE WORKS the Wroperty of t.be I flain and Shaded Berlin. Wool . ' t ' BOIU.N. L Gold B 'd m: _ ' nu A F n.. 0 uvT•TOB ' ra1 , .a.uaue &o. u !!!.!!!!!!! A!!!!!.Lz.!!!IB_.... 'For applf . at tbf- Qftloe. A. & A. BRUNLEES. - . __ ..,..__ AT TRE FANCY AND TOY BAZAAR, VICTORIA STREET. ' DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE t ,_ LUNG BALS · AM. ftO BETTER REMEDY; FOR QOUGH8, COLDS, CROUP, CO,.SUMPTION, fA Dr. LEilR hnvi n):· urwl.r fi tt rd up : : : : : : "LIO)I " ROUSE, for will b £' pl eased to attend to au7 De nia l 3§.r " nl t ln g Depart- me nt nnd Lnhntory w ill be ro und complcto. \\' ATER H ARBOlt GH A ($, - PECIAL I '!'he Science or Buililing, by E. W. Ta.m - price, $1.25. Practi cal Cnrpentry, by F. T. H odgaon - Sl.lO New S, ptom or Hnndralll ng, by do. -!1.10 Stnl r -nulldlng l\l udo EnB)'t by do.-1.10 Th e Stool Squnro and Its U11e11, by do.-1.10 Hn ndrnllln){ n nd Stnlr- e Min g Colllni'-7So for Tim ber. Stonc ,.tc-SJc. Bvrn c •s Timber nnd Loi Book-35c. T ho Prnct lcnl Tccbnll'al Jnntrnetor-80<-. T he Decorator's nnd Arllsnn•s Rnndbook-30o Tho Pnttc ru-Mnkor•s R and ,. Book-'19<'. T ho Mechnnll''ll Wo rks hop RMdv Book-30o Tho Mc tai -Turn er' A Bnndy Tho Cn blnot Worker'• Handy Book-a>o The CIO<' k J ohber'll HMdy Tho New Rook or Fancy A lphabetl-30c ThO Cnr l>(' n ter•s Ever ybody's Pocket Cyclo la- 1 6c Pft111Kc r'll Amer lenn Arch Pulllicr 1 s Bulltlers• Olet\11 -- , -> S. E GARLAND, Water and Bond Sts. ST. JOHN'S. .NO'l,IUE 1 . Th e und ersi gn ed bfg inform the trade that having juet ,PUt up a n ew and improved Machmery for the manufactwe of MUNN'S Liquid FISH CLUE, are prepared 'o fill orders for .o!!yHuaotity, --in casks from 5 to 10 in oans from l gallon to 1 p 1nt; . in 1 and 2 <n. bottles by the : We Challenge tHe Strength of this' ar\iole agojnst all Competi· tore, &CO.' ,. HARBOR Ga .&or.

b~ toth:11 :k Ladies' Black ··Straw 2(i) barrels Choice ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18930509.pdf · 20 bags Choice Feathers. ... m hlB line at lower

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Page 1: b~ toth:11 :k Ladies' Black ··Straw 2(i) barrels Choice ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18930509.pdf · 20 bags Choice Feathers. ... m hlB line at lower


Sunday.Hours-10 to 11 a.m.,


I - . .. r ---- 1.· • • ------.-~-=========~~~----



FOR. siLE 1 STRAW HATS f,QR.SALE.- . cuo1c~fir~ii ROSE · JUST RECEIVE];, ·_ a~ M·u N N BRos.·

~ ~~,·.:~2~~~~~i~~~ Ladies' Black ··Straw HATS, 2(i) barrels Choice Eating. Public Notice


trom 15c. up, :l POTATOES. The Public are ht>reby notified that NEWEST STYLES.

hy the ProvV.iona of Chapter 71 of the M J J o N E s Consolidated Statu tea, they are required to keep their •1!1 • .,

• • ~Harbor Crace • Y.ardsiPremises 93 Water Street, 1 : free 'f.tom all noxious nu~ii'cea and ~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~=~~~­filth which are likely to injure the pub-

lic health.. . " New Seeds I There will jf ~ . New- ·seeds I

A'rhprlStlgh Inspection ___________ ____ _.;..__ o!tbeiown on the- 9th .day ~f May Just rece~d ex s.s. Austrian from Livetmool and from day to day untll 1t. 1e com· . ) • 1:' I

pr~.ownereo!premise• round in bad Garden and Agricultural condition will be liable to & fine or

Twenty-Five Dollars. T. R. B~"1\"'ETT,

Stipendiary Magistrate. Polic~Oflice. Harbor Grace, }

April 28, 1893.

The Celebrated


~MERICAN cpoos . '_PATERSON & FPSTER hl!-ve just received from Boston per Su.rah .A. Townsend , a large :fbipment1'of American Goods, which will be sold y.t our usual LOW PRtCES. · t ~rown, Blue and White Cotton Ducks, Cotton Sail Duck, Cotton

Sail Twine, Cotton Bank, Shore and Sed Lines. Duck Overalls and Trowsers. 15,000 Paper Collars. 20 bags Choice Feathers. 300 Suits Cape Ann Oil Clothes. '25 dozen Bankers Hats, Cape Ann's and St>u-\Vesters. ,80 brls assorted Lamp Chimneys. LMge variety Wicks

and Burners. : 100 boxes Riggin's Celebrated Soaps. 12 dozen American Axes. 100 Casks Keresone Oil. Not forgetting our immense Stock of DRY GOODS as advertis­ed last week.

Central- House. Removal Notice.

Mas. PIKE Proprietreee or tho H oust>, b"~ toth:11:k the public generally for tho lll t J•Pnrr. ~.; liberally bestowed upon lwr. nwl Wvttltl intimate that. ehe bns ,rclw•, .... ,, lk r huaint>ee to that houso '1'\\'0 IJOOH:i WEsT of the OLD STAND.

THE CENTRAL hu now betternnrlgreater ncrnmu1o.l • tion and more facilitiPs thnn lwr ·•·•f•·N which cannot but ftdd to the cm n r .. r~ and convenience or ita f.tll <'llt.ll.

JEiY'"Mcale furni11hrd aL 1111 hour-J. nu.l everj· care &nd attention gi ~·u11 lv c .. :..ul visitors .

The Central House, Water St., Harbor Grace Mny-ttr ·

Great Variety Of


Ties and Collars from 7 c. up.



Clover and Timothy, rand a choice assortment or FLOWER SEEDS in 2-c~nt packets

W. H. THOMPSON &. co·.

T~ 'White is King

s Water •treet, - - - Harbor Crace. I I N===.=_E=\JV= G= o =o=n=s=., - ~~

Thia TEA is unexcelled ior

Strength and Flavour.

TRY A PACKAEC and be convinced ,

Bouquet- Store. FOR ALE.


Water-side - Premises, lately occupied by 1tleasrs. J. & R. ~1\d-• dock, coneisLing of

Dwelling-House, · Shop, Office, and Grocerv Store,

with CELLARS, &11 built or Brick 1\IH.l Stone, witb'Slated :Roof, of the beat m•teriala. The Pro­perty i.e 83 feet in front and 45 feet deep m ore or lcat, with YARD r.nd WHARF.


A Large COAL SHED Roofed, oppoaite on north aideofWater Street.

If not sold on or before the

20th day of May, it will then be aold by PUBLIC A UC­TION, w1lhout reaerve.


HMbor Gmce, April 24.

NEW" GOODS ·I Just receivetl..cx acbr. Th.ruher !rom

Engl&nd,"' abipment'of

Dry GOODS · conaieting of

Tweeda, Moleskina, Flr.nneh, Calicoe, eta., etc.,

~o, a 1uantity of

Hardware and Ea.rthenA ware

Selling at lowHt pricea !or cub. On band and to arrive a few toot of

BEST No.1 TIMOTHY HAY · ·at 128 per ton while landing.

· Oatf at 65cts .. per Bus. to clear. . J. J. HENNESSEY.

OF ..U.L

Sewing - Machines. Hand and Foot M.acbinea alwaye on

hand, and selling cheaper than ever. HALL AT -

BR'OTHER.S. H aii ~Bros .. Harbor Grace, All Stookl ia imported'dlrect~rrom the

F 1u:tory at Cleveland, Ohio. Outport Orden promptly fi lled. We keep Needlea and Oil of best

quality. r--

The White .Sewing Ma.chit:~e Co JOHN CASEY,

General Agent, W nter St.., Hn,rbor Grace, Nfld.

Skinner's Monumental Art Studio

~ies' Black and Colored Straw JI:ats from 12 c2nts up. Plumes, Wreaths, Flowers, Ospreys, Ribbons etc. Dress Goods in all the lending shades from 6 cents up. Ladies' Cloo.ks,J nckets, Embroidered Robes and Dressing Gowns Art Muslin from 7 cents up. White and Cream 'Curtnins, Net and Lace Curtains 8/4 . . Floor Oil Cloth from 35 c~nts up. Gent's Hard Felt Hat , Black n.nd Cold from 40 CP.nts up. BOOTS and SHOES in great variety. Note-American and Canadian Notes taken. at face Yalue.

HALL BROS. H!t~E~a~r~e. Q UR Busine11s P lace And Pntire Stock was destroyed in the Great Fire ==A:::;;ri::1::;1::1========~ii=~~7==;====;::==

. of Jul y 8. We have ein<'e eucceeJf'cl in erectmg a manufacturing Shop and Wareroom on tht~ old Ppot. We have received a large eupply ~t • M & C 1 AVO I• d \ Ammunia. of Marble, fresh from the qutmiea; together with a number of the latett "' 8W8M 000 0 l . Rnd most beautiful deai~ns for Cemetery decorations. in Headatonel and · ., Alum M M bl

. I 1 i SHIPPING AND OO!OIIBSION MER- ...... . .... . onuments. ar e or 'ran.te. .A eo, a few v eces of Italian Art, which CHANTS .

are exquisite in dPslgn and f\nieh, 1\litable for Church purpoeu, or home . I Secur-e {Punty ornamentation. Personal attention ie given to each order, amall or large. 22 ST, JOHN ST., MONTREAL. I W~ ar~ as well prepared a~ ever to rec!ive a~d execute ordera. Every- -- , ...... .......... ~ ... Wholesomeness th!ng 1s ne~, everyt~ing 1s .good. W1.ll our· patrona and friends note Special attention given to"the sale BY (.SING th1s? Ae m the past, we w11l do. notb1ng but ftra~cla!s work, and thus of Fish and Fish Oila • ' sustai!-1 the good reputa\.ion earned in nineteen years of succPasrul bu.ai1 A lao, to the buying. and shipping • WOO DT LL'~ neas hie. Toole, Ceme.nt, Plaster, and Malle\otll for aale. . of Flour~nd proTialons and General GERMAN BAKING

TERRA NOV A MARBLE WORKS, . · ' Broduce. . Duckworth St., east of.Beck's Hill, St. Johll'll: C~ble Addreaa-Munn. Montre~l.

A. SM'ITH'S Marble Works. ESTABLISHED 1847.


Boot and;!Shoe -· Ma~er. O<Ymer Victoria;and Water &8. En17 deae:rlptlon or LE..._THERW ARE

made and repaired. lland·Sewed Worlr. or 1\llldnda a spect.tl~y . Oanom work prompUv pertonned at Iowen

p~toee and wttb de.patco.

POWDER. Picture Frami og

-o------~Uit received £er; JlHrcelonn , 1\nd for


1000 FEET PICTURE MOULDING. . All t:!izes, Q~li~i rs und .!'rices.

ED. PARSONS, Cabine~·Maker, &c.

We beg to inform the public that ')Ve have) moved into ouy new Workshop and Sho\v-room, next to Sailou' Home and op­posite our old Stand, where we have in stock one of the largest and best-eelected Stocks of HEADSTONES and MONUMENTS ever seen in Newfoundland. Having purchased the stock and ~ TO LET busineaa of the late ALEX. SKI.TR a.t a ra.te far below cost, the . : - •

Harbor Grace, April 13. FOR SAL_E __ _

~ub~ri~r ia in a position to ,sell during this year everything :i'HAT

m hlB line at lower rates tha.n ever before. · Building LOT Best StoCk and first-class Workmanship.

Otm Anl-Dura:. bility.L..Str.ength and Beauty. ;....; ' onlbeNortbSide of WATER STREET Birtb-d~)' Ca~ced and sftaded Mate · A SMl Til'S MARBLE WORKS ~-' the Wroperty of t.be JdiBS~ I flain and Shaded Berlin . Wool . '

t ' BOIU.N. L Gold B 'd m:_ ' • nu A F ~R. n..0 uvT•TOB ' ra1 , .a.uaue J>.~. &o. te!!!!!l!!!!~!!!!!!!!!ll!!!l!!!l~---"'-#4~-·-·-·11!!!! u .1.!!!·~' !!!.!!!!!!! ~!!!~ A!!!!!.Lz.!!!IB_.... 'For pa~or applf. at tbf- Qftloe. A. & A. BRUNLEES. -. __ ..,..__






Dr. LEilR hnvin):· urwl.r fi ttrd up : : : : : : "LIO)I " ROUSE, for Pnlll'nl~ . will b£' pleased to attend to au7 Denial n~rntlon~.

3§.r " nlt lng Hoom~. Opcrntl n~ Depart­m ent nnd Lnhntory w ill be round complcto.



T~.Tradesmen '!'he Science or Buililing, by E. W. Ta.m

- price, $1.25. Practical Cnrpentry, by F. T. H odgaon

- Sl.lO New S,ptom or Hnndralllng , by do.-!1.10 Stnlr-nulldlng l\ludo EnB)'t by do.-1.10 The Stool Squnro and Its U11e11, by do.-1.10 H nndrnllln){ nnd Stnlr-eMing h~· Colllni'-7So Hopu~•s ~onsurer for T im ber. Stonc,.tc-SJc. Bvrnc•s Timber nnd Loi Book-35c. T ho Prnct lcnl Tccbnll'al Jnntrnetor-80<-. The Decorator's nnd Arllsnn•s Rnndbook-30o Tho Pnttcru-Mnkor•s R and,. Book-'19<'. T ho Mechnnll''ll Workshop RMdv Book-30o Tho Mctai-Turner'A Bnndy Hook~ Tho Cnblnot Worker '• Handy Book-a>o The CIO<'k J ohber'll H M d y ~k-OOQ. Tho New Rook o r Fancy Alphabetl-30c ThO Cnr l>('n ter•s Poelto~ Oo~ton-Mo Everybody 's Pocket Cyclo la-16c Pft111Kc r'll Amerlenn Arch toe~ure=iu;o Pulllicr1s Bulltlers • Olet\11 DcCallt~-$2.60

-- ,->

S. E GARLAND, Water and Bond Sts.

ST. JOHN'S. .NO'l,IUE 1 .

The undersigned bfg ~o inform the trade that having juet ,PUt up a new and improved Machmery for the manufactwe of


Liquid FISH CLUE, t~ are prepared 'o fill orders for

.o!!yHuaotity,--in casks from 5 to 10 ~allons; i n oans from l gallon to 1 p1nt; . alt~o, in 1 and 2 <n. bottles by the gro~.

:We Challenge tHe Strength of this' ar\iole agojnst all Competi· tore,

JOH~MUNN &CO.', . HARBOR Ga .&or.

Page 2: b~ toth:11 :k Ladies' Black ··Straw 2(i) barrels Choice ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18930509.pdf · 20 bags Choice Feathers. ... m hlB line at lower



... WEDNl:E>AY, March 22 • ( Cont.inr eeL}

~ Mr. MoRtaon beg~w to pretent 1\

petition from G. Blnckmore aud others of Gnmbo on the allbjcct of roads. Pt-­titionera nakt'd fQr a aum of money for the c-onstruction of A road which would CQnnPct the st'ttlementa of Mi~dle Br?Ok

ONJO BNJ'OYS Both~ method and res~ts whee S~p'ofFi~ is taken; it is pleas:m· and re&esb.rng to the taste and a.c~ gently yet promptly on theiDdncys1

Liver and 13owels, cleanses the sya· tem efl'ectunlly, dispels colds, head· aches and fev~rs and cures. hn~ittcl constipation. Syrup of Figs 12 the only remedf of its kipd ever pro­duCed, plea.Stng to the l.nste and ~ ceptahle t.o the stomach, p~ompt .m its action ana truly bcneficlnl in lts effects, prepared only from the m~st healthyandagreeablesubstances,1t.s manyexcellentqunliticscommend{t to all and 1:l.ve made it the m~t popular remedy known.

Syrup of Figs is for sn.le in 75o bottles by all leading t.ruggists. Any reliable druggist .who may n~t have it on hand mil procll!a 1t promptly for any one who WlShet fo try it. Manufactured only by the

· CALifORNIA FIG SYRUP C~, • BAN ~01!::00, OAL.

W)17Dl\']:I.I1..', ~. Z.i:EW YOBK.. B.~


Rnd Little Brook with the ratlway h!"e· B e l1opecl the Gn,·pm!Jlent would g1n · it their eamrat attent10n.

Mr. MORINE trusted that the prayer of this petition would b"e attended w. .

Mr. Tno~tPSON bad much pleaau.r~ m aupporting the prayer of th!•. pehhon.

Dr. TAIT presPnted a petttlon f1·om ReY. W. J. Bl\rtlett, and otben, of F.lat. Ialnnds , Plncentia Bay, P.l'l\yin& for an inc'rr 11w(' in the.lll\lnr~· .of the ferryman plyin~r between Flat Talands, Hay C<>ve nnd Brond Cove. Jle had much pleasure in pre11entin~ the petition. . .

Mr . . 'fuo~r"PSO!i presentee! a p<'lltu.m from JamPa Helyer and other mhablt­.ants of Indinn Arm, ns\dnJt for a sum nf m nm•y to nnen & rond i~ the IOCSllj_ty. He had much pleMure 1n pr~ent1!"g the petition and recommen.dtng .lis prnyer to the fa,·orablo constderallon of the H ouse. . .

Mr. Ror.r.s presentE>d 1\ pet1t.1ory from Rev. H. Clr JZg and othcn, of Ind1an Is­

.Jnncl: from Geo. Miller and others, of Joe Batt. Arm ; from James Flynn and

tht·re, of Hocky Bay; f~m Abrnham fnncl)('k And othrra, of Bntsea Harbnr ; ·om TI10m~ Dendy nnd o~hers, of Joe

' \ t ltll Arm. All nn the aubJecto_froads, "·hich h e trufltf'd would. recel\·e the l'nrnPat ntt r ntion of the Govemme?~·

Mr. \YEBDE~resented a pet1t1on from John. R ei nd othera of Hant4 Harhoron the aubj ctofro~da. He ba~ much pleasure in. preeenttng: the petl· tion and hoped wtth the &ulatance of hia hon. colleagues to be &ble to make the allocation. .

Mr. MtmPHY 'Presented & petitton from N. Noseworthy and others of Pouch Cove on the aubject of roads. He ahould endeavor to have an dloca· tinn made for thia purpc11e, and if aup­purted by his colle&gues wpuld no doubt be &ble to do 10. He h.ad much pleas~re in prraenting the petltlon, and in aakmg thflt it lie on the table. •

Mr. RoLLS presented thf) followmg peti tiona on tb e subject of bridges: from W. F oley and othera, of lal&nd Harbor; from Jamea Flynn and others, of W es­tern Arm; from .P. Hicb and othera, of N'OIZg&n C<lYe.

Mr. D UFF presented a _peti~ion. from .r: Little. nnd others of Vtctona VtllagP, on the subject of n. ~oad. H e ~~d much r lcnsu re in preeCIJtiOg the.petltton, a~d

Dr. M"at. ~oi~ a,_.,..Jian OOOt DJ11• trusted thM it would recotve the fa\·or­mo~ - 0 .... a~ llt l1 r 0 nhiP consitlr mtion of the H ouae. .

Th" following gentlem~n were nomt­nRted os n select committee, to whom i11 rl'ferrrd t h<> bill to 1\IUend the E.lec· tion Act. 1 !l, nam ely : Mr. l\fon'?o,

'* r'HEY are the RemedJ that ths b~tm!cous hand of naturo h&s

prorldGd {-Jr ail disoRses arlsit.g from IMPURE B!OQD.

+t ...,v + ' '

M ~ """ "aaro ""I'C ror nnr. 0 P ~ P, ~ · • t'~:\'0•.,, llf:AUACBIL ...., "' : J l '.iU f::t·:..-. nn~. l.n-:t:•

Pl.1. ~~S ~.;:~: ;;:~ .. ~.~~;~ul'IIP.~:p. 1 !'": : ~AU or ALL D!ALt/1~

W. tl~ ~~MSTOCK,

~l r . :\!nri~nn. Mr. Greene, H on. Colom_lll .'Pc rf'ln rv , linn. E. P. Morrts, Mr. Chft nnJ :\fr. ':-;prnkt'r.

XoTJn:s OF Q"GE:;-rro:-;. ~fr. WoonFORD-To Mk H on. f'..olonial

t'C r,.ta ry to Jny on thP 1.1\ble a rt:port from t lw :Ungisrrnte o! HRrbor Mat!! of the number of cattle lulled by the ~ew· fon n.Jlnnd ~ilwa~· trnina in that dis­t ric t for the H llr 1892.

Hon. Coi.OS! AL SECRf.'TARY would in­form the hon. gentlem an tb&t no such report had been furnished his deva rtr

U : r..ftJTOwlf. N.r. rnrnt. .• --- - - The Ft:iASCUL SECRETARY-To ask

Hon. Colooilll SecretarJ to lay on tho GUAR DI AN table the r eport of Sub-Inspector Sul­livan upon a petiLion of Mr. John ~c­Kenzie, of Lolly CoYe, Fortune Bay, 1n Fire and Life

Assurance Co'y .. n·fPrence to barring herring for bar-rolling purposes. .


aay that the report aaked for by the bon. L .!:~Lt ~tontleman h&d been laid on the table.

Mr. MURPHY-To a.ek Ron. C<llnnial ESTAB.U~II ED .1 •• 0 . - 1812. ~cret ... ry to lay on the tableatabular·

StrBSCRmT>D C.\l'ITAL ........ .£2,000,000_Stg. TOTAL L'l'VEST.eo FtrNos UP-

WARDS OF .................... 2,750,000 Stg. A."'N'OAL L"\CO~E UPW1DS OF 850,000 Stg.

Tho GUARDL\..J.~ heing 1\ fi ra~·cla'~ Engliah Insurnnco CompRny, offers all those advantl\ges most desi~hle to in· aurora, viz., u ndoubted ~tabthty, fH.vor­able terms and prompt aettJcrnen ~ to clailllA for toes.

The Undersigned h~\' ing been a}r pointed Agents for ~ewfounllland nre pr<>nn reO to i!ISne Policies ngainat 111 by Fire.

JAMES S. WINTER, St. John's. J O:::iEPH GODDEN, ·ub·A~ont,

Hn rbnr G m et!.

- THl!;-

·QUEEN Insurance - Coy. Lost in the Great Conftagt~tion

the sum of

$541,000 and the

•tatr mcnt of the censua of St. John'• East, ahnwing tiJhery and agricultu.ral produce, mflnufacturea, a~d population tn rach locnlity, aa taken 1n the general enumeration of 1891.

Hon. CoLOmAL 8ECRETJ.RY would in­form the bon. gentleman that the atate· ment aeked for had been laid on the table in tho aesaion of 1892, and mighl. be h l\d from tho Clerk of the Hduse.

~Ir. ).!ont.."\E-To Mk Bon. Colo11ial ~ecretnry to lay on the table copy of corre8ponclence' with Thomas H owe, of llr•X>k ly n, Goose Bay, or any other per­.stm, re lative to n. road from the North­ern Rnilwny, ao called to Gooae Btl):, ~tn t ! a <~Ultement of the gross expomh­ture thereon to dnte. Hon.GoLO~tAL SECRETARY-Ther(l w11e

n r1 CIJrrespondcnce i'l his department in rcl tltion t hereto.

O RDER OF THE DAY. Second readin~t of Bill to m end 54

Vic., Uap.S, entitled " An Act to ame11d ·· 53 Vic .. Cap. 4, entitled •· An Act to amend 52 Yic., Cap. 4, and to m~ke furth er provi11ion for the conatruc•1on and equiprnPnt of a li!lll of railway towards H~l'a Bll)' And or a branch to Brigua.or Clarke's BCiloh and for other purpoeea·"


lion. THE PJUtlliER b!!JJed to move the second r eading of the bill. It would be remembered that there w&e A bill in

CO. the acuion of 1890 providing for the conatruction of a railway from a point­on the road between Whitbonme and Plaeentii. to Ha.ll'a Bay, and for otl)er purpoees, and under that aet the Go1'· emment were autboriled to enter into a contract with one of certain PARi e. who

paid o\lt to S9a of its patrons. whose policies were involvea in the fire, exactly a similar amount, :viz.,

-$641,000 JOHN CORMACK, . Agent, St. John's. A. T. DRYSDALE, Apnt,~borctr.W.

tendered for· the oonatructlon ol tbe. road. BubteqaenU1 the oontract. ~&e entered into whb Kaen. Beid and Klddleton u joint. ooatraeton, the act proTidlDR for the pJment. of &he ooet. or CODitruction b1 ~e ,blat of dtben­&ane. After &ha&, hi 1881. at ihe in· -'&ace or the ooot.notoa, .., hood wait 1\abet.l\Utld tot \111 ~-- ... ,


Highest of all in Leavening Po~-cr~-Latest U. S. Gov't Report.



quently a difference having taken place between Mcsflnl. Reid and Middleton, the lfltt<>r re tirrd. It wns provided' in the contrnc t thnt. nn assignment conld he rnado withont the sar.ction of th<> Go,·rrnment. which sanction hn mi,l!ht sny hAd been d vrn , nnd Mr. 1\PdrllPtnn was allowPd to withdmw. Mr. R eid then as~umed nil the obliJ!Atinns con­tl\ined in the contrac t with Reid &: Middlctnn, nnd the " 'nrk hnd J!One on under his direction from thllt time to t~1c present. The bond" were prepnri-cl Rnd eomo of them wpre isaue<l to Mr. Reid in pll~·men~ of tl] e work that bad been don <', ~ut tt appeRrecl from thnt J?ent.IP.mnn 's r t>port to the GO\"E'rnmPnt, thflt those bonds so issued under that 1\Ct brin~ nnterior to the Assignment from Miclclleton to Rrid, would not he na neJ(Otinhle Ra they would be if the agree~ent wai nffirmerl hy thP IA'P-'i•· lnture: The object of the t:"Legislnture vhould be that the honda issued h:v the Government should be so negotiable &A to realize as large a price as possi· ble, not only for tho rake of thP colony, hut &leo for thP. sake of the contractor. He miJtht observe that inasmuch &A the honda already engraved and ieaued under the net of 1891, had been paid for by tho colony, the further ex­p<'nse of engrAving the honda, which would be issued under the &ct now pro­po~d, would be borne by the contrac­tor~~, therefore no P.:tpenae wruld be en­.tniled upon tho Government thereby. Therefore, seeing no .re&~on why U\ey ahould not conaent to the wieh of 'the contractor, he begged to mo,•e t.he aecond rending of the bill.

MR. tMtmRAY thought the Hoose ought to h&Ve a little more Hsht thrown on the b'ill than what w&s gtven in the five or eight minutea apeecb which they had juat beard from the Premier. He would respectfully augieat to the Hon. the Premier thflt ho would move for the

AN ·INDIAN. LETTEP,. Methods of Communication

~mong the Indians. 'l'hn T'lclurC'AflUO of Eloqucoal.-Tbou;:hta

E:tpr<'Ucd In Sllence.- DOO'I' Iotltan Hl .. t o ry I• l 'rescrvcd.-Lottcr from an J.D. dl!ln nbout Ktck:spoo Ind.lAn Sa~rwa.

Tho elgn lnngun~e ot tbe IncHMs 11 a wontlcrlul thlng. T\\'0 Indians dltreroot In their speech as n Gcrmnn and a Spuu.tarc1 ,..Ill rendlly communlcBto with co.cb other.

It 1~ the picturesque of eloquence to watch an T ntllnn n1l•l resslng n council and wllbout MJl<'!lk!n;; a word, mtlk lngW..meoulllg clcu to nll pr,.~ent by 8lgns.

llbtorll'~ nn•l nll wrltt~n commuuleattoos flril mnclc b y pictures. Tho famUy blatory o t n chief w ill be pn1ntert on & topee. Tbe ft>llowln~t !~ n speclmon of lb1JI meth<Xl or communlcutlon.

Tllo "letter" w:u wt1tten by Kn·u,:urc. w~. "The one who lmowa aecr•ta." a KJ~· apoo In• linn MedJcJn&MIUl. ,

appointment of a select committee to considl'r and roport on th l' bill.

SIR .J A)ff:S Wr~-rr.R wnn Ill flak thnt th f' second reading of til e Bill be allowed to atnml over till to-m orrow, ns hon. mt· m hPrs h rul not t i mc~to filtH!)' t ho. nl llll~' r ~it.nc thl' Bi ll WM pi RC~'< I tn thP.Jr han.' Ill. and considering the brief cxplanallou lht\ ! had l•t• en g i \·cn: hy the · Hen. ~h · Prt' Olit•r hf' t ho:t$!ht thf' ~~>cond rr nthnc " nJ.:ht to he drf, rn ·tl. With the c ursor.\· ~:tanre ht' luHI d w n to tho Bi ll he 1mw considcra lolt' tlnfcr.•nct;.hr·t wr.cn t hi' p~P· llmhlc"·and' the "principJ .. of the llill tt lelf. ·- • •

1\!r. MORI!'<t: had no sp<>c inl rr 11!'nn fnr ohatmcting t he pasi'I'IZC of thl' ~111 and thor n was nothin~ in th l' princ1p~e thnt h e objected to ; but at th!' all m e ti'!'P n~ it wRs a m<>nanre invol v111~ lnrJ!f' tntPr E'lita it nnj:!ht nnt tn hi' nnahPii thron~:h the H onae• withnnt ·~ivin~ ~'on: mPm· hPrs nn onpnrtunity nf rf'nrh ~'! 1t11 prn· vi11ions. It h!Ul just bren lntd on tho tAble nf the H onse and h nn . m nmbr no should ha\'e, at lea11t, tw<>nty-fonr hout'l' to•mflater ita d etnil11. H<> hBd nn oh· if'otion to l!'hing th r honda to.-'M<>urs. R eid in order to fflcilitn.te their fi!'an· cilll operatinns. but at the eame ti":J"· he was Allainat whnt appr !'rc'.l to h~m the indecent h11stA shown tn the deatrr to push the Bill through this evenins:. 1 fMr. MORillO!'< was 11nrrrised at the rE>· fusal of the Bon. Premier to comply with tho reaaon&ble~rrqueet of!llembet'l' of the Opposition. ~e prrce}ved thAt the copiPs or thn Btll hnd .JUSt been brought into the Hot!se and. tt was not f&ir to members nn e1ther s1de to push the miltter. J( B on. the PrPmier prr· siatcd in,}1ie course he (Mr. M.) woulcl move an &mendmpnt that the Bill be not read this nvening. . \ ~Bon. the PREbiTER hnd no apect~l reason for pushing the Bill ~eyond th111 thflt it. waa .highly essential m o~er for M01111rs. Reid to carry through thetr con· tt>mplated plans. If hon . gr~tle!"en-on the other aide had nny nhJI'Cllons tn mnke they could do 80 while the Bill wns gotn~ ·through Comm!ttee. Ho~­e,·er, if hon. J:!<'ntlt'm r n w1sh the Btll to be deferred he would do so, but h <> would.give notice for th e suspension of tbe rules , and ask th nt it be placed fi rst on the ord er paper for to-mn~row.

Tho 2nd reRdin~ nf the Bill Willi de­ferred until to-m orrow, to s tand fi rst .on thr (lrder nf thr tl ay.

A long discussion now took plnce . on the Bill to repent the· llait Act, b"t nJZ p11rticipatcd in by m r mhel'!l on bnth sides . H on . Mr. llor.d and h nn. the Premier speakin~ nt mucl~ lr ngth. At the concluBion of the Prem tcr's rcm nrks . be mo \·ed the followin~ rl'solutinns .en· titlrd :-" An Act rcsprcting fore1_gn fishi!1g vl'aselll he forthwi th re-enncled by this Hou11e imposing tonna~e duty , not exceeding $1.50 per t?n · o.n all fnr· ciJZ n fiahi ng vesaela com1nsr mto ~he colony and its wat<>rs for ~he fishtnJ! purpose• indicated in the antd Act (not tncluding the winter herring fishery of Fortune, Plaeentia,nnd St. Mary'~ Bl\~'11 , or any other hAys or h&rboura 1n the colony to y,•hich .auch vessels mlly rr eort durin)! the winter season for the purpose O( purobReing winter h Prring) 11


Jh:soLVF.D.-That for the rensons llfore­,.aid this bill be not now read a aecond tim~ 1\nd that all the words of thl' quPs· tione' aft<'r the word "that" bo left out And the words oft he enid reeolutions and pr~'nmble inaerted.:::;:; 5Ze .

th11 "ffinnatiYe and i~ was onlered ac: oordingly.

The House adjourned until t.o-mor­row (Tbursd&y) at .four o'clock 1n the &ftornoou.

TnuJUIDA" March 28. The BoUIIe opened at 4 o'clock . . Hou. Cot..QSIAL SF.CRF.TARY pr<>sent.ed A

o~thinn frnn1 'l'hnmns )p&rlcs. 1\nrl oth!'r inh&bitanta of Sibley's Cove, tn the dts· trict of Trinity, aaku.1g for the 11 1~10 o f $SO for the pur(IOIIO <>T coostrnctmg a lin" ot road alor>R' thu ehore h Ptvreen Sibley'• Qove and Deep C<>vo. H e trust­ed that he and hie colleAgues would b u tLble to Ailocato the required sum. .

Mr. Wr.nDF.R h1\d much plettsurc !n 111\ r portin)C the petition pre8.onte1! oy h i,. hon. cull~:•guc, the Colouwl ecrc· tary.

Hon. CoLOSIAJ. ~ECRP.TARY pr.•s r nt•··l n petition frorn J. R.9-'U'!'R~" rm •_l nt!'E>tl\. inhnbilnnls of Gnrn1sh, m thl' d t11tn ct of FMl111ll'. n l\y , with rt')!nrd to tho. Fieh­" r\' RnJ,.s conc!'rnin,e: th~ t ·tkm,e: nf lobsters. Potition<> n< s r t. forth th l\t thr y wr•rr fu lly &l'nllihle of q1e t:rl'nt vnluc !lf th l' lnhs~cr ind1111try which hnrl hoPn 1n operfltinn for a numhr r of years, nnd thPy nnw np1f r ~cl?f'd thi11 ~ouae prny · in~ thnt tho . 1 11 t1n~ la w tn ri'J:A.rd t o the size of I hstrrs be not Pn forcrd. H, hncl mnc 'llrn~ture in Mking thflt the peti t ion lie on t h<> tnbl<'.

Mr. CARTY sAid, he hlld naked the R on. Colonia SrcrPtAry, a OI\Y nr two 'l~n. to lny on thP. t flh lc of the H ouse "l'rt11in corrto~ndrncl' in r ef!'rNtce to Mr. J&mes R.!Hayea of BA.y St. Ger•rge. llnd WRII tnlcl thl\t it was in cnu rse nf preparation. H e wo!}.,cl therefore a11k thE' hon. gentleman tf it were forth· coming.

H os. Cor.oNTAL Sr.cRF.TARY-As the mntter wa. likely to become th r subjPct . of litiglltion, it Wl\8 considered in&d vis­rlble by the Government to lay the correspondence on the tAble. A few dnvs 1\~0 he bad ~riven a similar 1\nswer to ·a . 11 imilar queatinn from the hon. and lellrned Leader of the Opposition, Sir J~mes Winter. He trusted that the hon. member for Bay St. Ge0rge would be satisfied with the reasona he bad givPn.

l\Ir. GREE~l: presented & petition from Job Brothers & Co., and A very lRrge number of the inb&bitanta of B&y Bulla nn the subject of the erection of a light honao nn the northern head nf that h&r· hor. When St. John's w&a blocked with icc in the winter time, Bay Bulls was the only a\'&ilable port and wa.e fre­quently made the port of call for s~am· ers coming here from HAlifax. Hr boppd that the present Administration would eee its wl\y clear to gmnt the pm~·er oi the petiti<?ners:

~fr. SHEA would gt vc h 1a earnest sup­port to the petition j ust presented by his hoc. colleague. ·

!\OTTCES OF Ql.iESTIOS. )fr. MuRRAY-To oak H on . Receiver

Gem•ral tv alRte in gr.11!s whllt nmou~1t hns been r rceived for sale of batt, licensee, forfeitu res, tn- ngr dues, or for nm· other purposes under the opera· tion of the Bait Act du ring the past lisco.) year.

H on. RF.CEl\'ER GE~ERAL-The infor· mation hnd been supplied to the hon. J;l•ntlcman.

~[r. MoRrsos- To s sk R on. Premier if the Addreae to His Excellency the Gov­c•rnor havin.s- r eferonco to ih e nccou nts of the R eh ef Committee which wns pnssed by this H ouae on the 8th day of Mttrch, inat., hna been p rPaented to His Excd lcncy, and if so, when, &nd ~ben the H ouse may ex pect to r eceiVe a reply to s~id Address. ·

Hon. the PRE!IllER woul~'nform the bon. gentlem&n that the ddress had bern preaented to His Exc Heney the Governor the day after it pa1111rd the House, a communico.tion from His Ex· cdlency had been forwarded to the Re· lief Commit!ee, but beyond that be (Bon. P.) wa s not in a pQilition to ~tive · further information nt the present ttme.

. .WrnAa's BALIIA.M or> WI.t.D CummY cured my little girl of a ae•ere at­tack of whooping cough, whe!J .her life was given oyer by the P.hyatolan 'T~~ all ot.her .rr medica had failed. J~~ HOFF, Kt Hut, ~ - J .

When yrm feel all tired out a.rd broken tip gon<>-nLJiy, you.n eed a good t.on~c. Hood's 8H.I'MI\parill i11 the beat. Try 1t.



Stomach, Liver and Bowels and Purify the Blood.

RII' ASS TADO Lf'.S nr•' ~he beSt Medicine known ror l ndhccsllon.lll l l•mKnc~«~,Hendllcbc, Con sL!pnthm . l>ysp.•t>lllll, Chronic Clvor Troubl(•l!, l)l ~:lll nc"lC, Dn<l Compll' lCIOn, Dy­sont.Ory, otrcnlllv(' Br.:nth . nnd a ll dlaordera ot th" Mt o mnrh, Liver nnct Uow<>ls.

Ulpnns Tahnlcs contnln noLhfn~; 11\)urlons t.o the 1110•1 delicate (•on~lltntlou. Arc p~e"" aunt to t.nkc , ilnfc , cflcctunl nnd glvo hn rncdl­ntl• r c l h · f.

Mny oo obtnlnct.l b.,. nppllcntlon to ncareat. t.lru~;glst

J. A. Whitman. Custom Tailor,

Will gunrnntcc Fit,. Workma 011bip 1\ud ~tyle .

Give Ufl a call. Outport orders recch ·e prompt attention CoRSER \'tt.'TORTA A!'<D wATER STREETS,


~:¥1~-r--~~~~:IE 1li ul si on!. ('),

No oti1cr E::1 .:~:.::.cll : !s :.0 , ea~y to t :? :.c. It does P Ot ~ -:-P~'ra!"c !:;:-~ ~ I s~o!l. . It is r.h...-ays swc·:~ a :. c:-e=....., The most s~.:-:: ~:-.~ s:: .::- ;::=.~~

I cz.:1 rctai:l iL ,

I Scrofulou:: ?.:· ·~ ., I \' '.,sti" !r ·--. ·_.,,,..... i·


''(i:-~~:~-:: --:-:_: -~-~:.: ~-· il · i ""' - ,. f 1· • ~ .. . • .. c

- ~ ~ .. ""! • , ....... ....... - .. Mc:::::u a:: .:i '. :.: \' ::. : . .:: .., _____ ,: . .

.. ··-· ....... .. I cc~_-c_::'~:·_~:·c·, :. :.;, ::::.:

I' Cc·.·, :ta~ = ~ :. .. ·· : - :~ .. <r~c:. l~': ~~r ;

:.::._~:_: .,....._::~.:.-:: .. -.:_:_:. ::-:..: :-c!::::c 1 c:J o:..;.:::.:. '

l"'i; I C.t COC. A X ~ ~i ;o:: r. D:"IT:. C: .

--·- ----.L~~


~OJ' Information r~., troo HAnd boot 'tiT! to to llU!'i~ &: 00 .• ' · lln CIAD1\'AT. ln:w Yorur..

Oldort bunau tor o.X:Url lllt paten~ In Amerlca. ~ery Jlflt en' tAken out by 111 Ia b~bt bOlero tbo public b )' a :~cueo stvco treo ot chii:Jyo 1D tho

~ titntifit ~me~itau LcuYcet l:tN!Ulatlon cfanr IQI~otlllo ~In the world: Spltmdldlr lllunrate<J. No ~·lll~ man 1bould be wltbcut lt.. W«M!Itl7 ~00 a


'' WSl:REAS the i nteml\tlonal and In­tercolonial fiahl'ry questions still pend· inJt and unacttkd between this Colony ami France and t.he United StAtes, .and between tbia Colony and the nl·ighbor-

Sr•cncn Olr I l'DWI LftrD Warmro. , . ing Colony of the Dominion or Canada, The abo••e letter tranala~a u foUowa: r<'1ipectively, r enoPr it exp<'d irnt th&t "Th• Indian. o§a to 1/U!'r w11U• brotAtr• the Bait Act (52 Vic., Cap. 6), shou ld he

flower•, ltartl, roou a!WI barb, ~~~a4• &v tM retninNI on tho Stntutc Bnn'k , for cffec· 1un, tlte •tar•, an4 tlte rain ( 'Mlvrl.) q tM t'Unl a id that tho powr rs of I h~ ~~~id Act t.ellllt brotlla- 11 lick, tll" tcUZ -.bitt"' .trot~ger ml\y gi ,.e this Colony in negot ll\t1ona_for

Mr. Monnu:-To a.ek the Fin&ncial Seer. etary to lay on the 1.1\ble a state­mrnt of the amount pAid to t:ACb of tbeee pereona whoseulariea flre charge~ as "special" in the account. of hia de­partment for 1892.

H on. RECEIVER GE~ERAL-ln the absence of the Finan~ial Secretary he ' .7nuld inform the p on. m ember for Bona\·ist& that the informfltion was rr ndy and only 'aw1Litcd the signl\ture of the FinRncifll Secretary to be laid on the table.

l:OUI . Uihllt lDOntba. .Addreu MDk ()(),. l'IJlll.l!IU!mll, 3til JJroactw,.,.,l'iew York q..


Assurance Co, tha n the lltar tclao will fall ll¢r• AU..• the aettle .11ent of the said ou_j.l! t ~nthng " S AOWA" Ia a medicine word mean1n1 fishery qu~tiona ~etwN•n .tl?Js Colony good or beat. ani\ algnldea "beat medicine. ) and the net~Thbourm"'. Domt_mon : . A od llere aro the alncQle atat.omentl ol a no. n P ,..

ble aon qf a Jtrtulr\ rape. whcrr ne it 111 not. dcs1rn.ble 1n tl~ .u~t<•r-~;t,iK, ~~0 bl;b~t·authortty on the lu.. <>et11 of this Colon y thnt th o prov1s1ons

dtans and who lived among . them for of the enid Act should now be en forced. years, aaya •the word ot an IndJau can &1- • :RESilL\"EO. Thnt All adclrres b o pre-ways bo rolled upon," &Dc1 he t. right. sen ted to Ht'~ Eycellen<'"' t htl Gov.<>rnor rrpro Ia proof or the cenul.De· vatue or .. "' Ktc'lcapoo Indlan Sagwa. · rf'11nectfnlly <'QIIPfllinJt ~hAt he ~·til be

Herelealetterfromafardl.tl'erentaouroe. ,. db p 1 t.t n the Tbe following Ia trom the Protueor of pleased to sus pen Y C'0<1 1Ullll ~ ·

Phyatologtcl\1 Cbemlatty &t Y&le Collcl'tl operation of f:!e said Act 111 r elat1on to and cht. aclentlatl aa:rw :- all tho diatric f this Colony tmd tho

"A.ftn- a cAan,oal4nalv.U of I1l4i4a ~ COA.•ts thereof. . llfnd u t4 tu 4lt Ertraa of.RIIOu, 641rk.l Aftr r Rom e fn hl'r discussion, H1e and l!lril of Y'llluoblf R"""'lal Ad~Mt Honor the SPEJ.O.R h"ving nllked .Hr .. tlllth 1'10 JIIMI'GJ ~ ocw 11.z.tlrl4IW ... ,.,. d

the Housp reAdy for the quCfltion ?" &~ haYing aummonl'fl the m embers whb1n tha prec.iocle of 'the H nuae to ,attend in their pl&cell, then put the <}UesCfon that aU tho word&l\f the t)utstton proposed to hr loft out. tland part or the qu<'stion and the Hoti1e thereupon divided, when tbPn "J'peared fn tl1e Afffrmat~te ,.two. namoly Metal'll. Murray and Carty, ; and ill tb'e neptive twent.y-t1'!'0, namely, dc.n. the .ht-mit'J', Hon. Coloni&l&crr. tary1 Hon. Rt:eeivl'r Gr nerA.l, Bon. E . p. Horiil, t.be FinanQiaJSeo:etary, Meeara. MnrDhJ, Tbompenn, BIIJ'JCI'e&, G<'ran,

.WeL'ber. Duft', ~te, Whiteley, Dnwe, b~:d;~~~~~,~i:=~; ~ ~rat,b1 . BAllarenJ E . Morria, ,. . 'Wnodtnrd, Ftti. Grt'UD«' A net Munn.


I I loJtpuildill be Depth-e. , MMtA_ · · • p.)ilqa.tloo t.elar then put that 'b~ .... ..., · · ~I'd. \ii the amtndment be fhetitatf'd • ... J • f~t th~t, and &hat ibe aaid ~o-

• ·• • J 111 ~ J• Wit Nol•ld ita

---· '

Mr. Moms E-'To Rsk R on. Sun·eyor General for a de ta i led statem ent of the expenditure of $619, chargeJ to " rail­wnr connecting roads " in the Finl\llcial Secretary's accounts. bu.t really paid by ' t he Survoyor Gojlernl's department.

H on. R ECEI\'ER GESimAL.-'Tbo hon. gentleman will find the particulars in tho Financial Recretnr's d etl\iled atate­m ent.

Mr. MoRTNF.- To ask hon. Premier to aLate wbat lipea of road connecting the Northern ~ilw&y with adj&oent settle­m enta ba,·o been, art> being, or will be aurveyed this year; "lao, whether a. road from the rl\ilWAv, n~arShoal Harbor, to Gooee Bay ia pow buiog or will be aur­nyed ; alto, if a road from the railway, near Shoal Harbor, along the no.rth aide of Trinity Bay, to connect with the e.x· iating roads, i.e about being, or w!ll be aurveyed ; also, to Jlv~ any other lnfor­mation in bia poeaeuioo u to the obarao­t~ o( the in1tructi0n1 given conoeming thc1e roada, Re mjgJlt aay that be 11IJccd' the bon, tbe- fremJer thie que.~ ~on, beciaurte be bad repeatedly &eked the Bon. C<>lol'lt.l Seoretary to aupplr. tbe infoimadon. but w&e alwaya tola that there ~ no oottee~ence on the-nbJ~ aQdlthat alllhel•ae *oo• had bMn giTen Yerball7 b7 BiJ.' ~illfa1n Wbite"ny. At t.beae ro&da would d'eot hia diaLriot, be would like ·to know wh&i ~be iat.na.lona.O( the Gonmmeot were iD lltpiCM &o \hem.

(fb M lMmLIJUltd.)

E stn.bl ished LOYDON:




· · r~co~n: A."'l> FU.:ms (1887.) 'Fir' Premiuma ...................... . .£607,000 Lift: Premiums ... . .................... l 97,000 Interest ....................... ......... ... 143,000 Accumulated Funds ............ .£3,421,000

The Unde~igned are empowered to efft!ct insurances on all lciitda of Pro­p~in Newfoundland at ourrentRatea of Pr mium.a.

Tb a bove Company ie well-known for ita liberality and promptncaa in aettlin1 lossca. .

Proapeot1111e., Fomu of application (or Fire ana Life Inaura.noe, and all other informat.l6n can be obtained at the oOloe of.

A. 0. HAYWARD, ST. JOR!f'l,

. Agent for N.F.LD, • W. lf. THOMPSON

Auh-A~rent for Harbor Grae .. ,.,

Page 3: b~ toth:11 :k Ladies' Black ··Straw 2(i) barrels Choice ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18930509.pdf · 20 bags Choice Feathers. ... m hlB line at lower

' \


. .

HARBOR GRACE . S'l'ANDA!{D. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

·" . Legislative Council.

• --~'fDA.Y, Mar·cb~.

n tra•lto had IOllt Jflll1t hOIIVII)', lotrO' fo wbloh aD)' roturn11 tbP Oovcrnonont rnlahL

ll!)61c • tb~>rn would tu htiL 1J()Or l'i'COntP31l!l'. llfo ODe._u prep'lrod. (Or IlliCit 1\ di~MLUr j h ' llhn•ul r W~'f m.surtl\1, lluL hu n· vcr KUnpi'H~·II

Bon. Mr, ANOlltL bad no rntth In &be Jli'O- 'laM brick and atone walls would 11urcumb to JlOf'O.I or tho h•ln. r•·rrtlR"tHo\1\'1' ot tile (}O\'• \be rav.•~ru• or Lho ul~>mc:-nL '"'' Lh" " '"' fl"l''lrl-urnnwut "'1Lh "'i:IU'd tAl Mnnl"l~nl Council, enn<~ .. r.Ju•,· h:o•l •l "n"u ••r •' · I· • nor rlld "" bi'll" ' '" thnt It •mulrl err,,..~~~~· Hon. ~fr. A~: · 1. •; I • ·· ' ' · · · I& VIne or Oltf>lliii!U In lite 11\IIIH\:;OIIIl'lll. I l buai.Deaa pol•plo .,(. \\'atur ,:,<r··c;. ,, ... ; rr08(lnt unr vllluclllorll only n·oolvud $00 a _ __. r-· 1-era by tile f't ro, II tiL •lt ·.ll year each\ un<l tho cbnlnnnn Sl/ll). WhtloiL ....,. ·-• .,. • lfwo hod n their plncc Lho eftlcll'n\ omccr lllliO)' t.-4d 1~ coneitlcmhlo qlll\lltity or •hnlthr hon.q,mtlen:an 111><>kn or "'" llhould dead 11took on bllnd, \\'hich if it wae in-ba'Yo toli&T htm an ann lUll 1ntary or at lellllt

Lhe E ~atcrn Jl"r' ion or the to w•• w ro

,·i>'lilll·. 'Cht· ... n , . ···l p .••• It lt.tc! p :oi ,. '· ''Aug· ·ust· _ noth in~ in I"XI r ~ tlnti •·>4: h tt. llr"fl•fur,•. thou_pht that the grunter portion of t.h · ll•lr!lm• 11h·•·•lrl h···l ••\'r•l ·r l 1.11 ~h f· pnnpln or'"" '""""· whn h'1oh •t!T•r••1. lt. W'Vtl·l I Fl . ,. I "" ) l r.· . ol. ,, ·o ~ ,,., • •• r.·~lll ll i•or 1\'111\t . ow· er : l""J " '"' , .... ~. , .... r u rLIJJI•·a ruu 1.11 • uo Lwo prnpue"lt~ wi !h rt·~ur-1 '" tlo" r••-l'lt'!!l\11i7>" t.inn of th11 lim duJI.Htlll•' •lt; · • · . /1 one providing for l\brig11do with a pt lio · For two yean I suffered tem'blJI


Dropped on Sugar~hlldren lowe to take It For .Croup, Colds, Coqha, SorrThroat, Crampa and Palna.

tl lit ..........tou bow11D&Q7 dllr...U eompiablta ll will AN-,1 Jc. ltrol>t!: pofDt II" lJI Ut~ r- tba& It &dlt ~. a.u. all"""- &D4 BnaJa.l.ll:e ~ JldM•" IW marultr or lleWt'l Compi&IAU. To be lakulli ~

~toO, wbloh wu rnr more t..ban all tbeCoun· surcd for t.wn thil'llll th 11 n\luo of whnt it. c111or. received! ond 11acb nn omccr wol.tld ro- r eprcseJttcd on ~hoir books, Wt\11 well

: ~~Hl'::J~~~~~~~~ "'~~C::b~~~~'ri!m~~ .o~nhl. H fl wn11 uwnrc thnl hie 111)11. 11nddlcd th,. Council wltb an oH!clnl who wns rril'nrl hn!l no ~ch s t•'ck. Tnc• ~rUIIIICrred n-om a Oovoromont depnrt..menL nuddle classes hntl recci VI'! I a ... rent

o~UXthnry, Lite elllilllllt.lld t!Or!l. for w)u~b wfth Stomach trouble, and WIS for w\.1\nhout ~:U,OOO, the other for a n. tn- aU tl!.at time under treatment by a rl rpnntl!'nt (ire comp:~ny to . COtlt physician. He finally, after trJinJ Rnm n ~lii.OOO tno ro. 'l'hi-4 nmount wns everything, said stomach W&S about n11 n flt' ll hito compnred with the whole worn out, and that I would have to Think Qf it I Althouah orlglnntod by an Old Family Physician Ln tio Johnson's Anodyne :.Jnlment could not have

aurvlved over elah years unleaa It posseaaes extraordinary mer~*. · JNHA..LE li'O:R NERVOU61 llEADA.CUL;.

U N LJl<E ANY OTHKR For J>ure1)' lloaeebold tJ110.

81<1~ lnl\&mmlltl"" In bocb or Uml> like ~14. ~ Oou hi. AOihm&. Ouarrh. Cllllc. Ch~>k'"' )lcr 1: Jn&tfo l'alna. l't'Unoljl'la, l.Lm• ~lr:. SUIT Jotnl:\ llltutratl'd !loot rn>e. 1'11.., :ss .,.-nc., "'" r..oo. S clnrmot" ! . fl. JOIINIIO'\ & en .. Dnoott>n.II-


01!U:C7LY TO THE S .. OT.

IliSTMTllNEOUS IN ITS llCTIOlt ,.:..··------




THE PAIN-KILLER. ' In C tmadhm Cholera nnd Bowel

Complatnts Ita Affect Is mna-lca.l. It cures In n very short tVne·



lir Dewan ol CoutceUa aD4 ''''•Her


· AMERIGAN NET & TWINE C~. 34 Commercial· Street, Boston, Mass.


nnll wh011o salnrx they wore obll~tcd to PI\\'• " nnd hnd In other wny11 lntnrcrri'IJ wllh thc share of thellasi11tance s:i VC!n hv n Relief COntrol ADd mtmagement Ottbnt OOdy, Wblob Committee ,· and ntl\ny pcr1101;~ U)' this •hould bnve been lett onLirely In tholr own ) hftods Ho wculll wish to lluppllrt tho Oov- meao11 wcro now pnss1·~t:d o l ll\111~11 drnmcnt. but In this coso ho did not think who nevrr had Llu·m hC!for<' t.hc tirr . that the Town Council hnd rccolv!'dju~Lico 1\t Hon. Mr. Mosno~:-Thl'\' ll<'Cd not their hnndR, nnd thcrcrore he vms obllgl'll to thRnk the Govcrttffil'n ' fllr ;!tnt. disagree with hon. rrlcnd H \t'C looked to " • tho pnat, And 110\V how the work wns dono In Hon. Mr. ANGI::L-Tho , t. .lPitn's tho surveyor Gcnrml'll depArtment, we could I

1 I

lmrurtno tbe mn"'· dltneulth·A thnt the Coun· were pcoplo recompi'II!H'I . Jot'. 1y •HJ:I' ell bnd to ct~nton • l with. In lho pMt., Lhe l\mouot of monry e:tpf'ntlcd in the c ity "'Ork or the tnwn h11<l hcl'n ~>ntlr"b' neal<'<'t.- 11ince the C\'cnt, 11nd busiurs:~ J,;t·ncmlly cd; roniiNJIIenlly thl' Connrll hn<l hnd nil thr here hAd felt the h enolit. of th 111 1111 1 ""'. mort~ wnrk to undcrtnko whrn thry nll8ume<l . otJicc. If tho urvc~·or Orncrnl'A dr nnrtment The b on . -gentle man h11.tl snit! tlmt the hnd dono the work thl\t '"'"" cxonct"rl or lt. outport members voted fo r tho 11trret. thoro would qot hnvo bl'rn neArl y 100 mu,.h 'd · 1 1 f 1 fnr tho Counr ll to do, nnd IU e,...-o, nrl•turr Wl emng ana t 1nt L 1cre or.> t t <' lltl t· woui<I,MnmnttPr "r conrA~>, hnw• h"t'n fnr porta should consent. Lo tho nnprupri tl· leA• thnn It hnd been. nnd IIA llnnn,.lnl oon- Lion of the eurplucs revenue lo thi11 ou· dltlon to-dny vcrv dltfert.>nt frnm whnt wr lou nit 11. He It new o f n rond whlrh hn<l hi'"n ject . He {lid not kno1\' if lhi11 w:\>1 n mnrked.out b \' the Rnrv,.,·nrO,.nrrol •nme correct principle to go upon; thnt be· thlrtv yenr" n&to. rrnm PA!rl<"k Rtrr«.>t to ShAw caua"' thel' r membe- ' 'Otecl ~ certnt' n Lnnc·. nnd which hnd nt't<'rwnrlt~ brcn cntlrt!- " • ., ,. '"lost el~tbt or nn<l hon~"• hn<1 11lnrr bl',.n way the outporta ahould suffer. a nd he tiulltllpon lt. .Pntrlck StrPCt nnrl Alcxnnder foMed it would not b e to the 1\0VI\ntn(!c ~tree hnd hocn rneroneht>d upon too In 11 Ill<!' manner. Owln to thl• nl'srlcrt hy tho Snr- ot the m embr•re whf'n tthoy go hncll: to ,.e~·nr OonerAI'II dcnnrtmt'nt. the Connrll their constitutlnts i f it were net,-,{ npon. woutdboputtonorndorexJ)(!nse•om,_k,. r· hI fb · r· h 'dll 1 thOle l'trel'tll what It Wl\11 Mlqlnnlly lntentled n t e OIS 0 Utlt 10g11 t. C rl11 I e C IU\8 thoy 11houtd be. Tl1e &1\mo ml~tht he •Alii or were the gTOI't eufferc rR ; a. grcnt numoer other l'Brla or the eltv. Pl'nr>lr wl're 1111owt>•l of 'be buildings on \Vnter Street were tO do 1\1 they liked, And rAnl\lr Old dlllpnt~d hou~• without anv lnterfer«.>nco on tho nnrt owned abrond and the insurnnce re­or tht' antborltlt'•.r xrllrt In .. n..,.• wh~>re nthrr ,..o-y,.r,.d h ero waa on atocka and not on parttealntA!reiOled hn<1 drAwn tht'lr 11tt.cntlon buildin-. to them. He rememhcred n CllllO whnre "" o-old bouaeon Water Street hnd been shtnsrled HoN i\lr. RENDELL wished to correct toefore llreAkfAIIt one mornlolf. th,. nwn .. r the laat reml'rlc of the hon ... ontle rnan , knowulllrtbatlntlolngsn he1t:l\lll\ctln~r II· ,.. le~rally, but denendlng noon thA nnsrllgent'e fl)r a aa cepresentati ve of nn ln11umncc ol the authorlth.•" to "~"nn d"tJ>cLtnn. For Company he was in 1\ p011ition to know balta eentnnr hrt'Ore the Council look eh,.r~re . or our nlvlo AfrAiu, the town hnd heen ,.ntlrP- that only in throe matances wn11 tho ly nesrlerted; I twa" onlv reRIIOnAble then t.n property deatro1ed on Water Street 10ppnee tbat,.when thl\t body hAjl. t\llumed -.J b -.l 't · •-lc omee\bere WM a ~rre11t deal t<> bo donfl and ownou B rot-u: lt WBI qut e a m111 .... e many altl>ratlon" to bo ml\de In our atreeta to think thnt it waa n ot owned in St. and otberwl~. Conalderlntr: then the 11ccum· J ohn'11. With rOJ::;Ard to what he had utatlon ofwnrk thAt the Munll'loRI Coun11ll a~id about the outpor•- not rece1·va' n<>. ~ had to undertake. bo did not tblnlc that the .. "" ,.. •• nx))C'ndlture hR<1 been ex<:f"aalve. Ifthfl town sh11.re o( the aurplua r evenue, he would wulniOlventltwouldnotbe nnf'xLrnvapnt •h ti d J 'th tb ' • net ottr:cneroelty under tho clrcom•tance• If say • a n el\ mg Wt la money tn the Grr•,.•rnment wt~rc to wi pe orr thll t1ebt the mannf'r he had advocated he did due by tbe Council tn th"m, nntl let tMm not. cooaider the Government wuuld be •tnrt llll'&ln with a rl,.nn 8h!'rt, Whllat· thAt k' · { h l>octY'bodyremalntd Indebted to tbe Oovern- ta tng lt rom the outporta ae t. o out­mont, the Go'Yernment would lnterfl'lre In Ita porta bad no clllim upon it, bu•lnea&. BettertonhollshiLAitosrethorthnn H M M b dt th t <Y>ntlnue It u at prl'~nt; trt ua hnvn n Munt on. r. osnoe cg~e 0 move 1\ l'lp&l body n-ee n-om nll ~nch lnterfert'Me "" the following worda be inserted 1n the had hampered th" Cnnncll In the oa~~t . He cauee after the worci "colony": "but could not agree with hll hon. O'lenlt opJl()llltc \Ve are of opinion thnt .. 1 .. ..,.

0 p•·'po~ In bla vlewa.,. to the mnnncr In which the ·• ... ,.. • v , .

surplus rO\'CDn!' shnuld b!l denlt with. He tion of tho aurplua revcnuo should he

1111 m rcr.1·i vrtl nl' n COIIII I'fJII •nco of the d fi:...-.J fi tim fi re, and wns nn inKi~nilicant recognition cease eating soli uuu or a eat (tr thl' cla im th11t tlu• tnwn pl'oplc b tld least. I was so weak that I could upon tht• 11mplm• rl'\·rnuc , }vhich might n ot work. Finally on the recom­lu• lno,.,•tlnpnn 'ls n windfall, qnit.e un- mendation of a friend who had used •·x1wctl·rl loy thOI!\l who rl'ccivrd i t, nnd your preparation~ fn iri,· pn,·:dtle to thosn throu~h whoed A worn-out with beneficial rea m illl;•r ltu.u• it hnd hP{'II ncqnir('. l. Not.· s uits, I procured a wi1 l1 ~1amliu~ whott the hr m. gentlom nn Stomach. bottle of Aug Jl s t 11pp05ito• h:u l ll!lid thl' lo~:s by . tho li re Fl d wns lwtwrPn ~<ix nmlsl'\'l'll million •1ol- ower, an com-ln r~. Durin~ h i11 "~"''"ntt't'n y,...nr4 l •·~;i 11- meoced using it. It seemed to do lati ve experience he hRd not b<'Cn pro· rue good at once. I gained ' in '!nu••ut :111 tlll "!h·orl~t<'.fnr tlw c lnim11 of 1 stre n gth and flesh rapidly ; my :lp­. t. J cohn'il, hut 111 tins tnatnncc he oon· petite became good, a nd I suffered :~ i . l :• ro•r l l h11L thr tl'lwn wn~:~ only l!rPk intt n o bad effects from what I ate. I for wholt it Wo\R justly entitled to. IIu teel n ow like a new man, and con­was Rorry lo !war from the hou. r••prt•:~· sid~r that August Flower has en.J en tali 1·o of th t• ( ill\'l'rnmen t ~hat 1 he

· 1 11 1 tirely cured me of Dyspepsia in its town w11s ino~oh·.'nt, l•ut tt A 1·,ulr oo horne in mi nd tJtat fo r the ~rP:\lrr pnrt wors t form . ]AllES E. DBDBRICR:, . of last rear th<Ylnttj .. ritv of c i tizen" hncl Sal!gertics, New York. i nn property to x; nl'xt year no rlnuut j W. D. Utsey, St. George's, S.c.. , ngr.·r~t part \If the dcticit on this .Rc · writes : I baYe used your August ronnt wnn lcl h nv,,t ... u p. As to reve rttng Flower for Dyspepsia and find it an tothe old aystelD of city mnnagcment ,nr excellent remedy. @ , adopting the p~p08:ll of the hon. J:::t'ntlc ­mnn oppo.,ite t o pb\ce it in the hands · of one mnn, h ejdyl not think that ei~hcr I' position woul· l m .. ct with tho a.ppr0ml of the citizC! nr<. G11vcrnrn r nt intllr· fercncc with tho Mmticipal Council 1 .ho.d h een the c•\lUie of th'C unsnti,ft\ctorv working of our present system, a.nd h·o thought thnt if tho Muntcip11.l Council were 1\n elective body it wou ld porf nn •. i ta work in a far more aatiafactory ! 'mnnner. He nlwnyv disapproved of tho ' atreet widenln~. bec11uso he kne w we could not n£for•l it. H o WI\S certt~i nly : in sympMhy witb tho nn:tcndment pro- • posed, fo r ho considered tho~t tho claim of the c ity in t.hh onae was 10 well founded th o~t it oonl·l nnt ignore.!.

The amendment luwlnJ.! being put, wns lost, and tlw scctinn 1\Uoptctl.

(To b!' contiuur d.)

Wistar's Balsam

-GJ'- 1

Wild Charrj·


t E I\ l\ l ~(} 10 aee Wb~thl' ~l. Jnhn'll l)COD1C Ahould ro- d t d t} ( th rj' cclve It w'ficn 11 roull1 not be ~<hown thnt thev CVO e to 10 PR~·mrnt. o C cx pt•n 1·

... ·~ Nr I) c, ·" PLJN had onld 11. Anrr thr llrP nil ~tork• which ture in public works in St.. J ohn's ren· r .:1. had hccndenrn''"'' hllll to be rcplnN•d. so thnt derl'd necea!lllry by thr Into fi r l'." thr ohtl)Orlll, whlrh wcro fnr lnra11r J'ttrchM·

H oi.LOWAY';; P11.1..s.- Ia t l1o M m· plaints pocnl inr lo fr nml••• tht'~ .. Ptlls nrc unri\'1\llctl. Thei~ wsu h\' the fo1i r II<'X h ·rs " ' 'C11 111C sn onn<~tant for t I If' rc· mm·nl of their 11ilmcnt:i th :1t har•·ly 1\

to ilet is ·.vithont th ~·m . Amnn.:st t\11

oln~scs, fr•Jilt t he d llllt':lt ic il<'rvnnt. •to tltl! peerces, nnin'~nl f:\\'lllt r i11 1\C'Cord· e<l to thrsb rt•mol·:nin,_ Pills ; t lwir itt· . \'ig-•lrating- 1111d pu rlr'v i n~ pr•li•t•r r i l'.~ ren.le r thCtfl sa ro :\uti in,·:duot hlo lu all cns~s; t hey mny bl! tnkcu hy ft•ma lt·~ of Rll ll~Cd for any disor-.!•tPiZ:ltion o r irrcj!ttlnrity of the ays trm. spcPdil~· re- r m oving the cnuse nnd resto ring- th fl sufferer to roht111t. h ealth. As a fn.mily medic ine they nrn invl\ln11blo fo r eub- I uuing tho malndies o: young : \nl~ old,

Thla old reliable epeolflo for ooushe, oolda and ell dlaeaeea of a pulmonary nature easily retalne Ita popularity amona the peo· pie, thouaande of whom may almost be said to have been r e laed upon It elnce It haa so long boon the unl· ve~aal curo-all In so many homos. Its rooord for up• wards o~ o half century Is known to all a nd attoetelte remnrka blo merit. Forealo by all D r u ggiets .

~ l·~ I ~ I·~ S. --:\ LSO--

ALL ~F f ll ~- V EHY ~B E:-T QUA I.lTY AND~~ AD$ OF OUR

S ! 1 1~ f-> :\ I{ l) rfv,~J ?'\ 1;~ ;,

of "Li ; h r.· e arf' t Lo only mRnu 1actur,.tH.

«.>r s In the town thnJJtho town nMrle th,.m- Hon. Mr. H AR\'£\'-Before the nmend· sel,·r~. hl\d to nn\- tlhc extrf\ dull" • 1\ntl thP·:v mont Wl\8 put , h e would e•n· 1\ won! in \fOIIId nnturnlly· M\', Wh'l" 1\J'OronriAtc thll! r~ply to the Jton. mE'mbcr 011 his ){>ft, rt'\'enue to atrecL wltlcnlna In At. J ohn'8 n work thnt we nrc noL lntrrt'stl'd ln. Th,.n who appcarcrl to be o f opinion th11t. hn ns:nln n a rent proport1on or thr 11lo<.-kR ~o dc10- ( M H I drsi ed ~ ret tr 1 of Lhc oi l troy«.>d wert' wr ll rnltl ror b\' the ln•url\nrl' 1 r. 'I r 1 1 1 1 reeclvl'd. In mostorthl' dr,·s:oodse~ttnblls- r<'gim e tnMunicipl\l nffrdrs; hutiu this menta. there '"M no douht. n NMIIIcrnhlc ,·iew the hon. ~entlemotn wns entirely qunntltyofdl'ndstoek. U:hlch If ln~ured tor ~-tmv. na h e also was, when h e stnted two thirds tho vnluo of '"hnt IL wnA r11nrrs- ..., f rntcd for nn thei r hook wM well Rold. Tnk· thnt tn tho past the Survryor Gt•neml tng these things Into con~ldrrntlon, the 11hnre had oharge of the town. Before t.hc or tbe surrlus revenue thnt Sl- John's wM Justly entitled to were amnii. Tho mldtllc Council wns e lectcd,the tnRnRge m cnt of clnup~ were tho ohlor lluLrcrl'rll by the flre. the town W:lS iu tho h~ncla nf the Donrd manv or \Vhom had no lnaurnnce '"hntev~>r of Work• 1 true, the Sttrvevor Oertcml nnd )nst nil they l)Oueucd. Thor•• were " .; many Ofthle elMs or person~. who by mnny waa at one vi me' ChnirmRn of the BOI\r•l, \'cnre or toll, had succeeded 1n ncqulrlntt o. but thia hnd-not been 10 for mnn{ venrs. little property, such M n hou~r. furnlturc,«.>tc " nnd who were unnblo tonftord ln~urnnee, Rnd His (Mr. H.'s) idea was to put t 1e care who had loat cvorr thlnsr on thAt oventt\JI of the t()wn in tho hnnds •of on e m11n , tiny. Tbc1e were the people \Vho AniT!'rt'd h ld b 1 1 'bl f · nnd, 1r IL were poutble, to their nSlllstnnce w 0 wou e 110 e $' r<'S ponst c or lis should bo ~eon•ldernble portion or the •ur- ml\nagement, and who would hf' 11nhnm·

Seth W. Fowle & Sons,

Do not be Depressed

Ili ahest -:twnrds at Bo~ton 18G9; Philadelphia, 187G co '" ~~isheries Exhibition, 1S83.

l''"s devoted. He wu a\vnro however. of the pered and fn•o from those influenc~·s mpollslblltty or renehlng nny pRrllrulnr -Ju'ch t' t WI\S complnt' nell h .·\cl •0 •1 nt1·~ L d oiMe In thle wav, 10 he 1\lfl'OCd to the pnrA· " ~ • -

On on, 1!1'1\Dh In tbe addreu 1\1 It ltOOd. St. John'l fer~d with the working o i the Afunici­would reoelve. and bnve tbe benel\t of tbe cal Council. Thill mRn ehould of course,

Consumption _an_d __ L_un_g lli.ft\outttea. ! AI Wt\)'8 nrisc from Pl\f-llcl ••~:~ of corntpt

m tttlPr li<'pos itc<l in the air-ecll.s, by in\· pure bloQ«\1 l~nrify . that ~:~t rt!n lll of lito 11111( it will ''!'ry soon cnrry o il' 11nrl <11'­stroy till' putsnuous maa~"t', nnd li kr n crystal ri,·,.'r flowing lhi''U:.;h n Ul'llc~'· ?.•ill bring with it 1\l'U leave Lhro ttJ!I\OUl . the body ~h~ e.loments of hcl\hl'l nn1l streng~h. ~the river, lel\v\'IH ~ho olu· lflOilut Qt' rcrtility in i~ OQl\!'C, 1\~ onco eRut~c·s tho before bl\~re" was to to bloom with ttowens 1\1'\~ ffUit, ao lJOte blootl causea tho (fl\ll\e to r llj,,lce tn atrcn~;th Rnd no~l~h, 1\nd hloom With unfPUI11~ hel\uLy, Al,l Medicine. De~~.ten aelllh.

because you have been unnble to rid yourself of thnt obstin:!te cough. You have been experi­menting with n~w and worthless compounds.

!"Pnd for llluRtrnted Catalogue.



GOU41H81 CO~DS, CRoup, CON~·U~J111~N, tc; • as '1 ... : e ·w. J. Russell

lu ~- J!p au &mnl Plllt8r

... -··--·-·=

. -VGDI&Iaa BUDdl lUCie, reftUed aacl

~ ... ,. ,;...a&lld. ,.

William Ryan, 'WB'fOX TAILOR

-IIJMOIDD".JO&NIUeed b(aal,:Qaal-

propoaed Fire Brltp.de: would a hare In the hl'nent otthe harbor llghta, and 1'1'outd bo far e pnid a re11pectablc ealllry, eay, $2,400 &Teater p~lelpatora In t}Jeadvnnt~ge•oftbe a year, in order to enable him to give 'l'ulegrnpb :&:xtenalop tban would be tbo out.-oort people, 'l'bererort", be wM or opinion his who!A timo and attention to hi~ that tbeJcltywollld reo•lved qatte u tarre a duti"" The Counct'l wna ~'ormeA of ahnre of tnt• revenue u It wu entitled t<>. ..... " 1' "' •

Hnn. Mr. Rz!fDIILL dulred to expr~~ta hla gentlemen who were only PRld $50 n dt1aprova1 oftbla aoctlon wblcb eon11ldered yt~ar, 1\nd who consequently could not a pertleularly llronr onl!, eapeolally the tat- afro""' to give t~e time neccs&l\r•· for the tor portion of It wherein 11 expreued euob •'t r ·:r .; beart,. concurrence wltb ~~e ooverqmentht perforrnance o their dutiee; whicht. \f propoaed manner of denting ~ltb tbe aurptu1 properly attended tq, wonlq I=!'C}llii'C revenue. TbOillll tbe Oounoll could not ccn- d d h f · h.,, .., • f troltbe expenditure or money, yet hon. mem every ay an our Q h•Olll time to ul-bera bad a perteot rl~rbt t.o ~In exprcuton to fill. The hAfl· gentl~mnn opposite wae tbeu ..-tewall\ recard to lt.. Io blaoplnlon tbe I\ Ware tb.-t 'the Council h"d proved n o ~r ~rt of thla money 1boqld be e~J!Ond-ecs ID St. John'• and be thpnJlhL tbta wu a improv ment upon the old system; and taplt.at oppcwtu)Jity ro., tbe Government to thore . appeared to be n unl\nimity of ..,\M otrtbe debt. due br tbe Munlolpi\J Conn· · • · ld b b

Hlncl be ooald DOt aee why 10 lar~te a por- op1n1on ·that.lt wou e etter aq~l~11h: uou otltlboa.ld be devoted toward• tbo llq· ed th11.n continued aa a.t. Pt:•ef'\t· DtdatloD bftbe public debt. He wna at a 1oa1 Hon. Capt. ·or.84,a~-. It &. Incorrect toot<> DDderttaDcl bow the reor,anlaatton ot ,. the tlre brlnde tboald eoat the larlfO aam or on the part ~ the ton. gontlerun.n to S6Q,OOO :·~ l~ltltqtlo~J tb'at required 10 lar~re say t.bat tho our\'eyor Gene r&l had hac! aD amQQqt &C) HJ&'tllllhJ lWOUid It ~oemed b' d · h h

Morse'• In<han Root P~l~. I or Co~ l~l\ ]\ead

The testirqqn\J\1• frequently publiahoc\ in th\~ WH\Ot relating to Hood'a $1\l'II\Jh 1\f\111\, f\ley n"re from r f' lia.lr\e pe~plO, I

lltllLO simplo (a._ota, and 11\\Q'¥ beyond a I doubt thl\t nOQQ'~ CURm:3. Why don't you t ry \1~\• rqeqicino? Be sure ' to get I{qqc..\~1 ·

Cheer .up! There is hope for you if you will try that stand­ard preplJration that hns been in use for more

than 50 years. / ;' Wfstar's Balsam

of Wild Cherry. It wiD Cure Y011.

Sold by aD ~ggists. llkelt, NCJAI,. ~r mll'!teAn',;;/an annual not 1Dg to 0 Wit t 0 town for soruo £Jons~ip:\tlon, nnd all troubloa wHh exJ)C'odltqFe tbat ~oatd ije IMIYQnd tbe means yeara; tbllt official had entire oqn~f.Q! 'of· the diteati ve orgnns ancl tha liver, are or tbe oltrJ_ Re UDdentood tbata ,enLiemnn the a tree !A, and all ajt"r~ti'Qnwa . or l'm- d H , 1' n II I bod rone o.pthe Uolted St.atel In oonueetton T'"r cure y ooo s ILI.S, vncqua e( na I with the brlrade, and It lbal. jf04tleman 11 t<> provemcnt.a 1fepe ~qne un er hie au per· a d inner pill PH <EN IX undPrii'O a eourao ot actual tral!llnr I.Q tbe vi'!i,n.sc.ancl autnori~ up to the time the • 1 ' moat fmproved methode Q( a&'t11U( nre a~d Co . t • properiLy rrom ftre~bll vlalt.oqld DIQ!1:1;r II,JzO(Hl Wl\8 -::rcat . .. -,ioq,.oH "DULLS" ~~ Tm: U otts£.- FIRE ASSURANCE co ooL bo lq yaln, bu 1r tio -.ere tQerely Dt Ron. Mr. ASOEL hlld not confound, il.r..Joh n L ubbock, M. P .. hus lu:en le"- I • to ob1ervo thil opcr Uon ot vtulolll aj$ma ed th t d t •- f h · ... ~ wiLboutaervlng an approntlcclblp In thelr e wo epar men.., o t e ~~rJ tnrtng to the m crnhl'l'S of th<' Working . LONDON: actual m~narement tbe kuowlodgo 10 Pined of \Vorlcs and the Su~·eyot ' Qoneral Men's &liege, .t..ondon, by oli~ ·oursiug 1 . ~0r~~d~~t~~ ,!.1~~~ .r,r~~~~d~~~~"· tJ~ ;.~ in their conn~~~\qf\ 'T~t the alt.tirs of to them, in nn nmasin~ nn•l ch1ltLy LOMBARD STREEr AND CHARING or thoee wbo bnd ooarge or our nro deptut- tbe towo{eMh acp1~~tmcn hatl had etspar mnnne\', on hi11 "U:unintsoonol!8, P er- I . CROSS. me.nt badauft'ered 80 mucb In the pMt. '!'be ate •!1d ~i.~inct · dutiea to .perform \q t~Onal nnd Politil:.\ 1,11 Sir J uhn bnd, ESr BLIS El IN s~ :~:h-~~%~e:f~C:ermffe~~~t~~t.3:;'1:' relatjon to thecity management~"{hist -qatm·alty,agood dent to ally on his ex- , A H ) - ·- L 17 ::! . Oovern~t'pald no!l~~fl~ohdnttxt..to ooo!\·the former bad to look ~q the <ileans- ~erienoe1 in Parlinmant. There i!', ~t I TRUSTEES Aii)i)IRECTOBS: ~~~~ ~~ld 'llg't~l~~ ~~ !oL0~,¥~~lt'~'~:~ ' ing. of ~~e to1fq. eta:\. the latter had !\Ppeare, not muob hum qr there, aml a I JOiepb w. Baxoodal~. Bso. ctalmor ttfe ilre •aLrl'rera upon tho 1qore111- cmtt;e Qu~rge o.f tile ,trcota; and under ta a general mla~ko to eupposQ lbn~ Bristow Bovill, Esq. odre'YebUt',atld It wu tbererore absurd t~ '1:\e (oPl\el: ;I}ebuildJ'ng .o\,ct 1\ll pe.r O.D!J anv which oxiat,6 ia. monop~"•"'\ by . l .Jo' bn Clutton ~· Tbo lio~. Jamu B)'lli:J I&)' tl\e revlftlue derlvod tbroogb tbe cal• " • •~ b 'ld ·· h ' h · .. "· ~"'"'"' amity 11hou14 bo aoproprlatcd ' to tl141 ,.; a"(oq~ ""' Ul w4t '"!. t e lul'\lts o tho .Jrlshmcn. In fact, Str Juhn 'l:.inka thnt

1 Oot.avlus Coope, E'IQ .. ?tl.P.

~uc~lo~ %rttt publjo debt. TbOIRI11thQ bad $()1fq ba4 ~I ~qu•tqt . \Qe ~IWiO.)'Or Hibernians do not ah\no 1\4 humorisu , Georg'~ Art..hnt:Fullor. ~·. olr:.mre q~~ 1°t. ~r1e~~~~~r~~l[b~be.~~ {ipnetal befo:e4oifll{ IIQ, ltia oomplaint and be fa inoli11~ ao '' give the cak'': ){.Rhode HawklnJ~~~~~ .b:. Uooduan, Elq. mentortb6 bon: reprueqta&lve Qt tbe Go'Y: WIC~ t ..... ~ ~hi I qepar,r:nont hl\d been to tbe muon c\etlPil\ed Scotchmen who 8.r Jobn .Lubbock, &\rt.,.l{.P. ernment oq tbe l~t clay Qlll}04ltlngoqr ftq~ IQ~' A8JJi~e~n dlaoharging their if thef nA.nno,~ •ee 1\ joke at leaa' t p' " ~ Cbnrlell TbornM Lucas, Esq. elal oon4J(I~~~ IRO'Il •tt'lt toe ~q~e)ta> d l i h ,..,.,.., ! • vrr- 1 Gbarl'l> 1\fa~nnv. E'!Q. me"toqq~il r tQ be aome111b&L ~erOQI u~ •, IUO aa og ou~ ' ll atrceta, tn\~ ~ grea\ rm"ny. l<'or ioatanoe · it. Tbe Bon. Edwin B. rortmu, Eaq. ua t~ew::v:•• n lbodto'hear that tbe Exe- etc-1; and .tb"t cquontly an aQOU• WM & Bco~ma.n who ~ravoly lnforr~ed .Ou~oy RobcrLamiLb,Esq. ~~~ rg,!ltJnf~::,::e~h~n":l:!:! ::.~€: muJ~ion or work awr~ited t.~e Munoi: the Houae tnat. the VOtQ of \wo m\ 'II ions I Willi a~.~.'!~~. !bornpson, B.q. dDrln• tbaUime our anna&! expeDdt~re ba4 p-.1 Council when thel "HI\tlled olftoed. aterling for the Afgh~l\ ~l\Wt\(l" m ere Boo. recto~OHN J. BLOOM:.FIELD,Eaq. alWa)'l ~zoee4od oar lnoom .. Tbe bob. pa- Tbt bumin~ or J~~ ill\it Eod or the fleabite in thft 1\ru)"rt/ 1\IU( 1\llOtlter WlLL o. MAtmo.l'ALD I Join' tlemaD 1'1'bo lut I pOke bad •liNd Wh)' &be d . . I " ...,...,..... tc- FRAMOI& B. M:Aoumr.u.o S Secret-a nos. ontport .. bouJdooatrtbatetowardaoara&reet &own, ~. " t wn an lmmenstt.y markeq t ll ~ m'y d npond upol\ it • __ wlcrenlnr-be WOilld remind hi I hon. tr1en4 or~""' Wbt upon thl\t body' tl'od even '"" t\\e ~" C~t.r. oi '"" Dri tis h aoltlic~ I The enppmentl Olthll Oft! co are~··­ba' w:S'~::':: :hf:: ~~!e?J~m~"= '*'- Ol'lllnruy rputlne work waa 1&atll' (4 tqe ti.ac~ltona ot the lndil\n army." ·~~ ~~ ~eft~::~': 1!~ ~e:J!~ o&J;ru:t.

work d U wu DOt talr oo• for'tbe oat; l&a~PNl• \. . · · I ':fl\e i~l"llt\'f' piece ofhum.lraacribed to and ' the promptl\llde and UberaUt1

..,uti f:u ea. 1f.~~t:s l0:C,g{~":elr~'=C: _ ~ ilr. 'lfiouy~Th• ~tttoq ~nlri•hman w .. th<\t of" young m om- ::111~~ ~:~m:UJ'::n~~~~D me~ are to ov! -..aiJI4atontto t~a-.cuoa, btn 1 bla appMf84 ' fA ~ •1:\~~ tho I ber w~o roee . to ~tnoalc. And relllAint~<ll The 8aportanoe or the traaeactlou of 'b• • a 'I~-~~~~bqt =~:t~ l . ~ ~ Lqzq~~o i~J~pi'Ove- atand10~or noarl7 a quarter of an hour p HCENIX FIRE OJ FlOE ~ ue q tapoa 'be :'!' •"DI " large e~*t bla unu~~red argurQeota

. u ~W II ua &o pay for them; ...-i'b pro uae g~Uoulation. 1~ ,... lo mft)'h be11.~ma&ecl Mlm.. Uae 0fllc!\ &~ 11Dee it. 'I ... 1ll,y • peoollar oat E:'oee.a ,-....b lritb • N d ••'-~ -•nt.-aow OT4tr • • 'BVXD&&l)

-ob01il4.tieoolle4 a,..: -. tt'7.'moieQJ;'~':r:.; ':to :,:g:~~~, to nob- obarae under oir- diN he Wlll_'tutn lr the Govern- ~I.u: u-.. lllt. Loa

:=~~~ 'l'bt JaNe IWDOGA& of ill- -.L:illrJOkJ\ ~W 'bat tbeJ!:U UirMD ~b;rtlafeo:.:::---= ~ ~ b1 $he GoY• - .,.l;Dc tlmp!J to ~ D or PI'Opel'tJ', oa u.e. .-~AI.~ J:~&he , ~~ J iinloameee 61Doloct"' ...e M • a: a.B.BND~ 8&. .Job~ ,

. .• ~ ~ llllq4, • Apatl ......... ,'"'

Page 4: b~ toth:11 :k Ladies' Black ··Straw 2(i) barrels Choice ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18930509.pdf · 20 bags Choice Feathers. ... m hlB line at lower

V~e- Jlat~er .tlCt st.lt)At"~ -AMD­


'l'u&:iOl\", MAY 5, 18!13.


HoM )f R .Tun1cs LITTLE Pn-cstorNo Th" Cuurt opeaed here "l4 u'clock

ye11ter.t•y- afternoon (lifter arrival )'er l:-1\ln of Judf(e anti suitf'). io CllnfMIIIllV )"ith and in or•l"r to rut· fill tht~ directions of the Proclama­tion. ~

'fbt~ C.ourt met again at eleven this morninl{, when t.he members of the Gmnci and Petty Juries were in at te:uiance; but. •• the Crown was twt prapMtd to se{d before the Ound P1lnel. durinf'"lhe day \he only Uill (fnr rape at Victoria Vii· la~o] whirb they may have for their con:~tc.leration the present Term.they were r~lieved until 1.30 o'clock to· m orrow (Wec.Jnesrl~y) morning.

The namtse of the Petty J nry were nlAo cn.led over. nfter which it WllS discharged until it4 further nlten­dllnce woald be required.

The charge aforesaid is the nnly criminal matter which will like~y be tried .during the pr11stnt Ter10 ; nud there would appellr to he a pauciLy of civil bueineu also. This most aasuredly speaks well for thia Diatrict.

-NoRWEGIAN FISHERY.-The in· telligence was received here by cable ytlsterday that the catch of the F ;nmllrken c.,f!fi~berv to dat• as;t· gregaled eix mi\lit'ID" ·(&boot 100.000 quintA.lll) R.ga•ullt 1 L millions (about' 180,000 quintalll) for the c~rrt! apou· ding period IMt. year.


' A~ quitfl 1\ number of persons formerly r,.aitlent in this Culooy have lateh· mat!& th!!ir bornes in this pretentious pprtion of the great Dominion. wo r.ttn~~ive that any­thing bavin~e rtslllUUII lo it an,rl ita ruourcu. whether mineral or other· wite, will he po~•es11ed of a o little intereat. 1 L is with this feelio,; tbnt we hn•l~n tn pl11ce hefore o nr readers a few si~ui ficant fact11 in the above ~-~~~ · cliun . which tus to be found tn n 1•aper IAtt>ly rel\d before the Roy:\1 L11lf'ni111 lnsi itntf! on the suloject uf the :'>l inf'ral \Vea:th of Britil'lh Col u ·n t.i:\"-the production, it mny be addeJ. of 01111 "'hn fu r fifteen VI':Lrs vr 111nre had been eo· ga~ed In tb" .. xplorK~i ou llnd ~eo­logic~~.l eX11.111ination of th!Ct country, which, \VO 111a.v rtsmark in !Jfllllling. bas a CO!L'lt ·line of over 500 mi les in length, from e·•·•• I, to nnrth. nn the P acific oct-:LO. I" M wurd . it i:t the large.t vi l h<" Ca u., .J hu Prov ine"!. and may uu d··Qc nbed ns poe.~e:~sing tr~y i«<per~~Lf t.llmPnsio ns. For tta length of l~• •tt·t ( witllrHtl coun ting ita extrRorriin .. ry l'i nnn-<ille!l) i ~ near ly •qual to th11t f>f J•:ni(IAn.J and Scotland cumoi•H:d; wut le itJ area of383 300 lfll'IIHd 11lllo~ is "ver three times that of t he Unitt~d K..iogd~m. and greater thun thnt of :"\OY ~Ctuntry in Europ" exoept ltue•ia. J url~ing {rom thh. thtn. eume frt in t idea may be f(lrmed of the mognitudo o f the eouotry just to the we1tward o( 111. It is a. fll..:t worthy or note that leu than 100 ~-,.Rrs llflO the region now nameri Britiah Q, ,JumlJi,. was wholly unknown. •• Although it poueaaea valutLule fiaheri"s and r• markable ro!toure&ll in ih forests beside• import•nt trnch of arab\~ and pasture land. much of its proaper­itymua\ nevorlheleu depend· on the development of ita mineral weAlth." Gold was ftrsl discovt-rfld on Queen Charlotte lslRnde in 1851, and 11i x year• thereafLer, was fouu.t ou tb~t banks ofth~t Thompson. a tributllry of the Fraser River. Attracted hy tbe I ustre of the precious metRl the following year, it it estimated 'that within three montba, over 20 000 people 1\rrivtd at the reml)te trac.J lng post which \ht'n atood upo n the present aile of tbe city of V ictoria while rnany. more made their way onrland t o the new El Dorado WHb reatlees ener1y miners pushed their. way further up the Fraser Rinr, till the Cariboo countr1. 400 milH from the aea, waa reached · and here the richest depoaita of al ~ luvial gold were foun•l, and for a number .of yeara continued to be worked, with r•ulLa which, con· lidering the comparatively &mall

. J;lUm~r of men engaJtd, wue moat nmarkable. Sinee the early years ohbe diAcovery, .Briti1b Columbia bu contributed to 'be world ~tolt.l to the nlae of 10me fifty millWn. dollDrt. h wen nothfo1 •tr•nl•· then. that through tbe denlopmetAt of lu JOlden r•oarotl, 'be Domin­lon'• lar1•' pro~inoe alaoul_. ban •tend on anew atageln iLl biatory, niiiDI it from 'h• 1tatae of a " fur ocnau\ry '' to \be proacl poeition il oooapt• ~day.

lea OC1U ud olbet N~~Gorc. muat araa ~· 111t-J_. of q0$btr .,._., ••

Tif.B PUSION SOHBJU. -.-Lro TlfE .EDITOR ov TB.B sr.uro.lJU).]

0E-'.RSta,-Wit.b your permiaaion I will now ad·

lreea myaelr t.o the ft:IOU'RRS ghen in 'be OTLI~J>S or t.be Teaobera' propa.ed Pen·

•ion Scheme. We ate t.old by an able :ni~r t.ba' '! the riobee or \he miDd,like boae of fortune, may be employed 10 1erversely ae to become a nuia&nce &nd ~ peat, instead oC an ornament t.nd aup­·IOrt t.o Sooi ety ." And in tbia Teaobera' propoeed Penaion Bobeme,l conceive \he t C. Au. bavP so pervera4;1ly employed ~ha riches of their mtnd aa not only t.o leeerve the former or theee cban.ctera, hut. to leave it. queetionable whether they really poeaeu euoh richee at all. rbere may be lOme miat.akee in the figuroa-for these I am not. reeponeible. r muKt t.ako them aa t.hey appear. But

" Do I sleep, do I dream 1 Do I wonder nod doubt 1 Arc thlnlfll wha~ they 100m 1 Or I~ ,-lslon s nbou~' 111 our EduCAtion n tlllluro' • Or 11 ~bo Tencbon' played ou~ t"

Played out, Sir{ bowled out, Sir, and Lhr public ahal be umpire. These Philomaths of the S. C. Ass. never cut •uch a aorry fi~:ture as I aho.U abow. Butt.cr had they hid their light untler a bushel, than pose aa qualified to dia­cbR.rge the duty or r- Cho.ncellor of the Exchequt>r. Chanc~eeema to have bad •\ pretty big a hare in their deliberations. We should hrwo bad no OOTLI~ES bad uot their shilling turned u'p tails.

Firse le~ me ma\d good the uaertion ml\de in my firsL le~er, that the modfeL 1u_1n tbeso doughty 'champions of the reachers' right• would aalc for in their llutlines ie no leu than $820.000. EIGHT H U SDRF:D A..'\0 TWE~'TY TBOOSA..'iO DOL· L.utS. 1 t&ke their own figures ; and in Lhe firat place I will begin with a Teach­er aged 25. Thia Teacher ie required to pay $4.i4 per annum t.owarde a pqnaion t~f$160.00 on reaching tbe aie of 55 yeara Why $4.74 ia \aken, and not t4.75 or -35.00, 1 c&n~ eee,' and the outline• ~hed no light on my darkened "ieion. [ am lett. therefore to conjecture LhR.t t his wna aettled by a eecond tosa up, or tba~· waa reached in. eome '"'Y in which ficlc chance played no tritling p&r~. Any ow here it ie: $4.74 ia to be--paid per annum by a 'l'eacherof :!5 yeara of age, and tbie ann·ual pay­ment will be continued tor thirty yeara, till euob Teacher reachee the age of 55, when be ia eligible for a peneion. Now, dlowing three per oent compound in­terea~ on thia annuity or $4.74, the a•­cumulated eum at tbe end of 80 yeau will•be $2"25.50, and tbie eum, if not sub· ''e.l~ed, baa to laat the Teacher for 16! ~·ears-for thAt ia the expeota.tlon of life ~tfter 55. I have coneulted the tablee of 1)\'Ur 40 lnaumnce Companiea,and in the moat fn vourA.blo of theeo the sum of .$:!t.:i.50 will purchnae an Annuity, or a Pensi•>n, for r\ person at 55 years of Age •>f $HJ.til) !! Dut tho S. C. Au. aak for a ,.cns ion of SlGO.OO, and call upon the r ;,J,·crnmenL to mnko up the difference. 1'11e Go,·ernmen~ subvention therefore •nust be $140.36, A.nd this sumo( $14.0.36 wi ll h11. ,.e to he pf\id for 16~ years. To ..:a pita lizo th is sum-A.na this ie the only wrty to renlize the true obligation nf l.iO\·ernmenL-it wi ll require no less .m amount. th&n $1600 r By a like pro­cess l)t rcMoning the Government sub­ventiun for 11 Teacher of30 yoar.s of age woulJ he $11110, in round number!. l'nl.::o the low~r tmm and multiply this hy Lhc numhcr of male Te&chera, say :!50, all of whom SOLESil \'OLESS. under Lhll outlines mus~ bo compelled to join ~he scheme; and we havo a 'limple multiplication sum : 1600 multiph ed hy 250 equal~ $400.000 I FouR HD~DREO THOUi!AND DOLL~RS. In like manner, by 11. similar proceu, I take the female Teachers, and treating them generously to Sl20 a year each during their life­time, 1\fter tlLtaining the age of 55 years,. and not wiLh $120 aproad over the whole of their 1i vea, aa the unJal!Ant S. U. Aes. Committee proposed, I find tho Government would haYe t.o pro. vide ea'Cb one· or them $1200 or for Lho 850 Female Teachers a e&pltal eum of $-120.000, Add thie to the t400,000 for the malo Teachers, and we have a total of $S20,000.EtGHT Hm;DREO Uo TwE:O.'TY Tuol1SA..'IO DoLLUS. Ana tbie make• no &llowance for anyincreaac or teach en, 1f ~beao go on incrouing in numbere dunng the next decade aa they have in t.bo U ST osE, the Government reeponei· bility on account ofPenaiona to Teachers will in ten yeara' time :each the round· ed sum of O~E Mn.uos DoLLARS. The Teachers may worlc ·out tbeae aums for thomselvea, if t.bey feel competent t.o Lhe t.aak; and 1 will venture to say they will atand aghaet,.at tho magnitude of their preposLeroue achemo.

Or to work out their figurea in another way:

Tho nverA.go annual payment or Teachers of both aoxes under the 'l'eacbera' pension echeme ia $4.25. Tiley aak for $3000 a year from the Government. This divided among the 600 Teachers will give an additional $5, making in all the totAl annual average premium of each Teacher t9.2.5. Now the a verage age of all Teachers ie 24 yeara. H ence there will be 31 payment& t.o be made before reaching the peoaionable age, which ia G5; and 81 annu&l pay· menta or 19.25, accumulating at com. pound interest at. 8 P'lr oent., will am aunt to $462 25. Th11 aum of $462,.~ 25 baa to providea penlion for 16tyeara. THE BEST OF.FIOE II' TD'C WOIIL'o will Jive for thie eum a peneion of 187.00. 'fimtTr I&V&!f DOLL.uta -'. Y&.U ia &11 the penaion a teacher under the Teaobera' ou~Unea can pouibl7 get. Obi for a eeoood Daniel t.o oome ln JudJment upon tbese m&r'felloua taota,

I have thu4 ahown ~ba~ lo no W&J ~ the &,ure• of \be 8. 0. j.u. b• made to work ou~ a aolutloa lber alaa Jt.er. WhM will they o«er nwr

QDo nnAX V'DJ4'0I xvr.urrDI nOmA •ooo?

I ou ~ IWDID rDT laaJh&er, dr, tw ~-btri I .. fllllliMIId ill • ..



"muting little bit describing the b~gl' acboolmaeter by the h•1moroua Carl~· "blob loob 10 much like the truth be­fore me ( et quid 'fOP~ rideatem di~ verum ?}; \ha\ I gi-.e it to JOU. HU'elif ia: "Well, Tli&dy, tlarOth Tbady I fear you'll understand aubauacdon lie~ ter nor yonr t.aober I doubt JOU'll ap­ply. h t.o j)ractioe ;Jl your Ute, ma bou­ohal, and that you'll be apt to dod lt the BOLli o• J'U.U: at laet." "Paddy Doran,come up to your lnthereat." Well Paddy. what'a the inthel"ftlt ot & hundred pounde at fln/er cent?''

I hue rea of prlnceu and other eminent perscne, who hulng men to ~reatnese, took care t.o han aome etrik· ing memorl&l oftbelr former oonditlon conet.antly in vi~w, by way of counter­poiee t.o pride, and ae a preeerntive from bting exalted above measure. To the teachera who have preee.nted to our 1!1\ze the likenees of their pet child in OUTLINE, I would give t.bie aalut.ary advice: Have the picture filled iD with the Cull lineaments of the t.ablea and figures and grammar; frame it and glue it, and hllng it up in your acboola, and hA.nd it down religiously t.o your auo­ceasors in office. Such a valPable oon· tribution to the sciences must be pre­served from oblivion. It may nleoholp tho S. C. Aea. to ropreu the complacent feelings of their eelf·adulation, and lead them to reflect on tho folly of trueting rcrellt. matters t.o t.he fall of a SPLEMDID :>HILL~O.

I now call upon the President of tbie aelf-etyled Teachers Aaaociation, and in the name of tho great body of Teachers for whom be unwarrantably dare11 to Apeak, demand of him t.o ebow the in· correctness (I( the figures heroin adduc· ed, to juet.ify the grammar or hi• out.­linefl, or to atand convicted hefore· all hie fellowa, and before the community in which HE SHL.'fU, u one ut.\ecly un· wor£hy of truat aa a would·be president and baffled and beaten with hie own

Youra truly, C.A.V.E.


committed 8,000 murdera, including hi& fhe wi vea, aince be~inning hie reign thirty yeara ~o. ·

JU.y 9.-Tlle ateamor HaftDft atrook the ftabinJt acbooner dllver ott' Caioa'o, 'Wtj80kiog her and ldlllng two men.

Tbe German aituation ia conaidered a menace t.o t.he peace of Europe.

.Another Auatrallan Bank h•• aue· peoded--the Coloni&l Victori ...... making ibe eighth. , ·

The Home Rule BUt wu io Commit-­tee yeaterda_T. Chamberlain'• amend· ment wae re;eoted by 270 t.o 218. .

Gl&dat;one offers the Poet laureate t.o John Ruekin.

Tbe Grand Truok Croight etrike, Mon· treal. conlinuea.


F ACl'l .urn FIGUREs.


Prob:Lbly there may be some per­sons de111iroua of knowing the basi11 oC the Pc:msion Scheme, an, outlinf' of which appeared in your i!l!llle of 21st ult. 'fne data on which thi11 Pension Sohellle is foun·led, 1 will bri .. fiy state:

(1) All Male and Fem~~ole teach· era 11ba\l retire from the teachinl! profession on aUai niug the age of 5~ years.

(2) Each male teach~~r on rencb· i~g th~ .abov!. age shall be entitleJ to recetve a pension ef one bunrired aad sixty dollars perannum' during tpe remainder of his life; 1\nd e~~o .;b .fem~lt teacher oo reaehing the age •lf 5\> yellra shall he entitled to re·' ceive a pension of one hundrecl nod twenty rlollara per o.nnum durin . tb'e remainder of h er lire.

(3) A male ~eacber joining the Penaion Scheme at 40 yean of 1\ge t~b.a\1 not pay above 812 annual pre

(TO THB .BDlTOR OF THE 8'l'A.XD.lllD.) auurn. Dear Sir,- 4 p ·

A Tea.-meeting and Entertainment ( I remturns to he depoAited in were recently held in the Cbu.roh or ~ftJ. Savings' Bank at 3 pAr cent. England School·room at Port-do-Grave. Com pound Inlorest. At 5.80 p.m. ae\'eral iadiee and gentle- Theie four beinc given it wa11 a men eat down to weU·epread "bles, and matter o( aritb metical calculation no doubt did juetico t.o the eatoblea.- to find out what annual prl'mium. Tbe things removed, the oonoen began. 1\ male teacher joining the Pension

The programme included many ex· · h 6 ceUent aonp with a fe• dialogue. and ;:,c eme at aoy speci ed age. should ~eci~tioni, the first item being an in· pay, 10 as to receive ah annual pen­strument.al duet by Miu MacLachlin iion of $160 after reaching the ar;e and Maater John P. Netten, who pre- ·.C_55 years; and what antlual pre sided at the HArmonium durin&'· the otum a ft~l}lale teacher joining the evening in pa.rtnel'IJbip. The aon~t -;cbeme at any specified agf), ahould " What~ Home without a Motbt!r ?" gave Mia'S Andrews amolo a cope to exer-- ~~ay so as to receive an .•on unl pen -

· h fi ' b · · . ~ton of 8120 after reaohtng tbe n.,e ·

D342 020. the preaent value of which Local a.nd other Items. ta S203.lo0. Excludin« thoae wbo die before bnin« attained 55 yeara, aad &lao ~bOH who leave ~be aenice, (aa ~heir J.>remiuma will be refund·

' ed 'o tbeiJl with compound &tereet

-We are credibly iufonped two fine large codfieb, meaeurlng 2 feet 9 incbea;· were jigged ooe day laat week at ~1 Arm. . . -.1 )

-Information wu lately reoehed by ' Meure. R. H. Prowae & 8ona tbat tbeu b&Dker Jubilee bad baited a~ Fortune Bay three weeb ago laat Saturday.

't 3 p. c ) 172 teaohera will pay into ~hA fl'unrl $88.100. The b~lanc,, t170,000, is to he m"d' up by an 1\nnual contrihntion from the Gov· emment. Aa the Government will 'lave 35 yean to pay tbia aurn be· -FoaSYDm.--o..pt.J.J'.HeDD .. ia fore a ~acber jolnia( the acbeme at achooner Thrasher, Capt.aiD Oonnoll~, 20 yeara of age will be1in to reoeln eajled at noon to-d"y for Sydney. She bia p'nalon, the annual preQlium took aome eix paaaengers for Sydney.

payable by the Govern meat with -The steamer I.edy Olonr lett here Co•n pouno I ntere~t. to 1\monnt to · yesterday morning for St. John'•, where . thr ~hove sum wtll b,. S2811.77- ehe ia, to load wit.h freight. StTeral sav tn round numbera S3000. pa .. ongers went by hor-Meean. N. Fitz-

The -.ita\ p1\fts of the scheme are ~l'rald, W. Butt, Sr .• C. Payne, J. Roea. (1) The Anuual premiums of teach- W. Steveneon, J. Eox, being among the er~. (2) Tbe age of. retirement, (3) number. l'he amount of pena1on payable on -The schooner Water Lilf .:mved reti rement (4) 'fh«' aums \o be from Trinity Bay this mom1ng. She contributed by the Government baa a. fnU load of lumber. abingfea, &c., h""i" on whinh thA.~~' are calculated from Mr. Drover's mill, Witleea Bay. are aet forth in the forei{CJin~ oara· ~raohs. In conclusion I wtlt" add t\ f~>w remarks:-

(1) T4le Association in putting forward this .. ~e10e spo.tlc for the n~mbPril of the Association only.

(2) This Scheme is not rut for· · warci ns o. eut nod tlrieo Bill ready f•>r legislative tnllcLmenL. It ia put forward for h ones t. fair criticism·

tr I

not u a targflt for ma\i~~;nant Apleen. { ( there be J feels i a it let them be uointerl out and better proviaion 11 ~ubstituterl . I am,

Your~ 11incerely , 0NB OF TRE CoYXITTEE.

- OBtT.-The eeteem ed Stipendiary Magiatr&te and Sub·Collector or Grand Bl\nk-George Simms, Eaq.,-haa lately paued llway. H e lea vee a wifeanc.l one eon. Hie decease ie much regretted.

-The Allan steamer Aasyri:m, l'bich arrived at St.. John's on Friday, brought "' pnaaengers Mr. Rnd Mrs. Gcorse Knowling, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Marttn, Measrs. J. Ford, T. Ford, D. Muon, Chapml\n, H. Roes, R. H . Jonea; 5 in· term~>di&te and 3 in at.eE:rage.

-The ~und this morning waa com· pletely covered with anow which fell laat night. Tho weather ia backward and unser.eonable, which disagreeable a tate of affairs may be attributed to the ice which ie on the coaet.

-Freah herring, in large quantities, were aold about t.own resterday momi:~g and age.in this morntng. 10 centl per dozen is the plico asked for them. They were a good aize and quality.

-LAROE TRoOT.-A trout weighing s; tbs. we.a cau~ht. by a young lad in Southern Long Pond on Saturday. The angler bad quite a bard fight to land hie flab.

-Meaars. John Muon & Co'a steamer YAn~uard, Capt. Joshua Pike, which left h ere for Sydney on Frid&y, arrived up at Sydney on Sunday morning, after a finll run of 48 hours. Dr. McLeod or Bay Roberta went. up by her.

ClSe er ne IOpr&DO \'OlCO i er lln~tng 11 tf 5::; ye•,lr•. "-or 1· nstnnco ., Ill n"'le alwo.ys·n. tret\ t, and on t.bie occaa10nehe v l' .. •• wns n.t her best. " Major C111oy" and teacher joinin~t th Scheme o.t 40 Kill.\loo " won troml!ndous applAuse· years o{ age, Rnd paying an annul\ I nnd tho part-choruses of" My Ronir': premium or Sl2 (pn.yable half.year· and "Dixie" justly meritcrl tho praise ly) will have paid (pre ·niums with they:reoei ved. The fnrco" H ospitality" r.ompound interest at 3 p. c.) $225.· elici~ed roara of laughter, while our '0 Tenor brought down the houao with his :. • Aa all male leacbera shall pay

TRoUBLE tk THE BAa.uus.-Last rnontb a fracaa occurr"d in the llbo-.e ialanda caused by tbe rerqoval of the British troopa from Nassau. whereupon the Bahama& GonFD • ment aent to Barbadoes. and there enlisted a Mmpany of 1nu, under the command of Capt. Searmoutb to form the Bahamas constabulary. ft 11e~m~ that for a few months aub-1equently there had been several com plaint• made of \be brutal way in wbieh these men did their duty. \.constable was ill·treating a little

blaclc boy ; a colored mlln who saw it threatened to report him ; where· upon th~ coottable let the boy go, and rushed at the man. knock­ing him down. No r was tbie all. A week o/ter the above occurrence an !tCt of brutality was perpetmted in that part of Nassau in which most nf the blac~11 live. .-\t this the pOllllle wore AO 1ocenaed, thnt. they turned «~ Ut 2000 strong. They burner! the ~ uard room. and beat the Constable and C.t.pt. Searmo utb terribly. A c•mst:!.ble hu•l ~i1 brain~ kn'lckerl yut in t he V•'ry hMrt of t he city,

-PERSosu.-Thero arrived at St. J ohn 's by the lMt English steamer A!· ) syrinn, Mr. S. :!\{. Cbnpmnn, tho new· CiLy Enl!ineer. .tic cornea from ""Pif­mot!th, Engll\nd, highly recommended, ha\:ln~ been _for a number or yeare nss1stan~ engmeer of that town. Mr. 9hapm!l':'• we learn, purposes soon pay· tng a nstt to the Bo.y Metropolia.

"Laughing Song." Theechool-cbildren •.his sum, it i1 a sirniJlt! tU:ltler to too, " ere no~ behind. The highly cred- ·:alculato wha t llnuu!ll pNmiu :n itn.~lo manner in which they performed e_ach m 1.le t~ach~r shl\ll pay pro por · th~tr pTart oft he progr.tm~?c fully repaid ' 1onutB to l11s y o1u s o f pay mont. Mts11 ::'\ewhook for the paws she took in ·As o. lelll:!.le teacher s ·1a ll r•·cei ve praotising them. · 1

After theainging of ·• God Save the l penston eqna to tbreo· f•)ll rlhs uf Queen," the !luJ ience dispersed, thor· lhe p etasion of n m&le trach~:~ r. she oughly satisfied with ~hemselvea !l.nl) hall pay (in premilllll i wit 11 com­th'~\r evening's amusement. The ea\ter· r"'u nrl interest llt 3 p c. i nc~l urlecl j t~lnmen.t W!\1 repeated on the next ~hrd~-fourtha of S225 20. viz.$168 90. m ght, w1th hke auccess. Notwithet.and- ll'rotn tbis ·ia calculated the 4nnulll ing the unfavour~ble weatber,the build· pr emium• to be paid by eaob ft11n 11 te ing wu fairly filled ou bo~b occ~~oaioua. i

It ie rumoured that the proooeda, teacher proport onale to her yeard over $20, are to be devoted t.o parieb ·•f PI\JIUent into &he Fund . purpoaea. 'l'b.e next point to C•101ider w1u: . Wehaveuevereoen a concert gooff flow much theGev~1nn1eotenould m better etyle. It refiocta gre11.t credi t ,leposit llnnually &ll at t 'l en11.hl" on Miu Newhook, t.o whom we are iu· t.uc~ers .t" •_I raw the P.-nsiona speci debted for tho whole atf•ir, 4nd whoae ned tn l::ltcuun l of Oulline~. 'fo well·known tact and peraoverance t · b' • brought proceediop to 80 auccC~ufu l nn :LScer atn l _ tl H ••• necos~•ry to isaue, And tqjsyoung 14dy j 1 ~ be ·~f>nsult Lt!e Tables. The l4i(e eapeciaUy congratulated, aeeing tb11.t rablea used 4re those aclupted 1> y th11 ...,aa her first atteJllpt llt what in 'he Nati?n~l Pr~videpce League or out port. pbr&~oologr woulJ b, termed he~tl Bnta1n, one of whose ai 11111 i1 •· getting up" a concert. to introduce a ayatern of OIJ 4 ge

Yours etc., Penaioos :

P.S, The IAdie• who lclqdl;!J~k (S) II or 100 perjlona 'fbO Nl\o'h-

two -days afterward!! . \\'h oo his h ·olhren-in-nrme beard t h i •. t hey turnetl out '"ith fixed bayonets. and c lt"Med tho Slr!!ets. woun ling one man dllngcmlusly; n nd it was only alter a great deal of rlifficu lty tb l\t t he Governor , Sir Ambrou Shea 1\nd the I nst>ector of Police got tb~ men back to barracks. The upahot was that a Britiab war veasel was telegraphed fnr. And tbu1 order ~usrestured . Though m utteri ngs of further reprilil\la were beard among the blaolc population. ·

.._Victoria Street School will be re· opened on to-morrow (Wednesday) morning,

-The Concert under tb,.e manage­mentor Mr. Flynn, gl\'en w~~uch IUQ­ceas in St. Paul's Hall on St. Patricke D&r. l.tat, will be reproduced in the aame bmlding Oll the evening of Friday next. The -'11\me m,euure of succc.-ea which a~tended it the first time will be sure to o.ttend it \-he coming oYening. tea·traya.are l'tlra. George Andrew•. MN their hnnty·fir.-t birtqday thlltu•

Capt. D&we, Mra. Cbt\1 . .1\J)drewe. Mr•. who reac~-,. R. H. Andrewa,and Miltlel Ethel Dawe 55 years o( lie will be ao PERHAPS Fno~c THE NARO!'IJC.-A Lon· Annie Andre .... A.nd Fanny Dawo. I 60 II . •• •• 54 ~!on despatch or April 22 anys ! A fish·

Port...dtJ-Grave, b!R.y 6Lh, F. 65 '' •1 •• 43 9 tng bo:lt bae nrrh•ed at Yumsden Hol· • • • , ltu~d, roporte h11.ving aoen a bont ~drift

-- 70 f' 'f " 32 8 :\ httle to tho weatl\~Rrd of the nlitlt.lle oC By Telegraph. . ,(6) Fro~ ~be CtLrli11!e Tt, bl .. a. Lhe tho North Sea. Painted on t)lo boo.t'a

._.- ~xpectation ot Life at 55 ye<J.r::l oi age lido ae fe.r as coultl be mAde out ware H.u.rr.u, May 6.-Tho O~nadian 111 17 + yeara the !etten "Xoran." 1ft the boat were

revenue for t.en month11 ehowa a milliem 1l'rom t.bis table lt wi 11 be eet•t that four deAd ~en, their bodien tied to tho dvllars over the an me period lut yMr. ' IUt of every 100 teaobert~ \T~u huvtl scata. A h1gh eea prevented the fi~h~ng The revenue exceeds oxpondiLuro by ll t · d th · 01 bi d v~aaol running ol01o to tho drtfttng nearly aix millione. ' . am~ etr " st r~b 4 Y · boat. It ie conjectured thl\t this small

The.ro wae a panic on tbe New York 6 WJll dr,w & pension for 5 ye~ua; 1 h<mt Cl\mP from tho ill-fllted Nt\ronic etock excbanie yeeLerday. ?s{any bro~. 10 11


" • · 10 . · era f~&iled, including ~raatue Wimo.o. ll 11 'I " " 15 ·• MARRIED.

The Albaniana a~ committing &troci·j 33 1' ' I " " 17i_ " At All Saint's Church, Dlldo, on Mon· tlea and . burning 8crvian aqd QrccLcf .t\• f1n u can be ga~hered from the d&y lut, by .tbe Rev .. A. C. Waghorne, villAge• in ~[acedoni11. ::iohno\ ~eports ~hero are 1 'l'homaa Smttb, of Dtldo, t.o. Louiaa El·

The ClJb!n rieing }l~ beoq enp- . 175 tnalo teachers • nd 2AO fetnllJ.. (Hordb, oC0

Dlldo t; rmely Miu Davie of prt!Ued. .. " , "' ar or race.

An e&l!tbquakn occurred Jn Sicily. teaoheu over 21 years of as•· Of ======w;:~====== The Kin~ or 011homsr 4bUJ04tea ~nc\ theee tbere •r~ D.UW.

aocepte a. French ponaioni • over 40 y~3 n•alea Al Cape Broylo on Monday, 8th inat, Cholera ie rav11giog Ala agai · . , n · I' 5i femal~ll . Mary, beloved wife of Capt. Peter Chid· l44T 8.-..2600 Jmrmpnt.J ~qe4 '•~ appro~im•~ ~oC tbt1e ~ 1 ley, and daughLer of William and Mary

Quebec 7"terday. . d 8 . • ma ee Bur:<e or thirto'Wo, aged 27 years, A dyoami~e bomb Wl\a thrown ll)to au 0 tem•. 11 may no' Jolo the At Rwloom, England, after a lonr

quadrangle of tour oo:1rta at DublU.. aobeme. · Tbaa leavea 160 malet and illneuJ_ Bober'. Grlpaetb, only aoo of bulldinp damaged but. no ono burt, 1 ' 210 female& t•, pay premloma. But I Capt . .t1ugh Hugu, in ~be 28th rear or

The ·New York panic t1 eftfted. Van. frulll 'heafl i~ it oeoe-.. ary to deduc\, hia age. The dec...-ed wu aon In law derbilt and 0\her rich ~en int.er,·ened. uy, on• ftftb for thoae wbo wil· 1 or Jl\mf!ll H. Dllvta, or tbia town.

Chicago Fair Wlll be oloa.ed an htue Lhe terYic• httfore ba~ng 1\t.l w-A 1\.TmED unda • • ~ined the awt o! 66 yeAr•. }$ut of . ~, -.L-

~~'\an :.oba&a ro)ecib~ ,;:e t~ol! left, olr:'y ~ ouL ll( JQQ ,q... • -,',w:;t.,:[ tM ' ! ·ft OONlOI to J,tf• Tablta IJI&ll noet~e . deiDOIIIIIa&loulr4 ~E . Jl"n•ion. o".' of all the &eaobtn To Buy a Pure-bred .... iMde ,. ....... , Ia Loadoa, I iA 'httOOIIQtrr,lber.furtt. 'biNiball Nfld. DOG and. SLUT ~ aod ~h• aide~. . rec.IYI pentlou, 72 mal• and 100 matt ~ ot di6'eren' tatnwee. s;J

Tbt Brl&bb de.PQ~o Kban Xe1a&. - flmal-. 'l'be ~~ anloun' draw, Danloul&ra uallt ud _. -wU1 AIIDI& Jleliobla&an. Tbe .lbWi lD peall•,n• u1 172 tuoben- bD Ollloe, q 1 a ,...oe ~ .... ~

-Thoro arri,·cd out by the Aeyrian, Prof('Rser R. H. Jones. from London, Englnnd. H e, '"0 understand, comes here tn survey the mineral dcpoeit.a of the Colony, cspecinlly asbestos. The Professcr, we learn is the author of a ~nc \'Olua;ne on " Asbestos : its Propet'­ltes, Occurrence, nnd Uacs, with some account of t.bo Mines of Italy and Canada." That. he will be a welcome visitor t.o the colony admit& of no doubt.

A lodge of the 0. of E. Aasiet.ant AI· eociation was opened at Upper leland Cove last night, under tho niime of St. Branch No.7. A large deputation from Carbonear, tbia town o.nd South Side waa present at the starting of the new lodge, and it is needleaa to aay th~t it n1 et with a he&rt.y reception. The depu· tatlon was entertained at the Parsonage Despite the storminess of the night, there waa a large turnout, aod the lodge bas been. started under very faTourable auepicea.--Com. ,

----Tm! H. B. R..ut.WA.Y.-Tho steamer

Capulet arrived at Clarenceville on Tuesday evening from England with Z/00 t.one of raila. Thisloolie like buei­neas. A lata number of the Herald states thRt it loarne that tho summer's li'Ork on the H. B. Railway will aoon commence and that 11. largely increased number of man will be employed. AI· · ready great qunntitiea of provisions, and supplies are being despAtched to beadquarten and appearances of a "boom" are strong.

-The. irat ca~o of livo atook for ~be aeaion wna recetved at. St. J ohn's per schooner Congo on Tuesday-consishng of 97 bead CAttle, 3 horace and 9 sheep. The Congo left the above port the pre­vioue Wednesday, and on that rugbt encountered a most severe storm. A. northerly g&le etruck her about80 mile• 8. E. of Caneo, and continued raging Ull 4 p.m. on Thursday, ehe being forced to lay to under bare polQII. All night through, her decke were awep~ by \be ae.u, amd of 69 ahoep ebe o&rried1 60 were either drowned or periehed uom the expoeure. · ---

-The ateamera Aurora &nd Eequi· m;lately aailed from St. John'• !or Da Strait& on a aix moot.ba, wbalinJ -.oy • The Conner boat took a crew oC a out 60 men. It i.a lnterealinc to note that three of the Dubdee wh&len .,hieh wea& to &he Ant.artic ocean laat autumo hqe returned unauooeeatulu tu ae wbaliDJ i.a ooaoemed, bo' \heJ fonnd an enonnODI number ot f(ar 1eall. One l'ellel aloae i.a uld \o haft 80,000 a kiDs 011 board. It Ia re~ ~~the aldpperi ~YIDM«l lbe loien\Jaa who aooompanled tber~Uca from tat­•~ obienMion in oil• &o))I:UI •• the

reGMta ot \he wUr,aboatl ol tblllll~ .. poaadl. •