I ANh . .. CONCEPTION BAY ADVERTISER. VOLUME XXVII Advertisements. ... _ .... , ... - ....... ... _____ .... ...,_ .......... _ .... ___ I llf : ttEIIY that unler pro•t•i..,no ol an Ac t J'I\Uffl in the Jut !'.uio11 of 1ho Le.:ial .. tart •, e11tirlc•l " Au Act 10 ruAko p rm ;Ai"u for t he l. iquirloti\JII of c.enain u iatinwl..iahi lities of lho Culuny, and (or purj\O&ee": I 1\m aut borill.'<l to raioo by Lot.u tbe Sum uf $102,000 upon l>ebentnrea, c hargrable upon an•l J'I&yable out of the r ublic Fuuda ,r t.ho Col- o ny alter tho of Twenty-tho Y c:aro. wbcn it &hall bo optional wit h tilt <io•erun>eot to pay o ft tho a:m1o o n 11iving T• olve previous no ti ce of aucb in· teu tiun, Tendt,.. for the 1\bo•e amount will be at tny office uulil noo n on T t:u- l' AT, the :->o .n ::< ru ,l:>y of l h :c unn:u nell, ·noe 'J'enJere 111111t how u: any Insurance Notices. PH<E· NIX ire JSSiirance Company. l.OIID41Ul BTnE&T. OllAntl\G ·COOS& L')NDON. I N 1782. TRU8T&E8 A DIRECTOR!!. ' Joeeph Wn1. lluendole, llriatow llo•ill, £aq. The Ho a . J&Juca lllog. J ohn Ch&Uoa, Eaq. Octuiua E Coupe. E.q .. l\I .P. Arthur ulle r. to:.q. Cbarlu Goodhart. Eaq, M. ltbode lla•ltina. 1-Aq. Sir.Joho J.ubb<x't . llart .• lllP., F.R.S. Charlc" Tbumu Lucu, E.q. Cbarl u l'he Jton. •:.dwin U, l'orlmt.a. J>udle7 Robert S1ni lh, E'q Wm. Jt.mea 'fh o mpaon, uq. BON. um•;c-ron: J oHN J. IILOOIIt ' tELn, £aq WtLLtall C. llfAcooNALO,} J oin t Fru.scu II . li!Acoos. ur), Sccrttoriu. / HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUNDLAND, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11 , 1886 . Advertisements. _______ .... _,_ .... __ _ -4KirtG POWDER Absolutely Pure. MisCellaneous. TllB OOLOKI.AL AND. Ilfi)LUl Z:X- BIBITlON. On Monday, lOth oiL, upeeial deputation of tho Londoa Tradu C.auucll proceeded to S.odrinllh"m to pruent to t be Prraco of Walee. u E xecutin Preeident of tho Col- onial aod Indian Esbibitloo, 10 arldrcte t.nd reaolatloo of t! l aolta piUIIICd by a lafl:ll delo- Rt. te meetll:'$1 of metropolitAn working men to bia Royal Hcghneu for bniog ini tiatetJ a nd directed tho sche me or chup admialioa to t be f:shibition (or t he artiaao cluae1 of tho metropolis. On llr- ri•iug at Wollertoo Slltiuo, the pArty wu con.-eyed in t he Prince of Wales' carril\go to tho booao ud entertained at luochcon. After lunebeoa tbe membcn of tb e depu· tatioo were receind In I he ball room hT tLe J.>rlace of Walca, t he PrinceM of \\a loa, and tbo Prince11u LouiAc. Victoria, 11 nd Maad, who were atte nded by th e lad iea and gondernoo ul tbe boueebuld. '11io t.ddr euand reaolnt ione, r eAd hy Mr . atipnlatee for apecial adnnl14fOI . Germ11o enter India. Auatrall11, Capo Colony, Laroa, and Canada under exactly tho aamo cotulitlooea• Eogliah. Now, aloce our Fuberland can mako ao cla im to any ol theae poaeasioaa, i t it plain ly deeirablo tb-t they aboold remain Ia lud•a baude, and tbia impliee t.be uoimpatr· ed continuance of J::ngland u a World· .Power .• : Lot ua irnfllllno lodia in ht.oda, wit h tho Sue& Canal in thoeu of Freoco, and wo are confronted with ao in - tercoloni"l di ... tor. Protec tive dutiea,pro- bi hi ti oo of importl anti of e xports, wilh t bo toution of fo reig n morchao ta aod ¥ea&ela. all t hnt would be tho o rder of tho day. Aod it ia prcci 1ely Gormany •a trade wh ich is mo ra and more preMiug for- to tho aecond immcrlt:<toly af- ter :£ngland·a. t ht.t wou ld eapcclally eofft r. NUMBE R41 :PBENOR FlllAITOE& M. Heori Gortllllin, obairmao of (bo hu publiabed a aecond tte Ia t he Tt• on tbe fiD&Dcialli F nett In tho ;in.t, he ahowetl· that io the 'COD of eight yeaf\, from 187-i to tile pendilure roae in Franc o hom 2 ,oo0.000.000 lmnca to 000 ' !Uia abor• period, he uya. autllel!d t o ioc reue tbe ao- oual b ud j!et of tho country by france. Sinco 1 81!:! tbe amount of the ex- penditu re hu r eru11i ned atatiooary. 'I'be , wu or 1870 aud t hn inYIIIioo bad a lready iocreaacd tho burden of tho tax-payera by 600.000,000 1\1 the bodget or 1869 to 1.!'00,000.(00 lraoca. We ten hero a mut ilated nt.tion which baa aupport- od for a peri od of 12 yeare tho burden of 1.8110,1)00.000 of now ebargea, and, . to ita toil 11nd wiadom· 1t haa not awer ve1l fro111 ttl courao, io apito or the i mprovidonco of tho moo by wbom it baa been governed . At a timo of unbroken peace, t he expeneea of E'rt.aco bne iucreMed by 11 aum 1\lmoat eqnt.l to t be amount of tho wholo Uud get of two I{Teat E uropeau PruNi& and Italy. Wloile tho oxponaeot or 1-'ranco hno been io- cr oued by 1.200,000.000 france, tho Bud- gota of tho fi 'o ot her g reat l'owo,.. hno IJcoa su .;mc nt od in tho u mo bpao of l imo uollara will be l or ·· •ery One llun - Th e enj{1ll(e1Ut nta of thiB Office t.U llUIIr- dred J)olbno S1 ock, which Stock will br:u AOieed by a numero us ond wealthy l'ro- • i n tert'At a t the r111e ol four cent ):klr prier•ry in t.rlditiun lo a la r 11e in•eatcrl 1\Unum, P":r• hle hlll r- y< ·Miy . and the proumli lude lit.era ,1, S. llo :-::\ELI.Y" lty with wh ich cloi ma hue always hern )(.,..,,..,_ r.mrrnl. met. are well- knn wn 1\IIU -- --- - - -- -- - · -- - ·n1r impo rta nce o f tl•e trau1111ct ioos of f,"rurrnt.• Otfi. l Th is J>O wder ne •cr variea. A manel o l p 11 tity, •t reoj!th aod wbo leeomeneM, lll nre econo micAl than t he ordinary kinds. Mill r.11 nnot be ao ld in comJX'lhioo with the n111hiturle of lo w tul . ahort weigl1t. alu m or phospltole Jl 0Wt ler11. ,<;,,ltJ t•n/!1 i11 COli&, J( n uL I!HISG l' owtH:u Co., 106 Wall · •t. Sbiptoo, coo•oyed lh o grateful th,nk e And. high appreciation ol t be thousands of wo rk - ing people r epru e ntcd l>y himself 1\nd col· lelollUCI to bia ltoyal for the ki od and tbooghtful cooaklof'llt ion whioh had indoced l1im to place lhO nud eotertainiotr lolluooco of U1 c within tho met.oa of the •r ry humblea t claaaoa of Her t.lajeaty'a enbjecrs. and fur · ther u preeaed the cou• iction th"t tbo Ex- hibi tion wo uld bue reeulUI in into cl oser uni on the hornr coo try wltb ita Yaat and immcuso depcn<leocie8 in all partl of t he wor ld. to tbo ultimntc IJencflt or o• c ry aec lio n of tho communi ty mlneot ill alarling IL. More than llYo mil- lion per.o01 bue paaaod tbrouab t be tum- etilu linCf' on May 4 l:uat, Hor Majoaty opened 'tbl great dilpiiJ of tho rroductl and maaafacloroa of 'he Empire outaido th- blea. No other docn1ulo n lu tho world could aJrord eucli a allow &o We cue of itft c:iti&eo•, a abow ao aigniOcallt of im- mool8 aod rracticaliJ bouudleu rQIOUrcet. Enry & ooo tha' tbo auo ahlnee npou hu beon repreeonted In the hnildinaw whicb friog 6 the gardena of tho R ... yal llorticul- t aral Society. au<l. tborc ia ecarcely a won- dian wbich trnYcnlea d ry land thlt hu not aentaomo trihuto to this Imperial co ll ce- tioo. Af"'rl ft!t OICCthcr froiD tho 811 CCCIUI or tho F:xhibitieo fr om the point of •i cw or finance. nn•l 811pplyiug abuudaot meaue of pro l\tablo r ocrcation, the re can be no d ou bt thRt ill ,...(ue, oduca· tlo o:ll lynnd c an ecarcely be o nr· eetilnl\tcd. '1 heru •ro bu mlrcda ol t hou - Mndo ol in th cae ioland• to whom lndii\D £xhibitioo hu d>Ol t> ao " re•cl >lion. They hat! heard of Sj'llney , OtUt.wt.. a nrl Mon treal in nnd learnt fro ll1 curso ry per u&'\1 of booka and n ewa pApors ho w full of lifo r.n<l prosperi ty wero tho Engl:>ndJ/ beyond tbo ecu; but non t hey hue aeon " ith th eir own eyeL It ls tbro tl1a\ couati tu tcd · th o grea t me rit of tho E xhi bit io n, It hM been ao r Mnised :>nd "" to bring homo t.t n glanco tho gre11t ft.ct• of o ar lmporial pooition. Tbe mode- ol t hQ o1en and wo- men of differ en t rAOt'R hue aubtcned thia purpoao 1\8 well as t hat of 1>>iviug pictur- esque c iJcc:t. Tbo mt.pa. tho photogrRplll. th o mural and oth(lr pniutin o;s, havo hclpd<l withou t nn effort th e lea11t mtelligent to r eali z.o tho nl\ture of the endle111 and ing acenes upon which lbo Unio n J I\Ck looka down. No c:ou ld treaJ the courUI aud gallurica at S outh too •l tb out " feetiol( of pride Utt.t he waa o ne of a r•ce wbich had dono An < l achie ed so 1 ouch . 1\lu.l which hlld' wade eo many wnto pl t.cea of tho eart h ao rich and pros poron11. Thc10 anxieti es, it ia truo, mny relorc to a romoto futuro, t.od ooo MJ el h-rdly coo· cei vablc; at ill they s how ho.., dcairnblc it ia lor Ul thllt ibe world pOAitloo o r 1-:njl- laod ebould l>o 1ruu ntame d, and how aoy diminution t he reof to tho 1\duutngo or and mnat bu dup lor ed .. .. Once t ho 111"ck politi c.,lly apct.kins:, become& " 11\k e, it will also at tho umo t ime become sucb comme r01.ally, and wilh wo alao aho uld loso ou r trado in thoao r cgiooa . ..• f'rom tho Gcr- m&n atandpoio t, thercfnre, C3n on ly be a mat te r for r eg ret that Englaod'e infln· onco in th o Lenni hM eun k ao low ,11ud th&t her pro leeta no w counL for nothing. 'l'bia "'"Y bo r egarded by tbc Englioh ol\tion u a just l or ntfh:cti ng to propa rt tb onuel • oa proper ly for war, for tb ia pre- parcdncaa might b&Yo vory well aonnd u a me:>ua ol acc:uri ng pcaco. Whco J::nglood aecka A n1oJei for n di tJorcut policy eho will find it 1u that of our Emporor aod hie Chaucollor. in a • o _ry different proporti on. Til ey hno been 111croaacd by :1.'>0,001).000 in• E n$!11\nd, by 200,000.000 fr11oe8 in l' ruaeia, .. by fraoca in llu.aio. by 350,000.- ooo frr nce in Au•trio.- Huosuy. laod by 250.000,000 franca io lti'Jy. Is n:m:srrso To are In ol t ho M ulrallicn/ Ntrc• , for No•. 15th, "nd take picuu ro in callinl! tho at· loution or o ur rcade11 to tho merita of that J ournal. It ia beaL papers Jhat eo me to our edi tor ial tt.bl o, filled 1\8 it is with original nod choice illuet ratione of t he im- uo•el inventions of tho timea. Ita ar o r erloto with well articlu on prac tical anbjocte. read1ly unde,..tood by any reader, wbilo i ta IOiacellnuooua a nd nowa tnlltler mako it at- tractive to th oao intcreated in tho io dualrial proaperity ol our c ou utry, th o whole for m- mg a rich atoro of ueeful rea ding st . .t"Jt ". .. r:!o. l "q PlHENTX FIRF. OFFI CE !\ .Y. J,..,!l ty '11oo Prince of v. ·alee. 11fter bid di 1'1>r bis a bearly welcome in hl o own DGtn e aut! tht.t of tho l'riocoN, uid that ho wM j:f'lltifie<l beyond mcuuro to know t h"t his tl fo ru in tlto mt.uurr in t he <CIO· lntiona read to him h·a. l met wit h auch '"'' suoeeu and wide :apprAcillt iou. I lu was fu lly able to uy ll<at ti.u & t:<lementa 1nnde to him in tho addr cY ""'I r esolu ti on• .. ore borne o ut by lho for of tho toll\l of •iaiton to lho l::&loihltiou, no le.. .. " 11u m ber lhaQ,. l ,U68, 11U,In l hu proporti on of II adultt. "oJ 2:JS,GG!l ch1l<lren , r opro- IW!uleJ tbo iu c\o uno•l"o •ith tho metropohlau arl iMns' edw1no, Tu tbn•c mighl fni rly bo ad•le,l thoao rc J>rc- aenting tho adhli Niuno in conoexiou wilh the wo rki Pg meu'a c lu b• for med 1hrou11h· out lho J•rOYincce. which wou iJ bring the total to l .l/:l4,11 0, or inore than a fi lth ol tho who le uutu bcr Qf Yitilora tb>L puae •l throuwb tho donP11. Ilia Roy"l ll ighoeN truated that l be an ti cipationor a cloacr ooJoo-ror commercial and iudii l tr i&l 1\d lf&llUij!CI-{)f part of t be would moet wit h full rcali utiou , I ln : u i':IIY :\0 ri CE llol\t nn•l .. r fMJ be car imnle •l fr om t lt r fnct tltot ainct' Itt(' prP•i•i oM or ... ,\ CI l>AA••I In it.o eetl\hli•brueu t -oo w o nr ll t: Nnnt : ll loat !'e<lrion of the 1..-ll!!htnn·, outu lc• i .. An Y• :•t.a - the 1•nym en ts in aat ielftc ti nn or A.-t for I he nromo1 i"" of I 1 Clfti ms fur have Fot:UTEE!' a.u :m1horir.cJ to rot"' lty l.oRu lloc oum of Sn :uu so l\l.t:>i uot Lou IJy Fire t.re d fectNI t.y th<J Cntnp-ny upou every cl l'ropcr ty, on tho most fa< o rabl e $60 ,000 uron cltft.rt.:t"Ablt• upull anct JaiJie ont or the l 'ul.o lie F unoh of lht ( 'n 1'\t thf" l 'Xl' 1r,I \1Ull Of J" \ YC:nfy·fiW' t' \" ,• .,r.,. h cun ·rerhl«""' tor t'• e :l.ho1' c W, &. c; ltE:" St.. Jnu s, .i gr" b ]"' !l · nr( ullhdlar·• r"-· i Yl"tl Al 111)' ')lti,•t,, uut 1l un '"• on · I•, y th•· So.n :s 111 ''"' of I )I t'UIIII n n.o T euJ \! r8 IUU"' t l' I}Ht••"' ltfJ W mttnytlol - h no will b, lor O ne tlunllretl u' •tr '• S1oc L. \\I ll beAr 1n\er- al tlar r ... ,._. u( four pe r per auuutn . payablo \\'ii. LI A )l .1 S llll:'\:'\EI.i.'r , l!Lcrn"tr fr'tut rof. NOW I• tt.c time to louy " • nd firat ·d oa Organ and Piano n:nll 1 nt. UEI 1 IUSE\D T1 \. E MUSil ' li OUSE Uj .Yr •rf<Jt mJittruL Tl:e largest STOCX w cbooae !rom. Yuu arc e urc ul a 6ret ·CI..a& art tc:le. PlANOS,.OltGANS • o tluo itllh•lu,..nt l' lan , Old Pianoa and Orarana taken ln n :- chAnge. L A. CONRAD & 00., t; o ; Ht; IIAL Aonn. J IG ll' ttltr St, St Jnll"''· "1'1-''' Grvc,ry Slort. l NOlt1,HERN Assurance C'mpa,ny l"Uit FIFl.E LXFEl C.U'(TAtr-£JIOO<J,OOO Stg '\ -- .. ..•.• ... ..... do . ... ........... . . 1,',7,1 OU ............. . ..... .. .. ... 110,()()( OfF I <:Y.S: Moorpte S treet AUitiiUioi-S S treet . T a .. trance <"D"I'cle<l on Pr o perty in )l ew(oun• U .. aw A ' Bauo. of Pro- wiuhl . P aoRPEC r U81t11 - Por'IIM of Applica tion tM Firo ""J L ife ln liUI'IIf)llll, and •II other lnlo ru111t ion caB lJe obt.aioed a.i tho odiec ot , A. 0 . HAY\V.\RD, ST . Jon• ' •, .tg.ptc (or /( ,G U A- R·DIAN FIRE • LIFE Assura,nce C'mpa,ny Olf LONDON. ES T.\BLlSHED &uuoeueBD C"-r & TAL ...... #. ,£l,OOO,OGO " 'font. hcorunD Fun>l ur- wAaos n' •..•• ·····- ····# .. t.710,00C " UO,OOO " nt "0UARUJUI' lallialf .. Eotllet. n&lltb011 •oatd ... Nble •-ra.:. itedoo..C.d atabllity, .r.. .,.,.. proephftdl .... , 0 ew-' 1011 . ltto altdentlif1141Cl h_.f bM A,..rt lt.wfoudlud ie to (e. .. Po bi . JAIIB8 .JOSEPH GI.JDDEN, F IRE AND LIFK. F. STABLTS HED A n. 1 8 :3 7 II I> 1J FFl Ci':: 103 EC Capita . l: £1,000, 000 Stg In su ran c e& on -ltnool all ldn dt of prorerly in :-.'ewlou ulllouJ &t lo wul 4 lli 11. J. A IJl;UsTI ;s CI. Wf , SOt.ICI IIIII , ST , J Agu : :. II . s,.t, .. i yt "r f" r 1/orb<•r GrtJr• QUEEN Insurance Cjmpa,ny CAI'ITAtr-£2,000,060 Sterling . QUEEN INSURAN CF. ll U ILJ' lN G Ll V EHPOOL , - Ali i>- Q UREN 60 G RA CEC HURCH STHEET, LONDON. TWENTY-VIItST REI'OilT fhe Rf'J>Orll anJ t .. r the ye.r UI7S. preoMsnted t.o th e S lu•rehu hl ere at the Annuo&llJ ee ting, on Tue ad ay,27th Mo&y, at whi .:l• BernarJ H "ll.t-Nj., p resiJt'<l. e h owO<I, in the l)l, jJ,.NI 11nd &nua the rate of 16 p er cent. w.a tlocl nred, .£14, 035 bei ng cur ireJ fo rw.rd . FIRE DRANCH, ThaL the Pr e miumll for 18 7R, after d ed uc ting R ••· inK urence., tu &466,274 , luling :m in.:re ase oi £!1,3!)1 ovflf' the P remiu m lll come of 1877 ; a nJ the Losses to l ){"i ng per cen t. on the Premium• ol th e Y I!Mr. · THE LIFE OEPAHT.MKNT. That N ew Pol icie• had been iuned f or £ 22! U 86 ; anJ that. th & Lif e l'uodl. hy t ho a.ddit.ioo• 11111do w it •• th e rMuta nl the y &t r'l opel'll ti o nl DOW r epreMrot.t 67.9 Iter cent. of th e e nLiro n&t Premiuw, received on every 110liey in forM. Ti1e aurplu• haJ1.nce in the gire A e-. was eb o wn t.o be .:6107.699, out ol wbi.ch £ 20,000 """ Ap(ltO(lrU. ted to SuepeDA,e raiaing •bat A•unt t.o £ 140,000 111tl with tl .. fte. ae rve Fun4 and &I&OOO ctrried wrward £2 4.000: PUN DIS Cap""' Pald ep .. .......... ... 1180,010 Uentral Rete"' l!"aa4l ••••• '.• ... lTt,OO. liVe hndforuaearud P,..l••• 140 1 00& Balance eamed forwerd •• •• •• lf,DIO We Acep•ulallon Fond. .. u•al.tt' read ••• • :. ••.• 11,636 -- · £1f1 6,428 J OHN CORMACK, GtJUrol ¥!f4. lki•Aoc11Tl{ · • · A. T. DU\'lf()ALE , HarbOT (;nee, JL D'8B£EHAN 41 Co., BJ Plme . ST. JOHN'S Marble & Freestone W01 ks Au::t.MiDEU SMI TH, PnoPnt£TOR. ALUAllf>t:R S•nu deairu to thank thoao who h&Ye fu or .-d him iu th o paat with the ir ordora. and wou ld l nlimal c the aao:o limo that he baa laci litiea for wo rk in l1 is li ne with doapalch and ueatnu ... and at pricxa thal CAnnot bo com- pet e<l with. Pdracua rcqnirinjZ I' I ECF .S, MON (J MENT::i, ll l!; A USTON ES TOMKS, CU({HS, llf :ARTII S and COP· 1:-\C:S, would do well to call on h im. 'r bey can olltaln artiatic, thoroujlb aod wo rk manahip at pricea l ower tbao th., low· eat e ltewltere. C ll U RC II · WORK- Fonta, A !taro, Tab - let._ &c.- a The S ublcr i ber fo rlyyean uperlonce in tbia Colony ia tberolore In a poeition to proYido l\Jaterlal and Wotkmao - abip calculated to e ndure tbe ot our elimat.e. 276 Gower Street, St. John's. .\pri118 REDUCTION! REDUCTION! -o-- F or One ltlonth Onlyt 'l'HE S{JINE SINGER Lookmu Haba &81\\i,lltr D :aur.u mothi• wrtacm ... , "-at.asual J'i&tWirr Jfaow.., lSeet lbchltte 011, NMdlaa &!ld Attadl. 111e1111 for all MACHINF.S, an redaoed w •priMe, for oae mont! Olal(• • :ne !li.,ir II P! 8AitTB, 17! "•ter St., ot Joho' e. WUf 8 ·¥;*0JUlU8 BJtP AlJlEJ>, Tbc de putar ion we re then t bown over tho p rioc:ip al r oowa o( tbo house bJ tho Prineil, and were au!Mequeotly conducted to t be gard ena. !arm bu ildin1:3. 11ud cottft4;CCI on tbe eatato. Tea wu provided ip the ::::&odri nahm W orkin11 c:ub before t he party l ul l for W o llo rtoo to r etu ru to London. Ia the aft ernoon u cconddoputatioo,corn - poll!d of repreaeutali•u ol tho Working M.·o'e Auociau on :aud iUI kindro.J orga oi utiuua. arriHd at to preaent aa ad dreaa of a ei m1lar chl\ractor to that ol 1llo Loudon T rade• Counc il. 'J1 •ia do putalion wu alao euter taine•l "t l oochton, aud at b eqneotiy roce i,..,J by the l'rince and l'ri nce <l pi Wal e• and t he Uoyal fAmily. Tb o a dJreu or IJIO o\IIOCit.· tion wu read by Mr. llcf•ren ce WM IOt.da to , tho public: wort of tbo lato l 'ri nco Conaort aud ita happy eon tinuat ioo by t he P ri uc: e of Woleo. Ili a !l oyal Jl ig hue• replie.J to tb(t • ddre11 in auitable te r m•. aud ret.cated loia uaurauc.o of tho pleuuro which had nffordcd h im to gi•e etroct to the incl iualiooa of tko working cl..- in retpoct of tbe Ex bibitrou and to aeo aome of tbcir at hla & untry bomo, Thia depu111t io 11 waa t.l ao cooducted over tho estate and cot- t.ageo, and t.hor o f t.ea a\ Mr . Heck'a (the agoot'a) houae, roturoed to town. eourt..ey wu ah own w tho d et:utat iooa by tho Grea' Eutern ltailway Company, carriagu beioK pto ,ideJ ou tho traiue both "oing and r oturum". OLOSING OP TRB SOUTH ltENSING . TON XXIliBITION, Doily Ntrr:l. Nnv. 10) Tho the in South Kcnlllngton toZ&\ey toatke tho ackno wldi· ed of win tar in real earneat. ' l1oe Colo oil\l aod ludiau 1!:1bibition, without tho pro1pect of JouoJ(i Di in tbo J:Ardcna, JIUd liatening to tbe ac e ing tb e rath er 19f!rotricioua li.,tlta Ouh tbo fonnt..\irr., ia oo be tter tban any other mu - aeum, a ud oo t 10 good u 1uany. Lovu of pure art and wo uld guido a ruan with aoroe boun t.liapoul to Ul ooun bury ratbe1 t han to South Kell,lington. m ul l be I\Cknowltd11ed e•eo bJ tho cynical c ritic thd tho Jo ; sbibitioo bu d ono & good deal to coo•ince that Calllda. aed Auatralia. aod India, and Now Zeelautl, are real plaoea. places worlll uwolo11 t.ud oo\ IDCreiJ 10 many uamee oo a map. The a ppea rauco of tbo naliYM of aomo of tboae diatant po•· -foal bu alto beeo lotlractiore, aDd if they have rather a limitftd knowledge . of oar eocnetJ. at all eYeota e.,.ryranlt of that aooiety h• llee11 fri.endly. They miiJfCO home, like 11ood pa&riot.e. with a higher opinloo or tb elr ipl\italiotu. of the ¥iHUI aad be&DtJ of'lliejr womeo. &od of tbe of tJMII tbao tl1ey b1d before. Hat c.beJ •Ill all we hue t41d lo - tho•, aod that it wu a "'1 dlatiJrrut,tted.U.Ial to be blaok, red , or ,.no• ' 1010n110 maop;maltitlldee of .. on or leu •Wto l'l't E-,blbltloo 11M lne&ttlftir e.ud the E1blbitlon baa bet!o IJODle.l . Be' IL &I ao& orowded elthor bf llllade enlaaireiJ i oqolrlo;r and dldacUG, or bf plul .anLbropleta. ENGLAND AND GERlllANY. (From IJOru• - //ttl/( ) In ia •io•od with mixo•l bolh in Gov.,rome nt ci rclue IUid in th11t por tion uf tb o Prow which en - j••ya o ffic il\l fuor. Fricudlineu nnd aver- aloe Albi on, t he tnistrt'M ol t he SeA, do not follow party inclinatloua, but m11y mlh er bo found co-ex ietiog 10 tho ... mo. breu t lt ia tlo o haliil us to ridicule the onc11 powerful uati ou bec:auao t. u a llowed ita miliUt.ry atrong,t_h.ao tQ' de-. ,oliuo lh&t, aemi-bt. r baroua. penplo · !r itl.o. wilh it ; W ll nld tio Ill our all y, th o: ouly ono Gur:UM•) nod Auatria o ted 10 o rdo r to ae- cu ra th o peaeo of the world, Ooo c:auoot but honour t he £uglieh love of peaco which, ltumt.oly r tga rde<J, atln da in coo- lraat lo the r eatlcaane .. of t.od tbo terri torial groed of lluuia. But wbat l;er - man is oot proutl io tho conecioueoen thl\l o ur jlreat ruitir.or1 power baa don& t he c:an1o of peace aa ic e than •II tbo yie ld - of Eoglaotl . It Ia. In f110t, thia pllnucy a nd tho fear of war wbicb huo ump te•l o1bcr nation• to bocomo a rro gant t.od lorougbt ua near to wu. \Y ith tho t::ngliah tldet and army plact:d in a oome- w!Jat b.. ll cr coutlit iOD, aud with a little more cou rage tQ th e llefeoce of well· 'il 'cigh · ed intcreata, En ,;:lan tl, by joini ng tho AU4• tro- Gorwau A lliauce ,cou ld e&aily guarantee th e peace of the wurld. Bu' ao lona u thin.:a contiuoo u tboy are, rid iculu and acoro of her will be too well juatiliad , Ne.-ortlloleas. a great mnjori ty or t boae amo11g ua who aro call able of rormiu11 pro - per volillcal opiuioue hear tily . gran\ £ug· land hor poaition u a Worhl-Po t: r, T he t111 nsmarino poii.'IC&si.>na not i11 our O"!U haorla would, lro1u th o HerOlaa poiut oT •iew, be 1uoro iu tho keeping of wan of any ot ber t: r03t Powor. Our own co lonial policy o ven baa not brc ught in ro pormaucnt ant.agon - iem to lireat lJritAio. Apart from trauaient ulhnotkreUt.ndioj!a, more '"ilh indivirlu41 colonial than with tb o Euglieb S uo.to, Gur maoy bu beon able to aocu re o' ber ter rit orial wi thout any difficulty, and, ou ly ruceutly, our Uo vornrneot. eemi-oflicilllly i t ia tr ue, yel empltatic:ally declart>d with rofereoce to t ho dehc:ato t .V ri ean busi neaa that tlere wu uo reaaon '10 cornpla1n or any ill · will on t he pa rt of Tho po1ition of ou r co lonies and of those of Englao<l ia, in auch a aerione d iaputo about them or " mill tory coutlicl ie ac•r Ctoly po aillle 1 while ou r inte reeta in £uropt havd never bea u oppOAetl, nor dou tl -111 lik e- ly th•t theJ will e.-er be . l!:nl(laud·a p roperi ty lle1uanda pe:.cc.; and •• o, too, are ltrl•ing alt er the and not leao tl1ao ahe iL 'l'buro ia 110 chaoco of En..;lanJ couqueat in !'::n ope ; and umilarly, seekl no I a,qlt iaitioua, It ia alao to their comu1on intort!ltl that Franc<J t.nd llnMil\ ahuold be cured of th•ir wt.r- tilte pueio na: aud if thia cure aJ .ouiJ cur l111•o to be ulfcot.cd by bluod and ir on, it eon ld bo d ona wilb tho beat pro apect ur auc . oeN il jol ued her w ariti otu force to th e mltillrJitri iDjlth or Auatrla t.od Gar- many. Ia th oro moro annoying t han huin11 you r corn •t eppcd u poo? fe tbero anything more dclijlhtful t hnn get t ing rid ol it? ll olloway' a Corn Curo will do it, fry it wd be coo \"ioced. B oo,; C, \SVASSt:n.- • J)o n 1 t y on want to buy"" en cyclop:edill t o-day? No ! \\'h"t do I wtw t with ench " thing ? I'd break my neck tho first timo 1 rod o 1&: Much dje treaa ftud aickncu in ehildreu is caueed by wortaa Mo tbor Gr&Yea' \\' orru gi•oo roliof by romoving t bo CAUIC. Gi•o it a tr ial and bo convinced. ' Ct'TS'- 1'bo beet lhiut we of to heal a cut or wotlnillri to ' liind' Uf t llo in· j1 uodpart ,;ith • • olQtl:l u tl 0 rated 111 :l'or.-y Uavia• My doar, ' uid Sn•g2s to her hue- band, wbt.t 11 a canard "t' W by. cao:ud i1 IO IUCtbiiiJ: OUC Cl113 rdJy IJo li OYO, Of co uuo: ·.Oh, to lie aure! WL.J cou.ldu't l think of that?' CAtTTIO!f. -Dowaro of diphtbcrl11, lntlu- c nu, broncbitia. congeatio u of lt ho lungs. cougha and cold at this eearoo of the year. Keop l\1i o ard 'e l..inimoot io tho houso J or iutmedi:\tO ueo. It way suo your lifo i it bu tll•ed thouaant!a. Llldy of t bo hou • n ( to tramp)-' W hat t.rc you doin" l bere ?' Tramp-• Alaa lady, I am ao huo"ry that I am CMIDI( jlrriP.' L:ldy --' l' onr man, come aro uud to tho bllck -ya rd where the l(ra.&.ll io rcru hi" b. You CAD malto a full meal t here.' To no up tbo I) et.om IJy tho n1111 Ayor'a It will uuko yon reel like a uew flert.an. Tboneauda bue found health ftnd rel ief f rom aufferi og by the of tbis 11re aL blooo purifier • hen all ot bor woaos !ail ed. you r child r en aro euffdriul: wi tl< t bia m11lady and ueally co u. hiog thomacl• ·e• to deatb, eond to Y"'" J)rul!t;iat antl buy " bottle of Al- l cn' l Lung UftlMm, and rel ief. ,. u can con- 1\Jootly uouro you, will bo ant.! eoro . Ue foro you begin your heny apring work after a . winter of ruhnatio n, you r aystem uoede cle:lllsing etr.lnjlt heuiog tb pr veut ao of lliliona or Spriul( Fe ver, or aomc other Spring aickueaa that will unfit you lor • a<!aao u't work . You will M\'6 ti me, mu ch aicko c1111 aod ex . J>Onlo il you witt 1110 ono bo tt le of fl op lo you r filruily thil mootlt. Do11 1 t •a it. - /Ju rlwgtmt ' l11At • T OCOiin of tho son I, tho Din ner llrll. aa Byron it. auggest.! no plcU· i ntc reHuctious to the dy•pept ic, biliona suf- forer. Uu ol couroo. but t he au b- i• egrol!iooaiy ou t of pro - portion to th o qu1111tit1 of lood he tl\ts, which Ilea a woirthl liko lead in hia uuh•I •PY atornaeh, ·rh e re ia a re111e dy, ho•ovur. Bu d iu n•wo Nor th rop Ly- man'• Voge ll ble Uiaco,·ory aud Uyapoptio Curo, No c:uo i1 entirely It i8 a lacl tltl\t Ur. 'fhomu• Eel eel ric Oil ie a1 g.)Ool for iuturnal u e x- lerna! ueo. For dis-• of the lu nga anti and for rboumati am, nournlwiA, erick iu tho naelt. wonuda and aoroe. it i• tho beat ltuowu r emedy. anJ much troubl til ii l>y hm,·ing it alwoya on band. Jacob Lockman Uuffalo, aaJa he haa bevn uaing it for r heom111i1m. Ue had anch a lame back that he eou h.l Jo no tl1 lu1 : bul o ue bottl e entirely c ured him. · Nor Ia it poaaible to como to ot he r con- oloalc u when ono conalden , the of Gormany"a foreign tratl ,, H ia true 1luu wbtor eu fun u ..rly wo cna· tomera we b!t.-e uow b ecome her compvli · lora , aod rualty t.h e two natlod1 Ia very , not ' 1/ ollotcay'• Pilu curd Oi•l ...ntl .- Soldien only ca n bo pereonal lrienda, And Sailora.- · 11 Jt Ae we ll ltn..,wn and eu1ly bu' u a r11l o tl i.,, hne many commoa i n- u'ed r !lmediu are upecinlly to defend and we OoroJ&nl lu pu- aud coonnle ut for tboao who. Jllte ioldicra tic war ba'Ye no . reuon to charge l':ogfand aod a-i)on , are espoartd to arer(t wilh dewlatlag ho111 tbe purely competiti'o of c lhualo, and tbe hanbhi(>ft inaepArable ataodpoin\. ltlon of ou.,r good• and inc.lua- from their Maoy of the dluaaea trial artlelu, 11111&r, aed a11ricultoral p ro · enpndered in the ayateru from thet o an<l ductl (apiri ll t.n-i Jiqaon u cepled) are ad . other uotoward cau1101 oan be c hee ked and milled i nto frn or daty, aud. our controlled by attention at tbrlr onaet, and ebipe trade Ia &111 pott• of u In in ll o lloway•a remodieo wilt be lound a th- or oar own Wberenr ,...dy mea111 of relief, witho ut hin<lranco fta1 ftlee t he pri..olplee elf r,... f rotn duty. am-nIa ln•alil!od and T bo pnbli,hcn annou nce thM oYorJ per• who aeada ouo dollaP11 (tbe aubscfiption pnco of tho paper) t!lb " Me. cbaoical Nowa'' l or . OliO ana a 11ble pr emium, 'Tbe ' premium woclb the p_rice Mkod for lho J)ut , will ooly bo to tboa .c aubacr1bi ng beforo Jao. · 1887! 11fter .-t.!ch. limo 'prQmiuDl wcll bo, g1ven tq l:'le qlfer ia most li beral aud ncry mocb&nicahould aoad for a copy of the paper, wbicb will bo miitle_d freo of cbargo. Witb yoar owu oamo gno tho o&mu of your frieoda io- tereated io such eubjectft. a od coP.iea wiU be to th em llho. Addreu, l'be Me.. ohaoica.J :Sewa, 110 Liberty at., Now YDTk. What ttue Xerit will do, Tho uoproccde otod eale of &.rdu' Ger· mon Syntp within 11 few yeue , has aatoni•b- ed tho wo rl d. It ia withoul doubt th eea leat aod beat remedy e• er diliCovorcc.l for t ho apeody 11ad effec tual cure of Cougbt, Coltla and tho IO\'c rest Luug 'J'roubleL J\ aou on liD oo tire ly ditrerent yri ociplo from tho usuAl proacript iooa gi•co by as il doea no t dry up a Cough 11nd leno t ho disoaac still in th o eyatem. but oo tho con· t rary removea th e ca.ue of t ho. trouble, beala t ho p:trta a ffect ed a&d lenei t horn in • p urely healtlly C.lodit ioo. A bottle io houao for uao when the10 dlaclllel mako th ei r appearanoe, will ea•o doctor'• billa aud n apdll of aeri out illneas. A !.rial will con•inoe yon or t hue It ia poai tiY .clf ; aold by all d ruggiata.a odgen· era( dcalenJ in "10 Jaod. l 'r100 n CODtl large bo ttlea. Fo rty ye:lra' ex perience, io every climo oa baa pro.-ed Ayor'a Cher ry P e<1to ra l to be th o mo&t reliable rerootly lor colda, coughs. a od all diseucL Neglected colda o ft en become incurable ailmeotl. l>lllll with tborc In t ime, 11nd prnool tbcir deep &eated in tho ayatem. SUPR 'BillE 00t7RT . FriJ11 y Dt ctnrbtr 3, 188G, Jor vs Jon £T AI.. tl•o li on. Mr . J uatiee Utile wltb a Special Jury. 'I l<i< c.ue. which had bo<'n u n<ler eoo- si•leration for two daya. wu concluded t Mt U\'euinJt. It waa an acti on Io ken by the plaintiff, J oy. t') r eco o 'er tla...,a 11 u f ront Job & Co. for an allef(utl brooch of a oon nout in " roortgago doed made botwecu tho parlirL . It that C•pt. Joyl1ad been dOI\1- with t he a bove• named flrm for 11 perin<l of l!S yeoro.and on bnt intu "t Carl- loon h J,.ndL That bis buaintu wu \' cry aucceurul uotil in th o yeu ·ss. wbeo be bccan.o £ 1.GOO In Suppliea were conti nued. howeycr, uutil •8.'>. when t ho i n- tlellted nell wu $19.000 ""J oeROiiationa eute rotl into be tween t he l'"tiea lo lhv &lilt. and the OUtCOme of t hUe IIOflOiiJI• t iuna was t hot a mortttaf(o w&s wlven by t he no" plahuilf. The wu tu ruu1or 6 y eaN, and lhe d .. r,.mtaata were to IIi"• fn rtl11' r admncee to t le ••lao of •"· 0110. T he property gino 11 aecu ricy in Jny i poaaeoalon lor a period or yun ,aocl it bad botD In tile of lhe partioa from whom oJny r -ived bia IItle for 17 ye"ra. prevloua, ao of ye11u. ·n .. , rlrfendanta. •n'-qtteat to lho mortlll'll' · 1-.1 part .,f the property and boilt a ruano factory upon It, and the uid leue ltalllllobeieung. After thie, dil· aroae tho partiea, ud procee< liuga lit Ia• were lnatitnted. l'he el,.lm, lbea. lselmplr upon till btaach or oonnaa& in tile "f"tlme ul. ·n ht dafen• lante aet up. on eqnltable grouolll, that ahe title of C.p!.ain Jnr. to the premltee mortgaaeJ wu 111& allOOd one aa•l \hat tiJer,·fore they ••re DOt IMHJod bJ tbe deed. (F,o.IM 11.) Y'eateTday tbo ud J,odlu k- lalbi&ioa at &alb wuelqetd for tho rear . 'lbe,. Cl&ll •o qaeetloa dla' U. b1eJt a' 1ru\ aad bu eqaat- l,o4 tbo 1Jal!clpttl011a or I bote wlao wen pto tradP are ttltlallf iatroducotd. A f•• Urit- re ndered more or leae a burden to bimtelf, ilh co!Jaajea maJ noeptlon .. bllti111Utth aa1l lrieuda fr11m nlfl loct or tbe early apmptou11 of hia comp laint, whi eli eala.-IIJ by tbe protMtlre dltuuree M.lea 111111ln be uerted by tluttiJ r •wr\ 9f Jbe_ •the Jary foan'o l 'i ' lhl'dltjt I)( 00" tba GertD&A .watee. .•• •• .; 1 ..,. , ..... ., -rt;. .u l . . .... .. ·-··.J-4 ..

CONCEPTION BAY ADVERTISER. - Memorial University …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18861211.pdf · CONCEPTION BAY ADVERTISER. VOLUME XXVII Advertisements

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Advertisements. ... _ .... , ... - ....... ... _____ .... ...,_ .......... _ .... ___

I llf: ttEIIY Gl\' ~: ~Ol'ICE, that un•ler pro•t•i..,no ol an Ac t J'I\Uffl in the Jut

!'.uio11 of 1ho Le.:ial .. tart•, e11t irlc•l " Au Act 10 ruAko p rm;Ai"u for the l.iquirloti\JII of c.enain u iatinwl..iahilities of lho Culuny, and (or oth~ purj\O&ee": I 1\m aut borill.'<l t o raioo by Lot.u tbe Sum uf

$102,000 upon l>ebentnrea, chargrable upon an•l r~­J'I&yable out of the r ublic Fuuda , r t.ho Col­o ny alter tho e~pitAtion of Twenty-tho Y c:aro. wbcn it &hall bo optional with tilt <io•erun>eot to pay oft tho a:m1o o n 11iving T•olve ~on ths' previous notice o f auc b in· teutiun,

Tendt,.. fo r the 1\bo• e amount will be ~c('i ,·ed at tny office uulil noon on T t:u­l'AT, the :->o.n ::< ru ,l:>y of lh :c unn:u nell,

·noe 'J'enJere 111111t r~preu how u:any

Insurance Notices.

PH<E·NIX ire JSSiirance Company.

l.OIID41Ul BTnE&T. OllAntl\G ·COOS& L')NDON.


' Joeeph Wn1. lluendole, ~aq. llriatow llo•ill, £aq. The Hoa . J&Juca lllog. J ohn Ch&Uoa, Eaq. Octuiua E Coupe. E.q .. l\I.P. lieor~re Arthur f·uller. to:.q. Cbarlu ~:. Goodhart. Eaq, M. ltbode lla•ltina. 1-Aq. Sir.Joho J.ubb<x't. llart .• lllP., F.R.S. Charlc" Tbumu Lucu, E.q. Cbarlu llla~rnay. ~· l'he Jton. •:.dwin U, l'orlmt.a. J>udle7 Robert S1nilh, E'q Wm. Jt.mea 'fhompaon, uq.

BON. um•;c-ron: J oHN J. IILOOIIt' tELn, £aq

WtLLtall C. llfAcooNALO,} J oin t Fru.scu II. li!Acoos.ur), Sccrttoriu.


Advertisements. _______ .... _,_ .... __ _

-4KirtG POWDER Absolutely Pure.

MisCellaneous. TllB OOLOKI.AL AND. Ilfi)LUl Z:X­


On Monday, lOth oiL, upeeial deputation of tho Londoa Tradu C.auucll proceeded to S.odrinllh"m to pruent to tbe Prraco o f Walee. u E xecutin Preeident of tho Col­onial aod Indian Esbibitloo, 10 arldrcte t.nd reaolatloo of t!laolta piUIIICd by a lafl:ll delo­Rt.te meetll:'$1 of metropolitAn working men to b ia Royal Hcghneu for bniog initiatetJ and eucc~ufolly directed tho scheme or chup admialioa to t be f:shibition (or t he artiaao cluae1 of tho metropolis. On llr­ri•iug at Wollertoo Slltiuo, the pArty wu con.-eyed in t he Prince of Wales' carril\go to tho booao ud entertained at luochcon. After lunebeoa tbe membcn o f tbe depu· tatioo were receind In I he ball room hT tLe J.>rlace of Walca, the P rinceM of \\a loa, and tbo P rince11u LouiAc. Victoria, 11nd Maad, who were attended by the ladiea and gondernoo ul tbe boueebuld.

'11io t.ddreuand reaolntione, reAd hy Mr.

atipnlatee for apecial adnnl14fOI. Germ11o ~roods enter India. Auatrall11, Capo Colony, Laroa, and Canada under exactly tho aamo cotulitlooea• Eogliah.

Now, aloce our Fuberland can mako ao claim to any ol theae poaeasioaa, i t it plainly deeirablo tb-t they aboold remain Ia ~Dj­lud•a baude, and tbia impliee t.be uoimpatr· ed continuance of J::ngland u a World· .Power . • : Lot ua irnfllllno lodia in Rua~i&·e ht.oda, with tho Sue& Canal in thoeu o f Freoco, and wo are confronted with ao in­tercoloni"l d i ... tor. Protective dutiea,pro­bihi tioo of importl anti of exports, wilh tbo ditf~rential toution of foreign morchao ta aod ¥ea&ela. all thnt would be tho o rder of tho day. Aod it ia prcci1ely Gormany•a trade which is mora and more preMiug for­w~rd to tho aecond pl~co. immcrlt:<toly af­ter :£ngland·a. tht.t would eapcclally eofftr.



M. Heori Gortllllin, obairmao of (bo ~Mi& Lyonn~l., hu publiabed a aecond tte Ia t he Tt• on tbe fiD&Dcialli • F nett In tho ;in.t, he ahowetl· that io•the 'COD of eight yeaf\, from 187-i to )~ tile U· pendilure roae in Franco hom 2,oo0.000.000 lmnca to ~,700,000 000 fran~ '!Uia abor• period , he uya. autllel!d t o iocreue tbe ao­oual budj!et of tho country by france. Sinco 181!:! tbe amount of the ex­penditure hu r eru11ined atatiooary. 'I'be , wu or 1870 aud t hn inYIIIioo bad already iocreaacd tho burden of tho tax-payera by 600.000,000 fr~~nc:a. 1\1 the bodget or 1869 a10ount~d to 1.!'00,000.(00 lraoca. We ten he ro a mutilated nt.tion which baa aupport-od for a period of 12 yeare tho burden of 1.8110,1)00.000 frane~~ of now ebargea, and, . ~bt.uka to ita pen~avcrinJ toil 11nd wiadom· 1t haa not awerve1l fro111 ttl courao, io apito or the impro vidonco of tho moo by wbom it baa been governed. At a timo of unbroken peace, the expeneea of E'rt.aco bne iucreMed by 11 aum 1\lmoat eqnt.l to tbe amount of tho wholo Uudget of two I{Teat E uropeau l'o·~~en~, PruNi& and Italy. Wloile tho oxponaeot or 1-'ranco hno been io­croued by 1.200,000.000 france, tho Bud­gota of tho fi 'o o ther great l'owo,.. hno IJcoa su.;mcntod in tho u mo bpao of limo

u ollara will be gi,.~o lor ·· • ery One llun - The enj{1ll(e1Utnta of thiB Office t.U llUIIr­dred J)olbno S1ock , which Stock will br:u AOieed by a nume ro us ond wealthy l'ro-

• in tert'At a t the r111e ol four J·~ r cent ):klr prier•ry in t.rlditiun lo a lar11e in•eatcrl 1\Unum, P":r• hle hlll r- y<·Miy. (;~<pltal ; and the proumli lude ~nd lit.eral·

WII~LIA)I ,1, S . llo:-::\ELI.Y " lty with which cloima hue always hern )(.,..,,..,_ r.mrrnl. met. are we ll - knnwn 1\IIU ackno•lrrl~:ed.

------ - ---- - · -- - ·n1r importance o f tl•e trau1111c tioos o f nrr,ir~rr f,"rurrnt.• Otfio·. l ~he

This J>Owder ne•cr variea. A manel o l p 11tity, • treoj!th aod wboleeomeneM, lllnre economicAl than t he ordinary kinds. Mill r.11nno t be ao ld in comJX'lhioo with the n111hiturle of lo w tul. ahort weigl1t. alum o r phospltole Jl0Wtler11. ,<;,,ltJ t•n/!1 i11 COli&,

J(nuL I!HISG l'owtH:u Co., 106 Wall· •t.

Sbiptoo, coo•oyed lho grateful th,nke And. high appreciation ol tbe thousands of work ­ing people repru entcd l>y himself 1\nd col· lelollUCI t o bia ltoyal lli~:hneta for the kiod and tbooghtful cooaklof'llt ion whioh had indoced l1im to place lhO cdnr.~~liouf\ 1 nud eotertainiotr lolluooco of U1c ~:shibition within tho met.oa of the • r ry humbleat claaaoa of Her t.lajeaty'a enbjecrs . and fur · t her u preeaed the cou• iction th" t tbo Ex ­hibition wo uld bue benoficit~l reeulUI in bringin~t into closer union the hornr coon· try wltb ita Yaat and immcuso depcn<leocie8 in all partl of t he world . to tbo ultimntc IJencflt or o• cry aeclion of tho communi ty

mlneot ill alarling IL. More than llYo mil­lion per.o01 bue paaaod tbrouab t be tum­etilu linCf' on May 4 l:uat, Hor Majoaty opened 'tbl great dilpiiJ of tho rroductl and maaafacloroa of 'he Empire outaido th- blea. No other docn1ulo n lu tho world could aJrord eucli a allow &o We cue of itft c:iti&eo•, a abow ao aigniOcallt of im­mool8 aod rracticaliJ bouudleu rQIOUrcet. Enry &ooo tha' tbo auo ahlnee npou hu beon repreeonted In the hnildinaw whicb friog6 the gardena of tho R ... yal llorticul­t aral Society. au<l. tborc ia ecarcely a won­dian wbich trnYcnlea d ry land thlt hu not aentaomo trihuto to this Imperial collce­tioo. Af"'rl ft!t OICCthcr froiD tho 811CCCIUI or tho F:xhibitie o from the point of •icw or finance. nn•l ~8 811pp lyiug abuudaot meaue o f pro l\tablo rocrcation, there can be no dou bt thRt ill ,...(ue, oduca· tloo:lllynnd 1uor~lly can ecarcely be onr· eetilnl\tcd. ' 1 heru •ro bumlrcda ol thou­Mndo ol p~reons in thcae ioland• to whom th_e-~loniaLauJ lndii\D £xhibitioo hu d>Olt> ao " re • cl >lion . They hat! heard of

1~lt>lbourue, Sj'llney , OtUt.wt.. a nrl Montreal in p~Ming con•en~ation nnd learnt froll1 cur sory pe ru&'\1 of booka and newapApors ho w full o f lifo r.n<l prosperity wero tho youn~; Engl:>ndJ/ beyond tbo ecu; but non they hue aeon " it h their o wn eyeL It ls tbro tl1a\ ~J••a couatitutcd· tho g reat merit of tho Exhibition, It hM been ao rMnised :>nd 11rran~red "" to bring homo t.t n glanco tho gre11t ft.ct• of oar lmporial pooition. Tbe mode- ol t hQ o1en and wo­m en of d ifferen t rAOt'R hue aubtcned t hia purpoao 1\8 well as t hat of 1>>iviug pictur ­esque c iJcc:t . Tbo mt.pa. tho photogrRplll. tho mural and oth(lr pniutino;s, havo hclpd<l without nn effort the lea11t mtelligent to realiz.o tho nl\ture of the endle111 and chan~­ing acenes upo n which lbo Union J I\Ck looka do wn. No Eu~rlialunt.n c:ould treaJ the courUI aud gallurica at South Kt:naiu~· too • ltbout " feetiol( of pride Utt. t he waa o ne of a r•ce wbich had dono An<l achie• ed so 1ouch. 1\lu.l which hlld' wade eo many wnto plt.cea of tho earth ao rich and pros poron11.

Thc10 anxie ties, it ia truo, mny relorc to a romoto futuro, t.od ooo MJel h-rdly coo· ceivablc; at ill they show ho.., dcairnb lc i t ia lor Ul t hllt ibe world pOAitloo or 1-:njl­laod ebould l>o 1ruu ntamed, and how aoy diminution t hereof to tho 1\duutngo or fr~nco and ltua~i& mnat bu duplored . . .. Once t ho 111"ck ~n. politic.,lly apct.kins:, become& " Uu~ian 11\ke, it will also at tho umo time become sucb commer01.ally, and wilh En~o:llahmen wo alao ahould loso our trado in t hoao rcgiooa . ..• f'rom tho Gcr­m&n atandpoiot, thercfnre, i~ C3n only be a matter for regret that Englaod'e infln· onco in th o Lenni hM eunk ao low ,11ud th&t her proleeta now counL for nothing. 'l'bia "'"Y bo regarded by tbc Englioh ol\tion u a just peo~lty lor ntf h:cting to p ropa rt tbonuel• oa properly for war, for tbia pre­parcdncaa might b&Yo vory well aonnd u a me:>ua ol acc:uring pcaco. Whco J::nglood aecka A n1oJei for n di tJorcut policy eho will find it 1u that of our Emporor aod hie Chaucollor.

in a • o_ry different proportion. Tiley hno been 111croaacd by :1.'>0,001).000 fr~~nc:a in• E n$!11\nd, by 200,000.000 fr11oe8 in l' ruaeia, .. by ~ao.OOO,OOO fraoca in llu.aio. by 350,000.­ooo frr nce in Au•trio.- Huosuy. laod by 250.000,000 franca io lti'Jy.

Isn:m:srrso To Mtcuo~stcs.-\Vo are In roceip~ ol t ho M ulrallicn/ Ntrc•, for No•. 15th, "nd take picuuro in callinl! tho at· loution or our rcade11 to tho merita of that J ournal. It ia amon~tltho beaL papers Jhat eo me to our edi torial tt.bl o, filled 1\8 it is with or iginal nod choice illuetratione of the im­J>Ortl\n~ 1\t~d uo•el inventions of tho timea. Ita ed1lor~al pa~:e• aro rerloto with well cone~dored articlu on practical anbjocte. read1ly unde ,..tood by any reader, wbilo i ta IOiacellnuooua a nd nowa tnlltler mako it at­tract ive to thoao intcreated in tho iodualrial proaperity ol our couutry, tho whole form­mg a rich atoro of ueeful r eading •

st . .t"Jt ".'· urt·>~ .. r:!o. l "q PlHENTX FIRF. OFFICE !\.Y. J,..,!l ty '11oo Prince of v.·alee. 11fter bid di 1'1>r bis

fri~nda a bearly welcome in hlo own DGtne aut! tht.t of tho l'riocoN, uid that ho wM j:f'lltifie<l beyond mcuuro to know th"t his tlforu in tlto mt.uurr de~erib.ld in the <CIO·

lntiona read to him h·a.l met with auch ol~:· '"'' suoeeu and wide :apprAcillt iou. I l u was fully able to uy ll<at ti.u &t:<lementa 1nnde to him in tho addrcY ""'I resolution• .. ore borne out by lho f~~~:r.... for of tho to ll\l of 6.r~.H~ • iaiton to lho l::&loihltiou, no le.. .. " 11umber lhaQ,.l ,U68, 11U,In l hu proportion of 81 :!.~ II adultt. "oJ 2:JS,GG!l ch1l<lren , ropro­IW!uleJ tbo ~·lmia•ioue iu c\ouno•l"o •ith tho metropohlau arliMns' edw1no, T u tbn•c ti~nrea mighl fnirly bo ad•le,l thoao rcJ>rc­aenting tho adhliNiuno in conoexiou wilh the wo rkiPg meu'a c lub• formed 1hrou11h· out lho J•rOYincce. which wouiJ bring the total to l .l/:l4,110, o r inore than a fi lth ol tho whole uutubcr Qf Yitilora tb>L puae•l throuwb tho donP11. Ilia Roy"l llighoeN truated that l be an ticipation• or a cloacr ooJoo-ror commercial and iudiil tr i&l 1\d lf&llUij!CI-{)f O~ury part of tbe ~UipirO would moet with full rcaliutiou ,

I ln: u i':IIY GJ V~: :\0 ri C E llol\t nn•l .. r fMJ be carimnle•l from t lt r fnct tltot ainct' Itt(' prP•i•io M or ... ,\ CI l>A•A••I In tit~ it.o eetl\hli•brueu t-oow onr O~r. ll t:Nnnt:ll

loat !'e<lrion of the 1..-ll!!htnn·, outu lc•i .. An Y•:•t.a - the 1•nym en ts in aat ielftctinn o r A.-t for I he nromo1i"" of .\ ~ri .·ulturc," I 1 Clfti ms fur t ~••or• have c&cecd~d Fot:UTEE!' a.u :m1ho rir.cJ to rot"' lty l.oRu lloc oum of ~II LI.I<I~S Sn:uu so

l uourauc~• l\l.t:>iuot Lou IJy Fire ~nfl l.illhtu i u~e t.re d fectNI t.y th<J Cntnp-ny upou e ver y ·l ~·criptiun cl l'ropcr ty, o n tho most fa<o rable terw~.

$60,000 uron Uel tt>ntnr~~. cltft.rt.:t"Ablt• upull anct JO·

aiJie ont or the l 'ul.olie F unoh o f lht ( 'n 1'\t thf" l 'Xl'1r,I \1Ull O f J" \YC:nfy·fiW't' \" , • .,r.,. h cun ~~~~ \ lu.·r~o f .

·rerhl«""' tor t'•e :l.ho1'c

W , &. c; ltE:" IH~ I -1., St..J n u s·s ,

. i gr"b ]"' !l·nr(ullhdlar·•

r"-· iYl"tl Al 111)' ')lti,•t,, uut1l un '"• on Tt· •:.~ · I•, y th•· So.n :s 111 ''"' o f I )I t'UIIII n D~ll.

n.o T euJ\! r8 IUU"'t l' I}Ht••"' ltfJ W mttnytlol­h no will b, l:l~•·n lor ~nry O ne tlunll retl Hulh~ra ' tuc~ . u '•tr ' • S1ocL. \\I ll beAr 1n\er­~f!t al tlar r ... ,._. u( four per c~uc. per auuutn. payablo balf · ~ .,.r:y

C~ERAL Aasur~nceCG~panJ

\\'ii.LI A)l .1 S llll:'\:'\EI.i.'r , l!Lcrn"tr fr't u t rof.

NOW I• tt.c time to louy " cl••~l' • nd firat ·d oa•

Organ and Piano n:nll 1 nt.

UEI1IUSE\D T1 \. E MUSil' liOUSE Uj .Yr•rf<JtmJittruL

Tl:e largest STOCX w cbooae !rom. Y uu arc ~lwaya eurc ul a 6ret ·CI..a&


PlANOS,.OltGANS • o tluo itllh•lu,..nt l'lan,

Old Pianoa and Orarana taken ln n :­chAnge.

L A. CONRAD & 00.,

o ···~

t; o;Ht; IIAL Aonn. J IG ll'ttltr St, St Jnll"''· "1'1-'''

s,;,h'~o Grvc,ry Slort. • l

NOlt1,HERN Assurance C'mpa,ny



C.U'(TAtr-£JIOO<J,OOO Stg '\ --

Ylll~rRV.~UUMS ....•.•........ t40~1f00 Lit'~ do . ... ........... . . 1,',7,1 OU !~T~It~~T ............. . ...... ... ... 110,()()(

ll~t\D OfFI <:Y.S: l,osr~);-1 Moorpte S treet AUitiiUioi-S Kio~t S treet.

T a .. trance <"D"I'cle<l o n Property in )lew(oun•U .. aw A' eunCIJ~ Bauo. of Pro­wiuhl.

P aoRPECrU81t11- Por'IIM of Application tM Firo ""J Life lnliUI'IIf)llll, and •II other lnlo ru111t ion caB lJe obt.aioed a.i tho odiec ot ,

A. 0 . HAY\V.\RD, ST. Jon•'•,

.tg.ptc (or /( e.111/0t~11d!antl


Assura,nce C'mpa,ny Olf LONDON.


&uuoeueBD C"-r&TAL ...... #.,£l,OOO,OGO " 'font. hcorunD Fun>l ur-

wAaos n' •..•• ·····-····# .. t.710,00C " Aw•o.u.I"c.un:urw~ UO,OOO "

nt "0UARUJUI' lallialf a'lln~l .. Eotllet. lnea..-~ n&lltb011 adna~a •oatd ... Nble •-ra.:. itedoo..C.d atabllity, .r.. .,.,.. proephftdl .... , 0 ew-' 1011

.ltto altdentlif1141Cl h_.f bM ~PfiOia•ed A,..rt lt.wfoudlud ie to (e. .. Po euplae&l~ bi . ~

JAIIB8 $WINT~ ~obn'a.

.JOSEPH GI.JDDEN, ~iab-Agent B~. G~oe.


II ~; A I> 1J FFl Ci':: 103 C.\~:-l l) ~ :H ltE ~:T, Lo~tnoll, EC

Capita.l: £1,000,000 Stg Insurance& ~fftcttd on -ltnool all ldnd t

o f prorerly in :-.'ewlou ulllouJ &t lowul pouibl~ r~tes.

4 lli 11.

J . AIJl;UsTI; s CI.Wf, SOt.ICI IIIII, ST , J uttN'~

A gu : f~r Nr~fmwJinrtd

•:. II. TIIU~II'SON , s,.t, .. i yt "r f"r 1/orb<•r GrtJr•

QUEEN Insurance Cjmpa,ny CAI'ITAtr-£2,000,060 Sterling .


- Ali i>-



TWENTY-VIItST A:\~llAt. REI'OilT fhe Rf'J>Orll anJ Account~ t .. r the

ye.r UI7S. preoMsnted t.o the S lu•reh uhl ere at the Annuo&llJeeting, on Tueaday,27th Mo&y, ur;~. at whi.:l• BernarJ H "ll.t-Nj., p resiJt'<l. ehowO<I, in the l)l,•jJ,.NI 11nd &nua a~ the rate ~thM of 16 per cent. w.a tloclnred, .£14,035 being cur ireJ forw.rd .

FIRE DRANCH, ThaL the Pre miumll for 18 7R, after

d ed ucting R ••·inKurence., 11monnt~ tu

&466,274, luling :m in .:rease o i £!1,3!)1 ovflf' the P remium lllcome of 1877 ; anJ the Losses t o £:.!~l,G6 1 , l){"ing ~lUG per cen t. o n the Premium• ol the Y I!Mr. · I~ THE LIFE OEPAHT.MKNT. That N ew P olicie• had been iuned

for £ 22!U 86 ; anJ that. th& Life l'uodl. hy t ho a.ddit.ioo• 11111do w it •• the rMuta nl the y&tr'l opel'lltionl DOW repreMrot.t 67.9 Iter cent. of the e nLiro n&t Premiuw, received on every 110liey in forM.

Ti1e aurplu• haJ1.nce in the gire A e-. ~eoont was ebown t.o be .:6107.699, out o l wbi.ch £ 20,000 """ Ap(ltO(lrU.ted to SuepeDA,e \~nnt, raiaing •bat A•unt t.o £ 140,000 111tl ~t~aking with tl .. fte. ae rve Fun4 and &I&OOO ctrried wrward £ 24.000:

PUN DIS Cap""' Pald ep ............ . .. 1180,010 Uentral Rete"' l!"aa4l ••••• '.• ... lTt,OO. liVe hndforuaearud P,..l••• 140100& Balance eamed forwerd ••• ••• •• lf,DIO We Acep•ulallon Fond... S00,8f~ u•al.tt' read ••• • :. ••• .•• 11,636 --·

£1f1 6,428

J OHN CORMACK, • GtJUrol A~tfor ¥!f4.

lki•Aoc11Tl{ · • · A. T. DU\'lf()ALE

, HarbOT (;nee, JL D'8B£EHAN 41 Co. ,

BJ Plme.


Marble & Freestone W01 ks Au::t.MiDEU SMITH, PnoPnt£TOR.

ALUAllf>t:R S•nu deairu to thank thoao who h&Ye fuor.-d him iu tho paat with the ir ordora. a nd would lnlimal c ~t the aao:o limo that he baa lacilitiea for perfonuiu~r work in l1 is li ne with nncqu~ll•d doapalch and ueatnu ... and at pricxa thal CAnno t bo com ­pete<l with. Pdracua rcqnirinjZ MA:ST~;L I' I ECF.S,MON (J MENT::i,ll l!;A USTON ES TOMKS, CU({HS, llf:ARTIIS and COP· 1:-\C:S, would do well to call on h im. 'rbey can olltaln artiatic, thoroujlb aod eb~ate workmanahip at pricea lower tbao th., low· eat e ltewltere.

C ll U RC II · WORK- Fonta, A !taro, Tab­let._ &c.-a apt'ci~lty .

The S ublcriber b~~ing ~Jmod fo rlyyean uperlonce in tbia Colony ia tberolore In a poeition to proYido l\Jaterlal and Wotkmao­abip ~at calculated to endure tbe aevt~ritie' ot our elimat.e.

276 Gower Street, St. John's. .\pri118


F or One ltlonth Onlyt 'l'HE R £S{JINE

SINGER SEWI~a·¥tA9m~ES Lookmu Haba x&4h~Joa ~lml &81\\i,lltr ·~IDM D

:aur.u mothi• wrtacm ~lulU ... -..~ , "-at.asual J'i&tWirr Jfaow..,

lSeet lbchltte 011, NMdlaa &!ld Attadl. 111e1111 for all S~W'JlfG· MACHINF.S, an redaoed w ~.oa •priMe, for oae mont! Olal(• •

:ne !li.,ir lllt~~dllrllig·c~,. II P! 8AitTB, Ao~,

17! "•ter St., ot Joho'e. S~ WUf 8 ·¥;*0JUlU8 BJtP AlJlEJ>,

Tbc deputar ion were then t bown over tho prioc:ipal roowa o ( tbo house bJ tho Prineil, and were au!Mequeotly conducted to ~ic~ tbe gardena. !arm buildin1:3. 11ud cottft4;CCI o n tbe eatato. Tea wu provided ip the ::::&odrinahm W orkin11 ,\l~u·a c:ub befo re the party lull for W o llortoo to returu to London.

Ia the afternoon u cconddoputatioo,corn­poll!d of repreaeutali•u ol tho Lond~n Working M.·o'e Auociauon :aud iUI kind r o.J orga oiutiuua. arriHd at S.ndrio~ebam to preaent aa addreaa of a eim1lar chl\ractor to that ol 1llo Loudon T rade• Council.

'J1•ia doputalion wu alao eute rtaine•l "t loochton, aud at b eqneotiy rocei,..,J by the l'rince and l'rince <l pi Wale• and the Uoyal fAmily. Tbo adJreu or IJIO o\IIOCit.· tion wu read by Mr. Po~r. llcf•rence WM IOt.da tll~niu to ,tho public: wort of tbo lato l 'rinco Conaort aud ita happy eon tinuatioo by t he P riuc:e of Woleo. Ilia !loyal Jlighue• replie.J to tb(t • ddre11 in auitable te rm•. aud ret.cated loia uaurauc.o o f tho pleuuro which i~ had nffordcd h im to gi•e etroct to the incliualiooa of tko working cl..- in retpoct of tbe Exbibitrou and to aeo aome of tbcir ropret~~~nlltivea at hla & untry bomo, Thia depu111tio11 waa t.lao cooducted over tho estate and cot­t.ageo, and t.hor par~akiug of t.ea a\ Mr. Heck'a (the agoot'a) ho uae, roturoed to town. ~very eourt..ey wu aho wn w tho det:utatiooa by tho Grea' Eutern ltailway Company, ~~aloou carriagu beioK p t o ,ideJ ou tho traiue both "oing and roturum".


(FroM ~~ Doily Ntrr:l. Nnv. 10) Tho c l oeio~e1'o.f the ~tblbition in South

Kcnlllngton toZ&\ey toatke tho ackno wldi· ed be~rtnning of win tar in real earneat. ' l1oe Colooil\l aod ludiau 1!:1bibition, without tho pro1pect of JouoJ(i Di in tbo J:Ardcna, JIUd liatening to tbe ~. ~<od aceing tbe rather 19f!rotricioua li.,tlta Ouh tbrou~:b tbo fonnt..\irr., ia oo better tban any o ther mu­aeum, aud oot 10 good u 1uany. Lovu of pure art and scion~ wo uld guido a ruan with aoroe boun a~· hi~ t.liapoul to Ulooun bury ratbe1 t han to South Kell,lington. l~ mull be I\Cknowltd11ed e•eo bJ tho cynical critic thd tho Jo; sbibitioo bu dono & good deal to coo•ince ~ople that Calllda. aed Auatralia. aod India, and Now Zeelautl, are real p laoea. places worlll uwolo11 t.ud oo\ IDCreiJ 10 many uamee oo a map. The appearauco of tbo naliYM o f aomo of tboae diatant po•· -foal bu alto beeo lotlractiore, aDd if they have rather a limitftd knowledge . of oar eocnetJ. at all eYeota e.,.ryranlt of that aooiety h• llee11 fri.endly. They miiJfCO home, like 11ood pa&riot.e. with a higher opinloo or tbelr d~.a~J.ct, ipl\italiotu. of the ¥iHUI aad be&DtJ of'lliejr womeo. &od of tbe ecoel~ of tJMII ~licate tbao tl1ey b1d before. Hat c.beJ •Ill all admlllba~ we hue ~n t41d lo - tho•, aod that it wu a "'1 d latiJrrut,tted.U.Ial to be blaok, red, or ,.no• '1010n110 maop;maltitlldee of .. on or leu •Wto pec~~~te. l'l't E-,blbltloo 11M ~ lne&ttlftir e.ud the E1blbitlon baa bet!o IJODle.l. Be' IL • &I ao& orowded elthor bf llllade enlaaireiJ ioqolrlo;r and dldacUG, or bf plul.anLbropleta.


(From t~ /Jomburguc~ IJOru• - //ttl/( )

In G~rtOI\11)', ~;nlllanrl ia •io•od with mixo•l fc~liuga bolh in Gov.,roment circlue IUid in th11t portion uf tb o Prow which en ­j••ya o fficil\l fuor. Fricudlineu nnd aver ­aloe reapeclin~t Albion, the tnistrt'M ol the SeA, do not follow party inclinatloua, but m11y mlher bo found co-exietiog 10 tho ... mo. b reu t lt ia tloo haliil amon~; us to ridicule the onc11 powerful uatiou bec:auao i~ t.u allowed ita miliUt.ry atrong,t_h.ao t Q ' de-. ,oliuo lh&t, aemi-bt.rbaroua. penplo · c~u !ritl.o. wilh i t ; ~nd.,J9t En~laod Wllnld ·~lloly tio rtc~lved Ill our ally, tho:ouly ono ~which G ur:UM•) nod Auatria oted 10 o rdor to ae­cu ra tho peaeo of the world, Ooo c:auoot bu t honour t he £uglieh love of peaco which , ltumt.oly r tgarde<J, atlnda in t.jlrc~llblo coo­lraat lo the reatlcaane .. of Fr~~ouce t.od tbo terri to rial groed of lluuia. But wbat l;er­man is oot proutl io tho conecioueoen thl\l our jlreat ruitir.or1 power baa don& t he c:an1o of peace ~:realer aan·ice than •II tbo yield­m~neea of Eoglaotl. I t Ia. In f110t, thia pllnucy and tho fear of war wbicb huo umpte•l o1bcr nation• to bocomo a rrogant t.od lorougbt ua near to wu. \Y ith tho t::ngliah tldet and army plact:d in a oome­w!Jat b..llcr coutlit iOD, aud with a little more cou rage tQ th e llefeoce of well · 'il'cigh · ed intcreata, En,;:lantl, by joining t ho AU4• tro-Gorwau Alliauce,cou ld e&aily guarantee the peace of the wurld. Bu' ao lona u thin.:a contiuoo u tboy are, ridiculu and acoro of her will be too well juatiliad, Ne.-ortlloleas. a great mnjori ty o r tboae amo11g ua who aro callable of rormiu11 pro­per volillcal opiuioue heartily . gran\ £ug· land hor poaition u a Worhl-Po• t:r ,

T he t111nsmarino poii.'IC&si.>na not i11 our O"!U haorla would, lro1u tho HerOlaa poiut oT •iew, be 1uoro ut~~~ful iu tho keeping of Ent~iaud wan o f any o tber t: r03t Powor. Our own colonial policy oven baa not brc ught Gcr01~ny inro pormaucnt ant.agon ­iem to lireat lJritAio. Apart from trauaient ulhnotkreUt.ndioj!a, mo re '"ilh indivirlu41 colonial otlici~l& than with tbo Euglieb S uo.to, Gur maoy bu beon a ble to aocu re ackunwl~dguooot o' ber territorial claim~ without a ny difficulty, and, ouly ruceutly, our Uo vornrneot. eemi-oflicilllly i t ia true, yel empltatic:ally declart>d with rofereoce to t ho dehc:ato ~.:Ut t .V riean busineaa that tle re wu uo reaaon '10 cornpla1n o r any ill · will on the part of ~nl(l&od, Tho po1ition of our colonies and of those of Englao<l ia, in r~ct, auch tl1~t a aerione d iaputo about them o r " mill tory coutlicl ie ac•rCtoly poa· aillle 1 while our intereeta in £uropt havd never beau oppOAetl, nor dou tl -111 like­ly th•t theJ will e.-er be. l!:nl(laud·a p ros· peri ty lle1uanda pe:.cc.; and ••o, too, are ltrl•ing alter the ~amo and not leao tl1ao ahe iL 'l 'buro ia 110 chaoco of En..; lanJ mt.kln~t couqueat in !'::n ope ; and ~r1nany, umilarly, seekl no I r~eb a,qltiaitioua, It ia alao to their comu1on intort!ltl t hat Franc<J t.nd llnMil\ ahuold be cured of th•ir wt.r­tilte pueiona: aud if thia cure aJ.ouiJ cur l111•o t o be ulfcot.cd by bluod and iron, it eonld bo d ona wilb tho beat p roapect ur auc . oeN il Y.n~tland jolued her waritiotu force to the mltillrJitriiDjlth or Auatrla t.od Gar­many.

Ia thoro anythin~t moro annoying t han huin11 your corn • teppcd upoo? fe tbe ro anything more dclijlhtful t hnn getting rid ol it? llolloway'a Corn Curo will do it, fry it wd be coo\"ioced.

Boo,; C,\SVASSt:n.- • J)o n1t yon want to buy"" encyclop:edill to-day? • No ! \\'h"t do I wtw t with ench " thing ? I'd break my neck tho first timo 1 rodo 1&:

Much djetreaa ftud aick ncu in ehildreu is caueed by wortaa Mo tbor Gr&Yea' \\' orru ~:xtonniuawr gi•oo roliof by romoving t bo CAUIC. Gi•o it a tr ial and bo convinced.

' Ct'TS'- 1'bo beet lhiut we ~oow of t o heal a cut o r wotlnillri t o ' liind' Uf tllo in· j1uod•part ,;ith • • olQtl:l u tl 0rated 111 :l'or.-y Uavia• :Paio.\iill~r.

• My doar, ' uid Mn~. Sn•g2s to her hue­band, • wbt.t 11 a canard "t' • W by. ~ cao:ud i1 IOIUCtbiiiJ: OUC Cl113rdJy IJoliOYO, Of couuo: ·.O h, to lie aure! WL.J cou.ldu't l think of that?'

CAtTTIO!f.-Dowaro o f diphtbcrl11, lntlu­cnu, broncbitia. congeatiou of ltho lungs. cougha and cold at this eearoo of the year. Keop l\1i oard'e l..inimoot io t ho houso rct~dy

J or iutmedi:\tO ueo. It way suo your lifo i it bu tll•ed t houaant!a.

Llldy of tbo hou• n (to tramp)-' W hat t.rc you doin" lbere ?' Tramp-• Alaa lady, I am ao huo"ry t hat I a m CMIDI( jlrriP.' L:ldy --' l'onr man, come aro uud to tho bllck-yard where the l(ra.&.ll io rcru hi" b. You CAD malto a full meal there. '

To no up tbo I) et.om IJy tho n1111 Ayor'a Son~&pouilla. It will uuko yon reel like a uew flert.an. Tboneauda bue found health ftnd relief from aufferiog by the u~ of tbis 11reaL blooo purifier • hen all o tbor woaos !ailed. WuooPt~o-Couou.-11 your children aro

euffdri ul: witl< t bia dittreuiu~ m11lady and ueally cou . hiog thomacl•·e• to deatb , eond to Y"'" J)rul!t;iat antl buy " bottle of Al­lcn'l Lung UftlMm, and relief. ,.u can con-1\Jootly uouro yo u, will bo immediate~ ant.! eoro.

Ueforo you begin your heny apring work after a . winte r of ruhnation, your aystem uoede cle:lllsing ~nd etr.lnjltheuiog tb pro· veut ao ~ttack of A~:ue, lliliona or Spriul( Fever , or aomc other Spring aickueaa that will unfit you lo r • a<!aaou't work. You will M\'6 time, much aickoc1111 aod ll"~"t ex. J>Onlo il you witt 1110 ono bott le of flop Uitt~ra lo your filruily thil mootlt. Do111t •a it. - /Jurlwgtmt 1/o•c~!J<.

'l11At • T OCOiin of tho son I, tho Dinner llrll. • aa Byron e~lle it. auggest.! no plcU· intc re Huctious to the dy•peptic, biliona suf­forer. Uu f'llrtak~e. ol couroo. but t he aub­~equont torm~nt i• egrol!iooaiy out of pro­portion to tho qu1111tit1 of lood he tl\ts, which Ilea Ul~<l igealod, a woirthl liko lead in hia uuh•I•PY atornaeh, ·rhere ia a re111edy, ho•ovur. Bud iu n•wo i~ Northrop ,~:. Ly­man'• Vogellble Uiaco,·ory aud Uyapoptio Curo, No c:uo i1 entirely bopol~&:~.

It i8 a rem~rka!>le lacl tltl\t Ur. 'fhomu • Eel eel ric Oil ie a1 g.)Ool for iuturnal u e x­ler na! ueo. For dis-• of the lunga anti throa~ and for rboumatiam, nournlwiA, erick iu tho naelt. wonuda and aoroe. it i• t ho beat ltuowu remedy. anJ much tro ubltil ii lt.V~tl l>y hm,·ing it alwoya on band.

Jacob Lockman Uuffalo, aaJa he haa bevn uaing i t fo r r heom111i1m. Ue had anch a lame back that he eouh.l J o notl1lu1 : bul o ue bottle entirely cured him. ·

Nor Ia it poaaible to como to o ther con­oloalcu when ono conalden, the lmer~ata of Gormany"a foreign tratl,, H ia true 1luu wbtoreu fun u .. rly wo w~re En~;IAod·a cna· tomera we b!t.-e uow become her compvli· lora, aod lu. thle~~eapecLtbe rualty ~~ween t.he two natlod1 Ia very aeorer~. , ~ul not ' 1/ollotcay'• Pilu curd Oi•l ...ntl.- Soldien only can comp~lora bo pereonal l rienda, And Sailora.-·11JtAe well ltn..,wn and eu1ly bu' u a r11lo tli.,, hne many commoa in- u'ed r!lmediu are upecinlly aenlce~buo ~teell to defend and we OoroJ&nl lu pu- aud coonnle ut for tboao who. Jllte ioldicra ticwar ba'Ye no .reuo n to charge l':ogfand aod a-i)on , are espoartd to arer(t ehan~teo wilh dewlatlag ho111 tbe purely competiti'o of clhualo, and tbe hanbhi(>ft inaepArable ataodpoin\. ltlon of ou.,r good• and inc.lua - from their t~~lliuw. Maoy of the dluaaea trial artlelu, 11111&r, aed a11ricultoral p ro· enpndered in the ayateru from theto an<l ductl (apirill t.n-i Jiqaon u cepled) are ad. other uotoward cau1101 oan be cheeked and milled i nto En~rl•ud frn or daty, aud.our controlled by attentio n at tbrlr onaet, and ebipe trade Ia &111 pott• of l!:ng!r~~d u In in llolloway•a remodieo wilt be lound a th- or oar own cot~DtrJ. Wberenr ,...dy mea111 of relief, without hin<lranco Elf)ll~!ld·e fta1 ftlee t he pri..olplee elf r,... frotn duty. M~nJ am-nIa ln•alil!od and

T bo pnbli,hcn announce thM oYorJ per• ao~ who aeada ouo dollaP11 (tbe aubscfiption pnco of tho paper ) will,re~eit'o t!lb " Me. cbaoical Nowa'' lor. OliO y~ar ana a ·~Jg. 11ble p remium, 'Tbe' premium ~'onol'• woclb the p_rice Mkod for lho pa{>e~, J)ut ,will ooly bo ~tvon to tboa.c aubacr1bing beforo Jao. 1~1, · 1887! 11fter .-t.!ch. limo ~o1 'prQmiuDl wcll bo, g1ven tq eu,bacr~bCro. l:'le qlfer ia most liberal aud ncry mocb&nicahould aoad for a ~an1plo copy o f the paper, wbicb will bo miitle_d freo of cbargo. Witb yoar owu oamo gno tho o&mu of your fr ieoda io­tereated io such eubjectft. aod coP.iea wiU be m~iled to them llho. Addreu, l'be Me.. ohaoica.J :Sewa, 110 Liberty at., Now YDTk.

What ttue Xerit will do,

Tho uoproccdeotod eale o f &.rdu'• Ger· mon Syntp within 11 few yeue, has aatoni•b­ed tho wo rld. It ia withoul doubt theealeat aod beat remedy e• er diliCovorcc.l for tho apeody 11ad effectual cure of Cougbt, Coltla and tho IO\'crest Luug 'J'roubleL J\ aou on liD ootire ly ditrerent yriociplo from t ho usuAl proacript iooa gi•co by Phyaici~o• as il doea not dry up a Cough 11nd leno t ho disoaac still in tho eyatem. but oo tho con· t rary removea the ca.ue of tho. trouble, beala tho p:trta a ffec ted a&d lenei t horn in • p urely healtlly C.loditioo. A bottle kep~ io ~ho houao for uao when the10 dlaclllel mako their appearanoe, will ea•o doctor'• billa aud n ioo~r apdll of aeriout illneas. A !.rial will con•inoe yon or thue fac~. It ia poaitiY.clf ;aold by all d ruggiata.aodgen· era ( dcalenJ in "10 Jaod. l 'r100 n CODtl large bottlea.

Forty ye:lra' experience, io every climo oa ~arlh, baa pro.-ed Ayor'a Cherry P e<1to ral to be tho mo&t reliable rerootly lo r colda, coughs. a od all lun~e diseucL Neglected colda o ften become incurable ailmeotl. l>lllll with tborc In time, 11nd prnool tbcir b~iug deep &eated in tho ayatem.

SUPR 'BillE 00t7RT.

FriJ11y Dtctnrbtr 3, 188G, J o r vs Jon £T AI..

n~fore tl•o lion. Mr. J uatiee Utile wltb a Special Jury.

'I l<i< c.ue. which had bo<'n u n<ler eoo­si•leration for t wo daya. wu concluded tMt U\'euinJt. It waa an action Ioken by the p laintiff, J oy. t ') recoo'er tla...,a11u front Mean~ Job & Co. for an allef(utl brooch of a oon nout C<~nllined in " roortgago doed made botwecu tho parlirL .

It ~ppca,.. that C•pt. Joyl1ad been dOI\1-in~r with the a bove• named flrm for 11 perin<l

of l!S yeoro.and carri~d on bnt intu " t Carl­loon h J,.ndL That bis buaintu wu \'cry aucceurul uotil in tho yeu ·ss. wbeo be bccan.o £ 1.GOO In d~bt. Suppliea were continued. ho weycr, uutil •8.'>. when t ho in­tlellted nell wu $19.000 " " J oeROiiationa wt~ro euterotl into between t he l'"tiea lo lhv &lilt. and the OUtCOme o f t hUe IIOflOiiJI• t iuna was thot a mortttaf(o w&s wlven by the no" plahuilf. The morte~~J:~ wu tu ruu1or 6 yeaN , and lhe d .. r,.mtaata were to IIi"• fn rtl11'r admncee to t le ••lao of •"·0110. T he property gino 11 aecu ricy h~d ~en in Jny i poaaeoalon lor a period or I~ yun ,aocl it bad botD In tile po~~~-.lon of lhe partioa from whom oJny r-ived bia IItle for 17 ye"ra. prevloua, makin~t ao occop~~ney of ~~~ ye11u. ·n .. , rlrfendanta. •n'-qtteat to lho mortlll'll'· 1-.1 part .,f the property and boilt a ruano factory upon It, and the uid leue ltalllllobeieung. After thie, dil· ~~groemcnta aroae he\wa~n tho partiea, ud procee<liuga lit Ia• were lnatitnted. •

l'he e l,.lm, lbea. lselmplr upon till btaach or oonnaa& in tile "f"tlme ul.

·n ht dafen•lante aet up. on eqnltable grouolll, t hat ahe title of C.p!.ain Jnr. to the premltee mortgaaeJ wu 111& allOOd one aa•l \hat tiJer,·fore they ••re DOt IMHJod bJ tbe deed.

(F,o.IM M~r'fiUtf A~-· Not~. 11.) Y'eateTday tbo Col~lll ud J,odlu k ­

lalbi&ioa at &alb ~-111&0• wuelqetd for tho rear. 'lbe,. Cl&ll ~ •o qaeetloa dla' l~ U. b1eJt a' 1ru\ ncet~~, aad bu eqaat­l,o4 tbo 1Jal!clpttl011a or I bote wlao wen pto •

tradP are ttltlallf iatroducotd. A f•• Urit- rendered more or leae a burden to bimtelf, ilh co!Jaajea maJ ~ noeptlon .. bllti111Utth aa1l lrieuda fr11m nlflloct or tbe early cuea'Eagli~ iiaporra~hemaetnuruireeted apmptou11 of hia complaint, whieli eala.-IIJ by tbe protMtlre dltuuree ~ M.lea 111111ln be uerted by tluttiJ r•wr\ 9f Jbe_ ~. •the Jary foan'ol 'i ' lhl'dltjt •I)( ~ 00" tba GertD&A .watee. ~ofllllit .•• a~ pUtpl~o•ar•J!ii ii.Laa'11 .Yi'IA9!•uf1 •• .;1 ..,. , dlilllfa' !llt'"Lh'1'(11&In'llcr. -:.·r.tt$'hr~~,. ...... ,

-rt;. .u I« l . . ... . .. ·-··.J-4 .. wL,.~w.._.

- L\ Pr.OCil.LI NI> G U£1 nr. A\ EC LA Fl ANCIL - n 0 1< .. PJ Clllle atteut on to :l

reo ark~ble I ttl~ Tolun,. tbo fiut of n acr ea JUt' pubh•bed at :Straabur~; by Colun nl VOll K etU<CI. I or the 1 ruM ~ :SU\JT bear

'"It tl o 1 gu ftcanL lltlo of lA I rodw ue Gtttrre urcc fa f'ra»ce. 1 bts book hM H tt kCIZUI netted much 111tcot Ot u m ltt.ary Cllclu, buL wh•llt 4 e&l ec ally Jes rnble to po1r~ out it the warmth a I earueatnua w tJ wb cb ll e 7tn J" protutaa~"' nu ~t.•nr or rrmncM 11 aaaurea l:olonel Kicttacbr\U t bat btltllle wb cb tmplocs • Ar mLa u:>rly tiatc:. t 8 fo:.tndod ou au utter nuscoucepllou of Freocb feel ug


ON n n: F RST or JASUAilY 1~0 I he totnl debt of ltu.IYI 1\ waa ea1 mated llt $ I UU8 <Y.IO auoJ Lo 1b a mn" be added a forced pa ~r ounet cy of $ 101100 OUO n alt "ll' tl ~ totAl 1debao ... neu of tho Gt .at Bear e' 9~ 9Hf000 0 11 scnormou1dcbl nol\ve r •ce rate o' about five perc:e.ot • p~ d n ~ cot.~nnu s o den tq al to nllout I :.0 n lho o do llar" a )CM h M been tcurrud

110ltly !or tbe p rpoiUI of c~rry s; on u•~luas 11ud l )(!lrcutve ""'a. I E ,.Ia d for aowo 11 e pu~ tbo mo eyed cluaeR have oot loobd upno tl o eecurlty one ma power lu I( 111 n g1••• for thia lcao aa 1 lllc cnt a d wbtl~ I lfl77 Eo11l ~~ nen belc.l fort) acren mtlhoo pu 1 lo of lw" on aecurilrea 11 1581 they o ly h11ld 110me ftfteeu u II on 11 a • l\ HUUIII u re~hn~: II"' lull bceu en Jl~ lered in (.iN!at Br ta c AI d t ho pre ra I Jtll( bel d that tl e ho 1 autl t ho bcu n u;t tla~ut ll o t a t no very d ~"' t dny n ny I nvo 80RIIII g 10 do wtl.h lbt1 UupopuiUII)' or }{UMlaU k CUIIIIe •


titge ~tanbarb -AND­

C0~CRP1/0V n:tY ADVERT/Sill

A.. llitlDJEOl' wh cb 111 J s t n ow ngtt.it U18 tho mtnd ol li\U-d ts tnct 1:1 tho one or thil Local PcrmtastVO .de&.-\\ belhet

sballcouttnue to roOII\111 1 1 forco for :mother thtbo yonrs Or a hull bo ro~ oracd n1 t1 tl o tubl!c snto of Af mt ots rm I ut!\lt hqwrs bo a;p n 11 lo ell under o f cu 1n10 reg tlnr I censo rcr;ulut 0 11:1

A 81 ort lime •sto cort..un 1 CI'SOns

c tuvl&SSCd tho J UJtllct suhcwn" s gun t Ires to n rettuauuon for a no v ulec~to 1

ndet tho 1 l'lVISIOUS o t tl o 1 rcseM La censu A"t For m order to llt:'curo l\

poll a (>Ci lltton rugncJ by ono lifth of tho eleo~l"ll au nCCC$St1ry Tlm1 ouruber we are sorry to SllJ haR been sec 1 -od anrl tho petit o 1 w11l we 111 del'l!land soon w lot vanl d to the Government.. So that n new ulecllon u.nv be ex pcct41d to 1.<\ko 1laco. some t1 oe d m m: ~be onsutng ycnr

h 1s our mtenttOil uow to g 1ve ex prc..s1on to ou r I one&t opuuon tn regu d., to t l o ntatte r of rover~~tng tbo -1 roh11J1 ll \ o \ ct "luch I~~~~ 11011 tl o I w here for tl o 1 ~~~ llu-ec yen ~ nnd th s ng un tLro•v open for U e fruc aa l\l o f 11p1r1tuous h 1 10n1 n my ptbhc bo IRes from tho opo ~>uJ ul tl o dt~lrtct to thu other llero we mny 8 ' } thnt "e bnvo Cllref tlly as ccrt.ntncd tho vtcws l eld on tl1s IID(Kirt ant sui ~cct by me~ny ol o 1r lc.Hit g c II 'Xt us of all clnsses md crccda And we are glaJ to t.u m n J>Ol>ll ton to ala to th tt tl cse opmtou~ to n " ulu 111 I gnttfvmg exteut co11 caJo cxnct ly ath ulll own Wh1lst d tfe mg 1 crl ~tps 1 1 rcgrt• J to soruo n 1001 pot 1ta those of tl e c 1ltzens referred to \\ ou ld each an I til dtsnp pt0\ 0 :\11( st "Ongly d l'(lrf'CilLO 1111) s tch til 1d IIICU semsC(l'liS llCtiOil U8 the 0 C m ont10ncJ tbo..-o F or the) Lei cn l • 1J u1c ccrtam ll at such t s te1 vo tid not bo lor 1 b" mat.enal ~octal moral or BJllll liiRI good of tl 0 CO II I llli LV nL It gc A ni vi o wtll s •y tl at tl ny a re wrong or tnko a mtst:\k('n or nu crron eo ~ \ tow of tl o ~• t \ t to 1 l

No le t us cloS( I) ox o 1 e the s tb 1ect fo r n fe \\ 1 ome1 t s llnu enllca o r Lo II d C ll e tl C rCIII>Ccl~ II wl c l I t 18 retl

•on l loto R 1 1 oso tl •t <>ere the cx .,tmg co n n c lnbl<' or lt:> t of tl11 sa nltorcd or tn t rfercd • t l 1: e~ t tn I 1 ctl 11 s 1 e r m e1 t h IT to tl c Lc:. t n t.erl'stq ol tho con n n 1..- wo1.1IJ Lc tl ~ IUC\ ttable con

t1001 sr~ I t IH lltlll~SI f .) to 81.<\te hi' [I ey will redcl lly eugge.t d em ael l'i Lo d e r a ler

'!11 ow le t "'I 1 tt t1 c fJII~at on m f\Jl llertOl tiDc.-.11 t O 0 tr (JCOJ !O o( .. 11 llbAtlea ol op tnt Tull us-I s 1t not bette r 111

e t y '"ay to I "ve tl o ext~Ling ordor of tl llljtl contu eJ 118 tl1ey 11re t htln r 111

tl o rtslc OYen uf bnng•ng do t an al terotton 10 • loeal lftw tb .. t pentd• ent ue m•y ( rm I tl ~rr 1 teaaon to fea1 w1ll) I 1\0 d te dumng ng f11r rnc l& ng effec~ or chal g hg all the present Bllt • factory clond1U0 1 • I "IT" 18 anti 111n ug uatlng pel'Cioance • re:~tmi1 • he re lltewbraoce -c>f wltclt wtll evur 1f t e r he a 8 11 rce of Qlllch rt"gre' to nll rl$!hl tJ tDictng men and wumen 10 01 r mtd~t Jell through out t! e wl ole eounCry' 1 Wr: l ope our tcl'-llli iJC;>( IO aod O~l1er11 ( tlly r"Ml!~ anc,l •tt""'F'"Ul ,\he 8~11' •ty of the tUIIClll " ' NIAlke l' T) ey concern both the.m 11nd 'hears to nn uten~ of winch posa1Ll.) they hu \ o not a doo ooneept.loo

.A l 1!0 n unbor of tho Tcnpc:ranu J 9u.r nal contaltled A f11w aonaabls reUlArk" m regarJ to a pn bho meetmg holtl by ~h~ (YOplo of AfuPgl'llve Harbor on the lOth ,~~~ 1rgcmtly rcq 1eatang the Government to g110 I'IS!It.Stnnce to tl o needy poor throughout Oooso Bay hy furntijlung Ia bour on tl e 'lllltn road from that aetc.le moot to Kang 8 Cove or along tho r.ow li:no .>f road to Smt~l 11 ~ouod

:rho Jour114l ~rtioon,ly aak.a tf tho people ofG00110 &y and other places are lotng anyth1og tberuaelvea to bel11 tLe1r

own poor 1 Far bo 1t from us to My that our outtx~rt reatdent.t do n otltn

0 for

tbe1r fe llrw poor but we do belte1 e mucb moro m•ght be clone by t !tt'm !Ait uu w&tlthy plantera, ancl the lllllny c.: 81\lers \vbo aro OOittfortably well ofT. aeo 1l tbey c:anlfOt lind a lilt of oxtr~t Ia hour about 1he1r owo premiJIOI" whlch migl t be do1 e by tbe ~ cru.mg wmter time , or- le t t._bcw combtrut aod unc.lott&ke 1\t tbetr jolllt f!X0Jn•p,kiemploy..tl o poor p n so uo llm"ll worlc o( vubho utlla&y 10 tbotr 111t

t.lemeot. Not. ooJr would 'bey ahare IJl tl II IJenelits Of 11J10h imprOYiliUOOLs 10 effect.ed, bn~ t hey would reap t.ho lngb ar~ l l.,lacU:ln and 1JieJJ11ng of Lavm~ per ~~Uoally o.lo.ne a go.XI deed Let etery

. r I

Opening of \he now lhiA I j ~

Aootner plea~ing fact {o connectu.ln Bllltlerueot. do..l.wbAt Jt O&f\ be(OI'O •Pj>\1 With tho prolui.u the meuure wtncu is at' 1111f to the \,tenmmont W11 ahould prt:~ent tl o law of tlla dtalqct. II the hke to aee more of lti.Ob IJllnl. and aoch OIUI ~~~t tbo te1.11plat1001 &«?, d w~ •Dd • ot10111 amonpt tbe leaden of outvorl go a_atn.y are 110., ro!J!Qud 1r not hfe 11nJ lea 4f ~hi.a oro .. Jaating begg1ng wtwlly ye~ to • la~and pdylng Oil " ' tbo Oovetr~JUdn~ lo- llo 10tnetflt"1 JC s~t.T 1l'rlll .... x-Murr.a.h R4YIOI( ....L.

ll'tlt. from ~.e PI'~" or ~"· younR •m till! ,~ OD .S,ahy more lr:tl'rt oU pOor Onr keen oompehtotll \be iBroacll, than and JOllthl of tim, to"n 11n I rMOJ other l~ple wUI ~ u tCerl1 1 ll!llorallud (if recentiJ obtatned' a no• odnomer for t•I.Cetr in tbo platl"'ct-. Tltie aur\;11 ~ .: uJlieed. U.ey are qot 10 alroad'y} a~d 'l'e their p lred 6odftah /fhtt 1tatemont i1 lll~ln~f the ( tl~ ul tt of•liu:,b eaonbt~ eball allloaYe VID toOD IU9P a, ~lll'c(,n 0~ mad(, by IJio ' :Bri/f~ ~~ Jourri4Z OJI!reiliJO•te\1 \t11 •P~ fo ~~am o~ ~tic:' .w. w{~J; be tOQ P'00' &o ~ lhat ptlt pod6~1i ~"' \iee < o\rudu~ ~"· Ja&J!•I',II~ JAOL~.-.alld ~iY .. ,af '"ij ~me I ~ I I

11 l •! 1 •mq\1~1&bo ;'l!cfee oCIIIOt"tjf fl' l'fenbh

I• hM ,, ... e.• .r t!Mir *IN epcl1!Miat b... • 1 tolltfyr' aft\1 Ullt -tii~J 'M'ia~r br w.~ ill• a re Mt (be ~tl!r for tho ~ f-:-A1 • lllhd .. a&GI-*Pti' lc laitJ rMblY a~f '•'uJI ••lre«f the Sin!~~ ,._" fA tile eafltfftJ H..-. law t We .... ,.._ • 'iiOf~al&o Bljnaa' lUI~Iapd oo.J,_. pl &lie •rmr ~"OJ& •ubJ~t, l!u know &botr aa.w41r .... z, ii• 'tJ'ell ~d ....... ~ -Ulj DIID4In ... ~ •heclllll ~!orm a ~f!.o{ Jbe



1 LSn s s or £ coem:srn)!J>El\T) T.

-I bo 1111lo o r uacful aud oruamcotd ar t clca In conneouou wub St l'~aula :iuoday &:1 oola will bu held dnrlo&r tho week aftGr Cl r atmaa Cootrtbullooa arc el\luutly ao licucd and mmy btl forwardetl to the !tee tc ry lluy limo beforo Cbnahnl\8 lJay

- fhe IIDDnnl CUIDIDiliiOO llod d llrtbll I 0 :1 of pratta iu t l c II till Srhool l l• rvey :Street trill lRll:o placo oo l' n:lay me rn og ~xt tl u I tl nal at bnlr put 10 I nr

0 1 l3 of tho cl ldr~n nod vullora er" corlla~lly tVllcd lO bo p1cacut



.. ., I '

• '--



......... ..... New· Advertisements. ·N~w Adv~rtise~ents. -1.0 G .T ,-Goldt o Dawn todre !'Ill Nrtr MlmiODatr C~~ fOuoCia

tn~4:l oo Nouday '""aloa a~l at 7 o'ctoe~ ti9-o·110a e qf a ne• Mi~ Cbnrob wu ioatead of lbe ttaDal bour. tA full ahead Wt1 ~D J.t~4u Sine\. SiJJoba'e on auco i.e rtquteted. Tuula7 lul bJ U.o Hoa. c.;. B A)rt. Tbe

-- cere'*lb\lil ,..,. opeot!J bJ liM Bn . .S~ -On Monday e • oolog DUI, a pabllo •1-'raRr, Yllo .olfered JU!'l''• followed b7

'IerJ•peraoco Mettlna will talto 11lace u tile tbe u .... ~otOpb ~rlttne, .,.bo read the lJriti&h Hall whou T . llulchl91l''&q., f.G. lotlo'a.. !J'be formal adClrtA wu d~llYer­W .P. o f tbo Sooa o l. T cmp4!rao,oe will 1111- ed by t.b~ BeY. Ge01'1!1lllo1d .auperlulecd~ot

AN:~1- .. NMENT ---:----T~OMPSo~S c.collliAi-s¥r~·s:•r-spkd:t•,Jol:a) MEDICA.L ~ HA1 1L

wtU be 11•eo by the I. I ,.. .... • ,. .., • .. f

Harbo, Grace 'Minstrel Trou~ ESTABLISHED 1855. j1l'f081 the audience. We iiaat \bat tbero o f \be C!rc:uhr, on tho cooelutiOD' of ·Wlucb

will be a full alleodaoco or \ho tow01• Jolin Steer, &q., and IJoo. J~n J. 11eoplc. " Ro'ge~o~ addrused U1o110 proatot.-~ Uneo

~--- ..&lie 1~0,. C. H. AJtll \ IDIIGI a fo" pn•{i\Or.Y .... • remark1, afte"""b lcb lt!Oato~• waa lo.,ered

·-TilE N tTI' n. c. V/ll OUI Cuuncn .... to ita p~ee, and bela!;' dcolarorl dulv l:.id, deJiCllt ed on hut Sundny week b1 bis Lord- cllo proceeding• terwloated-7't/(grou1 •

, ship llr. Macdonald, l lilhopjJor ll11rbur ----•Ornco. A-.iated by lhe xealona riah prieat.. -Dr Autuon1tr.- 1J i1 Excelleao1 lbe Ye•y He" ~ F, \\'alah, V.U .. •he He•. G. Goteroor in (.'ouocil hM been pfeued to U.ulc«k, or llo lyrood, and UeT. J!'. U. Alo- appoioL ~Jr. Allen G. ll ndi!On, (::iohool Culh'J of tbc l:ntbt<ln~l of thia towu: ' 1 ueber, L lwcr hlaotl Cove,) to bo a roiem-

~'lle n- e<litlce ia a nry bit.nd.llomo one. ber of the Puad Uou\1, Nl). \-'iTo Diviaion. h "'' ere~ted during t bo paat anu1mer · ~ll p 1 c 11 , . ) J) . · nod it Ia biolol'J 't•oktn o f for bl'auty and urut o ut to ap u "'ov.:, ltlllc:L o r

" :~r - Ile-Yerde. atylc of fia.Uih. It i• prODOUIJC:l'd ODO or \•c:ret:~ry'a Office, Dec:ewber Gtb, l SSG.-thc moat bandaoone l'rOOOeo c:hurchtll in \ho Go· llr h lalld . '1 he architl'Cturo or the builtl · "" . iu1:. ia J>llh'lJI:Otbf~ Anti Of fine J'I"'portiOUI. ' An inl1!rutin ~i;;;-ent' ie now ooo It 1s c:ruc1rorm 111 •h•J'C, """ nn clr{\ant made in the w!.od~ ioo into ~cw!ouod~ OCI!Oji~I)Al f J'IfC of 011~ hnnolre.J "?'J. t.lmly laod or atlmij uluablo &otch ~;a me birds . feeL lll;:h. I he l'~tcflor or t he b•uldlog luu A number or rull g rown black coc:ka huo lee•~ nlo~ou cu~rrllly cowpl.,,,'\1, but wrlb 1 be~n impor t"d rrom l:icotlacd, and there i.il tho mtcnor fiullhlll~ h u lc has 1l' L been · C-f :ry rcu<>n lo auticipalc their euccc~ul •lone, ~'"' n ~:reaL e!To~l I•• 1<> bo mndu Ly acttlciUent in tbo ()olouy. Ju t he En-:;:lieh the s.:o,.l people ln fi uuu tl.e wo rk au .-!TeO- mnrketa n J'lllr of hlnck cocka \\ill ~d l lor II\ ely he(: II II, • l :Zt. lid., aud it m•y b,•, tborc!uce, ti•At tbc

' in 1&he

oror.u. .us'l'~ 'B'AJ,t. • OD

THURSDA~Evenfng NeXt, ' lGlh !~tl

D oo11 open ai 7.30 ; Eulorf.aiomeot lo com­IUouce a \ 8 o 'clock.

Allllt1Jtos-r rooHleala, 4.0 eeuta; BaCk1 20 ~otiC · s;r Particolara wilt bo gino l.a~er on.

CHRISTMAS ·:· CARDS H:::\T <;i.nos-rrom -tt::. per dozen upward&


. ... J\ choice aeloctiou o f Fr.J:-:GEt>.

Dtl l',\fllJX PIIOTO, S .\ 'J1S, ·

JIAND- l'AI;:>;TED. J.o'Jo~ ltN-GHO 1'1'0,


SATJ:\ & T'LUSII, PlY, V A'l'J:: &o., &c.

1 At th~. conclnsl~n o~ the blt~mg or tbe ~xreriu.ont, ir aucceu!nl, nill become a

c •urch, ~~,.n~ lll .(h ; In~• "'"!' oooomenc· means of r eve nue to n~;ncultuml actt lcra o n <••I, II •• l_.orol: lup tloc I •~lo~p h~mg t ho cdc- tue COftlt . It ;8 :~lao elatll'l, thot f..ord brnut, ""'' \ '' 'Y Ht.v b. I·· \\ nl3b.a~tlll~ M Momy 18 Abou~ to for wArd to New!ouud­dt~ton, ""~ •<c•·. V;. ll.ulcock .• enll·.dcnc:ou. laud troon his l'll<tblhire csla te& a uumhcr Artrr.l •l' loo~pel. 1)!, l.or.l!'' 'Jl .duhv~rcd l\ or c:~perc::.ilzios. ~uoh, tUOve rucnlh 9t J:Oil.O A. A. lJlt u N LF.F'.S. ....... , _ .. npr,•ll.m'l' ~c~·!•On,tnktu:: !"' !l'Xt from blnla llrO alwnya o r in\etfl \· Thp ~lllfqllle . J •• •• Victorin Stmt. the tn••1 •d ol the l•M1•1igtlrc\llon. • ( ,~rtl of Lornc.hns, -.o bdic••c. ,,,0 ,.11 aome er.tcr- • , :~ 1• KO.~.' ~or' u~ to br hre· ' l'll.e' ua ho;l•l J'<ile in the mtro1luctiou 61 Gl\Mtlian ~nuoc ~/""' 11.!!:). A~ ~Jk' A"'Dk

rec " ' flh C ~~. on~ or. •e~. ouo .or l lli rol• llnd'lolml\la t o li1a Scot'cb cttot~s . I ~ ~V ~ UtJ ~g- 9 :\luJ<et~ aud ~ne for l·.h~·· I~ • u " dia- Cauadi&na ••olll<l be intt rNI"'-l to loMu - ·-co··~·~· r•-.:uh:~ rl~ !II•JI<O~OIIato t o t he eolc1on, bow tbe8tl uperiwcotl lou .. auour.:dctl.- I Tnv. SALt Of '\'oll,lt in aid o f the ere:tion ~N J··~·lul oca:uuon. wl11c.h lo ul brou;:lll ao Cauadi<t:o Ua:t llt. ,,( thl'' nclf· t. f'a111'1 Sunday ' ohool a o1l ln:\11)' or th~ L:OOtl (. ftlllOhca o f '"" P'"."'" 1.>- ---- ... , .. , Ji(>o~p will b~.beiJ d urlll(; lho "week ,.:o:lh t>r ,ar.ol II•• Lonblolj• " u 1u1!'' !c hcllous -4nt:srr:\' AS I> .\ GUICt:Ln :nc. - Hecent- nfl t:r t 'h~•~tmas. 1o 1l•e e<•uclull"~'' dmwn by buu rrom lho ly n c•lculatiou bns b<'en 1\ltemrted in n .coutr~bu tionr ei ther in m.,ney or j!Oods taC'n'd tl'Xt. \\ hcu the lh•bop h:1J coo . Germ!ln cootempor:>ry of the relatl\e cum. w1ll be th:u•tlnlly rl!Ceif ed, aod may bo l'I•JJ,,~ hiS acrmou. " collccuun 1\M tnien bet~ of indi•iduale eog•ged in inllu8 tr ial 11ent to the ltecto ry. "I'. wl. rch. 3n1ouotcd tu lhu h!UJilfOIIIC aua.. of :.nd •,.:• ia.ltora l puraoi" In 1 0 11111 of th' ll nrbor GnlCe, Dec. 10. S l! l.-( .. ,., moro IR>port:lut ~ouutrtcs of rloo '~orld. ---------

-T1•1: rl<: l 'II " ,\ S U Sll\'l~ :f·'\ How~ Fo r thi~ 1" "J'08C an "llldU&tfll\l pu renll' (il' DON'T FOHCET a has bffn n1•de to incluou thu !"IIIIUJI • url 1

,. u AI 1:! I' o.1 on ~I •Jnday h•t opcucU...•1 l,ulloluos.: tr .. oJ c,, and by 11 po:r8on cni:nj:cJ ~t • • )o>h•• • b ) II • ~.,cd~<ncy (;.,,·cmvr Ocs in an a~r~cnlturAI purouol u 111e11ut >~>JUlie

to c.:~ II tllld uo U~o.

, . .. II~. W t .. ~ II ~ E\cdlcu~y. 1.·11) Do:s countCI\·d \l llh R~riCUhiiiC, JltOpcrly so en fl. Large and ' Varled .. Assortineut Yn•nx, ntu l t nlt 1\nin •l lht·) wcoc md nt et.l, forcstr1, c"ttl•. ruorlnl: et ock. hunuu11 l llu Joor hy llr n .. \ . W. ll al\•~y. ,\I .L G. , lUlu !!~IIUI( . 'I be nuuohcr3 aho1v t lnt Scot ·

• t ht• cl\.\it.H!\11 tJf l! t l ~Utllu.itCt•,•, ' ' 1ln ill · )an ti trt\:t:l tno l(:atl i n it lt iUAlri~~~. (J $ OU t Of ' ot t •! tln·m '·I',.''" to! •ok vv.,r I h., b.;olol cv~ •y I UI)O 1ndi-·rolnl\l• iJciU if cnv•11colln nu ;, ;:, " Indo C•· •••i•l, ul I lilt<' • torid Rnol 1\ induotri~ l pu1~uit, wbil•~ only lS!! MO Clll· h:.&·t." IDL·~t. . \ t•t·Uthl.,: llat.! h"u,1'rb-nu.~ litni r - pi(JYtJ• I in "ll t iChlture. "f'he •n Oal ft.,!'rietlt· C\o •'· ti.o•y ~ •·•c ~:red••• \,y tloc atrnrn~ of 11,.,., cnniHry 11 ltRiy, ,.ju1 •j:!G f'Craonl 0111

• tl,, ~ •llun.ol • utl.uu I rum " chulr ,l..C1111atl o f I ("10, "h1l1t only :!~1'1 M e' occt;n!,iCU 1(1 '"' tl.t• lan.llro,: .\flo r lnop•·crin(C I he lJ~tl · •·ano n• iurlu~tri t·•. 'Htb-' lollo • i6"' 'uLk r ' '=· l. , u r t.udl '-' "t1 rr t•bo.: r t)om. \be cn't.,.., t l•c umuh.: ra fu r t1•e dut: f ctJuulflcl (. ''' ltH· r n tll:.h•d r lal·-euft\·e ruom bdo..., f.um "L•ch t tatu.lics hl\\'C bt·~u o l.lla•ued :-" f, t ·tC 0 1,\r.'•' II.. r CJf t l:&,! f.•htC v f ~t l ufin1try 4\ t'rJ, 1lt •I H~ J lJ~ 1 • \\ t\ lof' ~· · ,J. ~c- thu I .................... ·.:;,H J ~

IIi~ !:\t.''·lhhl'\' l n leh vtrt.• tl ;,n :tJ · it l.t-;.:I• •.Jcu•l \ \:-. , .......... ~t l .) 110 ,,!,I• :,t!dr... .. • "s1 • ••• , .,. l tJ.:I r-t .... ,. 1 ·' .,,. 11.,1 :'," • t a l •t,· l ... ....... ...... ~.~~ .. • . ... r; 1:~ r~lll'J\ r, rill ....... \. ~ .. u~ \\',. "'lll,:· l •• r e ~·tllllt) • .... ............ • <I t f.•r • • •

1 t • I • ' · I " r ut!•' ........ ,., ...•. , .... oJI:J u.., 1•11.:• r·. t:rc !tt.·1' l\\'\lrlo. "'"1\· u'li .. .JIIg It t I·\ l!') h:oo ............ :! ll ~:J' I t t .l'{l , ,. ' J ·"I\ ,.,.,, ,.,,.,., , :!!4 t~:ri

l h·:o ,\, \\' II or~ ...... ori l•· h1lf t-f th•· l'll•lr" ............ •2!J ·• • • I•:••



CARDS : -.. -AT--

· 1 · . . '

lh.onip.son's i'r1edical Hall. •• rot." ·~ ... ... ....

FOR SALE . '111.\' I: f':\'L .\ lli.J::

. • I ..

k"llEC~ ·O.P .LAND, :' (h.ei:llold) w:th

r ., ,. Ito I· t . 10 ~, I II " ~ .... , u. 'IC'J for 1 j II.~ <to m ~ t ht•e LW!> lllfVIbo.~ ~j"~·' "' ) '1 l r. ft r li ' 0 t) t l, (-4)\ 11..- .,. ... h l it " " I • ' ' h r,, , .. o, 111 u 1lU II.J l '-' r .,. ( l''·upl.;t u.at o f ll' t• .. l·,,.,, ,,, ... u.,_ ,.l ., 1.,. ... L .. ~ . la 1 ,~\l :•a If .. ,""hu a,,.~ tun·lY..:!\1 u 1t. ,!'H~'~!""~"-"

•:· .~~'"1 ~·;:;,• 1 ':'II •1; ·. ;•, ~ ;'1t: ;~~ ~· •. ~ ';: .. ~ • out fruou

11 I:,:·A.lli•U:IlO!IO,_O~ ... ~'~:·,'". 1 :0~~:~~ ~•. IIW£L_ li~G .. IIOUSE &' OUf-IIOUStS , ( ,. • ~ d lli .. ·., 1 ··~ l' r,.vc• nt t-t l 11,. OtUfiJ'It' f 1 1 I

· ' ll l~rC<ty. aituntcd on lho· uortb aiJc! of W r•to: ... ,~·· .\. &.: ll"! l I' or .\frtt• IHI II~nch u"' lh(• lnltn\\IUQ'lltl lf'pOtiU ·.• .. • • •

lloi•U• 1 " • " ' ·~·•• lur 1ubl,..,1r1 11• 11 w•ll h.-.l'l' r~ui~t>cd: ::>!r~tl, { llrbo~~•r. known 11 Ayles ~111te, f•l'. i,,t h• .,,,,, r'll'~ \YMif.t h• ;'l '-'()t,lf' l (

1';.1 ....t._;.l no ln.• 1. ··~· "··•~ 1 11,~ 1, .. y • '"' ' no w iu tlou e cCUJI!II cy o f ~lr. A.11 11110~ r r t. t.c t· .: or•t ... r h\ 0\11' ' ' 11-..! ' l 'hc--)~ ' '"'' thf\•t ::1•t \ . 1 ~ • , • ' " j.!•W~ ..... .,. ,. , th u ru r u r v•l.: , ., •l'•f' rtA) 1 ' I t C" t:n ' :.' ! '1 ,,f 1!· Jlil;.: 1 I \ ',.d '11110 >\ 1

" ' I L-d t•• •l+r ·~·• f.f ll'-•• l.!,."'~•lll,hfll , ..... u,. lur--.s • •

1. •• · ' ,, 1\ t' \ "" ' .J,. '" r o,,. ~~ "''""' H'r" : ... , 1 11 ~ '" •) 1w • ' ' ... , '~·.o~ .fri)\' J•~''l;"'' .c , ; .. t.~ For fu rcher.·jl!\rticu'J'"' Apply to ftl ht"'··l •t "'' I •!, If I~~ I n d ••. I ul t ....... .: 1 I C't .t'l •t: •n'rPiotJiar h t" alf Ll•" II • f''·u•r:"u,·, .t "''""· "L.', "' .. ' 1, ... ..,, •• , Hk" \4,.,., \'IN'"'"'>"-+:' v.,,.r\ , ''~"' ,1o(11J1 .. t l h.Dt\VAIU> 9. PIK fo~, - ·: I tL.I .. t d ,,J J h1!, •r,~o..''''' ' '·t•"Llh tol lh ~'' \ ltt.tJ ~L.:I , .. ,J,J~J.~"'l\1 '• nolL •IJt,»t·, L-•!tt~l. ·~•a I {'lubo~f:..Y. · J?e<:.l\.tf '

'"•Jt H'

liU•l t 'HIOid :\I r. .J Ul l.'M \"tJI'It 1\) t ht'1n , ,,J •!·•t..'•t C'tlUI J M~ ttl'\ flha;:• 1\.la a.t onty • , ~· ""It .. •••.\ f'rt•t ltr.t-.lli .nnl t ,. f ,.,; :l..,.l lh.••l ' o "h-t, ;•• '' • thntt '•n•l,..r l11 r.rr"u).:•III•Ul tU~ · JJ, me ' v· ~ ~ ,,. t'1 ' tnh·.- t..."hy 1"•-.. •h kl"r"l ,,I,Jt .. oul l ~ •n"r t ~'~I \\ t.' u"'~ ' ' lt l it' •• l•l .... . . " t l ~ ~ ..... t , .. .... , ,,, I)Mf't.. Ill lu. 'lt -- to.fol lf't•ll~ \ Le l•'l'· \l r. II., ,., ~ .... I, o 11 l -.u ,, .. ,c;.: 1

1 nNul

uur C '\pt .l'U 1•u 1 ·q lA ou \ ·~r·l :"h·l I u1n· 1 ' 1 1 .. • .... ' .:f,l ... ·~ ' .... 1 ... '"' '"" ·•• ""brAr·dt

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I ~ tu LJ~ to I h • I. ., II• • \ • u.t I ' :' ) 1,. .. I ~ Hr .• ,~,.. " "'.., 1'"''"" •• ·Y .. "' , . • ,. , L•u•J l No 1 '1886 , . ., o. r b1.o tty. l .. n ""'"'1~ •I k ( '•·• • .ll. ,,. • • ' '


Tbn S.tqscriber hoa ng•tin ndtlo:cl t o b ia I largo nnd ' 'nricd Stock, n fo w of the no w.

011t le11diug Pe.lent Mcdioinoa and Suo. uriea, as follows:

Green's Angus~ Flower, .Boacbce's Ocrmen Syrul', WArner's Safe Cure. C11rte •·'11 Litllo Liver Pilla , W~tar'e &lsam o f \Vild Cherry , Wye th'• L iquid ) Jolt E>tlrncl, . lln~cline, :llolhe r Ora~· Worm Ext.erminntor. Liebig'• Extmot of ::Ilea~ P ear' .. 5o:~ p, Pc:~•'s Sha\'ing Stichs. W hite Enamel (for filling tee th,) Benzine (for cle .. msing purposes,) )ln t laon's Family Syrin:;cs. L ime Fruit J uito:l. Le mo n &yrup, R .tspberry ~yrup, l>r. W ilson's llc r u ino BiLIOI'8 J ohnson's AnO<Iy no r.inimcnt 'l'"mnr l nolicn (for cosli\'ness) Eno'~ :\I o'lo i iCJilCtl Sugar (for \\'OrmR) tlunnl'lf H uir Dyl", T rico phcrous Tc .. t.en·y T ooth P owder, 1-:no'~ .1-'(uit &I~ :U unay'a l•'luid .\l Qgnc.aia Jk-ef, Iron anti Wino . Northrop& Lymun's VcgetnLh1 Disco.-cry

do do Quinine W ine K ello::g's A s thmn. R r meily ·

do C.Ltarrh Snuff. D.llfy's Eli:~r.:i1·, H op Bitters Dr. Wl\lkor'ot VinoJ>ar BiLlet s trollowav's Com 'uro Putma n's Cot1\ Exlmclor 1(~1\tinc:'s InsPct P nwde r N • rtlwo p .l: Lymnn·~ F.u1trlsion A ycr 's •• u RUp.nilln, P ntncr'11 Emul~ioo

tlo Clourry P ectorul Pierw'a Cultleu Medico~l Disco,·ery

Jo Pmsstive P ellets tlo ~OSA I J nj~tora

W a te rproof Nnn<ing Aprons UO JXlngO fi I~S do Bib ( lor chiiJrl'n lecllling.)

r r lh.ws' C'ompon nd s,.,· .. lj StN:UIUnn'• 'l'o:uthiul( Puwolu18 J:u!Jhcr 'l'uloin;:: fo r l.o'ceJeu1 l).,,inngo Tu!Jing. . .\\'t•r'K ll .. i r \ · •c:nr, Bsy Rum A 11,'1111 II ,j,· flp;t'lrcr, Child's ·rruiiSCS ,\ <lult'~ T"•••··•, :\I in1ud'll l.iu in,,•ut L'• j,·crt'll C'o~rho! i~ Sonp, Fullc•'g E.u1h W' i::l.t'~ t·r ,. (, ; uit•rott, r Wino n .. ,·,l o~d: llluoJ Cu tl'l'll K··;·lcr·~ r ~1 Lt " 'r Oil :rml ·:.\L,dt. l : -4._c•twt• ut ~p:tll'l•, A tlt•n'H LHnt! J:,I~J\ IU .J tlll~o"'" G,.,. tl l'uint, J•ul.oton'" U oltl I nk f 'ill'lltl' or ~l .. ;::nr:tili, '•renne l .oztongt•s l'• t•l'l rmin l 1-"Z•'"C:""'· Uinser Lozo.:ns<~ :'.• ' oq • '""' )I o..t c' ~ 1·.,._,) 1,:,,.,. 'J uict•, C'alll(l·•l th·ilt'"'• l>.·~lcc.uaJ Cocoanut, X"a' .,·H Food \\'u01.hlt'~ lhkin~; P o"tlcr . \" '' kMioir.• l h ·lish , \\'oi'CuqlCJal•iro Sauce J)dMl ~·"·or~·. l>de<l HlAf', U oil."'.l Thym o \'.inc ~'l r-ln ' l.nttll"ll;··htied !II i 11~, Pickotnnl''s \\'a~loing t'n·~t\1 • Hn'ih ..t: Col • .ll:it Plliif<', \Vrt)( 1'.1J}CI'8 T ooth Js,.;~l.c·~: Sho,•·i 1i~; B rna!.cs, llrcuiu:.: ComLd, jo', T. Conolo~ •. HilllmtU:ti" L illl<'l Jnice a nd t: l)·cur inc ; , tlo: •' '\:,.)j~.~': j~l\l'r Co~WCLiiJIIfl

• \ •IJ>hcaol's Plate PowJer 'ol}ce\11 l'llt.tl.l•'l!y~? ~&nl'(lcl •. GULIS

Jt ixc.;J l 'u.i'n[s.!l;tt, lb Tin~ U 111loc•·, , il•nnn, Rtlh Pipo H<'tl u noi . \'J·Ilotw O~hre, V-'k Stain. l~·H En~li11h Cupnl V:ioish-1 r,nl. T inli :-:,tiolWI'\001 $t11in1 .\Vnlnn ~ S tuill., • ;)l uh(l,;nny OQ. llu~cwoool .to. t


Advertisements. ~~.~~l -~. --~~~~~~·~.,~

A¥ER'S' Cherry Pectoral. 'Xo oU>ttoompt&ln\8 aruo tul41ooa Ia their

llltaek.,Lboeollltecun, tbe Lll i'OIIC IUld hmp: nouo eo lriGed with br \ho ma)orit)' or IUJI'or­u.. Tbo onl!Mr:t COUih or cold, rooalliD• f'lltloape lroro 11 UiGina or a.aoo ... Joua o:o<r pOIIlfO, lo oltcn bal Lbo ~alnnh1~ ot "fat.al otek""". A 1'1:1\'8 CIIIC.IWY P &erOtl.lL llu wellpronD Ita e!Gc.l07 tr: ) Iorey run• ~ Yflh tl.roal~~aollana 11•-· and tboulol f utcu 111 al! c.uu wflboul <lelar.

A Tenlble C<.~us:h Cnf'8d. / "In IS$ ltook "••""' cold, wblcbaaC!CI..S

mylun.-, t had a lerrltolo eouih, OJKI J~d nl«ht aller nrgtn Without a&etr. '11Je dodora JEAYe 1uo up. 1 t ried A' xao# Cur.kJn• f-'I'C.. T~MAL. whlc J. rt"Jif'..-N a •y h.u~, tht1u~ I•Hfll aud Alfor,l"'tl me t ho rnt l1~q.ry f or l ut r«-. • .-... ,.,. o f u•r aUtthleth. Jh ll.o t'ODlhiYf'ol t US0 Ut the l ' Yt"t'()J;t.\L n l ""OU:\• near ~•ua U'a.j,f'tftot·tt.~. 1 am Oo \C r.-..: )t:tr'l t~l l, halu ftn•l ht:lU"t \'0 And am aat.Ja.deJ. f Otu' t:u.u:un l,ltt.'Tuu.u .. .,.Hcd nac..

ltocLIDabam, ~:~j~~; lt:~~llOTUI:Il."

Croup. - A 31othn'• Trtbnte. "\In !I~ In tho couolr:t loll uirot<r my lltllo

boJ, tlueo}'tAniOitl, wu t:akfn llhYilh cr•lup· It loft'an«l &I / ' bo would \lte tnm\ ttranau: IMioo. One o lbo !uoolly atojl,<ll<d ll•o uoo ot A \' tmo• CUIUtn\~ r cr,..hJ: u .. l\ bottJG c t wbleh ...... all.-.,.. kept lu tl.o bon..,, n ,r, •u U ltN h.1 euut.ll &l~ l l rc•lt"nL ~ Aod &o ou.t tle11.;t. t h a l«s 111.1\.n l1alt an hon~ tbo :!nlo Pl'LiwnL •u bruthtn~t c••lly. Tlar .:~

..& or f.,dll tha t tho ~lf l .. tul\' 1-"-.:t 1"011,\f b3d ..,.IAf"C-ol Ill)' •lartlu~'ll Ute. (."a..l ) OU lh.>ntl~t ht oar cralttu,lo7 Sin., rrly fnnl"',

l'l1t111, t\MUA OCI\~J:\',11

IW \l'ut IZ..Ih St., ~u$' \·ock, )l!_l _IO, lt•t:.

'"l lla' o n•etl A\' Cn'" CncRn,~ f 1r <.,.Ofi:At. tu my fa~t~Uy fur , .,,crn l 'UI"', atal ,!u tmt betl lAt.e to prouonnc~t It l ht• •r.ost rtf', f" tllJII1 retUNJ fur couatu aud cold.t .., e lJAYa ~•er l rte,l. A. J . Cau_sL' '

l.aloo Cryo•At, )lfnn., t1l'eh t.'l, •n~.

''I t\unnt .._, , f'nou:;te tu rralHt o f A\' T1t'1 Cut:aln' VJ'('Tf'lt ' '·· ""lfe~tn5: u t tJo that buL ftlr ItA w.o I ~~tlJuukJ loaa_ •luee bYo died from hnt..e t n tultlf.• 1-:. Ua .. u.-uu:-.'

l'aloulne, T e s u. ,t\p:-U'!!. ~~~ ..

~o (3.10 of 11n AlfOC't lon ot t ho thro..'\\ or lt1n~ ullr. wbleh e3nno1 be gruOyrellol'<od ll1"llr.l u~ ar ATr:r.·• Cn~:nnY P?.CTOnAt., Au-J It will oi1My1 t'llrt wb•n tbo d~uo I• uol .Ur.,.dy bernnd lbo oonu vt cr a>odldae.

r-ai'!,.Anr;o O\'

Dr.J . C.Ayer& Co., l owell, Ma11s, So~y all Orugll~

T. r.nwrwo & co .• Wholc~3lo Agcnta, S t. Jolonw

Harbor Grace Stove Depot JUST RECEIVED

o~otl for Slllo lly

C .. L .. KENNEDY Roehoe\er Parlor Lampe, new•" t.lc•i~:n

1u llr~ckeL ond Etto:u•ion LAlli' ·.

A gc uornl ueortu~nt of Fnncy aud Hall T nblo 11 uol N ight L ampe. '

, Just r~cdred by 0 . T •. KF.N~EIJ'l.

Ltttc.l Impro ved Combioal ion Chhnnoye J ust reC\!in~d by


Duple x , A rgnnd, Dnd a ll\rgo n:saoruncot br Lamp Burnora.

J u•t rcc~I\ Cd by C. T .. 1\ENNF.DY

Tubular Lnntorn•. P a&.&:lt ,Flour Sio voa J U~t r~CCI\'Ctl by

<'. L. KF.~NEDY.

Fnucy Drowor Pulls null B!Uldlos J uu. received by

C!. r. KJ<::--- ~r:nv.

.Enc:lieb nnd Americnn D oor L ocka of ,;lo riou~ •le•i l:!nl ;1ud •tltl\lltol!l.

J uH r~-cci~ed by C. l h 1\E:\NEOY. --- --- --

Fancy Alnrm Door Dells J lilt ri!C~IVctl hy

C. L. K E~t\ EOY

, New Advertisements.

$17' Puc huon ahouid.look to tho Labcl 011 tho Bo:oa o.zu1 PctL Il tb~ nddrtos h not 633, Oxford Stre;,t, Lon4on, t.hf)' an'qrarli7DI;

TrrE srBscRmEns wouLD RE PECTFULtr. ··c tL the nttcution of the ~fcrchauts of Xcwfounu la.nd ' to . the iL'

s tock of · '

fur Ll.c ~enson of I ~~G nnd I ~8i. .,. ----n----.

Xow on hand, nt ntk up SjH'cialiy lor the J.-l:md wi th pn1·ticular n:gan.l h> their n ·qu i r'l' lllCIIt::!,

'Fishc~rcs, nnd

. ..

- FOrt-

'Vc OIC Jl r<'pnrcd to furnish ony o£.the nllo\·o Sein08 of DII:J kn!JII•. cw~ tfeptl., m11dc fr~m l hc ,

• S H E P A R D C 0 L D Fin E D A .L T W I N ~ • • !hiR T .. i~e proJucOR t ho li!Jid(,C( SeitlO po~iUr, t ogethe r wi lil Lho s~~:l.!rav;!f

J·q•<~reol It> wlill&tcmd rou!JI• U&(I!Jt. Th\!110 Soin~a uro mounted in a mo.unrr approved b!J } i4htrma•; urc rtaJy for

114C; \\ ILL 11.\:-;DLC £.\~tL\'1 ASD IJO 000 0 t'IS itt~G.

COD-TRAPS of uny Hizc o r sly I<.', mntle to orill'r at short notice.

STANDARD HERR ING~- NETS. ... All s'zl'll I'Cnd~ for immedia t e J c lii'Cr\'.

. F o r silling w.i., l LO l:otton net unqu.;, tionnbly &urp:lSIII!S Pny other kind; and 19 lLc 111<>41 1'ro5tai..U to u&:. .

SHEET-NETTING for 11111kipg ~·· r('pniring Scinct, 1'1.,.ps, m· Gill Net~, can uo snp)'lied, in nuy:ei~:o mcsl• nud twllll', at onoo n•X>n rt>cci t•t or ortlcr. , .

COTTON L INES \Vo ~nn furni~h Cotto~n L ines, 1'Annto or 'Vmn of n auprrio r fiUUlity, t.o

Or<lllrr. \\f I itA fur p•icC6 (){>for O Ortlc rillf: • \V c "' o t h •1 ul<lrst nnol hr~I',C nu1nufllclurc r3 of liRh natt:n,. i11 the U uitetl

. ' tntc •. l t i~ our t>tfort';o. lu~rn the r crJitircwc nl.ol o( t ho ti~hcrmu•~ nnJ prOduce tbo goaoi~ hPSl oul.1p!<· l to t h~n· wnntv.

\\\ • I pin <•nr 0\\ II \"nm nml ,nrc t he o nh· IDAtlU(.lclnrel'll or lhc S/1('/ 1(1, , Gold .lf'!lul 1'1om r J "hi.:h !111!1 rt~ir·cJ the l.i'j!J,Jt •ll"flrtl wh.-ro--cr <'Xhih ltcd, inclntlin_g "'" London l nl!'IIIIHio•ml l'•~heri.·l E'hihitilln, ..-hcru we tcC<'i,·cll the on ly Gold .\lt•lhll nwnr<ll'<l for 11111\l'"ori~y ul Twtnt', nml :\cttin~.

Uein~ m l llllfiiClnr•H M froon thl' n1w m·,tcri • .l, onr o•r-tomor.:~ 0.111 rdy on tho tpt:.litr o t nn r ;::oocls, il lld lou n"l!nrf'fl of lotrt.t ;~s>MiU~ pricu.

(;,on Jill Ol dl'l'll lJy wire nt bh c;rt no tico .;uJ will !:"'u tl.ctn c.t refnl nttcnlim • ' " ·I' tt.~· 'Atil t 1111 nt.J. , ., ... nf tl •· l•ut , Jilt.! R ' fl \' 1 1 ' •··• .l,ruoll 1 ol·) .t,.,,.• .. ' 1 " ' 1" • l TO MA fUERS.

)((' \\ ;\ a t>•)• f'i. l ~ :,:' ui \ \\1-4 I • l~U Ill J,.., r ,. no rni nf\tionl\1 aw l tl t h 1ni f!flU.'L' p• i:Jl·iplt~ I t L t ho';·· J.~~ h" ,-~• 1,1,~ i1 .,; mit t t'lmt- .,.,,,i • Let Ir 1 d' I la T p "1 would be oh•~n~·l 1""1 I' • e an 8 8 nd ,~a 01 e

. \ choice selcclinu nf [\lt i.\ R PI P~:...; . A !\I . tlE R:', PERFlH.U·:S. II.\ Ill nod

G LOT II ES Blll!Sll 1-:S.

CI.J" l'rucriRtiuns carefully compoundc<l anti with puro clrnga.

.\ chou:•• M!Ortmcnt o r T oHot nnd other ' Soups ESTA ULISII ED .. . l SI~. C A.PlT:\L, ~31i0,000.

lion. J .I l t -J;.:OU I'I II 1-f'f'Q IIdt ·• l tlw \'d t· I •• r I ... ..... : .. "' .~ "'•'lll lt".ll \ ' Ill • ltr •i,:·· l·n l. .. f I B a ' lie w •• J'f;),ll!'ol 1<1 •<'I' ll1• l•:..,,.,.,t,,.. , llr•li "''hh ~ • · ' Y • : J,,lly u .-" Y lP'I ( 1\t lh••tr .. llfltl .. l ' \ \ l l llllt'lro[ ' ''··:r ~ .. ~." .t ... . ~ tlhr,.lnll h.l' iJb,'\ffiiJ,d .!fl<llll t I.,.\ r ii COJ:: .. ... . ..... .. .47~ S7" 52' N . • li e p10Uilk,l Il l\~ llih jjh.:lluh .. l:P' :'\ ...: oJVJ -.11\ I· I f;. ~ , .. 1 .. , ,) h nnr .. r .. ,i t r r t t"n .~~~t.t.t .. "' !'j,H'Ih' til} I J AJ:\01 n.:o£ .......... :..:i~ 22' J3" \V. t.lenJ iu the blta.iiiJ:II'I l o~L WOI• f·l ft " ' troon t..fd:lben « liAr •l•n"'~• I V•h,.( • no . t •• ...,, · I ---thriT 1tt.wu~lity. tlu • t"h·tl 11ar-l II ,.\, r t l•e \~1 11 t "'".t'y,:. •' o..;r " "I'•'·• llto•l "'"'"~u~,.::·,~ J u A rirc.,1Ar /ro11 Tutrtr :1.od ll tr«;~od Kec1 . fundi o f tho il\,llil tlliun r••r ouow ~d ''·•Y ~-·~rt I . lonoolu,ouol ~·' ·;, l;l· ~ ~.,.,. ""i··~·· . ~ra.dwellinl( ( IG rrct apart, aud beAring wou l.l &lM~" .foir~ rlol.aolon~l r.;, ·h.lui uc· • ' " • 00 1 \V . . W . from ~a.ub ol hor) huo buon er~CI · t ion iu n:olvij;allou' fu r o ur you•'!: S.lll•JI& ot 1• •" m~ ...,..,...ti,.,,.., •h..., I 1"''"' In •tnt C'rlh 1 tJ 0 11 ,\, c" abo\'C nnmetl lall\nd wl•er o !herr

~ • \' oll ·•leofoln H-•routll,'voo .Uy, J ok• d~r ~~ • ..., "ill br el<hibltetl ui,.h iiJ on ~ud afttr tb t be ONI"';c , • ,,ft d~L 1!1~~ • d I . " ' · U ( ·a tiu.ur.!lQt the n rrepon lrd. ""Y"'IC in \'111 ll••t pluu ·~· .. r t ~.1 , 4ot'J' )ltr'•nut: n,luo l•~ir, • at~. 10111 e_uuae t to aunn ae, t pre.seo mg- • ' ~l .al! of hlf •ilc l lool IL unci~lly p i<U· """ ... lt vool I k ................ ,, .. dr~ ..... , co r• r. . A 5th order Holophotal Rev olv- I )[l'llai'V. _ w il~on . .\l li l heaoo & Co., GlnM· ed htr to a .. 1 io a ny 1111tl1 • •"1hy uloj~t J•~•". I th uk ~ff d•r vorfdl, '"" II• ,,n,Ju und It• . White L ' ht - ~ go,~, l enora ! l\f..,.-cban~ll.

llo-any cl Cli r l ..... t lot'u ;.. i~en the UM- 6Jr,4' • mg Jg • ~ti'L!I:'ll. Rugh HounetL & Co . • .Olasgow, •rnor and Lady J lu \"reoo~ ; •lt~r wt.U,ll. t ; ~tl 1 1 i•h •t••l onr., • ..-!1 ••"1 1' t 1''1 l' ,. .. t" '!·~· ehe<YinC! 1\ltern"IO 0<4hea 11nd lotal eclin•n· J.ir1c11~ 111iiCl · Cun,·u•. ' t 1,·l all clut •Ia\· ltl ••f: I t.af ,.tt-h"';.:' tu ·I·• • . • • . ...... u. "~ rd~ohlll~Uc.t ,..,rc k rl etl rououllll 1\ll. UoJt ohu•l Ioogb iM rr-o.,., >me! ~n-,1.,.1 10 • Ill cr<ll1ell t.~1lhaucy hdlnr;; a tiiiiU Od d 1 • 'lf't'MNI. :\. p.1, 1.tri~~ .'~ Co.; Olo\Sgo~,

II•• •·.~~-ll~hc'f. ·~ unoh·r tAh<i , 0 11 lraY· • • Ah·liool• 0 ""ol~ u l l:! t ecou•la. I ' lllumlnalte lh" p · .. 1 ' l • 1. · ·

- ' " ' • " • lCil !'!, :\IW:C, !J;·u:l!. i111e J!tOe rou.aly gue .£:lV for the ruudr o r - CJ.m-1,. Fell"' .iJ..- "bol o horililn to & dial4ncc of !IJ m•lea . ~II·. A uo.lte.w D .witlaon, Mbr.cu.-.:.tcr, l be tlume. From loillh wat.er to bue or Tower ... :l;! rl!tl

Al tl~ Of enins.: c,l nur S:tilora' llome to- •• •• ~--· .~.e.1~J.A:GES •• , :·; ·· boae to cer.tre or Ligh,, ........ :l:; " ~f \\".II' :C••~o.la, l&c. 1: So Red d~,. tloo UoHruur .. ..., introoluced,Jo tho On ,,,. .... ll .. t. -~·ti• . .\ .. .,,,.;"''" ( ,,.,;, bil!h water to buo or \ ' aoo ... 7 l •• • {'SSrll. I 11\ffi' Rrl e lt ,. n, -


JO.HN S.H~RPE, 312 y.<alor Street, St. Jolln'a.

J u,t recuvctl by ' L. KE:s-N t-:nY.

Amoricnn lJroomf, ~;ood qu:~htyl\od cbu~p ,Ju,L rc~o~rc•l iJy

C. I~. J{.I~XNEDY Water Street, :&ar bor Grace:

Analysi-ng the Advertise· ments.

rcm: llO\'.\L H.\ KI~G I'O \\'n;:lt C'o. .J.. ionply ' " 1helr n.lverti ·~•n,•nl" tlo3llhe :\cw \' or L. t~tc BoMtl of 11~"1\h endoral' their l'ow•lor M tl•c only l'ure ll:1kinc l'o .,.· · •lrr in the m:~rk r t. ' I hd lollow1nr; ~opy of "loUer cool lhtVIl by diri'CIIOII of t lou ~ •• .,. York Stnto no~rd ollltl\lth cxpl~in, it~dr.

d1r~tora lfol.'d public by"the1•1 ~ 1 ?;•· ~~..:~· ll•h1:1 • . lhu ,toy w.. lt.v. !.1 . tt 1\lrtn"tlt~ lAr •1 he Hou!O 11n•l To,.er are p~lnted r e<l cjitcl., F is l. H ooks, .1:~. J lar .. ~y.orl«!' ....... hcerem1'111,)' .... u:t,~Y J ...... \\'llc<u, IO l1Loo'~tC.R ll ... r.oba•y. w ;b of I II I I h m tl M e1nrs. Fl'rt:II!IOn &: Co., LonJon, Tens }.l.lolll' .lb· Cth, 1~:.j . . r roend<!d to deli•~r th~ in•ucllrl!j-addrt'U :,~ J '\111•'•· ~ft<l ; am ~ • le, n a '~"·t~. ol ~utal baa • · a n ti CofT(!('. v .aplle tho


1 a nd chilly lll\tore o r the On , ,.,. :!~•to ult. •t I lot> 1\'o· l• ) '"' r.~ ... M.,~. eounllnuou' ~troun bo ... bu ld1oga. • , , 1o tJ1e dftt)l•tjil(lltf(rtrif J:"!l / &tl.:i•y l 'vtu-

we•lfoer thero , .. , • 1_,2e ""' ' diltlnttui•ht.-1 1H J ut ..... ~Y rhn Hcv. ll r. Yot ... r·.1,, r..a ... r.l • ( U'J'Or~er.) Me~~· U wis Gr.\ve . • ~ Co., Lo ndon, du : .

~thtrio~e. lnclndl!lg L:"iJ Dt riVcetu , Il ia g!~;.~; 1l': f~~,.t.;;;:~~~j ~~t" "{ ~!1~~-:-u:1 W • R. S17 1R!-1 :-IU. • 'Ji'uints, ,\!il.s, e t c. .G t:.o;TJ.

1tut!l, - In n~lll_Orooe "Jvertiao

Lor.l•h•Jl Uiahop J onet. He• . t~. Uotwootl, P~rh ,,., ~ft.[ , 1 • ro. oJCcrttn"J· Occ lf. i meuta o your wnrea 11 16 11111t1e to ~prcllr ,. ,eral u r th\) t:bnrch or t:uglood aurf !:&Ia• lloRrd of W orh 0 /lioo,{ dl~ m • thU this Uo~nJ. llRe~ll\fell yuur f'nwd~r lhotflt clcrlt)'tnen lllltl "21"(111 nornber of DEATHS In Ute., 1&16. s Grand Trl{nk ·Ral"lw.ay' In b~ pnr~lnolto<l tho o nty l'urc llakiuu Altl•• n• .... d · tftc1iea. of tdl' d rau t a. A ftcr It u lA 1 ~ 1 11 ' - .., Powd~f iu the m•rk't&.. ~ucb n rniflrcpre-~ - "~ •Y " rt•· t·• 1

'" 1 ' ' "

11" 4 -. .\l., olol- GOVERNMENT NOTICE. · aentatlon i1 w"olly unwArrnutcd by tbe re · Jlia E lleellf'nl'y ball -e011clulit'.l,the 11-. •t tlau~loltr oil )l(Jamo• Cultoton, •s .. l~~ yaoro OF C AN APA . 'I

A w. llnn~y. Jatwll!I<Ul Ho~C'r.lleolt.I &JKI "'"' U1 _,.h. , , • • __ • ... vort to which ")'Ou.r Adnrti•tuHulte relur. J:ob<•.rt Tborbnrn hd!lit~d .tlt;e a.\lm~ 6~1,. or~ ... J oh'a. 11• &lor••1 n•otng,. ~ntlll l>r. Lo•u l.a~ ~ iven any certificate

II 1-~ IL b 4tb '"'' : o .. r.t Udrd e .. , .. •,;•J Gil reo .... . m - A YrER tho exptrAiion o r O oo ~lontb Lt>west Rates and Best Route. •""•if• inu ti!O qnalitiu · of 'JOUr n rot.luol, it 1111dth~ "~tdlu~,-.· •e•r. •. "'~'" J'A re• rl- - •~-r•-·· • . ~ ""-•I 1 • ,.., ' " .. I' . ... - - ftJr .... ro, .,_, ... . rro•n t his date LieeniiO lo cu~ T i•nber -1:.:.-- .... in "'•llri.,.to Cft fli\City lind nu l na ftlla l-fcetioo, 10 .Mcrull "'OIII I""'t.ed .-tl~u,r.: .A& lolortlor u.,. "'""· on lfoe Y!'lh !WI•.,,.,. I r . • i T h I . Ti k ,_, ~ Q •. "l tl I , •. "'' di' brboc:I&,S~~MJo SI~• ... ,U I~.Tnrb~r. 4••J~h- in 110 ollow1ngSect onaof lhtl'~nio1u:" . tongu, rc tL't .or neuce, .,on. ) lloftlull loar . hnva tberero •o tore-

• , ----. - ... , • , • • .,. n( "lolr. 1'hnlhll•ll•o .. no. • o..-... .,..r •••• well or 'aldu "]' W I!MDJOil t'o ~lr'SrC.-J\:, fit :;J'l"eMl, Ot~.ttwn; Toron~, Anti all otl.c •· 3ue.at th,t JOU duitt from conuect ing the -Wli..h~. ~h•Pl. do, k wu In IlL J o•bL ... •h·r• •to• .... ... e.uo.U •"" MACio:AY an lfoom Boso, 0 St. obn 'a poinw i lL c .. 'l~4.~; ~&l.t!o, to all princip.11 ~lat.o Uoard o r Health with any pretended

.\!.ills nl Uo.ton, C'nnton tlml llntltlttm . .

AMERICAN NE.T & 1"WfNE CO., ' ._. t • 1·

43 Ooll!mercial Streer, BOSTON, Mas!!, U.S:A . . . r==·

---0-.--G]Prepare for the Colp. Weather by

.. your BEJ?DING from us.

BEOD in t h e cduntl-y.' · ~.

. . . '' 4 .. ,. I


... •rl'!'

·" , . · .. :;: .:,. • I . ,.

.1 • • Jl

Nfld. Furniture & Mouldi~g-~'qo., -· G H. & c. E. A.ltq~rnALn,' Manage,rs; · . . ,

.. l • • • • • ·· ' ·

Show ROQms, Duck\vorth St.; Fncttlry1 Fpt·cs'- ~~o~d~ S11 ')oh,l1s. • • o ~ • • e... •• ~. . . • .1 • • ~. ._ ~ . g :11 belo•e<l b1 tllou ocqualnte:J .,.ftb b<lr. • ic.. :- - IKI_iu(a in t.~o· U"u ii,~"St.o~c.a_, . .fliD.'!_O ob:, 1peeial Aohut~ttntot of yuur l 'o,..der and

Th• aopr.ecedtfufilJIIIItttO' •• C.lf; ~· I • ' I<! ' , Me. 8.· \0, 12, IS, 16, 'l7, 20, ~· 6. !.1 r if YOII rubliah ur Lo•o'• 111\tne fOil omit tl•e

... ,.. ·"P"P 11ollblnaf~wyw-. ta.uat.~tfi- sliP N ,. I ll!tlJ'"' 'ow'oabip 1!1 Sonth, Ran~:• 21 ~ tlliDt l'OUOI ·"·· s· 'J .;·· .... r:o~~·u· RlEI': Iitie 0 aul\lf'l lO !bia l}oartl- • poait ioa b~ 4J US'l' RECE. lVED·."' I r"ovs'' !. ·ro· y' s-! ·· · ·r:o:¥·s·~ ! edthe .. o rlcl. hl1.outb9plpoubt~4{~ · 1 • ElL ~ec.HJ. l7,20,2j,27, Totrn~bipl!l U1, u 4 • ..... a,u..,..,., •• douuotOCCUJl1 , ., and oot rtn•.f:\IJ. ,~ dJtigqr.er~.for' the ., • . • , ._ Jtau~4. i!O Jl.ut. '· : "' t Aplll"1', Sr. Jonw'a, I n> your obtdie"t ~rV!U\l. , • , •l ~edJ an4 ~''l.'l~cor~ o r Cougb-, Coldf PO O:PRARBOii 0~- .~ 13. 1:',' 'to.pahip 19 ~outb, Baoae 233 DacltwOf'tt.. St~o lip elewa, oppoalte . ALrnlD r.u OLOW Col.'OLL, lt.l>., •.• N. -llf- • ~ : IJ Tll~ . • ..... . .. "n 1 lho teYe ru~ 1, 'fro_~L~\., lt acll 19 l'.;aat. - l 1 • •• t lio Comalei'Oial JJt.111t. S<c. a,111l Ez-0/Jirtr • L', • N • · rt OD an e.otlrcly ailrertu ft~o~e -~i\1'tlle I ~ . . I r;!b,'l·;;T"' St!J.. l , <J, ·~. To•IJII~~ JB S«<t.b, Jla~~.~:• o•l3 1ttl. • .,_ ••.• I. I I ll'tlf' ) or.l.; s_tJJu / flla{Jjj )~epll~f c . . J<C N E OY . F' ·N CY AN 0 TOY ·,a· ltz~·· ~· . ll.fllal nr-eecr~· i_ona ai•Clllfa'Jl~atci$Ca, At, ~ ~.i11J. :;trunl Q_~ D, ~ .Eaat. 1 • , , • From the Nell\ EuuJand Grwtr,., /opn·l Ultb I ' • • • . ~. · [i ' . 9 ~ f.\ , .H "An{' 'l i• ,._L!-..... - u-t f.: •.J•• ob WkliC' ) , cnkleotloll, l ;liA'IIoL•fn.oon. t .. lL.IHelliOk .... ~&o. 3,lt\ ' l5, '.1'o•JMII,·pa8 Soutb, Rat~ne A tt'at d•New Bo ~ ' . . t• 'lo r. . ....... v~ 'I ... - • ..,., v • ""' ... "' .. nn s·~n Q ~ • Il l~ . " ' I l - I' ,, ' • I • i . .. Vl'-'l:'u: En-11•:••r ···-~ ,;•· ~t.' d'- at111 Ia"' t t.o ayatern. bill OD llle'con- ,.rmon, l!H :;l,•"t,IIJ~ fi'~ <'fldP b, 63 cuko ~:.at. • • ' 1 • I I• ~ "' • I " ; ' f . ..v.• '~ I .• ... j ' I t IJ No. 14511\V I\ Tint &i-RBBT( • .. ... v•:c •• ·'., I ~· ' .... I lrt.r1 rtmeve• the ~ of lbe troablt, ~lei I. t7 • .,. •• b r ng 0 • t.C.xt fur- Jobo • I • . • •• A.. PEN N!:Y j ,, · ' • • ~~~ J .. , ; " / ~ .Uaw' «.rwgnW,~qd J:)~ijurJtv ~ Ri' • ··~ j ' • ' · • •• ~. I n,. IUIII Woodll\lyil,\11'1\rmolli·~Jr~t ~ I .,

btall tbf, p1utuJfoct¥1a,cl~~~lh·CD,!j ~ft .t ~ rt T 8 00 qtr.." lodflll# ' . ll J } .~~~.rwp GtMfM . t i ... ie;.ppy-.1 n~!l~·~· [··I; flU h-t " "' , l..'l , ~•w"" ~ IJlQ. •" flo.., ..._ ~!\ . Ll!:!'t 'r,"S·D ..JJ.;i .. l~G;. ~ .... ' QllldOII!II!J Corllt'l8,. 'rumt ... tttbW"t:ijl~. l a puely bullllJ c~od{llon. A bOlll~ kopl - J.t... • y~ .... ~ • i st. Jollnl, No• . .2!ll.b, 1886. ' ' t 11•• ~ftnjLIJ ltlw¥r j)rr, ••ll• 6 , , " J I " , l I • 'N . t .. 'I ,... • ,Jl ' • '1)•" . ' . 'flbrn •lfonl~.tw b . .. l bt t .i] .. , '·t~l/11 b/, in tbt houte for uw whee Utfllo ci\MMe.e :=:on: ..: o·· ' t · " I,. I • ' ·, ~o,pd. s.;tn•iol ~ r'lll.'"- ':...;·~7 nlW· . I "' I. ·, ,,. ;1', :w. D~r~ . ,. ., •.. I ~B'f".fus I UJOSJi ~~Oltli."!)I~G. ' ""I'IIOI"· " ••·• .·rlllll ltu ,,· n - , T·· \ S·"#l~ 1:.·.1:' 111altl tbeir ap~raoo61 •Ill .... d01110r'e .._ 'P'AasOGIQl'8.'' · 1

' 'UN I N DJlUI('Of Nf• 'O P~ 1\!lPIIa . ctrrl~ · ' i , ~ • ., ~-:tf" ~.. · · .,.., •~ "'" • ~ " blllt and a , 1011~ aptrll' of WeNt ... ~. I 'l'tr 8 B c...- frym lyllfaJIT NIH u.,.t ... J • • ........ , L. • ~heral.l~ ~J)I(re!{mu~l)t-¥n~~~ (o~ • '1. . • Ji" "o' o'_.__o~ :.-· ;.,·Rii ( .~ t .f.bfllP~Y ULUI-.: .• Ch~:,~ot.ll ol( TO<I\a, t::rl~w,r~. fl.·_....,.-ol~ !:-il l A lml-.iltr~nQit'lfOit •f us ... 1 r... IIN1'boftl~;jlr•·tld.lllll' lla~do,"~ ·N J "' -- • Sbtrad 1 (~OII!IC (p~u(lioal) ~1111! , fp r ~SBf. •; '•.60 ~- ~~ l • I · 'I •'' \I~(UI, ·I)lQCk", () ~~,l'uuln ~~~! bla pc*llttlJtoldbyall dra~aad.ge.-: 'tl'r.~~=·~~{r~C.!;~~~:!.\\r.: 1\TOTlCE l S ll&R&I!~ ULV~ lbal a 'hc~~~·-·oa~e (ml'§t~) i\llllp& 1 l a r !$$;.· · :

1 " ',ll; ~41 bet ~ef,u. .J ; ··l , irl1P GLOSS l:iTAltOU.' ·~ ' D .. n t;., 1

1 S. ·"·!>.~' z, • 'R'~ ' · .'!§ ..... de ...... "' .... uM:r· Pnoe 76 ... Ia •Beo•d~l. lii)IJHt .. ii4 o .... rolnel • lo~•tdltt• J.l D~'yVlc!fd our Pi ~It ¥PP" s ,Jbljl "~"'n~f9f Cli(Ytol orll\ Mu!io,l,lool I I on I ~· • . , :-c. ~ .L • ~ "" ~ .-.. ~ j larpt.mtea. • • • ·~-· ~ 4Q'ci11Da!Hnl~·- ~·d-~p..or i~~ t Ia PIIP~ ·n.a lllriiii~~Q..,-.lol~- ,~I"!Cori •• s-; . c··' ';'t! .,.:,-!W' ..... 1

&)0~~t'LOUU • .f· (lrOIU j)OIIifllh.)\!U.P'fA~ "• lk!fot• , .. ~~fa( a yoor Mllory apriar ... I • PortS s c.M• lrrr. Clt•r.~'*---+'" r n bteo ' IJ~c •red f9r t • al year eud ng The Mika~_o_ u ep) (u)t mllnlmtotir tcoro m PlOn 1' ove t I 'u · j • 1, • • :w~fD 1)1-,)la. ..N'"'~· Cb1~;t~\'tf\'•i:J '~

..rc.r • wi~of-. lollt· yoor~ ~·-•D<I•~•· •ocl -' h••~Hr:IO oYtmht~,U8111Jt~1~·~Uf61t.ll t!hii·~lti~~ traJ::.W~on:r,- .,. \~"' " • ' ' !''''• ·rr, o- -· · -· :. ( )J,.A ·JIJGil IN WL.'i a od T'R~,.. J)o11.;1lnur.ll0\'I•, W-lti)J1~'11.1:;

..... -......illf" ao4 laf Uti!Jre· r·~~~~W~~~p. •¥ I!OilH,.ia .nftl911f•--d.lltarTbiLra· • ' 1 ; '

0 ~1~, ( 1n)~. 'tr ofl'd'f~a.tor',~lf\1\ .. a~lU!),jett~i\ oo ' ,U ' f,I\Vij !)till(~~. • ; • • , lo(, -~ ,1 . >' '• uo: • r

_, ...... ~~ ol "'CO.. •e ~ P .. 8 8 """'"' lor 0....~-TIWt a.... da~.~= ••• '"J~~· -~·''; ... .t..l.,r.: J".,~~~ s. ~0 ~ ~.:'}~t , "~ \~ . ' .. ~-~~ r-l'lornt!· J ·:.,i-< I ~ . . I G 1.4 .• ~AL\'.EI~aull CbttaePf~ATGS t ... lr'lli>; .. ~. wt1~ .. n .. ' lJc,.,.: Tr~ . .::r ..... . ~' ( l, J'eftr. or 101111 olll«r...... hen t.llal Ooalq, 1:'.,~ 1_ ~- • N Ofo.,IDiooal., "'"' oC(...- w rli"" ,..e vw - nJIP!)' 'II , '· ., .I ( l ..ua .... .,.. ._ .__.. . T• ,. ~- I, sa .. ott, Wa~et~. •, lhll,~bo\11 il~,. ,; . ··.. ... ~· :, - 0r."!t....:..4·a ' '; , '.T<JTf~\ p.t.ti\'LtTl'," • . \.XLE GRC.\ SE. • , ' • Wurl(: •II' ~''".,J PM!·•· ,., .... ~~~ ..... , will•ww~....., ~- loouloolaociDnk., N-.Iolawewe.Bu\e, to10 erl.f"~SO.rh:

1 •. . 1,.; t:-;"'f~- ~ .; ~,. • olj6}Lautt~~•lo,U"'\1\ J .. 1 J) *h'l' •\ lj,.li'' ~•"Jt<l}-1.4,.11 abio"c·,(•

~If ,.9ftt~t~=...... ~~... i~·~.:;.·,:p~!?';.-..Jl~.r:.:~~ •;., .. _ .· . ~~cro~~J£. dfr1 f{Ja'-tQri'aie"·~·t;.t~toitee ~1- •. Otlif T.. u. ,a.\V~Ll.t-: .. E~TF.RI'IW~J.~ XJC.K ~:L. l'L.\Tt::O UowiuOH,Dtllfta,Oh ... ll-lR.nw~a4.~'b) .._ .,._ - • •· 6.W,01 ~;~~~ 1 8 lA ..t .-. .. t . .' \ • Jl~l/ogtr. • f..ia..a. i · , I '""' c " ~.Ioera! ·StiCdk#of. \ J btrd't Sll OO L'Jtl~GA tU.,IXS. A ~ b.-JHtMt• tcf'Po~•l"' (lour'"Y ~ • wu..:.:. · , . \ ., St. Joba., ~1~ .. ~ i · · · • ·• · ·· o ~ ~pt'r. ·I~ "J11nriG~ "1 ~11 .~· " ~.- "

1 ' 1 ·~o,:.'O , 1

- ~ • A.-a " ' DJltJZfl*~ 1 ·

~r. . .. , . . ~ ,.· .. ~ .. ,.. . . L~l • ..,_Ill :~,t .. . I ., I I.Ji Jl•l ' • ;n 1.' ~ • r . o. ~~ ""( • • a. 't LJ i" "' ~.).,. ~rw "

·' :


~~~~~==~~, ~~--~----~~~~--~~~~==~====~~ --\ •t hue oothlo~r tO fortf•e. ~II• lApel.' IDOOtlllatl•·lltltnlera dow::&: tM wlal.. •'~)en JO.a P .,U~ Cole. with ,...,., Advertlllements. lliscellany. b id 1 tl· t II .. _,. wbat walle ol Uae -ap ot ba owe &U& -- Dloltf, IIJperoriabl.-b. llhoald like

,_.;....____ e • q, • v ; 'we eaono a - •·· •- .. aow wllere 1M JICHIIcl ban t...oo witb· •• wlab for lo thla world, a11d ~ I l&ltate the Ut\le ou..._t ol ArrU. lt.e - • • · r:

auublne a'lld llb&dow. nnl(bt ha•• been ooe of tbe maAJ wbo lobabhAD&.I AJe ~Ut:' nM. aod M• 041' &baa plp<uf bnoild7. h .,.. tbM lt.a&

hi u ... nr cuae back. 1'he room haa a little thlor breab the Uo- ' tiNI --'oMl eli~ AI~ , · loq-'"""'. • .. , 1.11

... -, .......... ln., Thl• lU. '- ""' • 11 ••• .... tb' ed -L-•1 -• t .. , a taro?' buret• of la--'-&.lr. Loa-..! arlo a ciocofon· _., - ... _.. ... ,.... •

""" t. h-,.. all .,hu,...., ; lnu now I _. • aa .,.u ••• with lila lr.a•lat.er, r-do:rou DleaD &o.•1 Ut!' !tote .. ,..,., _, .. 1,... ollrr~tal~, • Y H. • ebe munrurod, "" be P•IC h" r.rm abl7·farolabtd dlalo~r-ioom were &I. ret .... K '" ._.. 1 ... _, 1 · A• c~onnta • ...,." 1he ft.,,..,,.; roua.J ber walat. • lout I cao lc:oaciao a mao I• all tl•e oaJor-• of ooonnaboo' aoct oourd PftMD.- JOil " til ..... cap or • .,, wlolle .., ~ '"" "-· j u tt tb • tb ne,~r to bafe tobaoco. Tb•re wu ODe ..-IIHarky abolll •~luc bla ljl._,, • , .. '"1 till'~ ue or h an v r~- , ••.~, -··-' oiJ 1 do-•• He koow tb•

T .... lhoor .... "'" "'' we........ been u.~ .... aai tbe~oiiJ 1:8f0 hoi'Mif lbo little P~•rlua, to wl~ f..O .. a 10&11 1:..·~ .. -,, .. ::::--, ....... , L--· ~-·-•~oro I . ... 81111 lttl u•, thu .. wh lh~y wouud u, 1 ld j "'·· ... _ o •W•·- - n - .... _, _..,,.. "'

.. _"" up to tbo eojoymoat o tbo wa l& oou u-e-.-n wu 11 ·-~ ' f. , t d. ua·' ... , 11 .. , .:..--.. ow" ooatinutd ,. I'P1"" "con. t waa a~ lleod aad they were botb &CDDRfl' tbocn. • • ' •·' 1 • .. •.., " .:---- ·''"'

Tbt. 111• h ........ , --. good aoera Mi.a Lepel WIUI road of daao • • y ... that wu a '800d bag, Fawoett,. re- awcett.. reaootlfll1. ·~ tllat _be uer ..... II• ••II•• ~,.."' """"'· io~e, aod apt to be aotaewbat f!Uitidioua Ia marked a rood-looklag, toidJle·~ 1nau, quit. kaew who pallid him out. of tho

An\S~;.::',:~Ii::ru::·::•• tho cboioo of her part a era i but. u a atrang- • l.lut Joa uo alw•l' to fortuo.ate wboo JOU -~~~d 1 auppoee tho Ro,at Rumaae So· And II •• _,. ""'lnl~•• or, lbe had beea oompelled to take them a go out alone Ia the jaoglo.' . duty hue r.eut JOU tbolr modal ?• eeld Cole, T~ poolh nar h ... r1• wout.l plan, liulo haphll&ard u reprd• that particular • Quito right. j"'dlfe1' rejolaed !be olber, ,

L..c ....... ~re.u ""'"'.t ua t loia onnln.g. •ud •be reeult h,d beta one or good-bumorodi.J. •1 bate to hue a fello• laugblol(. . • .• Al t•PI'1 •• •• """· two bluer esperiencu llowuer, u far u taking ootea of myatorioa. t;l4belliabmeut ' Well no,• replied "••cell 'hn not

that weut, abo wu porfectlyaatiafleJ ou tbia It II Itt aa:~uce to your wild dock. Ao a noc· one of tboeo paeblog fellow., JOU know. occuioo. dolO it Onorl- wilhout IL. ' l'bero'a Colo, ~me m~• are al • "Y'IIIPillylnl( for decors• O~PUlc up \be Blain.

h 1he lW>fll7 lotllna: lwlllj;ht Of• w•rr, w ... r y day.

Whh o f\OMI "'"I' t .., ... ,...., Wlw-N llwo ~hll<lnoto W•t• ol t '-1 1

1 .-.. brnnohnr •• .,, ..... .,. truw lo Whlcb tw..l n•"l me nnawarM,

Whea a lh&.le •••lOt CO.tne rin,:ln)C, • lh u crec~tolug ap the ll•lfe.'

A b. h lntKh..,l the IM>•lorNI loeorlotrl"'j, With o !w,..lh • nd ' """'divino,

AIHl .. ..ett ...... uf"e •••""""1• A• ..,.. wu r"UUJ om •lef\u.-!

Artol I tum,...l ro JN f'U.tr •\..rUng, Alll~lul nlttt'f"".....,•

Wloea I aow th•lllll~ <f't'oluro l!lo•l1 crettplns up U•• o•oln .

81"P h.T • 11'1' '"" ol,.wlr clomb<-,...1, Uft h,.... lht le han•·te • n4l len,...,. ,

)t ... ,Jinc Uf' a ('tn,.e•nt th .. u .. t lntf, 1. h • truo~ple la the lr.,...;

Till ollul •h• r .. rhttd the '"I""""'• \\' h""• •• ·_., .u hf"'f' 'W'f\f"lll·· d·lt•1

!!lor •l•ll~bl"'l ''""'' • Ylcl"r All•r croeJ'Ias ap 1ha olalnt.

Yalnll~l: h ... rt . l ... lll>lol on ln .. jll Of m•n"o brllol on<l olro!f!!lll•IC life.

W"""• 1-t '"'"'" mu•t be c:&lfiOroJ With o Mhle, .. rnHI otrlle.

0Mraf'l. up•o,l, r-hln~: ••er, ll•••••ll~lf l" tb• ••l~ht t>l ear";

Un1•lnl(, feorio!f. ellll oxpedlnj::, w. p ereelfiDI up tbo etolre.

IJD I he •l~pl nu1 llo DO c:a~ lly , ... lr old.,. m•.~ lie no roll :

Jlond.• ""'' kn ... ""'1 ,.,,.., ~In d, And •h• c. ... r1 m.or olmoo• r~u.

81111 . ttn .. lh•re lo lloa ~tlurr, \\'hlc:h on olnlalnae lmpalro,

Wllh Ito le&l ond "f'1 lur.ver, All..-cr""I'IDI,UP lbo llalra.

BAD TO BEAT~ --o--

C IIAPTEilii.-(COAtinwd)

• We"ro In capital ttfne, • . whiepored Della 1.-ydde ll to her cou\l'a. • There'• _a Q:d'od m&DJ people who lltnnw are corutol[ oOI

1 etaui•.,d. T be St. llrlen·e party i• nul hero aod Julia And I alw•ya reckon apo<' the~ " a ood d<!al. Mr. Che<'iOII ia a •ery old friend of oun, and II Ia eo ~ of him, he al•al' brin11• 1\ lot of yonng m~n. Ju and I declare he triee them befo rehand, for tluty are llfllOtallr, •II itood dAncrre. Ah, loe.-e enroN !ofr. Cht•iou. and I u e ho hu ao& Mr. Nulball, Air S3odemtu, and In· other old friend or two, among lola par1y.'

Aafor Nota. he wunideaCIJ • ell knowa, and wu • peedllyabaklolf baad•riRhtand left.

oat of tho othen. 100, 10e~ to huo · ; bot Denton, u he had an .

t l pate<! . Not that that much ... auer~d io thalaauda o auo ' ' t. Cbe"i"t'- Tbe equiro, fo r lloe 6r•~ few mlot~tee, wu too much eneroued lu !lrtet· lng blt aal11hbore to pay mueh attouttou to b i1 owo lmmocltato partf. Tbey wanletl nry little looking after, a nd load all plung. f'd intO lhe lhielt Of !lou froy at ODCt! ; but, ere IGnl(, Ueaton o'u~h t _Ina aye, an.J lllr. Cbe'l'ioll at once dotorm1ned that would toenr do. Henton •ao louo~lna- oear lhe do6r•"7· lookin~r altho whole prooeodtolto with a nther wearied erpr<! .. tOD on hio face. Jt Wa.t & toOOewbat atrikiDjl fACe, 101d more than one pt'raOa I• ad uked who tbe clarlt , ~.,-oot~.loolt inr man . ... who -•ned eo lnt.en ... IJ bored with tho whole ent.rtain· meuL. No~ aooae r did IJ1t thtu walu oomo to a oonclnai'lo 1bao Mr. Choolou u:tAI!e h•• wa) to cbe tlelloquent'a ai.Je, and e ' clauoeJ :

• Come, CaplaiD l>utou, ltn1 will nevur do: l"t roo llud you a p~rlner. I'm auru thne are preltJ ;1rl• ono~~.~th bo~ro co u1ght t:vrn yon n1111t own t loal M1u Lepd , whn iloa conte wllh tbo f,Jddolle, i• hard to but. J don"t think I oval' u w a lov.,loer ~ti rl . '

• 1.1 1hat the girl you inean ·, · atltetl IJen ­ton. • Yea, l•houiJ like to ltoow her. Ja. trodnce mo. will you ?'

• Certainly;• re plied the oq:1ire, nod bt at. once took Urn•on acron tbu rooo and par· fonnetl the ceremooy. l.lut Miu IAipul wne alreadr rratty duplr en~r&gtd. Her '-aty had allraot..t attantion at OuO<!, and otber meo had been pro!Dpler thau lhotoo to 10liajt a ~anao fro•n lbe new ... r. llow. e Ye'- abe~ecoonled him a da noe, U.ou"b it w 11 ;..tber low down, aad wilb that IJealou wu falo to be oont.en~. aad bad It ree.ted whh him be would hue bloa qn•ta atia· flf'd to reonaln " looker·OD tUI hia turn can • · but lite eqnln bad no idea of Allow­loll t~ia. aud lt .. l41ecl nvon introtlueloe bi!ll co thrll<l Oilier Jl"'l'1uen; at ill, for all t hat, J)~11ton rtauce<t but little. Ito wu a coo· ,,o-.,ur In feniAie bcaUIJ; and it euiteJ biw hect• r te lvun11e t~c"nll the wall and ad ~~tire thl• au .. -L.t-Jlll thao to u.rt bllllklf .. lbe '1nlre wu~lol befl hi• rlo.

II• Jwt t.ea aunoit whb lloJlr J,.pel!bo mo~~teur be en lan-d tl,. roow, &ud aduoitled aa oaoe that alte ., .. a ~••Y b .. utllul alrl ; a~ill 11e11 .. 1 boen lu oo ourrJ loU make her ltGil~•lA•••· Tbe obarm wtHII•I probaLir t.. all OYW l ... D, bo &ltlllllfbt i Wilt a be MDII t o talk to :.er, be abouiJ \"o~bly 8ud her Ot•unrtalluu w.arleo-. I o load liutoa•llll\p· re'n\.etl ao oft• I• U.al w•J· il wae beuer, 1 .. rilapa. to lovk luily oo and '-' 11i• . , .. wl•b arirntra•loa al b&tr a-rNJo i iiiOfalllcloLoo. Jlt)weY•r, wb .. n tilt U- 4lallll for l!h IJrO• rnl-1 .. Ita ho et. - .tali!Mitl II!. jllrtA•tr.

• Uo J OO llu In 1lua 1"''' ut .... ao•nlrJ Ill• Lqel f' he l*"olrtod, M be pra llet l•ill ar•"· ..

• ~ •• 1 a111 o~tiJ at•Jina with /".1 unole; rtJh•a a farew•ll • i•h. l.u...!, !*oral•• · .... ~·~~··btl.' • (,olttl Weed. I tw-'" t • t1'jroiaed ~ • Jo& a ,.,, •- tJ- of t be ,.., few tnnll'-1-'

• )Co ; 1 - ..... to lncUa to Jolo •r f .. w . .,t1o a..1iie .-.... "'*""-' oat tUft, f• ... , kMW .. OUDCiliJ, l .. p-

~~eff well.' 6111Wen' Deatoo, qt~letlJ. • I ... . .,... .... .u. ot .. , l\14 OQ\ ...... ' ... ,_, k ..... , .. awo ,..,. .. _ • ..,. tL' . ~* ,. Mu It, • .,, .. .u.cs.,....,.. ~~· .... ,. .................. . • y ................... ~ .. ... tiff ........ k .. .,..., II .....,, ... ....,,., .... ,_. ......... . ..... ., ........ ., .. ..... .-4 ... . , .. -.u......... .... ......... ~ ..... ~ .......... ...a ....... ... ., ..... '.... .· ........... . .y .......... '""""' .,....,l ... ...,....................... f..U .... ................ , ~ .................. . .... ,.. ...... ,... ....... , ..... ....... ,. . ,...... .... ... •J flu .... ":.~'= . ....

• A mietako that J.,t .:onclueion of you"- there, will eer'to up tho mere dry boaea of 1iou., whether tho7 beio earatJ tbom or aot. ~II. Lopel ; oa tho principle tha• tho liYe Ilia day"t doiogt Hut dou't we all admit Tllat•a aot 1117 form.' · dol( ia beuer U.an the dud lloa , to a rnau tb«(' the loaat rell•blo bi110ry 11r tb• boal (TO Ill: CO~D) o"ed hardly t!e•rair of hit career with aomo rudiog ?' yeara oolore hlto. Uuld81. don't JO_U aoe,' • lo,eoioutlJ put, air,• uld the judro. loe cootioued M they (IIUaod, · I om 1n tho 'You eao take a caN.' VOthlon of a ru~n with nu untaetod plea- • lt'a all nry well,' romarlted Colo, • bn! tore be!ore blm, if I may be allowed thua Ia practical lif.s wo •ant f"cta. Tblok what 10 C:eiCribe our glftdiatori•l inalioeta.' a me111 FAwcett would make of mJllueiuc ..

MoiiJioolled at him u he apoh. Tbero whb bla little iuacc:uraciea. Ia oo~tinceriur wae a holf-urcu•ic emile about bla month, •• require thing• conect lO aa loeb.' ,.bich the tlarlt rnuaLaehe oal7 b l\lf conceal- 'l'bey were a capital eoutraat, th ... two ed, ruul it ftuhed acroaa her tbat Captaiu men, and the IOUn:o of Unfailing amUIIO• Ueoton'a faco would be hard and atern in mcut to Jutl~to Lepel. Fawoeu wu a ropu­U•e Jay of battlo. It wl\8 a qu~er t.houl(bl l•r mau io· apite of hit P<t:uliar WfllkDtlt. 10 crou tho girra mlud , but. Molly l.epel llo wu no pttorer o f uitficioua uatnttba. wu ralher au im&l(ioatiYo youo~t lad7, but •bout bla ow11 uplolta of ftuod and lhonl(h ahe Httlo Jrca•oeJ tbat aho wae de•· fioiJ)te wua nril&ble M uncbauteo. No o~o tiocd to ICC t.haL faco uaJor tboae circum- ev.fbdin.oi hit aecouol.l of wbat ho had ataucee d one eltbrr altootior or p ig-atlckiolf. lie

• Y ee, • abe rejoined.' aftor tho tremendo111 kn,.• it and laughed at it. HuL he b..t au OX~~Criencu we ha\"e h•d latelr,. one Will al- ioeradicable diapoeitil.fD t .. haas hia hevo•• wa71 r~rd war u very po••ble.' on tloeae point&. If hi• atoriee were not

• And when do you uil for tadia ?' ho ia- •ltogetber uae. be told them well; a nd, 11

quired. he '"id himoelf, ' Who luolta for Yeracity in • Ia :.bout three werka. Tbi• l belien ia an aoeodolo ?'

to be 1uy l:\lt dance in 1-:nalalld r· • Let a a aeo,' uitl Fawoott. ' you u poct. •I hope you can apare mo ono more Mi18 Lepel in a day ort•o uow,do yo u aot ?'

wall& • Aid Penton· • Tbat wu too aborL' • Yea aloe ia oo bcr ••l up lt:o country, • 1 'would 1f I could with pleaeure,' ro- and ebould be here to-marrow or tbe day

pli~d Miu Lepel. • I om ury load of i~, after. I c:.roped horo oa purpoeo IO pit!k and your atef auite 10ioo euctly, which 1.1 bdr op •nd ahow ber a bit of tout.· lifo to moro thau c:aa AY of ooo or lwo of the atart witb.' part nora l ban halt to· ni11bt! but. I atn eo- • Yu, Jud~:e. but iL wuo't liltoly1.ou were pj(h! for tbe ne&t two, and l a m afn.id we going to reonain Ia tb.at catap wh1lo 1 haol ahall be ~:oia~t before there ia •aotbor, but 1 a comfonal>lo bunialow wit.hiu a quarter will put you dow a if 7011 like.' of a mUe of you. No, her• yoa atay, ..

Uonto n thanked ber aaJ reiolned. IODlf u yoa uo in a re1110nablo diatauco of • En a If our wah& doe•n I oome off 1 Am. h.'

al11ll aee yoo aga1o before 7011 go, Miu • h'a a pity, /' udp. yon ebould buo cbo· Ler el, juat to eay itOOJ-bye and wie~ JOG r.eo tl•i• limo ot !lliu Lopel to .omo out boll ooyogt-' And wilb a bow be oona•gaod to you. There are ugly 1tori111 :about of bor to tbe care of bor uacle. dt.coownt aroooQ: tbo Sepoy• at l>1oaporo.'

•·She teem• rather a nloo lflrl.' ronaed • I hue beeo In ladia thla thit1y Y"""-·IJentoo. aa be atrollod baek to hta old louu1o oo aut! otl. arod we hue haclmullutu bt:foro; aear tbe door. • And, by J on, what • ( doo't thiak tbi• ia likel7 lO eprud 1nuoh acaMtion abe will mako at l'ooaah, Uaaa a · further. The aut.horitiaaaeeiD to bue boola lore, o r wborenr'a bar d•tlny. She will aoroe wh&l eupi no in their actioo, iuatead be;ot ao1chlng they'•o J!Ot out thoro, ay, of pulling It down with a bl"h ban•l, aod fro•o tbe ll imalayu to Cape Comorin, 1"11 tbc coo-queooe ia. we hue f11r tho lime lay 1\ huodrod. Lopel. Lepel- lefa '" ; !oat IJelhi. Still. 1 owa laball be •ery 11lad where diol I hoow a Lopol? Of courao, to aee Molly ufe h« .. ' bow at upid o f me not to recullect It bolo~. • W e ll, I bope I may be all wrong, juJte.' h'a ao uncommon name. and 1 wonder tt rephod Cole, quietly, • bot I wlab &bat my oanr 1truok 1be. I wleb I b•d aakod her. wife wu Ia En11laud ~u•t at the pr-111: Sbe·e a dau~:llter of J udge Lepel"a I'~o no • You uld Of'OUer I u c laimed Jl'awoeU. doubt. I It now bim a little when •• were • Yoo .re alwa)'l taltia~t the a loomi..- 'l'i• .. quart.red 1n tho oorlhweat pro•iaoee. A of tlliop. Wbeu we reo ••ootin~t J OU al­btMpitable r. fellow u our h Yed, and eo- waya propbeey tbe wont."of luck.' tertaiuod a good deal. 1 t binlt I recollect • Well, I cau't eltool like you, yon know, brarinlt tbat be wu a widower Well, I more Mpeciall7 with,....,. -• p«•liD,. ...,... doo•t eappoae I'm hltely to collloll aoroea he• po•.' again, but there will be a aoro heart or two • A falr bit., • ctied tho ju~ • Now a

n board !be ahip tha t taket her to India certalo maa drew a bow at a • ••lure--· l 'lrlr0-4all. Th06«1 ueoinl:' Ia the t.rop1c.o • You •illalo,' laua~hed l"a•oe&&. • llaYe are - oonilin:l.&...to much ftirtalioo when the aomo more clare& or a bnady a..d aoda, If t•mp"'lioo h nott..lf ao lair.' you like It belter, but nu more Jorowia.Ja,

lle re Deuton•• rel1corion• were out ehort •at thou lnv·•t wo, ltal !• by th" appean~oce of Llo t.bt Nu1hall Tb.at • W ell. 1 tblnlt I will 1111 toyaolf a hulrtt rutleu youD¥ guutleman wu lu :a etate of of cbo more potent lluitl. 1 ehou lo.l like to ucicement. olriok out of that tilfor a oblet., if l u•ay.

• Loolt hero. Oonlon.' he e xclftime<l . • I L.!t me look at it. waul to •peak to you lor" n•omenL I hah • IJy all moana,• rejoined their hoaL prowi•o•l 10 find Chovio tt " JO<:key for loia .. l~r•, boy, a bl'audy aud aelt.wr for tht horee. u.·. llOinj! to eater olci TrumJl•tnr aahi6 .• for tbe ll uot S torrlccbuee which come, off Cole took lb.Q ail vor cup and namined i t. iu ~lArch " ' •llyou rtde fo r him 7· for a •ninole or twct- prerlou• to hoiJiul{ it

• Go ou.' replied Denton. quietly, · tbu'e out lo lhe "'"ant lo be Qlletl. It wu " o.ol the wholo of ynur uory , • hat hue you plaio, rather baod.OIQC .:olll•t.. wltb 1lll iu­t.O<!u al>out ju t t a ow ?' ooriptioo oo it to tho effect &bat It wu • pr&·

• w oil, r~e backed him ln r " qoori :•lui •en ted lO J oh n Jl'awcett for buioe auctl of money. hall bea•n in the t.illiortl -room lha lif~ of l'..dward K111nard io June, ·~.~. · alc~r you went up ·•t~iro co wnte le ttera, • \\'hy, JtawcetL, ' conllouod Cole, • bow aud f to'lk S•r,loman'• eiabt pooiea about i• it we novor hurd of thi.t deed of !lero· him there. JuAII now I • ent down to the ioru? Yo u're not cba mau IO COD0041 your oupJW~t-room lO ~o:el aorne ohampa11 no ah~r li~:ht under a b141bol, auJ ret 70u bare my moritoriou• eurtiono u1• he re. antl thero never told ua tbia atory. • uo a whole lnt of r .. uo .. thorelallr.io~r onr • Alltbe botter,'oriod tho Jlldao, • beoauee cl-o ra<W, aucl finally we a8111etl tlown to ho ia t~oina 10 do 10 11ow.' aomo ttnartiah bottio11 ovor it. Thoy chaff· • 1 !taro no~ tba eliabl4111t obJection,' ro• e<t rne a ~rood bil about. it, 11nd tho onci ol pliutl the h01tL with a twinlrl• iu bla •1•. II wu I l>&okod tbo honte throe o r four • and, whateYtr you may t bink, f ltefil to re­timca mc.re; in fact, l 'u lfOl tuore 1oo uey mark tbet t hia i• a perfootlylrue n"ratlvo. on it, a JIOod deal, lhau I like, aod if you W ell. io tbat yen,' oootlnuad l'awOIIU. • ( don't ride fo r me 1 aball be io ao awful waa down at llombay. I hlld pe tllere to meu--' •reud RlY f urloqb wilb aome old friend•

• I doo't, u a ruleo. care Abont ridiojf a who had Juat eo me out fr >IIII!Apod. · Aud bontO of which I k11o• uothio~r,' r~rliod a nrr ~ood tim. we b~ of it. 'fbet. wu Deaton, • and l"ve ouer aeen thia oae, e&· Iota iOIOif oo, d lnaera aod whia' r.t tile cept io tbo liable. II• llroc k 100 there.. u,cuua Cltlb, the ~ ud ball• M il a yory nioo woi11bt oarryiug hGDtar. but I daucoa oo eod, One of O.e p~tlll ahould •Link he badu•t. •peed for atoerle fellow• In oar litth ootwie wu J[n­clou lnlf. Wba~ w alteeyou aud tbu aq•ure uard ; hilt, pc>M fellow, lie wu bon ua. tloiult loe baa a cbauce ?' dor a IA&Ii~oaot at.ar. Wbatet"et' we w-

• \Vby he wou It ooce before • about ba alwaJ' ca111e to jllief. If aey • Yea. but that will only pot ectra •eljfi!t one'a bopJ w .. klclt..t to pi-, J[eooard

upon biOI for tbat.. llowerer. 1"11 till you ... anro to be lo It· 1f any OGI couu11 tlowo what l"ll oJo for 70u: I'll rille h l10 at:d l&ko Ia a ballroom roa Dlittbt be' JOar lifo ltea­part of JOUr lieta of JOur han.Je. I al•aya oard would fall OYer lnm : tile -~ .. at like 10 han an lntorell ia my q~ounL.' whm : it wuo't tba& be pleyed eo badiJ,

U..bby NutbAII wu profuo in hi• (lrtti· but lui wu aooh an nalnoky ~that wo lode. lie wu a wicked little oruturt Ia all ratbor dreaded loim u a patlllet'. Wen, oue roapoct, 1nuob ainu lO haviocr what he of caum., IOIQDJ ocber tWap, we were called a · lluucr,' whloh rnouta Hule bh nf bouad to ro ao41 .., the .. , .. of -M:I .. p 111bllusr. '11tt. e reoloa, ecolc.d b7 obaf, phuta. aod 1tan.d a aood b~M.lf11t IJI "' he bad eu~rta!JIIr put. ~~:~on mepoJ uJ*I fo r tllat parpoee, h Ia -• lillie ••J Trota~pol¥ lbau wu (>flltlect for • f041U8 actoee &be laarb«, ucl t118C'e bat~~)~_. lC' wac of bia n-. and lleu!on had ou.oe c. be a rood bh ol wltl4, .Well .ad.-* boat ••loa ~fore helped lthn out of 1h11ilar Jle orw IIIPtiJ Jlow It lollf'tlaud l,._., ~,.,-. lllfloc prowlaed to do lila ~ know, oobody•lee'e lla& W..w of, lie• Jte ... fot 1~. Cloeyiou·a horae, DaD lou d iaNi"otd aard'a audJeaiJ cUaappeared iota the wallY ; clio aubject from bio 111iod, aad Ilia tlleu•bta ... I__. our ... ra•wate to aeatoll at 1• o.- ano._ rttra rud to Mlaa Lepel. He wou- befo,. I& .t-Id be oat ot ,__.. ADd Ia tile d•red where lhaJ Jaad lot Ia tile prOif'llll .... , ttrlekJLer of M .,.. lie Ud foflowed bJe and wiNo&her lbrre wu ••1 ch- of h11 ob· llat.' taiDinlf IJoll~•- ebt bad pt'Oa.leed hl111. ''l'll.t .,.., .,.re tre-r ....,._ Uae tell wu

A.,otbtr 111loutt aod tloat ~tueMJo&. wu clo•o u4 tile -. were oe& M '"'" u aol~ed lor 111111, fc. 1 .. 170""1 la4J, on til.. poetlble. lk611, t..fo,., ,. -ld -..p oar anu of her oanll•r, l&oclll b.fore blto, aoc(,• .., ud .. ,. roalld tte wM- 4UMeoe ut.cad1 .. boor loaiod, aa1d • MUrll. ~Dr lie CIOIIId twf• e lltue, aa4

• l•ut wlab you tood· b7•· Oaptalo Deo - we eoolcl .., Jllm ., ... U.. t. .. wet.er. IDA ; we .,, • ol., DOW, "dour wall& •uot I ~•le&o U.. bow 1p be eU ....t,r &o oaa.11 roMala au .. IPI'"'"' oofulllled.' hotel ot WID r tU>a• p•lled like..__:

• 1 ... 10rr7,' ttpl~ UeDtou : 'bet& 1.& It J bl' .VI .. W. oflloefe of 1110011........., e-"W. we _, - · ~ .. Nd sMu l 11114 ............ IJI • 1 IIMde to .. -tl~au ...- .,. ... ,aile». to el&la h .' " .... t.tl• ..._. .. -· II• ._ .._,

.,i • Mot ••ry probtble, I- tl,.U.' lAM ,.. ._. 11tt ~~ ... •P .. W... I .... ilea Jolntd, .. w..,. ,...b a& - Md J... -'-4 W.. 1

1 Olt, l floll' t kllew,' ... ~ I IUN ..,_..,.,., .,.. .,1._.,.,. _..,.e......._ 1e a"'' •-.rao~ r:.o'-'"· ie4 ~,. ,.. 10 IDol!"',_ ..._ ~ a...t~~r ...... .U ,.,.,. tile nr d. Ualltt lf dto11,tl It - o .-4-. ......... lWI ftJ&eWI .... JoN• ItO•, ... _, .... uer.. • ... .,.~. .,... ao ... llleW.. .... •• .., ,....., • ••p.P"i! loll ........... J ..... ~ .... ...... ....... ~ ........ .,.. ..-.a~~d ... •· ............................. .. A•.,..._•leele_,..._.,..,_.., ... ~ ..... ..._ ............... ~.wtdl _....,.. W. IMI wonlla, 0..... ... .,.. .,...,_ , ...u,·w;-._ tl te ,..., ••• \ .,..,_"..... ........ ..... ., peR .................... .... 11 '-'1,., 1111111. llerelf•llr" "'-'...... ol •I~ J ~ 10 ,.,.. a Aieh ........ elwara tlo •• .,.... thM •e ..... 1 do.e ....... .............. ..,.... .. _. lflaitl. II wo~&lil be too 11141 lr, wa.ea ~ w ... -..1. ..,.1 ~ J prt ltl• J*1l10f witt. tile Ml!tY pl,....t ,..pie •e At!OU..t 1111.... I• a law ••• ..._.e "-'' whh 011 owr war tllro,a•ll &lie worlol, te •r • ..,......, I W tile ......,_..._ If •• tlloiiP• •• ·- t.Wcll•, tilt.. .... ...... .... .... .. ........ .. .. ... 11114 r.iftnr. AIMI,.., llo•llfa. lett-. h..,.._ W. .... ,. ~ wlleft IN...,

All. Jadn, .._. II a a&llf..U.. I• tliiAr'l'KR IlL •""i' &lie Jilt ola w.--..re r


A Jt.m. •will he the a,.,.... tile .... , • ,.. ""' •--.d wltli It-, ud IJit pale

• be&.· eul"-4 O.C., •,......., .,.., .......... .., .... '"-.. , ..... ti!M ,.u.s ..... "'.,.... ...... , .. '\ ... .. ... wllen,... .... llll•

That a woman'• rlor1 ia ber hair I will not. dour ia a fact, ·~ ~t oreJ•\a io wme car.ea. but tbat a womaA:.Obair ia wery oheo a c.rriblo nuiuoce to bir. ~ 'an aaaortlou to wllicb mauy more of m7 :a.elt are likely to aaaenl. It I• •II wory~O to br"'" " uioe lol of hair, but whb ion coru~ tl1e eeriou.o quu!1041 o( • . •tJ~ tho b~t. thh•~t to do with it. II ia, I bcrlio Yo, fronJ a wlab to aaawer &bi• QIIAI'Y l'fWUIIIrily -tbat oo maDJY0\101 woouu oot their hair abort. At uy rale, uorl hair 14-btco•ulecr inore ... lnatly faabi01111ble, and t.hf. more l •e of it tho more am 1 lflltUDi- to.thiut It it a •tyle tbat au ita mure woU>On thaD auy other koad of 011i§v•r 1 kno~•. I bope ~1111liah wotaea will potr.!ot In cultior ~eir hair ahort, rather than folbw tho lOad of !.'aria, anol JO in for that n Ia "CliNO&.c t iJie 1 wroto at;out a row ·~It• aro ' In tbo Frt~ocb oapltal there ia a fOjfUiar raa8 fCI(.~mbiu~ •tho bair all b&clt rrolll &be fo~ilid. t.bolllth ' ... aaro 1 CADUOllfU- why~ for It ia a llyle o f ~irdre .. lug which auita ~ •ery aruaiJ num­ber of woarera. h uiu:\be I'Ntrint f­•oJ io tuanJ ~. ia iD~J un~omine. And, what i• more, it ia moaL ooo.aluralto ...t,._, tbe bair baek io aucll it. way ;' for iu a atat. of uacurc it. of VoGne, rane rrocnl the top of ooo'l b.W iQ all dircctlo o.e. -l ban before o~•ed ~ tlaa CblntM aod Japuee.s faabioa of bair-droealni ia alao bad for the bair. Cbi- and Japaucae l~i• co.y botooiN .aoo.~tot~qd to what Ia dc>ne from U.eir ur!1 YJ?IItb up, but for ut • W aatoru b&rbariaua• l4i adt>pt tbelr alyl• Ia ladoed foolilb. I hau 11bod re1110n lo ka,a tb.at drajf).;04r back ono ·a hair day MIOr dAJ OAIIIM IDDK painful OCfYOIIa btr.d· a.ohN, aod if peraonrod iu belpa to tum It guyaooo.r l11ao an7thing.- Frt l00\ ltttu.

Ayers~ Sarsaparilla ~ ...... ~~ ,w. .... · ... ~ ..... ~u..'lt_, ....... ... ,_,.; kt 1\414-aliow,...,.. .. &Itt-­ota..ota)oa-. • ta~e.m..,...w Moa ••• ,_,. .,.,. ..,_ • row.,....~ • ,..,.. ... &ULu-.u~.,.... .. .. __ ......... llo<t7. 1 __ ,_ ... _

WriW7 aalotetS, ...a .. ..,..._., p~q, -n.o ... ....,.. .. l .. ,ov......_ Mow, &lttn.,.

, .. -· ot w. ... .no.._,.,-coo4 Mallll ..... .._ 1-*' ...u,- lftJ--wloo...WWIIUJte ............ ~-

T..,.&nalr, W. X. r.u.un, •

Ayer's Sarsaparilla. lib -u.oaco 1--.w.a, __.., ., .. .... ~ .. ··-uil ~- no. , ____ .__. ___ twt.t..C. ... &Itt lllda ...... eo • I!' •­U..Woodto,....lll _,,.... ........

I -.4. ilolt .......... •-.-_- "'1 Ill• a..,.._ I- o • ..... - ot U.. a .. uuaan .. c~ 18 Apdl lMt,..S .., .. -s ll ....,W..IJ .... ..... .... ., ...u&loa "-"" .......... "' - ..,.. -..... all MAW. ... J t..a .-«-11 wall I• _, _,.._...,.._..,.. ........... ...,.. --.~n,_,.ot ... ...,,~ ~ .................. -.. ..,-. .... I \ell ""-.. • I ......... IIW te tell ,.-. .~..,_-. lu..u..r.un ... &. ~. va... 011. 21..... 1"_,...,..,,

. llJa&a l'au.lns. ..

.~.._ •• a&MAPAaU.Lo. - ~ ............... o. ,, ...... ~ ...

/ -.&iii.---.-.. · •• sww-. --...... .......... -.. .............. ol - ..... h •lean ... blba4 ot &AI lllopD. """"" ............. ~ .. _...ot ................ - t1&.aiiiJ -s ........._ ......... .,..._

... .. -'-.LaD 'DY

Dr.I.O.AywAC..,Loweii,MaM. &ol4 ~>.-an DrU.wu; tt, all< boWel ,,. tL . - ·rr

T. M'MUIWO & Co., Wboleeale Aren l&. St. Jo1•n•

RULES AND REGULATIONS For carrying lnto effect tha pro­

'ri ilona of SN:. 16, ot the Act 49 Vic., Cap. 3 .

1.-Enry peroon olreirt>ua of ohtainiu11 tb& bonua for cleariu11 \V ute l.An•la, prv· v1dcd by &otiou li, of the Act • 9 Vic .• C • p. :t, eloall I rat ous• e a to apvlic:ation loJ tbe Gor ensOt" ia ( !ouncil, ..,ttina forth tloe 11anao, OCCIII"'liou an•l n.titlcnc:e of the ar· l•lieaul, lht aitoatlun, bountlari~•. and de · ~erirtion of t ho latool prnpc>Uii co Ito el~reol fd't cuhintioa, '"" cicl" or c laim th~relo of lbo J'•rlY apt•lyin~. an<t thtt facl thAt l h• •llpltcaut lutencle bn•a .l•k lo cultiule anti eontiuutt to cuh.lute the eaiol l..auJ .

lf.-'l'lao •vplleatiun ah:.ll lio l're~~entod at lh• Crown l,,ncle· 0 11\lO.

111.-li!K'n receipt of t ho "I'Piie~uion lhr Saneynr <:onbral ehall dir-ecl a Uea•ulf Surt~7or of Cru•n lAnd•, rw. wl•ere ch" ""ioct of •~~eh U.puly Snn•oyor an~ 1101 auib:.ble, to••e other qualilicd IOC! MIOII to 'tioit. and i111p1101 t he IAe•l ao IJrOJ'OU•I tn be elcar"'l. TL11 I lfpa•y Sur .... yor, or nlhcr p~raon, •h,.ll•liroel lba\ l he 1-'n•l t loall t... oleOu~·l •n•l n1:uk••l ol , IUul aloell "'I""' ul'nn thu ._,;,1 Application t o lho Survcyo• Ucnunol U 1>0n a aatiaf..ccory r~rort tloftl tloo faol& are u .. tat.t..od in lho apl'lica1in11. &ll tl 1f thoro ahall 11111ear to bo no <ralld ub· jection to the l(rantiniC of lbo bouna •t•l'l iod lqr, che !:oYcrnor In Couneil, cltrnul(lo llotl Satfeyor l:en.,n~l, t hall It"'"' " l.ic~"'" 01 1111r:aiation to tloo applieant to vroowttJ with clio clearinr of cbc Lsnrl.

IV - l'bo C:oYumor Ia Council may i u 101 cuo where there •h•ll '1'1" "' to be! 111lloi~nt rea110n whether frou1 c1efcool or ir· r•~eulariiJ of title, the uo.•nitat.le ehan~ctur nr altu•tion of the IAnll or other uauoe, witlohulol tire ara~lling ol auoh lictlnao or 110ruoiulon. c r po•1110110 thu &AIUO untrl lho ohjo•crion i• r01uooved. V.-Whe~~ ~9 Lead •hall hne llten

fully ,leatt•l a'nll "ready for euiUntlllfl, lito applicant eloall pruent a furthe r •l•Piicalion i• wrlll ncr. ail(eed by h1m, Au,jatte•led,l&at­lul(tlo&( he hAl acloallyanrl llo•n~clcare-1, or eaued to oo c:Jearod, tl!o l'1ue or l'ar· oel of lAnd d tMCribe.J In llta fortth:f' appll· ea1laa. T\e aaitl appUaatloa aloall bel...,. -panled ltJ t.loiJ rwporl or eort.llloalo ol

~• Uep11ty Smruyor, ar othu per .. ,. en• ·

yad 10udar ll•le :S. aad •"'! otbcr oredh­loporwa, to th olrto( diaL cbe (And in

1•1eat£041 .... beou eo el"rocl aiaca tho tlate ..t lko Ueo•• o r pe,.I..UO.. aed i• clocNO·

. f«He r...ir f01 cuh.ntic>n, wlter~upou the kn•a allall become payallle.

Vl .-:-f• ••J ~ Ia which lc .Ita II a ppear 1~ alnoe tlte pueilttr .t tho ,\ct, aad h~­ro,..li.e lea .. of tit- tl.pJatiOIII. ltlfl'f'~· IOU at.all han r.o .. .JJ• and •-"•r tltto oo· lief clt6t •• WM Nlll tlod .. clai111 tl,. aaid Millie. oaet11allJ eloarad wut. l..anrt, an<l Chel ... .._. lntltt~ Jq Ito eo by ~he bo"a ~ e4paea.tlo1 of rillalriAa ~~~ aai~ boune, 11ae (ioweroor I• Comuoil • .,. ~!)O'I••ia· IeetCH)' proof ot ti.a '"""· ••• bei•tr hutllw aatWJI(I O.a• t"""' Ia •o _.t.H -'lcl .. c ob­jotedoo, or4et" tbe ~.._tat of IJOid bonu•. or Of eo .. ...,., • .a..Jl ...,_, 141 l>e j11U au I! ...... ....,... . . llecretary'1 Oftlee, Mb Oot., 1~. ()Ot!Siti.

No•-* No. of the ........,. • .loarnal. October Nu.._ of Looodoa Joaral, P'acollr

ll•rald lllld otlloe M~oa Ann~l Volt•• .. aad New llooh.

'l'be O..tat}' NvulN. fro. May to Oct., , .... '1'\e llop 8Wt4ard f49 tiN. O•r l>..tlep, l'or 18111 . 'l)e O..elo\ Oa...~ot.-.._. No'a. ~orl•y'll UnlnraaiiJbrorr. - Vol. 41.

~ntledp'e Poet" lAnilrr,-l~~tea~ No'a· IU.O.. • u....._ lit l&u. F.. P . llH . •r 10 Natw,.•a II•K.~o. '

A ro"ll!' Ulrt'• W~or.-do. t'rot~ ., .. , lO lri~: -

,. J, ' · 0 1118110(,)1, Oolll 8t• J iiltn'a

~s~~~MAIE HENS LAY ~.~--·~~ -. .. ,..._ - -~ lloll<.-...• . .... ~.--• .,-.... ... CHICKEN CHOLERA, ~~ .. "j==_~:~~ -~~~

For Sale (Wbol..Je ADd b.etail) at THOMPSON'S ltledlcal Ball, Bftrl.or OraOI',

-:SUBS T I T _U T~:· car The puLIIc are ca~tionecJ AC!'in.t, 1 .:uato'!' . wLich Is

growin~ quito uommon of latft amor.g • cena&D cl ... ol metll r.lno-doal .. no, and wlucb ia tbia: Whea aaked foe a ~I• of PAINnKILLER, t h"1 auddeulv diecover c.bat tlt4')' are "oold OGt," bQt have r~notloer • · t icle juat u iood, if not t.euet-," wbic:h l.bey will aUJ11'11 at t.h~ same l'riCf'.­The olojec:t of t.hil deeet•tion ill t~Wtparent. n,- anht~t1~ntee a m m~·le up to aell on tbe great N'ltUtatlon ol tloo PAJN.KILLEK ; 11110 hcung 041Dil011ndf'd uf the vilt~at aDd c:heapat druga, arf' LouahL lly the tlt•alrr at about hair what ho 1,.1• lot tho lrflDUiue PAJN·K· LLEH, "hich eaahJOJ !Jlm, therolore, W reaJiae a low COI\&.1 m~re vroli~ (tOr \,otLJtl UIIOD tho imlwt.ion article than ba c:aa on tbll genu111e.

For Sudden Oolds, Neuralgic. Rheumatic, and all other Pain" in a.ny part ot the Body, 1


-o-o---Price SOc., 25c. anti 60c. argo bottlee ol.t'aput.

' Sold Ly oil Medicioo Doalen.

Post Office Noiice. 1

PARCEL POST. Frnm an.t after the 21at Jay of S..pteomher,

l'arot"la n••Y· (•nbj~l to ' "llul•llutoo) bo uan~miclrd rruru 1t.ia Colouyto the Uoil•d KtugJouo.

HAH;$ OF I'O~TAGK Oo enrJ l'aronl not e1c:eeding ••o

p<>untla iu writ:hl, 11tirtJ ... il Ol'tll4, bt:ina II•• rninin•u•• rato: Ot"Ctr two I'""'"''· lba charJt" will be t:i¥\konl ceut.t per vouoJ oo fracu uu tloe~r.


No l'arccl r &Oolf'• linlf 11leweu ponn•l• In •f"h:l•t·~ u r o ver th~N froret a.i..l ioch.-• in lt"ngtla, ~ In lt"nrttl• aut! 11lrtb ,...,..,.,.,.. to · lt<"lhor, •i• feul (tach 11irt bein.: Ml~..,ureol rnunJ tho doick.:•t I'•" of 1ucb l'lrc:.tl) ahall be t:nn't"7"'1 by l'U.L. l' lt~:l'AY"~a: SI' Ut' ALl. I'AitC~I~


Tho• l'arcd• nout\ b.: loanoleol tn an o fllect uf t loc l'v<~ Ol!icr, atut infonhaliou will b. 11i•~u loy hino uf \1•11 occe-ry lotf'm tl' ac· coJn'I"'"Y ~•cl• t •,....,.,l; certain article• are 11ruloi!Jit4,.11n IJ., ..-nc t.y •-'• parliculcm• ol whiclo •ill bel t:I Y .. n at the 0111c ....

All l 'an:..ta • ill 1;)1' auhj~cl to CulltOtn8 oegulaliou• An.l im110rt •hlli•a.

( 'i~:null). J . 0 t"ltASI.:U. ,,,.,...,,,,,, UrHW~~i

<iouer•l l'•"t Olftrtt, S1. J .. lttle l I :Jtlo S.,l·l~tnl>tr, IIQIII. r 111.

- -------- --ABSORPl~ION.


Mrrlkwl .fok1- f vr 1\'tV/n..,.<fkuoJ,

wloo lou j uat returue1l froou l .on.lnu. Y.nq. lam I. wiU, tln1 Mtott wa~tdorroalaoaol i"'t~o .. cd at•plianee~ lor truet iut~aiOOOIIUfully lho n1c:wo1 ahronlo - c>l dieeaao "''""'aiiJ, attd tlcrNigt. whlcslo .. r..ct Ia Yilit.l01 lmwi.'\J•atcl1 iu th" ltotMt alul.lboru _.. CCJo¥< tl( ll4tf0i,.g, ~:I ll~• cf J•I•""Y. 1\o..O.

1-"ro,...r. l'u..U. PraiON, ?\·, ... !:1. t~.

'J1oo f:0111Ce cle lto•rwoinll iu a lotttcr t G Ur. lleMnllit of lloe aLcon ''"""· MJI : •· I am feetln~t we ll l rom yNrr 11'1'11••- ..,J , .. b'I'I'J Cn J:I"U l hOIII my WOol tlillittlllil~• e<f (l&lrOIIOJIII."

Ad•i.:e f r..a. Ad.Jn. ... - lh J. Ucmlon ll•noell. !10~

Wat.t-r Street, S t. JoiHo., June~

TAILORIN.G. J u•l r..-\'ed U..


FASHION SHEET for 1886. fir Olu uaa .. 11. tia&MhoUoeiUNUI•


May I.


n,. ua .. uli'JIOU ,.,,,Jiot o( • ~

1•641111· Publlu 1• ~. U.

1141111P+cmJ•IQ ar r.x,am .. ..-..u•,

A{•••/tld•rltl ()l'fif111'4• LorWo, • ~Jd.

IOC.D Olfi.Y JY - W. R. THOM.lJSolf,.­

M,._t llell. Utukr c,_, N/ftJ. "' ....

It .. •• loftllaabt. Hair R onnwor an.J cM&DoN tU ooelp of all Dl\ndrutt


Y u.cCM.-rN, N S. , Mny U, l ~ti.

C. C . lttcrulllo:l & C n.: flavin~: n~~etlyour )lituH•I"• l.h• im~nl fnr

"""•"'' JUri in 'D>Y atable. I 1\IIUI In il• hrio\1: the''"' tbinrc fo r bvr•e 11~• lt I know .. r. In t he r ... iiJ, •• hau u•~l it •nrCl'M• fully for nrarly owery purpose l h" l a hni~ mout i1l adaptrtl lor . il bl'inc rrconono.n•lc••l lo 111 loy tloe lalo Itt. J . 1 •. ft. W eo! •h·r. l'enoonolly I llnol i t t he bc-tot l\11"1"' o f neu­ra l, lo l'ain tl.al I haYo tYI'r •n~l.

II, TITUS. 1""7>rittor ru"'"'"'" l.irtr' .'~ttt Lft

~fi~AltDS LINIMr<:NT, i• for "'I" everywheore •

-----------------------------OA.R.D •.


Water Street. Hr Grace


lt.-.ioktiCC ancl Sttrwfry- tbo houulal•l: uc:t'Uried "' lolr t :.Jward u .. yle . lluu~--8 tu 10 ....... 2 lu ~ ... .... , 7 tog r••

~O't. 16.

8200.00 Reward! Wiil N ' paitl (or tho ckteotinn An.J COD VIC· t1.;1c vf a117 puram•ulllu11 o r 1lcalluf i n a uy but:.,. co•~ntcrf~il o r i n•itAi iou llnr lh f· Tl;ld, "''OC!Ciiaflyllicter~or r."•raratlona " lth t hu wc•f•lllol' o r flora In t 1rl r """'"or """ t.t."CI.,, I tloerewlth, •hll~ Ia inltudl'd lo 1ula· lrtltl auJ t.hcat t he pul.llio. or for auy rr~l·nr alluu 1'111 in •uy fo rm. l"•·l~nthujt tu IJu lbl! .,.""' at tl••l' IIITTKIIJt. Tltn ,:ruuloe I•DYI cltUolrr of !:MKKII llon (notice thia) J'riul .. ct ott Lito wlth11 1Ahe l, and ar o lhtt J~nrrot auol '-''•"'•llolne Oll .. rlh, Cl!JlOICially fnr J\ lcl tU!JI. l .lvu a ad ~•non IHttll.,'l lluwnre of r.ll othMI .,.d rof all vre.,.nclod for•uulra or r.aolpte of (for lltn1tn1 publill l'd I•• ro.eNur for Mle, u tltey aro f rau1la ~ud ••l•lfl... Wlloe.er dnla Ia "'' Lut th• fll!lol•e will b•protMU1ed.

Jlf\" l&IT?CII Mro . Co., ••• Uoeht'tlbor, N
