\ - ... COICI.TIO DVlk J ) .. J AYES \\" AltRE:S ,. ·ithu I na , inany iu Hub qr <.i i'Jiec aml out· l '?na tbc pat rouaJ.to uxt.e ndc d to nw du nog th e !Wit year, nnd beg¥ to iuf o rm 1l 111t ho t.u late ly into part· wi th .\lr .J . .\ . WJ.!l"l"l.LOi,lln ex· 13DLDElt .. \.XD irom if}. T hey will now oo :r.bl e to < !.' work th&l he l ll 'l>A. '<iletl As w<• nr .: of tir •t-clnss atoc:k, we b cli e,·o •v.: .·a u autt "the tnoat fall tldi oul. .1 .< 'J' EC ' / .1/ .7'1'. &" Stri ct ntu:ution jl:Ud to ou lpc rt or ders. !'rices ntodemtc. l' t- \ Ct: or Hus u: r. .s- -Watcr Street, :So ncar .Marllp'a ll rook. · \\'AHlt E :S & Ap rtll.:!. U.\llBO U GHAGE STOVE IIEPOT. nnd ,£STABLISHMENT. ( Ofpo•i ft< prtJmi us oj Al u•u· J ol .n Munn 9' Co.) 0 . L . KENNEDY QUEEN Ins uranoe CODtPStny . CAPJT.Arr-£2,000 , 090 Sterling. QJJEEN lNSURANCF. BUILDING, . Ll VERPOOI. ; -ANI>- QU£ EN INSURANCE BUTLDTNOS 60 G HAt: F.C HURC11{ S'tREJo:T, 1 \ !.ONDON. . J-: 1( ;/J REPORT. 'floC\ &n<t AC('ounta for the yt-ar H\7!'• , prescnwt to thf' S harebolderw 11t tho Annu al MPeting, on Tuosday,30tb :\l:ly, IS7 6,'!t whi cl} Uenu.nl .If All, .&-q., pt· esiJ\.oU 1 II IU\\'Ct), in the BRANCH. That tho Promiulllll tor 1876, after d e!< lm:ti ng 1\mount.ool to £370,005, being an inc roaao of .£36,376 o,· er t lu .l P re mium Jncome of 18H; and the Lolise11 to .£:!2 1,111, being 09. 76 1"'1' cent. on tho of the Yenr. T[IE LlFE DEPARTMENT · That 1:\ o-.. · P olicies had b4-en illsned f.Jr £I. 70 , !J:J I ; am i Uld the Lifo Fund , uy th" lld,li tiotus wuJo 1:o it ns the rcimlt nf tht> y e n t· H now repre116n t.tl pecent. o f the c nlir q rccc 1 \'cd ou o\•ory Policy m foroo. begs t.u th:\llk th o inh:\hitanla or Jl n.rbor fu r t h .. hl.crnl l':\t rvuos;c Tht> s urpln11 balAn ce in t he Firo A ht tloo: ri O C '< IO ,(ctl l 4l hi 111, Alhl dc ai r cs VI COo tn t Willi Mhown to bo OUt Of mt iouato t l!at " hM rece nt ly "I which .£40,00 0 WD.3 tp!Jropo ; lll.e tl to lnf)(c thu l"tesl uupron:d ;:ius pt ' nsc Ae<.'<lunt, mia i. ug that Acc o unt lllhl \' cr y e I . , .. 3\i,t r .. r lO £!10,0 00 nnu making witu tho 8 T 0 V E liCr W: Fund :!:?0,000. A Dh-idend and compr isi n.: F11nc y, F rank lin an d lk mn11 ut t he tato together nf l:i 1'91' U nll St.• w .:s, :L3 \Ye ll u Gr:r.t.ca l\nd 1- ' tt tonga ct ·n l. Jecl=ed. £ 16,-l91 be ir\g u&r· of aU I ricJ fo rw: ll'l6 FUNOO Engli ah A nd .\merican j 1 l:apit41 paid up .. . ..... . ... . .. ....... .. £180, 300 r. \ 9 0 ·r U I c: , U ll A T E · z .uu Ao.sunut co Accuwulatiun.F' und 226, 100 .\ umuty ·F u nd .. ... .. . ... .. . ..... . .. . .. 7,62S ln nd,litiou to tho nl:\<>-ro, th o sul;lscribcr H """ "" Fund and S uaponae Ao- 1\lways on houd -Aonc ricnn c. "' i co un t. ... ... ........ ... .... ... . .. ... 2'l() 1 ()()() J nu: h .. t.. •J tl .. rne ... "' "' Tl n r come of tb Co . Slt.... t lo Kn..•·ua<Uulllulra. t::...-roa'!O \' !1rloi k n 0 mJlllDY Ill DOW chui c:c ' 1'':\.liw . \\' :uoh b nnnl• j .C-4 5:?.3$4. _ Brvoms, cl .. w tt r l'nilo 1 T it., Co mpany h iUI (llld, i.u aatisfaclion ll .ttche• , 011 - locst '\"a !tty, Kc ru ul 1,8 <l4, 411 . a Jn u . Ln m1•• , " "'' C Tnr · 'I 0 N IJONOV 1 N !:> tnvu. nuJ. t.; lutl l\"'hf 6. " l<r u• he• l'r u...,r • c •l L 'nnolo·n•c•l G eneral .Ag ent for •' ewfound/4Jul. Co!f, -c, ::Wn1Jd " mb• · O'>ntr- .1l ./ Su6- A. q11nt• : ,f ·- AX DRE\V 'l '. .UI:tYSD. <\LE, Grocrrar ... ll n rd "' "r", Gllh .. WIU'r , 'l' lnn · urc, e cc . ti"' Amcric:\fl C ut :; ,. ila- a llai zcs- by tho lb. or N .ll. - l napcction ia e ,pecia lly in• ·it c(l 10 l11a l:\1)10 · "'•nr tuocnt of Sto••.,s. both of An au. ic: uo """ :\ ewfo und lnud :\ t ao - w A Iorge a nd ·ariod I Lock cf G lnu . \':tro of every dcecri plinn. C. L. KES!\E DY. Oct. (1. HARBOR OkA CE FURNITURE DEPOT - o- A. & E. PARSONS CABINET- MAKERS. &c. I N tllanltti ng h oir nmny f riend .a in l:fat l"' r Grana a.nd tho Oatporls gen e rall y. for tho liberal patnlnago liorot.uf oro beg r l'Spectlully to anno unce that t hey un band a euppl1 ot aDd all other &rllclea oece.Mr(to complete \ho fntoiabjng of dwelli.nga. Tbo follo •ing oompriao a portion of the ir etock : OI:IAlllS-Roclrincri Npne, CIUio-Bottom, Cotomoo &.Dd Oh l droa.'. TABLES-Fan e,, Centro and Dining. &uli'AS BEDS.TE.A.DS , bUREAU S. W.\SBSTANDS, . OHAM"BEB. SOlTES •.d all o ther articlu n--.ry to oomplot. tlle fur Ji.ahma of dwellinp. , _ 11ho nqvin KOOd BouMbold wre, at a lhollld aive. Forni tare Depot a call. 41N> . Ship a Whee1a, v.aw,,_, Belay in& l'ln' !fj · &.eh end all 111oh reqniaitea lo the piog liulllade to o rd.er. · '8 - A.a the u.-oa&T.u.IJIO Buanraa al10 fcnu. pari.& of their , ooonpatiou all W'deDln lltal departmeoi will .. aU.UoD.. IF"'.pecial oan .m be ai•en to'Outpon nrd- .............. - IHWater . &":'the .hliah- of Jou Mo•• ' &Co. A. A- E. PARSONS. NOTICE I . Jul r. ll ar!l or Gract. 0. SHEF:l!.uX & Co., l::!t. Pi erre. .BEST OF ALL ! A LOW Rl!D (WHOLE LIFE lUTE) Endowment ?olicy DrTUIE Insurance C'm:p&.B:f OF NEW YOK&. Cor. Park Place& ork J oanJI P.luuPP , Pruiiertt. Jon :tt Fiu ®. Wx: P. STpaT, .J.ct11ary. KA.NAGBBS FO.B. CANADA.. Tuos. A. Tarn, MariLlme Province• Jo hn, N.B. F\ A... , Moou, Pro•incee Ontario apd QoeU.O, Toronto, Oat. . · D4REO'l'OBS FOR OANA.DA, lion. L. A. Wrt.lle7r, l'ftderictoo, N. B. ,Uo, 8. P:-eaiden' B,t.nk of .. Nou. Ralilu.. ,V . H. THOMPSON, General for Nect GUAFl>IAN F.Qm & LIFE . . . Company 01' l8al. !fARBOR GRACE, A.TU"ltl},4Y 7 l3, 1879 , NUKBER 2 . Advertisements. Thompson-s MEDICAL HAJ.L :J!;STABLISllED 1 85 J THE llEV. A. B . BUBl'BNSIO •• - I Lon! Pel\ &&nee lwl alrllln britm "" S.tur- •l•y t ho..... , uf obe Ue v. A. II lld<l'nO<ble 1 tb.o YtNi r of SL Allloua Unll-ora. ,,., Ia I ;tl , tl an C<our1 al. I'K'v hmCt" t•f thr Mt y e •r 4' for llit rr .t .H..o lr konochie-lloe lo)!ical cou 'ru, and t he politic couru. Tho loaical couns.l would lea.d bl111 LD put11C Ye re iu tho line loo b aa hilhe rto Wteu of iguorio;; .&Ito or the court to th e d ecreo. I N tha.ukwg my Jllli.PY fri enus for tl. .•i •· li bcml pa tronage duri.ug tht> p fi t twe nry, no yoars, 1 beg to ca ll th•·ir ca1-oful nuonti on to the lillt of 11omo of tho prinritoal itews of my aro.:k. Qf IIC\'CI "tl l o{ I he artieh .•a h e rein e.J tU m e t· ate.l,) am by f nr tho impc mer in Harbor Ornce. My e ntire at.ock which IS ve ry lou -go, Vllrietl , anrl compltt e, .cl i<.l is being conatJI.I\tly roplcrilillu .J, Lt p u t· c uasC"d ' fotOASH i.u tho bea t mtu·k ot.s and I offer it to my eli e uLaat correapo nd · i.ugly low rates :- r. rar \ICII.f. :llr. ll or k••nuchle maolbr Q oocu'• tl,uch • '"'Itt>( but t t.l-. wu no a iled .. "1 JPQal, anti ao ati•Unatiun wu; now a.uvto to 1' \"llunct to tho <>r lor ol O llli iJ<""I""· lloo IO<olt4oll1 dirocted Ut• vubi!Ml lfOn pf thr '"' I h.• 23rll lnoL. Io : •l<o df .-.. t fnuu auo l llllt thu l'ourt ••uul·l too .. ro h .... r ""Y ar- lor "r.t..x..Jiun foa ndd o n o J lNIUI.. ul o!,odaenre tu t bo .In that cau bl! will bo pronoaoced coD- hlmacioua, aad ul tl rnat cl y pa 'lrill be au( to prieoo, aa Mr . T ooth wu; t hereupo n mD. cb K&Ddal will &riU, but ooo iru mtdbte ruu h will be a largo DCC:caaion of 11 nmbc"' to t he ranu or Hit U41 itm iUid AS:r03t J:"roWth of t he alle ged nil " hich h ia the or th ia protecDtlon• to OD tbe o th er loand , llr. Ma cltonochic mabo advised to take a more poli t ic and aubmit 1111· dc r prot ea" r ctrn iogbi6 po'l'cr for ;;r enter cxc.rt iou1 & hrco ycans hence. wlo en he will, U II Dll\tlcr of COu rse, ret urn 10 tria c hurrla u free aa ever. This would a.oetp to bo t be wiac&t pl an. ' &y Rum. Beru:ino, Rili ng Sun Nixon Jllaokloact, · · Tn 11 r.s o Lt •u t' nLRCM ti:or to:< .r. .. n :UK. xosucu r .- " h •l m r r t, U....I J .. r l h<- ( 'oun.-11 or tho t: qr ll· h I 'h"r.· lo Oulnn, "" 'l' ucatl •Y tLtc. v A ll ,.., .,.. •• nt. a (l OIIey of n:ol •uuto lu of t be Ar c. bt"e Ct. urt ''"*' ,lttt tmdbf"tl n ••· ll r. k••uvch(,. hl• wdltu&n-. a1 t<' pri.on, ft ' "'' u rKl ..r•tt lOI I thal Mt dturdt•.,lr llll a pJ \\ uu hl prvv• t•ftr g:y: mau I row ol!lelali ng .. . ..,.,.t wi oh Mt autbo rl ty. Gold Loaf, Ururul\nc!t:. Black LoAr'a Jo : lutic lnilia Rubber Varuiab lot Brnahca, llruabra I (1'iw. •, .\' vc. 17 .) .\!r. .\loc l.: onocbic hM, tblnks to the diviaiona the Court.S, eujoycd t he lu xury of cou tnmacy ,. ; dooul puuillhuoent. li e c11n now inrlu lJ:<' in it 110 longer. lie is N ..U do ,l' outh do Shaving do. Bre &llt R.cliu••un BrCAat Gluaos, Ca mntuilo Fluwe rt Caator vii ga llon do. in bottl e• Cbawo ie of Limo Cum 1•hv r Uoun Plbler, Cold Cream Cod Li ver Oil por ga.lltun d u, in hlll olo.o Qr !! aaing Comba. Fino Comba, Cauonry S.:cJ C'unoontratod Lyo, BotUo Orc.am of Tanar, F.nomaa, Glyccrino Fun1itur-o P oliab , Cluo, O u=bic. l tlOland Moaa. Foed inst b o t Ilea Bo nnet Glue. Kay'a Le11oun Limo Juico, Liquorico , Machine l lil :'llucilago. N ipple• fur J.l u ttl u• Noat&fO<Jt Oil, Rod and Yellow (h hrua Dry l'oin t&-all ahatlea. Pipo ClAy Po 1U and l'ulfa, Pi nk R O<Jt Pumice S tano, & ti n. &1 . .l'runelln Salad Oil por &&)Ici 11, dv. in bottl \lS Salta uf Lompn, Sa.Upetre, S'.Udl iu. l'u wolea a Gum Shullao, Snllll' lloatU, Cutil u ::Wnp Thompaon'a M.Uo \Y B ro wn Wind.t•r du. Olyc. uri no olu. Carbonate or Soda , Cryaul Spi ri u of ' furpentino. S paldiu::a 111uo Table &lt, Mathor' a l'lutur a Aloock'a Po roua Plut.er. Tartaric Eaaenco of Lemon, T ooth l'Rwd cr & Pu te Cop&! Vamiab, ViAeg a:r, C...ppcr.u Uoc: hinu.l. Cudbear. Alum Extract of l.oglTood. G rnut\J. <\o. Adam'• Indian Salvo, Wataou • :::Ocbolew on Mn Alle n's · doAycr P ectoul, Ayer'a SaNa pr .rilla tl o l:fatr V ago r, Roaetter' al:lair Ktl aLOrt:r Rud way'a R4>l>Oive nt, Britiat. O i! do Rudy ltelief, Ca cho.u• Drown'• Bronch ia l Ttodae•, Flo rida Wnt.,r ll rown' t Cblur odine, Burne tt 's Child.riln'a Rinp, Ka. P ovlA' rmi nl Bc nrya Cab ined Magncaia Oint ment, SoUoway'a P illa Cockl o'a Pilla, l:fuuu. do No rton'a do P11n0n'a do Ayc r'a do :!aJ orriaon·, do Kcl.d•ay'a do Wi l10n'a \to Onclo Jobn'a V egota b lo · do J ohuaon'• Anodype Liiment Keatinga Coua b Lozeogo' d9 Worm Tabll'ta Wooclll'a Lounjle& 1\IoLean'a Vennirugo, St.oer'a Opod e ldoc, lluatarag Linimeut Morehead'• Magne ti c P!aater Man'a Friend, Roilile Rat Ru.ia &1.-o. Spi rit Gl.a.ue Sheridan'• Co ndi ti on l' o•d"r Rim,nel'• Limo J uico and Olycorino A b.rtfO rof Rim me it' a pn.tfu,m.e SinglotoJU G .. ld on Eyq. ' Che rry BalaaD?, VioloL l'o •der dn Soothing Syriap, &lin do Oiu-ate Magcll&i:A To ba.ooO; Pi pea . Penlrnivoa ' Paper Envolopea, Pona, Pe.ocila. Writing an.4 Ya.rking lnk.a P ou cJioa, Camel Hair P encil• S&&l ina Wax, c;p,. Anry, Brown & Co'a Anilino Dyea in 6d. ptochau· ' GBOCERIES: Beat Oroond Colf e11, Calav:.nce •, Arrowronf, l'&arl Barler. \" eel, P nouring do. LaU1on do. do. do. B C' ttled b!WI. J elliq,o, C• imCcl OoodUMd j(ilk, Pr.oaerTt'd Be ef P.-"od Mutton, 8oup _aod lkuilli 'J;oogul', Potted Hun , Po tted Decl. Oorri. J"IDpr, Pepper 1 Spipo, Ouro.-ar SMct, Olci•e•. l'iclrlea. Corrie Po.,.,der, Tbfmto, l'an!oy )tarjoramL. Mace , Tablq Nu tmoga OaJRne repnr 1 Oazllo,.lf.atDltea · Neleon'a GetatiA.t' ana Telnda.ta WOCI!lill 'a BakiDg Bo ps Eppa do. dn Groat. Neave 'a JPood for Iofenta, Ball Blue lD p!!Ok.... _. bott lea Peek, 4 Oo .. a oelebrat.ecl- BilcoHe Ia 21b &ina. • • Praarted SahllotJ. Sardines do. Lobdar,Peraiaa Sherbet. A larp'.t.ook of Xt1'9MM Oil and Obimnjta Mo., eto., al"-11 1111 haad . W. H: TliOHPS ON &uepe nolc•l frottl hia office : uui from his bene fi ce fur ti•r.:o ....... by 1111houi.,.i uo 311<1 "" " 1' 1 "' "[ to tlu.• J:""'IC <! of the <:ourt. ho id rd it•\·c t! froon the orde r mllde 1\ j:ain!\t biw b.:fun: tloe <!lid of that tion e. l. oro.l Pcnu. nOll, haa p.lin t.cd ly in· thiu ubnoi,.,inn;l\lld t he frionol .,f .\l r. nl · low t hllt lot \IUW a& he hu al ..-II.Jll l •.:<· n t rcntc<l, tlo le11iency. It more thnu fou • tbd li nll or .!cr wu bodo.liuj: him n fm:n from t be illegl\l hu hl\d a OOIIIC< I at ::.t.. .\ liNi n' s. It \l ' &a iu .June. l lSJ:.. t hat thi• injnucu oo w od i""'uj)d by Slr R11bcrt l' lul- limore, t hen L>ean of th u Atdee-a J ud11e by no mea us w u:.rr ow tbe li uat tl of lib..•rty ul tl ac cle 11!y. It Maekot>chic ever obeye•l. i• W&l not for It Willi proved to l.ord l'cnu!lte, U!o .Judj:ll of tho Arches l.'ourt, that the out:mition of hi• pn'l lecftllor wu nrglecled, 11od nn fl l' l•licati on •M to him to en · force ubo:t!irnct• 10 il 'J11o ll't,f\l C: d J utl j:t', tnkiu,tl' up tbt: cMe whe re it h•d bee n left. onlen: <l .\lr . auapenaion for t hree ye11no, and, tho obs tacle to tho co- furec>Oent of tbia ofller it is now to be pu t toto execntioo. If :\l o.cltol\ocltie r epcnta anol promileilllmenrl. ouc11 t, l.o nl l' e nl iiiiCe will at ill be ready to listen t '" ' "Y ft pplicnti on to relru t ho d ecrC' e of suapt •nsiuu, bnt cont nrnae•· wual bo chcc l: o ·d. nnl.,iB tho mainlennoce of oliecipliuo iu the r:nglislo Chu rch ;., to di en ppt' nr. f:y crybod1 '\'Ootid be pl eMed at :'ll 11ckonoch ie'" aub:.uil8io n, but thin£!5 do not 11l waya happen M evcryloody W c are not warr.mred in . tJoinki ng it pro- bable thlll Mr. :llackol\ochic wil\ li e bna ncj!lecl <•d t he ortlcrs of t he (;ou rt of t\ rolrea fur ye11n1, 11J id hu evt n nrglc ctcd to a ppur OU :;llt or o.iay Ill tho 11\tt 111\j:!C of the ngaiull him. I 1 18 1\ttitnrlo hu become ono of de6noce, the re i• r euuo to auepcct t h<\l he alto):e thcr con t cata tho auth ority of t he Cou rt whose orders he doea uot otx:1. It is ce rtain thaL aoro o or loia tl r ri cal and f rieo1 la are dia- p<l4,td to revive o, ld of the olefjly to bo abo• "O th e Ia"' &s Jnr rl down by tbo tri bnnalu pi,>Di nt ecl to j u.dj(c .. from the au thonae d ri tonl. or tho Church. With eucl1 prctenaiona th ero CDC bo no copromiae. T ho polri tlon of the Engliah C hu rch as and cno lo_ 'Tcd ia too to f¥1 wit of any All to th o rigb.ta o( t he DDd or tho Couf'\8 O'\cr it. 10 th e au thority of c-itber moat be r utile. For thoee • ho canuoL ia aa it waa to thoae Whl) qotiltcd and wenL od i nto t ho wo rl d ·tn 1GG2 rather thf\n rho di ree ti ous l11 id upon them. }' r eedom 11 fo und in Jl aL within the of tbe Eos:li•h (;b urch :autlo orlty aml un ifonniry mbet be mftinlained nlt hough. wilh 11 wi!kl tolc r:oucc. a l.l' tit udo of profeNti on nnol of pmelicu hM t ocen al- c, t to irs ruiolatcri unk oown iD aqy ot loor COUIUlUUiOn 1 ( Daily .Y o". 17. We hnu lolld t nous:h and to aparo of aee· in): oppoaite I )Art iea io the Church of t::n11· la111l , the on e. loy a Union IUld ll to otloc: r bJ • u AaoOiition ; wrangling o.-er t he moat aaored in ' our CQprt&. of (;ommoo Law and of criminal jnriadicti o11. 1: o q. o ot ber cl.... o( Clllefl .hu 10 much tri via lit y a"Od tJt.,n b rouc bt forwlll'd, and ao ltlft D1 trid ta, and aubtt rf011c• mado uee or aaaidl. tq ri cto ry. l ito motin a naay be, u ahowo In pnb llc, th o act iooa hfl.fe.beeo moeL unworthy ql Lhoee wbo pretend to bo carrying o ot..ch o uf tb eir col'8dtneea. Now, aL laat, one of lhe c hie( olfeliilM, If to bay, aocl hla eat penMion for three yeata will aoqo bo &II acc ompliabecl fact. ( Sta•dard, N o-, . 17.) Wblle we. •oaL .... ,t with .. uetac:tioa the of evea ao nt10fn\ aod pnotieal,l\ _parialt ' priei\•1\h- . Maolttooocbir, we are nol. u ng uhl e of tlae retulta to he andciprllod Cram either l:hia or auy aiwilar ll1 thia 'IL u DOL 111tao& \bd aneb prooeediaga ahna1d Ia funa,. no' bo io•titut.ed, or .._, In pr'I>COifl of u- they lfl&1 aot.- - ptOduct.lvo o( •'"'" No li&Mfllllbe Cbm,. 111•t eftl' "' allowtcl .., ,appMe &11M "' aeer , ..... tla.cilj, .... -.kilit .... ., •"'7 poa- alble .-..-ut,...-, tie• ..., o•t. daelr oppoeeat& , Bn .a ._ ,._.., _..., ................. lllli·wlll of of &Ia• EMB;b rilillle oo& ia &he a!'- DIP et.Rftlll .,.,, ba' al.W.I• :•• ... '" "'" lh o& .. t >Ait f-r dfl: , ..u 1., w 41t thai Rle.lletll ••11 lie bf• !Gi.J. ' co &ll'7 i ptlfto IU L.p31 dlatip. me • biub u,.,. I'NI Wf ,. , .... .. · (IIDntiaf PW, H. lt .J .. Turlriah Re!orma (L.to / lipublirJIU. · •P aru, N oc•. Hi.) T bo of Tnrlt e v AIo De cooatituh 1 the Eaatern quN ti on. 'l'h o wone T urkey it t ho mor.e h er popu lation& auf. fe r, 1\lld tho 1001'\J they euncr, thu ha rde r t hey Me to m•nagc. To COC'Ipol tbc mcu of l!oostaot inorlc to r eform or aurn:Ddcr their placta Otb ers, i& tO jliVO l::Uro{'O a gncu1tQI.eO of pcacc aud tranqnill ity. Aa "'e hue 1111itl before, if t he iotcn en- tiou of ia to at tcmpuome- thiu!f in th ia war. we a\ro incapabl e of our aupport to that Po• cr. Some objeel tb t tcat.ieutaod i.n th o wny, but we nrc DOLa ware that it it forbidd en in 3 ny ooc of them to pre ve n t Tu rlrc1 {rom becoming an abode o f b:tndit ti. Tho t ruo fricurL! of T ur key nro tbo50 who ihlll in r cfomt ing it may cCMC to excite br i ts wcnkoeu the covetouaDcas of tho 11ntl t he l ea s ac: r upuloua. In atlllcking the Gov.:ro meotof Cousl!luti uol'lo ouo ia rco- •le ring n aervieo to thto Ottoman Empire. ( .\' wcr l'rrmya, 't. l' d<r •b11r9,:-.'o• •. l 6.) \ tl ljasi a a- u not permit t he transfer of A ai4 to l::11giDnd, nor t he ent ry of th e EnJ.Cl iAh Beet into th e Dlack Sea. Turkey pl .. .i uiT ioclintl 19 R IUii:a. wboliC role is UO\f to aupport tho Ottoman Govornnaent. It ia ncCCI'Ollry to r eso rt to t he us by t he & o·:Stef11110 Tre11ty, aa •l to de fine oar Allll iu th o event of t ho English fl eet appM,ring before Coo· alllntioo plc we must anewer auch 11 d wnoo- a lration by 11 co unter demoa.tratioo. ( Le / 'aru , .\' or. 18.) Ha ppy T i\rlr ryl llappy who ob tai na eve rything f rom 10 docilu A Su l tan, aud 110 lon !t er nee ds to aet her ironc lads in motion. 1 we thi11 lt it pr ema tu re to a:ty thftt" comple te 1r11Clerataudiug hM ar- M upon nil r oints Tur key a nd Engla111L It may. bo brliereu lhnt t be or 1\11 imuocd illlo con fl ict ia rt mo"etl . T ho ap(lllrent ••icto ry of Lord llca con5field'a Cabinet in real ity OOIIC tnlsA dipl oma.tic dcfe11 t, as no ope C:\11 nu Rr kw :r tbe promiars of refur m IU!IIlc by t he l'ortc , !Uld th ere is 110 indic11tlon t hat tho Sultan is to hia .\lon i.at en. It w 'as unde rstood rrom th e 6rst thnt t he r eform q ucatio n WM wereh· a weapoD in t ho: bnods of t he Eng liah .\l iofater, 11ud t h11t if, fo r iuauucc, Mirlhllt Pachl\ were to Sftid. tho l' or te wou ld havo r eadily obtAin ed reapile Qt t bo. ba.uda oJ Lortl s. , lis- bury. The ·rory Ministry fi rst ad- nnct'd t oo far, aet;tua to havo been com· pellid ti retr eat ou tbb matt er; and 1 >ehaps all tho llluiaters wore uot agr e ed &li to the ODUnle Lo be foiJ 01lCd. (& J> uril , N orJ. 18) •. Wo eciiaT ea to a feeling or ·aorpriac Ill t he ironicalat yle iu which cerl4in Fre nch papers de:ll wi.tb. Ensclish policy ou tl ois quest ion. In our o pi nion ..J::oglnnd haa juat what ahc WllDt cd, and fru from fin di ng fault wit h l. onl Hcaeona6o ld, we hll iJ col itled to t he C QI!gr&WlatiQ,oa of hi• coun tr y, a.nd c'h.e \lwlu of Eu rope . Tbq "PP'Iiot meat of t he ne w, 'J 'u rk ia h Mi niatry might j uatl1 bo n' gard ed as a victory of Ruuian in- Oucnce at 'l b ero wor e. even r oiLIOI"II or a accret treaty of Rl· lianco between Hu111ia Md Turkey. Jn tho presence b f tb!lo intri gue, , 111oro or lcaa dis goiaed. England <lid noL heeit : \10. :She dotenoined uot to bo trifled with, 11no l to put an end to 11ny tnyat.erioDs plotti ng. Sh,o molutc ly raced and met t he \\' e can n ow uode11Sand Lo rd llcaco a. - apt ecb t he Goil dball. En g laud will ue -rer all ow Ruaaian io8 ucocc to be panwaouot in the Sultan '• CoDncila. She four M that ioOucoco in · Afehaniltao, aod will bat it In 'tur1tte1. H Ia her lndian Erpp)re ela e ia derendiog, aod while ehe ia p rotactiac ber o wt1 iot.ereata ab e ia al10 pro- lccd ng tbe ia tocreala of EDrvpe. No oao io E aglaad tlre&lllll of dtal.roying U!o Turltiah Erupire atld taking ))O'S4*ion of it. u no other will be allowed to do 110 ; and tbn' we regard Eogland'a prh:ate treat r, t.alrrn to_gether with tho 'l'P.a&. y of.Herl lo, aa a goaraotee that tbu pe1ce w hich all atand 110 much In need of •Ill be a e. al ro7ed. n ia OD the to groaocfa lbal we apvJu!l tbA.,poliey of EnrtiUia u eaergeti c, prudeoL, aad ill the rlorree calculi\· ted to prt>Yell& 00111pliptio ni aad aecare. &Jae repc»e of EllJ'Ope. ... . .. Davi tt< 'WU tlle li w e, IlL his .reaidt.nl't', Amit.lll· llfttl. T he.y Wil N C:OU .1eTed .i.u c:abe to the b road· •tone Staciou, whcro a 1upurinte.odeot froru vurt.e"..p alld two det ,JI!UYH or " tlnlfreJua CIIU'riago .c.wo priiooen for Sligo. 'The ptt_,.. nqu•ted to be aapt)lled with cora of U.e lafonvatiO!II, ud thu Crown aaid &heir reqaeat abould bo 'J.'be1 thea inquired wlte tlot.r bail woald he &ealpted. 'Cbe Cro.t" Sollcltor oppoeed thu, uti the naldeta' maj;:Lalrate rer ued to .. bllil them Lo ball. T be r obt&!Aed t:":h l01t1 10 ... t.t..ir 110lleito,. aad co ftttlou maten.l. Tber lillc to rnaaJo iD the oooaLy inllpector'• room far a.n bour, wririog to tbclr fri e nda. ' • Abont aeno p. m. the1 we re placed In a hi red carriage, anJ , A ccompanied by count y iotpcctor ROlli an d aub-l oapec:tor !::gao, an.t escort ed br a doxeo cooatabul11ry mcu, \YCN dri•en to Sligo Gaol, which is only about 4 00 yard.l frow t ho police barrack-. Kr. J'amea Boyce ll.illen, llr. ti upe riotendeot &Ialloo end the mt tropolitau bacl. c:hiU'ge of tbe tlocr arrl'fl:d a&. Sligo, when they b.auded OYer t he a.ccnted to tba ouatody of the conllabulary. !\Jr. Davi tt aad Mr Ki llo:o bad met before e11cept Gu rt een , al)d the y atata that they ne \'cr to e>thcr till &bey abook handa tn t be at t}ac Uroadato nc as joiut. Tloo accused, in p: uti og wit h •npe nntende nt Mallon tuJd IJ ia moo nl 'ltgu l'olice Utn_aeka, tbault l!(\ them for the !!felt COIJltllsy, choy lllld dU.played while d ilr.h u aios.: tl o ti r part or tho dut\'. Mr. Davitt , at lho time ho wu arre sted burisl cr, it a 1'rmytcri:w, a nd lh ·es a t G, expressed hie willingneu to loa nd over t. George's PI&Cil N orth, · circular lt011C.: · keys to aupcriut ocdcot .Mnllon 11.11d to al - Jll.' u the 11011 of Samuel Killen, fnrmer, and low hi. uo to t :U:c )lOlllleS*ion of oil hia papcnt. '"M born at Kc ll-, in the cou nt y A ntrim, in 1\ oll cn nt the time of lois :.rrou, 1 8-1-1. Jt c rerei••cd his r :u ly edue:tlion at 1nvtted the o fll ccra to m:1ke " se:u ch io hie . . ho u.e for docu men ts or anyl loin·• elsa t hey I the BclJaat J uou tuuon ; but t he police declined. Killen , cnt.crcd t he Queon'a College, an• I who hod heou ll jl writ iuj;' , only retired lo bcCIImc n (. 'Olll medlllliat, M.l\., a nd l. L.l> a t. t ...o 11.0:0. At BC•cn he opened t ho of the Q ucon's In he w&S <loor !ur usrlf tu anawc r to tho knock of CAlled to 11 1 · .ro & d · lb at dct ccbvca l t&11n and ll urpby. fi e wa:s . 10 ro · r, an 111 • • g?'o onder the impr e.uion I hilt 41 'tb year dch,·ef'l.-d a lc c turu on tho apmL of l ri.alt pMt.ing .cnll from n p;ond 11 bo;t bef o re Q ueen'• U tcrary Auetr!oh:l .or the. .\lr . Kill en being Society, tho to menus of winch bronght tn wnu ns (;briat.UJM maj;Uiuc biru i 11to culliaion with tbc 1\uthori· . d'd . · ti us. Art icles we re pnblil!hcd in tbe l>ubliu c pnsone rs not amra 111 Sli" O t ill 0 · · · · · · a quuter -put three. About a dozen 1 ;:,ilcc- onscrvative )O tt mala seve rely cro tictamg men arrne<l .,.itb ri fl ee .,.cro d mwn up on the lcctun:, 11nd the rnnll<! r WM "br ought tho platf o nn, and 11bout 20 pcr.Jous undor tl1o notioo of l '11rlinmc nt by the mem- lalld coll cctod. It load e vident ly leaked bcr for Anna gh C ity. Somc time aftca )I r. the u re at lu'd t.alccn plMc, nnd th11t Killcu went to Amcrir.a. W hen he returnc• l tho we re coming .. 1\ever tboleg, to this co unt ry be joiu,-d :So r th - E.-u t I ho l'hcJt.ed DO 1 0<:31 mtereat OOyond . . · tho 111:tnner of CCIUduc tin" pol'llona tfllUJI. li e pmctillCd mncb nt in cuatody thro•tl{h tho lion-. pro feNio n, hn•·i ug po inci p111ly dc• ·ott :.l him- was in W lli tiug. On _ ODO aida n :n ·i tt" \1'41 ,elf to litcmry and he "' llll to IOtn() acated. bcl":eon. Ml\llon 11nd .-xtc nt with one of the National Shemlau_, U!e. oncu juumal& Duri ng the ycnrs 1 iG occu pyt n.:r tile re oullm•og . ' .\ ao rntlar of things wu obscn· ed on 18• '• nnd 1 878 be \\ 'M llamnwon T .ectnrcr thu ot her of the c:ll' .\lr. Killl'n ucin" on Econ o my in tho So- in ?-r ll of dctcc ti •o :llurp)iy. Fil ·c minurc ;ft of I reland. M r. Kill en' s grnnd/ather d nvo tbe a cca tcd to tho police wa11 o ne or tho men who Jl.Vtid (l:ltcd iu tho b:lrrack, .t hetr t hrough the town Hcl.clliun uf '!) O DI.J CI\UJIIDg a rtlw lhopkcopcnt lo CUIIIC to t hOt r and atnrcllh f r t ho wc ll· •· ua.rdc.l ,..._ ,..., _,.. __, ..-.. . 0 Arri,·ctl nt tho h' riaok. lite Dubli n de- " Romnn CaLholie, and t he aoD of a touant tc ct ives IJnndctl OVI)r b?th wa nnn11 and fanner, was hom at Straid, near Cutl ebftr, prUiodun iaw U! e CU.Lod.J o( county iJa. in lhe couu ly .Ma1o ita tho year l&e.. Jlio& I (IOCtOf ll OI >t, 1\nd be bro ught tbC IH in to rA ther WM J ll.) J a nd t he raml!r lua o ffi ce. wh cro bo accoonutodatcd th OII\ · . . , ' . with aEaus at the lire. It d eemed de· I ••cut to rcatdo 111 Enghmd ; they an ti rabl u that1h cy aha nld re freah themselves LllncMhire, whr.ro tbcy romninetl for :!:i l)cfo re tl a .e run)CiMerml buei neaa wu pro- ye :\1'11. • Michllcl D: IVitt went to wnrk in a ceeded a nJ tire accused were ncco rd- co tton mill l ltuliog.Jeo at t ho a go of s upplied wilh di nuer from thu Yicturi11 . li ntel, which ia adjactout. Alt weuty tnioutu .nml he WlU aye:tr at tho lnhon r p:ut fo ur o'cl ock Mr . U. A. :O.Iolooy. ch \ir. nnn wl\.11 crushed by tho mtll mno: enter \)() tho coun ty iu•pector·a oO ko DIIICltincry, nccca.,itat ing Its amj)utntion at dt l\1 with t he c: u c ; t bo .\lr. tho should ct. .!: 'or live ycllnl After he Ilvtllcnore, J . l' ., and cou uty in.!pector temle.d tbo Wesley:1n school iD ll ulingd eo we re 111 10 preaenr. . ' Mr. J landnl Peyt on. J.T' •• cl orlt of t ho Rl l .S ho <' mploymc nt 1111 Cro w a. a ppCAI\:d io aupporL of the p ro· 1\UJalllntle tt er cnrner 11nd bookkeeper tD tho aeeuti nn. pri nting office attached to tho post olfico At the llr . Killen rc (}uestcd tb11t th ere. Leaving that in 18G8 ho becAme 1\ the of t,h c prcu 1ho uhl 00 coanmerciaJ ' tratoller, dealing extensi vely adduued to tho tnvc at t gahon. &1\'1{ a . . . ·. reprcacnlatin of t he !lublin preM ouMide, avocauo 1 n wbt, h br ? ught a nd u all tho of th e ll rret t oru toto t cu ty , a ar .:o qull nbty of hf;d been rDIIdn 1\e th o.llght it o uly h ia gooo}S (ou ud thei r WI\.)' to J rcl and. 0 Jl fftl r to t bo·a.cc , Q.Sod lhaL tho abould oo the 1-lth 1870. loa WllS ar-ru tcd i n. pre3eThnl.. C .,_, . . . London, 'wilb a go namith J oint. e rown ""'IC ilor L\ld t hat WI\J a \'' f 8 ;:,. · m&tt.c.r en ti re ly for t ho ·" --- I tb \ olson, rom trmtngham. lla was t ned .._. a on o o .... ... r F . . r.t on a CnArgc o cotanum, and Mol uov 11-'id bY, tlntt on thll t oc· on t bo I itb Jul y, 1870 , was lll!nlenced by CJWOn onl1 lll in illcrinl. fl o uu . Chier J uetico Cockbu rn to fifteen ye11ra' de n1t ood t ho Crown 11bout to apply for pe nd aervitudc, being awar.lod 11 ahort remand, an :I 10 that CMe it would ac, co. (;orydon "'" t ho in former on tbo no purpoae to bave t he preM . . prHCut, aa o Cllle would be gono iuto occuton, ant\ Dtvttt d ec.la rcd 110lemnly fully in a f days in u pco. conrt. t hi\L he had novcr aeen Corydon before ir. Mr . l,is to M \' O tho his life till he confronted bim in tho d ock. presa tUlr tUi toJ. :. l.'l lt.Ji h11d been arroated. Davi tt unol or went h ia .impriaoomcnt in un an 11 mbiguous char4e, 11nd t he1 dui rcd that tlo o full cat p ubliciry ahould bo given to Nto w.l:lal e, Mill blink, Out moor the proceedings. Jr they hlld been a rreeted and l'o rtamoa tb for a abort time, and thl'n. on pnblio p.roundla, 'rllat ohj ecti on was wM aeo t to D11rtmoor ogaio, t ill on U!o t!Jth there to 11dmit tho prea ? Dec ., J8i 7, after bcin:: toven yenrs nnd Tho magistnt c d i etincllr refuecd eucn 'mout bs io priso n, be wu banded f\ to &droi t lho prcas. \\ !bea th«: cuo c:ltn up on r fl rQIUid be woo ht ' not buo t be ti cket-of-leave, a nd uiecha rged. llo t hcu t • lijlhl.eM oll}l'c tion to admiL tho prus if we n t on a lec1uring t our t hrough England Will no t a tliat.iuet otder to tho cOand &ot lacd , apeak.i.ng In· London nnd trary. Maocbuter, I.i\'erpool and G!ugow, 11nd Duitt waa quite u atreog aa Kill en "' 8 · .. . •·- In hia demand t hat tho report ers abo uld be on the ..tat Juno, 1 78, 'ftiiUI eUtUln= .,.,. a dmitted. lloth the then demaad. fore the royal commlllio n, or U!e ed to know t he ll'fOOnda of their Earl oC Kimberley waa the p rui dent, a Tbe Crown Solicitor read tb e inf orma- poi nted to iato the 'WOrlrioJ: or t ho tl on of a ub-ln.- (leetor H' Cielland, or Tu b- P enaJ Sorvi tuifeActa.IUidthamaoftiemea t o( coo vi« ea tabliabmeot.llbroughou t t be Uni· ioronnatro& of tbo abo rtband wri te r e m- ted Kio,.dom. The e<rideaee eJnn b1 hi m, ploye d by che Governme nt to talr:-o t.ea on occaeloo 6tla 16 pacea of U!o of thu epceohea at t110 Gurtcen weeti og Doot, aod cootaiaa aeY eral engge stiona111 vtrifyiog th e atrong paaafte i.o the priaoo. 1 ' II 1 f · .. . 0 crt' obaervatiooa: aad, Jutlr, lho C roW'D to the e &lit . cat on o pnaonen , \liC. 11 , Sohcitor '• own allldaftt pra)'i nB: ror a re· tho 28rd Jwylaat.year, hia health beina it1 mand t ill Monday, oo the jlt'Ound that aomo a pieca rio111 coodi t.ioo, he went to America, l•port.ao! cor roboralin wiu_. we re not and dcll• ere<l a coDne of l4!C&orea th roDJh io cown, lnoluc)Jag the oonatabnlary dotee- Be intended briaaiDJ beck bla tl•e, wbo a1ao took abol-tlwld now on the mo ther aod i•te n, lf)ao bad aooe to Ameri- ... n. Tho. priaone,. -.ehtmantlr deooaaced eA prerioua to hia impriaootDtat. llow· on &lleCro•n ever, bo decided to leue them there a ytt.r waa noL a& dlat 1110111ea• able to C>r two louger, unUI Umea would me nd In, lrelaad, tnd be apfo landed iD thu eolln- ldu of lbe abaeftoe of the C rewn lry on the 211\Dtc!tmher Ju&. U waa laio&, Ia a- wbeQt.aacb hlwl heea inteatioa to eepp ha liN wlaoleale t• llllldHor, perftctlnr hde "' he alluadCIII&Il tla" both.. (lopaped IM-uoa!Mf of &he Idea fora !DON o.,potCullf,aod lwld. fttler'a ....... al..ltJ.tnr thU &heir toot. f4),lltenry wort uclleawrtnalo Ell(· •eulor llad been Dim&& ""-ihotJ' tile 11" Ill lOok J.ud. Ue Ia &he ol the IJ. •. , --".:W ................... ,_ .... .. llftl Ull& t11eMtt &he u- OltJte N .. Yon; aad .._. &' ...... ..... _...,. tlliil eUI , lW r.ce woold ba• to lrlah pJ'Im,frai ".1'111 .. &he Ia tW 10018 hi ._ tibia lit, ........ -. lllldWcP.bllchroul...,.ci&J. .twMek ._ ... eo bll ..._ te ftll n. ..................... . _ ,cl laon. ..... !&3 ..... ..... :=:. _. .. ef.;..;. A•mn . •IQOI!1IIai'J wl---. iaad wo)lld O..refol'l I, .. •...-.1 ._ .. ........ ...... . . . . TJ- .... 8ada,r ..,..., ... .. . . .

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l'?na fo~ t bc li~ral patrouaJ.to uxt.endcd to nw dunog the !Wit year, nnd beg¥ to iuform th~:m 1l111t ho t.u late ly ~utered into part· ue~hip with .\lr.J . . \ . WJ.!l"l"l.LOi,lln ex· l'~ri<.~tce-d


13DLDElt . . \.XD PAI~TER irom :So~11 ~'<~I if}. T hey will now oo :r.ble to <!.' work th&l e~~nnot he l ll 'l>A.'<iletl

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QUEEN Ins uranoe CODtPStny.

CAPJT.Arr-£2,000,090 Sterling.



60 G HAt: F.C HURC11{ S'tREJo:T,

1 \ !.ONDON. .

J-: 1(;/J E~:!'\1'H A.._,~trAL REPORT. 'floC\ 1\I'I>Or~ &n<t AC('ounta for the

y t-ar H\7!'•, prescnwt to thf' Sharebolderw 11t tho Annual MPeting, on Tuosday,30tb :\l:ly, I S76,'!t whicl} Uenu.nl .If All, .&-q., pt·esiJ\.oU1 II IU\\'Ct), in the

Fin~!: BRANCH. That t ho Promiulllll tor 1876, after

d e!<lm:ting Rol·illiiU~nCCR1 1\mount.ool to £370,005, being an incroaao of .£36,376 o, ·er t lu.l P remium Jncome of 18H; and the Lolise11 to .£:!2 1,111, being 09.76 1"'1' cent. on tho Pl~Jniniil.ll of the Yenr.

I~ T[IE LlFE DEPARTMENT · That 1:\ o-..· P olicies had b4-en illsned

f.Jr £I. 70 ,!J:J I ; am i Uld the Lifo Fund, uy th " lld ,litiotus wuJo 1:o it ns the rcimlt nf tht> yen t· H opt'~tiotuo , now repre116nt.tl G5.~ pet· cent. o f the cnlirq II!!~ fromi~ rccc1\'cd ou o\•ory P olicy m fo roo.

begs t.u t h:\llk tho inh:\hitanla or Jln.rbor (. mce t;nrl u~""rt.. fu r t h .. hl.crnl l':\t rvuos;c Tht> surpln11 balAnce in t he Firo A c· ht tloo:riO C'<IO ,(ctl l 4l hi111, Alhl dcair cs VI COotnt Willi Mhown to bo £8~ ,~86, OUt Of mtiouato t l!at " hM recently r~"7i\·ud "I which .£40,00 0 WD.3 tp!Jropo; lll.etl to lnf)(c hUurtno~ t'i\. ~f thu l"tesl uupron :d ;:ius pt' nsc Ae<.'<lunt, miai.ug that Acco unt lllh l \'cry e I . , .. 3\i,t r .. r lO £!10,000 nnu making witu tho R~t-

8 T 0 V E ~ liCr W: Fund .£:!:?0,000. A Dh-idend and compr isin.: l:uukon~. F11nc y, F ranklin and lkmn11 ut t he tato togethe r nf l:i 1'91' U nll St.•w .:s, :L3 \Yell u Gr:r.t.ca l\nd 1-' tt tonga ct·nl . WIL~ J ecl=ed. £ 16,-l91 beir\g u&r·

of aU ~l7.cs. I ricJ fo rw:ll'l6

FUNOO E ngliah And .\merican j


l:apit41 paid up ... ..... .... ......... . .. £180,300 r.\ 9 0 ·r U I c: , U ll A T E ~ · z.uu Ao.sunutco Accuw ulatiun.F'und 226, 100

.\ umuty ·F und ..... ... ... ... ..... . .. . .. 7,62S ln nd,litiou to tho nl:\<>-ro, tho s ul;lscribcr H"""" " Fund and S uaponae Ao-

~"" 1\lways on houd -Aonc ricnn Ao.l~c• c."'i coun t. ... . . . ......... . . .... ... . ..... 2'l()1()()()

J nu:h .. t..•J tl .. rne ... • r..,,~. "'"' Blockl~· · T l n r com e of tb Co . Slt .... t lo Kn..•·ua<Uulllulra. t::...-roa'!O \'!1rloi ~ k n 0 mJlllDY Ill DOW

chuic:c '1'':\.liw. Trunk~. \\' :uoh b nnnl• j .C-4 5:?.3$ 4. _ Brvoms, cl .. th~a l.u~o·•. w • tt r l'nilo1 T it., Company h iUI (llld, i.u aatisfaclion ll.ttche•, Kcrua~nc 011- locst '\"a !tty , Kc ru u l l'l:uw.~, .£ 1,8 <l4,411 . a Jnu . Lnm1••, llurner~ ""'' C ~ona ll it'~· Tnr· 'I ~lM 0 N IJONOV 1 N }~ulliiO. !:> t n vu . Shht~, . l '.u nt nuJ. t.; lutll\"'hf 6. ~[ " •

l<r u•he• l'ru...,r • c•l ~·: 11 11~. L'nnolo·n•c•l ~ !ill. General .Agent for •' ew found/4Jul. <.:ruoheo.I


SII ~Ilr , Co!f,-c, ::Wn1Jd " mb•·O'>ntr-.1l ·~ ./ Su6- A.q11nt• : noo~tment , f ·- A X DRE\V 'l' . .UI:tYSD.<\LE,

Grocrrar ... lln rd " '"r", Gllh .. WIU'r , 'l'lnn·urc, e cc .

ti"' Amcric:\fl Cut :;,.ila- a llaizcs-by tho lb . or ke~: .

N . ll. - l napcction ia e ,pecially in•·itc(l 10 l11a l:\1)10 ·"'•nrtuocnt o f Sto••.,s. both of An au. ic:uo " "" :\ ewfoundlnud tnan uf:.cture~ :\tao- w A Iorge and •·ariod I Lock cf Glnu . \':tro of e very dcecriplinn.

C. L. KES!\EDY. Oct . (1.




IN tllanltti ng hoir nmny friend.a in l:fatl"'r Grana a.nd tho Oatporls generally. fo r

tho liberal patnlnago liorot.uforo reo.,,~.,d beg r l'Spectlully to announce that t hey ~q.vo un band a l~o euppl1 ot

:~~oroitu.re, aDd all other &rllclea oece.Mr(to complete \ho fntoiabjng of dwelli.nga.

Tbo follo•ing oompriao a portion of their etock : OI:IAlllS-Roclrincri Npne, CIUio-Bottom,

Cotomoo &.Dd Ohl droa.'. TABLES-Fane,, Centro and Dining.


OHAM"BEB. SOlTES •.d all o ther articlu n--.ry to oomplot. tlle fur Ji.ahma of dwellinp. , _ ~ 11ho nqvin KOOd BouMbold J'cuni~

wre, at a ~Diihle ~ lhollld aive. ~u'a Forni tare Depot a call.

•41N> . Ship a Whee1a, v.aw,,_, Belay in& l'ln'

!fj·&.eh end all 111oh reqniaitea lo the piog liulllade to o rd.er. ·

'8 - A.a the u.-oa&T.u.IJIO Buanraa al10 fcnu. pari.& of their, ooonpatiou all W'deDln lltal departmeoi will ~••IJ .. ~ct.' aU.UoD..

IF"'.pecial oan .m be ai•en to'Outpon nrd-.............. - IHWater ~~ . &":'the ~We .hliah- of

• Jou Mo•• '&Co. A. A- E. PARSONS.


J u lr.

llar!lo r Gract. 1~. 0. SHEF:l!.uX & Co.,

l::!t. P ierre.



Re~erve Endowment ?olicy DrTUIE

iJdr~olitar( Lif~ Insurance C'm:p&.B:f


Cor. Park Place& ~u.roh St.,, ~~·~ ork

J oanJI P.luuPP, Pruiiertt. Jon :tt Hzo~:•u•, Fiu ®. Wx: P. STpaT, .J.ct11ary.

KA.NAGBBS FO.B. CANADA.. Tuos. A . Tarn, MariLlme Province• S~ J ohn, N.B.

F\ A... ,Moou, Pro•incee Ontario apd QoeU.O, Toronto, Oat.. ·

D4REO'l'OBS FOR OANA.DA, lion. L. A. Wrt.lle7r, l'ftderictoo, N . B. ,Uo, 8. lU.-40~, P:-eaiden' B,t.nk of .. Nou. ~U., Ralilu..

,V. H. THOMPSON, General Aaeo~ for Nect

GUAFl>IAN F.Qm & LIFE . . .

4-~ce Company 01' LO~Dpl(.

~.&.BI..V'AID l8al.

!fARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUND~, A.TU"ltl},4Y7 D~CEMB~ l3, 1879, NUKBER 2 .


Thompson-s MEDICAL HAJ.L



- I Lon! Pel\&&nee lwl alrllln britm "" S.tur­

•l•y tho....., uf obe Uev. A. II lld<l'nO<ble1 tb.o YtNir of SL Allloua Unll-ora. ,,., wl~kn, Ia Ju•- ~. I ;tl, tlan C<our1 al. ~ ~ ~ooced I'K'vhmCt" t•f th rMt y e •r 4' '"'•prnsiu~ for llit rr.t.H..olr

konochie-lloe lo)!ical cou'ru, and the politic couru. T ho loaical couns.l would lea.d bl111 LD put11CYere iu tho line loo baa hilherto Wteu of iguorio;; .&Ito juri~ictiou or the court a.~~d ~ueio~r obod.~uce to the decreo.

IN tha.ukwg my Jllli.PY frienus for t l. .•i •· libcml pa tronage duri.ug tht> p fit

t wenry, no yoars, 1 beg t o call t h•·ir ca1-oful nuontion t o the followin~ lillt o f 11om o o f tho prinritoal itews of my ar o.:k. Qf IIC\'CI"tll o{ I he artieh.•a h erein e.J tUme t· ate.l, ) am by fnr tho la~L impcmer in Harbor Ornce. My entire at.ock which IS v ery lou -go, Vllrietl, anrl complt te, .cl i<.l is being conatJI.I\tly roplcrilillu • .J, Lt put· cuasC"d 'fot• OASH i.u tho beat mtu·kot.s and I offer it to my elieuLaat correapo nd· i.ugly low rates :-

r.rar\ICII.f. :llr. llork••nuchle table'to•ntly!lbr~in..,J maolbr Q oocu'• tl,uch • '"'Itt>( ~rohil~lima, but

t t.l-. wu • no ailed .. "1JPQal, anti ao • ati•Unatiun wu; now a.uvto to l..t.~td 1' \"llunct to ,-..~orto t ho <>r lor ol Ollli iJ<""I""· lloo IO<olt4oll1 ~rolla..,ly dirocted Ut• vubi!MllfOn pf thr 8U~oil>n '"' I h.• 23rll lnoL. Io : •l<o d f.-..t fnuu lb~r d.,te , auol Oli~ed llllt thu l'ourt •• uul·l too .. utw~ ro h .... r ""Y ar-

• uliC~tt lnn lor "r.t..x..Jiun foa ndd o n o JlNIUI.. ul o!,odaenre tu t bo hw~

.In that cau bl! will bo pronoaoced coD­h lmacioua, aad ultlrnatcly pa 'lrill be au( to prieoo, aa Mr. T ooth wu; thereupon mD.cb K&Ddal will &riU, but ooo irumtdbte ruuh will be a largo DCC:caaion of 11nmbc"' to t he ranu or Hit U41itm iUid AS:r03t J:"roWth o f t he alleged nil " hich h ia the objec~ or thia protecDtlon•to d~:ttror. OD t be other loand, llr. Macltonochic mar · bo advised to take a more politic coun~e, and aubmit 1111· dcr protea" rctr n iog bi6 po'l'c r for ;;renter cxc.rtiou1 &hrco ycans hence. wloen he will, U II Dll\tlcr of COurse, ret urn 10 tria churrla u free aa ever . This would a.oetp to bo t be wiac&t plan. '

&y Rum. Beru:ino, Riling Sun Dl~ltlld Nixon Jllaokloact, BlaokiD~ · ·

T n 11 r.s oLt•u t ' nLRCM ti:or to:< .r. .. n :UK. ~r..c. xosucu r .- .\ ~ " h •lm r r t,U....IJ .u~mled '~"""ll ;,g .. r l h<- ( 'oun.-11 or tho t:qrll· h I 'h"r.·lo Oulnn, " " 'l' ucatl •Y tL• tc. v A ll M.ck,.>OC'hl~ l.eiu~t ,..,.,.. • • nt. a (lOIIey of n:ol•uuto lu l h~ Jud~ral of t be Arc.bt"e Ct.•urt ''"*' ,lttt tmdbf"tl n••· ll r . Ua~> k••uvch(,. ~S JJre&af"ll hl• wdltu&n-. a1 to~~ t<' pri.on, \4hil~ ft '"'' urKl .. r•ttlOII thal Mt dturdt•.,lr llll a pJ C.HI~~'ltlion \\uuhl prvv• ~1•nr ot l1r r t•ftr g:y: mau I row ol!lelaling ... ..,.,.t wioh Mt autborl ty.

Bron~o~~. Gold Loaf, Ururul\nc!t:. Black LoAr'a Jo:lutic lnilia Rubber Varuiab lot ll,.m~1 U~ Pol~ Cl~.thu Brnahca, a~r llruabra I

(1'iw.•, .\'vc. 17.)

.\! r. .\locl.:onocbic hM, tbl nks to the diviaiona ~tell the Co urt.S, eujoycd the lu xury of coutnmacy ,.; dooul puuillhuoen t. lie c11n now inrlu lJ:<' in it 110 longer. lie is

N ..U do ,l'outh do Shaving do. Bre&llt R.cliu••un BrCAat Gluaos, Ca mntuilo Fluwert Caator vii pc~r gallon do. in bottle• Cbawoie Skin~ Chlor\~o of Limo Cum 1•hvr Uoun Plbler, Cold Cream Cod Liver Oil por ga.lltun du, in hlll olo.o Qr!!aaing Comba. Fino Comba, Cauonry S.:cJ C'unoontratod Lyo, BotUo C<.~rlt s Orc.am of Tanar, F.nomaa, Glyccr ino Fun1itur-o P oliab, Cluo, Ou=bic. Uuuc~· l tlOland Moaa. lnfatt~ Foedinst b o t Ilea Bonnet Glue. Kay'a Co&~~ulino, Le11oun Limo Juico, Liquorico, Machine l lil :'llucilago. N ipple• fur F~ina J.lu ttlu• Noat&fO<Jt Oil, Rod and Yellow (h hrua Dry l'oin t&-all ahatlea. Pipo ClAy P o1U ~1ea and l'ulfa, P ink R O<Jt Pumice S tano, & tin . &1 . .l'runelln Salad Oil por &&)Ici11, dv. in bott l\lS Salta uf Lompn, Sa.Upetre , S'.Udliu. l ' uwoleaa Gum Shullao, Snllll' lloatU, Cutilu ::Wnp Thompaon'a M.Uo\Y ~ap Brown Wind.t•r d u. Olyc.urino olu . Carbonate or Soda, W~UJ.hing Cryaul Spiriu of 'furpentino. S paldi u::a 111uo S.JIC'u~ea, Table &lt, Mathor'a l'lutura Aloock'a Poroua Plut.er. Tartaric ~.\cid Eaaenco o f Lemon, Tooth l'Rwdcr & Pu te Cop&! Vamiab, ViAega:r, C...ppcr.u Uoc:hinu.l. Cudbear. Alum Extract of l.oglTood. G rnut\J. <\o. Adam'• Indian Salvo, Wataou • :::Ocbolew on Mn Allen's I:J tw.-~ato.-er, Zy!v\lal~ni'mu " · do' · Aycr a Che~ P ectoul, Ayer'a SaNa pr.rilla tlo l:fatr Vagor, Roaetter'al:lair KtlaLOrt:r

Rud way'a R4>l>Oivent, Britiat. Oi! do Rudy ltelief, Cacho.u•

Drown'• Bronchial Ttodae•, Flo rida Wnt.,r llrown't Cblurodine, Burne tt' s Coct~niuu Child.riln'a T~tbiug Rinp, Ka. P ovlA'rminl B c nrya Cab ined Magncaia R?Jlow~t.y'a Ointment, SoUoway'a P illa Cocklo'a Pilla, l:fuuu. do N orton'a do P11n0n'a do Ayc r'a do :!aJ orriaon·, do Kcl.d•ay'a do Wil10n'a \to Onclo J obn'a V egotablo · do J ohuaon'• Anodype Liiment Keatinga Couab Lozeogo'

d9 Worm Tabll'ta Wooclll'a • Lounjle& 1\IoLean'a Vennirugo, MediOUJll,n~um St.oer'a Opodeldoc, lluatarag Linimeut Morehead'• Magne tic P!aater P~ Man'a Friend, Roilile R a t Po~op Ru.ia &1.-o. Spirit Gl.a.ue S heridan'• Co ndition l 'o•d"r Rim,nel'• Limo J uico and Olycorino A b.rtfO 'auon.men~ rof R im meit'a pn.tfu,m.e SinglotoJU G .. ldon Eyq. Oinlnoon~ ' Wil10~ Cherry BalaaD?, V ioloL l'o•der

d n Soothing Syriap, li~ntle &lin Win81o~ do Oiu-ate Magcll&i:A Smokin~t Toba.ooO; Pi pea. Penlrnivoa 'Paper Envolopea, Pona, Pe.ocila. Writing an.4 Ya.rking lnk.a To~ P oucJioa, Camel Hair P encil• S&&lina Wax, c;p,. Anry, Brown & Co'a Anilino Dyea in 6d.

ptochau· ' GBOCERIES:

Beat Oroond Colfe11, Calav:.nce•, ~ago Arrowronf, l'&arl Barler. Can~'Cii-J:op \"eel, P nouring ~nCll•

do. LaU1on do. do. Orari(~ do. BC'ttled ~~uih

b!WI. J elliq,o, M.•~~if!e, C•imCcl Oy•~r~ OoodUMd j(ilk, Pr.oaerTt'd Bee f P.-"od Mutton, 8oup _aod lkuilli Pot.~ 'J;oogul', Potted Hun, Po tted Decl. Oorri. J"IDpr, Pepper1 Spipo, ((ipn~non Ouro.-ar SMct, Olci•e•. l'iclrlea. ~-·~ Corrie Po.,.,der, Tbfmto, S~c, l'an!oy )tarjoramL. Mace, Tablq '\'i•~"~' N utmoga OaJRne repnr1 Oazllo,.lf.atDltea · Neleon'a GetatiA.t' ana Telnda.ta WOCI!lill'a BakiDg ~'owdei.l'teparod B ops Robilllou't'Pa~:»Vl.,., Eppa 0~,

do. dn Groat. Neave'a JPood for Iofenta, Ball Blue H~ lD p!!Ok...._. bottlea Peek, Wr~ 4 Oo .. a oelebrat.ecl- BilcoHe

Ia 21b &ina. • • Praarted SahllotJ. Sardines

do. Lobdar,Peraiaa Sherbet. A larp'.t.ook of Xt1'9MM Oil and Obimnjta

Mo., eto., al"-11 1111 haad. W. H: TliOHPSON

&uepenolc•l frottl hia office :uui from his bene fice fur ti•r.:o ~., ....... unl~M. by )Jrvp~r 1111houi.,.iuo 311<1 "" "1'1"'"[ to tlu.• J:""'IC<! of the <:ourt. ho id rd it•\·ct! froon the o rder mllde 1\j:ain!\t biw b.:fun: tloe <!lid of that tione. l.o ro.l Pcnu.nOll, haa p.lint.cdly in · ,.;t~d th iu ubnoi,.,inn; l\lld t he ma.tthorou~:h· J:"Oin~: fri onol .,f .\l r. ~l:lckonodaiu tnU!~ nl · lo w t hllt lot I~ \IUW ~fc)!cd, a& he hu al ..-II.Jll l•.:<·n trcnt c<l, wit~. tlo ·~:r e.'\l~lt le11iency. It i~ more thnu fou • ycara ~incc tbd linll or.!cr wu m:~.<l!' bodo.liuj: him n fm:n from t be illegl\l pr:or ticc~ hu hl\d aOOIIIC<I at ::.t.. .\ liNin 's. It \l' &a iu .June. l lSJ:.. t hat thi• injnucuoo w od i""'uj)d by Slr R11bcrt l'lul­limore, t hen L>ean o f thu Atdee-a J ud11e by no mea us ,Ji~pOI•!d w u:.rrow tbe liuattl of lib..•rty ul tlac cle11!y. It ~lr Maekot>O· chic ever o beye•l. i• W&l not for lon~;. It Willi proved to l.o rd l 'c nu!lte, U!o uc ~• .Judj:ll of tho Arches l.'ourt, t hat the out:mit ion of hi• pn'llecftllor wu nrglecled, 11od nn fl l'l•lication • M m~de to him to en· force ubo:t!irnct• 10 il 'J11o ll't,f\lC:d J utlj:t', tnkiu,tl' up tbt: cMe where it h•d been left. on le n:<l .\lr. ~lllcknoochic'a auapenaion fo r t hree ye11no, and, t ho obstacle to tho co­furec>Oent of tbia ofller bci~Ut, rewov~d. it is now to be put toto execntioo. If M~. :\lo.clto l\ocltie repcn ta anol p romileilllmenrl. ouc11t, l.onl l'e nl iiiiCe will atill be ready to listen t'"' "Y ft pplicntion to relru tho decrC'e of suapt•nsiuu, bn t ~outinu~d contnrnae•· wual bo chccl:o·d . nnl.,iB t ho mainle nnoce of olieci pliuo iu t he r:ng lislo Church ;., to dienppt'nr.

f:ycrybod1 '\'Ootid be pleMed at ~lr. :'ll11ckonochie'" aub:.uil8ion, but t hin£!5 do not 11l waya happen M evcryloody )'1 1'"-~11. W c are not warr.mred in . tJoinki ng it pro­bable thlll Mr. :llackol\ochic wil \ ~ubmir. lie bna ncj!lecl<•d t he ortlcrs of t he (;ourt of t\rolrea fur ye11n1, 11Ji d hu evt n nrglcc tcd to appur OU :;lltoro.iay Ill t ho 11\tt 111\j:!C of the pruc~~diu~ ngaiull him. I 118 1\tti tnrlo hu become ono of de6noce, ~ntl the re i• reuuo to auepcct th<\l he a lto):ethc r contcata tho authority of the Court whose orders he doea uot otx:1. • It is certain t haL aoroo or loia tlr rical ~lt'8 and frieo1la are d ia­p<l4,td to revive tlo~ o,ld p~eton~ooa of t he olefjly to bo a bo•"O the Ia"' &s Jnrrl down by tbo tribnnalu pi,>Dintecl to ju.dj(c difC:J1t~nck .. from the authonaed ritonl . or t ho Church. With eucl1 p rcte naiona thero CDC bo no com· promiae. T ho polri tlon of the Engliah Church as l'ltabli,h~d and cnolo_'Tcd ia too ~~II da fln~rl to f¥1wit of any contro~ur&y All to tho rigb.ta o( the l.eJ1i&la~nre DDd or tho Couf'\8 O'\cr i t. ltui&~an,~ 10 the authori ty of c-itber moat be rutile. For thoee • ho canuoL o~,· Lb~ re~l-dy ia o~n, aa i t waa to t hoae Whl) qotiltcd th~if ~DCJlocea and wenL od into tho world ·tn 1GG2 rather thf\n 11ecl!p~ rho direetious l11id upon them. }' reedom 11 found in •~woo. JlaL within the org:~nizntion of tbe Eos:li• h (;burch :autloorltyaml unifonniry mbet be mftinlained nlthough. wilh 11 wi!kl tolcr:oucc. a l.l'titudo of profeNtion nnol of pmelicu hM toce n al­to~~. c,t to irs ruiolatcri unkoown iD aqy ot loor COUIUlUUiOn1

( Daily Cflro,.icJ~, .Yo". 17. We hnu lolld t nous:h and to aparo of aee·

in): oppoaite I)Artiea io the Church o f t::n11· la111l , r~pr..sent\\d, the one. loy a Union IUld llto otloc:r bJ • u AaoOiition ; wrangling o.-er t he moat aaored an~jecte in' our CQprt&. of (;ommoo Law and of cr iminal jn riadictio11. 1:o q.o ot ber cl.... o( Clllefl .hu 10 much triviality a"Od 'we~i~QjC<\Iit1 tJt.,n broucbt forwlll'd, and ao ltlft D1 trid ta, enulo~n~, and aubtt rf011c• mado uee or aaaidl. tq ricto ry. Wh~t.te.-cr l ito motin a naay be, u ahowo In pnbllc, tho actiooa hfl.fe.beeo moeLunworthy ql Lhoee wbo pretend to bo carrying oot..cho ~tea uf tbeir col'8dtneea. Now, aL laat, one of lhe chie( olfeliilM, If llroorb~ to bay, aocl hla eat penMion for three yeata will aoqo bo &II accompliabecl fact.

( Sta•dard, No-,. 17.) Wblle we. •oaL ....,t with • .. uetac:tioa

the ri~rli~tion of the,~• evea aaaina~ ao nt10fn\ aod pnotieal,l\ _parialt ' priei\•1\h-. Maolttooocbir, we are nol. u ng uhle of tlae retulta to he andciprllod Cram either l:hia or auy aiwilar p~iiiJ. ll1 thia 'IL u DOL 111tao& \bd a neb prooeediaga ahna1d Ia funa,. no' bo io•titut.ed, or .._, In pr'I>COifl

of u- they lfl&1 aot.- - ptOduct.lvo o( •'"'" No li&Mfllllbe Cbm,. 111•t eftl' "' allowtcl .., ,appMe &11M "' aeer ,..... tla.cilj, .... -.kilit ~ .... ., •"'7 poa­alble .-..-ut,...-, ~.Ia tie• ..., o•t. daelr oppoeeat& , Bn .a ._ ,._.., _..., ................. lllli·wlll of • ~ of &Ia• EMB;b ~. rilillle oo& ~1 ia &he a!'- DIP et.Rftlll .,.,, ba' al.W.I• ~-..=--•d :•• ... ' " "'" lh o& .. t >Ait f-r dfl: ~-· , .. u 1., w ~~~~ ~. 41t thai Rle.lletll ••11 lie bf•!Gi.J.' co ·~DUw,l•·~~o• "•~• &ll'7 • i ptlfto IU L.p3 1 dlatip.me • biub u,.,. I'NIWf ,. , .... .. &~aeerr. ·

(IIDntiaf PW, H. lt.J

-~~· .. --..~&olb. l.~

Turlriah Re!orma

(L.to / lipublirJIU. · Francai~, •Paru, N oc•. Hi.) T bo we:~l<Dtss of Tnrltev AI oDe cooatit uh 1

the Eaatern q uN tion. 'l'ho wone T urkey it (tO\'~rood, t ho mor.e her population& auf. fe r, 1\lld tho 1001'\J they euncr, thu harder they Me to m•nagc. To COC'Ipol tbc mcu of l!oostaotinorlc to refor m o r aurn:Ddcr their placta ~ Otbers, i& tO jliVO l::Uro{'O a gncu1tQI.eO o f pcacc aud tranqnillity. Aa "'e hue 1111itl before, if t he iotcn en­tio u of l~ugiMd ia int~ndrd toattcmpuome­thiu!f in thia war. we a\ro incapable of ~:rndgiug our aupport to that P o• cr . Some pen~ons objeel t b t tcat.ieutaod i.n tho wny, but we nrc DOL a ware that it it forbidden in 3ny ooc of them to pre ven t Turlrc1 {rom becoming an abode o f b:tnditti. Tho t ruo fricurL! of T ur key nro tbo50 who d~sirD ihlll in rcfomting it may cCMC to excite br i ts wcnkoeu the covetouaDcas of t ho arron~'llr 11ntl the leas ac:rupuloua. In a tlllcking t he Gov.:romeot of Cousl!lutiuol'lo ouo ia rco ­•le ring n aervieo to thto Ottoman Empire.

( .\'wcr l 'rrmya, 't . l'd<r•b11r9,:-.'o••. l 6.) \ tl ljasia a-u not permit t he transfer of Aai4

~lluor to l::11g iDnd , nor the e nt ry of the EnJ.Cl iAh Beet into the Dlack Sea. Turkey pl .. .iuiT ioclintl 19 R IUii:a. wboliC role is UO\f to aupport t ho Ottoman Govornnaent. It ia ncCCI'Ollry to resort to the mennatllu~tbl us by En~l11qd 1\ft~r the & o·:Stef11110 Tre11ty, aa •l to define oar inter~ata, Allll iu tho e ve nt of tho English fleet appM,ring before Coo· alllntioo plc we must anewer auch 11 dwnoo ­alration by 11 counte r demoa.tratioo.

( Le Tonp~, / 'aru , .\'or. 18.)

Happy T i\rlrryl lla ppy Enj!l~nrl ! who obtaina e ve rything from 10 docilu A Sultan, aud 110 lon!te r needs to aet her ironclads in motion. 1 e~ we thi11lt i t p remature to a:ty thftt" complete 1r11Clerataudiug hM ~n ar­ri~ed M upon nil r oints bct•~ccn T urkey a nd Engla111L It may. hoiYe~cr, bo brliereu lhnt t be dan~r o r 1\11 imuocdilllo confl ict ia rtmo"etl. T ho ap(lllrent ••icto ry of Lord llcacon5field'a Cabinet in reality OOIICtnlsA diploma.tic dcfe11t, as no ope C:\11 ~ko nu Rrk w:r tbe promiars of refurm IU!IIlc by t he l'ortc, !Uld there is 110 ind ic11tlon t hat tho S ultan is lnclln~rt to chan~:c hia .\loni.aten. It w'as understood rrom the 6rst thnt the reform q ucation WM wereh· a weapoD in tho: bnods of t he Engliah .\liofater, 11ud th11t if, fo r iuauucc, Mirlhllt Pachl\ were to ~placo Sftid . t ho l'orte would havo readily obtAined anlllh~ reapile Qt t bo.ba.uda oJ Lortl s.,lis­bury. T he ·r ory Ministry haviu~: fi rst ad­nnct'd too fa r, aet;tua to havo been com· pellid ti retreat ou tbb matte r ; and 1>er· haps all tho llluiaters wore uot agreed &li to the ODUnle Lo be foiJ01lCd.

(& Li~rtl, J>uril, NorJ. 18) •.

W o eciiaTea to a feeling or·aorpriac Ill the ironicalatyle iu which cerl4in French papers de:ll wi.tb. Ensclish policy ou tlois q uestion. I n our opinion ..J::og lnnd haa go~ juat wha t ahc WllDt cd, and fru from finding fault with l.onl Hcaeona6old, we thi~ hll iJ col itled to the CQI!gr&WlatiQ,oa of hi• country, a.nd c'h.e \lwlu of Europe. Tbq "PP'Iiotmeat of the new, 'J'urkiah Miniatry might juatl1 bo n'garded as a victory of Ruuian in­Oucnce at to~alaut.inople. 'l b ero wore. even ~uo r oiLIOI"II or a accret treaty of Rl· lianco bet ween Hu111ia Md Turkey. Jn t ho presence b f tb!lo intrig ue, , 111oro o r lcaa d isgoiaed. England <lid noL heeit:\10. :She dotenoined uot to bo trifled with, 11nol to pu t an e nd to 11ny tnyat.erioDs plotting. Sh,o molutcly raced and met the d11u~er. \\'e can now uode11Sand Lord llcacoa.­fl~ld'• apt ecb ~~~ t he Goildball. Englaud will ue-rer allow Ruaaian io8ucocc to be panwaouot in the S ultan'• CoDncila. She fourM that ioOucoco in ·Afehaniltao, aod will co~ bat it In 'tur1tte1. H Ia her lndian Erpp)re elae ia derendiog , aod while ehe ia protactiac ber o wt1 iot.ereata abe ia al10 pro­lccd ng tbe ia tocreala of EDrvpe. No oao io E aglaad tlre&lllll of dtal.roying U!o Turltiah Erupire atld taking ))O'S4*ion of it. u no o ther ~owor will be allowed to do 110 ; and tbn' we regard Eogland'a prh:ate treatr, t.alrrn to_gether with tho 'l'P.a&.y of. Herllo, aa a goaraotee that tbu pe1ce which all atand 110 much In need of •Ill oo~ be a e. alro7ed. n ia OD theto groaocfa lbal we apvJu!l tbA.,poliey of EnrtiUia u ea ergetic, prudeoL, aad ill the high'~'' rlorree calculi\· ted to prt>Yell& 00111pliptioni aad aecare. &Jae repc»e of EllJ'Ope . ... . _ ~

.. ~Jichael Davitt< 'WU also~ aboo~ tlle ~~true liw e, IlL his .reaid t.nl't', Amit.lll· llfttl. T he.y WilN C:OU.1eTed .i.u c:abe t o the b road· • tone S taciou, whcro a 1upurinte.odeot froru v urt.e"..p alld two det,JI!UYH &oolt~ioa or " tlnlfreJua CIIU'riago ~~ .c.wo priiooen for S ligo.

'The ptt_,.. nqu•ted to be aapt)lled ~ with cora of U.e lafonvatiO!II, ud thu Crown ~llcitor aaid &heir reqaeat abould bo pn~rl. 'J.'be1 thea inquired wlte tlot.r bail woald he &ealpted. 'Cbe Cro.t" Sollcltor oppoeed thu, uti the naldeta' maj;:Lalrate r er ued to .. bllil them Lo ball. T ber obt&!Aed t:":h l01t1 10 ... t.t..ir 110lleito,. aad co aup~tlt ftttlou maten.l. Tber wen~ lillc to rnaaJo iD the oooaLy inllpector'• room far a.n bour, wririog to tbclr frienda. ' •

Abont aeno p.m. the1 were placed In a hired carriage, anJ , Accompanied by county iotpccto r ROlli and aub-loapec:tor !::gao, an.t escorted br a doxeo cooatabul11ry mcu, \YCN dri• en to S ligo Gaol, which is only about 400 yard.l frow tho police barrack-.

Kr. J'amea Boyce ll.illen ,

llr. tiuperiotendeot &Ialloo end the mt tropolitau det~n• bacl. c:hiU'ge of tbe pri110uen~ ~i ll tlocr arrl'fl:d a&. Sligo, when they b.auded OYer t he a.ccnted to tba ouatody of the conllabulary. !\Jr. Davitt aad Mr Killo:o bad ner~r met before e11cept a~ Gurteen, al)d they atata that they ne\'c r ~poke to c~ch e>thcr till &bey abook handa tn t be ~r&lll at t}ac Uroadatonc as joiut. priao~en. Tloo accused, in p:utiog with •npenntendent M allon tuJd IJ ia moo nl ' ltgu l'olice Utn_aeka, tbaultl!(\ them for the

!!felt COIJltllsy, choy lllld dU.played while d ilr.hu aios.: tlotir part or t ho d ut \'.

Mr. Davitt, at lho time ho wu arrested burislcr, it a 1'rmytcri:w, a nd lh ·es a t G, exp ressed hie will ingneu to loand ove r hi~ t. George's PI&Cil N orth, ·circular lt011C.: · keys to aupc riutocdcot .Mnllon 11.11d to al- Jll.' u the 11011 o f Samuel Killen, fnrmer, and low hi.uo to t:U:c )lOlllleS*ion of oil hia papcnt. '"M born at Kcll-, in the county Antrim, in ~fr: 1\ollcn 111~. nt t he time of lois :.rrou, 18-1-1. Jtc rerei••cd his r :u ly edue:tlion at 1nvtted the o fllccra to m:1ke " se:u ch io hie . . hou.e for documents or a nylloin·• e lsa t hey I the BclJaat Ae:~demy J uoutuuon ; su~>se. llc~ored, but t he po lice declined. ~lr, Killen, I}UCnt l~· c nt.crcd t he Queon'a College, a n• I who hod heou ll jl wr itiuj;', only re tired l o bcCIImc n (.'Olll medlllliat, M.l\., and l.L.l> re~c a t.t ... o 11.0:0. At BC••cn he opened t ho of the Q ucon's Uni~enity. I n U~f.!l he w&S

<loor !urusrlf tu anawc r to tho knock of CAlled to 11 1 ·.ro & d · lba t dctccbvca lt&11n and ll urpby. fi e wa:s . 10 ro · r, an 111

• • g?'o onder t he impre.uion I hilt i~ 41 ' tb year dch,·ef'l.-d a lccturu on tho apm L o f l ri.alt pMt.ing .cnll from n p;ond 11bo;t to0~irfo~ his~ry before tb~ Q ueen'• Coll~go U tcrary Auetr!oh:l .or the. ~nut.er, .\lr. Killen being Society, tho ~~en to menus of winch bronght cn~gcd tn wn u ns (;briat.UJM maj;Uiuc biru i11to culliaion with tbc colleg~ 1\uthori · ·~fbntll- . d ' d . · tius. Articles were pnblil!hcd in tbe l>ubliu

c pnsoners • not amra 111 Sli" O t ill 0 · · · · · · a quute r-put t hree. About a dozen

1;:,ilcc- onscr vative )Ott mala severely crotictamg

me n arrne<l .,.itb riflee .,.cro d mwn up on the lcctun:, 11nd the rnnll<!r WM "bro ught tho p latfonn, and 11bout 20 pcr.Jous undor tl1o notioo of l '11rlinmcnt by the mem­lalld collcctod. It load e vidently leaked bcr for Annagh City. Somc time aftca )I r. on~ tb~L the u reat lu'd t.alccn p lMc, nnd th11t K illc u went to Amcrir.a. W hen he returnc•l tho pmon~"! were coming .. 1\ever tboleg, to this country be joiu,-d tit~ :So rth-E.-u t I ho fac~ l'hcJt.ed DO 10<:31 mtereat OOyond . . · • tho nnusut~l 111:tnner of CCIUductin" pol'llona tfllUJI. lie ne~er pmctillCd mncb nt h1~ in cuatody thro•tl{h tho 1 rc~t&. lion-. c~tr profeNion, hn•·iug poincip111ly dc•·ott:.l him­was in Wlli tiug. On_ ODO aida n :n ·itt" \1'41 ,elf to l itcmry pursuit~!, and he "'llll to IOtn()

acated. bcl ":eon. supenn~euoleul Ml\llon 11nd .-xtcnt conn~cu:d with one of the National tl~tccttro Shem lau_, U!e. conata~u_lary oncu wct~kly juumal& During the ycnrs 1 i G wtL~ ~un3 occupytn.:r tile reoullm•og ae:~ta. ~~ . ' .\ aorntlar onl~r of things wu obscn·ed on 18• '• nnd 1878 be \\'M llamnwon T .ectnrcr thu ot her ~iJo of t he c:ll' .\lr. Killl'n ucin" on Politic:~! Economy in tho li t.,tist ic:~l So­in ?-r ll of dctccti••o :ll urp)iy. Fil·c minurc;ft ~i'!ty of I reland. M r. Killen's grnnd/ather dnvo broug~t tbe accatcd to tho police wa11 one or tho men who Jl.Vtid (l:ltcd iu tho b:lrrack, .thetr ~~~ t hrough the town Hcl.clliun uf '!) • ODI.J CI\UJIIDg a rtlw lhopkcopcnt lo CUIIIC to t hOtr door~~, and atnrcllh f r tho wcll·•·ua.rdc.l ,..._ ,..., _,.. __ , ..-... • ~~ 0 ~~~~~

Arri,·ctl nt tho h' riaok. lite Dublin de- " Romnn CaLholie, and the aoD of a touant tcctives IJnndctl OVI)r b?th wannn11 and fanner, was hom a t Straid, near Cutlebftr, prUiodun iaw U!e CU.Lod.J o( county iJa. in l he couuly .Ma1o ita tho year l&e.. Jlio& I (IOCtOf llOI>t, 1\nd be brought t bCIH in to rAther WM evict~d j~ Jll.) J and the raml!r lua o ffice. whcro bo accoonutodatcd thOII\ · . . , ' . with aEaus at the lire. I t Wll..~ deemed de · I •• cu t to rcatdo 111 Enghmd ; t hey acttle~ an tirablu t hat1hcy aha nld refreah themselves LllncMhire, whr.ro tbcy romninetl for :!:i l)c fore tla.e run)CiMerml bueineaa wu pro- ye:\1'11. • M ichllcl D:IVitt went to wnrk in a ceeded ""~'· anJ tire acc used were ncco rd- cotton mill a~ l ltuliog.Jeo a t t ho ago of lto~;ly s upplied wilh dinuer from thu Y icturi11 . lintel, which ia adjactout. Altweuty tnioutu n~ne, .nml he WlU aye:tr a t t ho lnhonr wh~n p:ut four o'clock Mr. U. A. :O.Iolooy. ch \ir. I~ rogh~ nnn wl\.11 crushed by t ho mtll mno: e nter\)() tho county iu•pector·a oOko DIIICltincry, nccca.,i tating Its amj)utntion at ~~. dt l\1 with t he c:u c ; t bo ~lnJur, .\l r. A le ;~t, tho should ct . .!:'or live ycllnl After he Ill · vtllcnore, J . l'., a nd t!o~ couuty in.!pector temle.d t bo W esley:1n school iD llulingdeo we re 11110 preaenr. . '

Mr . Jlandnl Peyton. J .T' •• clorlt of t ho no~ Rl l .S ho obta~ncd <'mploymcnt ~ 1111

Crow a. a ppCAI\:d io aupporL of the pro· 1\UJalllntle tte r cnrner 11nd bookkeeper tD tho aeeutinn. printing office attached to t ho post olfico

At the ouiJ!e~ llr. Killen r c(}uestcd tb11t there. L eaving that in 18G8 ho becAme 1\

the ~eprc&Ciltlltl\'~11 of t,hc p rcu 1houhl 00 coanmerciaJ 'tratoller, dealing exte nsively adduued to tho tnvcat tgahon. J~o &1\'1{ a . . . ·. reprcacnlatin o f t he !lublin preM o uMide, b•~ ~rcsrtud~'man1 avocauo

1n wbt, h br? ught

a nd u all tho circum5L,n~ca of the llrret t oru toto t cu ty , 1\~ a ar.:o qullnbty of hf;d been rDIIdn pub).i~ 1\e tho.llght it ouly h ia gooo}S (ouud their WI\.)' to Jrcland. 0Jl fftlr to t bo·a.cc,Q.Sod lhaL tho pre~ abould oo the 1-lth ~by, 1870. loa WllS ar-ru tcd in. pre3eThnl.. C .,_, . . . London, 'wilb a gonamith n~mod J oint.

e rown ""'ICilor L\ld t hat WI\J a \' ' f 8 • ;:,. · m&tt.c.r en tirely fo r tho ·"--- u· I tb \ olson, rom trmtngham. lla was tned .._.a on o o .... ... r F . . m~1trt1te. r.t ·'C"ll~ on a CnArgc o cotanum, and

~lr. Moluov 11-'id bY, tln tt on t hllt oc· on tbo I i t b July, 1870, was lll!nle nced by CJWOn would~ onl1 lll in illcrinl. flo uu. C hier J uetico Cockbu rn t o fifteen ye11ra' de n1tood tho Crown ~M 11bout to apply for pend aervi tudc, Wll~u being a wa r.lod 11 ahort remand, an :I 10 that CMe it would ac, co. (;orydon "'" t ho informer on tbo re~~ll ~ no purpoae to bave the preM . . prHCut , aa o Cllle would be gono iuto occuton, ant\ Dtvttt dec.larcd 110lemnly full y in a f days in upco. conrt. t hi\L he had novcr aeen Corydon before ir.

Mr . .Kill~t\ pr~ed l,is ri.~;ht to M \'O tho his l ife till he confronte d bim in tho dock. presa tUlrtUi toJ. :.l.'llt.Ji h11d been arroated. Davitt unolor went h ia .impriaoomc nt in un an 11mbiguous c ha r4e, 11nd t he1 duircd that tloo full cat publiciry ahould bo given to Cl~rkcDwell, Nto w.l:lale, Mill blink, Out moor the proceedings. Jr they hlld been a rreeted and l'ortamoa tb for a abort time, and t hl'n. on pnblio p.roundla, 'rllat ohjection was wM aeot to D11rtmoor ogaio, t ill on U!o t !Jth there to 11d mit tho p rea? Dec., J8i 7, after bcin:: t oven yenrs nnd

Tho rcai.J~nt magistntc d ietincllr refuecd eucn ' moutbs io prison, be wu banded f\ to &droi t lho prcas. \\!bea th«: cuo c:ltn ~ up on r flrQIUid be wooht ' not buo t be ticket-of-leave, and u iecharged. llo thcu t

• lijlhl.eM oll}l'c tion to admiL tho prus if we nt on a lec1uring tour through England ~ Will no t a tliat.iuet otder to tho cOn· and &otlacd , apeak.i.ng In· London nnd trary. Maocbuter, I.i\'erpool and G!ugow, 11nd

Duitt waa quite u atreog aa Killen "' 8 · ... •·-In hia demand t hat tho reporte rs abould be on the ..tat Juno, 1 78, 'ftiiUI e UtUln= .,.,. admitted. lloth t he a~uaed then demaad. fore the royal commlllion, or wbic~ U!e ed to know t he ll'fOOnda of their an ~at. Earl oC Kimberley waa the pruident, ap·

Tbe Crown Solicitor read tbe informa- pointed to ~olre iato the 'WOrlr ioJ: or t ho tlon of aub-ln.-(leetor H'C ielland, or Tub- P enaJ SorvituifeActa.IUidthamaoftiemeat o(

~nDe':"~'!;:~ !Jlo~~!fot'to~~rr:~~ ~::: coo vi« ea tabliabmeot.llbroughout t be Uni· ioronnatro& of t bo abortband writer e m- ted K io,.dom. The e<rideaee eJnn b1 him, p loyed by che Governm ent to talr:-ot.ea on tba~ occaeloo 6tla 16 pacea of U!o Di n~ of thu epceohea at t110 Gurtcen weetiog Doot, aod cootaiaa aeYeral engges tiona111 vtrifyiog the atrong paaafte i.o the priaoo. 1 ' II 1 f · ... 0 crt' obaervatiooa: aad, Jutlr, lho C roW'D to the e &lit . cat on o pnaonen, \liC. 11,

Sohcitor'• own allldaftt pra)'inB: ror a re· tho 28rd Jwylaat.year, hia health beina it1 mand till Monday, oo the jlt'Ound that aomo a piecario111 coodit.ioo, he went to America, l•port.ao! corroboralin wiu_. we re not and dcll•ere<l a coDne of l4!C&orea th roDJh io cown, lnoluc)Jag the oonatabnlary dotee- ~Statu. B e intended briaaiDJ beck bla tl • e, wbo a1ao took abol-tlwld now on the mother aod • i•ten, lf)ao bad aooe to Ameri­~ ... n.

Tho. priaone,. -.ehtmantlr deooaaced eA prerioua to hia impriaootDtat. llow· • lleinsP;arrea~. on ach~.•hloh &lleCro•n ever, bo decided to leue them there a ytt.r ~llcitor waa noL a& dlat 1110111ea• able to C>r two louger, unUI Umea would mend In,

:~~r:'!f t~i':~ rt~!~·~~: lrelaad, tnd be apfo landed iD thu eolln-ldu of lbe abaeftoe of the Crewn w~~n- lry on the 211\Dtc!tmher Ju&. U waa laio&, Ia a-wbeQt.aacb ~,.meata hlwl heea inteatioa to eepp ha liN wlaoleale t• llllldHor ,perftctlnr ~~ J•tormadoa~ hde I~ D~lp. "' he alluadCIII&Il tla" both.. (lopaped IM-uoa!Mf of &he Idea fora !DON faYCM~rahle o.,potCullf,aod lwld. fttler'a ....... al..ltJ.tnr thU &heir toot. f4),lltenry wort uclleawrtnalo Ell(· •eulor llad been ~ • ..,.~&eel

Dim&& ""-ihotJ' tile 11" Ill lOok J.ud. Ue Ia &he ~· ol the IJ. •. , --".:W ................... ,_ .... .. llftl Ull& t11eMtt &he u-OltJte N .. Yon; aad .._. &' ...... ....._...,. tlliil eUI , lW r.ce woold ba• to lrlah pJ'Im,frai ".1'111 .. ~-}ll't'Nt!• &he Ia tW 10018 hi ._ tibia lit, &lae.J~ ........-. lllldWcP.bllchroul...,.ci&J. .twMek ._ ... eo bll ..._ te ftll n. ...................... _,cl laon. ..... !&3 ..... .....

r.rn:.":t-rt~:.:W~ :=:. ~ _. .. ef.;..;. -~Ia A•mn . •IQOI!1IIai'J wl---. iaad wo)lld O..refol'l I, .. •...-.1 ._ . ......... rellliuldlbe--.ltll~u~ DaciMoa~-.lalh•~ ...... . . . . TJ- .... 8ada,r ..,..., ... .. .

. .

Page 2: COICI.TIO DVlk - Memorial University of …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...COICI.TIO DVlk J VO~UME~. ~dvertis~ments! C~ages! C~iag~s! WARJ;U1N&WHIT~AN JAYES

Od Moodey Ute lal. o r O.Cembtr Dutlt .,.~ aii'VC til» hta oove111e11ta had bfoeo ,.,._ti\I,Ht fM """''~tim" P..,t. anclthll& (oOY tmtnent ~r\lulotl writere were tal1.iog nr 'batlm reporta or the VV101111 QlteLingt 1-U'Oul!llvu' 'be cuunuy, In faGI he AYI he '\'U rouaed oa• of bla alcep abo~at 1 LUI pa W edn91 1110NIIt-.,: and warn~ \hat tll­fonoabOA •I arri•ed from London tbat be \'118 to bO tc<l on bla LiclrtL-of ltaYe. lie tt'O:\~<t the tlllt u "" Idle rnmour ,11urh &II ha•l pre vat d for eomo ,. eeka an,l bo l•y dowu to aleer ~- Et~g/Uit popu


A Bi.lahop' a W hole !Ale Deuu.neut.Uon.

TIUihop llcndcnckcu htmaelf an In•hm~n .hJ b trth a"d to h11 conrrc~\ton nL l 'rovt­d cnee H I the other cby-" :sorno t here nre wlio o.ak for ruoucv Lo plunge tbc couu tr) mto re• oluhon mon~y to buy up alup' 1\DU prey upon .En:;hsh cmnmc'rcc to buy ,:;unpuwuer ftud uymuntlo w blow up bo<rfftc:kl, but tbc ~ople ehould ta:.o hecll nud il••~ulcMncc 1\ll 111ch wtltl n:vvlutton n" ~<ehl'me• I N>lantl will never bo mftdc free froru tbll ede or J.he yl\Ur If MketJ w anb:lc:nbe tn krcr up " t><":lcc:lule ",.•L• 11on and aend JllN• of tho n In 611\uljo 1 l'uln•t:'ltnt th.11~ !1 rr~:ht, l'<a&l'ln:.blll nnJ prnpc:r bu~ don I ~~ur DlOM•y lY C"<'f)

<'no who COlli« all,~ouutino og fo r 11'\'l:llld 1\1111 - profc-1 all 110rl4 Of I rach 'llhllllllCUUr~

:SOrne lllCU boUL of be ng abjb ~ frco f re l•url nnil) ct C:lnno~ n•ko thcanst'IYU rn dependent, oC\ cr, rhaps, llrod o~ a gnu br l'tl1"0IYcr to thcrr live~. 'J'fl«o lal'il ~ho ktn\1 of I nab pohUC!U\111 wlao l~od llrooucl hllr-roo1u1 11nd nmtd tho (rutlo 1\11 I loatoo (If becr aho\11. hnrmb fo r ( relnn._t l and 'llant w hrwo 1\ fight. ~-ou, my rJ...-r pco 1•1< lo•o l rdauci nod ao d:> 1,' but let no ouo or ua ~ led by a alullolab pohucu1o


t: C lll~k c, of l>l'CALnr Tlhnota ~tloo h•~ a:::uned torno celelmty fu r :u:c tr:. 1 .u n 'A CI\Ihrr c:alc:ulator, nul;ca the follol\ln .. l>rcdr~t•ona -<#' Uc:lobfor, 1 7!>-\\ til be tt•nle w:.:-m :.ncl a .. ower) ~O\'cruber t ll7!l-l h:lrJIJ know wh•L tn

..::3 11bo •t t lua mou~h Ill} c.tlcoh\llon• rnak., IL 1\ AOrt or n choppt I acn --<:1)11

alomefllt< mt~~11rc of all krnds o r """'her b ut pot ' cry cnl I

l)e~rllll.C' r lt-i!J-\\ Ill l ttr only moro so It '"II Lc tl t Vl\rnl "''. "" I .JI~• rcr•blo , culd ~""I • wtll b <' sbo rt n"t I sl"rJI

J anuary I ~)-\\ •II b~ mlher wnrm ,.-e• nrHt mu '''> Jl.'lr~ of tho 11 "' I I «• wtll bo 110n1o colt! •~ca he r, hu~ no etc3d) ,..,ld wentl•cr

I- cl:rnnry l A.~- \ \111 be muclr lrk c Inn llt\1')'-11 C:OUitdrmblu RIUOIIUt or r:'llll :\(J I ~no"' ~nd a modeDte lltttOunt o f cold '" ~ t 1acr

~lArch 1& '}- \\ tit be chan~~abl~ rMh<'r 'tl'et l'I[ICC.::.lly 10 tltc oml llu uf the wuutu 1\nd onl) motlemlc ly c:nl l • 1he r.ut tlr or I i":J " ) ... It bll W>rm :\ll I wet l<tth l\ f<H> ~ nl I ~"'I" of hnlll< I In nt con h11~ 11 wtll b~ coi.J.r thfto tl« "111 tcr of l tlii i


Items . ., -l'be !ln~Jab llatbC>dla~ l'baoltllf!•lllf

Fuad haa rucb..od the &WD ol abouL ftbj.-000 ' •

-lAliloo r.port& ble electric Uabt per­fected .Nothing ~alna but t4t complete •rno:emeoLI-for tho cxliibttloa at Mealo PArk

-TI1c eleetno hght tn tho Gmncl Pact fie Hotel, to Cbrca;;o, Is pronouncctln aucccq, and a ~rood d~Al ohl.'lpcr tltao JllU u by tLI UIIO lL ill cMIIO&Icxl LhA~ tbo hotel will ~0 at l eut 821000 during tho aonnoi yc11r ' I·

- &veoLyatearncrtll\ro now oo tbo at01 \ta m the ahrpyard• of En~tland ant\ :st:otl:.lfll bemg buth CSJ ecU.IIy t.o meet the mrr~n~~;d nnll tncrt"tunng deru•nd for ~Allie tr:lnl 'port4Liooa from Lbo A~~:~entll.n aoptine4~

-~r ~an Urown an r n~hshmiUI hftl rn~entcd 1\ ml\cbmo th11t ••nil fir~ :J00 abots a mtnute 1llld they wtll ptcrec ILD rroo piMcd vuocl nln •lt~tnnro or 1 ••a 1 ) nrd1 l11o f rcneb ltOYemmcul hftl"e orJurcd ~'I.IIJ

or tbc 1111\elunet.

-IL 11 oropcaed to nntt(' l~YOI'JlOOI nnu fltrl:: enheAd (~ m l!llltl) bv n anb'IMly ntlllc • tho ~lcracy h Cnl} lliJtc fc•t -•de 1\lld hro nuh·• 1~. ntu cdtllll:>td cost 11 ltlllf " nullton. ''fbe Utrkt>ohr:. I ( orpon:uon pro milo$ to cunr.uttco one fourth of tl•o CAI.JI 1~1

-A:-~ lntAL Coxt~nnc:~~-Unr aub edt lo r "1\.!1 once LRikm~: to 11 man for lhf'l c qlll\rtera or 1\ll hont n~tht ofT when lbu 111'1111 rotcrnrrted hun MJ mg • I bel!' p3rdl'ln but can ) oh roform ne why 1 '1\m at the present 1nomcnt ltko 11 Jnno Jllllnl: ' Our aub cdttor Gll~e t t up !:11\td tbo WI\U Ue Cl\nsc I atu a dc:.l bored I • l 'o t l11s 1'1~1 our aub editor duet not know ,. hilt thlll llllln mcao t.--1\ntl we won t te ll hiuJ -Jud!J

- \' corrc•pontlcut of t ho 1\or~ I rrnt1n S&.fll 1\boul " lluzcu of thQ-Jn<~st ctntnC'ott Russt:tn colton m3nnf.l<:lnrel"' "~' o ~o">nu 10 ~E~ pt to bny enorm "" qu~ntltte~ o f r:aw m -tftlnnd to l11 re All the I trge<t p i:!.II:.A tt "'on the ~tie J loo dud nun of thB~ 111 rcltnnts J • tm3 lo bu tn l h!ll.:c oiT { 111 •o:.c of tho ~ uc lr<h tnl\rkct bnt nil 1 tC product of t.:• fiL >vtll not ~ntli • to tiiiJIIll' the lr:llltJI o r 111< R .~, ., I COl lOll m:ul.ct!'

- Ft,.ur.r: \ ~I ITrr.t' - It '" rnmnn I nt Ot tnw:. th~t tho li111 <rnmeut vi the l:uuu l


llf bft1.,8~ J:l'tl'l can~ bemg t'abD ali the ,... ti~ to bop liP tbo atra111th dl

ho JJAII~DI b! ~~~IDJ L.im ~ DI­DOnnabing diet ataibble.

I }

~=~~,..y -,,__.. LOOk bol~qrd.t. '1\e ~·p!141••l

.:._oNCB/"'Z'fON B1IY A~f.BB'/1/B,GR.,

IVcaruOI ru,oll4iN~for,'llorcJu n by pwbiW.­'Ji9~ .racJD_fl.t, 1.\e OJNfiiOM of OtU' Cbrrtlpoll-

~t.lfil: : ,

Would 1t not be adv1aablo C-.>r eome qnaladoed perton to 1nta up the aut.~' lteWclt~oCI tn tb~ •xtom .et4lemeoti es pec:utlly n11;!1t reeave vatuah!e hrnta \Vtth rei peel Lo therntLbod1 or treat men~ "h1ch hu\ o boon found bv experrbnca Lo )'leld nuuablo~alb Ul otber loo.&ll

wu uot tbe ~. ~l land, tbe c!e btlq­ml n lat«a. arpd UJe of the veil lt. !H uv'"'"'""•-,_. 010 l&aYUIJcl~. cburebee aod and o.orctnoolcl'l o f rellgton uol~ n~e. waa made of thllm llte ()burch wu Ulo old Cburob on " week day jll&l u much u ou a ubday and if the Cburob wu Opt!n on week-:la)'l 110 mucb tho better._ for them The Qoly way 10 whloh f.bey could abO'f that tb8f wcro tho C buroli. waa b[ Uuilr dJUiy li!o

.K4n Jt1 .ltAa-'ftla ..... .-a aotlon ~ bJ'"tU pial .... to"'""' from u.. ~tiiV!"oe.~OIDIOaeale, atf~ 10 ba" befn ~11 bi f,\1• defendant from &lile Jllala&Ur ~ tbj .._:.. ._. Aibcry" Tna p&nicolara or ""'' •• ~ be &boa brtalyl&&ted The pl&latltr In ibia auit Ia .UeDjawld Kaae, Caplala of the 'tetho~r ew.mer Gf'tftlotid Oq Jbe l i&b or ~~~~h Ju~ at tho ~al Otherr hl!l c"" ~~IJ>fd, puaed tn9 ~ed fbo~2000 ~~ fbuo

Jstrtnt 11 Ru.;sHx L £<1\110:-f l \\ ~UL-.IJTOS 1\Q\ 16 18i0 1

Tu IM R, lt13r of l nr 1/tm'd

I n \lew o r the mcre.vc of tlrphlhcrlll rn IIC•~ml t•lnc.s ur t bu t.~tc of ~ ... Yarl: t hMICII Ill COIIIII\ll lllelt6 l O ,)OU f~ jiUbiactty 1\ ""r) llllllplll rcmed} wq.ieh b .. VIUK been llt<: d 10 R W!.'!I!l nnu GcnniiOJ tnlly pro•o effcc tHC bure Out of ao~cral ot.hors, Dr Letzench wl1o madd ex:tent~H! 1expenmcnts in th~ "JlJlhCIItlon o r lh~ remcd.J ~!At nacod tt ID liC'enty IIC• c n cnac.~ ctght of "btcrf were or n ' ery I!Cn nn.s nnrnre oil o( winch ¥d a r, .. nmblc rt'Jul t. ucep~ tn o11c case whAo tho child d1ecl from " cowphe1tlon or dtA ~L ~or c:htldrcn or 000 YC:Ir ho pre acn~s the remedy, fot hiWltlAl uaot c~cr.r 0011 or t,.o hoi'IT*.' a& followa'

t\ntr Uenz.o1c pur :. 0 110lv in aq d 11tD li\L nq meoth. pt(JCr ntlll '40 0 ~rrr core.. aur l Ull

For <'h lldron f~tn ono Lo three '!!nrtl old he p~ nhe l from .aoren to crght ~rnunmo• fo r l tl(l ~l'l\Jilmc~ o• <lwrlled wntl!r, .f<t.b um~ ~rrup for chtldren frnm lbrt'c to aeven IC:\.111 old he rrue nbod ten Lo fifLcen gt'ltmm~' 11dd for W'O" n p~I'IIOOS from fif teen to twenty fil'O (or C'ICb 100 grftmlll~ U~rdea lhf.s he IW:' also with grCI\t ~uc

cctt~ the cnsullhtion o n thodlphUtcn'\lmom brnnc.- through 1\ g~ t~be nl BenOtUI ~•es C<'ery thre1' houre 111 llg 1!'1 three tlmea " dAy or the nl\t~ bet pulrnr Por llN"" people 'he prcscntieS for I!'I'I'JI'hn!: ~ rhluUon or 'len ~;rt~mmca of this pulver ror 200 gmmmes of 11"11U!r

The elfect of the romedy ta Tftp!d .Aft.cr t wf'otr r~r or tbin.y-sa hoo .. fhe fCl't!rlab •ynrptont!t d iS'\ppoar cornpletoly and U.~ te rn {>lll'l\tttl4l a'tld pulto bceome normi\L Th11 rt'medy wM ILIItd abo W1lh U.~ aamo eucceas by »- Br.houo Bntun and Profeaeor Kl(lbll, In Pm;tue D r Senator m Caasel, and M•­eral oibere In RuJeia GenMnY

Uoptog thU t.lle publtC3tlon' tbrotll!'h your wrdel1 "f'~ J»l!!r wlJJ pro,.e lienefl.c~t~l In the Uruted Statea, I reawn yoora; YOI'f' truJr,

ll Sn~trnf, MtnllteT of Rna to the U.oitod_SC.Iee.

All local apphaauo~>a ""'• we lleh.,.,~, anpplomen"\.ed hf oaed10111e &6 ooun&«act tho blood pottonmg-whtOh, we under •tan "' .. ~eluef el~aracterletu} o( the lllalad.f-.. ~ ... n y 61 a~~~~ or a m\)8~ uoun~hlo~; delonption, • 1

We would nut wia1'a Lb• ~er to p1n hia Jail~ &;(I ~ tUl1 ol eo-~lttd ~· tbe lnt ' of t.be • IDfCl1crjJ

~ ~~~

hOL • r ~

lFOII Tfl£ JIA~IOI -On.~CI STANOAIW) _._.__ ~Harbor Chaccw'TCI&Al A~Linf!ce'A:

BaUftL ~oclet.y r I I

P\TitO~ T he M 01t Rtr lh.)laY CAnFAClllNI D D

O.S.P., BUMp OJ llarln r Graca 1

VICE l' \THOX Tltt J/o11 Rto Jous ( \.ll&nos, D D

1 Dish:Jp

of. ~fld(ll

REPORT It ftiTords us much pleMure 10 1ubmrtttng

our \lAnai Annlllll Rcporf Lo congt:\tnbtc I he :o\Oc u~y on t l1u pro:tpcnty attamcd dur Ill"" tlh p'\S~ JC!lr • 'hu ~tc:t" hell! !tlla.nutllll proc~ton on

tho 3let Qeccmber llirt.. ""d (1.11.\.._ted. at 'l'h11oks;:rv111g Mua cc!~bratetl at tbc Calho­drnl of the lunn:~eulate Conccpuod

\\:o I'CI.'I'Ot to record ~o dealli of two lnCIUUel'll dunng th put yur1 M~ 1\fartJII Mni'JlbY who cltod 1L IAbmdor, ftod Mr Robert Gratlvillo J~ ,1" ypuog 1wd , cry clc ~" mg lljctn!Mr, 'WhOM rt!lnliiDI ~ Society IICCOmpAIIICdllo the Rl'VC

Uy tho 1 r01unrer 1 McounLIJ now l:ud on tho 1.'\ble, we fiod he r«<:tpta of Ute 'pl\lt yel\t arnonn!' to £ISS q C IUid tbo upendi tore .!:HS \li

r.~tAU.UJ.l"C~ Jvf'•"<rL.,.. Soc:tn1" - Ur Jnhn II ;rru J t lu 11..-r 1' Jo) I llo 11• J ubo G,.. r~P T ol t,. Dr<ntta.:~1 \\ I Uln1 I«) 1\ l t ~o It •"- r• l ~tr·y

O~riCII "> Jt; \ E~ JLC SUt lET\ 'JA•r .. u Tu l l "~IIMY ,.,.....

1c .. l~l l 'rt ~lou

"" Jous IJ ' ll=J T ~ OC't 1 J; a..."< dt1 1 J I T 1101UY r• elor: <J 1 t l u i

W If '(lA " - • I cl, P ATIIOC ( I ll• ILY Tr, t """' \ l:<tl..lo,,:f' J4Atn t1/ ~, JA \lt~' D'*•l1" tit N trl J J f lf l:l C I \ Lil JIM 4~(


Dec 12. CO l!O.S

fi'Oit fU& ~BI)q~~~l ~D~


'Ve ~tot over Breoton s Bmlgo and draw­n~r CAraltnl\. rho sronnd round nbon~ IS very rockv 1\nd wtll rc:ward "'" U.111k a acarolh for and lhrons:b q uam - l'btr nrti­cltn31 hno or the drvorat ty of tbe onthne or ll1e Julia '1 not ' ery llrtkto •, and ye~ 111ffi Jl1ql)tl.y 110 t0 J~-t.Jry Ill Ill bd)tYIOJllbt~ drse ••ones cau bo mllrle there m ~ho m1n !["I hoe of a not nnuoportaoc charuckr ~b<1'9 trc t wo nrn~S q r l:l\taltnn-the

ll)Utll'· wes~ 1\nd onrlh e:t•~nd .. -ue AriUJ

the) 1\re When ''" p uL Ill tborc frow ~a the::;. \\ arm ts the ruost cl'ln•emoot And rt ie Lo the ll\nd ahout thtt ftno that we po111t prucul~'rl1 for geolo,~:r~J dlscovery Our wtadom may be epcculauro 1 11"' 1~ I• aarcot!6C41Ty cl rcuwalllotbl novertbcleu, and we "'?: t~t\1. l hc anucltonJ ll1erc 11 fay omblt I he p111uro or the rock, too • fMorable Al)d we ahould fthioay1 mind tho cou~t of q uBrtz vcina w1tl). IL M they coo atttnt.e the 8rut g&Dgue orcoutaioio~t ma­t.en•l of mtlAI


( FOil 1111: U \ llllOil CRACE Sf\.";DAnD)

Weather Not.a

1' xpcc:t N ew ) e11r hard Atmosphere 111

dtc~tc» 1ucrcucd 1no.., lell3 vanable to m111 l bo ::;., en ~tara In Lho l::ut--\lnoa

" HnromPtcr th11 mormng SO 70 Atrn* fib 1c • t.ld clo udy mchnC'Ciano,,. W rod "' :-{ \\ lncreM~d uiilu:a11oos of anow

D ue 11


Urs G-\\ tlhara l h rA,ey-drnllk Mel d,.or let l) hued S lor 8 days rmpn•Oa m~ nt

l>~c S~Tohn ~tebolu t nmkcy of If \ I ( ,anlat llnrbor (.r:ce, IYM char;:~ l wttb t he c:mbr ::zlcmeut or t wo fi ve pound b~nk not..-11 frutn n letter 8 1Voll It u to post ~n<l rc~ .. t~r Inc accnsed l'l eadc1l gnrltv :10t1 "~<II -· ntcn~ctl to thr~o mouths tmpn50n muut •Hh lt:ud lllbor 111 tit~ l:'~nllenttarJ at bt John M

l: lw.ard l'araona ol South ~ttlc-fi~rltllns.; nn t h~ ~tred ""'' 1\Ch mp11n; to rcec-oe 11 pr11oncr nAmed \\ il1ti\Qt ~~~~y Cont'tCl ctl 111 l ll~tc<l 8h or 10 tll\}4 lnlprriiQunJeut..

l ite !i-l'ntnck O<"mp!ty-druuk Au motu• tC I 1\llcl dt<Cll<lt'.l" I

tlv" jndlcloua a:;rrt ement tq marry R an nn!J l rnuy l•cvl')::c l,;l)tuclo;r &.1\C t hnnsl'l l fro I nn urc1!'r o r nlllltl\110 11 I hl'y oot.h c 11110 fm m (,r,eu a l111rbor, l 'rlnlty !Jay

J oh n \h •e1 , eymour r • \\ tllr~m trick lnnd \ MD tiL r.nd bActccy From the I!"' donee IL "f'P<'r~tl t bnl adi~:bt ha I fftken plucu be~.,., r u tho pnrti~s wtth restJeet to tho lo ltlll ll~rr.:l tlL tltcrr land l hey wen! l1<11 t or lnrt> I t-Gr»:d sur~ II ~ or Stu eaeh "" l ~ lmlntshe I ~~1!\l t hey tnn"lt scctle 1t1~tr ci1tll ulcre~ 111 :. court of JUitrce 11nd not I~ 1\n •fllteal to ""'' ...

Dr.c IO-JI\me3 Purc~ll nod ~tet.nl ll• r. r - I :lOtC!O o( ·~hr Arl'll<", "ero cha~d II\ I nrot I' 11'>4' IO~!I<r 10 t he em,>hJ or \I ~,.,. fohn \l non .::; Co wtth han11t: 1u~rt .. d lu1 veasd on tho COMI of l..nbro I 4r thPy h.tl:lllj:!' lwen 1h1ppcd for a (o,.t~n "" ~ .~' Ou the proJncuoo II( the loz-b<>ok wd 0 :1 ~hu CYide ncc of tho eaptsin a nd th~lf Own ftrJnt tiSIOns Utey IYtrt: CODVICted ontlaen cnt c <l tn oue month ltntpriSOniUcnt:.

TI1c R1,.ht flon U A Cross ~I p, the ,.Jncb lentunce howuver aL the rl'qnu~ or !lo me SecretAry YI811Cd \\ tJnes .recently the prosecutor, .... at lhe llllll\nce or llr ancl nt lbltoa Vrew r&lli t.be f?undl\troq or \\ 0 1d counsel lor complamanLI reduc,d "ne >v c,h nrclt1 whtch 11 to c:ott.£0 i(.l(l, to to 14 llrwa llll the prlaonerw •ere rnamed bu dcc.lrcsted to ~t AIDbi"'Oe, llnd the acats rue n nntl hlld lick nee. Ill tltC!1t fAmrhea.

he did 1101 ~· qo bq t.• &.he limo, bot "$n .earoh ~ f110r J9 euoac(})(once of 1co belag pt\Cked (fl the plainulf ape ,) the pl1lntlfl waa uaable to rolt,~m tO .. wbero thuo aea.la were until the 28th or llireh, at time, upon 110 retumrog he that U.~ bad been Laken

"'bt ~by the cqw of the Arau:. 01 wh1ah ate:uoer the defentlAn~ a& t ho wne wu CaptAin Tbe defendant on t he other hand ac:kuowled~ted w burn~ Laileo about ~of tho Aid acal• (<Wored bavm:riA~tn:; the nnmber of whtch b e 'lflf 1\Cctteed by ~he pilltotltr) bu~ denied any habillLJ on J,be (lTOUDct dlae tbe Aid _.. bad been aban doned by tho pla1nt11T, a nd 'lfero consequen t ly the pro~r11 (/f anr Qtreou who may come acrou them tb:e Jury lljlOD beln:: chargcil tiy J qdgo IJ~waro rwred anti after abl'lu~ two '\honra eo!••tlo~ion, rc turoed w Coart wtth a nrdtct for tbe purnt1ff 1u t ile aom of 1000

!\lr Pinarnt Q.'O , for Plarnhlf a,n Jamea Winter, for Defendant.. , . --

TIIURSD.lT and FtUDAT, D ec .. and 6 Pareona Cll. ~enotlaj)y..,..Uofore Mr Jue

lice Carter and 1\ Sptcl~tl Jor1 Tbe Pl&luutr In tJua au1' cl~tmed Lo rc

eoyc rfrollj tbo MutUAI1nalltl\nco Comra"~J of Uarhqr Grace of whtch Deleudllnt 11 ouc tbe anwont Of .£6(1() totnl'llbce of the ech r f;tvrge linw losL oa.U.o I.Aimulor 1n the IUmnter of 'i 8 fho D<1fonu nlil COIIIdll I ed tba~ U\o C1pt&ln had baeo gutlty o f b.'\r ratry and ltad nol Ill 1\CCOruance ,~,u. '"" rulea .>f tho Club dono b" duty AJ " prn dent 0\1 ocr and 101ured

M&Dy "''tncii3Ctl were ex:.mtnt'd on bchlllf of the plamttff nnd the jury alter" dch l r r at.ion of le-.s Utlln :an hour ret.orrned a ' cr dtet for the full ftmJUDL clarmc;l

lion Atlo rot y Genom) Mr Ltttlc Q t and Mr Doon<' for PlllrnttiT ~lr Pm•c111 Q C lion Mr Wmtcr, ~lr ~lc~ etly and Mr Greene fo r In1nmnce Company

Unne ct (,U'Imllu-hi!foro Mr J uauco Hayward 1\lld n Special Jury

Mr l::!llereop f or l'IArntrlf 10 opcn111S( tina CillO atlltcd tltat action Willi ina f iiiiC I for the reC:OYcry Of cll\lrr.\f:U for f~lse lm pnsonmonL or 1111\tDitff bJ Adol phe G nt m~n Eaq J e MftDII,I:tr ol tho I.1ttlo Uor Mine J hu D efenclllJltJ1l c.\lled llratly uv~ gurlt) ami acco ndly justtticJ on the plea o r poue85IOD jn Dc lcntbnt and tre3pa.u bl I'lamltiT Upon close of Pll\lotul"e Ctll>< Jury 'I!Oero d1tclt11rged Uti MondAy:

l\lox DAr D ec: 8 Groen t" Allan-Beforo Mr Justtcu

Carter And " pcctal J un 1 his cMe w:u trre<l laat year btforc n

Speclll J url llnrl tc rnunueu tn A dt5.~1:;r<e ~nl I be Pbrotrff 11 owner or 1\ YCS•d aallcod the Ctmfakmlc wlud1 eollllletl wtth tho Koynl ~IIlli SteliJI'Ie r Ce~ptM, rn t he Gu ll 111 the wint41r of i7

l'lnmtlfT hnvrn~: UIIJI'I1ned enrnc 'fllnC><Jcl the CUO 1\M 1\IIJOIIfUOtl llt] ttl ~~Atcnln­

IJOil ~It \\Inte r 1\1111 Mc :-;CJI' lor l'b1n t1ff Hoo \ UorneJ ( ronensl lliJd ~ l r 'lll

sent Q C for J.>e{endant. Dnnu ., Guzm11n- rlna c:l.so liM rcsnm

ed 6n .Moodily lion Attom~y h encrnl 'nmn1ed up fut: tl1e dcloncc nnd callc•l '"' w11ru:uea thcrcb,r dcpnung l'lu111tili u n s;:ht b r eplr

Mr huuco llllywl\rd eha11:e<l 11\ytnt: <I own to tl1e Tury ' cry cltMI) rhr II • J,:OYermn~ lite onmcroU!I po111u I"'LI\td IJ, cuuruel Olt both ftldC\'1 1 ho J ury " lt" r very lrnc: tlty conltt.el'!ltic.u, aw:mlcd t lc l'lnrntilf ~1(1() rl:un~S:""

For tho l lftrnutl Mr Ernoraon wttlt wltorn U'U l lr ,t..:uurO) For tlto o~reu I ftnt t be Huu Attoruc) 1 (;~neral nod \lr Johnson

I h o Court hM•d 1evcrnl ~lutloM 1\ntl gfllnted liOine ltul~• IIUt 1\monr:n 1 he n '" t.o 1c~ 1\11 lc the YCnh ct in l'nn,rle l$ 'l>an lrlle fu r esccs"ve .lamftJIIS and 10 Ur1no "' Guztu:Ul upon tltc sarue lfi'Ounda.

Tt:E.~D \T Green 1:1 A.Uan • w~ r eAruned n)\u sent

by Mr Juattce t..:ar t-er lo tho Jnry who llfter a bnef conaidomuoo, QI\YQ a n rdtct for tbc dcr.,udi\IH~

t.o be free and uoappropnated for- eYe r lh c. 1 I - \lftrtln Dtlaoey-dr 1nk 1\nd Sr eakJng Oil lbe oo44foq tn the prele'l.~ c harged With br<ftktng II p.~ne Of a;:l&SJ Ill 'Ye nDdt!ntiAntJ that f n cb mlnemJ do o a IRrgll l\llemblllye:' IAyMd cleneal Mt the Wtnllow of J & U Panona t bop poa1t hu been d••oonn~d nt St. Joael'h 1 <.:ross lltd ll .... tbe bounden rluty or t he P~td ~'IPODI-IfU ad!DODI&bed bd (.Is Hubor Plaw ntla lltlyJ. and thM the .. en.:r -(;hurch of l::nlllf\Pd a& the nattonal Chnrch obargcd.. able mmmg prooccr ~.; F Bennett Jo.aq o r thia connl r:r-lel\pn;t 111J othl'f bG hu 11 abou~ to employ peraona t" ten t ile of Chrtali11n1 to do thctr own work rn t.ltelr ).)!STRICT l:OUR I qua.hLy and cxtcut of tb' ore -,Ttltgra~~t. nwn \TC\}"-10 prOYtde church l'CCOIOtn~· tioo for all t~o people m thll ln11d 110 ~hth Dtc. 6-John F llhcy '" Rollenck l\.l.c Suod11Y lrut, (tho ftb (oAt \ hntnfl been every one mi!!b t ""' llfl her aer~rcu. Look n \Cl Acuna flr S l:l :.!0 lor lisb aolcl to nppq ted l:u' tho Lorcl H11hop of ~ in;; 111. the pllln1 ol t ho cl.urch thero wu Ucf. ntbnt Plaiuuff clfttmed to be potd foun be ;,l[wry~,lf-tlltjlllib~ on I' m:llter- h1c!t elrucl.: lum ve ry forably t '" 1\n onnL tn ClUb l'he Ddendaat al ct e u 1\ 0 or l'haoke, lvrng to A -IIIII he bor>cll tho piMa woulrl b. cnptqd rl's:r<d LhM he bad purcbu\!d the fiah on the G<> I lor II meroJel M:pJ1<!.ral 1\f\11 In CYel): other chnl'l'h 1-fttu •m;:h b.: b ult- day prevtou., and that tho whole tnmaac- darrng thCI 1eM now dtl\wtn;: to " close nnu lhnl w'" tJ1"1 1\ll the aenta "'cr~ free u on ""' on.e of b\rter Stcpbtn llartrn a 1poc111 Servrces woro held m aU the .Ep13 (.\i)\'~0-C ) lie .. ~ one o r t ii<»C who Wllnet!l prt'ICn~ when tbe b:lrgato wu COPftl Churcbca and collechona ~ken up 10

won d -1\>:c lfl\r 1\lttunst nil tbl\' 1mquttou' utadl' cor roborated the \elltmooy of De a1d of tho (.;lenc:sl Pen11q n ••uod.-G..u:lk ,.,,.t,ru by 'lh\cl· til~ ro~r o ( tho CA)Unlry rendtUit J u31,'Int'Df.(QJ Pla.tntiJJ for 893.20 • ' ---hRd for mnov r< lrs been dm<n ouL o f the -Lo bo P"'d to ~toC>ds. :\1 Olift for Pia~ a ~~~· Excellency the Gol'crnor tn Conaetl pamh clturc:hc:.s by the fAet t.bnt peOJlle hnd tiff Mr \\ OOd fo r Defuadan~ bas been plcMed to appowtl 1\lr James tntrotled U.en11ct• s tu pewi nnd exclntlecf James Furlo ng 1:1 Duff & Bal111er, Car ll.rdJ (of II arbor linton,) 10 be " mcmhc1 'be r~or.le for whont tho c!t urchea were boue&;r .Action for 810 for biro of fWuo.: o f t he II arbor Briton Rda<1U!o!lrd, 1n placn m~<:odct nud be hat! 11lwaJ"'I Mtd and al roum ftt ,14bratlor• The" Defendant~, 1L of Mr l'n.ncu J can.-lbjd waya would aay that u far aa lbe h ureh nppeared used the rooroJor landtng 111veral ' - • nf ~ ngl11ntl was ooncet'11ed t ho Church h unrlr' d brls. of hcrrro(( 'frow on board the telegnvn from Kto,R"tl Core BonA'ftSIA be lo nged to UJo people and DOt to 1\ few of "'reeked l t hr s H JIDI'It\ ,;ltioh fhc,. Bay roporte that a Oro broke Oll~ on Fndfty thetn lt •M tbe t:huroh of Ute rich bu~ hftd pnrchued. p1ey1 all~~ed tht tbol ol~ebt on the proru1aea of Mr J Ryau whtcb al;ro tha Church or the poor, aud h wu hlld the ~"' o r the roolll "~,.. w~ or oU:.:. reaultcd ) o If• de~troc:fip~ of )ho cnlt<s_ Jlllt u much the <.;!lurch of tlto poor u of llgel'l\eD' ..o..u the term ' e,o~~~-ror wblcb 'propertt Cboa11Ung or·dwcllfh~t houac

1 atoro

the ncl1 1' >l-1\8 l.be people a Chnroh and LheJ were to pay Dothiog fbe l'hlluUtr and their coateol&l W- ultlt•,..\aod t.ltu overyt>arlelotouer hnd~n abtoluto right bJ;. L'lltJil\d die t..:ourt that be wu tntltloll tO ~~~ 810!11 "~ 61lcd 1"11~ proria1001 for t.bc the IIIW o r Uila Jrii);i to" a aca In bta pariah eomc rerouneretlon, and be acc:o.r(llogly re- wloter and tho ICtli..N, Del4, f~btQIC chnrcll, If bn would oom~ to aak for &t. !l<liYCC'l 821 and co,t\& Mt: w obd for bfloogJOg Lo t he rtant.era,aod tbetr deatruc I ho olu I,YII4m-and be drd no~ 1ttppo5ll a Plftintllr ' linD will O&UH muoll. dt,trea- l\llloo~L the worae wu ncr de need b1 t~o, wtt of mao Jamt • Futlopg Cll. D nlr & Balruer, Car- ~ople, who wen~ de'1,1endma enltrelun the fo r IJIO l urU.er.,oce or Cl\n banuy and ro bone'r Ac tion for 828, value or ~flahldg- proYIIIODII aLon~d dlere for Lhelr -liot.er I llgron-wl\ll bapptly drlnj!' a"'"Y Old pewe ale ill' LakeD by Defendlutla without Plain eubl&~tenee \Yo J t-Jrp Ulat lbete wu a wore nlptd,ly d!Mppe,rln~ ud 1\ew churob- tilra ~rtllil!lion, and need aad dWr>oyed p:utlall=traalt oil tb9 pr6PflJ' ~ ea were bnrlt abeolotelJ' ttf.e lor the !MD fn •iing I be c:lt'JtO of the ICbr & R Mof'lllt.. D« 8. • • • • ' pie, and he wubed to lraprea.i on aiJ tiUa fact D efe Ddant$ pleaded a ~eL-df\)ftt'l..daJ\d 1


-tbattlie Uhnreh~ o(£~1aod:UiroDIIIIOI1L Jlf\l(i. 88.77 loto Court. ~r l\'ood, iJib TheAiea a~ •h• :r.J.crFatr, Ill k\ of &be t.he country wore tho frope~lf p f the poo- Plalntll'a coao~l, &g1't!ed t4 accept tb11 fu~ or t.be AILI\r SoclelJ, were ooncl pie, and not of a tew 0 tbe01. (Appla~~~e) amollnt on ttf• paJ'ftleat by Delea~te o( on Sahtt'dlrneohlr111$ aooct wt He did ootmeu to eay tb.atallwereto run t.he ooa~ of t.htl'aiL • • • petfoct 'dieclplloe- haYragmafied Lbe Into tbe chorob and-" tbfartelveau dley Cbu.. tto-11 111 \VtllliiD 'ButJ., Ac proeeedroga, and tobo n111~ ... 1t11 ~UrJ.ID¥ ll~ed, irreepeeti•e o r 1aby order or decenoy t.ion for fo~ a • lbloa net earrt~ a way w learnt h~ Clt,CC~ded even t~o aoHoipauon1 It waa U.e role of t.he Chdrcb th•' e•ery- by the 'w~ f!llle(tcllfl or the 1-.dlea ~DD~ til~~· whQtle thiDf ebould be dooe<"' ~atlx_ aid in or- a mll'h!v -.t of &1'1iatlo lltlll 1111d hldomllatil• t'tt$nee d6r, ... d. t.ha' led h iD\ w atrot~er point- Labr,.dOr JUdg. ha•e boto. ,n!nrd~ In ilii II&Adeome sum tha' the Ohuroh or Ellgllloct ..... DO~ &lie Qtent lor aDd c:oeta. Air o( rool-' "boilar.d ~ ··OD ~liT

t(;hbllreCbb ~L ~he cl '!'be people were Clift r.)or;;;.;=~~~~-~-~~ ~~'Z!.~j~ err.~ M e lhva aod tile l•w • .fort~~~~*.• the~wlrw ' .. t~e parlalriooe,. eJiiH'IIII. H• ·""' .. •-'"

--Y'Jcrotda ... Jr lk&OOL ElUVIIiATIOlr - 'l11t ADbOal Bsaaunatioo of lhte pnfltle of tbe V lCrGIIIA :>III&CT &:BOO!. ••II take place on Fr1 lay next at 10 L m !'Menta and fr!outla of l ho cbtldi'Cil are rupec,fullr aun~ to auend

-We'"' pl•u~d 1.0 ootlco thl\~ Mr J fl Catb,..e " "'P' lly recovtlnn~t frum t ho altl\ck of lllu<U wlucb a f~tw •••kol aJO brouliJ•~ huo al1001t faca lQ fACIO wiLh ' pAllid& mort.' lie le uow 'ble tu attend to uuameu with maob of bte cuetolll3ry 'Igor

-lAt• on Tutsda) cYeuin..! last our ~rood doct.or \V Allan, ar met wrth an AC: I len~­wlnch hpp1ly 11 not hkcly fo IN 1\Uun led W1Lb ""Y more 1enuot CODtlf'<JII!'II~.:s tlt~n a fee lrng of w•t l tlll'ql' llo "~ '"'"'"-1 lllonl tho wttkro p:.n o( W11tet ::ltr et 1\t tbu uou1 of the 1\CCl•l~nL whoa a c:unlZ !!Otn~ tho oppos~o way col It I~ 1 w1th In! !"htc ~· UlfQWIIIJ: lnm out. !'bra '' we ~luul. the tbmf ntnrow 4!1ClJl<l of tbo ktud l ru •loct.or hu ha~

-An ai'TI\n~ement c 1nclq•l e I betr.cen ~ ns.:lap4 anli 1-'ran~t: nod pulohahcd tn t bo French OjJi raJ Jor~r,.,J on ~turdnJ pro­y1Jes~t nn) d rnroaed n11mner of crL!tcr countr} or rn thu te rrll.ori1:8ofn tlnl'ltPowcr, ah'll aupphcd \'lth bo11rd lo ll{tnll, cloth­tnjf and ttl\rtlllng expooau uuUl hu flndi fresh cmploymunt or Is 111Jlu t.o livll 1 ho amln~toul~n t cont\!11 !n111 oporntlon on ~he let ol Jan nary and ,. ~rmtuablo aL twelve w outlu uot1ce

-nrc pe rfo rmaope lfl\ en by tire I IllA I \b litO IICAl ~ u .. ncG~ ~OCicl.)'. I <~ t ccomrr & fl r:t.,ttlttc I lub 011 I hnr~ by l'~enm h•­nu I rope:tto. l o n last ft\ en11111 ( bv rrfJ ~~•L) WA.S ••c ~r. lu 11ty to bu tu for " " I n c un plcro -~~~~r.-. I he cntc rtArnmculi II" en bJ t nc I 1bhtn c b eiiiiiUltt I h) o o l 1..1110 nll'1 &: relit ~~r.., u r 1hdr ~~~~ 11 a ut I Itt 1 u tl .-ntt c t ~~lilt J• rt h:w, nl~ ~~~~ n 1~11 ttctl l 'ttm••h , J tn 1\ tn IJt crt ht ,(,J, nr, 11 ~ \V< nr J ~• tliu I t I'<Corl 011 h l••ttll >II\ orr h\h1r A t&J IMIV Ill< ft ~ tlu\t tltr ( luh luu c on l c 1 n .... , o<-.. ~\IOn "'ell ~uat uuul t hur "oJI lltorttu I ruj nL'ltlvu

P~'e!liJOta por "Lndy Glover" \ lt;I!D\\, D~c G-Il 1rl11r GM'Y! In Cnrt:

- llr ~ .. rl h llr..1. ~nitt t nev :\lr 1'1101 lJr Mc l\1\m /Jn!J•u to CoJ:t- i\lr :ioll.oro Curv 14 Carb.outar....,... \llJ.Prtl. ~Llrch ::Stone Garll\11\l \lad•loolc, For"llrtl Toy« H, v Mr ~lttrmy. <. ~~ to l( ff'bur Oro«-\l r.:~~lrL llu.M<;II H l\tcquu:e, A Dawt' Hrnn Cnthffto.. l. llenu,_, II J Ftbt:ertlld G

ltnth«:rfor.J, H1111 hu~ hlmorc, ~ I ra. C Un- e Muso~ IJcun,.hury

1 \losn•v - /larb r Grtt<Y /) Co1~-nev

\ uus Jleoles 1\lltl Ewbrce, \ lr l ie Do tJ;.'I\1 (; fi!JI lluatln~r 1\Ud \\ I• ito , 4 111 11.< e m c Coti.OM(Irh (.\ f< -~ldu-. ll•orwood \\ al•b Colluu, llr"- JJur1n"IIJ\. C r r /o Brtg~t­~~~ ,J \\ fo"'n, .! tu acecm r

I t!&:>lt\f-LJr !I'" 11• ( "'" -l:AJ'I Cum Olin~ \1, ..,.... lllll h I ltvn• k "'nllltl'll'1b t l~r:..l', mlth -1 111 aleem~t' lJa r ll.XJ rt t t t t l'f Cl\llt. I ll~nlert \lr Moono h t v :\Jr lttrliJIII ..! Ill -~~~ r~.• C ('C' t 1 (; tr

bo'l.:nr- \lr Sotll)ro, lli"-1 llrowtt C• tY to lltrrbu ('Jar< •• M1 .Sf'll 1 ::;elMer, Smuh, \Jct;,.rthv ~llu \ ''""St

\Vt OSiiO.lY - 1/w/t.lr l h r-t 111 COJrt"-1

i\JAMrtL \\ 1\ \lntto Pol"i\0 I nhw f orri1 t~l ltcv Mr Cnrol~ll, ~lt 'l.'l (;o nfv rt C ,~ lo B .-.!]u•-llr smith ..! In ttterftnu Cvrx to Bag R >ll<rt~-Cahin IIQnll, 4 itt


1l<.'t'm,c lll li lt'>ll\Y-&ry .((.A•I' to CQI'C--\l ~tsra

Kenny, CtQJc,.., \ trlll Ml\rrinll GIn tlCI!ra:e DrtgH• io Cocv-~lr G (,nal1de Cn1•1t U tiot l tl~ anti A m1&h.. .\tri " "inlcr CtJr to Hur/nr Gkt-e-\leo..sre Green bepJlarJ PullWhr.:y, l'ooll) 1 .f. In ateera;.ce '

~ ' A GD<Hlf>nl "'• no,.ltlmp t. ai:W\JI alllbJ ~ln.o

lb.,... Ia to lite lor.c• Jht 1ttr, 61 bON!' •r>d o.mle poordr" llo"' wiJ I( )'0<1 aonl "oolrlolly 1 dl'!! ~bj!:' lo"Ot tl"-rltl•n•, :('h«'[ arelnom..u.elr ul

Page 3: COICI.TIO DVlk - Memorial University of …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...COICI.TIO DVlk J VO~UME~. ~dvertis~ments! C~ages! C~iag~s! WARJ;U1N&WHIT~AN JAYES

QUOTA 1'\0'SS.

Bll~..t.l), porcwL-Local D&li:<'nN, No.. I , '1-S/8 No. t . :m,u. , ~

F LOt"n- r brl-O..MdA Superior E•tn ,SS to G./. <t«'11At4 S 1.rln11 EII.n\1 lH / t.o 81f'l, .·ow York l'..Jtlr. Sr.a:u SJ{to 8W. Nuw y,, ,lr Supu-­floe, SSfto~/. 'S. Y. t\o.! ditto., -:I I/.

Col<-'< ,lluJ.--Whlw.. J!l'lt brl. 21J. \"".Uo1'1 20{, U,\TlllUL.-C.o\JJI, ~brl 30/. ' lhc£ -t::'\0: l ndu p.-r cwt. 1'1· ,l'x..•~a.- ll~um.l,pd· brl :Hf. llUTtall,-l'l'r lb. C..oa•l•.!lu to IJ. No., SqQIW!,

(u<, .. ) tl •L In Ia. Amorl"-\\lll.lto 1\.IJ. Puus:.-l"'r lll'l llu..,; !"""") "J/ 11> t O/. l'riln!J

lie•• no•- pqatfd. E:~:lr& Prlcuo (llr\\·) f>eJtJ. Cllll:~ltA ('rlnlO. 30f. •

t-- J 1\.'TOTlOE.Je ~lftktil\ba' a rJrGR T 'l ~ ·HQU ' E bu beco eTOotod on CAH0 1' (Sliakiog) ISL1\ ND; B<lna.Uta Ba)', n a •.- l'rhn" 1"' brl SO/ to 70!.

Rv,.,-Stn•n::.t>ar t m.,..rbl~t•lloo . lO(G. '' ''-''"'"•·-l'~r .,.,.nan. ilu•e<w ulc> IJ 10 to 2 _

:.~:n.t<: -Ullrellol.'<l t>cr cwt.. 4!/ to oCI . l.'o~ru"·-•"''" 1~. 1/.

Ittthude 8!19 JO' 211" North, . . , ft0n4

jtilad6 Jl530 21' 2l'1 w cat1 AI ::lt. Johu'•• un Wt'da~u•r the :J,..l in•l~ Alter , •1. ':'"\ ,. proln~ct..t """ •t14{DI~I III4U., ~:wr. ""llo1Mtt1 q~ an Dfror tho ut March ncxl an [ n-

'rnn t c:~., -u.~ur.rtur~ , tho lb. 1/4. Co:cr>.\Oa -~r .,,.!.. t.QJ.

Do,wclon, ·~ U)'MN. I' tcrmi~lent Whito Llgh\ will be exhlbl~d AI llortnu'• 'llorboT,'or dlphtherl ... N ...... 21!, nightly froiD •lanMt ~ to alturiet. (t will

IT~orl~n• ... Ked ~} 1!>rtll Lit<>. I , Uort~. aJ:'O'I • mBIIo (U)t cotupi~.B.evolatiba~or rui!lute, SC•ra; OD OADlO do,, f..U~Jhlne, • god !If years,

tl.\LT,-!>"r bb.l,l' 1liJ:. 7(. ~:XUUANG&.

L·•~ oo::-llank •lrowin): rale ......... ~O ptr c:cat.. do t•nr.-h••ln(; r-1& ...... 1:>~ uo.

d.ugba.,ra of llr. ll uk 011n:o.nd. a.PJ>CI,fipg !'bo~· H ,~CQ"dt gb~ a~ll 0

-----1!111-I!!JIIIli!III!IIIJI!II~---~Sj '::iccpl\da Oar\, ~of';~~ Sooti ' ·················· ········· ··· ... l'ar. \ ':ttl. I~ ... ......... ... , ....................... Par.

· · • ··· • The A'pparnt6• tnth Order Diqptric1 il-• ' ~ ltnnintttiqg •the ' .Jbolc hori.ton, and tho

l' u•·~ 1 :.••~.~'• OolU ....................... l'ar. -Cimmick, Dtt:. II. Llgb~ ahonld ~ ~lslble 10 nan tiCAl milu in

S 111 r Nr;n. clear wea~hor., lt is N feet .bo,u •N-lcvel. ~ .. • 'J'bt t.,iab~ ·r qwor. iA ~{iron. riaiuR I rom Lbo

l'•f"l:'t.T TMI" ~,. D l•y th~ m•nr dt._,~o·-.blc arr. .. A•i•'ln,: JlrC"' h!l!t."(j I·~ •IY,AtoeJ-1{ .. , or "ret thin. ~or1' \,h a••· I \rc.•L:, tth·nulU """' lho MI MI lArd. toofc -~,,r:l.rn&• ~ l.~ m•a'• Q 'luhnt \\·ino. T~y n-a.1 .i.·•l it n..,"T-..~·,htt" •ull 1-c •cllr:-i~l. 1t tmri·'"h:!ti l h·• h'o • l by. rti•!ir,;: •h,..,·,t iou #Ual .~ ... lruit~:i~t: •·• H}li""" tahl hJ\"i::•>r;,h•a thu DfT\'•"11 .,.,.t~&n. ""'1 hut,, ru " l a~~•hhful •t'l\t"tf~ \\'"L.~:-:1 ... 11~""-·•l 111 " r, •• u • ..- ly t'br biliuus IIUUI i utcorJUJitebt. (t'Y~Y'. it. pro. do~.,. .. the lustpit.•• '- r~•ulte. H 1Al::cn ~twee-n tf1o :u· •··k•. Ct.:l \'l'lll,~~f'nC'o it b,.~Ct.,et.l. aur'i untitllely tiM· .. ~· •• r th·• l•hvt-k)nt• Anrl ron.uitutinn l.i Arr~l('lll by it. 'rhl"' ,.,,trJhhH21!1 ton.jitltul!nt ~«rry \fino, it of lb<l hNt fJu•llly. •n•t lb" «roruotloo rurnl•lned 1'1'irh It, r.n•t<"" il- ti.Yur • •ldh ionolly pll'3SAnt . Tbf'\' "hu U~ie h. Jn!u lh,.h u well A't " .re.nzsh. an•l1t t .x,•rt• a dn•,•rin~ influeuoo ~tW"'U lltf' ~tnt!. ll pr•Hnntc.J 11 lu.•1hhy ~ ·cra:tlon nn,) t!mr ol LUr, 11114'""'1 f(>J"-."'' nt"l rl•;:talarhy in 1110 ftCiiqn of tl..e hund.c. 1f j -••lidou ... ly u,,.,., it nlAybat~kf.u willt· 0111 t~pJ•r•·h,ttu•:•m ••! 111.}' ill ~•ult b\"' Uf"r.uua nf til•' '"''' 1 ,f, .. :h~tk ....,in .. lltttlino, ~\ r,.]:- trl~l ii ~II t h.,1 ut ,_~•lfio t h'l 1fl'n\"C th,, f'~"''":~,,.,,,'i., •'f 1·, c1 .. tm~ tn I' ···1u· C'"\•t•li tc-n('4°, J\tl .. l tn tlh, , ... ath (1{ ah.­...... -•• ·r11 ,., r.li.·t to il~ ln-k'\lf So :tl til-l(' nf i1 .... <"£..,.,.. ··•wn,t\: >~ Is h"rll .Ml ,.lr•):ts;ly IH 11\.•n· ,.,~ h .. , ., .. · 1 !& •• It 1 '"\'lir~ lwil lirt;.: ':Jt-lllHl~· S "'" v. 1t "~ Hr"lt•\ f •r: I\' t..b • <~~~r-tem :~"'"...,,~~~t th•• •b·,:.,.>t•Tlf. ,,h· ·~• thr•·tlra ih· d~t:ihtd\~1 l l th·-..t},Jn·•• h\ ru! ,. :..,·u tor " ' tf'rt• .. rinlttl,! • ••! r\l'l"· rit.•, 1'Yhi~·h ru,h_,. ~"•' ,JI, .. J tw.\•"" .unrl.' ' t~re. It ..,, r •·.:nb 4


=''' .. r••mu·h 1l1 tl1t !~ ,n,hit.MI , ,, J"'rf,,rH it~ , .,r. i 'II" ! ·th4.'H••n,. nu. r .•.:u t1r:h~ • · •I '' •..:'••r, trrl 2· .. n···{ .;. i~ """ •'"''"'IIHr ·' tt:ll t. II Jl'•'l\\'''· r\t~:C '·•r l h·• · ~ ~ t .. •"-' \\' ••• ,. .. f ~"rll1r'-'i' ... \: J.y:~.nn.'' Suhl Ly ,u drL,.,.:l;-!.:l -1 ,<",'. v.

~~T QP :JI.UI.BQB. Q¥0Ji. <;t·Dtre or thq Keoj,er. clwtJiling. a aquare, Oa~-roored building, Tho buifrlin!C' arc

"'\.. r.snnEQ. b.-.ndeil horl~utall'y, W bito 1\ad ltcd alter-D.,.-. A-Goo. S. P~. Porapbnr. :New York, uotel.y. ' . , · ·

l'rovltiono-J. Muou dt 0<>. Jl)l <.nlor. An;ti(\Foot•, Plrmnut~,llme~ton~-dq. - J.OU~ STU AUT,

OL&AUSD. , a • • &-t..dy Dllll'rrin. llackeu. Llverl""'l• ood oil, ~ Bol\rd of Worloa.

herriug and ulmnn-J' Munn .t Co. BoArd 'of w· drke Office, } 11-llaryQucen ol tbo S/'.\. t :an;;<oiMtr, :\ow Yeti<, St. J.>hn'a, Nl!d., 8rd Dec.

1 1879. 1

c:od oil, her ria!C ond raaclaorel-dO. · •. ' 12-.\rclle, P~te1 No pt .. , lltb-da..

Pasaqngora. • PH C.rl~ lrurn lbe Wul\l'llrd-Re... Mr. Cuonin~o•lum am.l vilo, !.Jr. P•II.,POio.. llr. Eonio onJ wlro: MI .. t.o)l.,aurior,lltu r.o. 0 . l'Ayno, .R. llMhon. M. Froaclo. lf. ltrl•o~. n. C...rmler. J . n. ~·1•1, !.~~reo. ll<ll:"cn,lJulariY, Dr.llcl>oula, l l r"' PollupbiA. on• I I ! in Sle<'r,.jo. .

N~w Advertisement. c ~



New Yea r Presents. Trr ~·u.; ::l"t.EC'n.rt Ou, ";n rart.''"'"'~.,, ... :-- ':'o -o--

H ' " Ttnr... Tw·c . rh., Cl"j tl;~r· ,· ·l!"f'lf" t'! I ~J. , .• ' 11 ·· • ·r !til·''', .,. ;• I: "..r · ••···' OurJlritish Portmit Paintentfrom$irl'eter t"I 'J.! la rn•l l iU I\1't•Ut\' •foJ11t' l HJ,lrl\.•('h!'lofh"ll" t\., , . , , \ l t. tt h· : .,,. f'llt'•· t'll.r., l.•h .. , 't ..,i.;t.a ·' nr• IJC•J' .to .Jtuau.~a ~nL ~G allu• t.muons '"'!t.h ,.:., '".:: r. ,,t <:•" ,. , ,. , ! 1n 1ht"'• In ""· l ch.·scr1pttve anJ h11tonca1 noucca hy ~A-·1 ., .. d h". ,,.,· .. r t '' •• .... • ,. h ~ .. 1 r,.:-.;. ·" f 11\Uih.l Oilier. l ·lu "'t '" i .. '·""u 3 • '"'' "•uoc:•·ri''': ' •' Y" , .... \ .. I Picturel4 b\' " "illhlm :\lulrn:vh·. R.A., with :"1:.. .. . :w•r I '1Jf·· "''11 H• .,u •. ,. ,., ut 1"1'1 .... , llC~('ri Jltions !\nd 1\ bio..,.rnphiCnl ak,.:tch of J .. 11 ...... ~ ., .... , .. __ ut..· 't lu" "'"' \~n l.u.,u· t. p . I '"n fT •h..- l .1 .. ,. "'·', 1rl· :.t·~ ,. ,~. t• r 1 ·~•·• 1 . ... ~oa t _tho a1nter ?Y . n:nc.4\ i\ \'roe . . < ' · ~;,lb.· r. . ~. 1". r · , .,.,_ ., .. r rho• Sp,.,.. ~··I 1 P1c111re~ by ChBrle~ Rober~ L.!slte. H. A .. t ' ... ,.,.:·;"'1•! '"'' 'i.~ · , .:, .. il 1.; llht ,•1 il· 1 , fit t witi'""'SOripliOJl!!CRiltlnbio;,cmphi<:..'llakotch l:'~t·un••"" ,.r ,.,~. ,,,,,. r • .. , II. '·· A-i.IJ'll· .~ l•o of th\! p:Uutcr Uy ,Jnmc.;j, Datl..:rnc. .t • • '·'" ".' .r. I• ''" ·' !." l.· ' .t 11• • t'"' " 1 Uirk~t Fo~t •·r·s pictures of En,...li<h lnnrl. t ··r•t 111 lu .-.... , IHUIU'\;-* -'H•! H rut 'L.: t it ·r 11. 1 J b "' D · d , ~~ 11.,,.l:t·i· •.• ,. r .d. r··l 1 , 11 • i ,1 .. 1 ~ 1 • , ~~pc (cn.~r.\\'{'f b.v t!•; r?~hcrtot alz1cl) c- ' "'. 1 .~ ...... it r .h . ..... , 1111 ... ~·· ~. _,., u ;:. ,1 l t 1 acturCB 1n Vt.·~ by l om I nylor. h ' " •• ... m·P·' I • ( .. {'( " ' tlJo• .... l . ' ~ ..... ,~II ..... , I I l:~.·.'\H tit.'~ of En~Hsh 1 .. :'\nJ.S<".:'ll)U dr:\wn by IJ ·•li lt•t tod .. 111- t\ ·rt h u .- ' :•n:li: :n .. ! BHkt..t F•l£h:rcnc;rn,·cdby lJnlz.hill¥othcrs u ·· · ·~>I J•;l,.. i · ' "' · t.,~-: \ H ' ' .. t~ .,.,,:· ~ ·. ,~ .r. Cl1ttfkr. E. E\·aott , &c .... ; ·,,·, ;,, ·•· ':: •f\':·r . .;~•r :' ::~:lo.:';'1 ;

1;:~, "' .. r :· .... Pirt·trc"~quc •· •.:ncry in l rdt\ncl dr.\wn by :"' . .. I ! !'l.o•tjf' l ' ~m '" ct .. I. •. t f, ;.II "h· I ; I T hom'\.S ( ! rt·~" .. ick n .. \. l::n!,'T:l\'Cd 00 h , ,. r"' r ·\ . .... • t ,. • ,. 111. ,. \. • 1 1. '' . .: I Stet.• I. with d~~criptivc jotlinW'.

ll .• , ... 1: 1 ·,.,,,. ' ' ' . '··'"I'·· l'lt~ Cl! rilltJ:\nl'<::lr.!llu~rmtc<l b•·Sir.John } . I t·: '';" - •l'••i·, tl. I'',.-. \ ~·\ ,., :.lj:·· ·:I~ C dht..•r1. Rol~crt H;'\TIIC~. \\'. n. :-icou, II. : · ;:· ,

1• ;:;:', ' •. ' • .' ', '. ' ... :/ ~' ,· ,~· . '~,- , 1 C. ~·1~. \V. Smull. ,~c.

!: 1 .• ~, .:r ,. , ... 1 • ..,, '· " v· ,. •·t··"·" r•. n .. .., ... I J...-,mh·~ T nh ... , from !"h:t\;"tt~fW:\N', Ptlitt~(J by ! I zr , tl r~r···l IU •• 1\f'· "' ··= ~ 111 ,, , ,, .. r.:. I l"iu\r1 ··~ Knilzht. with :.; 10 illust.n\tions bv

~ t ~r. ,.,.,., • l ~·-r \t •• • ' • : ,, .. I' I .,,, ... I :-;.,r J u hn (j ill.,.•rt, t:.A,. · .i • •

1 '· t ' :-- ' 1• ~ 11::· ... • • ~ ,. 1 • ·• '1 1 I •:nt· :\ fTt•l;th,n oc p()rtr.:\v"'cl h\"' th" Poe~

l ',·,:·,: ·; .. ,, : ' •. 1:·.:·:· " 11, . ~, . 1 •• ,··(.~ .. ·.,:· .. : ~t.·l t•Cfftd 1\n• l ... tln••tl h~,· l'11'li-1 ,•'4 l~a.ckny, · "'I . !, ·'" ,1 r.. •·· ~ · .• , · illn•tl':'ltt:J wuh I •~J t:U,t:'r.'\Viru.:'

~·t .':•"., l.'l't l..;, i, • · · ~•-t; .l't•· r he Priuceoft!tc llou•eofll:wiJ.orthrec 1'1 ••· • ! •.•. 1" '•.. \.,. \"c ' "' iu Lh•' llnly C iry by tho JW\r, .J. lt.

:-;' ~ ·' -I · "• '· :.- :. ~ ··•·I ::r •. ·: . i:, I. \ 1111: l"m, L. L U., w11h uuw~r.>us ilhL'Itra-1' • } t !on~

'· l'ilc :'\<'w llln•t"''t~tl :s"ntllrnl ll i•tory. hy the . ., ~.l

.i\ :· , .. "' ... , ,. . ,~ 1: ,. ! n ,:r.·:'" 1 r •• 1 L\ ' l•• u ;\,_, \' 1. ..:~~..ot

He•· .J. II. \\'ood. ~I.A .. F.rft:::;., ··n~n.,·.:•l b,· t h~ Broth<' I'S lhlzi,•l.

· l' uruhr :\1\turnl ll i• tory, hy the"''"'"· " '· o r Tb~ l.'\•t 0 '\ ,.s of .1 crus.'llum, b_r

~ln . • J. 11. Wcl>h. <>"tth illn•rration!l on '1<'<'1 from clr.\\l'iU t1" hi" \Y. 11 lbrtlcll.

•l• t\'.• Ml • ,. "' ~•.:-ru'J IU :~r;\U..!t' 3 :\ I iiun· Th~ Pictori"l Tour of th~ \\.tlrl•l: cu m pri!'· ;! 1 •• in!l Pen And Pcno•l :O:ket<'hc• of T nwt"!.

J', ·, • ' • l··i1;: "'h''"••r• ' -:- ft.•lt ia ... · ,\ ·lny l ucad"•nt. A~I\'Cnturcrtnd ~·t..•nct)' :'kctchcs na r ..... -l'l, • t • • , ..•.• .,. al" :,r.· r u-·. ill. (rom x . turo in \\1a.lt~ r L'olour3 by .\:tron

j; , . , 1'\t'"•··· tt·~ ., .. ,·.·•,.y =• .. '""' ~1lnl- P enuel. i ·' • '\ n ,.., •r•· ·n·•r .,. 1~ • • ·;, .. .. : t ._. ,, l !h•u• Cn.non F:1.rm.r.s,Life of C hrje t with origiurll

I I.,. ''ht' ,w, ,,.,,.~· ~·t:f,·:-.. ·.f ,, ~~ ., ~ru U.:- illustnt ion·s. f , .. ,, . . t "•:"\ t. ·, ' 1

I) ' 1· •• "q•.>:l••l th1c l't• •·x.I :m. t~r • J.'. .l .:•·l.i,• wJ! I ;'rr;,···,~d ,,, I. ·,I •I up(.

B 11 ·h· 11r..;~1 tho l ri:,.h mt·mi.h.tr'tt tv join the l.th• rn l •.

,.,ir t;:t rnct \Y•>lecley, with two lh(\ullllnd sol· li~l>!. luHicrbhs tu aettle thu tliflic:ulty with the lloc..,. ..

T ho lri•h n~:ilntion wo11ld hue died 11

n:ttUrl\1 •lt.~tll hutf.,r the nrre.sa.o. Tho ex­cit.ernent ia limite!' t.o t'rn! \\'en anti South .

The ~:renoh Olbl!l lHu'..beco -laaded a~ Loui..shur.:, t:<';>O Breton. . D~9~W~ey ~~~~.Lo~~.~

be~n no:uly \)e5t~ed 'by tirO: W«ley'a pu lpit WNI s.ned.

Hefom11 in ,\ sill )linor are being '<igor­ou~ly pn4ho<l furwtlnl.

M.ini~H~ris l crilli• in p:lin. Y••l terd"' Q ••een \'ictorill -Tccti"I'Cd olli­

. c~l'"d :nul men whq hatl Jlstinguitbed thew· •~lveJ in tb.o 7.culu W!lr,

l;:n•tidf '"" beon 11ppoiatod 11mbaasador to Italy. Thi.s will prob3bly bo reganled u n pr.;yoC"ation b.r Aoslrin.

Tho :\b.ra.~iaian Kiug billS iuvadud Egyp· tbn lur ri ~ry.

Tlt c Ut~~nulfers e«trl'mo •lepresaion; and t !le £mpreM i.w in a deplonablo cootlit.ioo.

'11rc llu10 ... rilln Auewbl1 h .. beeo diJ. solved. ' - ·

. Or:c. l.O-.ni•IXI1rek pf'?posce a pUtia1 clitHm:uuen ~ · · •

J'hc ret.orted Bppointment of [gaatieff u .\l inister 10 Home ij n ofouud1141.

·n1e h~ll.h of the C&..uiJll\ hns improved. 'I'he Rnul11n "I m_rerial Council coulmOQceld

ita eitt.inga oo &t1uda.r. Moweutoua re-aultaBre c;w;pected. · •· •

' l1te Sp11ni.eb <:1\lia c;ontinaea. · CfttUe (Jl~:111e iq C.n>rna. El~ht 1-'rcnob cou'ricta ~IC\ped from

C.Jenne and arri'(ed in New Y'ork. · ' Tltu Irialt' aghaUou 11 aubridieg.

• D r,c(. ll...-A.. "'" S~uilh a~inisLty hu be~o foaoed with Cutillo ., premier.

(}aban IIIXl~Cf()l:t.ioD ~ r"~~a:i i,l!da, fiou~IJ..· 1

C"10n Fllm'tMI Life: 11nd Worl.: ~ It( ~!. P:tul. Life h.nd \\' orka oi Chris~ by Uunniugh.~ru

Griloe, L L 0. Flee twood's Life of Cbrist. ~uglnod's Hoy"! Ilumc, by the n e,·. ChArles

Bullock, B.D. Tbc Home Life of tno Prinoo Consort. by

the ume. Doubly Royal. memoriAls of t.ho Priuc()llll

Alic:o by tho ... me. Within the Paltu:o Gates. a tribute to tbo

memory of 'Fr&ncia Ridloy lla~cq;~~l by tho a&me.

Renut.iee of Shakellpeare by RoT. W. Dodd. 0 .0 ., with 1:.1 iiiWitn.tiOJlll io penhancnt pbotogmpb}' from Boydell GIUiery. . Beewn'a Dtct.ionary of Uulvers.-.1 l nform~-

t.ion · Dick's Eocyclop:ndiA o! P-ractical R ec:oipt.a

&c. New Volumes for 1879 of Leisure llour in

t.hrco dialinet bindings. Sunday 11t Home in three distinct bimlin~ Good W orda; Sundfly ~(agwnc; The Quiver;

The Day oi Rca~ ; Cwoll's Maguino ; Golde'n 8-ours, Fa!llily Hernld Vol. 43; Boy's Own Annun.'l or P"J>er ; R ind W ords; Cbntterbox ; Little W•de-A .. ·alco; ' Sandny; Little Folks; 'I'M Family Fliend; lfbe Family Visitor; The p'ri:r.o ; 'rho J nfMt'a l\laauine; The Britfah \V orli­mAD i Tho British Workwoma1q '.11\o Co~~r and Arti~n ; The Ila.ud of Ifopo R ovie"' : Tho Cbild'a O wn ?t!Jtl:IU'ino ; 1ue CbiJd'e' Compenloa; Tbo Cbildren'a Pleuurc 8 oolr ; Tho t\ driler ; Tb.o .rra~ tier J4t Bo,Ya and Girl L

The. SQllgot lo.r Soya and Girla. . Stnhan'a Gmnd Annulll for tl1o youn,,

DIWitrated wlt.h 60 drt\wing~. A ~Jerry Christmas 11nd Happy New YMI';

A Bo~ful o,f Ollildn:~t. ' t

The Gem of All Picture Boob Frilky aad wa Stoclc.. , , Llltle Lo~'a 'rl't!Sllury of Pic:tureund 5\oriea. Cbrietmae Treuuriea. · ' ~Mbine for doll day:t:

TO BE LE~, .And J'ouesaion given on t.b.o Firat or

X.AY next,

Those eommol1ioua and dcsimblo

W'ierside Premises ai~unted in t he ceulrc pf ~\'t~tor tcect of thi$ tq ,.•o,' nod at p rcsc:Qt occupied uy J ,, s. ll t PPt!oLtr, I::sq . comprising n aubat;wajal nod lhorouj:;bly.finlsFoed Brick

D:WE:~;.ALINq-~OUSE with Dry Good• snoa COIIlf'lCicly fitted up on thu nC'fClt •tylo ; with \\'II A HF nnd SfORE. Tjlo~c f•ro:toi~c~ b:\\'u tlto :tdmn­t.'l~e of " 8rc.'lk o r Docfc on tho west ~ido seventy feet wide. · The .'tore is corcred with uniulh•mmnblo materi:tl nnd cnn IJo en­ter~'<! fro•ll tho 01'0&3 J trt.ll:t a3 •Tdl u from tho wlr11rf,

l!'or further p~rticulnl'3 npply lo lWIIE lt'l' WALSH,

W ho iu~ presuut residing nt tit. J ohn's. Dec. 2


tfnion Bank of Nfld.

N OTlCE is hc ro\ly ,::ivcn th:.tl\ Di~id~nd of J~ [(j liT per ccut. upon til~ pni•l-up

C:>pilnl Sfo<:k of t i. js Institution hM been ,!cdnrctl for the h"l r-rcnr cntlin:: :loth ~(I ...

cnobur, l ll7!l, and hi p11yablo H GM1kiug llou;o' in this city, on Bnd afte r FttllH\' , olh I>ccconbcr. ·

T mn.•fer 13\>oks c:loae<l from 3rd to 5th, boLh dn"I'K incl u~ive.

• (lly Order o( tho no!\NJ.) JA~H~ GOI.IH F.,


St. .lohn'a, Dec. !l.

L ouisburg , 0 . R

I ::\ nt!Jition ta the Com[\311!·~ 1\Qcommo­dr.tiou nt ~ydn~y, IU'I"IIIlj::"CIIHII\11 aro now

romplcten for Fhippin~ .. H~r~o" ()AL frum their l~er at l .out~bul')!. C:UJnblll of ftC· conunutl:.tin:z U1e lnrgciL lllupA ruiont, wluch r urt i.~ opcu ttll tl1c yeftr ron no+ ·

'/ hia {;o:tl ift :o,du)ittqd to b.o TOE BJl'.ST

srr 1~ 1\~£ COAL in ll1o Pro•·h•ce. nod at.:uld\ <\C.Ien·~dly ~igh for rlomt!@tic u~.

ror terms ll£1jlly to the llj::"entor the Com­ll'IUY aL ·~·dney. C. ll, ol' to ' J . KE~­N ELI.. Y. J:Mt., Lo~iJsburg, wbo will atio rd all iufort~'ltio~.

~ S. STlRLl~~. As:rent C. 0. co. limrwd.

Sytln<.'y, C. D., ::-<ot'. H , 1 7!1. 29.Si.'

Diaries for 1880, A Splendid lino of t>etti~'tt, nlaokwood'a

and ulhpr ~J.t.kera' J:¥nriea fo~ 1880. ~riublins:, Orqc:c:1 ~uarto, FoQleonp 8

Vo. Post 8 Yo. ~<.\.-mora lhl\tJ t•'elvo \'ll{ietica. Tho St.amlardl'ockct Diaries fur 1~er 1lfty: ' '"tietiea-now fin &6ck', Tho "Stl\ndard" ..;11 be found to bo tho .ruo~t elc~trun !Uid·de&irablo Jiti() . o! DiAriea published.

For Slllq a~ tho Jlriti~b a11d ~~e*on Oqolt Store, 176 Water Street., S~ ,Jolin'a.

. • ' J: F. OlHSIIOI.ill. Nov. 2~


ior Seuon.lSio-80, are received. I •

Tho nultera' C.rde, both Et~gliah American. ·.rw.. \llllion'~ ri\U~<ll11 mflny ot great 'No"f<!lty and Origiitality of duign. The wrtrucn is i1ilrllcn,aoliliiJ1:0 t.nd price~~ lolr. ' • • · • · J

WFlOLES.iT;E AND RT::T.il£. · ' AT1'1nt• ', 1 •


• I ' '

J70't~U fu llotootr on aocona~ of tile receB~ auerqpt 01_!. the life of t.bo Czsr. St. l'il&aab~ lloDHhGlden are ' ordert-d • &o bu" Mil._ .. ove, claeir doo,_ a.la!JIIy.

~Ow~&. ·'

~Pet io~eGa i ~DUCTIORI 'ldtb-:trCTipNt "R. di~~eorting.ud~,.eoo'LtJtt.iCl·,·a~ FQ~ . 9.D.e .. JJ9~~ :~0~. !

nrfiiJJe' ~ftilodl In auaga;'y. Sonral w•n• fn'Traat.fli[Uia ate fnga~

EngeD¥1 U. arrieecJ',..P_. ill · J

Dac. 12-W.,r ~JrMD J'.up& ud ..U,.. aiui,!l ll!evU~abl .. _ Leronr, .fre,c_h ...., qf ,Juaticae. re-Jtll•ecl. . • . . .

PatDen f A-'~ • "**' IML TrillJ or ~ ..,...... -,.DM,Il y.wrcJe,. ' ..

B.muu-neea of_c~~e'bpt·~IJ I l ~ll"GtM'lttNE U I. "l r

preaclaers by ·. JS '. N-:-·G·· E. :Jl·. ,, · Fou'a Boo~ ""--·-·· Ulatttn.r.acl. ) . • ,• , t Tbe ChoiCe -

....., · "- '· :To }J \ ~trtJD

TnE ~

B{U'ety Fund Sy.s~sm ~ . .

~ROTEO'r.ION . .. L.~te~\ .Arr~~lla .l Lo .. , lj,.' J'all~ ~lit eo~pan,y, ~~- N.EW ·· r.i()OJJS r

J?OI-1~· . ' ; 1 ~ Large PretD.luma aDd ~~~tiQU_, 1 A •H · SEY.'IVI'Q'E.T.R

t1 J.U1.0COt.SIIq • l .,. • ' • , ""+ ~ · :---;-<>- , · , .be3J1 to Anlloune.s lo t\u; pubtie Ibn; ho hiUI . •t ,.a1 ~ •fit nu"' his ue\? lrtbdt ol~E~Iitb.l:)c()tdt ami

ll )·1 , "ITC A!ll.c~ ~{)O.US, comprpoUig iloru~ l!pcl:i-~ ' \. !'lkca. "fiZ., l ;

. • lloncy, Frenoh ll111clcin~t ' r ·.;fl'll ·Ct~~Mp!!l!ftf. ~yrul~ of rUI.IU.otb, l)ry't E:ttmct or P<><*' Mit. W' ..,...,.. 46~ • . ll,ro• tO • Co a. ct.~lcbrnted Seoteh Pteklt~t,

'1xoing n llllW Ann aupcrior l 'icklp. lH~Asylum St., lL\R;t'~ono,Conn, AI~ rc,.•:)eotcb Unm&

• • l!Aitly'l! COCOAnut, &:h11·citzcr'a Coco:ltina , , $)1-'I:'JCL:iis: ' ' 'ta Trobc'll Puro ' ulu.blfl Cocu.-. ~L,Il&o R. Gooouacu, - • • Prrai!l~nt. !knAOu'a Goff<'C wd l.ljlk. Prfl'ved Giu!Wr ~tono& 11. U .\llRJfiQ:.>, •• V.ieu-Prw1J~ut.. Dutch Cbcet c, Cp.uuec:l Peas, lk~, (. r.ouo& D. GO,OQfiiCU

1 • r • TteMurer. ;\u1tiu'11 fAncy Ui6culta in ~mall boJtell

t. N. M ANCil&STBR, • r . 1\tr1't ~ucro:t&I'J'. ~cK'cniio & llaT~cnxlu's cclcbrnted Albert J. H. Wt:LCil, aJ.n., . .. ~loJicnl Uil"t'etor. Ui~>tuit' in Uns, :?II~ cac~, ll. 1' . l>uc:IO&, - 7 ~~~p·~~cty Fu.ud Qe~p'l. Fnncy $o11ps of nil klruh.

. ·-- • AI'IO on lllWd n f<l'l' '<err cboloo b:.rrots of . . Dffitw·tpns: . FtOOlt and T ownllbtp 1lliTTtll

ALrr.eu ILGoooaucn I (:.,r.i.•JS ~liiTII, Ft<tita of all kintla nhnya kup~ on baud. Gt:or.oc G. StLL, • All t.:m, 11.\lltLTO~, Gl!o. O. 11,\lll!tSON, • lostrll ::cr.o1;s, a-ncmctubcr bcforu goiuu eU!cwhcrc to S&YliOIIo 8u:.o:~r.u., Joui· IJ. \\' J.LCJI, Jlllrch:.w nn~ Grocuries, to cnll on ,\, 11.

ELI<tUll \V,ntoaf, .Aul~ry. i)J~}')I0lTif wll('rc lOll C!LII ~t 1111 kind• of G I!:O. c. RUTJH: HFOUO, A"'"'· G oo1b iu tho Grocery liuc of the ,-cr)· beat

--:o:-- .,. qunh:y.

'fhis CoiJl,[lllny mnku 11 arccinl i1wl'sl- _0_~_~.._1_7·-----:,...---------tne.nc., Of tho"\monutr«d T,'I.I fo r the ~tfct/ 6 A p.,.. Ucposit l'nnJ, plnc:iu~r it "ith l'rudtee~. 10 $55 6 ~~ ... M:i~ ~ :1'~~~~ ~~~ wit: J{on.:nT 1~ • .U.\T an<l W. 1. ,\1,\ 'NH:.>, . • t.:.O. JUDIWUT.tV0..2lU'IIt......Sc..N.Y l'resulout ann T~:>jnrer of ~he ::lt!ruritv Co•opnny, of llnrtfo rd. Conn .. 11ucl in,·,•• ttJ in lte¢3toroo U. S. Onnd~. lOtthj~(·t only t<l t ho orde r of our tucmbortt; J•roh·cliu;f th<"l\1 from losa, lin c:onneetiou wnh l lto:ir Ot•n - .JnJl rccci~.:t! :~n<l ror s.~lo l ract or membership.) r.s eiTL-cl nnlly 1111 tl•o holders of t ho ~auuonl JL.nk U1ll~ uo Cheap for · Cash! &rcnred by tbeir dc~it with the U. S. C d S ·

. Government.. nnn a. upcrior nnd Extra

_~_ .. ,._.1v_. -N-OT_I_C_E_~ -. --IF L 0 u R ·'

Juat O"r><'nNI. op~lt'i;{~~rs. P:.toraon & Choice J;hil'y

Cos;=~·~~~~-~L~~OP BUTTE Ml' wl•e~ork will b,. done in t hu lAtest Mess P ORK, HAMS

nut! lhu4t , FASHIO.J..YABLR· STYLES. ~lo l :~; svs, ' u gat·, 'ofrcc, Gocon

C IIAH I.I·:S U(jUUO~. Oatutca l. Peas, Rice tiro. 1 '-:oap-pluin nm1 tnncy

-------------- Kl!t·oscnc Oil, &c., &c. Fisheries-i860 .



I TE "'c 1\hlc to "''Y tl,at tlttJ ('atlon · l l lnplc the f"'nt r,•u :. }Utr i.s ,.,:ry strou;:, ·

nml lhnt our fric,t:l < ,;nn h:t,..; '"" 1,. CUB. II EIWI~G, C.\ I'Ll :\ .~ L.\XC I~ ::il:l:\J::::i of Mnpcrior qu~llt.v '""lt ~oronl.!h wuil m~u­shil'· auJ :tt utisf~.:tury rn1<:1; lllw, ::,tun· oaniii i!:ItiHXG :\E I~.

\\'i t!. tho privile::c of •~•lppln~ in l!nrcb we cnu c:fTect 1\ 11:1\'inc:. ou Fn·i::lot, nn•l iu­aun: pro111pt distrib.nion 0 11 tl1dr nrripllqt ::it. J ohn'a. ·. ·

A~l t:.:lll(.;.\~ ~r:t &T\\'1::\l-: Co. Oct. ::!;). u"~ton


Str. "Lady GI:' vu::-," 1879.

1\tOXD.\ y' -Leh\'1' llnrl>Dr c;nLCO for Cllr-l>Ott('ll\T, (",.,.,, nnd Uri~n.... '

TUF.0.:.0.\1"- f, ··•v•• t:ri~u&ftor!1tl\' l:oberl.il Co.-ll, Cnd.iorwnr 1111 t llnr1Jor'Gr3CC.

\Yf.J)~ ~:'I) A Y - I N/1\'U llnri•o. C:mec for Co•·!!. R riJltU ""'I llny t :ooor~.

T II O RSO ,\ Y- Lc:t\'0 ll.'ly ' Hobcrl3 for UriJ:IIS. C9yc. aurl ll~~rbor (;rae.:·

FJUO,\ }"..,.. Lenvc llnrl10r Gn\cu fo r Car­bon~:nr, Cion·, lln)1 llobcrlfllfld u. i:zus.

SA1'0HDAY- L•avo llri;::n• forCovct Uu­boaettr aud Uarbor finLcc.

TJ)tB or Dr.ro\ltronr.-Ou Mond11y11, T ues, dny-•. Frid3yllnt<.l 'nturdBJS-9 A.ll. eh:up. Ou Wedaca•l11y~-lll A.ll, Ou ·r~uursdaye-8 .~.11.

G ?.1 .\K IXSO~

St. John's

Marble W' r·ks, --o-

r; IfF. SURSC RlllEH cl'@~tfully thanl;11 J lo is friends ond the puh(ic'~:cu•·mlly for

the liberAl patron11~:e bedo'liod npon him (o~ mnny yoa111 put, 11orl b··~• to inf(lrnl thorn th:H hu h:u now ou l"ntl t.'lo lllfl.!clt ll<>:Ck of lT.\I.IA:-. i\IAIWJ,J.; e ve r noport.-, ell into thi~ lsl~~nll, fr?ut which ho ia prc-pnred to f um i•h ·

~onumenla, Tomb-Slon~s, Table-Topl, Ma!ltel-P •ocol, &o.,

execul<ld in .'\ superior ru~nner. ~;~"" ;rorms modomte •

AI.:::.· ANI)J;:R S:.\t iTU. St. John's, May 3Q

· 'P ost-Pffi.ce Notice. -o--

M,\ U.S Cor tho n~dcrme!ltionotl P.lllllu wtll bo do•pntcl!ed from Post Offici'.

. Harbor (;~e. unli11H•\ Decea1Ler next1 u follo1n :-

f or t..John'a, Bri<:ua, and nay Roberti-' l\lol\.da¥8 t.n<\ t' rida)'a at II a. w. W cduetda/s, 1011.111, • ' For Cnrbonear-;\l onday1 aull Fridllya 1\t

!!A.m. 'I bn"1".YI:al. I p.ru. . 'l'o Nora.h l:ihoro CO,lC!l'ptlon &y llO,d South ~ooreTrini~ UI\I-,\Jo~ad!\)'1 a~ Ot..ut, Tbnrsdaya 11t l ·p.m. '

For S~u.iud'a lby 1111d :Se;.,. lhubor, TrjniJy Uf,Y-OYilry :>aturday 11• 0 ;.:n. •

For bla.ud Cot e-:W'!!dllOAdnya ~nd Sat.­urtl~ llt!) 11-m

F or South Si<lo-Ttt~la:flnud ~turdOJI at ·I p.m.

l-'or'NorlhwatdiiD!l WeKiwlll'!l per ¢oa.tal ateamers via•St,.{oho't;]';tlh,.m.oo Gtb and 20th June, ~th 11nd l&.b .rnly.let,luth 11ntl 2'.>th Alt~ttlt, atti anti'JIIIth . eptewber, l~h 1\nd 2-t~b Oe\ober, 7th nnd 21tL Novc~bor~ ~th and tOtli o-mber. ~ •

For 'Europe-a!. IC} A. )(' on ' tho 2Stb May,l I tb and :16~ J uno, Itt." 11n I :t.\rti ,July, litb and l!Olli Augnat, !lrd 11111\ l1th~p&4!nl• bor1 let, 16th ull ~lh October. lith au1l iGtll Nomn~,· 10llt anil2-itlt~tn"l)v. ~ For United :;ut.t, nomluion of Uanada ncl W.•c JDdl8-fl' 8 .uc. Qtl tlle 3rd 17th Jn t6lh mill JD&I; IUid ~~~ · Ulh aucl t3rol :str\~aOti~~r. 7&.11~ &•II AA•I

nn•l n t;encml n.uortmcut or

GR OC ERIE's .. Also-A l ot of Uhoicc


.r-." e't.'V N. STEWART.

Oct. 17.

$ .tnJ 6 .\ \\I: ~:K In v6.:r nn'n tC'wn ~~ • •b'1 flh M l it \1 n,.ked. Vo·t ~ !\) ~n rh·u lh' boto>iiWNI I\ t rht

..-hhuut ,.,,.,..... 1 ro~ lk••l o:•l"'rrc:nity C'rf'r clrt>l'\"11 for t hw .. • " ·HUn,: tv ,,.ork. \ c•.J 101iuuiJ t ry Hothilr . ..: c:"'" until yoa IH"<' lvr ,. .... ~r•t'l f whal ~<to t.":lr: ' lu ftt lht.' huthC'U " c u!t',•r. !\ o n••.u til C'XJ-11.~tfu h-rt". YP'l I'M• dr 'f'Oic all .f'''\:' ti' u" or o·•l.\' JO 1r tiJ•'\f'l-l ilu~ t.• tltl" lm ... £w·~ •u•l rj~.~ku ~'T ... -.1 p!'ty fgr C'\"try h ,Ju r lld l \ 'tHl \fOrit. \ \ 'c•.th·:t n\"tko a tt na .. h.Jt ._. rur u. t-•·rd t'r .. ~ .. a:-~.~tl vr-h··· .. , .. l't.j'4 nn..J. \nrtaeuhr,, wld,.it we ru ·~· fr .. •••• Sj , (Jut fit rt•ta. )vu·~ C"t lll~liAb v! Jur.l t iaav wtu t.• 1" 1 b•Y~ ~JU,•Io a ~i1>n ·· ·. AJdrc; • ll. U.\ L­J.i;T't' .t 1'0 .. 1\m)on.t llala~.

11~ I S !:1 E 11. -1 .E S ! 'ITaps for 1880 !

TIT£ uc prcp.,rin_::-, from lbo beat s lnpla ll Cqttop. 11 hl\r<l-lqid T'l'inc, uowo

into ~eltif!;: opeel:tlly CorTRAl'S, iu s heet• p ornea:-.<.'fl ""'de, and aofd by the pound; aldO-t lte ,Tr:tps mndu com~-tlct~ fo r uso. in lite ~st mBuu~r by experieuc:cd ,hauw :tn.J co IUlju~t.ed as not to roll or kiuk ; 70 lb& C,1ltull :Setting j:ii'C& r.hc Slime sized ~cl n& 100 11>3. ll cmp docs. Our llricca .will uu nude M tiifllctorY W tho ~l crch:tota.

.UI~HlC;\.'1 .Nf:'f & T\\'l:\E Cn. UoliWD

Ocl. 7.


FALL GOOvS. rl!"ll!E SUn..<;CRWtjtS beg to annonn'*'

. to s.he ir nwncro~:~~ pntrona (u Harbor (:moe and ontportl<, that n ln~oc pnrt. of thoir .F'AhL Goou · h:ut ju.~t l.eeu received cx . • \·om & (tliall from Livurt>aol.

Our ' ':Lrious t!upnrtmont.s ~o w~ll Ftockcd witlt nlnH>Jit O\'Cryotlo•liCt i}otion of l'lllin nnd Fnnc:y GOOU;; sui:.'\blo or Fnllnn<l \\' in tel' wu:~ r, nnd wh.ic:h •~6 cau eonfijlcnlly :ucom 1 Ul<!nd to r.hc gl)ncmi public for

G'lllqP.VES ', J)l"/U/Jl£./Tl' 11.\'D .·IP-• 1'6.1/:,11\'C:J::.

OUR r.nOCERY · Dop.~rtm~nt '"ill be found amply awc:ko<l with nll lho \"-ricd

lllliiOrtmcu~ or v

Ch oice proceries kll}lt OQ.n in ~~·hicb, wo can gi\'O the

1111ib Ca.ouon in Prij:.~: and Qua.JiV:

'fo l:cep eonlltllntly in Stoclt

P R OV IS IONS • of the i,~flt ~uality nt lowest pricca.

Otm ITA ROW .ARE Stock. i~ uoarh• ro­' pluto\ viU1 every thing ill it.a liuu Mil eau

be relied on ·ro~ ,quality. •

W' ATCIJF.S, CLOCKS •• JEWELRY ' &nd \V.BODING RL~OS 1\lwa)'ll ou

hMd and tnl:en in for r1/Jl4lrs ADd pUnc.lf· all.f at.t.Qnde1.Ho. . 1

• Tho remainder 4f o'u.r Stq<;lt from Eng­lllnd, Oniled ~Wa ~U~d CauAda ia now ox­~te.d an..! upon arri.YIII we will bq Bblc w exhiba ebmplo~ IIQtlll io orcry clo;t13rtmont.

JLLL.Uro llRO'l'UER$. Scp~ o. . . .


14USIO. BOOKS :.fOR Tid~ ,

PiAtto-forte, Orgrut, MolJdeoQ, Harmon · ·inm, etc. • • ,

].o"l)r al,o by tho Sq~i~eap for' CMh

·rh~ lfnndcl .4\lbuau for ~ho Piano~Fqrt• eoq!Alulpf! •'late ono btlnc4cd fuf!uq~'

• C.,~lat9rio.<~ And l)pc.rll ~-~~aged b7 ·\\ IJ!h01 rl. L'alJc:olt. .

$11" r 91w..J, Foo~. ,lltlU*, D~Jet.l, ~0:. Wrenth of Ge~ do. ~· WorHI of So11g. do. do. Muafc:~l 'frcllllu~, Yoc:U IWld Jnefnlllle!ltlll

:\lillie.. . • ,Pi11np-F9rtc G em•, CON)Jieto .Repertoire' of

t~ttlltmenllll llu•ic. n ome Circle, Vola. ) AD~ 2 l'iAito-Forto

)J ueic. • • · l'lanlat'l Album, Piano-Forre Muaic. Gem• of tho UAiteo, WtltUi.a, Polk .. , Gal-

lop•. ~. &c:. . &nquc~ or Music, Vocal ADd(natrument.AI,

FiNt anti Second Serie•. Gerua oi ~.tr;tuM, for tb<l l>iBoo-Fort~. C.:zeriJ,)".I St yui~" iu V:elllclty. I

j' l Ot F.lontcntl\ry Jbcrciaca lor tbo J.'illno-Fortp.

" Method for the P'Uino1


~rozuL'a 'l'wclfrh ~IMi. ' •1 Seyentb <Jo. Jo B. J..'ltat.

llaydctl'e Cr~tlou. • •· A rill nnll Glllat4!1a. " 1:·in~t~l11~ in B. Fl!UP~oorOrgiUI. " !l1oird do. D. ·

llnndol'a 1\leasi~h. " {Jn~cl io Egypt.

F11rU>t't .. ~ :II&&& in ll. ~'lnt, 1r..atin :tnd Eug­lihh \\' Otll~.

~h.'<S in F. fo r lwo 'frebleSinnd llMS- by L. IL ~utl.ud.

!!~· l':tered Pioeca for tho Unroionium-by ~.orcltonon.

Churdt Ilymns with T dnC3-cditcd by A rthnr Sulll\'an.

2~ J~lo :\lololliu o.rrnng,d for tho llu­momnm.

~looru·a l ri~h :\l plodic11, with Symphoniell noJ nccorup:~nimcnL by ' Jr .Jpbn ~tc\·cn­IWII-<~u il~tl b~· ,J. \\'. Glover Esq.

' l11c J:nynl Eclrlion oi the $9!1{:8 of Scotland · :\! nsic by Brown nnd l'illwruo, wortla ru: n sotl with notes-by Ur. Chulcs ~nc-1\ay.

11oe t:ds tol Tooc-Dook-editcll b.r Alfred 'lOUt . _,

Pi~~i":·s Best (.;ompnnion, 213 _fil'o finger 1-.>;L·rcl~~~.

2;, ' tu<lil'~ fo r t~c J'i:~no-J:'orte-by 11. 13cr tiui.

·n w l:nion ll:.rmc.nlst-arrnoscd by 'l'bo~. Clark of C11ntc rbury. •

18 $hort \' olunl:.ric11 for Oro.:nn or Il:~r­nnuinm-by J. Jlil ,·~.

I i horL P ieces for tltc Humooium (•vith­uut l'.:d:\1•)- b;,• .r. L. llnllo n.

Sdcetiun or \'oluntnrira &c., &c. for Orgnn or llnnnonuitn-br A111lrc Jl,·~.

1iO ,~olnntnricA for t hl! llnrmouium-b,· J. \\' . .Elliott. •

Short 51) \ ' olnntnries for the llrmnonium -Ly R. :\ort.lmnn u.

Hiak'd l tiO \'ulnut:.ric~. Prqlntles nnd I nter- · lucl cs for tho O tt;.'\n, llclodcoo, U ttr­motoium, .~o.

Pruct!cnl Or~;nnist, n collection of Voluu­t1rics, sch:clcd-by 1-:tlwnrrl Tr.wis.

.\ mo:ric:on :::Chool for the Mcloucon, J:cctl Oll,':ln, , ·c.

Xcw ) l ctho<l for ll•o :'l:e)oiiOoll, Cnbinct Or:;nn, &c.-by E .. \lnQk.

<.:1\Jl>el\tieJ .. II Fii'I.L /ll cthod Cor tho Pia.no-Fort('. .

ll:~raoou ium \Vilhont A :.\f:ra!er. \\'i1.ucr's :\Ill\' School ((lr Lire Melolll.'on.

P ia.no-Forte. J'crfceL Guido "

Ilrmy'a l1oyn1 :.\l orlcrn T utor. " J.illle'i L'i n~t :'ll usit: Jlool.:. " Hri nley Hi··har.l'il complete T utor. " llamiltun'll ~l o<lernftljfruelioni. " l:oo~vy'• ~in:;:in.t: ~let hod for L:ulie~. Juu;a.~j\.11 l'int1o- fol1Al l'roceptor, revised-

by \\'eat . Ori~;innl Voluntarlta, f9,r tho 0~1 or

Jlarmonltt"'-b,y Ccor:;c Forbes. S."c:retl Soo~'!lltDd $oloft. n Spfcndid l.11r:zo

l~tiiii'IO t::dition, with lJu&ic, full Gilt aides oDd c•lgcs.

· J. F. crnsnoLlr. , t. .fohn·~ . :'lfl\rolt 22d, 187~.

~otice I . ....--

PEnso~s arrivln~ BL B'ay Robert.. per 8tctHncr, 0< rowte lo linrbor Gmco or

':.rboneu, Cl\0 be Curwnrdcd by A Srruut I ~.\~1.

Af.ph• by ll'tlor, teleamm, or pen<ona.lly to J\ r. littULtHY, next door l'o.<~t Otlice..

Juno :II .


HUGH H . CAE.TER, Br.rri.aleNlt-La w. .

Corn~r PRI:::.SUO'l· r STHi:~T, St. Juhn'e. \13~ l y.

) CARD' I •

THOS. GRAY , M.D., C.M. Graduate of MeGill Unive.nity, Montrcnl,


Pbyaielo..n, Surgeon and Ac:coucheur.

ne~id..-nco-P.A Y ltOUBRTR. Offiee n~xt to T ell'JmtWt Office. W ill vi,it Port-dol·Gra1e eftry'Ihunday

BL 10 A.11". ~ Jnne N.



Tbu Pw.I.S Purify tbo BloOd, correct al1

dillot'lll't'l of t4o Liver, Stomach, l\i: ncya and ' Bowel-, and u.ro in\"\IU<~h!o in all COf11J•Iaio t.8 incidental to Fe:malea

~e01NTUEXT i1 tho c!:oiy reJttl.J~nt'll~~ rm· &d Lcgr, Ottl WOnnd3, S0tll8, a(lci U lc:cnt, of IIOWO\'Or lon~t atlln<ling. 1!0!' Rroncblpa, Diphtherin, Couglut, Colds, Oout, Rhetu\laliam, and llll SkinDU!eaaoe it Lu no oau.l.

._EWARE .Of America n Counterfeits .

--:o:--1 most rCSpE'CtfulJ.V tnko len~o to e.tll

tho ntlculion of thl' Pultlio 1:enerully to t ho fue t, that certain lloute. in . N ew Y ork aro 11011din;! to many parts of thl" globe SPUHIOUS lMlTATfONS of my Pills nnd Ointnwnt. 'l'hcso fmut!s lll'nr on th~ir lo.beluonrenddrcu in ~ow Y o t·k.

1 ,Jo not nllo~· m y M edicine. to be sold in nny pnrt ofthu United Stttt~s. 1 h11ve no Agent." th.ere. ~iy ll~ieinl's nro only ruudo by me, tit 5:!3, O.xlord Strc:ct London.

] n tho bool;s cor -tircclions nllixc<l to Lho spnric us mnl:o is u enution, unroint; th~ l'nblio ~~~oinst being deceh·ed l.y couutl!rfcitw. Do not bo JJtiRlcd hy th:11 :wdnci'ltt'l tl'ick, (1$ tlre:J or4 (/~ counter­f eits tllt:J Jll'~leud tv dt:7tOimU.

'fhese countPrfe its uo p,nrchMCd hy unprincipled y,,mlol'l.f nt OM·lt:tlf Uoo I" ic:e of my Pills anti Oiu•mcn ( 1\nd nro bOIJ to .'·ou ns my J:Cnninu 1\fedicinelL

T mo..t cnrncNLiy nrt~l t o th:lt aen~o of jn~ticc, which lleel euro I mny v('n· tltl o 11110n Bskirt!( (rom nll l•N:Ont'llbl" ~rsonw, to 1\AAIRL mn, nml the Pnlilic, 11~ In: nK m ny lie in lltcir po~·Pr, in <lc· n ouncin; thiS shnmefttl .Fr.t:td. .

J~1cn P ol nml Dux of tho Gen:ttll~ Ml'dicinC!I, brnt'S the Z:t·iti•T. G'o~:crnm~~;~ St(lmp, "il h t hu wot.Us "HoLL0\1',\1''.> 1'11.1...~ A);D 0 1!<-'Tllt::ST, Lo);liOS


thereon. Uto tlrd 11\bel is the nJ<lrcl':>, u:l:l, Ox'rono 'Tnr.ET, }.o);l)O!", wLero aloao they nro ~1Ru11f111:tm~. Jlol:o· 1r0!f'a {' ill• fmd Oi1llmcnl ~ariug any otl.u n.I•I~V:&8 c<..., C'Ufmler(citf.

T ho 'L'r-.Jdo Mnrk11 of t bc~t'l :?lf(l(iicin e nro r('gistcrr-d in Otln'C\'O. JlcnL'l', nny ono tlar.>u~hout tho D•·itisb Po.'lSl'llsion•. whu mny keep tho An1crican CountH· fc its for "''ll', will bo pro~ecutcd.

Si!;IICU 'fi!O!\IAS H..OI.LOW .A. Y .

633, Oxford Stret>t, L ondon, J!\n. I , 187!).-m. l.


Assurance Company. FOR

F:I:R....b.i db L:I:F.El

CA.Pt'rAL-£3,000,000 Stg.

FIRF. PnEi\IJ UM::>A ....... .......... i"-03,000 Ll FF. do. . ................. ):ii,OOO L.'~r!:J::REST .............. .............. 101,000

IIF. AD OF.FI<S£8: l .O:<.'llo~-1 .lloorg.~tc Street. All&no£.:.'\--3 !\ins St.toeel.

Ia~Ur:\nce~efl'ocedon rroywrtrio N o11'­founclland :at CurrentRatoa of .Pr~:~

• • r..tum. P::oapoetuso~.-Forme of Ap.Plicntion

fvr lo'iru nntl Lit'e I.n.surn:ti!O nud •all o thr r Tnf.:~rmntton etn bn obtaiued at tho Ollico of

A. O. UA YW ARD St.John'a,Apt for Noll. ·

Page 4: COICI.TIO DVlk - Memorial University of …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...COICI.TIO DVlk J VO~UME~. ~dvertis~ments! C~ages! C~iag~s! WARJ;U1N&WHIT~AN JAYES

IN »bi'& Wbn .... ID)" IIUIIlarY hftrth 1111\ . , ,\nd liatd'ul tboll!,~111tu"'i'"9 ~y 110111 fn ~:I nom: ''tlien UU Wt drUIWI IJc.(oro 'lt>y " mhlll'l ")'0~

• Tha~ clepel\da "~" how lt1a d 9ne,1 "--ll Sbvck. • \\'\o bu bi!W die wo~. ~I'&J',

' for the piteltiua Into Buclldale? CaA hi!, or IUI,tbody dlle ~~~~~a flngor and 1!11)'. •4 It w61 you did it ?! or " It was JQU ?" ]11oy Cl\llnOt.'

1111, • • a.. AD'l ,._ 11-"',M.Itl'(>( lifo p'I'Helili 110 ~I 13~ lfn" ! . n....._t 'b&ltft DjiOR me lll...t, ' .Ab d -'r· 0.)' ~9tD!boA'6'ft~1 '*"'- . Whe11~·•r I WU~dh, ill t\o fall of nll!bt,

\\:bol'9 'wovoo ~ •hut out the rooon'• . twf~'lll 'r-.'1, . Sholl l•l \ad U..ponolOII<')' NJlDill'fn~~S friJ:hl,

Ali4'fn\wntodrh••falr (.;h-.rluf...,.. owoy. lpHD ._.hh the DIUC'ubeaml thruu~rh lba l•ofy roof, ~od U..p tb&t. O.ud D.,.!IOuoiOUOO f&r aloof.

Slonald Diappoloha~nt. parent of OeApalr , Stri•o for h•r .OD "' lkll&o ruy carer ..... heat' Wb~o, li.lto a cloud. loa o.llo up.•n tbo air,

P"'J'"rl"lf on W~ apall· l.nW!d Prt')' 19 doorl : 'OltoN him a,..-,y, aw..,llfn{'O, wll.h vi~ \"'ii'ht, .Aud fright bhu, u tboln(lflllD& frighten• ofgt.q

W'hene'tr Lhe fafo ollltalo lllnld ~.,.t dalof T .. n. to • 1 ( ... nul brauto tale ot aorT<Iw,

0 bris\~-<oyedllor>O my UWlrLiol fa,...rchou; l-et me awltllo tby .,. .. ..,, .. , comlon a bnrro,..:

Thy hoii\'OD·born rMIIan<'i' orounol Nn I h .. I, .Auol wuoiLyoii\'CI' vtafolll o'« my hhd!

Sltuald ~·.,.,nba~py lore my"""""' "'~In, J'mra « uel ••rouL&. nr reh•nllc-a fa.lr,

0 let,...tb.inlo; It fa not quito In • alu Tu •IJ:h our ooontl<o to tho midull{bl •lr!

Sweet lin))<'! olloe"""l t..ain• . ul"'n me •h,.J, And ..,.v. lby slh·ut•lnl<lus u r r tQJ' b.,..d,

l n the long •i•t• oltbo )'oara to rull. J4d. ma nat ~• our country·• honmJf hul•!

0 lo~ mo aeo our l•n•l r•tuln her IOitll Uor 1•rido, b•r lrondum; a.t1d no\ l.._tolll'l

oluulr. Fr~m thy brl(lltl ryu unu•uol brlj:tbln.,.. ebool­.lkneatb tby vinlonl c:anoro- Ill)' bc.oJ !

L..t me not • .., tho f\lllrlol'a bl~;b l""Juoat, G.· ... t llber1y! bow lfl'6>1 In pbio attire!

' VIIh tloo bue rurpl•of. court Ol'jlrcu'tl, l.lowlnl( bor b .. d. o.nd -dy In erplro:

Jlut lot~~~~ oco tb"" alnop Iron• II""""" on "'IDi'l 'l'hat 811 lbo llltlea witb £Uv.-r glittuln~'11!

A n•l•• · *" rporl.:tln~ mojf'oly. A atu Gilda tile l>ri~ht •umruit "f l<ltM ~:lonm• tlnuol1

llri~-blt•lllnj; tho half-•oll'ol faoo oll"''"'tu' afar 1 So. "'hUll dArk tbuugbtf Ul)' boding ovlrlt

•broud. !;wl'f'l, lin!'<'! .,J .. tld ln8nenco rnunol me ahod, 'Wa,ing thy •il~cr plulou• ... cr DIY b ... d.

- E t ..U..

DT u. w. lDsO r iLLOw.

('1(Ad0 from n fetter Of fk>nivanJ, thO prJ. FOnur of Chillon : the hnndlo of woou Iron> the frigAte C..'oll<litulimt, nnd bound with A circlet of gold, inset with thf'\•c pre<'ious lil4nl'o froru ::)ibcm, Ceylon Md .\!rune.]

I l houj::'ht tlai1 J)4!n ,,.nul•l ariso }''r~'tu th• e.• kct wh ... ru it lit"li­

(Jf it~lf woultlariu.aDd nr1t0 lly dc'Ulktl auol roy •urpr!oe.

" ' hen you ~'"" h mo nnder thft pfnra, l dN'!'an1ud 1J.,.~ ~IUI!O frlUU tl10 nHOC4t

Of S ob<rio, f'<Jrl .. n an•l Moiu• W dulU glhurQt'r a. tbvubhl•u.- tho JIMCs ;

Tl~tlhl• iron link from t bo cl~iu 01 Uouh·:~~r.t bu~llt rutlun

Sumu Y't' rJ4.Uut rh., a,oor whn pug Of tlte proiiUD• r aoJ Lio p;Uu ;

T hAI I hit "'""'' fr"m the hit:"lo'o IIIUI lf htbt wrl1f!' n\~" rl.ynau a l l• • t .

' Ono might DO~ co~o off ~ with the liko luck.'

• Pahaw I' retnT1\e<l &n\. 1 'Von, let tho trail4rs alone, ' tq go t.bcir O'l'n wa,y io tri· umph if you lik\l ; 8'\lt' up a ploao of l?latc for them. with \J\eir nama wroi-Q on it an gold. It ~ickena ODO 14 MO you uuo fellows going over to tllo opprculoniat&'

• llbw do you t.nako out that Whito and thcu1 be op~oniata ?' •

• White and t~m ? 'l 'b8}' are worae than oppreuionill&, a tbouaaud tinoes O¥ur,' 6crcely eri.:d Saf\1. •1 can't find • ·ord.t b:ld enougl\ for ·lht m. It ion't of them I llpoko; l apoko of tho mut4rs.'

' W ell, Shuck, thurc'11 oppi'CI&ion on all sides, 1 think,' excll\imod ouo oi \,lao mun. • l'd bo glad to rilo in the world if 1 could, and rd work ovo.~r hours to help mo on to it and to e~to ~ey ~hildn:n & bit better tlwl common ; but If you oomo down upon mo and SAy, •• You lhAU not do it, you alulll only work tho stated hours l&i\1 dowu , and uobotly llball worlt moro," 1 call th&t OJ'PI'\!WOD, I

' So It 1~,' usonted nnotl1or voloo. ''Il!o m t\l!lt!1'9 no\·or ojlJlrc-.lualiko thAt. Thoro's one ~nllition l't liku to lt:wo 1\n&wcrod­but Im 1\f\ll\ra it no,·cr ,..iJl bo 1\IlAwcrcd, will! Mti.tnction to us. W J.nt ia to boeomo of tl\aao men thM tho llli\Stcrs oan't find employment for ? H C\'e ry o11u of ua WIUI frco to go b:>ek to work to·nlOrt'OW, 1\tld I!OIIC:ht to do ao, where woulll we get h? Our o ld shov- oo hall filled with. strangcN, a\)d there'd ho tbous:\lld& or us rej....:t.cd­nb ro~u for ua. W ould tho. aocicty kocp tUJ ~·

A omowhat difficulty question to Anower, C\'01.1 Or !)JispoQ' &m. l'orhaps fo r tl\ftt rc.von ho au den~)' cnllc<l out 1 llllllh !' nud bent his head nnd put up hi, fiu~:·cr iu the attitttdo or li&t~uin~r.

• Thcro is I!O'net.lolng unuounl ,~:oing on in the street,' Oril'il hu. • Lc's se" wltllt it is. '

'They hurried out to tho atroct., SAtu lend­In~; tbe wny, ~ 0 1 a !,'(loin I a !Toot to look llllOII tlotlt wintry U.~y. takiug it witl1 ull iiAI II(.'COMOriO!!. li i\Jf.clothctl, half-al:trvcd ctnn· cit\1('<1 men stood nbout in (1t'OOpa. I heir Jmltl fet\tUrct• t\11<1 giOOUlY c~proaJiiOn Of dc~pnir tdlinlt 6..phoouo tnk A diirllront ~ut of men entirely. to look nt., from tfooso of the •wJI . to -do rollicking oltl dny" oJ work, cou­tont.ntcnt, nod froctlom from C.'lrc.

lh·iug Ull\n!hnll~tl do•m thu street in 1111 pnlito n ml\rtncr t\.11 wna oouai&lent with tbo ocC:t.~ion. """' .\lr. J:unos J)uun. llo wna on Ilia ro~o l to pri8on : nnol cortdtl choice spirits of UnJfoohl'~ ll11lis:bt, !tended by :\ll"'. Dunn, wcro in " "endQ.nc.•, hooting and yelling at the c.\jtlltl'\!n<, As if tbts wRs nnt c nout,:b c!lttl!O u ( •lillturbf\oC(', no"'" nro11u t41rot \1\C Dunn landlord, finding the house t.crupor­nnly tll.oln•loucol by 0\'c ry 110ul~'\ ch.'\nOO bo hl\d lx-..·n lool:iu~: for- impro,·cd tho ortw· 111n11y w look tho stri'CI •loor and lioop thum ouL :-> othiug WM befol'\! .\Irs. I>unn :wtl lwr chilrlrun hnt tbc r nruh Cnion.

·I duu't Cl\f~ whether it ia tho mast.cn~ thl\t hM'I' hcon in fnuh, or w!K!thcr it's I.IA; 1 know which J<idu 1(\!ta tbo Kttft'crings,' CX· c·lnimcd 11 mt~hnuic, as ~lr. )huon wns con­,·cyud l>t•yaud ,·icw. ·,Old ,\ bel Wh.ite told wo truu; nrll:cs ne•·or brou.:ht uothms but mi~ry ycl, nnol they uo\·ur 111ll. • ·"'it ulk'd lo wri tit, on th,. .k,y

Th.e wug o! lbu .e• ao\.1 L1&6\.

l J\nt morfont&U u t w•tt. ' J.itu • b1" t•o p lying in sfntr, ._

L ie•tht' J,.,.ll '"ith it• tUitru u! b-all.!, .Au\.1 i t;; JtHr ul• un•1o.!ato.

Theon mu•t I •rw-•k IUi tl .... , .

'J'ha; tbu ti,.:lat u f : hAf !Jum;n ,.r d 111y In the p f'olen u rul(' r t4l~ lJUJr!l

Shall nul fwo ~uoli"' .. aw.y,

I ohall&e<> v~n ot.Anollnj: th• ro. -- , c:.~,.~ of tlu:t fr·~n.nt nar.

V•"hh lhu aludow U ll YvY r file"(\

A rail t ho ~~ouuablnu ~ •. u y:.ur baa.

I I '

Sam :-ihnck aci:reol upon the occ.,aion to , <lmw t~ronnd him " ~«•lwt 1\Utlicucc. nnol to

lou!. I fo rt.h to thcu1. TrCIIl!Ou. f:U>c nntl per­niciOus llouugh it WI\$ , thnt he spoke, h is or:>tory fell fklNIII:uih•uly on the cnr. lie ,·xcotcd the men lll,;niust the m.,.;t..:no ; he ex­,.11,••1 tlt<·n• to ltiw utm•l"l power "!."'inn the men 111Jo ltA<l llOt'<' L.'\ck to work; h~ in­n""''''! llouir JIIU<ilious. he ren·ertcd thl·Tr 1'\'"·'ton.. Alto;:-cthc r. iJI.fcclw~ Rnd cxcitc­met}lo were •nwuldcrin!C in nn unw;n~l <lc­j..rtro in )Jr<ITuolil'• Uulight . n.ml lt \\'1\i kopL up thron.:h the J i,·e.Jon~ ohy.

I E•···nin~o: c"onc. T he hell mng for the

o•c~<n.'\UOn uf work nl ~lr. lluntcr~. 1\UU lite nocn rome pouring forth. Th~ lr.lll·lounp at the gntc sh<.'tl n brilli:u•t ~ i ~b t., 1\lld the hl\nds olispcn>cd- sumc one \\Ill' , sonoo nuolbcr.

I ''"'n bt.u tl•e ••f"'f'·l lf'.ll\" looo 0( 11 , ·o(C'Ct l~furt" unk nown, S•yin~. ·• 'fbi• at~ (rom mtt to .Jo.tl­

f'rom 1110. oud lo yuu o.lano>."

.A n•l io word• not f•lle ant! v~toln 1 •ball ltoDIWcr And th.,uk yuu at:'ftln

F'nr the ltih aud I b et ... ,...,.NO uf tl.. gUt . 0 bcautlful Ud <>U oJ }J~fuo:

.Ao<i forOT'T I hi• girl will IJG

... -\a A h!h .. iu~ front ,.nn tn m..,, • o\ 111 A tlrov ot ,da~ ~ew ol )' OUr yuutb

On the Ita<., ~f ao •b"<i Inc.

-llarp<'l'·, f or /Jttxmli<r.

1 Life's Secret. Dr lfr.s. Ht!'r.r W oon.

-:o:­( Co,tinud.)

CHAPTER J\."YIIJ. BJN'GS.were coming to A crilliA. The

men had done their beat to bold out as:Unat tho ma&~l'll; but. they found the elfort '*M untenablc.-that they

muli gi\'o in at. lut. 'l'bo proopec:t of re­t\u'uing 14 work -.a eagerly welcomed by the l[fftter porti(io o f the mon. Rathe r than hold out longer, they w9uld hue gonu beclt upon alroott.any t.ermL Why, then.

• DOt bare gone beclt befons? m"y bo aaked. Becaute, they prtfcirrtd to · rcaumo v ork with tho content of tho Uruon, !'lither than •ithoot it. A few were bitterly en~ at the tum a&irll woro taklng~f whom Sam Shock wu chief ... With the return of tho haDda to work, Sam· aw 1110 fteld for tho exarcile or bia own peculiar talenbl, unl­it wu in lt.irring up fresh diloootent for tho future. ROwover, It wu not yet ft.nally ' arJ'&IIi'lld that work ahollld bo lle8Ullltd : a little moTe ~tation might bo piCU4nt lim

• H"a a (ow white-llrered ' bounds IUDOU.C: yoW'Iclva ~ ha.·o epoilt lt'all !' growled &m to a knot of hitherto lttwn.ch fried., a day or ttro eubeequent to t.bU eonjupl dJt. pate beWeen ltr. and Mn. Dunn, which you had tbe pdtkat.ion of ..ming ·~ in the "*. ~IA)r. •Wbcm tuch men u White• and Buondale, and Darby, who ha,.. Wd 101110 1Waf among yot:, tum --a., and ao OYU t.O tho 119111, W• only Ul • be e~tpec&ed &ha~ you'll turn- omeeka IUid

follow. 0116 fool nuket ~ Did JOD hear how DarbJ ,o~ OllL hia ?'

•.No.' ~ • The men :l"f~oeed the.UIIlon, op~

to .u, beard lUI iatiq them, and they .... • C'l11bbod together mad"o up tho <tin, nod ... Dufw II to 'f/11 ' eo •~Ia a week-

two a\illl.p. 1 It I& JW• rd 11o ~ ...a.r oblijl&-' ... 1101l-t1lllaell& men .r• .... ,...,. ww pod ..... the

cloae;roa!' • ..... a.,..... •n_..,.._. -lld·MII'CII ...... '

Thol<C benrins: toward& ();<ft'odil'a Deli~tht h<.'CI\IIIC htll•'ite, U thoy Appronchll<l lUI ob. l'<lnrc portiou o f thu road, wluch ley ~"t A d,.d wnll. tlt.'\l It buro All uuusuru appear­ance. 1\A if dl\rk furms were hofering thOI'O. \\'hM ooultl it oo 1 ~ot for long were thoy kop~in ignuranco.

There 1\tO'C 11 tr•rrofic din, enough to AtArtlo the un"ary. Yells. ~ro.,ue, hootio~ ltiaeJ!, thnont; , w~rc puurecl forth upon tho work· men ; anti llo<•y knew th:l.t they Ua:l fallon into n11 10111\llt.Jl ,, r t.bo •ooietfA 111011.

Of women t1JJ10, ns it "PPCIU'Cd. For ahrill notes ""d ddicruo wortlll of Ab~, certainly ouly peculiAr to ladic~· thronL.' were pt'etty freely mingled with tho gruff tones of the IDC II .

• \"ou be nice nine-hour chap"! Come on, If ~ott'ru not cowMJB, and hA\'o I~ out in a {Q.tr fight-'

• A fair fit;b~ !' ohrlcked n fcmruo voice in interruption, • who'd fight with tltem ? Tmiton! Cowarda! K nock 'em do1m and tra.mr,le upon 'em !'

• 1 1u neu 'em 14~t.ber with cords, nnd dmg 'em nlong like beMts o' burtlen in the faco and eye~~ o' Loudon ! Stick 'ern up on !pikes! H~ilct-'em on to tho lluup-poaUI! llolcl 'em he!ld down'ards in 11 bo1'116 troug h ! Pitch inl4 'ero witl1 quicklime and ro~un <'lll.'li t Lrip 'em nud gi~o 'e01 a 0011~ o' tar! Wring thcll' nceu, llUd have dono with ·ern!'

While tllct!ll lle\'CI'Ill complimentary I Dg· ~liollti were thrown from 111 mAllY differ· cut quarlllrs of tho asM.illlnts. one o f them had quietly lllid bold o f Abel White. Thoro was little doubt-according to what ~me out afwrwardl-that be Md Hobert Darby were thll tw.b men chiefly almed at in thla night ll.!a&ult. DMby, bowevor, waa DOt t.bcro. A• it bal•J>Cned, bo luul turned the contrary way on le&rinf tlto yllrd, having joined ono of tho men 'l'bo lwl lent }¥tn 10me or tho money to get bia toola out of p!edge, and gone to...arda bla homo wiU1 htna.

• U thee C.'ll'Ctt for thy lilo,1t.bee'llttop in­doora, and no~ go a.uigh llun~r·a 7ard !~pin w work !'

Such were tho word.l bi.OO forth in a wbiJper into the ear of Abel Wlute, by tho man who h!ld aoiud upon him. Abel peered at bim lUI keenly Rl the darkneu would per­mit.. White waa no coward, and aithough aW'IIJ'e t.lult this at tAck mott probably bad him for its chief butt_ ho reWoed hia ' com­pOiure. U o oould n ot r~ize the man­a Wl mAll, in ll luge, l oo_, blue froek,anch M il1ometi.mra 'I'OTD by bnt.ebert, with a red woollen crint wound rouctat1 roud bia thrOat, bidiog Qia chin and mouth, ud a aoai..Uin cap, Ita dark 'ean' bcoap~ down on die tldea ol t.bo '-• and tied UW4or t.bo

Tbe -1 harl .,.... N wrapped rfJ~~~~.!!~~ ......... :- far

you a.n"Jndmidato. I am made oht.emer atulf tlwl that.'

• Swear!' "W&I tbo rqe~ retort; ,.....,. thai th~~e wou" touob . aoother atoku o' work..' ·

•I toll you that. I nenr williWearlt,' an· jl'l'ii.Y and finnl.v l'OWmcd White. • 1'ho Union baa boodwluktd DIAl lona enough; 1'11 baYO nothi»g to do wi\11 it.' '

• '.llwlre be de.perate moo round )'0--t.bem u won't le&1'0 yo with whole bonoa. · \ fou .hall awear.' ..

' 1'11 have nolhl113 moro to do wllb tho Union; ru DO\'Clr again oboy It,' anawered White, apcak.ing e&n~estly,

• There t ruJ.ko your mott of lt. · If I . had bu' a friendly glra111 of light b~re, I'd know who you aro, and l et others know.'

Tho c011Iuaion ~und had increliiCld. Jlot '1\'Qrda wore pusing ovcrywboro between tllo uailaut& and tho ua.'\lled-no poaili\'c &&1!&\llta., aa yet, uvo that a WOIWU'I bnd ahakcn her 6at in a ID!ln'a faoo IUld apit At him. Abol White etrovo to ~ct '"'"Y with the la.st worda, bot the mll.ll 'lll'ho lwl bec11 threatening him etntok him a llhMp blow bo· tween lho eyca, which oaused the eparlta 19 lty.

J\not.bor InstAnt and 1\o li'U clo'IVIL · II ono blow waa d<'al~ him, t~lf WON from aa o\1\lly dUI'crent ltADdJ. Tho t:Lll mJW with tbe cnp was busy with hi.a feet ; And it really IIOCmccl, b7lho ntllnnor bo went into tho pnaliruc, that ht. wbolo he&rt went willa it, and tunt it wns n heart of re,•engo.

llut who is thiy, pWihing hid way through the crowd with ~t.crn authority 'I A police­lltllll ? Tho mon shrnnk b.'\ck, in thctr f~IU', to si''C hiul pltU:o. No; it iA only their mas­ter, :\I r, Clay.

'\\' h:'t is ll1ie?' oxclnimcd AI.IAtiq, when ho r CI\Ch l'<\ tho point or batte ry, I la it you, \\'bite~· ho added,etoopiug d own. • I euspccted 1\S much. N ow IU,Y men.' lm eon­tinucd in A st.cm tone, na bo fnccd tho ex­oiled dorong. • wbo t\f'O you ? which of you bM dono this ?'

• 'l'bt: ringleader W8.'1 hill\ in lhc Clip, oir­tho 1411 one witlt tho 1'\:d olotb round his neck. and tho fur nbout bi~ Ct\1'11,' spoke up White, '\l'ho. though much mnltro&tcd,, rtl · Wncd tho UliO or his brain.!{ and h is ' to tlgue. · It wa., hitn thnt thrCAt.cncd me, nwl w t\8

t4o first to act upon me.' • Who aro you!' demanded Austin of tho


Tho. 1:"11 n01n re•pon~ed by a ctniot Jnugh of dcn&~ou. llo felt hilni<tlf pc rlcctly lle· cure from rceognition in iho dark ob.'ICttrity; nnd though :llr. Clt\y \\'8.'1 o f powcrlul fmmc, wotc thnu n IM.Ulh for lti01 in n,.,..;,lity nod atrcngth. lot him only 1ltuc to lny n linger upon hirri. nnd thero wc.ro plenty, to,round 14 come to the T't!I'CUc.

A1111tiu Cl11y hcnrd tho dorioivo l~>ugh. et\bdt~c&l though it WI\& llc took hi! hMd from within t ho breMt of bis coat. ami mis· cu it willt a hMty tuotiQJt- not to <ll:nl n blow, no~ ~ith a piato1 '14 111Artlo or tncnACe, but with a tlark l&ntoru ! ~o pisl41 could ha ,·eatMtled theru 1\11 diol

tbnt sudden flash of bri$lbt light. thrown ft~ll, t\11 it wM, IIJ>On the t.nllmlln'11 face. O fT flew thll man with a ye ll, Md Austin coolly tumerl thc lMtem upon others.

•Huuuut--And Strood-nnd R vAn-an.J CRMidy !' hll exclnimed, recosni~ins: nml le l'ng o lf tho men. • .\ nd !!""· Ch~ck! I 11~\'.:r would have 811t!pcct.ct1 you of ~ufli. c:c.ot eonr:~Su to join iu a thing of tltia lUI· tore.'

l'hcek, midwny between AhllkingAnd tcnr!l, 80hbo<l Q UI tl~~t it WM • the wifu 11111de ;' 1\ud :ll rs. Cheek rol\red out from tho renr: · l"'es, it wu, 1\nd shl•'d h..wc shook tho bones on~ ofloim if be lu1dn't conw:

llut tbnt light, tumiri~t U{IOn them 0\'Cry­where. was rnorl! tl1nn they tu.d bnrgnined for, 1\nJ the wbolc lot mo,•cd 11\\'t\Y in tltc best• mnnner thllt they could, puttiog the etenlthieAt nncl thl' quickcot foot for~ moat: oach OtJc do,·outly hoping. 1 a :o th~ fow wbOliC tll\moa had been mentioned, thAt hi11 own rnco had not lK!on rccognizc<l.

Austin, \fith somu of his workmen who h:\d r.:mninod-tbo grc.'\Wr portion of them wei'\! pursuing the Vt\nqui3hed-r i l'tl Abel W hito. IIi• bend wM cut., his b. dy br I cd but no ll(' rionll dam~e 11ppen" tl o h we IJ<'cn done. ' CAn you '1\'&lk, with &J iltanCJ, t\.11 f:tr u ~lr. llioo'a ahop ?' wed Amtin. ·

' I daroMy I ,CAn, sir. iu a minot•• ; I'm & bit stdcly now,' wu White's rellj. as he !CAned his hllck agninat t ho wail, I.Jcmg sup­ported on either sido. • Sir, what 1\ mercy thllt you had that light with·you I'

' Ay, • llhortly replied Austin. • Qu&lt\~ theru's the blood dnppinll tnon youraleove. 1 will bind rny handk, raliief round your ltct\d, W hile. .\lt'llnwbihi, o uc of you go nnd c.'\11 t\ Cllb ; it may be better that we get bim nt once to the aurgcon's.'

A cab wna brou:;ht, nnJ Wbito Maiated into it. Au4tin a.ccompanic1l hiru. Mr. llioo was at hollll', and procecd~d to e x­runino into tloo damAge. ,,A few days' real fm m work, rutd a hooi'al application o f ~t'cking plMU!r, would prove cfficacioua in effecting A cure, he beliu•od. • What a pity but tho rnffillJIS conld oo atoppcd at thi3 gnme,' tho docl4r exclaimed to Austin. ' I t will come 14 at.taek.a m :>ro 10riou.s, i1 &rU not.'

' I think this will do aomcthing towards otoppin[l it,' replied Aw;t i J.

• Why? Do yott know any of them ?' A w;tin n><lded. • A few. It is uo t a

IK'cond Ct\&0 of im~blo identity, as was &xendalo's.' ·

• I nm auro I don't kno"' bowl run to ~o home in thia pll~t.,' exclaimed Whi:o. eatd ting wight of hill rtntpped-up fACO nod bead, in a 'arualJ looking-glaa~~ htn,tin~t in Mr. Rioo'a surgery. • I .hall frighten poor o ld father into a 1i \ and the wife, too.'

•I will go on firat and p :epare them,' aid Auatin, good-1111turodly. '

'fuming out of thu abop oo this ert'l\lld, he found tho door bloclted up. 'fho door! ruoy, tho pavement-the •trect; for it acom· ed aa 11 all DaJrodil'• Delight bad coUec!OO th~re. He elbowtd his way through tllem, ana reached Wbit.o'11 home. Thoro tho nen had pruceded hi m, and he found the dctpea~ d.i.ltl'\!11 and excitement tho family ba1'ing ~n WQnned waa k illod. Anat.in l't!MIIIrcd thom, madn light of the matter, 1111d dep&rtcd.

Out&ido their oloeed-up bomo, equatiiog tbo n&rt'O.,. atrip of p&YfiDIOnt, their

apinat tho dlrt7 wall, were Ml"'. Dunn and her children, howllng pitiabl,1. They were eurt'Ounded with wanu partisan•, who tpent their breath eympathialilg wit.h them, 1\Dd AbUIIing tho landlord.

' flow much better thai tltey Bhould go into tho wor khouse.' exclaimetl AuatJn. ''!hey will perilh Yith oold ii they relllAin thoro.'

• And muck )'011 mutera 'ud care,' cried a WOIIWI, whO oYerbearcl tho remu\. • I hope 1oa are adefted .11ow ylth t.bo elfecua o( ,oar be lock-oat I Loolt u ._ poor crtaiar, a li~ t.bore wit.b her helpt­~ .. . ·A-~'o,...._~ •bn..,

tile eloota cil die looll;-ocat. Yoa .-look _...._. . .., . ... of J)Miodn'a ..

• Wblle iheet 1Nn1 ~n eolenld tho home of Mr. , .wlo· much u ..,tug, wilh y•r J or *!i loa ft. 'Ibti pnlliaaan, wlao a.d in doora all t.lio moruilla• io a.,... ~tllll· ble aori of mood, whi¢1 bnptrted mil~ aur· prile to ?41'1. Shu~· 'fAll ~ IIIWI~g doe 14 dinner In the bdiiOco of 'bia Waill7; a aarory dh111n, 10 1!¥1P!JU• ·the llAI:ll, CIQJI • ll&tlnlt of rabbWud onKma. •

• Now,~ Sbqok, •lY&Q~ :JOU.' 'Ifill Uao •tartllnf interruption.

SaUl turued u wblt.e u a lhoet. , :UTI. Shuck atared, an<l t.bo cllildron. atarcd. .

• Want me, do you?' aaid &m, puUina'u eur, a faoo u bo oould upon t.lio IJIALCer. • \\ ba~ do you waot aao for ~ 'l'o giro cl\i· dcuoo ?' '•

• You know. lt'• abou' ~' row lut. nillht. I wondQr yon. lladn" hotter regard for your liberty thau to g<!t Into it.'

• Why, you novu waa •uob a fool "N to put yoni'!Kllf into tbal !' exclaimed .MI"'. ~bul:k, in her eu.rprllle. • Wbat- C0"\4 ~yt.re poeseaed you ?'

Ill' retortod ~; •{ don't kno1r any· thing about the row, 'OXCept what l'vo board. I was a g~ mllo ol{ h om the apot whon i~ took place.'

• All Tory well if you can. conrinco tile waglstratoa qf ~t,' aidlllo offi~r. 'l{o.ro'• tllo WILM':UI t DguiDit you, and l moat t&ko you on it..' ·

• l won't go,' l!lli<l 5a;t, allowing fight ; • I \Vntm't uigh the place, I tilly.'

'l'hc officer was pcn!lt'lptory-omcersgcn· e rally 11.ro iu Ut<*l CMc~d &m Wt\11 YCry foolish 14 resiat. Uut Ulllt be wns acared oat of bill acna~s. ho would probabl)' no~ llavo re~~d. l t onl.1 mado t'Witler!l wo1110; and tl1o rcault was. that bo ha4 lbo hand-cull'• clapjled oo. Fauoy Samuel Shuck, Eequire, in bill ori~n neck-tie with tbo lnoo coda, 11nd tho peg-14pe, being thus escorted ll1rough Daffodil's D elight., h.inU>elf and bls hnuds prii!Oncl'll, nod a tail U.e 4\Pgt.4 of tllo &trcet • trcAming afttlr him. ·

Y ou eoulll not have got into the police court. E~ery "'·enue. every inch of Jli'OUnd WM occupio d ; fQr the men, both Unionilllll nnd nqJhVulonillts, 'l'ete greatly cxcitfll, nncl 110ught 14 hel\r tho p~t:dinga.

'l1te five men were pla.ccd at tbe bAr­Shuck, Benne t, Check, ltyan, and Strood; And Abel White llnd biB bandaged bcac.l'op­J>Cnred 1\gl\inst them.

'l1oc IUilD-~YO bia \'\•idcnce. fiow be 1\nd othilf!h-but himt!Cif, he thought, mOro par­ticufMly-had been met by t\ c rowd tho pruvioUII ni~ht, upou loaviug work ; how tho crowd btu! flnt t~n~nteuoo nnd then Jx\1\tCII b'ro .

' C :\11 1 011 tell wluit their me t' •·o was for doin~ tina?' noked the uoagiatmw.

• Yes, air. IL wn$ because I went hllck to work. I held out M long as I collld. in olo Lienco to tho 'I'radCII' Union: but I be­(,:1111 to thh1k 1 ~·u hi e'rt'Or, tWd tlUI~ 1 oqgM w return to work : which I did. tt week ago. ~incc thou, they hllve nc,·er let ntc alono. ' l1tcy htrl·e tnlkcd to me, and thi'CAtencd and ponmad~od me ; but I would not liatcn; and IDI!t niicht. they auaeked me.'

r W hat y,·cre tlw threats they used last night ?' .:'•

' n \\"!'II one mnn did most o f tho tnl.k.ing;. A tAll rnnn inA cap and cumforwr, air. Tbu rest o f tho crowd Abused me aod called rue nnmca, but tltey did not uttcr Dnyr•rticu!Ar tl1r<!lll. 111is ml\11 llnid, would prom;JlO ttnd 11\\'4;1\t' not 14 do any more work, in d.l­ftAnoo of I he Union; o r ci~C 1 ahould IN~ e\ o:y bt.onc in 1uy body amMhcd. lie to!cl mu w remember Ito"' &xcndalo h~d I OJn acn'ed t\nd Willi lying with Gl.a rilw Bl4vc in. l refused : I l!llid 1 would no1'cr belo~ to tho l ' n ion A,(ll\in; tuid the n he otruck ltl • .'

' WhJre <lid he atriko you ')' • llcr.:.' putting' hi! hand up to his fore·

hc11U. • Tbu lll'llt bluw ~~~red m,·, And took a · a · my aij.oht, Md the I!CCOnd blow knock, d ''me dOWl•. Ha lf & down ac' upon mu llw1 , ltit.ting and kicking me: the finst. kic\11 we •lso.'

• C.L .. yo 1 swear to tho ftl'llt IDIUI ?' ' No. J. CIIJl't, llir. 1 think be was dia-

gviaod.' . • Waa it tho priaoncr, Shuck?' White abook his belld. • H wu jt~At hill

height and figure, 1ir, ' but 1 CAD't be aure that it •as him. U.ia faco "'~~~ !)(lrlWly co,·erod and it w111 neArlr dMk, besides ; tltere are no Ji~ts about., Joat. there. Tho voice, 14o, ace met! d i'lf;Ui.scd : I aaid 10 nt the ti:mo.' '

• CJW you ,,..ou to the oUtora ?' ' Yea, 14 1111 four of tbum,' uid White,

swutly. 'Th, y were not disguised at all. At.d .lcw th1m aftur the ligh~ eamo,' 11nd ~new their vdeot, They helped to beatmJ o!wr t wna on t:ac ~round.'

; I il they ohreaten you?' 'No, air. 0 (1\y the first one did that.' ' A:ad bim you cnnno~ •••ear to? h

tnere any othu wilnCIIII who CAn awcu to him?' ,,

It did not appear that thoro WM. Shuck adtlf\l~t~Cd tho magistraw, hia touc ouo of injured in.nooence :

• 1t is not to be bomo that I abould' be d~d up hero like a felon. your worship. 1 was not near tho ·p~nce at tlte t ime ; I am as innocent M your worship iL It ill not likely 1 sUould l~ud ~t~yself to such a thing: my mi&sion among thu ntell ill of 1\ bialter DAturo than tit at. • " • ·

• Wbether you arc innocent or not, I do not know,' Mid hill worship : • but I do know t.bis ia a state of things whicll cannot bo w leratod. I -will give Ill)' utmott pr6-~ction to thcao workmen : and thotc who dare to intethre with tflcm ahall bo puniab­ed to tho ext.cnt of tho law : th& ringleadcra eepcci:llly. A peraon hill jtlst 1111 much right w come to mo·ud my, •· Yoa shall not. alt on that bencli ; you I!WI not tia'ti~aet lb.o b tlllineta of a magistrate,'' as you haYe to prevent theac ind.tUtriollll men work.iug to

a li1'itlg. It Ia mollltrotu.' • H oro·a tho wltnree w~ ha~ waited for,

pleMC your worahl~,' 'apoke one or \be po-lioomen. ~ r

It wu Anati.n Clay who earoo forwa.-d. no bolft:d to tho ma¢atrate, who bowid to him : tlr<'Y occaeio!Uilly met atJ tho bouae of

Uunter. AuaU.n waa awom, and pre ondenoo up to tho point when be' tunied

the liRbt of tho lnntllm upon tho tall -u. ant ol White. · ·

• Did you reoogn.bo t.bo aaan ?' asked. thu ~D~ .

• I did. It was Samuel Shuck.' Sam pro a howl, proteltiur tW it 'W',III

1t01--tha1 be wua Jalle a~.troti1\be apat. • l recognized him. u perf41c4Jru I reeo.r~

aile him &4 tbla Dlom eot.,' Mid Aa.ed.a. •lit had a woollen -.f on ,,1111 chin, anll a &neriq hill eara, DO doab& IMIUIIel1 di.lgulae,. blrt t bew him inataetl7. Ia more, he •w UIU I know bi~q; I ua he tlld, '-1 tllo 1I'1U' be lluok ol["

• Did l'!.a take tlat lantern widi·J'CIQ pttr· potel,1 t -*eel t.bo clortr.-of 1M GOUt.

• 1 did,' replW ,.ADedD. • • A. hlA' 'Will me, Ill .... OOGlW ol after.. 111M•

IIIEQIIUQII.·· 1 ' c~ee..-....

lllill. with011t'" op.IOa of a BDe. w~ ~ut far Slippery Sua 1

(71»~ .. ~~ '

womu••' ·IDa~ - I

(l.Midft T~

Io tbe world ol ~~ lalaeoot ~omb p~~·~ fffthemou impOrtant~ '!'heir loret~~ and • bat.oa, ~ei.e ~altm ~d joalOili.Y hayo beeo boaa d.- illltQIIIUoriAl

forc:u in human hi.atory whtoh - botv. not regiatered-> and wheq we thiAk o( the tbingtt women do' we aeldOm lldd Lbal wire, pulling by wbich we pPOr mano.ikiiUI are made to d&IJCe, tbe aecrot fa.Qiuna b7 which the fire Ia kept aliye. 1o th• prttl:7 liUie boudoir, wj&lt 1M 1\lkeo haDgingtt and S.t­au~~~a chw, ~~~~ tbe lady wb~ fay!l,r( 0110 man b .. aliab~ ud 0110 doalru to Wif1, ~r ~l'iape baa all'llfod1 &alned, 10 that t. clnim It cetabllahed and a aource of

eucre~ inOueoce ope~~ who~ !b~. ,\\\1~' to Bptlc u fpe or befneod a lo'I'Or. To the Ul\init.ialod, tbO&O 1\).og tet.e.a•tetea b&­tokeu a mVYelloiUI fund of pleuaot con­ve~tion ; to \bo atlllpicioua they meau fiodiJil_g m9re ~ th\1. white& o! each otber'a prett.1 eyee 14 look at; but if enr tbe true hil~ry of uy ereDt ~uld bO wrilt.eD, with Aamodeue ... tb .. ~iter, . we ebould 6ad tbal \bo wh~l of fori~ne bad Q:een linall7 tamed in ~¥ bluO-lif?ed boudoir, and !.bat bet'!Mn eompllweot.a aod Clll'CSitl tho war which made thou­eai:ad.a of homes dtaolate bad been paton· tially d~idcd ou-lbo cauae, perhapa, of no ruofO public grnity thaD t.bo pique of an angry woman1 or the greejl of an am­bitious o~.o, aotini on • •hi ruom'~t.Ary fMcy of tho then muter of t.bo aitualiou. Nowhere, iodeod, hue women more of lbla secret kind of ioftuenoe than io t bat very doo1t>.io whence theyaoem to bo mott rigidly ~xcludcd. Shut out from open pArticivatlon in politica. tho,y reyeogo therulll:lvea by practically mouloliog what they are forbidden to duigu; an• I iu all, M\'0 tcchoiC!Lh:lr:.t.aila end l.be bard 'work of Art'llllgemen,, their ioftuen~ d~e• u much a&, and CYCD mo.re than, tho direct &Clion of m2n. Tbil it eminently true or foreign politica, and the influence there of c:ert&i.n blgbJy.placed wowen, who, like eo mnny rata with their tail.a, ;, dn and do ~nd do" thioga in ibo. dafk · which ~e'rer come out i.n.t-9. lh.•. 'igb,t. •· '

T 4,e oitu~ wbo ~ appoioLed a,m~r w --, wilb a policy lo bia pocket, ud tbe man who II tuperaeded, wtl.b bia cut abort, owe more to theeo daiuty liute boudoirs than 6it.ber the.1 or tho worla over know•; aDd what paaoo-. to and ft o in the d.i.lpot<:b bpxea-tho eeeret in•tru~: t iooa by which Parliuaent II atultified and tho thrH e.tatea reduced to one-will never como out dor!ag our ur~ Um~:, and would ~tenie)l the tro,ld if lt dld. 'l'hia eecrc~ iullueaco 1worke u .actinly in do­meetio aalo (oFCig~ft'al.r:a, : air~•. tbe 14ao to be lakeD on loch and aocb legiJiauve propotitioo, aod wins or warda off Yutes ; getil tho 'man ,. · place wbiob be doet not deserve, IUid dOlliel that mao one which il hi.a due; t.akea care of Mao hero, and anuba Fiu tllere- all the ame U •it dic ta tea the •pirit of tbla memorandum anJ modifiee the teraia of that prot.oc:ol. Uow much thoab d&ioty little boudoira, w'ltb their peacoeb and Japaneao acreena, their paint.­od awrka ud their gold ruubroidored cnabion1, eould tell of tho feminine band& which •l&rted the tea..m and ·l et alip t he dogs without 10 mucll u abo wing the tips of their own little fingera I Tho world know• nothing of it.~ wire pullera, iu truth; and no one au.ipect.l tb,o power tha' liea in tboeo uoaeeo inftuencea which are ever ~ work bener.th tbe eurface,' and awilleaL thtmtclna only in tho reeuha.

8QrofQloaa Humor. VROIM'INT. wui tnodlcate from the 9.unt

eYtry Wnl ol ScrolW. aDd llcroi..WU. !.tUmor. lt w perlliAn~olly cured t~ io llocMoo and vlcialtf wbo b.ol4 bfe4 ~ aAd j)llhJW •1lf· e.rer•. • • · · ·

' ~~.o~~r.

T he marYollooe d'IICl of Vl:GETINF: La caM oil r .. ......,r anti Cu«roue Buft!¥ cballfD- tba -t prol~tWlll &Uc!ldon ol tlt." w..dlcaJ t.o:uh)', lli"DY rof wb..ru are ptdcrlblu¥ V EU J;Tl.N 1:: 10 U..lr pt~IUDI&. '

(Ff'(/fll -t-QlktltJ O&Dkor.

There Ia a lialt io the p...w, uonon of !••b. -vl:O ETlNE baa neY4r faJJed w ea.ro til• moll ' "':"' 'T - luA..xltilol ~of Caoker. •

looa. and \II~ p~blic ~ppear to have d ecided Ko.rouri-.1 ~-00 w"-:t ~ "'ear for the. cti>miug aeaaon. Tho VECEl'IYE mHU wHh wonderful auo-Tbe lhort coatumea.cooaiit of a •mall C&l· .,... !.u tho cnro or lbie el.ue of dl~l. aqnc ·of plna.~ o,r ye~TC.t, wltich forma ': eo.rt Salt Rheum. l';f~i~ to tho cathmere

1or rlcuna tkirta Tf'lter, S.lt Rhc 11111. 1! .. ald 11-1 • .,.,will cer-

to ma&dt, which aro more or .leu trimmed tl a.luly fl•ld ID tl•~ 1fT-' aJt.,raJ.I1• di'~..:Lo of ' \"t::Ut::fJS t: with Utili, brocb4!, and embroidery. Our • · ,._ ·~1 -

lli •kl . tb . -.rlllyv-03. go are occupytn){ etoadvc• watlt Vt::GeTISE h.u 0 , ,.., l•iloJ"' cttre thu moat

'f!lnt~ UI&Otles aod eonaldenox wl•at etylo la,.otorat" eo .... of Ery•ll)oh.. ' will p~~e 1bo '!armeet.aod ruott comfon- :Pimples and Humora on the P'ace. able i. ud i boHc Ye the loag peli118ca will R ... -.11 eboJIJ \<!lit h a~ oh•t ~ t.llltcby, rouxb pio lbo .Jay. 'l'bero are aomo of a ll ehnpa o~ l""'vlod aliln ; loveM• ~uth"VIy Uf.IOD • n lui•••·

d all · · 1 h , • • • • • IHII couoo. aul at• uutw•rd Aj>J•llcotiou e.w ~••• an • matena • ;, . ... ut t o Jlrtuctpn~ IJ'PU ""r" tho doloct.. \ 't:li t:: fJS c: io tho .,.,. .. t blwd CODallt.l of a lo,ng c.•rcula,r 'With f11la~ alueyu, j>urillor ~d Lrimmed with fu~. ~\'~rtb. Is St! llin:r I Tw:itore. tJlco:.a or Old SorM T~.T)' ~a;\.a,ll and nry largo mnntles; '\liD j Ar~ cau~ by aa lntpJ ru .a. to of tho hfon<l, YUY. plain and rory el~borntl.'ly' l riuun.,d t; t . .. u.., •W Lrood thol\~•,:hly '""" \'1!0 t: rl~ t:, • • • " • an~ tlo,... coouvlaluu ><>II olJ.avl....,.· ooe~: :fo.r lnata nco, " black sMin co11t ' '"" 1 c h · . 99 trimming, but. a acp&n\tc wni&tcolll of . . . A~r • . • · I t '" ttuo OOIIIphJul lbo only •nbtiAoh"l booefil ncb figured l ndtt\ e&&hu>ere, which i11 lou;.: - cau t.,. u~t•im•J 1tornu;;t.11ho IJ,uOJ. V t:UC: t' r ~ t: er than tho bl .. ck co3t, not only in front . • I• ILu grvot lllw.l r•.urort.r. but a~ t he aidt.'t and ~k. 11oo co11t e!.·c,·c I Con.st.ipAt.ion. hu but a ain;;lo k.rs:,; lluil4u a' tl>u wri~t. vr,a ETI :"E ''" ''" Mt oct a• • coth:o~tie to <1.,_ AI a conti'1Uit 14 tbi, :\J r. \Vorth Ull\h•ll I l•ilhoto• lh•• bowdf. Lou c.IMn••• ~II t lk. or!C"."••

' I eMbltn~ t.•,a.cl.a lu 11\:rfurm ~o Ja.uohuD.$ ..s~vuh1iug large black aatiu c loaks with dollnl\nllcuvd, u1.,u tlteo•. COYored witb jet cmbroickry. H n lUI\ IItle ia made of blnck cntnd's hair, i t ia short, and bu close purr~d alee\•c• fiiSteucd int~ ita clin~n~ aid~a. 'l1>c linin;.: ~cucmlly

uaed fo r •u~h tnl\uUu ill. cb~c.kc'\ t'.lack aud gold ailk.

Fur ia nlrtt\dy muclt worn. nod n lnrgo majority of tho riob~l mautlesaru trimm~d 'l' ith it. I~ tll,o 'bo'n hAt d ltll\j)J)(!nr<!d, the al4le bas replacerl it, nnd wGen these ft\r

.etolc.s are t rimq1ed e ither with white 'or blt\clt lace, and t ied wit h hri~;ht ribbons, t hey tt.rO vety'cle~t And dre&,y·lookin~t. The ncckt il's, m~do of 11 narrow Land of fur, aod !Mten~d with n utin bow of tltc u.we color, u e nlso pretty. F ur n>u!f~ wiU be only C.'lr!i¥ld w,itlo ~oaluu~c:t t hat Arc trimmc<l with fur ; on otber oco;Mion~ the m,uff will mMO)> tlto bo:onct , n~d be ttll\dC euctl.)' iu tho atylo nud nftc r U.c model of tboee uacd in Lou ill X V .'a rei).:' II. The fubioOAble fur tbillaeason iu Pnri>l ia acnl· ak'in, which is used to tri10 C~U~Aqu ius, mantlu, t.nd dre&~~<•,. ' Jta nnly dmwbao·k ie thattbe qu3lity cnllcol the I <' ac3l, whir ll if tho eil kicat ftnol moat pluah-Jikc, is very c,Mtl7. It r~quir~• nl80 .:reM cnr., io w~ar· iug, for, if Cflllt;ht th the min, it ohoul,l Lo wiped down wi~b c.unbric. bn,.hcd. 1111J bung up at ouca, I t should not Lc nllow­cd to dry wltl\o.ul thl'ao pt ocr,utiou~<. I hu riyor eeal, lbou!(h of inftrior q uality, look~

'l'e tl, and as cheaper; tloe u thl'rc ia <lark •ilYer·grcy heucr, ruul lus:rctl Linck ben•··

l'ilM. Vf;'OETI~ F: W r .. torud thouMnda lo b•ltb

"bo buo been lon~ anol p.t.luful oWI'urt.rL D.yapepaia..

If \•EG r.T IS 1:: i• L•keo r,.-,;uJ. rfy . ~riling It) ttir ... oc. iothf, a «rtain aoiJ filJ">ctly cur _, 'rill fgf .. o w au,~.~,-.

FtWitnosa At tho Stomach. VI::O f.TJ :S ~;I< not a a timufnt irog ltitt• ra whk h

rr.:..,t.t~~·· ik th lui.IA Al•~lh . .c. h u t a t;"eudo w nh:, wl..ic:h 11.1-'li,ra nthlru tu re.toro tho •to~ch w a b,...ltloy ·~tion. ·

FemAle Woalmosa. V.J::OF.TI:S~: •• •• dire-ct I~ noon tl"' oou~e• of

theu .... .mpl.-halv. It lh\'i~·lr.ci. an•l•lrun~t b.c,na thu whvlo ll)',~t'na "CS <4 u pOu tbo at.--cr ollvu oro,""&ua .wtl ,.,11.-y• anfl.,.rnmo.~tioa.

O,ono:Al Debility. In thb n •nophiht tit•• .:ou.l ,.(!,,.,,. •Jf tho VEGE.

T I :-t ~: %\_f" ru • 'iz~ I i ,uuto..hf\h 1b' nlh~r c-.unm ... ncHll: to •~kt~ h : ~'"f d,•IJilll , . tlt•liOir:. +lclh·ium:y' ot 1hu l•:uo l. a a ll \ ·1-:\.1!:.: 11;.; t; a t h6 tlir"~tly UI""'U l llu lti•...J.

VEGETINE I'Hr:•·~\ 1Ct:O nr

L~. R. STEV EX'S, BosTo)l, ~lASS

V c;:etine is anld by nll D,nt.l{l.!iAtl< Antl n~ wftol•·•nl., IJy Uroll'n & Webb.llud Forsy tu, Su tcliiTc. & t.:o., lla lifAX.

Pl-I<ENIX Fire As3uranca C'pany.

Loll!l.\RD ST!tt:t;r & C uARISO Cuos~ .J.I)~ 0 0N.

e r, and" h03t or tlyud fur11, whu~c uri;:111 it .would bu perb,IIJ);I uu wiso to un t ur in to, wbicb a rc 1),11 popu l:~,r. Skunk Ut. not iu 1

au~b great dcm11nd 4Lf doriuo.: tJc~ 1~t four o r five ye:~re.

E 'TABLl.S i!F.O IN 1782.

AU DJ,T0.R • : \\'•lour Dird E8q. I r.or,l l \ '111 Drookrblppe

JU4~;tpb 1-~r.anci" l.o~~laer, E•"l·

.rolts .r. flnollllf l t.t.D, Su:rrtary. t'Ju!'ICIS U •• \lc0o!'I.\LD, A.ut. &crctar!J

lnsnrnnceo a!&in'l Loss lly Fire aro of.

Muff~ h'\'e . oertainlr aubonitr.cd to a t raoa!orm:.tioc·, au<(. wo hllVc ~uo bnei:. to the 11\1~ centnry for model& ~l•ue. J\.lt\r· gucrit~, io tho A\·onuo de 1\ouvd Op~m.

mak~s a opcoiaJity of thcac ftltlolj' muff4, And uodor bcr fi n,.:ezs 8.'\LiD. l t~c<', nnd n bouquet of flower~~ form a m Jst cxquillito ~U.!!;,I' • tacle for tho haud&. I h~•ml' of ona fnir damo, \YhO orrlercd a ~·nuc:>u cnllm~llcd anuO'-IH!x aet i tt Ji:tmonds. 1.4 lJ~ 1\dJ.,d 14 bcr muir, eo auttiO)lS, "'\, · dhc w • I"'YiYtl tbo mo>do,o o f 1\ b_un.Jrcd yct\1"11 al(v. 'l'bo Pon.i,)lldour ru.ulf ' it very elt'l,"lln~. nod

~ u a Ouria.ity ~ lloDoJalu. ye~ quiet io atsle. It is Ju:ide of aMiu, . blaclt l ace, :1nd n largo bOuquet of d:uk roece a the aide. It ja nlao to' be euco in gatber · to match the coluur of the

fcct.,dJu th_s · PH<.E.XfX COMPANY .

upoo C\·cry d~ocription or P rollCrty in ovcry part o f tbe worJJ,' On the W03L fnvornbJo terma.l

Br ll\u 'l'wAtN.

IC yon get into cooYereation 'l{ith a dre11, a bouil ou~ of Ducht>.ssc l"ce llt CtiCb atmnsrer in Honolulu, and oxporieoce tbat en~ a lnrgc bow uf nbtoo n.t U1u top, with na tural dc•ire to know wbat aori of ground a IICII.nlboua on opo ot ~hu colla. Aootbor yon are t.readioar on by ftndlog out what prc. ty toodel is of claret plwsb, with b:wda man ocr of mao your atraDger il, ttrike out o f ~ld broc:adod ~hmerc at tho ends, and bt.oldly and addreaa bim u . " CaptAin." an owl'e heAd in tho centre. 'l'ho do.- of Watch him D&mlwly, and if you. tee by hill Ja,ee that fa! I Of\ tb~ hi\,D!I a:o soft n.ud, bo· countenaocc that you aro ou ~bo wrong Oi)llliug, l.nLck, uk him wbo.re bo pruch• It ill a Tho length qt akirt I!Otr -.,tinl)ll clearly ale bel that be ia either a miaaiouary or ' tho oc~ion on ••loiclo •••Tr<.'ll1 ls 14 be worn. c:aptaln 9f "wbaler. I becaale peraoually s~ OOitUIUt'l ar.· tusde tor the Strec•i' aoqualoted with 1111'eD'J·two caplaliUI and demt-tn.Jna for indoor wear; ami long traiue nine'J· aix mt.ionan-. Tlut captaina and for foll· d reu OCC&4ions ; other wi110 tbe ro II 111iniatere form' on•· half ol the population '; no aet r u le. lodividu&l· ta.ata may be Jlr.l· tho tbiJ'd.founh il compoeed. of common tlfied, and bodicea may bo long, ooat.ebaped KAnakM and .8rqu~t.ile fo~ere ud their or bandod, u fanc.1 diota\.ca; while pt.nier-. f~liea; and tlio lloal fourth Ia made ap of and flat panel• are .equa)J1. pof111iat, .' · IIIah omcen of tJ:• Hawaiian pn~~ t -

A a.~ ,\here are ji!U ah!>at ~ eoonah for Tbuo ~ a youog "lady a a mod Ilannah, three apiece all .ron11d, - Whoao awlitltbeu~ . .,.as named Guuy Tan;

, ·• uer ; ... , . A ao.lemo Rr&o~ met me in theliiburbe For three boura or mqro. .

one daJ, aOd ald':: ·· - Sbo aoogJ>ioafore, • -"Good moJrulo•, you NYtreace. ~ll And cir?P~.de~ rivh~~ piauo.

ill t.be atooe cborcb yooder, no cloabt'l"': ' ' ! The 110111 Uiat.r1o made •u quito fn111 "No, I don't.. I'm oM a prncber.'' · ~d~~~~.g. tho oo~ would~!'.':tt..~ ·~~1· 1 her, 1ot:"t r-f.d#.:!Jrta~o. I I)idn't ttay ill <l,to,r,

kult joa had a pod teuOD; HOw much 1 But j uaa""d tllrou"b tho wiu(Jor ll " . •· ·' A d I r - o " ·" o - • 1 D t tat wu tho I lilt' of poor u UIIJ'.

" Oil! Wby, 'Yha' do 10• take mt for ?.' ----L · rm -aot a whaler.'' ,... I j i - - Tbl, . Y~•r ChriattAll.e• Qay fall• on a , '\Q~ t .l ~ a tboaaDd ~ou, Y\l"f .'?ultd~1· l'bo old rhy1110 aaya :-~ • ~- lla~in11m· \be boU.. ' If Xttlt\& da7 on 1'hn¥.a.Y be, ~old &coopt, ao 40QWl· ~ of tbe A w[ody win tor ye aball ~ .._

• • • Windt w8th~r io 060&' btlllor,li.ll,e~Tt ~,of Wart FirM • Aad bard tempe.~·~ ud thlclt. Ooata-.,ef &he.~? Cotpaala.. 'at nmiller ahall bo PQd a ad dtJ ' : llionenftlle~- ·, • • ~uct'Wataaball•aJUpqi '

"lldiiND .r.~~ 1 .. .,. ' ~Jearllaoadi91'.Judato.all clon....W 1a ...;., _,. 'wii!a. tJi. Gonn.' •

11Ktop and p&cdl abilrtilo ~7;til1 ;

111e,.t.." - ::'lr • a~4bona·.~daJa'hollldbe1 • "' ...._._ · ltu.tJ'~poD l'laii&..U f~ Uf "m- 'nuel 'na ... ..,~ 01 ~-ahali'\it'~ •d lliab(t.

are ,M7 wUI.IIIe......., ue 10-' ui4 'WI-.·ol"Pfee,~~ f811011aWe• • · ... .._ .....w c114 ,.. ,w .._., .aM Wboeo &h,.. dar ~oi tllleri'l ~t, WI!•Ja ......,61,.. .._,,_,... R• ·~J!- pullilihe<i ,ril:~o~t dollh$.

~ ~· .. ,:J.!r~~ ~ a-.t!t qu!~~~~r.t;rt.:!: --• ~ ~- _.....,_ A· ' I • -· . •

Tho promptitude 1,1nd liberality with which it.fl en~cmcnlll ar4! 1\l.wayil 111ct by tbi' Comp&uy lll'e well kfown, and tlie im· portA nco of Ita relatiou3' witb tba Pu blio n»y be eatlmatcd from tbo b et tb11t einco its eatabliabwcnt, its as psld more t bau TW~:LVE MlLL{O.NS STERLING in diachMge of clainlll Cor Louet b7 Oro.

' Jtaua of premium and all otbor into rma. ~o!l. tUlly bp obtAiaed on ~•plication 14

W. & G. ltl::NDELL,

Ausc. 2.

~T. J onN's, A!lCflfor Nunfo"NdlaNd.

St. John,s

Maralo Works. --<)-.

( •• HE SUBSCRIBER rMpOCtloll7 tbanlta bla frlon.~ and t.ho public geoorally for

tho li~ ~~e l!oatewcd upon biro for maDJ' yeara put, and bega w inform them cba~ ho b~ now 00 band tbe larJeat 'took of Jl'i\LIAN MARBLE OTOT ruport­cd loto..,t~ bland, from which he ia pre· pared to furuiah

Kou IUilenta, Tom b-SI.oate, ' · Table-Tope, Xantel...l'ieoM, 4'e.,

C~xctcutod in a auperior mauu. ICI'" Tcl'ID3 moderate.

ALEXANDER SHITH. St.. Jobo"a, 'May S~

n .. ' , " 1, ~ ·~ l \: · \Yelere'.~a~{~iti~ .bY .b&i wo ~u7 I nr... I n , ..... •Wtr I ...... bu& by wlaa&'wa thfuk ..... GO; tboift.

._.liilp e1 D ~ Ooftra. fclttL~enr go abl'l*\f ~ ..,_.. ot JOI/t' , .'ll!l .... ti .• U.JIIhf'a'aS.,..;jl.ilw~i ftO~~Ultl ~ ~w .waul.a, lhlly will "' ~ t ~ ~· L.· _, po•• liJU~~~W'hi -~, df. '"" : lo tuo '"" ...:,, ........ ...!~ WJMl.,..~ it~ wb~ li••fotl DO~ +io~ll~ "mu?u 'lf.&U'·

, .,.__ ~,.. ......... wh~ !o.o~~puy, , ,