VOLUME XXX By Faa. 7 -A n unknowu ••""wcii....J:.OI t he Lorgv Ba!J, oil Head . Th u dl ee1uer aaolt with all hautls. Tbu UUlobor lo t is eati- wated at oue huodr&d. cold auc.l plea in New Eug laod contiuue. Hri talo . Germany a'Ud Americ.'\ w• ll holtl o amicable co•llerenc., tho ::iawoa Geueral .lioulauger haa appliel to tl..o l'olJe lor a Fa1oioe is the people ol ChioL Alrcacly iLS ar& dru.tru l. · At Chidg Foo a rio' bas occurred, r uuhioa io the oeat.ructiou of the .liritiall Coonlate aud seven houaoa. The funeral or Frioce Rudolph yest erday wu by Kre&t powp. F£11. 8.-C .. rdtoal Ledoobowaki is dud . Tbe ate.lmer loat olf Beachy lle11d oo Mood11y waa the fruw (;lugow ; M of lhe crew were dro• ued. The Cu11rcript ai'Cived here yesterday. Blaine will be Secretary of Stal.o io lhe Har- C'illoo C•buaet, , Cartwri¥bt proposea a resolution .tbu Canada al10uld. ila9e tbe to negotiattl he r owa Fu. DocheeaofGalpen haabeqoealh· ed the Frederick all h11r pearl• oud ilr etioua etooee with five- million dollars. Tbe German aud Frooou preaa tbraateoing war. Tb11 Gen.6aus refused perruiasion to a eurgeou to Straabollnc to see bia dyiug mother. Colooel tile ninetieth to'reucb rllgiwl!ot, h1111 li ennao iubamau· i ty, .Uisward: lle01aoda St!oArut's ! JIUHtillmeo t. has returoed to P11rit; he iuteods , to IUilku • tour tho South or FraUCt'. Cauathau t:Stiwatt:s tbe I!U'ijJiu" year are t hirty-five &UU 'half IOiiJiou doltsu. · Tuerl! is a auow blockadtt of tbe lu tercoloninl RailwaJ. '1 be fkat bUO\V stono of a.:a&oll f1u1 o cc urred at llllhf"x: Ucstructiv" on tltc British consta ll. r iot bu occurred ar..lto1uo ... - &'" Some ' of our good P"trona, who have )'et failed to remit. ua tho amount of the.U· allDual oubscription, Wlll, we are aure, pB.r- dozi u11 for remindillg them of the They w:ll understand ws when we aay that . it ia not ao easy to conduct a p11per aucceu- fully unless each and every eubaoriber doe3 hUa part-how it 1.8 to aay. Such ia well k..oown. -U &.u-NE&S C unw -A Yl!t1 182 tlofi uo U.:afuua. '.)ike iu t ll11 \,.uJ. llow thl'y may oortd at )'l)Or hollie. l' ost free :JJ.-Adtlreu Ur NtCUOL:!OW &> ::,t. Jollu .ju.,.:t, real. --- TU£ llOllAWK r.Wuu.-nliS troupe is COIIIJXH!dl.l uC a ouqtbllr ul tul!ll of tb i& tuwu, 8Ud the comvauy will for lh" tint lillie tuako tuoir apvt:araucu before ll•e pablic ou Tolle· day utx:t tu ll e 1' . A Hall. Tb11 mew· t.ra bate l•tl!ly beeu bard and at praouce. & ud u t.heir ll\borll ban t.eoo o••ea. will Juubt pruve au eujoJy- •bl• OM. -CUIIO&RT- Tbec:oocutt ins' ., ••••• Hall will OOttae off ou th• eYeuauJC of \Vedueedaf oesL •n.-, P"''"'IOIDe h .. beeo ; tl•e -..uapauJ wiNola •ill couaia\ of 1010e of uur IJot'tlt "oaal talent. hu htCI'eUed bf the additiou or lire Pdot aad A laN l!'iab11r •f St. Johu'a. "l'ltoN wbo patronlae the outert.aiu.ue•at wall be - JODd doab\ 41DeD•I a very enjoyable M'ARB.I AO.ES. A& lho O.tlaoolral, ou 'l'jlur.- "' ll&llt. by Hla Lordalalp Dr. a .. od•u>CI•I, ::.h• nll l.me, of Jelv..- IMMd, <.'allurl!:.., dau,htur ef lh , 1 huw..a )'a a roll. b4tu&la !Side. Al.k Juho a ua AIIJnllttbe olth. by tho \' uu . .\ rch- dnc:»a r'orriat.l. Alben Le CJ., rsulk:ltor, »no c..f )o ' rat. CII E,oq . Wagi••rato,t.o !;:'tol l:}. 6oou11, d .. ol lhelazo Lewia W. Ellleraou, q, of Uar- h··r (;ral!ll. A& Tark'a Oove. Trlultr Souab oa the t6lh of Jaua- •r7, Allcoo. "'lid of tlte late Eclward 0 Dnouell aall U&ugbtar ol tla" la111 lam• Uarbvry, •1.-.d. 61 Jl. r. P. .u Hdll1 Oon,on 8nndA7, 2itb ult.. t>aulol,eged 19 3eare, eld..et eou or Rober& auJ Am IIIIa Urten. At Drltcu• ou \.:ajlt. John S..rtletL, tir .• lu &be iBn! yeu of Ilia age On the let lu •a.. llr• Johll )loOratb. a o•tivoof .l:lar - bor lbl11, egod GO yura PO.&T O"H llA.JlioB \JR:&CB. e snuo. Feb t-Boaevear, Parauoa, U.&Jia, ult-John M uoa • Co a:s.&AatD l'eb 8-Trut•, Ar.wy. Vl•o""· fitb-.J ohn llor.a .t Co 9- \'VIlli.. m. rrzud, . Peru• robucu, d_tl,., P..USUGaBS. l:'er 8 8 c_.;pe fc.r Uallf..:c-111,. Porter. Mr Sblr- rau. Boa 1' OIOIIU'J Jlr .Aec:ller, Jlr IMujamlu 1 21 Ia at.e.rap p.,. dB Purti4 from Halllu-111 .... /u JIIH!b, Jl 8 Crocltw, Ja .... &rry .. PER YKAB.] New Advertisement9. and For $;ie BY TilE 20 barrels CHOICE APPLES. R. KOi'HEiiFORO. WANTED I - _/ - ---v- . • A to IIIIJ>erint.end the Build· ing of tha New Olluruh at He will be to oo 01mence his llbout th e 15th of A!Jril next.' · Ap!-'lielltioas terms to Lo sent in on or bE=fore the 11 th of to t be .:lev. J. ARTU U.R EVANS, Spa.niarct' 1 Bay. Feh. 2, '89. I A Bazanl' in aitl of the .Naw Church Build- ing Funtl will be held lit Buy in Noveruher next. Futthel· in u fu t.ure 11nuouncement. Febltf J. ARTBUR EVANS, lucu mbent. (&INGLIS COPIKS TWO CENTS.] NUMBER9 would · call attention to their Manufactures for the sea- . son of 1889. t OUR SrrANtr.lARD HERRIN.G- NETS, ' New Advertisements. Postal H EREAFTER the OVER· LAND MAlL will bu deepatchtd oo the Mor nioaa of WEUNF.SUAY ioatead of T UKS· UA Y ciotiog •' 8 o'oloolt, aa follows:- Feb. 20; March 6, and 20 ; Apt;"il3, , -and 17.- MAILS per bmferipl t> Halifllx, will here· aft.er ,be closed at. 8 o'clock on the morniDg of the St&Lmer's l eav ing. J. 0. FltASBR. P.M.o· General St. John's,} Fel.rnary · 6, 1889. ' N(lTlCE l F OUR WEEKS a(t.er the data hereof, apo "' .,ic:ation will be mnoo to His Excet .. feocy tho Opvemor, f or Lettel'lf the Great Seal of tuia I sland, for a Mt.r and w.eful in\' e ntion of a "Combination Bnoy and Dory A ttaobm<:nli,"t-o bepnted to FRED• ERICK W. GoLDER, of Hnbor Onlce, Ooncep· • tion &y, the iHventor therjl<lf. ' s,. J ohu'.s, J anuury 22otl, A.D. 1880. 40 to 60 Rans, made from "Shepard Gold Medal" 14/6 Twines, now P.U 8 L 1 C N0 T 1 C [ ! nlmost exclusively in the Maritime Provinces. . . COl>, C1 \PLIN ·& HEI{KING SEINES. MoNJt:ILY McNEl LY; for suid FREDERICK W. Go L DER. Feb l A :N N UAL REVI SIQN and cnn a Seine from. US that 11 w1ll fish C8.$tly, arut wear s,ali.S/t.ctonly. N OTICE is hereby gh•en. that One Month. after the d11le hereof, Rpplic:at.ion will be made t.o His Excellency t.he Atlminiflttat.ot' of the Go;eroment., in Co'nncil, for Let.tel'll Putent. ttoder t.he Great Seal of t.be Island, to be grnnt.ed to J.A.KES BrPPISLl!Y, of Bllrhor G n4ct', for a new and imp.-ovetl method ol Dry- of the Lilll.a of The- Bnnk Fishermen nrc now using large quantities of our Gra.nd& Pett:f Jurors "AMERICAN" . BRAND OF LINES for this Oistriol will tnko place beforelhe nnder- •i&tned Stipendl11ry 11t th11 J>olicll Offi ce. llarbur (il'llce, cnmwtocing on the Y in ar.J ou ·alternllltl day• teo lht! honra of I 1 &II II 8 o'clock, au til tb" 1 Fish and other SnbstanQffl. lightly nnd even ly t Dated at St: John's, t.bis 8Lb cLay of ,a nu• _. ary, 1889. KETTfNQ iu.Sheets, for Winter Work a.nd Repairs. McNElLY & ?.IcNEILY, • , · . . Solicitors for said J &IUS HIPPUIU1'. Teuth day of All IJl'rt'Oitrl cl imin&e •urnptioo moat apply tile aa11J clKy uf l'ehroary ·r.-R err: ...... .'l"tiJcllflidrJ Jl agW:rate· Police Office. llarbor (,rncu, t f{ rwms,- . Febl FOR. SA;.. ·E -.AT TUir- 1 2Jlrtf .f&IIUIU'y, 18>i9 soft, HaH-Patcut and PQ:!.ent, nll sizes. FANCY ''& TOY BAZAAR Victoria :. WE m c now prepared to supply all above goods nt short notice anu our Newfoundlund patrons can rely upon LOWEST RATES, Cor- iespondence solicited and samples cheerfully CAPITAL . $350,000. SKATES. SKATES. ESTABLISHED 1842. Highest awards at Boston, 1869, ·Philadelphia. 1876, London Fish- Bll\LES-17 centa; 20 cents. aoi 50 eenla. Prf' Sby Hymoata. Birth D11y Oards aod Boon Tn.ce I Mate, Plaiu l'nd Shaded Uerlio \Yeol. Co or .H.)xes. Drawing .Mo.teriala. ValeotiDM, ' GalLO' • Cowiooes. Cbeaa, Dnugbc Meu aocl l:ouda, &c., t"<l· ' A. & A.. BBUNL&gs. Our AC.\1£ aod SKELETON SK:Al'ES are the erics Exhibition, 1883. io towo. .T"n 2G New- . AND OOLOB!D \V e bau a few LaJiea' Winter Jerseys •blob "" are aelliog a' eoa'- .lliCHA EJJ · LIS JY am Strut. PUBLIC NOTICE. W HEREAS A REQtHSITION bubeen , ptesent.ed to c.be SLipenJiary ?.f.lgis· tl'lltet H11rwr Grace, from One--tiftb of t.he 1-tegiatered Electors of tbA Harbor On1ce Division ot ConOE'pl.ion &y, requiring that 11 VoLe! m14 y be tllken to determine as t<> whether Two thirds of the qullli6eJ Electora polle,l 1 u-e in fuor of ll ProclatOation i-11ued by Ria Kxcellt'nlly Oovet"nor for the of the Sale of lot.oxi.ating Liquo111 within tbot abo•e . I, the Gov.,t nor, do t.heret'ote,- under the of the Act 86 C.p. 6, enutlf!t! " An Act to amend an Act for the rep•· 6M8ion •nd prevention of ariaing from the cou1won u la of lotox.Matiug Liqa . ora, ud r.o ,...la&.e tlae aale &llereof ; • the t.ne tbt>roror ," arpoin• Wuna· DAY, tbe 27th cla1 of .Puao.uT, nea\ euu .. ing, ror &akiag aqoh Polla in tbt manner{ro- •ided b7 Law, and for W. do clln.ct ,_.,. Har- bor CJnft, u 1 •per LIMMI .,._... COn, Bilhop'• U4 Am Ne Twine Co., cr-u.s"t R..eoe:l. ved. Home 0./fo:e, 34 Cqmmercial St., I New York O{fiC-8, -AT- . Bo.,tun, i99 Fultun Street. , C. L . KENNEDY'S ,... IINDERTAKI NG, .U BINRT -MUUG, WC . r Advice to Mothera. llaoy obildren sl)ft'er aolt die from Ito other caoau lbftl l &n efcea of \VorU18 in the ijtomacb or Jnteatinea. to avoid this RiY& Dr. J. llcL«ul'• Yege tobl4 Wurm Sgrup obn•l •ill t i.: e it. Mn. H . P., xroN BAIRD: Uun Sm 1 - l tnko pl t uuro in certifying tbat McLean 's Worw Syrup is tbe beat wono medi- cioe 1 evur ut ed. lt ruade n perfect cure of mt cbil:i, ill \'fith worms for more tban a year, aod wbioh ooe botlle cured. Yoart truly, JAB. llANt.B . Neltoo, N.n .• June Stb, 1887. H. PAXToN B.uao: DBAK Saa.-1 sell a good deal of ynnr Dr. 1\to- Leao'a Veaetable \Vortn 8Jrof• aod fiod 1ha& my caatomera like iL very moQb . alao bear aome of them apualr.ioll Yery bigblf of your Lini- ment. Yoora trolf. ' 'J ' W. P£CJC. Woodatook, Albert Co., N.B.,Deo. 14, US!f7. Subscriber begslo intimato to tbo pob- lio of Jiftrbor Grace and vicinity tba' he is prepared to exl!oute all oedera.in tho above line of busioeaa. Having had a Jo oa experience io ONUERl'AKING. he tu!ly anderatauda the de- maoda aod reqdiremeola of t bat bosioen, aorl be goaraotees to give in nery particu- lar. His price& •Ill be fully 26 per ceot. under usual chargea. He hopes by atrlct aod promp1 aueotioo to all ordera to receive a share or CUI· tom. · Ordere lefl at, Mr: Jamea Fox's Death Hall, or Mr. Paol 8iggioa', Water S1reet, will receive prowpl atteDUQU, JAMES FOX. . Harbor Hract, Jon. 16, 1889-lw. Sold by Dealen, centa a botlte, IS bottlea foi' •1. HAVING ia TLJ travvla, tbroogb th e Stnlfll W. H. THOMPSON & CO. Unbbr Grare. the paat Jelara becorue acquainted · whh aneral mloing Capitaliet•, and iuteotlins;r ,._ 1 DABD !'r. t: · ·N io a few weeh again to vl ait Now York aod & otber citin weauod •oatb. where 1 aballtbrooab FI RE :AND LIFE t be wioter ruees aomo crt tbe Ame AIIU.II flllDIJIJ I I ONDON ' · " &mertc!&D markel. · - 8' lafoi'IN&ioa may be 'EST:ABLISHBD A.D. 1881. an ·•-r' papere 1en luto at the ol&ce or S C 000 CommleiiO. Mt1'Cbant, UBIO&IBID Aft'l'AL ••• ••• •••• J, ,000 •• JilHPii TU'I'AL bvano ru .. DI UP.. , Cooking, . Pnrlor, Tortoise GothicGrates ·!AND:· Congo Shoe Kized Painb Raven Paate Stove Pollah, Bnamelled Carriage and :Fum.it.are Pollah Table Out.lery-aU kinds prioee. Plated Teupoon.e and TablMJ)OOn.e ltleotrio Liaht and Victor Flour llitt.en ..Ebony and Gilt Drop .Bandlee. Other Articles too Hmnerons to IBttiot -ALSO- -A LAI'ge A111or tment ot:.- Hall, Library ah,d Fancy Ta\>le

AIIU.II flllDIJIJ ~!;e~:~~~d~~~~~~~=~~~ ~~;N;~o::d~=t~!collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · ing of tha New Olluruh at Spami~trd's He will be r~uired to oo01mence his

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Page 1: AIIU.II flllDIJIJ ~!;e~:~~~d~~~~~~~=~~~ ~~;N;~o::d~=t~!collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · ing of tha New Olluruh at Spami~trd's He will be r~uired to oo01mence his



Faa. 7 -An unknowu ••""wcii....J:.OI the Lorgv Ba!J, oil Ot~'\cby Head. Thu dl ee1uer aaolt with all hautls. Tbu UUlobor lo t is eati­wated at oue huodr&d. /l'~e cold "ea~ller auc.l plea in New Euglaod

contiuue. Hritalo. Germany a'Ud Americ.'\ w• ll holtl o

amicable co•llerenc., ~•t~r tho ::iawoa tro•blt~. Geueral .lioulauger haa appliel to tl..o l'olJe lor

a tlivoret~. Fa1oioe is afllictio~ the people ol ~orthern

ChioL Alrcacly iLS eiJ6C~ ar& dru.trul. · At Chidg Foo a rio' bas occurred, ruuhioa io the oeat.ructiou of the .liritiall Coonlate aud seven .._.ei~eo-houaoa.

The funeral or Frioce Rudolph yesterday wu cba~tel'Ued by Kre&t powp.

F£11. 8.-C .. rdtoal Ledoobowaki is dud. Tbe ate.lmer loat olf Beachy lle11d oo Mood11y

waa the Gle~•coe fruw (;lugow ; M of lhe crew were dro• ued.

The Cu11rcript ai'Cived here yesterday. Blaine will be Secretary of Stal.o io lhe Har-

C'illoo C•buaet, , Cartwri¥bt proposea a resolution affirmio~t .tbu

Canada al10uld. ila9e tbe pow~r to negotiattl her owa treati~•.

Fu. ~.-l'be DocheeaofGalpen haabeqoealh· ed the Km~rea Frederick all h11r pearl• oud ilretioua etooee with five- million dollars.

Tbe German aud Frooou preaa ar~ tbraateoing war. Tb11 Gen.6aus refused perruiasion to a ~·roucll eurgeou to via•~ Straabollnc to see bia dyiug mother. Colooel s.,nar~t'of tile ninetieth to'reucb rllgiwl!ot, h1111 c~aaurt~d li ennao iubamau· ity, .Uisward: lle01aoda St!oArut's !JIUHtillmeot.

JJO~tauger has returoed to P11rit; he iuteods , to IUilku • tour th\ou~;h tho South or FraUCt'.

Cauathau t:Stiwatt:s (o~ tbe I!U'ijJiu" year are t hirty-five &UU 'half IOiiJiou doltsu. ·

Tuerl! is a auow blockadtt of tbe lu tercoloninl RailwaJ. '1 be fkat bUO\V stono of tht~ a.:a&oll f1u1 o ccurred at llllhf"x:

Ucstructiv" ~>:ales on tltc British consta ll. l•~or riot bu occurred ar..lto1uo ... -&'" Some 'of our good P"trona, who have

)'et failed to remit. ua tho amount of the.U· allDual oubscription, Wlll, we are aure, pB.r­dozi u11 for remindillg them of the fac~.

They w:ll understand ws when we aay that . it ia not ao easy to conduct a p11per aucceu­fully unless each and every eubaoriber doe3 hUa part-how it 1.8 n~edl'-s to aay. Such ia well k..oown.

- U&.u-NE&S Cunw -A Yl!t1 lut•~eting 182 p&~Ce Jllut~LratcJ tlofi uo U.:afuua. '.)ike iu t ll11 \,.uJ. llow thl'y may ~ oortd at )'l)Or hollie. l'ost free :JJ.-Adtlreu Ur NtCUOL:!OW &> ::,t. Jollu .ju.,.:t, ~lout real.

---TU£ llOllAWK hli~$TKU. r.Wuu.-nliS troupe

is COIIIJXH!dl.l uC a ouqtbllr ul youn~ tul!ll of tb i& tuwu, 8Ud the comvauy will for lh" tint lillie tuako tuoir apvt:araucu before ll•e pablic ou Tolle· day h'Poiu~ utx:t tu ll e 1'. A Hall. Tb11 mew· t.ra bate l•tl!ly beeu bard and 1-a~ at praouce. &ud u t.heir ll\borll ban t.eoo paiuatA~ug o••ea. tiJe·eutenaiucac.ou~ will ~o Juubt pruve au eujoJy­•bl• OM.

-CUIIO&RT-Tbec:oocutt ins' ., ••••• Hall will OOttae off ou th• eYeuauJC of \Vedueedaf oesL •n.-, P"''"'IOIDe h .. beeo cu~fullf pr•~~&red ; tl•e -..uapauJ wiNola •ill couaia\ of 1010e of uur IJot'tlt "oaal talent. hu ~o htCI'eUed bf the additiou or lire Pdot aad AlaN l!'iab11r •f St. Johu'a. "l'ltoN wbo patronlae the outert.aiu.ue•at wall be­JODd doab\ 41DeD•I a very enjoyable "\'l!nin~t.

M'ARB.I AO.ES. A& lho O.tlaoolral, ou 'l'jlur.- ta~ "' •ot:l~:~ ll&llt. by Hla

Lordalalp Dr. a .. od•u>CI•I, IS.tthoi<!Ul~t\J ::.h•nlll.me, of Jelv..- IMMd, c.~~~ <.'allurl!: .. , dau,htur ef lh, 1 huw .. a )'a a roll. b4tu&la !Side.

Al.k Juho a ua AIIJnllttbe olth. by tho \' uu . .\ rch­dnc:»a r'orriat.l. Alben Le CJ., rsulk:ltor, »no c..f )o' rat.CII U~rtNu. E,oq . tJti J"''odi~r.r Wagi••rato,t.o !;:'tol l:}. 6oou11, d .. u~tlller ol lhelazo Lewia W. Ellleraou, ~ q , of Uar­h··r (;ral!ll.

• DB~BS A& Tark'a Oove. Trlultr Souab oa the t6lh of Jaua­

•r7, Allcoo. "'lid of tlte late Eclward 0 Dnouell aall U&ugbtar ol tla" la111 lam• Uarbvry, •1.-.d. 61 70<~ra.­Jl. r. P.

.u Hdll1 Oon,on 8nndA7, 2itb ult.. t>aulol,eged 19 3eare, eld..et eou or Rober& auJ Am IIIIa Urten.

At Drltcu• ou Wec!u'-..l'tDigll~. \.:ajlt. John S..rtletL, tir .• lu &be iBn! yeu of Ilia age

On the let lu•a.. llr• Johll )loOratb. a o•tivoof .l:lar­bor lbl11, egod GO yura

PO.&T O"H llA.JlioB \JR:&CB.

esnuo. Feb t-Boaevear, Parauoa, U.&Jia, ult-John M uoa •

Co ~ a:s.&AatD

l'eb 8-Trut•, Ar.wy. Vl•o""· fitb-.John llor.a .t Co 9- \'VIlli .. m. •rrzud, .Peru• robucu, d_tl,.,

P..USUGaBS. l:'er 8 8 c_.;pe fc.r Uallf..:c-111,. Porter. Mr Sblr­

rau. Boa 1' OIOIIU'J Jlr .Aec:ller, Jlr IMujamlu 1 21 Ia at.e.rap

p.,. dB Purti4 from Halllu-111 .... /u JIIH!b, Jl 8 Crocltw, Ja .... &rry



New Advertisement9. fu~tReoeived and For $;ie


20 barrels CHOICE APPLES. R. KOi'HEiiFORO.

WANTED I - _/ ----v- . • A FORE~fAN to IIIIJ>erint.end the Build·

ing of tha New Olluruh at Spami~trd's He will be r~uired to oo01mence his llbout the 15th of A!Jril next.' · Ap!-'lielltioas statin~ terms to Lo sent in on

or bE=fore the 11th of lt~ebrnary to t be .:lev. J. ARTUU.R EVANS,

Spa.niarct'1 Bay. Feh. 2, '89. I

A Bazanl' in aitl of the .Naw Church Build­ing Funtl will be held lit S~nillrd'!i Buy in Noveruher next. Futthel· particlil~trs in u fu t.ure 11nuouncement. •


J. ARTBUR EVANS, lucu mbent.



• would· call attention to their Manufactures for the sea-

. son of 1889. t


New Advertisements. ~--~----~-------·------------~

Postal Notic~!

H EREAFTER the ~()RTFIERN OVER· LAND MAlL will bu deepatchtd oo the

Mornioaa of WEUNF.SUAY ioatead of T UKS· UA Y ciotiog •' 8 o'oloolt, aa follows:-Feb. 20; March 6, and 20 ; Apt;"il3,

, -and 17.-MAILS per bmferipl t> Halifllx, will here·

aft.er ,be closed at. 8 o'clock on the morniDg of the St&Lmer's leaving.

J . 0. FltASBR. ~ . P.M.o·

General Poet.-0~, St. John's,} Fel.rnary·6, 1889.

'N(lTlCE l

FOUR WEEKS a(t.er the data hereof, apo "' .,ic:ation will be mnoo to His Excet ..

feocy tho Opvemor, for Lettel'lf .P~ttent.under the Great Seal of tuia I sland, for a Mt.r and w.eful in\'ention of a "Combination Bnoy and Dory Attaobm<:nli,"t-o bepnted to FRED• ERICK W. GoLDER, of Hnbor Onlce, Ooncep· • tion &y, the iHventor therjl<lf. '

s,. J ohu'.s, J anuury 22otl, A .D. 1880. 40 to 60 Rans, made from th~ "Shepard Gold Medal" 14/6 Twines, now P.U 8 L 1 C N 0 T 1 C [ ! nlmost exclusively ad~'ted in the Maritime Provinces. . .

• ~olico•isberubygivt~nlhattbe COl>, C1\PLIN ·& HEI{KING SEINES.

MoNJt:ILY ~ McNEl LY; ~olicitors for suid FREDERICK W. GoLDER.

Febl •

A:N N UAL REVI SIQN M.erc~:-mt and Fishennn~ cnn ~ep~nd up~n. gett~ng· a Seine from . US that 11 w1ll fish wd~ hnudl~ C8.$tly, arut wear s,ali.S/t.ctonly. NOTICE is hereby gh•en. that One Month.

after the d11le hereof, Rpplic:at.ion will be made t.o His Excellency t.he Atlminiflttat.ot' of the Go;eroment., in Co'nncil, for Let.tel'll Putent. ttoder t.he Great Seal of t.be Island, to be grnnt.ed to J.A.KES BrPPISLl!Y, of Bllrhor G n4ct', for a new and imp.-ovetl method ol Dry-

of the Lilll.a of The-Bnnk Fishermen nrc now using large quantities of our

Gra.nd& Pett:f Jurors "AMERICAN" . BRAND OF LINES for this Oistriol will tnko place beforelhe nnder­•i&tned Stipendl11ry Magi~trate 11t th11 J>olicll Office. llarbur (il'llce, cnmwtocing on the Firo~t Tli~l>A Y in Ye~rn~try ar.J ou ·al ternllltl day• be'~ teo lht! honra of I 1 &II II 8 o'clock, au til tb"

1 in~ Fish and other SnbstanQffl. lightly nnd evenly t ~ Dated at St: John's, t.bis 8Lb cLay of ,anu•

_. ary, 1889. COTTO~ KETTfNQ iu.Sheets, for Winter Work a.nd Repairs. McNElLY & ?.IcNEILY,

• , · . . Solicitors for said J &IUS HIPPUIU1'. Teuth day of i"~IUWAUY. • All IJl'rt'Oitrl cl imin&e •urnptioo moat apply

bef.~>rt~ tile aa11J Tt~ul.b clKy uf l'ehroary ·r.-R ~. err: --~ ...... .'l"tiJcllflidrJ Jl agW:rate·

Police Office. llarbor (,rncu, t

.ilJ;;L,J:I.~~IIJI~W--KED~· f{ rwms,-. Febl FOR. SA;.. ·E • -.AT TUir- 1

2Jlrtf .f&IIUIU'y, 18>i9 ~ soft, HaH-Patcut and PQ:!.ent, nll sizes. FANCY ' '& TOY BAZAAR

Victoria ~tred :. ~ WE m c now prepared to supply all ~ above goods nt short notice

anu our Newfoundlund patrons can rely upon LOWEST RATES, Cor-iespondence solicited and samples cheerfully giv~n.


Highest awards at Boston, 1869, ·Philadelphia. 1876, London Fish­

Bll\LES-17 centa; 20 cents. aoi 50 eenla. Prf'Sby Hymoata. Birth D11y Oards aod Boon Tn.ce I Mate, Plaiu l'nd Shaded Uerlio \Yeol. Co or .H.)xes. Drawing .Mo.teriala. ValeotiDM, 'GalLO' • Cowiooes. Cbeaa, Dnugbc Meu aocl

l:ouda, &c., t"<l· ' A. & A.. BBUNL&gs.

Our AC.\1£ aod SKELETON SK:Al'ES are the erics Exhibition, 1883. Chtapet~ io towo.

.T"n 2G


\V e bau a few LaJiea'

Winter Jerseys •blob "" are aelliog a' eoa'-

.lliCHA EJJ JON~, · LIS JY am Strut.


, ptesent.ed to c.be SLipenJiary ?.f.lgis· tl'lltet H11rwr Grace, from One--tiftb of t.he 1-tegiatered Electors of tbA Harbor On1ce Division ot ConOE'pl.ion &y, requiring that

11 VoLe! m14 y be tllken to determine as t<> whether Two thirds of the qullli6eJ Electora polle,l 1u-e in fuor of ll ProclatOation bein~t i-11ued by Ria Kxcellt'nlly ~be Oovet"nor for the Prol~tbition of the Sale of lot.oxi.ating Liquo111 within tbot abo•e I>~·itcion. . I, the Gov.,t nor, do t.heret'ote,- under the provi~tionll of the Act 86 V"·r~ C.p. 6, enutlf!t! " An Act to amend an Act for the rep•·6M8ion •nd prevention of abu~e~ ariaing from the cou1won u la of lotox.Matiug Liqa . ora, ud r.o ,...la&.e tlae aale &llereof; • the t.ne of_Lioe~~~e~ tbt>roror," arpoin• Wuna· DAY, tbe 27th cla1 of .Puao.uT, nea\ euu .. ing, ror &akiag aqoh Polla in tbt manner{ro­•ided b7 Law, and for W. ~rpo-. do clln.ct ~., Polli~a~..&e..a.be ,_.,. Har-bor CJnft, u1•per LIMMI .,._... COn, Bilhop'• U4

Am Ne ~ Twine Co., cr-u.s"t • R..eoe:l. ved. Home 0./fo:e, 34 Cqmmercial St., I New York O{fiC-8, -AT- .

Bo.,tun, i99 Fultun Street., C. L . KENNEDY'S ,...

IINDERTAKING,.UBINRT-MUUG, WC. HAR~!~~~~~!~~~~EN r Advice to Mothera. llaoy obildren sl)ft'er aolt die from Ito other caoau lbftll &n efcea of \VorU18 in the ijtomacb or Jnteatinea. to avoid this RiY& Dr.J.llcL«ul'• Yegetobl4 Wurm Sgrup ~any obn•l •ill t i.: e it. Mn. H . P., xroN BAIRD:

Uun Sm1- l tnko plt uuro in certifying tbat McLean's Worw Syrup is tbe beat wono medi­cioe 1 ha~o evur u t ed. lt ruade n perfect cure of mt cbil:i, ill \'fith worms for more tban a year, aod wbioh ooe botlle cured.

Yoart truly, JAB. llANt.B . Neltoo, N.n .• June Stb, 1887.

H. PAXToN B.uao: DBAK Saa.-1 sell a good deal of ynnr Dr. 1\to­

Leao'a Veaetable \Vortn 8Jrof• aod fiod 1ha& my caatomera like iL very moQb. alao bear aome of them apualr.ioll Yery bigblf of your 8~aird'a Lini-ment. Yoora trolf. ' 'J ' W. P£CJC. Woodatook, Albert Co., N.B.,Deo. 14, US!f7.

TH~ Subscriber begslo intimato to tbo pob­lio of Jiftrbor Grace and vicinity tba' he is

prepared to exl!oute all oedera.in tho above line of busioeaa. Having had a Jooa experience io ONUERl'AKING. he tu!ly anderatauda the de­maoda aod reqdiremeola of tbat bosioen, aorl be goaraotees to give aatiafr~oLion in nery particu­lar. His price& •Ill be fully 26 per ceot. under usual chargea. He hopes by atrlct aod promp1 aueotioo to all ordera to receive a share or CUI· tom. ·

Ordere lefl at, Mr: Jamea Fox's Death Hall, or a~ Mr. Paol 8iggioa', Water S1reet, will receive prowpl atteDUQU,

• JAMES FOX. . Harbor Hract, Jon. 16, 1889-lw.

Sold by Dealen, ~if centa a botlte, X~OR.TAN"T! • IS bottlea foi' •1. HAVING ia TLJ travvla, tbroogb the Stnlfll

W. H. THOMPSON & CO. Unbbr Grare. the paat ~wo Jelara becorue acquainted · whh aneral mloing Capitaliet•, and iuteotlins;r

,._1DABD !'r. t:· ·N io a few weeh again to vlait Now York aod ~ & ~ otber citin weauod •oatb. where 1 aballtbrooab

FIRE :AND LIFE tbe wioter ruees aomo crt tbe Ame ge~tlemea,

AIIU.II flllDIJIJ I ~!;e~:~~~d~~~~~~~=~~~ ~~;N;~o::d~=t~! 0~· I ONDON ' · gr~i!iJt;~~r;~~J:~t:~~~

" • &mertc!&D markel. · - 8' lafoi'IN&ioa may be 'EST:ABLISHBD A.D. 1881. an ·•-r' papere 1en

luto at the ol&ce or

S C • 000 CommleiiO. Mt1'Cbant, UBIO&IBID Aft'l'AL ••• ••• •••• J, ,000 •• JilHPii

TU'I'AL bvano ru .. DI UP.. ,

Cooking, . Pnrlor,

Tortoise GothicGrates


Congo Shoe D1~, Kized Painb Raven Paate Stove Pollah, Bnamelled W~ Carriage and :Fum.it.are Pollah Table Out.lery-aU kinds ~4 prioee. Plated Teupoon.e and TablMJ)OOn.e ltleotrio Liaht and Victor Flour llitt.en ..Ebony and Gilt Drop .Bandlee.

Other Articles too Hmnerons to IBttiot -ALSO- ~)

-A LAI'ge A111ortment ot:.-Hall, Library ah,d Fancy Ta\>le

Page 2: AIIU.II flllDIJIJ ~!;e~:~~~d~~~~~~~=~~~ ~~;N;~o::d~=t~!collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · ing of tha New Olluruh at Spami~trd's He will be r~uired to oo01mence his


A~~~mm~ .. fl~mJ~DJ ESTABLISHED 1836.


---, INCOME AND FOlfD8 (U!87) : 7lN 'PNmiuma ••••.• -. •• • ••..••.•••• . l!,fJ(Y'I, OC>O Life Prelniuma.. .... ........ ......... ... 197,000

~tereet ... -·.. ......................... ... 148,00() Aooumul&ted Fundi .... , •• _ •..••...• £S,til,Oob

Tlre undel"'iJtDed ia err.powered to effect in. 11111'llDce8 on all ltintla of Prcpetty in New­foondland at onrrerrt Hat.ea olf Premium.

Tbe above Company ia well known for it.a liberali1y and IJromptnees in settling 108lel.

ProepectnBe~, Forma of Application for Fire anu Life Inauranee, and all o~ber ln­tonoation cau be obtained at the office ot

A. 0. HA YW .A.RD, ST. JoHN's,

.Agml for Nt:UJ/O'Und!a.nd. W. H. THOMPSON,

Std>-.Agmt for Jlar/x,r ckdce.

Pa-rcel Post to Cma,d.a,.

To me it ia too aad to tblok ~ oner 1 h7 aoul replil• \0 UIJ apal'• OrJ for tbee.

Thou who, &brpqb &ime aod epaoe aad diataoce, e•er, " · .

Couldet fe&l mJ wilb and matel7 aaawer me.

Aod if oar epirite b7 uaboaoded loogiolf 'friuiDphaut o'• tbe fleela Io life oould meet­

The capthe free, tile bird fe& Jooe .. 'Ill wroogiog To aay death eevdr..\!!il coaatDDuioa etteet.. .

1 know that thcu tbioe eyea wpe dim 111 mine are, 1dy beart,'e dark wilderneu thou oouldat not

aee, Bo' ob1 I know If mine were olear u thine are,

Lo•e could oo~ waoe for bumau fault iu thea.

Perbepa thou jtrit'Yeet there for my,t"'nlireasiou ; My aio may gif'e thtl eoog a ruinor tone,

Bot love iwmor'-11 in untri~ proceesion Htill from tbyeool oomea for&b to eeek my own. .

U there is joy i9 Heaven o'er one· repenting, Somer.im.,. J llruow tla~ thou art l(lad for 'lie,

Aod wbt~ tb:Itill voice •P•!'k•, ffome ill pre­Yenttol(,

I h~ d think the mell'age brought t-y "' iheo~

Once c}\da~ thou tell me tliat eaob liKbt word , apok11o Would folio• mao, 11nrl eYery action, born

Fruitnf a word or deed, a chain no broken, Wool~ p~her rouud him on tb11 judgment

wc.ro, . And I have watcbedlee\ thought of thine, though

i,rl\'tD lo rightel)lll ao~rer or iodillDI\ot p11in,

Should" mar Lhtt liah~ whioh ebioee for \bee in UI:!Alveu,

By waking up &.o lire in me a~:aio.

Then et~reet thou leae for ane ? In dwelling e•er By Lo•e'a eternal anurcu cao L9va J(row leas?

No I aod thou aeeat all my wel\k endeAvor, Wbilo atreogth, like dow, falls Crow thy ten·

derneaL J

'I'ISerefore, thoueb far beyond 'lime'• flutteting curtain,

Rememberioa yet the hope. the fa.r,tbe doubt, Our maoy wauderinW~ iu way. uncerte.iu,

'.l'boa e&DI~ no~ kttll' thy haud from reaching out.

Thou but not loat by dutb, bot Ar~ ..:rown etroo~ter,

All God'a I{OOd !lifts more perfeo~ jlrow iu &hoe, And uen tlle Atonemtlut IM'~Sth 01 uo luuger •

11 God &he Fa!ber r rowft OD IUetuory.

0, friend ~~rbo loved eo well whi!e yet urlh'• f~L­ler

Held thee a pri10oor in a house of clay, Thou l&flt-kuow~. loteer. mo fl\r btlttt~r,

Siooe God'• white anS~el rolled lhtl atoue away,

Mr. POTTER OF TEXAS. "- - ... --



CBA.P'fKR Xl-(CntU.IItd.)

II Arthar Liooolo bu bad a t"IIR'De hope (hd Mr. Pol&er'e elepooe of appearance will cuotra. Oiot &lie peoaliar IIIIOOQtbaeaa Of Ll• diotfoo, OQe atuoe ia ..aoieat lo d .. troy&b¥ idea. Ia 1882. &lte .. D before bim oon•1ed oulJ •nlpr !>Ar· ba.,.. to &fMI .Uad of b" Eulllilh !Mhulder; &boqll, W Potter arri•ed ia Lcfadon wi1h Ba•alo BOlla 1887, ho would bne been reprd­ed aocl wonbfpped • the -.cme of wild \V eatero elepuoe abd reaaemeot by the Brililb pu~lic, for be fa ao ahaoet perleo& piotare of a 'fe~in frootler no .. r aod oaute-mao. Ill• face, wlaioh ia oleso 6Yeo, •" a IODJ maataohe, ia aeawed whb &he wriakles of batdlhlp aad the eoan of eDCOQDtltl wilb bolb wild beaet1 aud uvaae meq, aud bu the peoullsr red rooabo .. produced b7 bebi~ eltpoeore to tbe burnloaeoo and obillloll aortaert of Teat. Uie forebud woQid be &hilt at a croetlna. good-natured boy .. were it uo' bal­aooed 'by auo.e of grea' iiao. power. and decl•· ioit, aDd contradicted by lip• of almoet etero llrmaet~, aud,; pair of fJU which hue that at ear ateel·ll'*J ltD& common to B.ruiliao diemonda of the ftnt water aad kindly tnea of •erJ d~dly diMpolitioDI~ea that are eomeurr.ea miarateu for & Ut.,t olt colet" au til cbe time of daa.rer aod d~&b·, when lbeJ biam and •blue mre- tlie bril­liaote of Goloooda O'fer tbtae IC!aturee Mr. Pouer wear<J a jet.-btack wtg tha\ il oo& ornam­eatal, it bei111 appareoiiJ of frontier mako, u it hal balr of Mtent d"'r~ of ooaneoeu Ia tta lookl. and ie ao badly lub.foae.J or oar•Jeal7 put 00, Clial it all OWl IOIIllt of l'o&ter"l OWD ltfag&liD6( brown hAir to 1bow beueatb lt. The .-...oa of itt Dll u ao& ••iii appArea&.. u !J.te lwr f' le lo­&euded to btde i• ool7 u Je& l!lilftiJIUiuled.

UU, t~Uit of blaok broedotoUt, .fMbiohd io Soatb wtttefll fuhloa, .....,, too fKac• for hie &Ilia, wlrJ ron.. for p~ ie 0' ..... _... .. ; U..acls Brick GaneJ, oqe of ble old~~ Ia the pio•eer dap etf • The Loa. Star ~e. • bad o.O. .Ud &bat • ~IIIIa l'ot•r' (ltle "'t'M• Ia

&lio.l '"":l '~"'a bl& ... tUI&il

=-=-~. r.r .......... r. 4&-: ~ M ~-

J Ll"!t*'~~a raa Ctlo Loedoa, ... d ·rcoaa '!liP'~ d ..,r, l'ut· ter,bu • .., ... QWed. or .. ,..... ad. .... ~ ...... badly ad-ftllote &cf"'Oa.._ r.-bt.ll well n · oel•ed bJ the t.-•elllDJ pabl10. ucl &be froatler appear.uoe .... Jcmal prairie maaaer. ~~ tb• eeu~IUIDAQ f~ Teiaa .bawa ••eel 011& ror.l reel or to ref111e ~O&D&If tbe ofir of 1al8 pocke&-8uk, aod Ute epmac.r of ....... milD to reqaeat &be JU f 00 DO &OOODD& to jJer• mi& tbat red-faced .,.._ &o &raYil aloaa la..tlae

me oomparhaetl\ wlda her. CoDMqlleDtJJ the Houonble ~ aG..DDe ~ talk whh. H .. ia .-ow, boweYtr.. · t,~p.(Ot loaa time oa loabblba, uo ie a pPID..a.o.lifel "' him wf&lt"• mia&ure o1 a uil "terror, for llbbe .A.r\bu~ • ........ •pqe eeeioc h'- Game. tlae. b... • OenaiD &Ia a tl•o"' il aome mteterJ . -ida the potle~D eatiUJt haoolt io \lit. I'OOlh.

AJI Mr. J?oUer• Ia beiaa on hla daDab • tu, Ail.coarereatioo liiaa&Gially upoa tbe aame aabjec,, . .

• Look 'ere.' he eap .tappl~ iN morolog edi· tioQ,., ~ ~ Mbiolt -oD lhe table before biro, • "Fuhionable Jo&elli~reooe ' ' Do JOa" eee ? !atquia de &iDa U.rwoa, I.d7 Lonpe­tille;' aod-I'J jin~to !-~ita ·Hida !'otter~ U. Heu Tb•L'a 1111 darler •adwiobed io betweeu­a dudben aud a po'-la&a&e I H.ow'1 tha• for the !'ott-er famil1f'

• Ver'J-'isr~. your booor,' remark~ Lubbio1, who worships the aritloc"'oy aleo, and ia uow bt­lfinniog to reuarit the mau upon wbow he. ia waiting as a kind of ••ell in diagoi•e.

• Aod 'ere astin I' reUlark• &be Hoqorable Samp­son, with a flush or joy. • .Louk-at thle : .. Move­menll or Note<! Pt!rt19DI": Lady Sabanh Han. nerley, accompanied by the Hoaorable Mi111 Hetbel Li!lcolo, Min lhda Potter, the buatiful HameriCl\n beirel04, the Honorable Hartbur .Lin­coln, ll. ~ic!otty Vao Con, and l\1r. Charlee tter­rol, arrived to ~aria froto Vt~uice yeeterdaj. Wonder " hicb of lbeAe obapa bia folluwiog my darter? Pur. the gale &head, thu boy• lwou'& be far bebicd-oot iu lex .. l' .

•I tbiok lbe Uouorabl~t Mr. Hartbur Ius the one !' eaya Lubbio1, wi~ a choctle. • 'E wu halwaya a-ruuuing halter her wbt~u yonr youug lady .... here •·•ieiuu~e bis family •

• You've a I!!Ydl h.-J; J,ubbitaL l'te i«mn~tbh 11111picion or tbl'\ fao' iu lDJ tJarter'l laflen. \Vtoat kinrl of a chap il'thu youullll"'"· ~uywayt' anya Mr. t>ouer, with a "'iult, pr01luninac a V"'ok11t of tloJiutely linttlti eovelovea tlireoted IU a ~&U· tif ul auJ ariacoorl\tio female II~Phl,

Dot Arthur 11!04 aud heu• no ruoro of thi:1. II ~ un" fled fro•u t he hnrrihle •I .. I'Ctll,tiQu, l111d lit! 11l11yed to look a liulu IOIIJCI'r hu wo•altl bave1 l'l't~u nnotltt~rybaae in I h11 Jtt:UIIcttlllll Ius h~t~ !Je~:u sturlyiug. Alit:,. ll r.,w morv h·arultinu q•h:lliu lltl

iu r~j(n rJ t•1 thtl cltl\fhClllt of th11 tluuoublw Ar · lhnr, to which J.•ablJIIH rt~vlit'l, wivln.t tum" •n· lher fai r reVUit\liUII fur fiht~rllli11, 11111~ 1111 the other t.:>'rt.liual Yirtue,., f~>r the~ aun of tl.te puer hall heeu q:~ite we:~ er••u• iu hit ripa. '"hich ill lite orHy stacd11rd hy wltioh bead Willert jut111u ~h11 lllttr·

alii and lfi"JIOiitiuu• ot U~ll, atr l'uttts'r rill'l. lun!:o~ out of th~ •iuduw, aud IIKJ¥, t uJJea•IJ: • \Vh11f11 Lh11 dam"Jtt: P'

• U.tma!J..- 'f' l'ChOI:I LublJiue, uot uudorat4pdiug tbi11 AIIJuraoani4tu. ~

· Yu:~: ~u" 111unh do 1 owe? l'h11t 'ere bol't'll COOIIUif in. lfurry, fikt a lltl\lllftl'd8·1 IIIUllfAIIIl !

My dl\rter mn•u'r be kept wailiug""Tur b11r dalitly"a four ·Yullr-ol.! ki .. t'

'l11u11 .. uj•areol, the waiter bolla for the bill, wbilu Potter, li!liug rlo.-o to w1it for hieo, J,(llld

absrrool!!Jiy "t &he Timt~ thl\t etill ltet on lhu table boforu bitn. &Jmetluorc iu nae of the ali . vertiaiull columua ha11(leh to Cdtch hie eye, aud tbe ooxt iuataut the a1t111-terrier iu bi•u hu woke up 1ud i• reading the paper. It ie &be uwe ad­yortisemout &hal Se~rlltallt Hrack,.ll bJuJ eu~~t~rt~d a~ half an boar ~font, but Alr. l'oU11r read• \t over and our 1~iu ao keenly aod ea~erly ,&hat •hen Lubbiot returua wi~Jie aooouut. bo ab­llnctediJ produet"l a ao•eil'tlrfn, and aaye. • Pay youraulf I' and aoee QD re~~diu~. lpeeulatiug, ADd makio~ DOWI io bil' pocket-book, iu«rlardioif bia Iabore now and aplo with auodry P,XCIRwa­tioue aucb aa • Soakee aod "'raotula•l' ' AI· utigbty ourlooe~' • Chaw me up 1' • 'J'bl.l il au efe·o!-teuer !' and otber kiodre:d Weel.ern e:a:­prdeioua. of uoited utonlabm•u" Fipall7 he ootl out abe ladYer&i.lemeuc from &lie 1~-. aod take:e the adJreea of &be adnr&i14!r, wbieb Ia U. CIArk10e Ponaa•n. Solicitor, No. M Chancery Laae, W.C., Londoo. He ia 10 eogroeeed iu tbia tha' Lubbiua, after bribaiov back a pile of eilnr for cbe cbaoge and plaoinsc h in fronc of him, re&uroa llfteeo mioute. after, aod, ftediua &he moeeJ etill qutouobed. d~tr&ty pookell II', tbin•«DI ~oUer the mott liberal mao oo ear&lr.

Mr. Arthur Liocolo, haviog fled from the hotel remarlta: • Sbe aaid : " See my fatber I • Greal he&YC!IIIo J 4cJw ~ U f IDd for I mome~t baa a wild Idea of boluur to Cbioa. Jndla. or •01 other place u far u poulble from the paternal I•ouer. He barriu ~own the etree' &o•arJ tbe th_, eapresa &IIIia chat ie aow-dr.wa apon tbt pier a .. ahilllJ cbe arrival of the Boolo~e boat: Ilia eye follon tbe pier to the tea '!'be ChaDael ate.-rutr Ia jut eoteriasc &be harbor~ bi1 illl"'(iD&· tiou picturvs tbu loYeiJ beiov who bu woo hie bear& ; be murman: • ~•'d recoooile toe to "1 f•ther io lbe world r aod lbo lite• • kiad of aubapPJ cbuokte• .. e &hiatt.: • Tbe tlouorable S.mpeoo fott'tr of 'J'exu will be a "'rJ bluer pill fot m7 KOftraor &o ••allow t' Bot for all cba' oo 10ore JoJollliJ Upeotaoa lao• aatl wUdlf butln1 bear' baa e..-~ &baa Cllaaael eteuaer tbao Anhtr LiDOOia'•: aDd H•Yeuooly ltoo•• wba& Jc!Jll, aad lo...., aDd ICOII ... ba•• burD& Htoltedo .. fe10 tjle IIDilla Qf ._ ..s wona• Gl..,.t~D~a, lw ....,. a.d far .... ,. lop, &Ma..~ for 8004 .... aDCI for W oewa. &llaa iJI.-. far .JIIo_... ..,- of bead~, aadlbewelal .. ~r.ef &J. aDd aiM· """ tW ...... • ••. of •doal. &baa aa J'Gt...,ro-.:.==~

t111e 11 ..:•row•llect. lor Jl

barrYilur &o tbe Loadoa t.U.. 11 &lwyloreiMl &o J'.Otkll&oDe lor ~· aftenooD. Li;IMIIIJ

·«iWetia&~I!IU•• he.,.~ • l1'a ell UtJl• ---........ - &eait • ._.., ........ lito

aod on ... the Aauan .. to )rlYe h11 baud IIIC!b a olup &ba' be koq"" &he ooP.ftl•· l" ii•WA ceo& bu entirelr regained bia atrwnctb. •fbeo aariaa to~ Aonerle7 bow kiad eb• baa beu COT &l)d PLlJG &o lah eacli !fOOd oare of hla elater, aad whb a • B•Uoa. V•n· Cfta& u1y bo1! ~aad for Loa· doli, eh l 'To'll'd beuer honJ aad oatcb tbe traia I' be a&arte for l1iu Poac., who 18 ia tile rear of tbe rea,. ·

.Bef ... re he hal time to addrea the Ameri­can girl. Ec.bel run• back to him, aod mut.&.ea-. anzionaly : ' Pa}* I H~t'e not bere-hb ia angry f ,(\

• Not at all. Only too tired to wait for the bob. Be expecta you all at the viiLl I' Tb,.n Arthnr epeaka tO the party and aaya : 'l;ve ordered refr:'88hmenta at the Wut Clift', and curi&JJee ·to cake you all out to Channel View. You muen'l. refuse me.f

'or course not. I'll attay with yon a w6ek, oltl cltappie, How ia bia lordabip 1' retu, ns Mr. V ~&n Cott, eeaing t.il opportunity. and inriLing himself wi~b • jump.

1 Qnite right,' mutt.eta Arthur, who baen't intended to lUIIe him, but ia in too ruuch or a burry t.o cliacuRS the qttedioo. Then bo oalla out: • ll:L·rol, you know tho w~&y, tako 'ew up to t.be West. Clitl'l'

As the detective, st.llnding near Lhe party, bearA tlae nume EaTol, he at.tvs forwllt-d, ~&bout to ~&ddreta the yonog man, but, ~tfter seeing bia fttoe, stops aomewbat. astonished ttnd, con• eult.ing his note book, tu"us ll waay and ll!lJ8

noc.bing. But hie eves never lellve t.hc) Au1· ~raliam, atncl,c.lnring the next few honra, though Errol .does not know it, Ser~eau~ Braokett uf8c9tland Y~&rd, is never very fatrA"'IIY hom him, •

•Ethel's turning back to her brotber baa left Errol nlone. Lady Annet·ley has taken her plttce IJ~i•le lite A UKtt·ulittn. A rtbnr, e>~gt:r t.o gPt tt word apl\tt with hill, ~tunc.lenly utters : • V "" Cutt., you tflL:., care of Ktbel,' han ds hi1 t~iater over• to c. he red eyt<l youoh, aJalj i• l•e&illfl hie divinit.v.

.. Dining d1ette ~tnangeetentll M jgs ~uLtt:t· h~ aloOO, lUI her luvf'\' l uiuts--fur he btttl gau:tld ut l1er ~~evcmll titu&~-1 hP.an tifnl 8l~ttuo in gray; l.ll&t'hed '!ith tlell-~t·t>ttU ttm! whiw f01t111, for thnt i11 tlae ttppellrunet! of her COfttnme, wloich iii IUII\t' t.aetio Cr"el•tion of • grt-at "'List in- Pat•ia. 'rtwaqb the hltutheK, l1a VH oluu~ecJ une auuther nver '-er ftt t:tt in wav~ of vaaied cmoti••us, ~tnd ht:l' eyfl5, whicia 1tre full of autxiuus expeolltucy, h•vu given lti.n several veil~l gl~tuct:a, llnc.l her lip11 ha\•e tt·eutl.oletl ttrhl once u1· t"'·ice.optm~d as if ttlloutt to apettk, w th s time tsht~ llttS utterad uoc a worcJ.

H er rn&r~USOI tt t!pahlelt I H) I' VOIUS.Iy in her httnd '"' Ius ~tpp..,.Oilobus- her, ~tn1l ahe llityll : 'M.y f~&du~r l IJe U.n' &. hare to rut'H me •lao, nhtlt' H mr Yt:lli"S t .Sorutst.hiug lt1UJ hapl't:Dt~J tu hi10 I' ·

1 J iitut~iua,' reLurn11 AtLli.ar, 1 ~r. Potter luus ru{lft hu Lltts t.i1118 or the IJOilL'a ~&l'riv.J.'

• Ah, yuu have St!cm him 1' • y .....

' I Ttsll me, lrow is he 1 How iticl he look 1 Well t J he I'I'Y 1 J O.)'tlllft aus I slulll hit ~t&.

'SAeinJ him 1' 11.11d &.Lu gi..t is aLout to run fc)r the ~e•ngw~ty.

4 One 111010e nt,' say11 ArLhllt', detaining her. Tltt>n be s pettks aloutl t o V ~&n Cot&., who i11 tnodn& off wilh Ethd, and remotrkR: ' .. M isa Potter hn lef&. her 8:ttol1t~l down in tho cabin. Don't wait. foa· ua; we'll at.u1 llnd find tt !'

.Htii·e ~1ia• Potter blushes, and Ethellttughs u V~tn Cot~ mutters undur hi" voi.:e to ber . • By Jon,. t hto.L't~ ll stunner I Ida hllsn' beon otr the deck the -a• hole trip I'

Be hasn't time to amvlify thia anhjoct, bowe,·er,. for Ethel, who !let'S !Acly AnnedPy ani her gnidingat.t.r ~et,ing too f11r away fi'Om hor. now cries; • Co111e un I Hurry, or we'll rniM them I' amd 6gn!"ltth ely dn~gs M r. V aan Co~t ofF with her, l&aving Al·thlll' and Ida alone W!Jether.

' I thiuk we'll he aiJle to 6nd you•· aatcbel in about five minutes,' aayw Mr. Lincoln, ruo\·­ing toward the cabin efltrauoe.

[TO Bt:. QONTUlOED.} .

11 •7 Wife is a TUror I" •ld a mild tempered mau in our hrarina. • Sbe en11P4 aud eoatla, epaoh her ohtldreo, aod fiucla fauU oonttoaally. I oao'& bear I& anj loogor.• Don' ' IJe '«)O ae•ere oo ber, my friend ; yo,.. lit· t1e realile her aolerioa-. Sbe bu loat her forcuer a.-eec di1p9•ltioa, IWd ill bealt.b ie tbe cauae. IJr. l'terce'e Jo'atorile l'1e110rtp&fou will make hr well. For female d11euu, fuuctiooal der.oge­meata. be&lioa·do•o pa~a. ud the lon~r he& of lila tba' reader wo!Deo mieerable, ao medicine u.o oompare wltb dlla. It i1 the ool7 medlcloe for ·~••1• p.IODliar w.U.eeaee and allmtoll, eold bJ drqpleta. aader a poeitite ruaraotee from &he aoaoofactoren. to lite •tlafautioa io. eYerJ CIP.ae, or •ooey refQo4ed. See pra.utee priafad oD boUle wrepptr.

For all derua~rementa of lbe atoa;acb, liver .ud bowela, &ako Dr • .Pieroe'• l'•lle&a, or Ao~ bUlou Gruul•




"l & .B


lYiedicalllali. ESTABLI.SHED IN 1855.


The St.~baoribet· lull! agaiu o.ddt!d to ltis_large "nd varied Stock, a few, of the newest le"dihg Pttt.ent .Medicines and Sundries aA follows • 0 • A I •

reen s ugust FJuwer, Warner's Snre Oure Lirue- Frui~ J uioe, Bosollee's Oermun Syrup • Eno's Frui~ Salt, Holloway a Com Cure ~ Cllrr.et·'s Littlo Li v.er Pilla. ' Wietarls Balsam of Wild Cherry W .re~lt's Liquid Malt Extl'llot, a./zeline Mother Ort\\'es' Worm Extfl rminator Liebi~'a Extract of Meat, DrRiollge Tubing'# Pen~'a ~p. P e11 r's Stta,·ing ~h.ickll. Wlute ·Eu~&mel ,(f~r filling teeth,l · Benzine (for cl~llt18iog pnrpos~J. Mtttt.sou'a ~11ruily Sya·iugea. Len.on &yrnp, &at,a.llt:rry ~Y' up l>r. 'Vil11ou 'a H erbiue Ditttlt'll '


Joltnt~on's An01lyno Liniment., T~tntl\1' lnclit-n (fot· c~ti\·cru!JI.'i ' Eno'w Mts·tiCAW><.I Sngur (lot· w~rnts) On .. rcJ'a' H"it Jy,,, 'I'dco(ilieroull ' Te~tber.•y 'l'ooth Powdtlr11 .• ; llluy's FlnicJ 1\t agne11it\, n .. ,.£, lt•on and \Vin&, •• Northrop& ~lUam'w V t'getltl.l.cl DiRCOYerJ·

do do Quihints Wioe Kello.!!g'l Alit.I.0\1\ Hou~dy '

do O.ttan·b Sunff. Dttify'!i Elixir, Hop Bitters Or. Walkea"a Vineg•u · Bittera Ptttrl\tU\'11 Cot·n E .. ~t.ructor Kea~in~·~~ In8ACt PnwcJer N•.rt.ln'Op & Lytnan'a .l~mn18ioi Ayet·'s ~lli'AAflllrlllll, Putner'11 l!(wulsio11,

Jo Olten-y J>ectorlll l Pioa·ce'll Golden Medico! Discovery

uo Ptu gMh•o PelleUs do Na11ttl Iujcoc.o~

W ll t erproof N ~rsi ng A proua do Sponge Bugs do Bil,ll (for· obildrap ~elbing.)J

Ft-llow!i' Cou.poa\nd Syrup ::iteedro~&n'll Teotluug Powtlors R.nblJt:~r Tnuin~ for b'cedea"S Ayer's Hair Vigor, Bay Rltm A lien's Hait· .Re&trwer, Child's Trua!lcs Adnlt'rt Truase~t, Min~t~d'a Linime nt CttiverL'.,. Cuboli~ SoRp, Fuller's El\a·th /"' Dried &very, Dried ~ttge, l>ried Tl.aymo Wright's lJnfennent.ed Wino .Burdock Blood Bitters Kt>~ler'a Cod Livca· Oil ancl 1\Ialt. .Eiwt'Uce ot Spruce, Allen's Long Balaam J udsou'" Go!d Paiut, J udaon'li Uold Ink. Citrate of blainesi~t, O:tyenne l.o~engu



W ,PreaorptioDJ oarefully: compounded and with plUG druge.


GENERAL 4aaurau~a OompaaJ~



Capitl: £~000,000 Stg.

Page 3: AIIU.II flllDIJIJ ~!;e~:~~~d~~~~~~~=~~~ ~~;N;~o::d~=t~!collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · ing of tha New Olluruh at Spami~trd's He will be r~uired to oo01mence his

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __ ,iew ·Adv~~ts :. ~

FI8HHBIES,1889. We shall prepare for Ne~undland

merchant&-J.OOO BKtra Quality, Very ~c,

4 x 6 Herring NETt. ~ ' 100

Caplin, Haning & Co elries, light, strong and easy-hand'ling; light­ness is prod\.

We continue to ad vocate, as a means to increase tbe neU pz:ofits of the voyage, the light Cod Sein~

We desire to do business with the mer­chants or Newfoundland,

GLOUCESTER NET & TWINE COIP~ BosfOD 01ftC8. 9( ComiilBI'Cial GUutit


Pl-iCENIX-fire Assurance Company



Joseph Wm. Bauodale, Esq. Hr'ir.tow Bovill, B~

''l'be Hoo. J a ll)ea .KlOi . , J oho CluUou, l::aq. Octavius 1$. toope, Eaq .• M.P. lieorge i\,rtbur Fullllr, tt~q. Obarlea l!;, Goodhart, Esq. M. Rhode Hawkiua, £sq. tiir .Joho Lubbock, Ut\rt. , ~lP., F.llS,

, CharieR T homas Lucu, Esq. C ha rl es Magoay, Jt:eq. l'be Hoo. BcJwio B. Port mao. • D udley Robert Smith, E !q

"- Wm. Ja1uea Tbompeou, Baq . HON. DlnEO'J'OH

J oliN J. ULOOllFIEL01 Esq. \\'lLLIUI C. ~lACDOYALO,l • F ttASC IS H. ~bCOON4LD, f Joi11t Secrelarau --.

T he engi\~eroenls of tbi1t Office ftre s;uara n• teed uy a DUOit!I'I)U~ ttmJ 9&11Lhy Proprh~ta•·y addition to a lurge iovf'Bt.ed Oupil.ld ; ann tbe )ll·omptitude und liUt\r.tlity wiLb wlaich olclirua .l.att ve ulwttys l>eeo ma t, are well· known and JI.Cknowlwged.

Tbo importllnce of the tnmMctions of lhe PHillNIX FIRE Ql4'J!'I0F,

rol\y bu estimated from t ha fact tbat aiuce it. uat-1\bliebrneut-uow over Os& 11 UNDII£0 'i KAI•I -· the pnytUenta in satidactiou of Claims for Lou ­"'' have uxceeded Fout,TEI!N MILLIONS Srt nLIYO.

loauraocta&flaiuu. J.ou b7 Fire and J.igbto­ing are elfectt'd by th11 ColllRADJ apoo 11very dt~llcriptiou of .r"::perty, ou the moat favorable terwa.

J ao17


.dftlt,. )or Ncr(utnulla'lfd

New Church Spaniard's Bay. Aa tbe Hemben ot &he Cbarcit of Eagi•DCI

· in Ha••aiard"a &yare abcMat to erec' a New Churob, ooa&dhQ&ion11 ate herehy solicited and will be ..-.ally receiYf'd b1 Bel'. J, .Aiilaar KYaaa, C!tt.Jirwunl of Co""'""-; Jlr. Jacob-o- and Mr. JaDtea Hutclaiap, Clurt:4- JV..V,...; Jlr. J. 1'. Sbeppard, rn.a,. .,..,. ; M.a. A braham Ba....-t, l»cl'fll4ry.

2:Sa• nlarcl."• S.r, J'eb. :!3, 1B88.

Queen Insurance Company. \JAPITAL-£2,000,000 Sterling. --




T ','VEN'l'Y-·UffH ANNUAL REPORT, rhe Re1JOna aqd 4ooounc.a for the ye.r

1886, pre~~eq&ed ~the Sbareboldera IU tbo Annua l llee&ing, 011 Tbqrad•y lit.h May, 1887, ehowed in the

rlRB BRANOH. _ That the Premioqaa f'or 1886, aft.er deduc·

t iog Re·ineu.-.o~ amounted tu £601,6,9. and the LoMel to £353,494; or 6~.76

Il'i THE tiFE BRANOH That New Poliaiea bad been iaaued for

£268,910, 7ieldiq in premiam .£9,916. aod that~ lOCal DetL preqaiaiQ ioeo.e wu ~tr 37-t. Tba' Ute .-Jment8 t.o pol~eJ-holde ... were- ~.7 U, aod tbat &be Ure Juad wu iuctealll4 bJ .U0,003.

Tile 1-IIDM •• Off'Ji' of l'ro8& •nd Lo.i, a fi.er ....... .tta,OOO to the Yare J!uad, w• abowa • eo -'134,18~ 10. ta, -

. _.iJIIIMIIII&tillld~

· ··-··· ..... ,. hil4, ....

Items.. , -----·---------------~~~--AD tlnohor of t.remendone ai&e bu ~ed 8ab-ed 0111t. of 81. .lobo harbor. h il II'PJGHd to bne blloo,ed k» ao old Freooh •~·of-war wbioh Yiafted ~. plaoe OYer a OIDIUrJ ato-

-Fn.t Asr.u, AKD Fllo&&.-St. Job, Jtna. 20.-Joho MoCluak'ey, 66 ,.,.,. old, beluogiug 'P ltfiJiidgerille, ROt draa It lu' nijlbt, fell..uJeep on tbe rolld aod froze -to death. 'l'be bod7 wu fouod tbia foreuooD. __._

-It ia at.tted lo Loudon &bat All o( t~e Eogliab ateel rail utaken bue aene to form a &rua• aod tba' the .Freacb aod Berlio makers will join the rinsr. The D.to~eweo~ if allcoeufuJ will oaul e au aJuooe ia pricea of 20 to ~ per eeoc. \

-'1'i1e Blarnaroks hayiug failed to keep Pr~ea-101; t;efrckeo in prieoo u a traitor, the Cour~ hario~r decidod there waa oo nideuce to a11staio the cbarStea. the7 are now eodeuoriog td hue bim abut up u a luoa\io, bll' ia Lbia &beJ will likely fail.

-O' Bata FOOliD HOILTY.-Dubli11, Jan. 25.­Wbeo the trial of Mr William O'Urioo was re­sumed to day, at Carrick·oo-S_)llr. Mr. O'Brien wu absent. The trial, bo•etef, pl'OOee!leli ia bia abaeoee, and be wu eooYioted Aod uoteoced to four mootbs' imprt.ooauant wit bout bard ltlbor.

' The pollee ban u 1•~ diaoonred no clue to Mr. O'Brien's wberl!&bouta. ---

-A S OSPICtOUa COLOSY.-Lolldoll Jan 25.-Aaobiootra expedition or Cossacks ournbermg three buudred, which ioteoda to found A colony io Abyuioia , bu landed at. Tads~hurab in Freoob territory. The eJ peditioo ia atrougly auapected of ao iutaotloo to fonud a atrategic aettleiDeut, aimilu to tboae at Atouot At boa.

- w'Obu ~~o~=Fort &nton, Mont., January 2S.-Woln1 ar11 creatin~ tcrea' bavou &moo~ the atoclt io the uortberu par.t of tl1i1 couutry. The wolves no lou~er confine their d epr.edll,iooa to cal\"ea. colla ""'' yearlioga, but now ati4Ck and kill full growo atettrs. 1'boy 1(0

about io p"cka, Rod raochmco are afroid to travel alooe for fear of beiog a uacked.

-DELUGED WlTJl MoLTEN STE&L·-Lo11don Jau. 2:>.-A peculiar acc1Jem occurred to-day at tl\e railway worka a t. Jlrewe. An iallmeuae .craoa carryiul-! a ladle con tawing attveo ' oua of molten s teel collapsed a1n.l tbe lad le fell into a pit. Mauea of thu s teel flew like bullet. in every dt· ruction, AQd twenty 1ouo worklua lu the vicini•y of the pit were eevetely iojurtd. 'l'bo rooJ oftt.o buildioK wu toru off.

- A Scoron-ImslC CONOIIESS- CoLrmbin , Ttllll .

J Gn 24.- 'l'here will a ta11 ruble at CoJurobil\ on ttill eif{Lt day of ~by tX~ A cougr•• nf the Scotob- Irfab race. Lv11ry St&te 111 ~e Uuioo. Cannd~~o aud the United Kingdom "ill:. be r"1"e· sen ted by prornineot revrettmtati •es of this n~ce, wbo will part.i"llipa ae iu the exerciau the cnn . greiiiJ. 'fuo object of the coop::reaa i to raviyu memories and to co1opile tloe biatory i the race aun abotr. i'- imprt• oo American ci•L\u:atioo. - - ,.

- A Gn.um ScniWB.-Ntio Yvrl', ~n. 2S -'fire Wurld eaya A powerful company o tpilaliets already or~&nfzed wi1b millioua of dol ra belu ud it, bM propo8Cll.l to tbe Uoveruweot a lao to de· fend tbeeotnoce to harbora byforoio euuleuru to the surface of Lire wat11r 'hrou ~tb pipet laid .&t the bottom for tbat purp~ aud i!.: llitiug witb a burning bomb, tbua creating a aea of the. throujlb which tbe eoeiDy't fteet palll. An ox perimeo& will aooo be made LO demouatrate tbe practicabilit7 of'tbe plea.

-A bill bu beea prneoted &4\ tbe Uoited Statee oo..,... otr"ring a reward of 1100,000 to aa7 oue of anJ aatioaalit7 who diaeoyera the trae praa of J81low lena and bow to dtetroy i'. ·ne reealt. b .. beeD tO lood tbe departrneot hn· io~r oonuol of tbe matter witb '" aorta of pre­poeceroae claime aud propoeala. Meaowbile Saraeoo General Haaniltoo, one of tbe 0101~ emiaea& medical mea io tbecouotr7, lura written alet.ter ~ oppcMia1 the p&aaiCe ur tbe bill, aad eaJaeedag tbal in &DJ cue the ifOYero..,eo& eboald aet. 1"7 oyer tbe aaoue1 uotll tbe dilco•· erJ &o iod9oe which it ia offered bu beeo e~~tab· lielaodibeJood qaeetioa. ----GATUNO~ LAnsr IMVDmO!f.-HarrjOrd,

( .'Oifa.\ Ju 26.-l>r Uaaliu1, &be ioYliOtor of abe Gatliav maobioe aua, •id reaterd&y: 1 haYO do. Yield a torpedo boa&, wbiob 1 re,card aa more e(­fecth·e aod cer&aio ui aetioo thao a11y heretofore iueot\d. Witb it aor irouolad Mtkl, to OD• ter our harbor, or comioac to anchor, or io­ataoce in tbe lower ba7 of New York, could be qaiekiJ. aod euil7 d..cro1ed. M7 boat •ill be propelled b7 ale&ID, aod will approaob ao iroo. clad bow ou, ptHeutiog the leu' aurface to tbe pot or the ahip, ao' •ill b. 10 protected tba& abe ahota tired a& ber will baye uo eltecL. 1 rp· aort. for tbe deatructiop of a hoe,ile nael -to Jhe aae o( bi&h eaploli•ea nob u oitio-ielatioe, d7pamite, eto. A17 1J1tem •ill be aeuerall7 de· eeribed u tbat of • ooatrolled &orf*loet,' which are uodtr the a~lute cootrol of Lbe. boat lJOti1 tbe ioataot of e~ploaiOD. M7 plao will 1lri•e a torpedo tbrougb ao7 oe& or ower protecniou ao iroactad may bate aud plao. it a' tbe deeir11d polo& of oaploeiou. lu a ahon Ume 1 ebaU be prepared to ai'e to•tbe pabllc adetaileCl deaorip· tioo of my phoDI,a aod 1 am ea&Wl~ that tbe li1Dplioit7 aDd eoouom7 of the lflttm will be eeea a& ouoe u wall ea iu elloi•DOJ· -- ,.

-CBAJCUII.AUI o• i'tniLIC Arr.ua.-IA.doi.. Jq. ~. -llr. Cla.labertaia Addf4lilld I GIH&IOI d Btral ..... 10 •lab' Ucl lite& wltb aa O• Una11Mda ~a. Jln, Olaail~ oooapt. H. a ..a OD Cbt llr. (;.._...,.... n· r.....s eo •art 'l'W ..... .,.. .., • Mritt


-., At 2.20 o'olook tome (O'w ~ .. cJap aco, oa ~be New York aud P'eaDIJiftal& •1111 Obta r&ll· way, tralo No.8 laR boued, rodllclng a abarp oune a mile aod a balf eQ& ol 1'allmadge, 0 ., oacne auddeuly upon part of freigbc No 81 io a dnae foi. The frel~bt eowio~r IDd bralkemao jumped aod eaoapt:d eerioua fllJnrJ. fbe vu· aeoger eoJline ••• crusbed iuto bltr and .. I DRied with wrecbge behiud it. Tlae freil(h' oogioe reared op and atood ahuon oo ebd Eagiueer Hua~io~doo and fire mao \V altere o! abe ex pre" were terribly cruab~:d Th., eu,Poeer waa di.l ­embowelled, bia bead croahed aud bia liruba brokeo aod doubled up. 'l'hll paaaeu~tet" train couaiated of a combloatioa bAggap aod exprea oar aad smoker, aod oomrnou ooacb ahd two eleepen. 'J'b" great.er horror eame wben• the baqage car aod amoker, . wbloh telucoped with lbe common coach, took ftre afhlr~e accident. '!'be two teleacoped coaohea A!)peared aa one. aod from tbe 11bl\ttered aod buroiog car-1 carue the t::roaoa and abrieka of the uofortd.oatea. 'fbeo oa1ne a acuoe of terror. The stroog s~roggled to eac&pe tbe horrible deatb by ftre, wTille tbo wealt aod belpleaa wounded prayed tor succor from

tbaa were fut eonlopiug tbern. Io tbe auloker were ftvp Chioameii, aod ftte were pull­ed out. ali•e. bat half dead from friAb~ Three were oev6r SebO after the craab, aod ~nell aod bita of cbamsd fleab Ratbered op io a bag were all that were toond of thom. Ooe of tbe mosL pat.betio sceoea wu that auehdiog abe death of little Mary Auo Lyoo, an orphan wbo waa beiog aeuc. throogb from Idaho oo a " oood clue ticket to relatives io Cherry Creek, N Y. Edward Peltzer, a paaaeuger going to New York, tella this story of ber d~atb :-"1 ooticed the little girl who appeared to be all arooe and l('lt.ned t.ba~ aile bad beeo ticketed tbroagb. ·Wbea the, crash oamt'l I waa io my l:11rt.b io tho aleepar and reoeitud ooly a aligh' abock. My"'ftrat thought wu of little lliry aud I ruahad ottl; of the oar and to wy borr'-lr aur lbat the IIP.Oker was io flawea. I wout outaide t lio · oppoaiti' P-at t of tbo car where tbe little one bad .. ~ aod rouud lbat. ahu had been. wedgctl dowo by " ·~at, wblch bad falleu upon her. 'l'be flau1ea wcte.~alrea~y ear­rounding ber and fl od io~ that abe SOiild noL lie reached 1 fled from the spot. 1 could aee ber pleadiDIC •yea and h&w her dreadful ahrielta. T ltis ao uouen ed mo that 1 threw myself do"n upon the te rouutl and aubbed:' AuolbClr eye wit· ll t:U 11ays tllllt tbe liltle $:irl , wl,10at &h riell:ll Wl're heartro:~nding. reiClaaed ht:ratlf j 111t hofore 1be 6ro i:ot. to her 1tud lor a rooOJClUt groped l"ild ly about. io the priaon of tbe car, tht.:u ft~ll over clloked by aw~k~ tbii fl"mes quickly cowiug' up to cow . (JittlCl l lll!'a readful • ·ork.

-- Australia has exported uearly 100,000.000

rnbbi~ akin& since tbe cruil&de 8t..'8intttbnt prolific animal co1urneucud, nud a till tbe supply abowa no • vllrt:ciable Jtwioution.

-Lo11d0111 Ja11. 28-T he Standard aRys ': Puis ""' •lone many 11JOuderful things, bul. llllYilr 11ny thing Ill Ore wonder( ul tbao the election of Uou · I&DI(t:r-u~:ver auytbin~ 1oore iJtutHrllnion. oo iu· aaue. !'aria watfu the w·nr of 1870 •ud i• •ue1ue probabl., abe will m• ko 1\uotber.

Wh1 ~o llmpin~r aud whiuing ab'lrn t yonr cnrna, wbeu a :45 cent bot.tl e of Hottnwny'ot Com Curo~ willtemote tbtlur't Give i t. a trial, aud you " ill uot. rearet iL ~

Wbat. a comfort to be able to g ratifJ one'a appetite once more witbont JIAin, after lonsr au(. feriDl.(l from l>ysptipaia I Victims of indigestion wiae enouah to accept. abe (lf'neral verdict. io fa ­•or of Northrop & LyiD•u'ot V lll(el.able m •covery 1\Dd u, • .,eptio Cure as tra d use t he article, cao enjoytbe welcome rei . • O batioat' Dys ­pepsia, Cooaaipataoo aod Uillioasueae; invariably 1ield to l'- potea.t regulating aotion.;• ~

f You need oot cough all nigh~ and diaturb

1our frieoda; tbe•e i11 oo ocoaa1on lor you· ruu · niog abe rialt or coo&ractlot: lnft.ucatioo ;of the luuas or cooaulfptioo. while you cao !let ~ickl o'a Aoti-Cooaurnpai•e Syrup. 'l'Lia medici~~ c urie ooaal.ta, colda, io6amiuatioo of tbe luop pod all tbroaL aod obeaL troublea. h pro10otes a f1 ee aod eu7 eaptetoratioo, wbich iiD..,~Intoly re ­line• the tbroa' aud luup frOIA •~i.d pblegm.

Atr· C. F. Drown, Crowo Land Agent, Sault Ste· Maire, writea: "'l'wo or three t>f my friend• aod myaell were rcoomm,oded to tr'J Nortbrol' & L7mao'e Ecn'llaiou of Cod Liter Oil aod Hy­popboapbitea of Lime aod Soda, io pre(ereooe to Compound dyrop of Uypopboaphitea. We pre­fer your &mnlaion, and tbaolt it bet&.er for the •1•tem tbao t.be s,rup, .. &c.

J . R. Earl, Weat Sbefrord, P . Q, writes l b•ve been troubled with Jiyer complain' for ls&Yeral yeara, aud ban triod difrereut medioioea with hatle' or no beneftt, until 1. tried Dr. Thomaa• Electric Oil, wbiob ft&Ye immediate eelief. •u l I would • 1 tbat I b&Ye aaecl it a.luce with tbe beat tofreot. No ooe aboold be wltbont it. I lrne tried i' on m• boree lo ca101 of onta, weftMidtJ, &c., and I tbiok it &<lully u good for horae u for mao.' --Croup.- Tbla dleeMe il oaued b1 the for· maci.)n at. a faiN membraaelioiDi tbe wlod-plpe, auci bbatrootio.r the r--Be or the air, and ia bawD bJ tbe atarill, eroap•IOGDcliq eoa1b and ratlliDI to &be t.broa&. Tbt. .. embrau .Gut be reCDOt'ed bJ. espee&ora&lea. Tate a d oable doae of Allu'a Lalit BalMiia, ·~tea or flfteeo miD· utee, wblob will reduce it. &her: takiac a few doeec. 'Jite &IUm will ~d bu ~ned tlie11~e• of lboaeaodt of obildreo J&Wict- witb .oroop, when I' baa ben &akea lD ...-.

I W Ordora for the Huoya to be ll lld or Joulf

M • d I A · d d hlUNN & Co, Harbor Grace. e a S • War 9 • F. W. GOLDER, Inventor, .-:·- -r N H 1,, .


Late o}Jiur of A. A. T. Co. S. S Mi11ia. l ~t-T he ' VI C l U It A A .• C 0 " 18 7tot t>l- arrd recipitnt of the Gold Medal and

pectally ndaptcd for nny particular, but tvery cla.u Diploma fur mode/A at t11e Fi.drtritll of v.:aalll&, from the (Jreat &utern t~ the Uory. 1 , AVIibition. ~-c .·1883.

2nd- Jt. auperaodea all others, aa It baa more ,

~~~;~r.power tbao any other t wou ty per ceot.. l G01JIER'S \'lfrf()UIA J1AfENT OU BUOY 3rd-It cannot be fonud by cables over i t or Awardlld A Gold: .~odal a t t.he Ba rcelonn.

''"Pt by ita own. I Exhibltlon, 1888, .. 4tll-ll. ,,ruws io ooe-fonrth the room oo deck And now osed by 1he Iorge fleet oLa&lho~r, for­

M rail , only projecting llbout. a foot from t be ei~eo .!'-od banking Ve~la ~out of .thie J>Or t. lt ,·e~t~el'e aide when s towed. hos gaven &eoenol eatJsCocttou, teshmoa1ala cOLU·

5tb-lt cno be let_ go StocJ; and Flub CroJTl the iog iu dail)'. rRil by 01eana of a Tumbler. No cocJ.;.lJiOinq, ' bill·buard1 or iron on buw oeceasary. TESTI'MONIA.LS.

6tlr-lt cnooot po~ibly fo•ll the f orc·foot or The followina watimoniala are from Capt. fl AW· prink tbo bow wbill't being secured. J\INS, of tbe banking rcboooer Eppie,aod Capt

7th-J is easier to cat nod foh and llt(lw tiJao J1 uosoN. ,r the aobo~oor &~ina, bo th of Liar-any ot~r aocllor . . · bor Grace:-

Sth-'l:'tio Fluke cao be Urttn out 110d rtplnctd S1n - 1 hove uaed tbe V ictoria Oil Buoy-in a few miuutea. ~pare F lukea cno be supplied. tJ,e paet aei\Soo whilst cnp~ed io tbo Hank Fian­which is of Y,.ear adoantage., by aeodiog Jlconber ery. &od, duriog tho very hea,·y storms eunouo~ o, size. tered, ba ·e found it to be all tha.t is desired aud

9tb-IJ.'hta Anchor up to Uvo hundred wei~bt what ia olaimed for i t - wbother lftyinK to or can bf' tlwroughlg rtpaircd by ftOJ ordi11ury black.- r.toniog, in bea\'Y aea, or riding at nnchor oo t h& 1mith, wbereaa tbQ cor-omoo aoobor is tolallv u.~- Ut\nlts·-lhero is perfect safety while you have lut when once brokeo. the Oil Uuoy afloat. 1 would oot now bo wit!:-

lOah -The Stock of tho "VlC'l'ORTA AN- out it at any cost. You cannot eatimato thl) t HOR'' Ia less tbao o»e·h41f 1\S l ou~ aa the stock aavin~; by lbt~ use of the Oil Buoy. or tbe common anchor, aod if needed in a hurr!! · Sl'EPlJEN BAWKL.~S. can be throwo over 1cilhortt Aloct. and i ~ will be ----found jo~tt. ae avai lAble. No anchor of ~be day is 1 ht\ve u11ed the Pateo~ Oil Booy t hia aeaaoo o~ so eastlJ ckared nj choi11. tbe Bauka aoi c.~o testify to rita n•ofulueas, aud

N. B.- T he V IOTUIUA A NCROR ia the only would ooL care to be without i,, WI i~oheu sa\'Od aocbor of tbe day jil fur getttlemrn'll yacllt1 where my veuel whilet ridiog at aocbor. laoldi11g potl'er combiued with lighl11U1aod ne!lneu ROU.l!: ltT H UTSO N. il tbe dt111a11d I Scboooer &li11a

Page 4: AIIU.II flllDIJIJ ~!;e~:~~~d~~~~~~~=~~~ ~~;N;~o::d~=t~!collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · ing of tha New Olluruh at Spami~trd's He will be r~uired to oo01mence his

•. , •

far••t -~[race r.fJYl1RM'f() V 8 t Y A. II VERTf.'U;R .. """__.._......._ ....... , ......... ~....,......,. ...............

tiA'l'UROAY. lo'I';UKUAitY 9. 1889. iOif )' ~ .............. , ........ ~,"'

Wa are pleaw~u 1.0 c.l•y to lJft in a poaitioo 1.0 Male Lb' nou of the three ~of aru~Jlpox DO'! in the btll},ital of thi" I.O~u u ye~ ~ •bia&eci.Ja'-lly. We. ru•y 11dd here ~ha~ i~ wilt not be known tor a tAin'Y before 1U.J•y or Wldn81td11y nex~ et.ller or no~ &M·ditea&ae baa been comm nie~&lec.l to other perfiOD8 in t.he cowmunit.y ; or i~ will take ~ time fOt' tb~ diate01per to fnllv develop lc.elf, it il ahould nufort.ona ly h•pren tha~ it. baa been cooc.ract~ by au 8 outaide the weos.ec~ ve~~t~J.

8iDoe it bealme de6nitelv known that the maltpan~ fliaoaae was ioJeecJ pr~nt iri our midat, h ia but righ~ to 8/jy tha~ t.be medical beiliU. officer, Dr.• Allan, u well u tbe magis .. trat. have been nutiring in their eftorta to so •ct u Ua&t the diatemPf'r should be, if no~ quickly atamped out, yet at any. rate so Ji~Joited in ita aoope t.bllt it wonld not be oom­munica~d to auy one else. So f•r as ia }'fit known, their exeruona ba ve heen att.ended with 'auoceaa. · B"t, as we h~t.ed abova, it ia too eaTiy to aay much on this matter yet. Tbe d•y alone will declare it. We shall, bQwttver, hope for tho bell~

The Government, with commendable promptitude, have recently appointed IL large Boalrd of Health for the town of .H~ruor Grace. It is oomp<Med or Ria H6nor Judge Bennett., Doctors Allan ftnd .Mar~in, Joseph Godden, ".&q., J.P., M.lJ.A., R. S . .Munn, :&q, J.P., W. H. Thompson, Esq., J .P.; and .Mesara. A. T. Dryad~tle, 0. W. .&vss., Tbomaa Ureeo, William T•pp, D. J. Green, Benry Th~met, ar., John C. Belltet·, Beoja min . l'arsona, William Her:.nessey, H, J. W •~LI. Peter Dwyer, P•trick. F~~.rrel, a.ud H. J. Fitzgerald.

lotelligence of the Abovt- satisf~tctory.- cir· , culfait.nce W48 re.ceived hero hy tel"8mph l11.11t

Thul'8day moroin$t. A ahort tijne thereutler, at 2 p.m., the Board met. in the Court Hon11e.

~ It immedi~ttely took all tbe &taps a~ present d~ted D8Ca88ary-amoog which W d& the detenninauion 1.0 at once 11end to H ttlifux for a aqpply ot fre.h v"ccioe-Lhere Lcin(! uone

' here, and very little in St. J ohn'e. I t wtLS

alao decided to ot·der a dttily Sll)~t·\· ision by the•polie& ot ~11 thoRe persons who b~ttl heen on ~ard the s hip William, M well llS of all tboae who had wubed tbe clothiug (,f any meqaber of t.be crew o£ wid vessel. Fnrther,

'it wu reaolved that • notice~~ be imme<lia tely U..ted arounJ town, and also sent to t he South Side, Harbor Graoe, and to Moaquito­notioes "Cl&lltioning all person<t against vi&h­iog the houses of t.hoeo who were on bo" p U.e brig William on her last voyage, until (OIW'Um <Llyt from t.hia dllte (Feb. 1) bavtux­pind."

h it deYouUy to be ho~ tbat all this may h•e the much to bedeaired effect,~and tb:'~ thi.a oommllllit.r ma1 be•ve.i (roan the rav"gNI of t.be •• ooi8oaae pea'ilence 1' We aball await &be illae wi&b 10me aolioit.ade.

i.e Uoftnlment. have also daemfld it wite ..... ..,..._, t.o appmat a Health Board for ., ....._ Tbw oom1Ki.eea t.he following, -.,_Daaton Vruer and M4Leocl, U. H. .. ,...~,J.P.,uacl )1...,.. A.ariab Dawe, ~ Dawe, Bli Dawe, huo M:eroer, Mt.rk Daa.,. a...n ac-, and .Joaiab Ooae.

We •a blat &111-' t.ba&, wid\ all t.be pre­--~ IMUQNI wbiob •ave been ado~ ....... ..._ ID&J' not ob&Aio a fOO\bnM here, "' will be oaollaed co the ca.. now iD boe-­pitlll. W 8iMe tbe aboye wM plloed ia type. ooe of

..... lick wftb ....aupo, a& Ule boepltal­lllobard Par•n• died He wu buried &hit IDOftliatr. He wu a IDUried man ; had oae cbitd de be~ &o &be Soath Side. Harbor Grace.

TIR eueaaltteel latelr formed here for lbe parpoee of ai•lt•l In tbe T eartperaaoe £1eo&ioa, tu be 'Mid oa tbe 271b of tbia mootb, hue for .,... liiDI pea\ been bard a' work • Caoyauera baYe b.ea .. n& oo& tbroaacb the diacrict; aod modera&e appMla baYe beeo aod are JUC beio1 01ade &o •CMI•rate aaea of a11 abadea of opioioo •J\e prtacipel argoeueat aeed ia tbia ooe •ia.-0.0 •• afford to bue the pobho houMa re­opned aod the •le of latosicatioa liqoota qaio =ed here anti el•whef8 i11 tbe Oletriot of

Graoe? Would encb be to the geoerAI IICinata,re ? Will a& le&~l to &he contioaed prew"ation of the bar•uot.Joe relalion4 bar . pitJ ob\aiulna here aud eiHwhere aow aud f• aome aieae paet--to the beoeft~ of all (1111.....,. ooace111ed, bu1ioua aod oLIIerwW.? lf there lie abe emallea' dao~er to be ap­~aded ou &hia poiot froaa &.be ruerein~r or .... preeeo& beneftoi.l ,.., •llJ, then, uo& 1.-• well e••onRfa alt>oe 1 Ia i& no' the part of ....... &o do 10? Appeaa. and arautaeoce eocb M thJ.. are tbole •ltioh ba•e blteu rree~1. addrelt­

... to '" people of the diltrtd. Ne89 "'" fe!'f for &hl.ree"h? We trn• no,, Wa CO~tftdetHI1 ..... &be .... hi &lie uuda of , ... peuple. we .-.a ~)I d-.,poinl41d. . __ .,;;_ ___ _



tnrall1, tbe Board ot Bealth t.ook •ver,yp.;.. oauLion ~ prevent *M •Pftllld of ~e dileue, wbibh, it is m•Uer of t.hankf&&Joaa,hu tha d• aired eO'eot.. lt. ia difBoult (•.JI t.beo J(~)&O ..oooun~ for t.he origin or r.bw cue. ... tba pa­tient bad not been in coot.aot with any other attbjeot of ~be dileue,tbere being none aaob jn ~c. J obn'e. He hlld beQn working oo boam " v~l undergoing repairs; and thqugh oooe of 1le~ crew b"d ~he disease, and it ia not kuown that. smallpox wu over oo board, it 1a possible th.t aocne germ11 of tbia moat infeo­tiooa diaee&ae m•y b~&\'e been elinging to t.be parr. of · the ihip where he ...,... Thia, of conrae, ill mere conjec~nre. Clothing from some other unsuspeokMI quarter m~y hue oooveyed the poiaon, •nd in Home u~known w-.1 tha. poor m11.n. ra.y bavc oome in ~nt.ad wiLh it.· By the IJ&'Otupc. and atringent mAa · surea aadopt.ed t.h.ert' ia. little doubt but. ,bi.t the diaea~~e will ~ arr-eated, ao that there is not the alight.eat rea.son for alarm. •

Bot this ill not all. That other fell dia~m· per, diph~beria, ia no"V blld ILL t.lte Metro~o"';" Iii; for aoaue time past, ~ would hue been oU&en·ed by the obi~uttry nn•ice~t-aJJJ)C&ring in t.IJe pre811, ic. b~ been attended with fatal r~eult., more eapecilllly among tl.te yoang people. According to tlie report. .placed be fore the foard of Htjl&l~b on Wednesday last (saya one of our city contempot'llries) there were 104 mao cases of Jiphtberil4 dnring tlie SPoond b11l£ of Jttn~attry-froau t.lee 15th to tbe 3111t. The deutha from thiB disN~.Se during thRt period ~umbered 13; tor the previous for~oigbt there were 10 otn ot 97 cases. It is _g'~'IY tolbe desired tbnt the m81tna uo~ bw~ st~ty the rav11ges of tbe disteru ICr m~ty be attended with the very Ueftt rew

suits, and th11t t.efot·o long it nmy oeaae to be a souroe of ooncem and of altmu to the lie~t'S of tbe Metropolis. In order to thi11, how. ever, no effort mur~t be lett uuttied-no mo•rus of pte\'ention rel~txed.

\V£ bttve befot·e r.-ftn·red in the.'le columna t<> the }mtiseworthy llffot·t.! lll t.ely r~uatle to ~~~ · able the n t'ec.Jy Croft-ers of Scothmd to better l.heir condition by removing to tbe D .mliuinn of Cllutu.l• ~here ~be opportunities would h,u ll~orded tbem. of t:aming a corufoa·t.ahh: sub, Sl8t.enoe for therusel ves und ~at>ir f11toilies As m~toy of our a·endtsr·s 1\re tt WllrP, ttl; tttiS•>CiR: ~ion tot·ened the Crott.flr Emi8rtttiun. Commit­wu bfi.S been forruetl l•y tbe British Go\·e a:n ­mg~tt. lta fnnotiooa tta·e tlens enumel'">\t.eu­WJO commiSsioners •re etupowared-tia·lit to paocet'u in the S31ection of flianilie.-. froru


t.ha r..~iu d it~tricte, •nd theit· set~lttmenL in t.he .Dominion ot Oanttdtt j second lO vroviue from t.hu funds ttt t.lu:it· disposal such at.l v"tloc:..<t to dee SeU,Iora as might ue uece.'iliiLry, 1\Uil to Un· der~ke t.lte C?lleotion of inat~tlmouta of CHpitttl aud mterest m re!)llymcnt of ~~t ·ne; thinJ, •o ~Joe and bold mortgages on thfl lands, aoJ hens on tbe chattels ot the RKid aetdera ~&nd to proceed in the l'eCOVOry of dotls,aod ge~lerally 1.0 do all snob tiJiogs aa might bu reqniliit.e and oecea~~~~ry.

It aome llf the oeceaitonll peo(lle reiitlont on tfle un(ert.iltt ~t of U..bn&dor could be provided for ae the Scottish Croft.era have ~n. and Lben forued to reD\OV~ r. o ·u tbMt eterile ehoro, auch, we «1'0 JM!nluaded would be to the ru11niftllt advanL&ge not ~oly of Lbemaelvea and their familiae, but lUI well of th011e 11JIOD .whom t.bey hue wiuter after win­ttsr t.o ~ly for a very (N"8CC&riont aubeiatence. rl'ia iale to loovr aid 'bam on ~he barren L.brador ooat.. &t.ter to JUlopt the m81Ul1' t.beirtremoYal to a more io•itiog ahote • •

OUR lEI FI8HBRIE3 BUPERIB!EBDEBT. Nnroo•DLAliD'e new Superintendent of

Filheriu-Mr. Neiii6Jl-Ui. now 011 his way k) St. John's. where he •• expected shortly. He, it aeetue, arrived at Boet.uo • wet-k ago; here be hu laLtlly been enpged in m~tking tbe Dece1811r1 pnrobaltGI a.oen~tble bi10 to tit up llnd put. in workio~e order the codtiah hettchery ~n to bts set agoing here. Thi", it ia hoped, wall lJe CHpable of l'roduoing 160 ruilliooa ot young cod in oue aeas,m. Tbe W.tobery at 'fen Po.und llflttnd ia now (we •re told hy tbe Oap4 Ann AdV~JTti«r) working in full ~pa· city, v.ll. t~e tanka btting full. A few d•ya ago a malhon young codtieh were depoailed in Ute heubor :>e•ween Round Bock .. ad Eun· ean Point, and Alr. RoLiMOn took two and a h~tlf million cocl c:~'to W ood'a Holl,Sa,urJay, for hal.oh in g. Since Oi>tJrtltiona were .. :om. oaenoed iu October 20,000;000 aud 30,000,000 pollock. t•ggs bue l1een luuadletf. The nu•n· ber of fiRh Jna)()llited hu lleun 3,600,000 oocJ und 7,260,000 pollock. · '

Ftooe tbia eorue iJtl& OIUl be foa·med of the WOlle now oeing done by thia large filb hatchery.

~ut to reLurn to oar new 6ahery comm~~ 1ioner: We., f' told t ha& berore &.ving for t.bia .idfl •he Atlantic, )(r • .NeillleD lOok t.he Bre · men s~ru&r, u ~lmt route eolll'tled him co • JittDd a few d.fe in 1iamburi Wir.Ji & Yiew• O( working up a IDiltbt io Germao1 far oar berrinp. He ooo.idere &hilt tbit is qui&e Jn"ac&icableo, aacl thtat. it would lie of ~ con~u.-nce to a, .... rke& lQ o.r ...... ,. •lleae \be Ooolom~ of Hrriap II verr ....... .

Now, OIIQ &he. adt''aUU. be pm.; .... , b .... ., hJt .... - ..............

~·1 ~· ,., Dlia&W ~ ~· • ••

Idea 1a: that · ld' O'trtiaaa1 or otbe{ part. of Europe, we shoald*able to athaatapoatlv# .. u OUT ·aae lii1traJor herriop, wbtn prope;. ly oared tot ~- market.. But. to do ao be remarka, ioo •bill letter, we mut\ eatabli•h oomma.U..Ilbaa wltb the people t.bemllelvet, · ao u to get . the· 6th iotrodaoed. . .. Thw i.a w~ be· bad ir.· wiew iJJ •iaitiOK Hamburg, and we haye ao dbnbt good reault.a will fol-. low. ·Mr. Neit.eo &lao bopea ~ be able to maa:e atoclc lith here, aa cod oured in tbi.a way are often m~&table ~ban the aalted and dried ood, Geraaan.r takee a l•rge qu•n· tit.! of atook·ft•. By a\ooldlak, ia meant. ood dried in tlle open air till quite bard. Io this WE' h~&ve a proof of the in\elhg,.noe and zeal with wblcb Mr. lfeilaen w likely to' cliacbarge tiJe dut.iea ot bb otHce."

That foremoet Am~ticl\n joo-rnal-tbe Now York Form•IIM'SII'ei'm of the Slat "ult. has the following in' refereuce t.o the aoove geu• tleman. It '*Y• :

Mr. Adolplt Neilaen, of Noruy, ia oow on hi• way to 'Unme olea'lle of tb.e thbculture work of tbe l'roYID06 ot Newfoondlaa&d. He will atop o•er -' Glouceetee. t.ta•. for a daJ or '"o to eumloe tbe cod hatcbi~ itatioo on 'J,'eo Pound Jal~nd, tbea go ~~ ouce to l:>l. Jobo'a. )l r. Nieleeo baa a nrJ h' gb repotatit-u iu Norway u a •ery accompllahed tiaboalturiat.

The same journal ~I so llfforda ua t-he foiiO\V· ing valullhle patrt.ienlars which it ~Pi ve d f~Cim our new; Sol'eriot.endon' of Fisheries, wit.b reapec~ to cod-b11tohing in N l)rw•y. I~ remarks:

From Mr: Adolph Neileen we bave the follow­'"i interesting ibrormatioo about the operation• u the ml\rille atatiou of A.rttudlll, uo!Jttr the cliarsce of G .. l\1.. Dtro.oeyeg. The heijcht of &be apawnlntr aeaaoD · ill iu Marolt au d.. Aprtl.· ~st ydar'a collecaion of 1'1(2& amouuted to 64,000,000, of which l\boii\1~G.Qoo,VOQ were d t!•Oioped u fry. Mr. l.>anotvi~.t~. abot\\ tO ry a ·new ulethod of jllltbtr'i a•l( 09d ~kl lle propo•. a to mrllctt l'lrtilioial aea:watt!r bli.iiull, inio wbu:h hd will v••tn l) ••~er and c:oulims th'erwiu cod apprnaohinl( ~ •• ep wn­inlo( cnnuerinn. Thu ers:11 '"''nr lly ft' rttli%c•l. will he hl\tchtd ile lhtt U'lttMI WI\Y. '""' he expects td uo\ " lar::er perc .. n llllttt of b~thh by fry The f.ry cost uhont nne Ot!lt,l a lhtui'U\ucl lu Lho RUlli ·

111er t.he Aren•lttl t!relllh:i~hnhmt will htt ll•te'l1''~'c..l in hntcleitiiC lob! lcr8 uu•l oyt~t~l'll: wia•e t h~ ' "" l!r it. i11 IIJ'i•l the re14ulns aro Vo•ry ICOO•l ,\lr. Niel11c: 11 ia uow on hie wny to Nu.vfu ,pu1hmtl, to lltkt' chftr{ltl ol tllt1 ,dt~l)artmt:h~ uf I:U!Jcuhuro iu tluu Pruv,uou . . • • .

THAT WUCc . BUC BEAR-.. rho .Fnmcr,\:s~~~u., Q tR.i t iou"-lutR ltttoly once' ruort; t•.yltnrtlu. l 1 ut ~· i "'• un ¥o~elcQiu~> viau~" tt u•> Y"e .,f t~u llttt'f ,c... \Vhtillt'\'81' 11lud I wa ha•s uud '"' &.h~:~ IKS .. uf t.hi.4 \'flri tl\ltlo l•el4 noir,this s\Jnr~or ualll•,Y""ctl "n•l di:lqnitttnJI' to t.hA peopl., o t iei11 thtl old.;d~ ol llll ul Orflut Brit~tiu'.t colo~ hs 1 .

The" aucie~i( grievance hots recently hften hrougb~ pruinHtently Je .. Core tho ' llu(t?ic orr hoth iliuea tiJe! A tl~tmic hy t-he hllt"~ter m:,J,.. iu the Frttnon Stmlltft, 11. sia ·rt ttme AgO, with reap~ct to the ciOdint; up of "'nrit.ittu lohst.f>r fttcl.orioa on the lShOt·es of thi.'l B ri tish c\Jlo11y, whea·e the !french ciKim exllln~he t r&lf,\' rights. A" Genl. D.ud"•ootl vel'y well pnts it, 1\nJ u we luwe inttisterl t.illll\ llnU rtg.,iu, " iL ia 11.11 clear ~ ~"1 thll.t. Fl't\nce holtls no righ~ to cat.ch lobaUlrs or put np f"ot.orie.ct. On thE' other lumd t.h~y ll•\ e no 01\U&e to complniu or such induatry on the lilt. tbe Brit tth, pro• •idt'd th~ ttre. not interferec.l with 1111 regnrds ~heir cod· ft•her1 ll" ~ or their st~tg~ on lllnd "' c.he o-tt.chibg or ('lt'e.'lt'rving or lobttera."

We 01t.nno~ aay, bowe• er, thttt .~e can go with the General in the dr~tstio OOUn!tt which he advisee those to t"k-e who lire t~ngageJ in the lobliter iddnatry on this cottBt--t.ha~ ia, •• to arm ·tbemaehee and their people; it the F'l'\llohulen-it.&nl ~totitorities or not--order them k) diiJhtit'lu'e tinning lobiters to fl.aLly refuee, if foroe is threatened to dE!flkoy or otherwistt injure their factory, to bk.rri~tle their premi•ea &nd tre~tt them '" they would any borgl"rs or pinlt.ea ; for be it re'ember­ed that tb,.y (rhe Fl-ooob) have no rig"t wh•t.. fiV.,r to int.srfere wit.u Ba:it.iab su bj~t.a on Brit1sh tea'ri"tory,

oou& of ,t .. , oolooy IMID beo' on wreaJdarr YeD· aeuoe oa &be Eql~ wbo •oarecl ...-. ~· Of tile Bal& Aa&. So deepente bne t.be 'FreoOh beoocDe &Hl Rev. Mr. DarbJ, a lla.a.odlat. mioia­ter of"Booue Bay, bu appealed to ta,e Briu.b Govenfmea& for prD~ction ou bebaif of &he Bri&iah aubjecta oa tbe 10 oalled • Freaob ebore.' Be deolana tba& &be Eoglleb •re • beiu~r ,rnaded to duperatioa,' and .. 1l1'81 tbe Goverameat tha& • tbere Ia daoter of bloodahed aud murder unl .. BritlJh rlahta are mlllatalaed." Tbie ap. p•l. ooopled witb tbe reoeut debAte ia tb• .Freoob Senate, bu ob~oah& 'be Britiab Goveramea' w realiae tbat Yerv gra•e difJlcultiea be&ween the FreoobaadEotllabGon.ramentA are hable to ~(row ou& of &he fepd, '!'be b'reooh (ionrameot are at &he preeeot ttme endeuorin~r,at lhe ioatigatioo of the l!'reodb mer<!baota in ~'- Piernt, to peranade Eoglaod to anpprou .En~liab lobeter faotoriea o·o &be lrreocb Shore../Euglaod ie oaturaliJ a low t.o do anJtbiol( of tGe k'iod, aiuco there baa aol beezt aoJ treuobiotc on • .Freoob .riwbta! . '11~e .._-,rreaei•e P"rtiea are &he Freoch, wbo fiod thtm­eelvoa 10 hamperetl by the lhi~ Act that tbeJ are uuablo to proeceoute the fteberlea with tbe eame profit aa .belore.''

If (further remarka the & cnrder) "B'raooe can but eneceed io indociug Eoglaod to aj!Caio die­allow the Hail Ac~aod tbe receo~ flurry io &he Freoo'h Senate bad thie end in Yiew- tbe Freucb ft11herruen •ill rtgain their fourier adnntage.''

.'l 'hu aii'n aod intention of abe Coloo1'• .Uait Act, and the efforta had .reoouree to to eeoore tbe Queen'• appronl were tht:n explaiooo. 'fbe addreea ptelt!nted lo the Home Office hJ Lhe gentlemen foreuiog the depui.Atioo, e&JI our con. temporary, told bow tbe Clltch of Jlritieb ftaber­meu in Ne.tooodlaod waa oscluded fro1.0 Euro­pean ruarkete by the 60 ptr ctn~. bounty-aided · French tlah,' a couditioo of ttlin~ta v~ry largely promoted by Ne,.fouodlandera fornia!tiog thei r Freiecb rivall wi'h bait. The free 1upply of bait to tbe ~rllncb rueen~ the elfl\ctmeot of J3riti~fl trade aurl tbe l'Sodua ul the E'V{II•h popull\lioo, aud fortwie nil thought of pOIII'rl>lt! ~:quiYIIIunt."

" In view of the preat'Dt 1\ttiturlt~ of thu Fronch Govt'rd111eut'' (coutiuuea tbu Rtr:order) " it is importne•t to uotice th,u this n1.ltlrt'88 deol:~red thiU tfe wfonndlauoJ d t:cliuecJ to UI)Cep t the view tha~ Francu or MJ Othur for~:iau power hnd nuy allltos nr cou&tllti\UVo cl .. im or control in the the­position of ~\! w f.,uu•lhuut propt-rcy. 111111 thftt the 1,-gialaanre dt!u~rrttt l Itt nny rccu~enit ion of such n p relen&iou. T lte eff~ct of thi11 fueciulu pn·seut · !Il ion nf ht'r 0881! Wl\8 tO aecnrtt lO ~611'f0UIIdland the sanction of tho lmp1!1i11l Gov.•rument. to the

· .. Act. T ho Frt!uch: howe\'ur, ahrou;:h lht~ Cunt· en""cl:\nt uf S t. Pierre, ha\'C lliJ:uiHed thdr in C~lltiun Of rlt'f}'illl( the f\cl ROt I CI'\IJIUrinl! ~hal h,..i~ t i)"Y """"' under tho prutecliun of ~·n:uch mon-of -w11r."

Our cuntt.•mpor.uy then 11llnrlt!tl to the ~trievnn~ hounai.es i!tRIItt!d by thei r li ttvernmt!n~ to the French lishcrmt-o proeecui~IJl tht fishery on tht' COI\8tl of lhid lalnu•l-n bOIIIIlY •' sufficient. l c> 1111\ltt' the _:lluwroantlhue•l.ens 1h!11pcrnt.e.'' As tht> ro.Aetmltr truly llllJ8, •. the only pol-iiJie wny uf ~·ntiu~; n all eveu with lhu French i1 to rc· rust~ thorn bl\it. 'llua the :-.lc wfnuen.III\IIOt'r& Cl\h olo, lilt tlte IIIU:IJI fir4h thAt 101\ke (ttOtJ for lht' COCJ

rrrqueu t '"tl ahore. "here l''t~ wfnnntlll\n•l fieher­IOt:ll aloutt lifO vrivi lc~t!rl lO ficb. Uu~ if lbt' Fr.,nch iueeu on b«Yin~ bnit tltcn <irta~ Bri tain will ~ither hnv., to li~ht thE' Frt~uch mcn..'OT-•ur or elae &l!nin d iMIIow the U"i~ Act 1\ntl practicaiiJ gi•~ up hur crllony lo thtt Freno h. \V .sru I he M :)r her Oouo~ry to etand fir~~tly ~1 ~tow round. ll\n!llu tnis e: rnlt~::le tht1 French woul•l bo bound tu auheUtlor. Fur j eara before tho bnunly was ~.ti veo cue French tilheriell on t ile NttWIOIIIId· IIIO•l 001\1\ Wl!re in a 11.1\tu 1\hlll)lt of COIIIIl'88 Unt from 881 to 1886, owinil tu tue b.>no'y and \he a8>4i.tt~11Cil a:iYen by &he French Goterneutsnt . abe Fr«ttlch cat.cb ro11u · from :W.OOO ao 500.000 quintals, or about one hlllf o f the tuoouot or lieh asvortet.l frow N ewfouoJiauc.l in fuorabltt aua• 8QOL'1

We append with antiafactloo the rt'malnder or ,,ur well-iorormed coo~uruporar\· "a obaenntiooe. \\' t are plt.a.ed to eee ouLaide journala to well VOSted 00 thil 10attur. lt is OUt! which eapeci­niJy alfecll 'hia oolonJ i and we are grnte· ful tar we iotereet now beiug takeu therE>iu. ·• AI a matt.er of fac t tbu Freoch h11vo no ril(!lt to oa:e rciae ""J coaLrol whatuver in N ewfl\uu_sjht •·d . Durio~ the whole thirty yttara tbe lelaod b\ 1 harl r_,.pooelble uo•erna:co~ tbe French qu"etioo bu lH!eu tbe JXml tuiiJUmna of the pol it iN of tbu Col­ooy. The Freucb have Ull\de tbemsel-.e1 intendd· ly die.&IJreeable. aod have kept back aha tlttve lop· muot or abe Colouy to" Yery grea~ \IXtelit. How ao upae• Fl'ftnce'e claim to a poeeeuiou of • 1tteat parL of 'be lllaod auct ahellllj.\cont filhttry wattlra bu, up to tho p~eeeot, balfied the etateaoneo of abe Colony. Now !!'ranee lA prepariugo 'o tnalt t ~eraelf etill more dieagroe~tbly ful~ by trying to iuduce Eoglaod to clellu out Briaiab lohater fac­turiee oo tbe ~'tt!tiCh cout, Uuv. Mr. Uurby 'a oomplaicl5 alao thro,u a. repulsive li.uhc on Freoob doloac• oo ahe laiAoc.l. 'L'hi:J 1.0etbod of retaliatioa: for the eoautenun~ of lbe Uail Aot ma1 aeow clner lo 'he eJ&• of &he Freoch bot i' tDaJ pol8ibl7 aura oClt to bo " bootneranl(: aod reeul& io tbe reduction of Freoob inft'uence and tbe oltlmate abaodonmeal of tbe leland by &be Ga11111. •·,..uoe ahould h~Y&.ao more power o•er Newfooodlaol.l affail·• ah"u abe baa o•er tbe at­fair~ of tbo Pcoflnoe of Qaebeo"

Now, heN,- . we are free to say, GeoerRl Duhwood tenders adviCft to Ol\r people whioiJ, we anbmit, it would not be wiae uor ._,ruJont for tllem to attempt ~ pot ~n aoc.ior). No. Their much beC.ter, aaler, lllld more elfuctive course would b6-6rtt and foremoet to be tmre of their t(ronntt.-.-.>ert..io that the.r have an indieputabl&~gtu, by Yirtae of long po.a~ aivn, to the IQil oa wbiob tbeir f•otoriea halve l>een erect.ec.l-a poiletl'ion, .. y, of a period not lea than forty yetara. And then, being aatbtrfed oo Lbat poidt, to firmly and resolute­ly tell Lhu Freuoll Lluat tbey tlu not intend 1.0 obey theia· btthett.a to ak)v loba~ter fial•iQI or to auapend lheir operaLiona Furc.bermore, aliould auf a.ptain or a Brit.iab miUI 9f·w•r intertere and adviae 1.hem to do u t.he,y """' r-erobanoe arreptaLiy ordered to do by the ll'renchruen, Lbf'll& their oonree would be to . warn him t.ra.t he .,m ln&.orfere w1th them at. ht" perit ; · that t.he1 were Bri,iah attbjeotlt on Brbi1h, no& l'renoh terri~. But., if i~ lboalcl h~ lbd lbe1•re ae•err.belea in

W1'Ji;>bJ; "'• Briu.ber, ''*r et•ple dll&1 wUI be &o

l,ltl' ··~lla.ie" ..._t 111m ia-tbe 8aii1Ni1111e ~~.,.u• ~ dttpelld

-ARRIVAL Of THC "AUOLIT£.''-Ioforenatloo waa receiYed io ~l. Jobujt on Tueada; thal the aalloouer Aero/ile, owueJ b.) J . Fox & Soua, oa bur we7 c.o abe weec.ward, for a c~trteo of fre'lb froaen berrio~e, wu .. hoM oo Capo ~pear. Tbe Aerolilt wbto a mileS. W. of Cape ~pear, a cteoae fog and calm preYAillul(. wu drawn uhore bJ tbtt dcJ&. l• wu 8 W p.m. wheo abe euoelt: ; the darlt:aea ae well aa lbe loa waa deuH, aud &be b\laY1 IUrl(e of &he tea eooa made ber a hual wrec) 6hf almoa& lmraedla&ely weut dow a. and the 01\ptaiu aad crew had t.o tuakt abelr eaoape hutiiJ ia a tJo.&. 'l'b•J loa& •••rJlbtuJ. 'l'he .<fet'riUU wu oniJ a r•r old ; abo wae bull' au P.K. lllaacl, aad waa ~7 &ou.. Bwr Yalue 11 oo••Nd b7 inearaace. l'b• eteaca &ac [ ,groJ4,. arrlYICI a1 tit • .J~ho'l on \Yed011da1 u.oraioc bavl .. 1• &ow lbe derelto& eabooaer A~~. 'fbe CDI ..... bHD le IMfOb of ber lillot l.be pnYiO:II

dad!tl wldob ua.e etie .....,.,.. frora tO IW7 SaUaud IU&IIJ tili'ted ••r

........ Of c.,- 8peu. Oo ~ditloai&J••fCNllld. oc,.lq

Ia Aa.o.l ... ...

• LTO m& &Ditoa o•l'n IJM»A'I.D.J • l>ua Saa,-

At aome peraoo1 are aoder &be I•~ tlaat I am coueote<i with &ho pretea' llOIIawk Mia• • a&rel Troape.J •lab l&lO be ditdootlya•den&oocl that 1 haYe no oooaeotioo. directl7 nr iadireot17, wub ar.id Troupe. The AaoAa.,.t MWtrd rr.,_ of lu& year bu been abandoned.

Tbaukiaar you for apace, 1 am, JODN tra11• . A.B;SEYMOU&~

Da:u' Mr:. EDITOR,-Now the& the ..... 11-rox ia amODJfl' a, DO oae

can tell the exttto' to •bleb it may epread, aJ­tbool(b i~ ia to be detootiJ praJed fdr &ha& aucb a calamhoaa event wiftoot &ake pl.aoe.· Ia Yiew of tbie fact, would it oot. be plae for &be Board of Heahb to procure an arubulanoe wagou or ouacb, for uae io auch a cue u tha& required ou l'ba~ d"y Jut? b ia a d iljfi'&Oe to oiYih:ut{oo to a~ab­mit any poreop wbo maJ become a81icted witla Uee d'aaeue to eucb baudliosr aud naap. u were latttly uaed. Witb' tbe aid of aaeb a ooacb or ambulance patienaa could be moYed witboa' IDJ onoeotu&ry ri11k aod ill-treatm .. nr.'

The arpbulance coofd be wade oaefdl io other cuoa Uuriull tbe oalllnw ber4! of the Labra. ctor !'•ail &teamer, the need of euob a OODYeJ&D08 for lhe sick aud aflliot&ii ill only too appareo&. 'fbat e(eamer se!elou1 or uuer calla bere wi&h· out landiog a aiolt man, aud i.a &he areater UU01ber of hataUC81, ldYOral pefiOUI ill With ODO , dtseaae or anothtr. ..

Hoping thRt thia friendly eoiaeatlon wUl bo takeu iu tbe apirit it ia offered,

~ 1 am your~ trulJ, ~

lhrbor Grar.e, Feb. 8 1889 . . ~ CIVIS.

' htci,Jentnl axponse.!l ..................... . Sick httnl!fi ls .... ... . . • • . Caab o~ ht\utl ................... ::. ·::::.::.::

$ Gli,j 60 77'2 6U lhJt~ --

ll61~ .J~ D trinu the pnatyel\r6l enPmhora hn•o reOtJtYetl

bt nt-fllil, ntunuulin~: to $77t 6tl, Jo~otllr of our meml>cre luuin,t,: durius,: lle•t time ~Ja't.td awoy. lOgelht!r with out memltOr'e wife. '

A unnniu)Oila vote of thftuka~ Will accorded the Pr~sidt>nt, Offic"r~ notl (;ouuniUee f.,r thdr ~~ttr• vic~ durin~: t htt pR•t yPu. "ht'r which t he ful­luwiu;.tt•IEct~re •ere ell'n&c•l for the pr~oulyc:ar:

l)re,io.leot-'fhneul\11 llen•lei'IOD, eleetoJ. Vice do - ,;o.l(lthlledel P iko, t!lt'ctut1. 'l'rt'll,urer-Juhu ~parkrs, re·t lt:cttd. ~~cretary-Willit\ID J. Hn'ltell. electl:!d. Hall-lct•t'pt>r- Solumon Autbouy. re-elected. 1\lanthal-James Ccuragu, re-elec~utl.

Cm.llliTTI::t:. - llenry lliscock. Stopbea111awkiott J ohel W. Kunoerly. Hobert Suow, .fohn Nicm: ola. Quuc:111 <Juuta!(e. <Jharlea .Uradbury Joba N. 4:\ah, Guorgu. A. Thompeoo. '


[Fnoll oun SPtCIAL Coan£.SPO~PEMT.]

C:nrbo11tar, SatHrdoy.'IJorni11g. T he Optrett.A .. Pno11e11tAtion Nuua' Hohft'n

Jubilee'' waa teptated in Sc P11triek'1 Hall ou 'l 'hnn~d"y evel!lo~t '"''· 11nd wiab eucceta, deaplte the inolerueucy of alee weather. Aa accouut of tbe Operett• 11ud the verJ creditable performnr.c" therenf haa already llppeared io the STANJ•AkD

A MiNionart meeain~r was IJ~Id io the l\letho~ rliat Oburcb at. Otltrbory on 'l'boe&tf11y wet'~ The •pea\cra wero Re v. J, Hill (JY.'I&.or~ Re•. J. W, VlCkera, and atr, A. S. Crocker, uf C•rbonear The Church wu crowded and the oolltte&iou amounted lo donblo tha& of l11et yeu.

Earlythirt week the dead bo•ly of" newly born feu1alo obild wu t.liiiCOYereu iu a t.rarden on the outekirta of our town. 'fbe poll~ hl\ve been investigating, aud an •rreet baa beeu 1.011de. Further J.laruculart later.

Tbe return watob al Uilllarda between four a~:otlemeo of clle .haloo Club or thle 'town aod four uf the Vicl.ori" Hilliard Club of Harbor Graoe waa played b11re Ju~ eualajl, wbeu "our boya' ' woo IJy a total nf 2&> on 81>0. On thtt former occuioo they were doleated by 78 ou 800. b •aa a 6ne reveuJ.te.

P. lt. Boweri, t!Aq., Editor of the ColoaW, ie ar.oouuce•l to lectute her~, on tbe.i6ab haat, In ~t . (•atriok'e """· ouder &he auaplcie of the Avaloo Club. Subjeot : "Uao Newfoandl&04l work" oat ber owo b oetiuy ?" Ia lhe coonct of which lc:oture be wilt dieco•Aati·Coufederaaioa. A a l aoh& JOU an accooul of Mr. ~orlne'e " Coa­f&duration Lecture." l& woaltl be ooiJ fair )'Oil abuuhl han 'be oppoeite aide alao, aad llball eude!avor lo ghe it JOn

A Library lUll' jun bctlto form..t in 09Dntello•• with lh" Cl4b, aud aa arder for 3SC) ·wifll~w•• eont by lu•boat &o Eaala~ 'fhia will 110 oaba

&o, fortber popal&riM t.bia ahudy tar ataou. , ·


'l. t