' <-.. . S-u.'bso r i.bers would respectfully call of the Merchattts of Newfoundland to their stock of FISH NETTIN,-.tS for the s eason of 1888. . Now on hand, made up specially for th e Is land Fisheries and with partiCular regard to t re quirements, ' Seines f or Cod, H erring, and Capi i n. We are prt> pared to furnish any of the above Seinea of cmy length and depth, made from the , ( I I • I, I J JHB MY.ST-E RY . ' !t,(orbe waaLhe. eanee dall , •·· --o- that had ariaen in tbe hoOMS-bnt,' JO kill him I Hr MilL Huar 1 WooD. N<', no,' ebe. ahudaereJ. 1 - ..... And ye1t yon *ould t'eem me CaJjable of it r CBA::I:"rER 'Yo•J are tl1e only one tq llenelit by his I crept.: eliJiftlT back .tpa up the atain, death,' ali'e 111ld, in a faint toue. 1 25. Advertisements. CENER · AL .Qe-paaJ. coming to it 1 TbOM r were bU. She lay without (or a innt.e. · F JRE AND L [}i.,]j1 and into mya&unt'a room. Sorely he wu no\ 'Sbam 'e upon yon, Selina.' · t and they drew nea:or; he oonld uot lun·e 'I am not accuaing yon. Bu when yon ---- turned into hia wtndy I No, tbay Clime on. rome to of motivel', I ca nflt h" ll' ESTA t LISHED A D. 1837 . ln t.he ia1pulse of the moment., I 1 .mahed be· selli ng George Hedeaae bad DouP, hind the llenvy window Cllltaio. It. w'u pared with you.' HEA])'OFFJOE: ?rnwn aor0118 ft'Om 'wall to "'"II, _&! 11 lin:,d w 1 illbnedvea· _ hf 'It I Cd N NON STR. EIIT, Losno :-o , E.O. tog" l(lltC& and the ho w of t.he wt no.. o aor 11111 AU anu w1 o to tVA on, -- -- win•low, n early "" am111J rootu th e oue belleviug.,_ or evan do uh ti,J g, Lh ut. thq Capital: · £1,000,0 00 St we re three cl 11 ,i 111 tlwrt>, tht:' o th er hilS L oon guilt1 of a revolting crinao. g. mirlcile ot the winclow, aud -t lhl\ two aides. W ere it HOY bnL yon who this I down on t.heb1, IIIHI Jlulling the white' rlouht, I sho uld know how- to dthtl wit h thPm: hlind Rside, lt10ked out" 11 t the dttrk wit.h you I condescend to refutati on 1\Ud to 6gurea who were then sauntering down t.he rr asoo. You•· wortls point to pr uper · ATenue. ty: ld mP. tell you, l ehouhl have , come int.o 'Well, it.'s O\ 'l'f,' 81\id .Mr. F.dwin Bllrl ev, thllt. soon encugh wltl.Jout killing him for it ; as he came in und ahnt the ' 1 1oor. And no·w for. that be wa& fnat hastening Hfter Rt-,Kinald, all · the work will Oft to find him.' I 8tll us convinced lUI Jam or my OWII xist.- ' Bow hAS it tmdiM! r IUikPd E<Jwiu. once. No. t.bank God I I h••' no J.,. n,J 'Wilful murde1 -. Th e co re mer WIIR in poor Phili}' 1 1S d P.at h, 1\Dcl I c .. n (o!luw hi Ill to the room, but. th e jauy iut.im 11 tf1d to his gnue with a c1eur co:tacit nce.' t.hey required DO de,liheruLion, llDd t-eturned She made DO reply I only aigbed henvily. theit verdict at once.' 'You hr .vu just that the nnthor Wilful murder agairut whom f of lhe mischief, the baLd feeling, which had ed, in a tone of . svrung up in ho use WIL8 Philip King j Heoeage. Did y ou suP- but 1ou are wrong. Tbe author wall you, !nfiiii"A IIC<:!l f'tf{ 1 CtP.q ·on ttlmost. niJ kinds pro ptJrty in Nowfc>n odiand nt. lowest IJ Od:Sii• IR rates. J. A UGUSTlJS OLI.FT. So LICITOR, ST. J onl't's, Ayenl /or .Newfoundland, E. B. THOMPSON, Sub Agent for fl arbor GUARDIAN FIRE AND LIFE Assurance Com:pany Olf LO NDO N. pose tt Willi aga1ns' you or me f Se lina.' t Pe rha ps it might have bet-n: and wit.b Still no answflr. Sbe put up one of lw t· hot ESTABL ISHED .. 182 1. more jusLice.' . hanl l:l, and l!lutded her eyett. 'I could him.._ bt>t.ween t.be ot 'I forgive you1' he continued. 'I the curtRinR, scowl his Aye-altroA• !I tugether at. ing to hury the pMt in never t.o his wife. cu r to it, n ovm· l10nco fo rlh to allude t.o i but 'Come,' be said, • tlai 11 is not the 6nt. iu.. 1 would reco mmend that tbia I ending comp . rehensillle you have gh ·f'n should be a warning to you in t.he fumre. 1 fort.b ; 110 we will have it out. if yon pleaae. will not tolerate Colly in my wif e; and Who do yciu auppoee com 10 it ..... U tho crime, your o. wn aense ought to tell you "tbnl. I11Hl I Mra. f been ambidous of putting somebody out of ' l think· it is aa likely to hue been you aa th e worlt1, it would have been Heneage, not be.' Philip. Heneage baa killed him, and upon #f S uu scnu n :D C AJ' l TAt •... .. ...• t!!, OI 0, 000 at g. I'OTA!. [1\n :Sl'EU .F UND" U l' · . t WA R D OP . .... .. .•... . .. •. " ANNUAl. INCOME l" I'WARI)S OF 350,000 .. Th e" GU A RDIAN" bciug " first. class lnRIIlunc•! Oompuny, off!'rs nil those advantatges ru os t. O (>:s iru.IJ lo to insu rers, viz. und oubt.cJ l!lnu ility, r .. vonlble Te• 018 Rnd prompt. t.o clai ms for l ol!lf. 6 n ominous pauae. J bt'gan to shake aa [ bia head be the conseqnenOM. I .will n ever eat. ceu e my Pude"' ""f'll t.o brit•g him tp the Kcn f •• 'You wicked woman I' fold until it is accompllabed, Are you btltter Th e nnderaigned h ·n ·i.1g lot>on uppnintcd for N ewfou udlund proptth H' ''' s ne Policies ngainst by Fire. · _Thill Twin e produoell I he ligh.tut pomble, together with the great ltrmtjlh NiJuirecl c I cannot bt,Jieve, antl [ ne'ter wall believe, to .. oight,. he ndded, in a changed TOi ce. to wtthltand rough · Oeorge .Hetleage •ita of a nature to com· 'Not any,' ehe · replied. And he rose,· Th ese Seines Rre mouot.ed in a mann er approved by foMrn.m; ready/Of'..., i WILL mit murder,' · abe reeomed, speaking aa 'dis.. pushed back the chair, and quitted .t.be cb tu n. HANDLE EASILY, AND DO OOOD PIBBINO. tinctly aa. her thr011t WOQ)d 1 i>flr. CO D-T RAPS of 1\ny size or sty le, mllde to o rdPr at short notice. her. 'It t.he ahbt dad come from hie guu, I 'Ob, aunt,' I uttered, jJOiog forward know it muat. bave been iuad\c.rteotly.' lifted banda ar.d streaming 8J81l, 'I was he re 'The abot did oome from •bia tbere'a "" the time I I saw Mr. Edwin Barl ey coming no 'ir · in the queat.ion.' · up, aud 1 ran iu, hut did not know be W IIB 'J am aware you eay 80 , But--it wu ooming and then I did behind Llatt curtAin. J S St. Jobn a. JOS b:PH Gt JDDEN, ::iuli· Agu 11 t. Hr. Grace PHcENIX F ire Ass urance · Company. etrange that 1ou, aliO witb your gun, 1 n.,ver meant to be a I wl&8 af ra id b I t.." I.Od DON. a on d have been upon the exact enn , t.. , Now ""oome. ou r.- Sb 1 '- - .1 LOMUAlW S1REKl' & <..:UARI NG ClWSS t;TANDARD HERl{IN.G NETS. A II sizes ready for immt>diat.e delive ry. For gilling liHh, t he net unqu estionably aurpasaea any other kind, and ia the moat to . SH E ET-NETT I NG \ . for. or rer 1Ri ring Seinea, Tr!ip8, or Gill Net.a, can be supplied, in any size meah and t wme, · at once 11 pon of order. LINES at.ay, don't youreelf in a paai 9 n, but lia- e ooanru at me walbont speak i ng, anu ten to me for moment.; I would only bring- ber I face, bot with fever, grew m ere flushed. before your .oolice facta i facta, Mr. Darlev; She seemed to be couaiJt:riug, JHII and you cannot beat me for t.bem i . you benrlg, what had pa.saW. uot beat a woman, and • alok one. You were '1-I-don't think there waa anything th6re, with your gun; George Ben· very pKrlionlar aaid, you need care: or, eage mtgbt hne helm; he may bue 6red 00 rather, that. I need,' abe said at length. • W as him; ther:e ia your word t.o pro..-e them r Phthp Kaog aaud 1t; you were hitterly 'No, On ly-' . iocenR&{ againat Hen.eap, and - ' 'Only what, child t Why do yoo atop 1' Why waa I not incensed t lla.d I not. 'You said it might have been Mr. Edwin cause f Barley I wish I had noL No, you hlld not.. There .. no cattll6, 00 'I said it was as likely to be be as the real cause, I it,' 11 he added, in other . Anne,' sb t' suddenly added, 'yon WaiTE of a supet · ior qunlity, to order. t.ioo, 'before my Crat.ot·.' posaesa thought aud sense beyond your years; 'Real cause I' be rtpeated in tone of soorn. what do fOU think f We can rornish Lin es, TARRED or \Vrite for P'"ices before or e ring. . We are the old est a '\n largest manufa c turers of 6sh netting in the United State.. It tR our requirements of the fishermen, and produce th e goods adapted t.o their wants. -----j' We spin our own . Yarn anJl.-are the only manufacturers of the Slutpard Gold Medal whi ch .. tWXJTd exhibited, including the London ln- F11bet Exhtbatton, where we recetv ed t.h e on ly Oold Medal awarded for au per .. t ority of Twinea and Netting. , Being from tbe raw material, our cn11tomera can on tl1e qUAiitv of onr g oods, 1\nd be as l! nred of lowelt pricu. Clio till orders h" wire at. short. n otice and will give th em cmroful a" .. "' ion, ES'rA.BLJ:·HIED... 1842. ' CAPITAL ... . .. 1360,000. Mills .Bos ton, Oa ntoo and Baddam.1 AMERI CAN NET & TWI NE CO •• Ooli!.Dlerclal Street, BOSTON, Mass;, 'U S.A. No; natd I ll thought that &.here ' Aunt, I thin k it wu Mr. Heneage. I wa<t , wbat you Cllll real caoae, 1 .would havf! think hA looked so strang ely wbf' n lte.t.en him to deat.h at the 6rat dawn or he waa hidrng. Aud I do not think it was picion.. Bnt now, hPar mP; SelinA.' he Mr. Edwin Barley ; when be told jon bow it tinoed in a ditre.,. 11 t dragging a chair ooourred jnat now, and tLat it. wer e not he, forward and aea.ting bimselt in it, it baa ·hie voioe sounded aa though be wor e speak· been your pleasure to declare eo mooh to me : ing the troth.' 1 declare , n 11 y, 1 awear to yon, that Heneage, ' Oh, dear I' abe ' moaned, 'I hope it was and ,Heneage only, killed Philip King. so I What. a mercy if that Philip bad poeaeaa yonr mind of t.hia dark foil, you never come near t.he boose r muat have been iuane ever to take it I ' But, aunt, yon atre 10rry that bo ia deaJ f am yoor buabanJ.' ' Sorry that he ia dead ' or oonrae I aTO 'Did you eee Heneage 6ref llhe eaked af. sorry. What a funny child you Rre I He tel' a ailenoe. ' was no of mine, but,' ahe clried, pa8' 'No . I ahonld bue lrnown prettyiUre)y aiona&.elJ olaapinst her llanda, 'I 1111ould givP that. oould only be U 11 ueage, · bai lheni tieeu llll I aln worth to him haole to life.' no proof against him ; but there were Philip'• H wu on tbia ume evening aftea; that 'hilt dying words. Still, I did eot aee Benea.ge Mra. Edwin Barlf'y bad 'he int.eniew with at the place, and I bne ne•er laid I did. 1 Mr. Heneage'• father. And then be depart- was paabiog home tbroagb the wood and ed. 1 lfEJI (N t 7R2. T.RUSTl : ES ,\ Dl REOTORl:; . J osoph \V 111. Ucuuudalo, !!;sq. llrir. tow Bovill. b:eq . The Boo. J n111c'l Hu :g. J oft o t:luttou, Esq. OctRviua K t:oopu, Esq., M.P. t; oo rge A rtbur Fuller, Jt :sq. Charles E. Goodhart, Esq . 1\1. Hhode Hnwkio1, Esq. Sir Job o Lubbock, Unrt., M.P., F.!lS t:br1r lc'l T homas Esq. Cbnrl cs i\lnguuy, Esq. l'be Hon. ll. Dudley Hobert ' with, l<:!!q Wm. Jnmcs Thompson, Esq. . l-ION. lHREU':rO}( JouN J . .ULOOlU "I ELo, Esq. WtLLIA)f c. , \(ACDONALD,} FRANCISS n. MACDONALD, J oillt St CI 't tariu. Tbe of thi& Offico ar e a and weniLI•y, .Propritl iCtry add1tto';l t on lurge_ CapitAl ; ancl the promptitud e nod h beralu -y which cldims have always been me t, nre well- kno wn and acknowledged. Th o importance of th e trau Mctiooa of the PH<.ENIX Fl.H.E OFFICE may be e stimat ed fr om the raot 'bali aiuco its establishment-now ovor O NE li UNDJU!D Yuh.ll- t.be paymeot.a in eatia(Rctjon of Claims ror Loaa- ea baYe exceeded FOUilTli£N MILLIONS STII:RLtNO loeurao cca ,Losa by Fire a11d a!g by the Company upon e•ery de•cnpt.ion of f ropo rty, ou the moat faYorable terma. hal ted a second, thinking I beard •oioe:. • at The following morning, while J Wa8 dl1lel· that Yery !Uiaot 'I'd tired cloee to 'mf' iniJ, Jemima came up, and l!&icJ T "' T to make W. & G . .RENDELL, SL.JOnN 1 s, Agenu j or Ntwfeundlarul cloee, mi nd you; two yarda o6', b'n and go into my aunt'• room. She WIUI Jaol? t.ree, •re thiok jn•t tbere i and wboe.,er '&red aaking for me. -: J =- u :-:=- s =- -= T =-- =--=:::-=---- --- it waa hid from my Tiew. I,.. turning to . 'hebe heUerJumimaf RECEIVED when Phili Ki J rut 'No miae, ebe ia a aight --BY_ pa 05 ,. a,w know what I think now.' rang out, and 1 poahed lii,Y he-ed beyond &.be Q t KE N NE D V t.reee and r.aw him in the act .ot f'.alling to the · 'Wbd do you thjnkf I aaked, ot liking , · 1 ground. I hutened k) him, and the e.. ber worde, though I. did know caped-llll tn lack be#to-tihia'i . Thia ' 'Ph, nothmc i D9thiDf( for to entire t.ratb, I) belp me beano r ! " ' • fa-.r! I I I • ' k migh• t.ue beea the tro&ll; uct, a/iiin, .. tma,' I aaicl, ba .... U., into r., do it mipt. no'- ' It ,.. jut. one olt,be. tli'JDl+ yon JIUIUl Ulat. abe will diit f ... a poll &lie aredalit, Or t he nttan.r. ' w i( eYer I heard the like ... r. re . 1 Wttat litUeoorrobon&aioa &here wu, .tanled 'One \,e . ..... ., on Mr. Edwin Barley'• ldcle; Offl; &ba& able one a bpe au' Rere- ').8 ueer&ecJ: mON thaD· .,.. &rae of:'.alae I Did 1 •r a woad alboat d1!Di word. -of Philip ][ .... u &llfte .... ,. I.J!!'J' or abow;a& yoar dJial, or .. , dying t &H.uaple ,... &lie untiL wb)' .... . 11.1 .-,..p .. ,.. a .... oniDI apoa we rallehoocHotlaem J . , eb"ld baYe moanaJna P" a• i Philip B.._. --. •• bad 110 ._ott.,. lb Kin« Now jua dl')' 10v•1•; 1 r taa &he lift of ftUip Xin& ........ Jlre. QO IDOI'O a-aofD( W die Uwa JOU ' .Bcbrla ..... ,. '11ae•.., woald '-•e hCJnetl Tbe lm WoN bJ Kfl.· .. Win w pwa ldia a .... 1 II'U, leJ. a to "faa, oa u co•n· ... , 1 .... , ,_ _.now, t.d••• .... oldtaoe • ___ _ {'ro U 00Wfi8UD.] 145 WATER ST.RE»l' B AR'l'L"ET'f'S BLAOKING. ' BARTLEfl"SUUBSHO'E Dru..BSING L AU.NDRY tU.U.E . L O.lf.f GLOSS CORN FLOUU1..) LASS HJGH 80\VL.I.J . and U ttERVg !>lSUES. · GLAMS SALYEilS•nrl PLATJI'..S AXLE E N'fEllPIUS . E - l>l.A' f.IUJ 8MOOTWNG Ul ONS.

11 NETTIN,-collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2016-09-23 · ~ The S-u.'bsor i.bers would respectfully call th~attention of the Merchattts of Newfoundland

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Page 1: 11 NETTIN,-collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2016-09-23 · ~ The S-u.'bsor i.bers would respectfully call th~attention of the Merchattts of Newfoundland

• •

'<-.. .

~ The S-u.'bsor i.bers would respectfully call th~attention of the Merchattts of Newfoundland to their stock of

FISH NETTIN,-.tS for the season of 1888. -o-~

. Now on hand, made up specially for the Island Fisheries and with partiCular regard to t h~ir requirements, '

Seines for Cod, Herring, and Capiin. We are prt> pared to furnish any of the above Seinea of cmy length and depth, made

from the

, ( I I • I, I J • JHB MY.ST-ERY. '!t,(orbe waaLhe. eanee dall tM~ill··(eeling , •·· --o- that had ariaen in tbe hoOMS-bnt,' JO kill him I

Hr MilL Huar1 WooD. N<', no,' ebe.ahudaereJ. 1 -..... • And ye1t yon *ould t'eem me CaJjable of it r

CBA::I:"rER IV'I-(~~} 'Yo•J are tl1e only one tq llenelit by his I crept.: eliJiftlT back .tpa up the atain, death,' ali'e 111ld, in a faint toue.




CENER·AL 4~au~ce~ .Qe-paaJ.

coming to it 1 TbOM r were bU. fobtate~, She lay without apeakin~J (or a innt.e. · F JRE AND L [}i.,]j1 and into mya&unt'a room. Sorely he wu no\ 'Sbam'e upon yon, Selina.' · t and they drew nea:or; he oonld uot lun·e 'I am not accuaing yon. Bu when yon ---- • turned into hia wtndy I No, tbay Clime on. rome to ll~llk of motivel', I ca nflt h"ll' ESTA t LISHED A D. 1837. ln t.he ia1pulse of the moment., I 1.mahed be· selling U1~tt. George Hedeaae bad DouP, ~:Nu- • hind the llenvy window Cllltaio. It. w'u pared with you.' HEA])'OFFJOE: ?rnwn atr~tig!': aor0118 ft'Om 'wall to "'"II, le~\V- _&!

11 lin:,d t.l~is w

1 illbnedvea· ~o,' _hf el~~&id1 : 'It I (I~ Cd N NON STR.EIIT, Losno:-o.·, E.O.

tog" l(lltC& ~~~wl'en i~ and the ho w of t.he wt no.. o aor 11111 AU anu w1 o to tVA on, ----win•low, n early "" Jar~n, 81 • am111J rootu the oue belleviug.,_or evan douht i,Jg, Lhut. thq Capital: ·£1,000,000 St Tlu~re were three cl11,i111 tlwrt>, il~ tht:' other hilS Loon guilt1 of a revolting crinao. g. mirlcile ot the winclow, aud -t lhl\ two aides. W ere it HOY bnL yon who d~&re ~llllllle this I Ut~ down on t.heb1, IIIHI Jlulling the white' rlouht, I should know how- to dthtl with thPm: hlind ~tlightly Rside, lt10ked out" 11 t the dttrk wit.h you I condescend to refutation 1\Ud to 6gurea who were then sauntering down t.he rr asoo. Y ou•· wortls point to ~hili1>'" pruper· ATenue. ty: ld mP. tell you, l ehouhl have, come int.o

'Well, it.'s O\' l'f,' 81\id .Mr. F.dwin Bllrlev, thllt. soon encugh wltl.Jout killing him for it ; as he came in und ahnt the' 11oor. • And no·w for. that be wa& fnat hastening Hfter Rt-,Kinald, all· the work will Oft to find him.' • I 8tll us convinced lUI Jam or my OWII o·xist.-

' Bow hAS it tmdiM! r IUikPd Mr~~. E<Jwiu. once. No. t.bank God I I h~~ove h••' no J.,.n,J 'Wilful murde1-. The co remer WIIR '~tll•ml. in poor Phili}'

11S dP.at h, 1\Dcl I c .. n (o!luw hi Ill

to clet~r the room, but. the jauy iut.im11 tf1d th~tt to his gnue with a c1eur co:tacit nce.' t.hey required DO de,liheruLion, llDd t-eturned She made DO reply I only aigbed henvily. theit verdict at once.' 'You hr.vu just oheen~ that the nn thor

• Wilful murder agairut whom f ~the return~ of lhe mischief, the baLd feeling, which had ed, in a tone of impl\t.ien~ . svrung up •in t.hc:~ house WIL8 Philip King j

' ·~gainat <k~rge Heoeage. Did you suP- but 1ou are wrong. Tbe author wall you,

!nfiiii"AIIC<:!l f'tf{1CtP.q ·on ttlmost. niJ kinds o£ proptJrty in Nowfc>n odiand nt. lowest IJOd:Sii•IR rates.


Ayenl /or .Newfoundland, E. B. THOMPSON,

Sub Agent for flarbor Gra~.


Assurance Com:pany Olf LONDON.

pose tt Willi aga1ns' you or me f Se lina.' t P erhaps it might have bet-n: and wit.b Still no answflr. Sbe put up one of lw t· hot ESTABL ISHED A.~ . . 1821.

more jusLice.' . hanll:l, and l!lutded her eyett. 'I could ~ee him.._ bt>t.ween t.be o~ninll ot ' I forgive you1' he continued. 'I am•will~

the curtRinR, scowl his Aye-altroA•!I tugether at. ing to hury the pMt in ail~nce; never t.o r~ his wife. cur to it, novm· l10ncoforlh to allude t.o i~ i bu t

'Come,' be said, • tlai11 is not the 6nt. iu.. 1 would recommend that tbia tragic.~ I ending comp.rehensillle iuainu~tdon you have gh·f'n should be a warning to you in t.he fumre. 1 fort.b ; 110 we will have it out. if yon pleaae. will not tolerate fur~her Colly in my wife; and Who do yciu auppoee com10it.....U tho crime, your o.wn aense ought to tell you "tbnl. I11Hl I Mra. Barle~ f been ambidous of putting somebody out of

' l think· it is aa likely to hue been you aa the worlt1, it would have been Heneage, not be.' Philip. Heneage baa killed him, and upon

---~ - # f

Suuscnun :D C AJ'lTAt •. . . .. . . .• t!!,OI 0,000 atg. I'OTA!. [1\n:Sl 'EU .FUND" Ul'· .

t WA R D OP . .... . . .•... . .. • . 2,7~0,000 "

ANNUAl. INCOME l "I'WARI)S OF 350,000 ..

The" GUARDIAN" bciug " first. class En~lisb lnRIIlunc•! Oompuny, off!'rs nil those advantatges ruost. O(>:siru.IJlo to insurers, viz. undoubt.cJ l!lnuility, r .. vonlble Te• 018 Rnd prompt. s~tt.lement. t.o claims for lol!lf.

6 n ominous pauae. J bt'gan to shake aa [ bia head be the conseqnenOM. I .will never ~eda1 ~e eat. ceue my Pude"'""f'll t.o brit•g him tp the Kcnf

• • 'You wicked woman I' fold until it is accompllabed, Are you btltter

The nnde raigned h·n ·i.1g lot>on uppnintcd A~:~~ntH for N ewfou udlund ~~ proptth H' ' ' ' is~ s ne Policies ngainst l :>~s by Fire. ·

_Thill Twine produoell I he ligh.tut s~i1&4 pomble, together with the great ltrmtjlh NiJuirecl c I cannot bt,Jieve, antl [ ne'ter wall believe, to .. oight,. he ndded, in a changed TOice. to wtthltand rough mag~. · tba~ Oeorge .Hetleage •ita of a nature to com· 'Not any,' ehe · replied. And he rose,·

These Seines Rre mouot.ed in a manner approved by foMrn.m; ar~ ready/Of'..., i WILL mit murder,' · abe reeomed, speaking aa 'dis.. pushed back the chair, and quitted .t.be cbtun. HANDLE EASILY, AND DO OOOD PIBBINO. tinctly aa. her -in~~ thr011t WOQ)d

1 pe~t i>flr.

CO D-T RAPS of 1\ny size or style, mllde to ordPr at short notice.

her. 'It t.he ahbt dad come from hie guu, I 'Ob, aunt,' I uttered, jJOiog forward wi~b know it muat. bave been 6~ iuad\c.rteotly.' lifted banda ar.d streaming 8J81l, 'I was he re

'The abot did oome from •bia ~on: tbere'a "" the time I I saw Mr. Edwin Barley coming no 'ir ·in the queat.ion.' · up, aud 1 ran iu, hut did not know be WIIB

'J am aware you eay 80, But--it wu ooming i~, and then I did behind Llatt curtAin.

J .\ ~H.: S Wli\TI<~R,

St. Jobn a. JOS b:PH GtJDDEN,

::iuli· Agu11 t. Hr. Grace

PHcENIX Fire Assurance · Company.

paaain~t etrange that 1ou, aliO witb your gun, 1 n.,ver meant to be a lit~&.tsner; I wl&8 afraid b I

•~ t.." I.O d DON. a on d have been upon the exact enn, t.. ,Now ""oome.ou r.- Sb 1 '-- .1 • LOMUAlW S1REKl' & <..:UARING ClWSS t;TANDARD HERl{IN.G NETS.

A II sizes ready for immt>diat.e delivery. For gilling liHh, the Co~ton net unquestionably aurpasaea any other kind, and ia the

moat nofita!J~ to tU~.


. for. 11111kin~ or rer1Riring Seinea, Tr!ip8, or Gill Net.a, can be supplied, in any size meah and t wme, ·at once 11 pon rPcei~t of order.


at.ay, don't pu~ youreelf in a paai9n, but lia- e ooanru at me walbont speaking, anu ten to me for • moment.; I would only bring- ber I face, bot with fever, grew mere flushed. before your .oolice facta i facta, Mr. Darlev; She seemed to be couaiJt:riug, JHII ha~"' rcm~m . and you cannot beat me for t.bem i .you oa·n~ benrlg, what had pa.saW. uot beat a woman, and • alok one. You were '1-I-don't think there waa anything th6re, ~repeat, with your gun; George Ben· very pKrlionlar aaid, tba~ you need care: or, eage mtgbt hne helm; he may bue 6red 00 rather, that. I need,' abe said at length. • Was him; b~t. ther:e ia ~nl! your word t.o pro..-e them r th~at Phthp Kaog aaud 1t; you were hitterly 'No, ann~. Only-' . iocenR&{ againat Oeor~ Hen.eap, and- ' 'Only what, child t Why do yoo atop 1'

• Why waa I not incensed t lla.d I not. 'You said it might have been Mr. Edwin cause f Barley I wish I had noL he~&rd ~at.'

• No, you hlld not.. There ~ .. no cattll6, 00 'I said it was as likely to be be as the real cause, I deola~ it,' 11he added, in agita~ other. Anne,' sbt' suddenly added, 'yon

WaiTE of a supet·ior qunlity, to order. t.ioo, 'before my Crat.ot·.' posaesa thought aud sense beyond your years; 'Real cause I' be rtpeated in tone of soorn. what do fOU think f

( ~OTTON We can rornish -c~t.>n Lines, TARRED or

\Vrite for P'"ices before or ering. . We are the oldest a '\n largest manufacturers of 6sh netting in the United State..

It tR our effort ~ l~rn ~he requirements of the fishermen, and produce the goods b~t adapted t.o their wants. -----j'

W e spin our own .Yarn anJl.-are the only manufacturers of the Slutpard Gold Medal rwi~ which .. h~ta .recn~ighut tWXJTd W~erever exhibited, including the London ln­~l'nattonal F11bet •~ Exhtbatton, where we recetved t.he on ly Oold Medal awarded for au per .. tority of Twinea and Netting. ,

Being manofactur~ua from tbe raw material, our cn11tomera can rt~ly on tl1e qUAiitv of onr goods, 1\nd be asl!nred of lowelt po1rib~ pricu. •

Clio till orders h" wire at. short. n otice and will give them cmroful a" .. "' ion, ES'rA.BLJ:·HIED... 1842. ' CAPITAL ... . .. 1360,000.

Mills ~t .Boston, Oantoo and Baddam.1

AMERICAN NET & TWINE CO •• ~43 Ooli!.Dlerclal Street, BOSTON, Mass;, 'U S.A.

• No; natd I admi~ted ll thought that &.here ' Aunt, I think it wu Mr. Heneage. I wa<t ,wbat you Cllll real caoae, 1 .would havf! think so~ hA looked so strangely wbf'n lte.t.en him to deat.h at the 6rat dawn or sua~ he waa hidrng. Aud I do not think it was picion.. Bnt now, hPar mP; SelinA.' he con~ Mr. Edwin Barley ; when be told jon bow it tinoed in a ditre.,.11 t m~tnnea, dragging a chair ooourred jnat now, and tLat it. were not he , forward and aea.ting bimselt in it, • it baa ·hie voioe sounded aa though be wore speak· been your pleasure to declare eo mooh to me : ing the troth.' 1 declare, n 11y, 1 awear to yon, that Heneage, ' Oh, dear I' abe 'moaned, 'I hope it was and ,Heneage only, killed Philip King. Dia~ so I What. a mercy if that Philip ·~iog bad poeaeaa yonr mind of t.hia dark foil, • you never come near t.he boose r muat have been iuane ever to take it ~pi I ' But, aunt, yon atre 10rry that bo ia deaJ f am yoor buabanJ.' ' Sorry that he ia dead ' or oonrae I aTO

'Did you eee Heneage 6ref llhe eaked af. sorry. What a funny child you Rre I H e tel' a ailenoe. ' was no f~t\'Orit.e of mine, but,' ahe clried, pa8'

'No. I ahonld bue lrnown prettyiUre)y aiona&.elJ olaapinst her llanda, 'I 1111ould givP that. i~ oould only be U 11ueage,· bai lheni tieeu llll I aln worth to o~&ll him haole to life.' no proof against him ; but there were Philip'• H wu on tbia ume evening aftea; that 'hilt dying words. Still, I did eot aee Benea.ge Mra. Edwin Barlf'y bad 'he int.eniew with at the place, and I bne ne•er laid I did. 1 Mr. Heneage'• father. And then be depart-was paabiog home tbroagb the wood and ed. 1

ESTABLJ~ lfEJI (N t 7R2.

T.RUSTl: ES ,\ Dl REOTORl:; . J osoph \V 111. Ucuuudalo, !!;sq. llrir.tow Bovill . b:eq . The Boo. J n111c'l Hu:g. J ofto t:luttou, Esq. OctRviua K t:oopu, Esq., M.P. t;oorge A rtbur Fuller, Jt:sq. Charles E. Goodhart, Esq. 1\1. Hhode Hnwkio1, Esq. Sir Jobo Lubbock, Unrt., M.P., F.!lS t:br1rlc'l T homas Luca~. Esq. Cbnrlcs i\lnguuy, Esq. l'be Hon. ~dwio ll. t'ortuu~o . Dudley Hober t ' with , l<:!!q Wm. Jnmcs Thompson, Esq.

. l-ION. lHREU':rO}( JouN J . .ULOOlU"I ELo, Esq.

WtLLIA)f c. ,\(ACDONALD,} FRANCISS n. MACDONALD, J oillt St CI'ttariu.

Tbe cngt~gemont.s of thi& Offico are guuron~ tee~ ~y a nuruerou~ and weniLI•y, .PropritliCtry add1tto';l ton lurge_ mvc~ted CapitAl ; ancl the promptitude nod h beralu-y wi~h which cldims have always been met, nre well- known and acknowledged.

Tho importance of the trauMctiooa of the PH<.ENIX Fl.H.E OFFICE

may be estimated from the raot 'bali aiuco its establishment-now ovor ONE liUNDJU!D Yuh.ll­t.be paymeot.a in eatia(Rctjon of Claims ror Loaa­ea baYe exceeded FOUilTli£N MILLIONS STII:RLtNO

loeuraocca ~aiuet. ,Losa by Fire a11d J.igbto~ a!g ~ru. effectt'~ by the Company upon e• ery de•cnpt.ion of f roporty, ou the moat faYorable terma.

halted a second, thinking I beard •oioe:. • at The following morning, while J Wa8 dl1lel· that Yery room~nt !Uiaot 'I'd tired cloee to 'mf' iniJ, Jemima came up, and l!&icJ T "'T to make

W. & G . .RENDELL, SL.JOnN1s,

Agenu j or Ntwfeundlarul cloee, mind you; no~ two yarda o6', b'n tb~ hu~ and go into my aunt'• room. She WIUI Jaol? t.ree, •re thiok jn•t tbere i and wboe.,er '&red aaking for me. -:J=-u:-:=-s=--=T=--=--=:::-=-------it waa hid from my Tiew. I,.. turning to . 'hebe heUerJumimaf • RECEIVED ~~earoh when Phili • Ki J rut 'No miae, ebe ia a aight --BY_

• pa 05,. a,w ec~tn know what I think now.' rang out, and 1 poahed lii,Y he-ed beyond &.be Q t K E N N E D V t.reee and r.aw him in the act .ot f'.alling to the · 'Wbd do you thjnkf I aaked, ot liking , · 1 • ~n ground. I hutened k) him, and the o&be~ e.. ber worde, though I. did n~ know ~by. caped-llll tn lack be#to-tihia'i . Thia ia·~ ' 'Ph, nothmc i D9thiDf( for lit~Fiea to entire t.ratb, I) belp me beano r ! " ' • fa-.r! I • I I • '

k migh• t.ue beea the tro&ll; uct, a/iiin, '~ .. tma,' I aaicl, ba....U., into r., • do it mipt. no'-' It ,.. jut. one olt,be. tli'JDl+ yon JIUIUl Ulat. abe will diit f ... ~nd a poll &lie aredalit, Or the nttan.r. ' w ~II, i( eYer I heard the like or~ ... r. re .

1 Wttat litUeoorrobon&aioa &here wu, ~1 .tanled Jemi~ ~olabl7~ 'One ~' \,e . ...... ,on Mr. Edwin Barley'• ldcle; Offl; &ba& able too~ one a bpe au' Wore,~._. Rere­

').8 ~ ueer&ecJ: mON thaD· .,.. &rae of:'.alae fo~ I Did 1 •r a woad alboat ~r. d~ d1!Di word. -of Philip ][.... u &llfte ....,. I.J!!'J' or abow;a& yoar dJial, or .. , dying t &H.uaple ,... &lie untiL wb)' .... ~ . 11.1 .-,..p .. ,.. a .... oniDI apoa wt..&~Mr we rallehoocHotlaem J • --~ . ,eb"ld baYe moanaJna P" a• i Philip

• B.._. ~lei --. •• bad 110 ._ott.,. lb Kin« Now jua dl')' 10v•1•; 1 r aun~• taa &he lift of ftUip Xin& ........ Jlre. QO IDOI'O a-aofD( W die Uwa JOU ' .Bcbrla ..... ,. • '11ae•.., woald '-•e hCJnetl Tbe lm WoN ~~D bJ Kfl. · .. Win ~r· v~hhil, w pwa ldia a.... 1• II'U, leJ. ~u a ~toUon to "faa, oa u co•n· ... , 1 .... , ,_ _.now, t.d••• .... oldtaoe • b~...._ ___ _

{'ro U 00Wfi8UD.]

~0. 145 WATER ST.RE»l' B AR'l'L"ET'f'S BLAOKING. '



L O.lf.f GLOSS ~'tAI:WJl.


1..) LASS HJGH 80\VL.I.J . and PR~. U ttERVg !>lSUES. · GLAMS SALYEilS•nrl Ch~ PLATJI'..S



Page 2: 11 NETTIN,-collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2016-09-23 · ~ The S-u.'bsor i.bers would respectfully call th~attention of the Merchattts of Newfoundland



' I

' .

ED!Jf "'

.. r.rBE H.A.IiBOR GRACE. ~TANDARD, APRIL taB, 1888. . / . \

\. . ..... :.- ..... _ .. ,.... ..... ~ ' -

;~e fttr'ar ~ratt ~arb 0Qtut Of & W.u:-.ble Bb4. • ba.di• tor ,_.l Ua drdir to warm water to pick' --; ol &h~ featlaett. wblob were nluable. Af&er


........... .........,s""'ifu'Ho'A¥: .. m1Li8.·-l..-888~.---

""'LA:ruT ~~;;;~~Ponth;, tho oatob of tb; Norwe~tllln codOabery up to ths 2ht lnat. had rsaohsd the' l11rge total of 47,000,000 flab (about 780.000 quintala), a'::ainat 89,000,000 (about 660,000 qnintala) for tl\s corresponding period of Jut ysar. That. ia ao iooreaae of about 180,000 quintals. The proaeot seuon's 01\tcb of our Nor­wsgiao rivala must tberAforo be rel"rdod aa a very largo one. Tbia oatarnlly is oot in our favor. Lot ua, howsver, hope .for th' beet.

.Ae our readenare ari.-e, ~hre ;Ju a blrtl elalla.la&eriull thew ~ba; aqwellm11 abut them up wbiob wu formerlr ~ be found ib gtta lratoDt tnoloalli'_JI, .1u orcler to ban tbam reacJt number~ on oe~tatn parte ot tbia coa11t-tha~ wileD wu&eC.:; 1&•11 aolwooderful that. nuder waa the llflnnuin or -t aulc. Two bnn· auob olroamataaoet, the gruf auk bu beeo oom-

r- " •·- pletely exter!lllaated. dred yeara ago, the ll'ank Islands, parti.•nlarly, ___ ..,.........__ literally swarmed whh tbia hird-bnt not a trace of it hta been ~ for the Jut 61\y yeara. It ·wl\8 then with. some surpri~~e tha~ ,

TnE BI.IT Aar.-We aro glad to leam that t.be Bait Act is being rigorously enforced on the west coast. So efl'ecti•e hr.a been the vigilance of the fleet, that we ar., told the French cannot gPt bait oven n~ ~bo most fabuloua pricea. This it ia very adiafaotory to hear. It goes Lo abow that the Act will not bo t.he .inoporotive inatruruent it.s~nemies would fain make the public beliovo it would he. It is to be hopod that J11dge Prowae anc.l his starr of assista.nts will not relax their efforts to tho s mallest exten t, but will prove to the French, as welt as to t heir niders, thoir abettora, and sympa thize rs, that tho Da.it Act is not to be tritled with-that it will bo en­forced to the very letter, yen vi ~t armi1 if need be. We hal'"e muoh faith in tho e tieot to follow the atringont, faithful canying out of the Act ; we ho~ to lle 'l doznns of F1·oncb bait cat.chers converted . into h onest fisher. men; we hope to aee as the result of this the catch on thia coast of o•u GalliCl\n l'i vnls ve r v materially reduced in volnme. It c~tn be done. It sbouH bo llone. Shall we say, it will be done t -------

TBER& appe11r11 on our first page to day the abort debat.e which took place in the Honao of A.asembly on the motion for the abolition or co<ltrops after two yeara' time. Thitt matter is au important one ; aou it is n pity, we think, tbbt t\ little moro consideration hnd not been ~iven to 1 b e 11u bj ect , for i t is one tba~ 1dfec td a la rgo section of especially our nor taurn peoplo, nntl conseq uently care 11hould han• uoen tl\ ken before coming to nny har~ty decis ion in reg11d to it.

The present meas ure , as we unders tand it, will inc lude nnd 11pply as w ('IJ to Lllbrador as N ewfouudh1nd; nud, twn yen r11 hence, tho use ofcod trnp:1 .wi ll lm fot b idtlt!n on botb these ooMt.s. This ma t ter, we nH\Y remark, hns lllt<oly reco!\!ed th u careful con!lirlc rl\tion of our principa l pl.tlltOrH here; rm d, nt. fur na wo Clln gntber, t ile voluuw of thr ir opinion seems to bo in fllvor of excluding "' Rny m~e ull not· th · e ru Labt ador (a•ty t. om C'••pe Hl\ rriaon north ) from the RC•'pe of the opernt1011 o t t he Bill-to r these good nud rwtiio.::'er. t. rt>•tl!ons : ( 1) Uecanse, owing to the great sea• cia y of hn it on t hat portion of the coast , li tt le or· ind~t>d no fish c~tn IJe secured wi th any llpplil\noe ot he r thnn th(• codtrllp or cod11eine.

(~ ) Bccau~~e it ia a well known fl\ot tha t traps d o not wo• k t he llllll!e a rnon ut of injury t he re u they unqnestlonlll,ly dn on the south­er n pllr ty ot t he shore lln.t 1\ ro•and th.., ~ ew­fou ndland CO>tst.-why 1 Princi pa lly beCI\usc llait in thO!IIl IOo·ali tles is of ton •l th ing u n · k no wn- at an \· rate is rureh· or ev e r to he got ther e in t h.e qu.ln titiel! 01: to the ex tent it i11 fRrther sou th. The comequenco i11 t hat eve r ¥ vear hnit hl\s to be KPn t clown to t he ;,1\;d crfl to help t he rr. t.o 11ecu re evon a modcrat • \'O) 11ge. [t is a lso the ox pcrieno.:e tlu\L tht• hook und li nl' tishe1~ o n the n ortl• ­e rn L •thrnllor i .:~ ~enerRlly vc~y small, am cl ro cou rHc h11 :~ ll•t tunllly to I.e hud t.o tho tml' or 11oine, if C\'Cn 1\ flli r CIIICh is to be ha.d.

(3) BeC' tll•e if tho t rotp he proscribrd on the nort.horn L 1'11 nrior, nnd t.hc jigger pe rou ittNI, t he speetl.v •osnlt will he l bnt httle or no fi sh will be c.lllgllt and t loe iue •·itnblt· con c­q uence nnuu. folio~, thttt, ofter th ll lapse of 11 11hor t time, the v yage on t luu l•li i'L of t ho coa~t will hu con ·.tembly cn r toiled. li'nr. thur mom: dol'<~ nM~vPo \' ti!lhe r man It now t be injurious l'ffcct.<~ r('Ridti• . from t he uso o f t be jigge•· 1 '! Ill) IU.s wcuon experience thi11, vi~. ,-thRt nlt l·r •.he UCHtrnc~i \·e ttpplia uco 1Ja11 hcou 0111pluy~l vu t he grou ncls, e ,·on fo r a couple of dayt~, t.he !ish will rct.iro of!' into deep wate r in pursuit of th:>se of tl1o cod thn~ ha ve IJeM tom hy tho jigger- wi t h tho result tha t t here will posa ilJiy he ulmo.'lt .~ complete cessation of !is he ry opomtion11.

All l his s urely I(Oes to sho w Lhnt, to uo awny with th o.. tn\1' ou t ho northern L11brador would Lc to •lea l a b lo w a t t he cotlliKhc•·y t horo ~ 11nch i11 extensively prosecu tcu IJy the pcdplo of B•Jn:H•ist.u, of Green, unu of Cuncop lion JJuyl4. One ~hi'l~ nt. len1>t ill <ertain­the•·e woulcl not I><' lutlf t he fi::~h o.:.111g ht then t h11t. tlwru. ia uow. llcuco the uc('rl for care tuu.I cnution in lumdlin~ thi'i r .. attcr. \Vo hove. tht•u, that if it ue fonr.d not pr.let icuu lc to JUake t ho nce&~IIMY u l tcrnt ion:~ in ~hll Bill this se.&~~on, ut. loaHt.JH:xt y ear the merumro wi ll he ao 1uueudeu 1111 to protect tho int1'rc11ts of t.h 11 l llll gn !J<>rtion Of t.l10 fis hing pb pniRt ion "" llet'ply C•>nce1·ucd in the nortlo e•n Ltt lomuor. 'l'lti te •·•n t•:utily uo don... Nex t OOS.'iion u Hltut l .: .. 1 111 ight lie in~ruJnc~J fi x ing 11. liuriL wl1e re t.mpll s hould IJO uRetl on. IIOI'~hern IP~ Ll'lldor. Or verha pa, what is bet t.Cr s till, as r egtt rds. thiR part of the COILIIt there onght to lttS " louger time 'lllowed than two y oara­the prOMent. Bill11hould I.Je ao a l tered aa not to t•roecribe the oae of trnpe there nntil f()Ur y &&ra' time. Would not rhia. meet. all di~·· cultil!l' W e t.hinlc 110.

we obeened in a late number of the 'l'wtt. lingate Sun a lette1· giving an aoooun t of a remarkable bird that bad been CI\Jithrod nc>t\1· Fogo some liUie time ago. 1~ wu, M ,n thu corroa.g_ondent,t-aken in this way, viz.,-" 'l'wo men, fftthor and son, procetdsd with 11 gun to t1·y to shoot a crow they bad seen hoverins we, a certain spot of ice jtt!lt outside ~be naruor. They fired- a' the crow bnt. miseed it, and, on going to ascertain what. bltd attraote•• i•, to the plll'tioular S(lOt. over which it bad bPen c:iroling, &llw an un.known bird of groot rH­monsions, aeeminglyexho.ust~d, Boating in tl1e Klob. Tboy h11d no difficulty in capt.urin~ and k illing it, oll5 the bird waa completely played out, The ruen quietly took the birrl homo, not taking tho t rouble to even inform Lbeir ncigbuors of the capture, and cooking it lhe bini ruade three meals fo1· the family."

From all that cau be gathered, the oorrW~• pondent remarks, it is evident thAt. ~he oird WI\S tho penguin or great ank. Bnt from whence and where it came is a myate•-y. It seems lhat inte lligence ol the capture lmd reno heel St. J ohu's before the fac~ wa11 even known in Fogo, for the magistrate, J ttUlCa Fit%gei'Bitl, Esq., received a telegram from Governor Blake, iuquiring about. the hird, l\1 r. i'itzgenild, it seems, also received by mail from St. John's a very clear drawing or a penguin. On interviewinq the meu who made the c11pture1 ::\Ir. F wo.e infonn~d lhut. the only pRrts of the bird left were the l .. tt, heo.d and winga, which correttponded exttJtly with the feet, head, and winS~~ of tbe • gtBIIt

nuk' in the drawing, aLd which after carefully packing be sent to t he Govemor.

It is a grel\t pity the bird had not been pre• served intnct, for it would bu ve been a pl'ize, would have 1\dded new intel'ellt to a su'JJOct which, as will be seen f~om the subjoioP.u ex· tract, has long been regarded with deop intPrest by some of our leading aoientista. It. ia said that. h•d the bird pro>'ed to be a pengnio, it wonld have been -worth 8200 to ita captors.

The following h ·om Harvey's 'Ftistory of Newfoundland, respecting the penguin or great uuk, will have an intoreat here 1

The ~reat auk waa once found io toyrlade rouud the eborea, bat le now sxtloot enrywhero, not a apeoinl8o buiog been found for tbe Jut fifty years. Tbe little auk, the poflia, the' oom. moo guillemot, called locally the •· morr and turr,'' aod the razor-billsd auk are abundant. The g reat aolt "as a •ery remarkable bird, aod deaenea more than a passing 'lleotloo, It moat now be reokooed, like the dodo, among tbo tbioge thal ban been, tbougb io tbo eix­tosuth and aennteentb oenturiea h w111 to bs eesu in muUitodea .on tbe low rooky Ialande on the eastern Cllaet of the lalantl, anc.l imweo•e ftooka of thsm wllre s ncouot~•sd by ths marloera of those daya aa fer oat u ths Baoka. Now the diaoo't'ery of a alogia li"Yiog apeoimeo, or n~n of a skeleton, would be haileo.J u a most. fortooato event. Tbe laat aak waa tbot oo ao laol111ed rook off tho south oout of Icslaod, i'l 18-H, aud i8 no" in the mussom of Copsobageo. ln all tho •nuseurua of Euro~o and America tbsre Are only aeveoly -two apeclmtoa of tbs bird. Tllros of theae were found ou Funk bland, off tbs north·eaatern ooul of Newfooodll~nll, in 186-J l'hoy came into the poraeaaion or Bishop FielcJ, who forwarded o ne to AgllUi:t, another to Pro. fee11or Ne•ton , of Cambrid)le, aud tbe ~hird ulti ­ID&tely reached the Hritiah Muaeom, where the re is but one other 11pecimen, brought. from the Orlt­oeye, iu 1812. N umorooa bonea of the grea~ auk have been foootl on Fuolt leland, and a careful 11eareh might diaeonr many porfeo~ aksletoue. The &reatauk wae lug er than 'goose. Ita win~:a were vo•y email, and not constituted for flil(ht, bu t w~:re admir&ble parldles in ths water, eaabliug the bird to mo.-o about even more llwiftly thau the loc.n The legs were extremely eloort, but J"O it"e:ful, and placed eo much poate riorly, that 111 re111i n~r on the rooke the birde aaaumeci an up­right &ttiturle, the wbt)Je of tbs leg aud toea be­in~: applied to tho earraco. It wu a nl\tlve of tho Nortllern hemiaphere, the ·peogoin being ita rel&livo in the ' .>uthern. The oauaee of ita ox t'l rmiolllioo are not difficult to diecover. Itt short wings nnd peculiar conformlltion rent.lerod il hulplcss on tloe land ; whiiP its fleah &od fl'ath ert wcru so valullblc Ill!' to invite the rapllcity of man . There "'oro few euitabls brC'ediug-plaoee, ancl when thea., were invaded it could no~ Hy elae­w'bcre, and llnd no choice but to !lis. Jn tbs • · s truggle for txieteoce, '' to whiob nature to._ll · jccl.8 a.ll her aoim&tea produ::tioos. auoh a bird 1111 the ~reat nult moat pariah early .

'l'ua e!lbanQed reatlnR of sheep in t~ia country itl R thing whfch 11ho1t1d receive t.rehle the &tlfntlbh it now doea. It hll to ,,. htaeti 1\ aonrce of n~qualilied satisfaction to, pnblitth rnm ti~no · to time the pleuinst r;ot thl\t. m11nv olist ri ct" ot· rather sections of tliatrict.~-hn'Ye"bf.ftn K\'niling themltllvea of ti1P JJrllYiJiion,. or t1•e S!lf'I'J' l'r81e rVo&t iou Act. whioh Llaey h~tYt> hiUl enforced in their :•e IIJH'IOtiYtl JoettJlti,.ll1 1\0<f thP keeping Of dogs "tA'rnly l'rohibited. ·rhe boo. · membur for fortune Bay, Mr. Bond, latflly introduced into thl\ lower honee a Bill to atbend the Aot. pallled in • tbe 47th JE!rtr of Her Majeaty's ReiJJn, providing lor the beLtel' preservation ot Sheep.

This Btll haa gone to a second reading. It., as will be Mticed, Rpplies Lo the Plectc•·al dlataict of St., John'11, and hils for ita objt:ct the levying of ttn annul\l license fee on t hA poeeeaaora of ttll kind11 of doge-said fl'OIJ to be proport io01ttel! divided amoogat thoae per­sona ~ho may lolle oil her sheep or cattle from the aav"g~ of t hf' abovo J'Bvenoos ~reatu 1 1'11. We h.,., every sympll~hy wi~b tbe object. of the meaaure, anrl hope that it may be abun dRntly attaincrl. 'I'ht~ following ia ibe Bill refer1ed t.o:

& it enacud by the GoYetaor, l bs Legielatlve Conucll aod Houao of Auembly iu Legialative :ieaaioo con \'ened. as followe :-

1.-..From and after the fi rst day of Jnly, One T bo0111nd t:igbt Hundred and E1ghty-eigbt it ahall be uolawrol for any peteon within the lim­Ita of the eleot.ot11l dletricte of St. John's Eaat and W tit to haYe in hie poueaelon or ou bid pre111ieee 1101 dog exoep' aa hereioafte1 proYided.

2.-H abtll be the duty of all police coaatablea to kill all doi* found at large aod oo' withiu tho call or ooatrol of a m11ster or keeper witlllu the dietrio' aforeaald, and all dog11 at large aa afore· 111id •lthln the aald dlatric111 m ·Y be killed by any pereoo whomsoever.

lt,-Aoy'ipereou ru11y apply to a Stipendiary Magietrate or a license to keep a dog or doge upoo tbe payment of a fee of dollare for eaoh dog, l'he licenu when granted eb11ll be of force for t weln moutba from tbo date of the ieaue thereof and may bs reoewect from ,tear lo year upou payment of t he oboYe fee.

(1) Stipsndiary Mngietrales eball keep a rtgie· tat lo which ebnll be entereo.J the oamee of all liosuesea aod lbe date of the iaaue of li-C8111lP8

(2) On 111od dter tho day of next, It aball be tbe duty of polloe cooetabtea to lrlll1111 unllceossd doge fo:tod nt l11rge within lllll lluol" or tbs aforesaid slectoral dletricta.

(~) Ou tllld 11fter tbe day of next peraopa hating in poueaaioo any dog oo' li .

ceoaed aa aroreeaid ahall bs liable to a penalty of .,- .Joll~tta .

{() Stip{ladiary Magiatratea who hah luued llceoaea under tbs ptotlelooa aloreaaid aball make An llllotial retaro to the Receiver Ueoeral llbowio!f tbe unmber of licentsa ia­aued and the a10ouot of money io their haode iu ~eo~ thereof wbicb amount they ehall forward et t he timu of making tbeir eald re­port to i h~ Heeelvcr Hensral.

• .-Oo tha day of In each 'ear the whole food arialag from tbe iuuo JJf do~r llceoaee aball be dt•ltl~d proportionally amODjltt thoee wllo eofersd lou or dam~e to aheep or cattle bJ do111 duriog tbe year whore 11noh s;ereooa hue uot bean compeneated by tl)e owner or owners of eoch clovs .: Provided tlraL no peraon ahall re· oelve mor~ tr'om such fund thao will compsout.e for the loaa or dsma~e suet11iocrl 11nd proYild to the llllli8fae tion or rhe 1\f&giatrate.

6.-Pt-llahlea pro.-lded by tbia Act may be re­coYered In a eummary m11nner before a Stlpeod ­lft•y Mt~git~tn.t.e by any peraon who shall aue r.,r the 111me.

6.-Uo"suoder six montha old need not be 11 . renesd but eh11ll a ol be allowtd to 20 a~ !arge.

Tm: llnu4u or Aaeembly hu 11\tely been con­elderioll some mtber importanl noaUert-one of them p11rt icu larly ao to St. J oloo'a. 11•at was tbe M.rnimp~~ l IIIII. The principlee contained in 'he 8,.t draft of tbo meMure were lately -eon­aiderably •nocllfled. These wore explainsd by the boo. Attorne7 General ae follows: (I) The oumbere of )he Counci l wu changed from live to aenn, of w hloh li •e eltoultl bo elected by the city, anct tw'> appointed by tho Governor-in­Connell. (2) The period of reproeen tatiorr ia m11de three years lllllll(ai11s t four. (S) Tto.e mut. tiple •ote ia remo.-ed . and e11ch ratepayer eball h"vo ono .-ot.e. (4) A obange wu made in the limltt of the town ( h) Any voter is•tualitied to be elected ll member of tile Counci l. It will be seen th11t those changes are raoltc ol, 114 regards ths bill iJsdf.

(Joueiderable difference of C>l'ininn aeemed to obtain particularly on one f>Olhl- llltl gifiug or noo-reaid.,uJs a vote-of ve rtui•• •11 .:, a bseuLAe l11udtords to vut.e throug h til e•• .o;:•nta This clause wu 111\bilt:quenlly ab>\ndone•l ' I hu follo lll ­iug et.nltHuuui w114 laiJ upon ' '"' IK I)Ie cf tho Houes by thu boo. Atto:oey (ieu.-n•l :

Number or houua wit'•in tlo u li111its of the Geu­eral• Wat.Jr Comp.tny's 1\Cta, rtnrl 11ppt~~ifsmeuts made therein. ·

Cl'he abo•e lia.its Me the ('lftiUO 11a the 1imlte ltlt fQrth io tj1e &l11njoi1Jt\J Bill) ~-'l;l'l7 hou,.,., froro: ... r,. , . ...... 1-40 to HO, n• orage

640 ·: •. .. ... , ........ , 1:10 tl'l l.l\1 •• ~~~ " · ' .. ' ............ ~. l20 1o t 00 •· ~lf.6 tl h J .. ' ~ ~ ... ' . ... . : • •• ' t OO lo -400 u

ll!l, " 11' ') l" " l"t•l•"' t6q() ~ liQO '' Sf ' u , ' 0

1 , ., • • , : .. .. ,,. ,-600 aoJ IIJIWIIriJI I i, • l , • I; .I

1,64:1 '1·1 .. ~ ,~ . t '- r,

860 !lO

I .CO 260 460

u !.o-J~ hOI,IMI, IllldSr .. ()us SXohufaiol, Tb~ the Yolioa po'M.' •w~e.- tbi• .•e• M.norolpal Bill woaii,J be S. \· e;1ct• 1p~oo h~'inv tmt oat Yot.e. l\oolh~ir tit iu¥ will fio1~~ the cuwllli~Jes'a ,work on tloe bill . ' • 1

' '

- Aa unfortunate aff•ir ia rsported by tele­gmph frow Ru e Ula nche. Ye11erday •~It tile 111ail eourtor wlooee route lie11 bd w«-en !hat place aMI Uurut lallln•l• uot -'ltNif while comln~ ou to &tc Uh111che lllld, 011 "a.:arch llewg iutlti&aled, bia dsad body"'"' fouud in • email brook . Tbsre ve uo> furtbttr particulal'll of tbu accident ;

I t muet h11ve 'beed a curionui~ht, two buotlred yenre ago, t~ eeo llfaee wild. lonely Ialande, thei r coaau literally a warming with tho e et1aogll birds, u thuy wadllled sio."ly about iu an erect poai . t1on, with their broad webbed fes~ and ahort ~ iuge, resembl ing tlie .flippen1 of a aeal. l'hey were tho conuecting liuk bolwllen thu fish aod bircl, p"rtdkujg of tho oaturo of botlo. Th~ •· .l':u~:: lieh Pilot" • for 1 77~ tbns refen1 to tbem : •· They ueve r go beyond tbs banks, ae othera do, for thoy lire ahrals OD i' or wi th in It, eeveral of them togelher. !hey are large fowls, about the 11izu of 1\ goose, " co~l-bl11ck head a'nd beck , with a while apvt upc}er oos of their eyu, which Dl\turo baa orderetl to be OncJor tlloir ri~M eye, - an extraordioary mark. Tlleao birds oevur lly, for tbsir wlogs a;e·veryabort, and most Ilk s tloe tina of a fteb, having nothing upoo them bu' ''a aor~ of dowo •,nd altort 'feath.,.... Noc only were the orswa o( '-'Is tJthiog naaele of t ho1141 dara in Lbe ha~it; of,R9Milmiog nat qnalltltlta of tbees (,lrda frtab, bulJthey were aconatomo•' ~o all dow a maoy &oo" 6r tbeiD for futars ueo ',('be merohaate of lionblita and of otbar' place~~ we,. Ia t.he habtt 1of laaltiog thsm and aelllba t.heiD, fo tile wloteu-.oo fa.telid of pork, to lb" fit'Htnnea: Tbe ailore ued to lalld on the ielaauta ~here l.hJtJ bl'ed, aad an t.belr boat. with ~be plump uowi~ldy, biTll• (wll!ob oa Jul.! oo~tld make oo eiTort to t!l<lllpe), drilnuq tbeto, ~rd­io~ to \\' hltbourt)e1 oo board b1 hoodreda, or IJnooltlog then on the bead *ltb eliob. 'rbe7

1 fe.ated on their efga. aad nen bamed tbelr

'l11e folle• l•ljc bOlt wert; rewl n tlrat ' tlms · Amt!ndn•nt <Or 1 Bait Ulii !.!..Attvrnuy Geaeral , .l..ptw•"' Fi .. hity ~cu-&lr1toA•. Miok•'Y·

'1411• Oult•!Jtiu.- pt1 1the folio a h·~ bill• wers dt~lerrl!d : the Sealera' \Va,re. UJII ; P.et({eua. t i9o oJ Uc;rda.Jm t ! •Iii'• li F~l~(y Bill ; Oo&por~ Pilot' U•ll. "'ti,.,. lud~:~.nui JY 8il~ wsa~ tbrout~h ooal~lttfe. 144, (~ ilt tlt6 bill &<> amuntl a ob11p&er of tbe Con.OIId11teU Sta&u~ee relating to barrlatera a .. IJ atcoroe1tl~o • • • • 11 OJ . . I I ., !:1.) , , ·-· t I ••

be 2od~eadl~t~ 91 'b• P)aeeatfa Rallwlr shl wu deferred, aod ,t~e eeoood readloa o tbe followloa bllla 'o"ed aad aaade :-OopJriabta IJIIl i Trademark& Bill; Sobmarioe Cable lJlll ; Sbeep PTeaernlloo Bill. ,.,'

The tblral reading of a •eo- Important f,llll wu moYed by tile boo. the Premier-that waa for ths eaoonragameot of ehlp-hCJIIdln~ In thia colon!. Tbe f~llo"'loe I• aJ1 aWU..Ot ot ~e Bill : Ci) t aball be io force for flve year& (2) for all Yea­aala. oad11r•ftfty too a a b.>t\Dty of ~ par too wilt be 'giyea, (S) For all Ytaels 'over fifty toos a bonot7 Qf •6 a ton will be &iYCD • • The reaaoo of giYiog •2 a ton more for veiule over fifty tona i• to aeoare ths conetruoLioo of a better olua of yauele fn the oolony. It will be remembere,t that over ono-half the neaela en1tftJCel1 In our R~uk 6ahery vrsre purohaeed outalde &hie C!Oiony. but chiefly in N o.-a ScotiL Ir the abip-llolldere of tbla c!olooy could aupply the c,.h naed In oar Bank-fiabe1, an lmmeaae amouot of work would be provide for 'otlr people i.o the winter mdotba. Ia tb~ ooooec&ion. i& 11 intoreatiog w no•ioo the fao& &ba& there hae durint: ~bs put St-aron bueu a:uch aot!Yity di4played in tbs ahlp-bulldlng trado in varioue puts of the laltod. At Mortoo~e Harbor, for ioataoos, two ap,lsodid craft utve been t~rnetl out-one or 60 tons tho other of 80 or JDOre. \\' e are told that. the latter ia the largest aoboooer that baa e.-er been buil~ at the abo•o piRce. A fdrthur ltitnulue abould be given to ths abip-buildiog trade by U•e pretoot enact-moot. '4

Another impot,.taut meaaure brought before the Bouas wu Mr. Bond's Agricoltoral Bill. It wu paued aod seat to the Lo~iaiJHive Couaoil for ooocurreooe H pro•idea for a ~unty of S 12 11o acre for all lt~nd olured up to five Acree, nod is to reruaio In foroo .for two ,.,.,. from November nexl It ie mnob to be hoped th(r quite an ioceo­tl•o will bytbia meaaure be Jtiveo to agricultural purruite io this country. Jr tllia bo ar.taioed, lhe object the bou. member bu io view will bo no­oc>mpllabed.

WITHDRAWAL or THE HtGn L1C£VSE BILL-Last sveniag Mr. Wntaon intimated hill withtl ra w11l of tbs Hi~h License Hill. He has RCted wisely in d9iog eo. Tho reuona he aaalgucd were Lhnt he found be would hue no support lo the House rroru thoso wbo had Yoted for Prohibit ion ; and that without auch suppor~. the Uil l had oo chance of paning. Thus thu responsibility of tho re­jection of this me11eure ru ts entirely upon the Prohibitiooist11. T hey will ncoept no mt:ll!Jnre except the intpt'aai blo a nd the •mlu"ctiCllble. That Mr. Warson '• Licenae Bill 1vould havu 8l'· cored a largo reduc•ion of 1ho c .-ill! connected with t.be liquor traffic Ia certain ; but Prohilli tiuo­iets refuse to support it and it 111 I oat. Mr. \Val · aoo deserves lho thaulta of the community for his

·zeal and earoestoen, ADd for tbe con•cillntiouf labour be nod ot!:era bestowed oo this bil l. We ventu ra to predict &bat Probibit iooiata will re­gre~ their hostility to thia meuure .-.\l t rcury.

The Harbor Grace STANDARD llu lately taken r.-oow departu re, and lnlltead of l>eioK 11 weeklj pa(5e't It will bencerortb bs iaeued aemi- weel.ly. at a reduced size. Thia Ia a cbao~re that wJII uo doabt. be 'fully appreciated by Ita maoy p11trona, ao•l we bopi the osw venture will proYo eucccaa . fai,-Twl7lmgalt Suu

f\VE thBnk our coutemporary for ita good wiebee.]



AIIow Ifill rn complimenl you on the &ew nnd du11l iaatie of the STA!IDARD-it Ia a Rreat improve­rueQ I ou tho old- more fresb and newey. H ope the publio will appreciate and will rewArrl yon for you~ enterprlae and &rouble by 110 inore11aed aubloriptlon liet .

l waa pleaaed to read In your l&st iaauo tho aon~e of Wadh11m. I myaslf, Air, bue spout eomo nJ~rhte off tho o ld lalee, and bue board our old captain often repeat tho above IIOIIIl- 87 years a~o ae he 111iled in tloe J.COOtl ahlp Timu ; but I must confeea I have a poor memory,. lt wu re· freehiog to me, therefore, to eoe it io print in your p&por- iL brought up old famil i11r acen~s and facea t!lllt are remomb_,red by one ~till. 1 m&y lell you, air, thllt I thoroughly enjnyed tho 1:12 year -old aoog; and hope that your jlood cor­reapoodent will yot f11vor us with more of the pleuioll recorda of the musty p&at lie has at 11oy rate my thanks.

YoUJ a, Ole , ,.-H arllor Grace, April 2fi.


By Teleg-rap 11. --(J--

IIALIFAX, April 26,- lf ,·rbc rt Oillmarck hnS bsen 11ppointed foreign ruiuie11:r

Emperor Freoferick WM h11 tter .vesterdny. li e recei,.ed villilors. Queen Victoria via1tod him thre' times.

Uio~hop Courtney ol the tlinceee 11f ~ova 'cotia waa consecrated yesterday .

APIIIL 27.- Centrlll CiLy, l>akotA , waa burr: l .Jeste rday LoJJe, a qonrter mir liou.

Lord l>noruen'a bill for 1 he reform of the Honeo of Lords baa be('n with .lrllwn nftc r 11 long di ecul!ll io ~o.

13efor., lenvin~: Berlin Q uo·rn \'•ctorin piBceoJ a wreath 011 the Emperor \\' 11111\uo ·!l coffiu. 'l'loo Q ueen 1ouol ~.:mpre a Victoria revi.c .,.·eol the I!Uarda Tho Qnueu bnde b:t)c poror l•' reolcrick 1\ll a ffeetion­" ' e faru ~ell Ths Emperor ~~~t id he hoped to see tho Queell ll!lflin in heltortimcs Borliu ~'ftvo tho Queen" hrilliaut fiU'Owoll. l'he EmJioror is mu~b ionprovcd-tempen.tortt 11I1111J8t ~~~1. All ~ympton•B fllvourable. J


-~ and.!!ther Items. _ -The Allaa ateamer NON BcotiDn,. with the

Britlab maila, aaoooeded Ia addog into 8,. Jobn'e yraterday. Malia bJ ber are expected bere by trAin tble dteroooa.

-Tbs Ret. G. Boyd, of 8~. Joho'a, deliYtreal a publlo laohue oo Prohlbiliou Ia lh• Hriti•b Halllu' Wodoeeday evenioll: Ths rev. geutlo­maa bad a large audience. 'fbe Rn. Mr Jamu acted u oh.airman.

-SPRING Goons -Our ahopmon along W~ler Street hi\Ve recciYerl the ftret inatalment of their Hrhiah "' wrll aa thdr Amel'iaan lllllllllfnc~urell ¥OIIcJe-per ths h11rqueutinu c.l111!ta and 1 he aoboouer William 1:1. Rovmond. All that Ia r 11• qulalte now ia to ad"Yertlae them. _ ....

-Meaa,., Jobo &luna & Co'a. ' •teamer Van. guard. Capt. ' Joaboa Pike, ia now . tJetllug ready, aod will proceed early the oomloa week to l'llt Cove. wbere we learn, abe wi:t lead- witb copper ore for Sw~aoaea, We undentaod abo may bo eogar-ted io the aemo bualoeea doriog the reulaio. der of tbe season.

-The ateam-,aaht of Mr. G. C. Jerrott (of Hrigne) touched in bore on 'l'bo,.da.J ~t. Capt. 1\l.uudeo, witb Mr. W. A. aod MrGraham Muou, name paaaengera, and lauded bero W o wero pleased to aee our old friend looking ao bale Bod hearty .

Tllo t~~o·o moo rep(lrteci laat iuuo aalolt on the Banks from the aobooocr Jubilu , Captain Nic:k­creou, were, we learu, two brother• bcloogiug to Torbarnacbed Pcte rllml E dward Fleroiog. '1 be former wns 42 years of a~e and lea"es a wife aod fhe children , the latter wa11 a floe young mao 26 years old. ----

-Meaere. Duff & 13ahner'a eoboooer WiUicvn H. Raymond, Capt. Tucker, 11rrivlld br ro oo Weu­needay lust, haviu~ pu~ In at Carbouenr ::ibc h111 part cnr~.:o of Americuu goode for this port. Tile IV. /1. Raymond ie 11 schooner pf 66 tooe,aud ia twenty yenrsold, ie bui lt ofhBrdwood, CUJd w11e ropairco.J lnet yeBr. ::iho is intended for tho llzuok Fiehory nnd will proaecute it tbe present eeuvn,

- All tbo St. John's eteawcre IJnvo rsturncd frocn tho eealliallery, both uortlletn aud we! teru. T ho 11\Rt to put 1u he r appearance wee tbo lValrotl , t'opl. P ike, to ~lt-tlars. J . l~ W · StewBrt, with ti.'tO seals. T he Terra Nor;a Brrivcd the pre\·Joua C\'euiog, sho hnild for 7 ,OOV old .lnd 6,000 young acalfl.

-THE ~priog T erm of tho Supreme Conrt oo Circuit will opeu hero on TucacJay uext, let ~hy-Hon. Mr. Jnatice P inaeot, l>.C.L ., pre· aiding. We are not aw11ro that tbere are runny mBttc rs or much importance to como b efore tt lor adjudicatiou. Timo, however, will ' tell. \\' o lnro thnt A. U. Uayward, Esq., Q. C., and ~loes ra . .b:mcrsou, Morieon and Morrie will no­oomrany tho Court. Thoro roay perhopa a lso be vtht:r4 or the legal fraternity wlloae oamee wo hl\t"e not bennJ. T hey aro Bll welcome.

-The greater part of the Hacking fiset ia now all reudy to depart on tbo voyage, oulyawniliug the cleBriog out of tho ico which h&angaa o co•uc w. The wind to -day 111 from Jb u W .. and tbid cbcuu:c will oo doubt continue until tho Hay is ngo1n cleared. l 'he fleot will ;>robably Mil oo ~odoay. .l'be tw.D Harbor Grace Hank F1ahing. Co. • scbooneu ore at ::it . Jolin's. Tbe Carbouear fle~ t aa aJso detainou by tho blockade but ll•cy will &all oo Moodily, ahoui:l a fa't'Orable hme offer. May succue ~o with lho1n.

-Tho ateamer VanguGJd, Capt. C . Dawe, or· rived hero frou1 tbu aual H1hery oo Thuratl11y' wonting Jut. Sho uufortuot\tely waa jnmmcd alnce leuing this port, and dicJ out conaeqneutly aucceeo.J in proouriu~e auy eeala. 'l'bo l11s t of thu Harbor Grace aealing fleet--the lolaJlijf - haa bueo pr evented from ~attiog to thie p111co by tho ice io t.he Uay. tiho proceed eel to Uri!(llll, where abe landed part of ller orew to-day. She left a few boure ago, aud i.e exvcoted hert: this afternoon. She baa oot, weare aorry toaay,more than 1700 11eate,

-0P£tm;o OF ST. PAUL'S HALL.-Th~ n~w buildiug will be tittaugly opened for thu lir~l tilllo on the evening of Tuesday uext, May I, with 11 gmnd oonce r1 , coneiatiog of a choice \ ' 1111·

e ty of \'Ocal and iuetrumeutsl aelcctiooa. Some ratber superior musica l taleuL hu boeu eDI{Pqt•d for tho occaeion. The follow lug are the Dlloo,a of tbo latl ies aud ..ccntlemco -.ho will take part : Miaa Fisloor ( ::i t. J uho'e), Mlllil Flyun, Miaa Pat· oreo 11 M11111 Mary Rutherford, Mra. PliQt t 1.

John's) , 11o•l Mrs. Higgioa-witb Prof. D. A. Flynn. ~J r. An~el (l:isart's Content),· Mr. Gil ­lard, l\lr. Wloitouan, and Mr ::ieymour Ths con ­cert, (on which some carer1,11 prepar"'ion haa beco hestow~d) i11 pxpec1ed to be much abov.t thu 1\VOrRJ.(e - tloc nam e& or lhOSO parliolpatlug thetu• in ia suliil!i.:ul jlU!lrantutt of that Our citi:tt:u, ths reforu aru j11stitiod in expecti~g a ricb IDUI!ico~ l trerct

The evuning's performan'Oo will conc lude with a l .. u~.;hable farce, entit led " Poor Pillicotly"

T he rio.:h nppo:ar!\oce of tho Hall itself '"ill, wo believe, ntlri\CI some attootlon ; aa wu 11howeJ last week , il hns heeu very arlultically ti uiehed ; nnd it ovil : be will lit llfl by eome vury ro!IUldsonoc lacnps We arc cnnfidt:ut the pJlblio are ful ty warrnntotl in loultio~: forw111d to au ontertaw· mont tbnt \\'I ll please ~he111 ' io OVt!ry particulnr Let us IH•pe tbl\t Lho eiTorte of our lricnda n•ny Lc nbun ola 'l t ly ru\\urdecJ by a bumper bouao next T uesdny uv(•uiu£:-tho occaeiou ur thu upeuiu~: or lhe new lla:t

Uv A trriiOUJTY.- Uia Exoslleooi ths Goveruor, io Council, hat bt:eo plca~~ed to appoiot tho Hou. J amus ~- Pius, to be " ms mber ct1 tue Executi,·o Coonc1l or tbia Colony . .

S ccret.'l ry's Utfice, l!4tb Ap ril, 1888.- Gaztlll'.

Ar ntL 28-The Pope's deoreo o.oudPmnlng th.o plan of Cllmpaigu h!\a been p••blienorl 'l'be l'ope aaya the plao ia illegal The Land Conrte will roduos 1111 unf.,.ir reo~ The fuuda extortsd I rom contributors to.plau.t:oyOQUiug, he decl'ared etmtrary to juatics -tod oh&Jity Thu Natibpa!ena~ have reaol.-,.:1 ~o. eo6 tloue &he nt~ao . · •,

Biamarck dicli'ne. tho titlu of Duke , Ths ~mp11rdr l\ls beef .tc~r{~Ay for -the f!,.,

t illl e aiacsbitiii)Jeaa · -- '~ Tbs Queeo arnvsd bomtf~Jeatsrday • •

- W £ATtH:R NoT&s.-T/tc-1{/ay, 2Gth April ­We exper1~11ce now IIOfteoed #!!athe r. ~ow(:.! p~.) the wiuo.J hu movsd from.9;lt, iuto E.N.K,

.wit~\_ ao1oe light anow ahowera. Cemperaturo i~ at 46 degresa. The moon wae full at t.16 thi~ morning.

Our readera will aee bow b11rd pr~dlotiou hM been by reuou of ths ios But, uow. we C:\n prectio~ better. The untoward April will ~eivu us a gensrall1 fh\a M~ witb balance ~~ winds from Sooth aad Wttat-freqasn,.atron~ breuea.

Tnppllr aob1niueil the Gaa11diao buolgot yeater­dlly laatead o~ tlt8 antioiplltlld •ls llait of SSOO,OOO tht:re it a elirplua of m.ooo. "ia eeciwa\tld the reeeipta fur the curreot re~t will be$S6,00Q,OOO, the expenditure thif~Y ·1o.e~ milliont . Tho do· tlciL of one mit liou blft bt!oo1 c-\ll~cc l by poor crops iu OniArin, aud ehnrl&gtl of hun' ·~r pruriuotio •1 t •• uugh droncht, 'the re t ,·I•Uu 11c~t ycllf '" ea· to111" ted at 8!JG,90o,OOO, lho;dpuvlliture et .OOO, • uou lfU. ••• ·'-- l ~· 1' ~

1-u tmla!l (FrickJy) 9 a.• -Aneroid a& :JU 86. ·r s mpenuure 47 doa.;l'\'1'8. Muolerats, Roe. Muc • whiti,h oloml. t ron~ aytuptuma of nt~~r nun from 'out1P' wi•h wioul it tlrsaeing. ,

T<t-dav. Sul f1nlug, 10 a .m.-Modt~ratll, Uuo, wiud at. Eaat.-C..'om.

Page 3: 11 NETTIN,-collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2016-09-23 · ~ The S-u.'bsor i.bers would respectfully call th~attention of the Merchattts of Newfoundland

.,. , 4;



- P IIlSONAL.-Tbe Bn. G. 8. Milligan, M.A., together witb the Bn. (leorge 9oyd, wero In town tbe p111t wee• ,

I bue derhed m ooh benefit from uaiog Fel· lo wa• Hypopboepb itea fa Obroolo cx.oatlpation .

JouM B Moou, l<'oreat City, Montaua.

-A eoboooer, t be G'l4ra Jortt. Cap L J obu Mo· Grattt, arrived f ron. t be Banke on Wedn .. day IMt with 100 quiotala. She It In a leaky condi­tion. and will go ou dock. She reporta tile schooner Jubi~. Cap~. Mulcahey, all well. but tlsbed poorly. · The aoboC~oer .4er,lite. Capl>. Mor ­riaaey, wltll 130 quint.ale. Tbe aobooner Ma'71 JJ. Bartlett, Capl Lath, reported wilh uo 8eb. The eohoooer Crut of tM Wave, Capt. Bonia. re·

• port~d one man loet- Mieh'lel Waleb, wbo ·•ae washed onrboard netu ~he wiodlue, in- a beuy so a.

• - A despatch from Old Perlicaa o n Wedueeday a&id tbat \be preceding d ay a lerae patch of old seale wae seen a boo' teo m UM off Gratia' Coye. A nnmber of men eeoa red ftfly ; bu' owing to "iull alllftlull, they Were IIIIR'IJ)e IO ~et more. 1\1 the leo wu rapidly mo,·ing off tbtS abor\!. Uu her \'Oynszc to tloc northwnrd tho steamer 1\'rptune 11to uck an immen&e q•u.utity of old aeala. in Trinity llny, on yuterdny wc!'lt , but or courae ,luvl no mean.s o ( tnldug a ny o.f them She was jl\mmed fro m Friday until Tund11y rnoruiug, when ahe

1 Cooeuroptioo it 1 clieeaae' contracted by a oeg­Jeoted cold- buw oecettary then that we abould at once a•' th e beet oure for Cougha, C olda, Llryogltll, and all dileuea of the 'fbroat an d Longa,- one of tbe mut' popular medici nee for theae OOUiplaiDte is Northrop & Lymao'a J:o;mul­aion of Cod Linr Oil aod Hypopbotpbitea of Lime and Soda. Mr. J . F. Smith, D rugglel, ]..)a oo YIIle, writQ 1 • U.gine general aU..factlon 11nrl •elle apleodidly.'

go t cle.u nnd reached Trin1ty. •

-A eoltooocr, th u l sabtlla, owuei by !ll .. aars. • Owen c.\ ~nrle, '1\orill inszute, whicb cle11red for 1h ... s ... nt fishery aome time 11go, "'"' l;:at o u the litio in st .. nbont l" o or three miles from l11nd. l'hl' icc went u iT fr11111 the lnru..l 1\1111 the acloouner . t.•ldns;r ndvnnln~e o' tlw &llmC, l~ft llcrrio•j;: Neck 10 procrcd on her voy11ge. but before g e,ttiul( very fn r the icc rnn together r111d c rushed the achoooer to pieces. They 11ucreeded iu 1111viu~t the tnrltlea, ,\!r .. '"hich wen~ tatkeo to Herrin~ ~eel< ,on S:\tur­clny. t hll d11y nlrrr 1he nnfootun11tc nccur rtuce h>u k plAce.- 'trrilfi•,gole S tm.

-In our I net i~eue "liB recorded the nupti11la u f George Sbe11. Eeq., .M. H A . o ( the firm of ;\leesrt. Shea & Co., 11od Miss Louiaa Catheriue, dnughter o f the lion. M r . Juatice Piueeut.. J) C . L. Tbe ceremony, we learn . wu pe rfo rmed by tho Veoer11ble Arcbde11con For ris tal, in the t-:piacopal Reaidenco. 11t 7.80 p.ru. Micb11ol 1 ooorburo, ~ q .. 111aieted as beat m8o, on the OC· ('1\SiOII, and ~1111 Shen (Pister o r the grouru), ncted h brideamnid. After the cerPmooy tho harpy P"r d rOYe tO the re11deuce Of the qridu'IO flllbcr, " here . afte r p11rt:~ltio..: of n bridr\1 supper, they J 1\'tl to rhe At ilw11c lloo...t , where they will rc · 111a1 n for n fe w days . '1 hu ~TASDAIID joins witb 11~ :;1. J l'hn'a coutcmpornries in extcndro~o~ to · l.,• m ItS n•rHme~t con~:rn t ulntiona. 1\nd oeat wtrloea •or ~\ ion~:, prosper<ou~ .on1l irnp!>Y term ,r ou11rr red liftl

-Fno~r Till:: .'f:,\L Ft.'llt:Rv.-The ate11mora 1/n:tnr ami l 'u•1thu arrived from the eenl fishery H I J'nt'lrlll f mOniiOjl-thc former with 1400, t.nd

1 ~ lnttcr "" l' :!uOO 81.'1t1s. The ll<ctor, we nr .. tJid , etro \'e !J.trJ fur a. trip or ft\1, but fortune ~eemerl ro IJRve p rono unceu n~nine t h&r. At one • ' Ill <! -Jo e w 11s , , .. , ,. 1 ho op.,n rench of wl\tor in 1'. .. otc li11y wl11ch tl ullted the S t ptune into ber • .•UI RUOII, but tloo•ll(h ncarly nil tbe stock o f I' j\\ •l t>r '"", nsrd 10 r ryin~o: to blow IIJ' 11 pauA,::e !Or lllll lilt I f! , t lou ll!t: \V/11 l vO fn .1l· UOUDd, llood I he e nd~:11 vo rs cam~ to naugh t . S he lny jammed un t tht: 2ntf o f .\ prrl nud thlln went oortlo nlon II• <! Ll\br.tdor COli I , or ui•ing down Rll fnr 1\8 Honoorl 11111 Islnnd, nt'ltr l>o mico. picking up · .. 1 r,·rctl quantitl<'~ of ol ol hn rpa I he /'a , thcr a;au lll('l with tlou ~llmtl nd ,·eue 8t&t e or thinJl8, 1 3\'111 1.( b .. co jnwrncd du ricg the beet part of t he ~··'\~0 0 .

----- 1 wo 11hootin,:: &rciolt>niH nre repor terl by ou r

uon• ~rro r r n••·•npornry tl11' s.,.,_ \ \'bile George Y H i ll£! w1111 tiron s: n 1:1111 11 1 n •cal on 1he 24th nit.. 1 ,.. \\t'Rpon hll rlll . tnj .rrrn~: Ius leh hnnd to 1\ "0tl·

• •oo·r.ohl e <" lt~O:Ill , frncounng IICI\rly the whole o ( t .,. oo ro~rs Mid otherwiAO brui!in,: the p11r!8 U r :-rnfi .. ., J wn1 MOu lt 1 11 llllt•Hdlloo,.e. and not w11h on;: tu sacrr ti co:~ the ~utin! haud ol ecided on s11v io~: p 11rl of rhe thumb l l'lll'lh~ r with the whole o r the l rt t lt> finiCer . But 8)'mptoms of morufleatioo aet· toni{ rn. noJ in -o rder to Sll\'e hia life the rloctor ·h·l'id,.•l ~n nmpr11n1io n o r the nno rrbovu 1be wnst, so nc" whoc h time he b11a been pro~trestriol( '•·ry frl\'url\bly. 11nd napes nre en tertAiyed or Ius orlrrounl•· rtcu,ery Anothe r l(lln 11ccid ~n t 111 re · rurr ccl from :Sew Bay. Oo tbe l Oth ul~ . . Mr. I'IH>mas Cln rk e had h is .hnnd bndly hurl by tho hurs tinu or n 1!(1111 , when nhout six mil ell from hllld.

-Lrr rr.E RA 'I' ITF,)ls - One o ver -zealous Sal · n trour&t cnu11ed •om~\_ trouble by destrinu lo we11r · l114 AAl vr\lron g-ue rnsuy, -w~lo " certnin IIIBCritJtlo n 1111011 it l'h is rho oooll8tcr RnC\mnuy of tht members ••f the Looi!Zil c bjectecl. Buq they fo und i~ rl\llo er olllflcult I n 101\1•1\_$!'(! One o ( (he " UJood IIDd fire llro~o:ll1 le." lie w&ll ~~~ last i1;duced to onrer the o'llurch wotlo " j'\cket on, bu}· ~:refttly disturbed thl! pence of the Clllll,! r t!J.:Rliori do~ll tho prayer hy •uo~t innpr)orttme< uld... coruiououa reapooaea •orch M "dory." .. lo111le lufah' ' At the Me t hO· "''' school Bo~~rd m .. •·ring 1\l Little Bay Jalaude 'l~~rch 2hr, it w1111 d . ciJed thnt the Metho diat ~do no I houses ahoultl 1101 be U<tcd ro r "' ''ntion .\ rmy meetioge; the l!ev. Henry Hatcher Willi In rh•· ch11ir.

Tt.rouahou t this part o r t he Bay d uring fhe winter there baa been an uuuannl amount t~ tick­nel!ll.

!'hey rue taking on " row more men at Ttlt <'•,ve. This rnl\k CII 200' thnt l\r e no• worlting in rho• mine.

:\ ) Jr O'~eil, 1\ fe w weeks RIZG . cut hill foot in rh,• woo<lo!, near JJi ttlu Brty. ruirl i 1 11 fe vr hours tlr,•o.l I ro ftl tho e iTecut. l'he doctor Wl\l unable to l.!•• t ,,, hi on in t ime tAl ;nvo his to re. II e leaves " ,.,rl! and •ove rnl ch ilrlron - 1'will.ingatt S11n.

Setillng Liit. - Port of Ohannel- 1888.

SUJlplied h! A. W, Lomoi ne. (~o lr!en ltnle .... . ...... ll eoliu ........... 6L llJ

W . Grieve & Co. S .Leopard ...... ...... lhwe ........... 217

• Job Rroe, & Co. S.S . Nimrod ............ Onwe .... ..... . . . "l.~



!IURRIAGB. On tho 18th loat., nt tH MAt) '1 C'horth, RL J uhu't, loy

the ROY E. Botwood, L11~rooce, foarth eon of tbt' 11110 Wilham Ulclu•y, to )bry Jaoe, yoaogut cl•ugblc•r of tbo l11to Oanfamln t!qnlru of Top1111l.

D E A THS. Tbls (SAturday) morning-. alter " lioW'rintc Ill non.

Sauh II .. relic~ ro( tho Lltn Thoruu Ororbin. 1•f l'•oulc, Doratt, Englanclland (or mAny yenre a retlclout f'f O•r­boo~ar. Funeta un Slat~day uest,lt half-put 2 1J m ., from her .on-ln·IAw'a I'Midence. on l.oM,.,.,.Jt,.nl !ltreor.. - ,\ merlcau anrl Cannd!An papor1 pleuo oopy.

Y 1.'8l~r1loy ( f rldll.)') morninl1 a flu" loog 11oorl linjtt•r­intc iolol'ts, bornu whh humble roelgu111ion to clio D1vloo will. Anti euatainod by tltn,..camforta of her rcll~tiun, In h 11 82ud year of bor agoJaou. t cllct of tho Into Jo:1troou od t 'illt:!ft'l'tt lcl. Punaral will tnko piA co on to-mr•rro'• (Suoodll,Y} al 1.! 80 o'cloc:tr p m .. from lhtl ruldcnco "' her 3aughtor, Marga.rot D"mpaoy, Water Streer..-St ; .. hn'll and .\to11rreal papors plcuo <"'PY·

On 'l'huraday olgbl lut,of dl ~ hlhorin, Robert, young­P-al child of Jamea ~tnd Jo:mmn ltartln. ngcd 4 yenra.

AI S t . . lobo's. ou tba 28rd !oat.. •r.r11•rot Now I. ro· llct of tho late Richard Stanley Crosa. of Urlatol, aged 98 yoare. '

A I O~tth, England, ou February l !lth. f.ll~nbctb I! An· n11h, wllo of tho Rav. Oeo. Wa tl'rmtlo, ~l. r\ . , ngod 62 Y~'""·


.!ITIU\ED. A prll 26- CiuthA, J oyco, Liverpool, 20 daya, g\lo•ernl

cargo-Joboo )I uuu .t Co. CLJIA.aao.

. -' pril J~-C W Onlton, Fil1111t•ral•l Plymnulh, ;; tona cOil u!l, \!484qola dr)' codll:~h -J ohu A.tunu '" Cu


,\ ( oucert will loa Ri,·eu h the r~hn t·e·llllmell 11 .. 11 0 11

TUESDAY Evening Nexf, · hi Mny.

SCII11 U or t he best muaicnl tllleot, both or St. Joron·~ 11nd Harbor G race. wili take part.

U uuf'l open 1\t i 16: to coon nH:IICtl ttt 8 aharp. Tick ell - Reeened Sellle, 40; Uaek, 20 cents.

A lomited O'llllber or Chaira 1\re p rovided at [>() cer11a each : 11 plan or t ho Hall CAU Le seen 11od cll11irs secured 11t l\\r W. 11. Thompso n's up to 6 o 'clock Tuesday eventog. Tickets for a11le nt ch., ahopa or llteaera C. W. HoM t,; Co., W. H . Thompson, Patereooo & Fosler nod C . L . Ken. oedy.


Regular Monthly Meeting of J, .. .to: .. " l1 11ol:.or (;rnce,'' No 4 76. F. & ,\, M . ll. ~ wil l 111lre pl11co 111 tloe M 111101oic .lotll, ooo T il {j ll~DA Y nex., :Jrd Mny. 11t 8 o'clock p m.

( lly o:der of the it. W .bl..) P. U. KNIGHT,

Secretary .




Webber's Drug Store. W ater Street, Ba.rbor Grace.


To Let, on Reasonable Terms, · THAT

DWELLING HOUS·E, on llarveJ S tree t, beloogiug to Mr Kru$(er and at present ocoup1ed by Mr, J rtrnea J~~tYie.

A pply at ~hi11 Offi.:e. Api21'>Lf

Nova Scotia Central Railway. ME~ WANTED.

. A NY NUM RER ot ~:ooct l.."'bo nrara wanted

.tl.. 1\t once t o work o n 1loo NOVA SCOTIA CENTRAL llAILW AY.

S teady employment.. Curnwt WIIJ.:ell paid.­Apply to Companya Office11 111. 1\Hddlo ton or Bridgewater, ~ .8.

R. H. FRASER, ~ttptrinuflcknt.

...... Bowring Rroa.


~S . ..Kite •.••.. .•••.•••• Aab ... . ..... . . .. .. 190 D. Bruce & Co.

SS P oly!)ia . . .......... Guy . .............. 868 J . & \V. Stewar~

o ·. \\'alrna ......... .. l'tk~t ... ........ .. 183 J. J<;utmlln.

Alloie G ........... .. Eutm"u ... . .... . liS Jamet Murray. ·

.Beuie .............. . . . Anthony ........ 6l A. Foraey.

Gold eo Arro•-· ······Foi"'MMy . . .... .... 27 M . (.;illl\m.

flh1 1''1! .... . ... . ..... G ilhoro ............ 43 S. Gilltm

Ann'\ ~~~! ......... ... (iiiiKIII . .......... .. 50 J, t*&e1.

}lary Jaoe .......... SeeleJ . .. ... ..... 27

100 To "b.e Le-t ! At a rent. to 11ui~ tho timoa4


88 .Desirable Dwelling • House, with Grounds attached, ait1111ted on VIctoria

10 Street. and ocouJ)Ied latterly t,y Mr J11tnos Jar -

12 -.ie, For partieal.m llp(liJ at · the STANDAICO Office.

10 .. Ita bor Grao:e, A~l Gtf

For Sale. lO A FEW · OWTS.

11 T1xno"tl:l.y ~A"Y. Avpty at. ..W... OWoa.

11· Harbor Grace, April 6tf.

The· First Sign Of falllllr bcaJtb, whether Ill tb,o f11rm oJ Bllbl SweAtt and Nervouao01111, or In n. ee'DH ot General WonriDCAa anti l.o.~• ot Appetlto,aboultleuggt~~~t. the.p80 or i\yrr·• Saraaparllla. TLIIJ preparation ts ' ruotl ' etreettve tol' glvfug t.oiHI lull . IIN!IIIftb td the tlhfc4bled aj'literu, Jn'ott1oliUi' the dlgttstloo noJ .Uiloflt:.tlob b f foorl1 l'r:ll(ll' • log the nervous forcr• to thrlr t nrfu:tl cootlltlon1 nntl for pnrle~ lo;:, rlir!c:lolnc;, and ,·ltnllzlng the I.Jioo.l.

Failing Health. Ten Ttt:1" nl!Q mv hc:~lth IK';:':IIl to 1:111.

I WM iNnlth:d wltfa a tll•ti'Clt!llng~ <,ough, Nfgb~ 81fenta, 'Vukoeu, nud Nonouo­!•CU· I tried varloua remoolea prucrtlx:c.l 1.11 dUFereot phyelclr~oa, but lieeamo "o. ,..elk that. I could not go ap linin wlrbo dUhtapplng to rutJ IJy trlond11 recoru­m~ndcd Ill If to . try .Ayer'e ~ura11pnrillrt1 wblch 1 dltl, and I am aow u belliHl:< 1100 atroug as e 1·cr.-Mra. E. L. WllfluUJJ, Alexnodrln, Mlun.

I h:wo u sed .Aver's Snrsnpnrlllnllu my tnmlly, for Scroluln, null know, C It Ia taken fnlthfully, tbllt It will thoroughly erndlcnte this terrtblo dl!tt'II!O. I lnl\'o nl~o pretcrlued It a, A tonlc,u well n, nn nllrl"' ath•e 1 ljOO IIIUI~ 8ar lb:lt.{ hone~<tlv u~IIC\'0 It to bo t hd 11011 blocxl n;tedlcfno r1·rr cnmpoumletl . - W. F . Jo'cntler, h. f). S., M. D., Oreeuvl!Jo, T enu.

Dyspepsia Cured. It would be fmpos,.lble tor 1no to ,, ....

acr!be wb11t I aud'eret.l from J mllgc.,tloro and llcat.lncbo up to tile time l lte:::o n tnkio~ A.yl'r'l 8nr8npnrllln. l w:o~ umlr r tho care ot •nrloua vby lc:l:ms ruul trl .. .! a ~:re:ot 11111u;r klolla ot ntcdlc1ue..•, lwt JO CII'or obtained more thnn tempornry rc· lice. Alter tnlllog Ayer'l 6nr~npRrllll\ fot a short l.lme, my hendllChe l.ll~nPJtcnrl'ol. nnd my HLomncb performed ltllllutlos 1noro perlei:tly. To-day my btalth Is cnm. plctclv r estored. -lltlry Barley, Sprh•g· ficld,~u ••

l hn\'0 been rrently bcoefltcl\ by the prompt uao ot .Ayer • SIU'llllpllrllln. It toncanod lnvlgorat.el thonatem . rc~,:ul:\lcs tho Action ot tlie dliteat lve aud IUI'IIuillntlvo Oll:lUU, and vltall'iee tbo blood. Jt b without doubt, the most rellnblo lt1o;;d purifier yet dlacovere\1. - lJ. p. ~olon•rm, 3S3 Atlnntlc avo., Brooklyu , N. I.

Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J.p. Ayor A: Oo., Lowell, w­

Prloo 81 1 a l.:c boUiee. U.

NEW - SEEDS. Just reccivedper S.S. Austrian from

-England,- -


.A.dve..Usements. \ Advertj.sem ents.

;-;Gan.tral" Boardins · )~House, a :a A~-.A. :a. a. Water Btrdt, near Public Wharf. Fancy and useful Articles

- 'h Will be bold n\ Sptu;lnrd'e Bay, in Nnember Mrs. PntE, rroprictor. roes~. Proceeds for the e rect ion of a &lethoditt

. , . i 1'8raonage. A ny contr!tJotiooa in mooey or .:o?dt Th11 llouae bu been el!larjf~d a a~ otlier w1se I will be tbnukluUy receaved by aoy of t\Je' Cqllow1og

lonprovcrl;permaneot u well "f trl\nllont Bo11rd· Committ.ee :- ., . . ~til eau .uow be aejlomll\odat.ed ~Ire Joai11h G o•o. Sr, Mra liClltY <i(lllle. Mrs

)1 rAIII c:nn he ha~ ftt 1\ll bonrl!. at ahnrt n otice. Robert Goae, Mre Stephen Go~. Mra ,Joeinb nnJ Rt t e;oAnunble rates. . I u oNe (Robt .) , Mre Mark Hone, Mre .Joacph

Thl' llouoo. bt~lb~ oonlrl\111 altnated, II !P_ry I Bll•rett, !\Ire lJA vid Barrell, ~li83 ' Matry A. l'o'" ' 'l.'lliont to all, upe01oolly tho~" nn .t.o r~ ' ' 16 1111 ltt•:lrle r . i\l l111 ·ar ~.h (;CII!ft ~Ire l-'no,-dcu. Mr• to the IOtYn I 1.-' r trlerick {;oa$e. ~lr11Cnp\ Kobort Uull ~. M ra

M11rchl i Josiah Go11e. (Nnth), ~los Eheouer Goaae,

T HE CAOJES of the 1\tethooliet conQre(latiou · of th la town hn e arranged to hold o 81\lo

of " 01 k In the coming rail iu aid ot the debt oo the Church property .

Coutrlbntlonl! In money pr goode will be t lu~~tk · fully received from BDY or their friend I t,y tbe fol· lowin~ member8 of tbe committe : 1\lra H . J Watts Min Bemiller ~~ ro J l\Jndol.>ok Mill l..nura Peters ~.1rrl I) Tnylor Miaa Apaey Mra .r A Whih.mur Mi1111 A~tnus Pnreoo" Mra Et~~eno T•ylor Miaa n nr riet l'nr t~ons !\Ire t:apt S teY11neon .Mi83 Sophln l>n• is Mra Jamee \Vnrreh l·fllrbor Gr11ce Feb. 2,, 1888tf

STEWART MUNN & C£!.. '· Shipping and Commission

Merchants, 22 St. John Street, Montreal.

Spt>cial attnnlion given to the ea!e of Fi .. h oilld Fish Oil!!.

Also to tho buying and ahipping of Flour anti Provisions 1\Dd G eneral ProrJuce.

Cable addrt~t : Mun", !olontrtal.

FC>:Fl. S.ALE AT Til l.

FANCY & TOY BAZAAR J'ictoria .)treet :

Ohesa, Dominoea, Dra•ght Boards and ttfon Plain a.nd D ouble Berlin Wool, Plain and Shaded Sinele B erlin Wool Traced and Shaded lrlau, &o.

i\lra Leout.rd liarren, ~ra Hcrb&rL UarretL, Mrs \\' ill i11m GoMe, M iea Ma.l>el poMo, Mi11 Lydia. Go1111e, or by S. S~'>WD!!:l::\ .

F.eb4 I '

NOltTHERN Assurance Com-pany


F1re a:n.d Lt.:re. ----Cn.pital,-£3,000,000 Stg.

Fl HE P:U:~ll U1\1 . .... .... . .. . ..... £40~~.001 L l Ft-: do . .. .... . ...... . ... 15';',000 I NTEHE '1' ........ .. .... . .. .. .... .... _110,000

HEAD OFFlCES : T.osoos-1 ~loorgnto :StreeL A uEnota;s-3 King St.r eet .

I mcumncrs ofli!cLcd on P&opot ty in N ew• lnnndl:oootl nt f'11 1' tl·nL HuteJ~ llf l're uoium.

Puol-P t:crust::s-.F ormK of A prlicut ion lo r Fire anti Life lnHurnn~e, aud.u lJ other ln­onnnLion cnn hi' ...,loininec.l n t IIH• otncc o t

A. 0 . II .\~·\\' .\l:n, ST. J ou ~·s,

:lye1t l (or N etc{owul!nncl .

Improve Your Sight BY USING

F. L..A.. Z.A..Fl. US' London Celebrated P erfect

-ALSO-BIBLES belonging to Harbor Grace Bmuch

oftbe Bible Booiety-only 17 and 20 cent-a each.


- AND-I:arge Print.a do.-tSO cent.a

Ga.rden ~Flower Seeds. FAN cYU. FALiR .. Eye-~lasses. g-Guarant.eed fresh and reliable. ·--- THE B EST li·J THE WORLD

THOMPSON'S MEDiCAL HALL llarbor Grace, April 12.



Paper Patterns 1'H E LA BEL :.ttaoloetl t o tlach p11ttern givee

explioil directiooa for cutting 1\uJ potting togethe r, 110 that e•en thoae unaccuatomed to the use or Plltterne 01\nnot filii to toeet with IUC•

cehe. H ere i e wbere oar Patt e rns s re I roe labor · lining 11 ida. rendering 1111 peraooe capable of pro· rluciul.( the moat 11atiaf11ctory reeulte. They re­pruent the fftaloiooa o f co d11y aa well at tboae 1h11t will obt.ain during the ellfuw g kiiiiOll ; aod '" 11n element or ecou ollly, no tbonglotful pereon CI\D f11ll to nppreci11te their value. Not 11lone do they nfTord tho moat. h abiouable deai~nll at a trifling.~. bu ~ 11l1o c lrarl1 apeoify the exact 11moun1~r. mnterial a n il trim111lng required.there· by preveot inl' RO OD'lOCelllllry Wl\lte of good11.

L.'\rge Clltiii(\CUI! to eelect from, at l\lre. E. PAK~ONS,

O I'POI<ite Messrs John 1\lunn & Co'a. l111rbor G r11ce, April H, '88.


W a t er St r eet. H r Grace

CARD. -- I

Ae the Members or the C hurch of Enftland Ia Sp~~ni11rc.J'a Bay. a re a bout to e rect a New Cbureh, contributions are he reby solicit ed 111111 will be moat th11nkrolly received by Htsv. 'r. ll. Nurse, f'llair· mnu of Committee ; Mt ,J11cob Got~te 11nd Mr James I I utchiog11, C.:lwrch · Wurdttll; Mr J F . S heppard, Trtcuurtr ; M r A hl"llham Harrett, Sl erttary·

Spruoisuia IJ11y. Feb 28, IHSS


Marble. & Freestone Wmks AU!:XANDEK SmTH, PROPRil!ITOB.

ALEXANDER ~JoUT11 deeirea to thanlr tboee who ''"'' favored hhn to Ute patl with their ordora, aod wo11ld intimate at ~~ aame time ~b&' be bas raoilltiea for performing work io his line •itb auequalledl Ueepatcb aad

"lJeatnea, aorl Ill priC&" thl\ oolloot be com-J 1 petel'lwitb . .Panr:oe reqnirinR MANT!:L' PI ECJo;S.MON !JM.ENTS,H~ADS'l'ON~ 'J'OMBS, (.;UiU~S. Hl!:AR1'H8 and COP­iNGS would do well to oall 011 him. 'l'bey can obtain artiltio. thorough and ohute worlrmanebiv a' prioee tower Ulaa the l ow•• eet elaewlaere. 1

Tbe 811becrlber baYIDf almoe& forty yepn txpe rionce in tbie Oolonyie l.berofore Ia • po11ition to provide ~ateml and Workman- · ahip bea& caloolated to end ott the aeverltiea of our olimat.e. ~ Gower Street, St. John's. April18

A FANCY FAIR will be held in Novemhr oe:u, ror the rurpoao or liqnidnting" lrnllll debt due o n C lorilt Churcb and c.be S11uday School.

Tho followiup Ladieeha•e cbarge of the T11bles aodwill gladly rrceivc and 11ckuott ledge any coo· Lri butiona wbiob mny be eent w them ·-~Ira TArP, I Mra Br.LroT. Mrt ROTBl:RI'ORD, Ml'll HtsCOCK ,

ltlre S'!VBD HJ.WXINs. Harbor ~race, Feb 18,188&J7

They never tire tho Eye and lnst. for mauy years without. cl.tnnge.

&" For ~ale loy W . • 1. THO~t PSON, FA~q ..

~l•·tl i .:n l ll nll, llnrho1· Gonce. A rrd B. T. H. GOULD, Esq.,

Merchant, Carbonaar. 'ept21fino:

Golder's Patent V ictoria Anc'lor and Oil Buoy.

- -- -- ---- - --Owners of Banking Schooners .wh ich iR or y•·cnt (/1/cautngc, by eeudlng o unlbcr

Of IIZC . ·


CABLES 9 th-'l'bis Anchor up to lh•o 1\undred wolght

CBll bo thnrnuqhi!J rrpnirfd by any ordinary 'hineS, 11111itll, WUt:fCIIB the COIIllloOO aol'ioor ill tota/lrJ Wit­It~ when once hrokcoo.

AND . lOth - The ' toc k or the II VI <.''J'OR1A · AN-

H OLD ·. YOUR .. GROUND CIIOR'''111 lellll thnn Olle-hnlf nt loug lUI tho Hock

RY 08Uf0


or t.ho common anchor, a ud ir needed iu a IIHrr!J can be thrOII'D over rrifhurrt .•tud:, nuri it. will .be fouod ~·UI!l as 1\\'ailnble. ~ 0 4\0ChOr ,,r tho uay is , r , . ~ so e11ai y dcnwl n rtllull.

N . B.- T ioo V IO l Ull f A ANCHOR is t he ·on\y auohor of 1 be dny fit fiw gtlltlttnCJI·~ y<IC·ht~ wbero hnlding potrtr combincrl wi th ligltJIIt.U.tDd llt041tUA

. For Why P i,, t.he 'f(ma,rd.

l tt-Tbe • VlcToRiA'ANc~oR" i~ nnt ... - .•... 'Tho' II ~oriber be.KB to infoi'm:'. ~Mtltltr' 'Abd peoially adapt.od for' MJ partical'ar, bot every cl~ !Jbcil OIC7ltn, t hat bnYing made llfTADRt~enhl 'with nf Ytllltele, from the Grea~· /J<utern t~ the Dory. the 7 tr'ra Nova / ro11 !ou11dry, l. <Joltlt '· &ul,'for

'!nd-lt auperaedea all olhe~ ae a baa mpre the mllol&faot-ure of lrtll•i\nchor (l!bere '' ,qa -bo 1a1Jldi,J. poi4Jer than '101 other (~eoty p~r 1 cen\. ~~ t~od..iulonnatloo obt.aiued) fl't a.owJ~ad' to l.aei•i~r. • 1 1' 1 . , '· 1

1 rt:cei vo or,ere whiobmay•be (onrarded tqou

Srd-Jt oannol' be flmkd b1 cables ·o•er it. or JOHN l!(UNN & Co., Ba.rbor Grace, •I«J'l,b'J h a own. '-..._ : Eewfo uodlaDd. r•

ttll.-ltllOtDI in on~-foa~. ' he room oo deck ,: .Fortloe r .lnformation can be oblaioed on appJi-('l r ' ratJ, onl;r p rojeo\ 111& aboa&. 1\ / oat f~Oill tbe , .... . 1•0 I to . , l

' n tael'• alt.le wbeo atowed. • · '7 1 · • • · · · · • · • 1 l'ltb- lr. can t>e let 80 s~ mtd .z;t'"'l'l! rr'qm ·\'ho ·F. ·\V. GOJJDER, Inventor,·

rail bT niellnt of a 'l'llmbler. ~o cock-billinq, ·· ·lAte ojfiffr of A.. A.. 2". Co. S.; .lli/ja, 11tll-bdimll o~ 1nm oa bow aecoaary. ' · aud rttipitllt of tAe Gold Artdar a11d

6th- It cannot poeelbJy forti tho (ort.-(Ofll or · \ Pii,JIJ"'o jur 111odth at tk F'i~~Mriu prink the bo• wbil't be~n~ iecured ~ t · 1

l·:rllibitiou, ~·c 1 1883. 7th-H. ta euier to t:Ot and foil ~6d llmll tl.an Adtlrt11'- F' \V. Uot.o~n.

any olhtr aochor. • P, ~nox N o. 6, 8~b-'l'be Plate oaa be l4k.u ou( and ryllJ«d , 1 . Harbor Gract-, NIJ~

lu • few mloolel. Spare lhall• .. be 1Upplled. rr.~


Page 4: 11 NETTIN,-collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard... · 2016-09-23 · ~ The S-u.'bsor i.bers would respectfully call th~attention of the Merchattts of Newfoundland

·. •


The Appetite lin,· bo lllt'I"CliH<.-.1, tho Dl;.""''" r ur-.;.m~ llr~:;thcn~l, ""''A he Uum-11 l'l·~·ulntc-d. by 1nldnl{ Aycr·~ l'IIIM. • Tho.:o l'illlt llro

1•nrcly \ 'r-... -ctnhlu In lhclr t-olltt>O"hlou. 1'hr,·~ntaln twli lwr c-nlumo·l nur t ill\' ul hct li:IU~\!I'.lUi olf11:;"1 hlhl I IIli~ In• l:ol,l' ;l wllh \Klrlcd tnfuty hy joc•rMIII1 uC allu;;:•·"'·

t wn~ a ~n·:o~ l'llll'l·nor fn•nt DY'l"'l''':l hllll Collllllf'nlletll , l la:ul lltl l'l' l'<' tlh•, ht-c:~mo ICI"C!IIth· tlnbiiiiKh'<l. allll 1\' M Clt tl­ttnnUy ailllctcil wllh lJCAW&c:h• llnt.l .lJI:ul· ua..s. 1 cOUJ<Uitl'll nur fnmlly dot tur. whn Jli'CIC:rt~l tor me, nt \'llrlotfli thnt11, wiU~o out ~ordlng moro tlhoh h!tnpunan· rello·C. 1 floally commcucud t nk ln~ ,\ycr's l'lll11. ln "tbor1 tlwe lllY lllgottluu 11nll appctho

IMPROVED my bowelt were ~Wf'\1, ""''• hr th1. tlmo I flollhed two ooxu.o of thr.110 l'llll tn t.cudeoey w bCIIdncha hnll dlupJ!Ctl~, and I bmmo ttrong aml wollo-Uarlut }(, Logao, Wllrulo~tU>n, .Vel.

I Wl\l trouull'd, for O\'cr a ycnr, with Lou ·ot Appetite, 111111 Gcneml Debility. I commenced taking Ayer't Pilla, 11nll, IJo­tore ftnlahht~; lnclf a bo:c ot thlm medicine, nt)' lltJj)('tliC 101} st reogth W C'I'O J'j'~turod. -c. o. Cltark, Daubury, Conn.

Ayer'e Pilla 11re the best ntedlclne tnown to me for regulntlug tho bowele1 and tor all dleeucs caused uy a dl~orllercu Stomach and Liver. I eull'ercll for o,·cr three yeant with Hendru:lle, lndlgeatlon1 and Cou•ttpatlou. I had no 11ppetlte, auu wat weak aDd ntn-oua moet of tlle tlmo.

BY USING \hree boxee of Ayer'• Plllt, and, at the 1:1me time dieting tn \'lll'lf, 1 wn- corn· pletely cured, )Iy llr~e11llve orgnn~ aro oow ln «<Od order, and I am In pcrte..:t latalth.-Phlllp Lockwood, Topeka, Knut.

Ayer't Pills hnn benefited mo woncll'r• tull\', Fur moutlo • I r;uiJ'trrd from Judi• cu ilon 11od Bend11rhc. '"'"" trt~tll'lli ll bight, 11nd bad " l.md tn~to ht lny mouth C\'ery mornlug. After tuLcln:;: ouo bl"' ut A \'er'a Pills, all thr•o t ronhlc, cll•:lfl­pellred, my food dlg\!~tl'<l well, ano.J my •leep WIUI rcti'Cllhlo~. - llenry C. Dcm· mcmway, RO\!kport, li~•· ..,

, ( I "' :1~ cured at tho PI'" br tho u•n nt

Ay~r'~ Pill.. Thr~· not only t cllc\'cd 1110

ot tlmt p11lntul di-orclrr. lout 1;1.1' o rue In­creAted YI!;Or , nnol r•·-ror•·ol nay hc;olt!t. ­J ohu Luarut, St.. J ol.:n , :\ . n.

rr.~ by D: J~:. ~ror ~! .1r !~~~ ~~~~.\ Sold by all bru111La1A &Gd 1>-.t.l'lo lu ~odlc:lne. }

Why Pay Highef? - WliEN-


32 ~~~e&l~p~~~und. 2~ oz., 5 oz. ami 10 oz. packt>t.lt.

~QUEEN Insurance c,mpa,ny. C A PIT AL--~2, 000,060 Sterling.

Q UEEN 1NS1Ji\-ANCE BUILr lNG __ LIVE~OOL, · --...__..AND-



TWENTY-1\"INTH ANNUAL REPORT, l'he He port.s ami Acconnt11 fo; the year

1886, present.ed t o t he S hareholdcrti '"' the · Annollt ·'~eetling, o n T hursday 5th May, ~8~7, ahowed in tbe

. flRE BRANCH, Tl1at. the Pt·eminms for 1886, llft.e r deduo·

ting R e ·inMurancea, amounted to ·£601,649, and the Losses to £353,494 ; or 58.76 per cent.

IN THE LIFE BRANCH Thl\t N ew Polioiea had been issued for

£21i8,990, yielding in preminro .£9,915. and that the to~ I nett premium income was £82,r 374. Ttoat. the puyments t.o pohcy holders wtore £43,741, and that tho Life fond wu iucre11std lty .£40,003.

•nae Br.Janoe llt Crf'dit of Pro6t and Lou, Afl~r ,.,J,Jin~ .£23,000 to tire Fire ¥nod, wu

, .. t.ow"" w •mount t.o .£134,196 lOs 40, ud ~ W~ diflJ,.;l,ecJ uf IlK roJIOW8 :- '. ' I!Jlit ,GOG • a 0 -.or Dividend and Bonua r 18,701 17 d Added to B4tMrYe hnd, aD4

90;489 8 4r Clanied forward. . ~i . u.. TBf,)FUNDS

Were ehown &h~ &o ltand •• Coltowe :-

t' .; ... ~'11 ' Paid up, ........... ; ... · ... !180,086

,c.-nee ., ................ ...... ..: 4-40,8 L~l(t "~"~IJF.aod i .. ... ,t .... "if. 661,0HJ

"'*!!fai~J ~nt ... ... ... '''"'r' t " t ••• 2f,tot 'o• "J'A~ iUpJ?~ ~~·l:f,"tiJ?· .. ;: .. !1 ,296,~

JOU'.tr OORMAOK, qtflt!'Ol ~~~~for llfftJ.

Su•· AOENT • • • . A. ·r. DJtYttDALE

Harbor~~ .



House ol :Assembly. -o-BDlOl'GII cw ~nnrvoa.

.Famu, Marob ~ Hoo. Raoav&a G&UUL-Cooaider~ug bow

•bor,l ia the tlwe dariog which the HooH le iu ee .. lon, and how molttfarlou are Ule duLiee of boo met.abe"- I fail to peroeiye bow much lfOO~ would reeuh. from the appototmeot of aucb " oommluee u ia tuneeted, for the lntpeotion · of pubho charltlea. Tbe Board of W oTite It re­apooaible for the oooditioo of all thHe cbarillee, aud the Chairman of the Board le obarged wllh aeein~ tba' lbe reporca ltDl io b) tbe gonroore of tbeae obaritiee are oorreut. h i.e quite ad• •· able tbu a llriot tur•elllanoe tboolcf be kept onr all luti~tJou of thia olua, bot 1 Uliuk the method propoeed bj the boo member would oot fuiiH hia expeotatinoL

.Mr. V&llOD pNMoted a pethloo from Mlohael Moore, aod otbere, of &IDloD Con South, oo the eubjeot of a graot to extend the Salmon Cove old tl.adoo roada aomo ooe or two mllu leading to good egrloaltoralland. 'Ibia petitioo deaenee the be~t cooalderntl9o of the Houao. Petition· ora lt&te tha~ the ground along tbe ahore of &l· moo CoYe Sooth, whiob may be approached by local roada, it takeo up aod aouled upoo They further et.ate that there is a cootiderable quantity of ROOd ag~lturallaod1 at the immediate rear of &lmon CoYe Sootb, wbidh would be practi· cally nailed of, if the roada aaked for ic t1 f' pe­tlt!on wete macJe, He alao preeeoted " petition from Jobo Crawley, aod otbora, of Holyrood, aoutb aide, on the aubjeot of a landiLil place.

Mr. GoooEM preeented a petit.ioo from George ~. R. Bierllby, prayioa for oompenaatiou for 1enioee reodered.

Mr. MoiWII ptesented a petltloo from the Re•. Mr . .Hryaot, and otbera, of M.uJgrne fowo, Booniata llay, on the tubjeot of a grant of money for a road ; 1\110, from Aodrew Abbou, nod otbere, of Hoouiata, oo the tllme tubjcct

Mr. WATSON preaootecl a petitioo from .Jonph Sticklaod, aod otllera. oo the tobjeot of a roat1 ; alao, ooe from Jobu Rowe, aotl other• of Hcart't Coo tent. Ob tbe ume eobjeot; alao, ont= from George Kiog, aod othera, of Deer Harbor, Thor. oughfore aod ltlaod'e Eye. on the aubject of a ferry ; aleo, one from Edward F. Moore, and otberr, of Dildo, on the eubject of 1\ laodiog pl&cu: &leo ooo from GeorKO l'<.iog, and otbura, ol Hatcbet.'e CoYI, aoutb· west arm l'taudom, oo the au bjoct of a break water: also, ono from Ch:ulce Howell, aod others, of (ireen'a flaruor 'lriuity Bay, ou tbo subject of prohibition. '

Mr. MAOJU.T preaented a petitlou from Hannah Small 11od one buodred and tbirt.y-four other womeo of Borgeo ou tbe tubjeut of e_roblbitioo.

Mr. Gooo~ preeentod a petition fPom the iu­babltaoet of Harbor Grace oo the Mubjeot of a eteam tony.

2o :t readiog Cod Trap Bill. Mr. PARSONs-The object of tWa bill ia til do

away wtth cod trape for two yeare. Tbia bill alfecta mattere of the greaten importaoce to tbe fieheriee of tb.t couotl')'. lt it ad mttted that cod traps do a l11rge amount of deatruction to the cod -6th; for they uot only dellroy immature fiah but frigbteu from tbe ehoree the full-l(rown COdfiab. Of tbe deetrootiYO effects of tbe Ute of codtrap11 many expeneoeed ftahermeo aod mer­ohaots who occupy seaet hero can bear whneu, and to them be would lea•e tbe adjutmeut of tbo detaila of the meato re. He wu ioformed thaL the majority of codtrap owoera will be quite prepared to submit w tbe reatriotioo impoeed by tbia bill. Tbey feel tb .. t it ia exigeot that cochrapa abould be uDIYeraallr done away wttb, aod that tbo fltheriea tbould be proeecnted iu tbe old time fuhion; but tbey feel tbat logllla­tiye eoaotmeot 'is uecelllr} in order to effect thia end. He mot~ t.bo.eooud .re&diog of tbe bill.

Mr. BuNf\ seconded tbe motion. Mr. McGRATH waa aorry that he ooold out

support tbe t econd readiog of a bill which profeues to abolieb cod- trapa all Ol'er the the island. It may be the faot tbat iu t ome placet tbei r ote ia detnmeotal to tbe 6aberiee,but it it io­dubitable that in otber locali~iet they do ooy bum wbat~:ver to tbe tieberiee. Frc.m C"pu Spear w Cape Race where tbe large 6ab follo w :be capliu iu to the abore from the Banke, uo damago ac. cruea to the fiehertea by the ute of eod · trape : but he wu aware that in ombayed 6abiog grounda wllicb are frequented by the smaller run of fiab uaucll injury re11ults from their ote. He con­temled that ia oot just w confiscate tbe propnty of those who uae trapa without iPftiotioll iojury upon tb~ 6aher~ea, aucb an act would bu an un­warraot.able ioterfercuce with vcet.ed rigll~. He therefore moved that thit bill bo read a second time tbie day aix mootba.

Mr. GRI:EN£ opposed the aecood reading of Lhe Hill iu ita present form for the eimple reiUioo that be had aeYer eecn any I{Ood reaoh flow from tloia Legi.Jaturo attemptiug w make rulea and regolatioua Cor tbo prosecution of our de"p au fiaheriea. He tbOOI(h~ the fiabermeo should be left w tbemaol•ea w decide which is tbe beat and at tbe same time lees cleetructivo mode of catchinjl, and therefore he would •ote 1\J(ainat the bill io ita preteot forn:.

Mr. \\' 4TSOK aaicl be , aboald prefer tba~ tbia bill had been introdaoOd here byao bon mtmber who bad more experience in the fiaberiet of Lbe country than the bon. member for ~t. J obn't Eut', Mr. Parsoot, aud could therefore frame a bill which would more commend i&.aelf w the Hou11o io ita details than it doea · yet holding such oplniona u bo tldr. W .) did upoo t.he eob· jeot of ood~rape he caooot refute ba eupport to tbia m.eatture. He regaded the codlrap u the greatoa' onewy which the cod fiehery hu; autf be could bot eee bow a Legislature which YOkl woney11 t~ aupport batcberiee' w reatoek our de ­pleted tlabiog grouode can"Tefaao co abolieb the nte of eo~tloee which deatroy the flab before they have time Lo m•tare. He bad cooaiderable expe~ience of the ftaberiu, aod waa coo•eraant with the nil eft'eote wlaioh, both io ,Newfound land and oo tbe Lnbrador, hato followed fr.>ao the UM of oodloripe. h Ia a Dloa~ uofair metbocl of ftettiDf, aod it ll a bad method of flabiug. for It reaolt. io the oatq~ of an iof11rior ~au of fteh, and in mabJ cue• Uie .bad core of auo~ u .. re oaaghL h •deattoya· bai$ aod prneota large eboall of cod froa: comiog In to the •bore. Uut. woree tbao all that, h .tende to deauoy U•e bear. qtsalitiee of oar men aa .6eber!Deo, makiDJC tbe•o ""'npra to, aod locapal>le of, tbo, alr.lll aud en· lforaoce.and emalatloo wblola the boo~·aud-Hu; ftabtrJ reqairea. He ooald aot •1 oa W.)~ ia commeodatiOG of t"eee eqfoee of ~orion,

:')•"~ .be 'bouab& rba~ tbe Bonae will feel heelf compelled to aOOep* tht eaaeetioo oootabltd in

"~t~e fijemr' of t!lct Fiehe17 Com•illloo and alinl e'K' tUG1ute of ciodtrape in &1114 ooantt'J.

Mr. IM.Y'\\'.!Y'~ll tile AJ'KIIqa8Dtl wblcb ba•e '·~~&i!J•m:rs;ayor ~~ell~ a,boliii9o ,of


eodt.npe poU.* with eliU pater foroe &owarda the neo ... ilr of eetabl\ahlnw a Filbef'J Hureno. 'fh•ru eo-u be no V<Mibility of etreotl•o lcgiela· tloo for &be bberlea ol &b• oouotry uotlleaob ao iaa&l~tloa Ia eeabllebed. lie eopported the priDoipl• of ~ie bW ba* he waa llpprebeDdYe of ha efBoleot working. We hue enacted IDAD1 flahery lawl, but be feart!d that fe• of &hem are carried toto efeoti•o operation. For ioal.aooe, we haye a law re1ulatiog the .U. of meabee of ood oot.lc ba' no oue will oootend that tbat law it oDitned.

Mr. Gauv& did uot think that *he Bill which ie the aabj~t of diacu .. lon oow goee far enoug~. It oal(ht not only relcle to the abolition of Cocl tn~pe bot to other appllaDea aa well for oat4hiog flab. Ha hoped tbat tht> report of the Committee • nn tbii)BIII will bne a beoeftoial effect, aod that other departmeota of &hi•lodoatry will be eon-_ ttJered. He did oot a~tree with the bon wem­bn Mr. MoGratll the& thia Hilleboald be read aht &noutbe froru oow. If tbia meaaare will beoe81L the majority of 9ar ftahermen, it ia oar daly to make ft Ia• neo If a few ·of our people aoffer by lt tn a pecuniary maooer. From hia ltnow­letJgo of oodtrapa be tbou~tbt they ought to bo done away with, •od he hoped with regard Lo tuo liwitatioo of t.be time that thia Hooee will av· prove of limitintc ita time uotil tile eo.! of thia year, M the iujory ia·Tery rapidly ioereaaiog. He waa aorry that the hon. member fodk J,bn'a Eaat, Mr. Paraous, omitted to pro•ide io bit Bill for the abolition of bultows aa well u trape, but no doubt some 11meodment11 oao be ~de to t.hat effeo' when U1la Bill it •ditcneeed io C:ommlttoe.

.Mr. ll&AN aa•d tuat a f•w year11 ago a aimilar meuure to thia wu approYed of aod peeaed by this llouao, but waa rejectecJ by the Legitlativo Counofl, becauae the mi\Uer waa oot altogether appro•ed of by tbe people. He waa afra1d thaL 'bia bill will meet whh ~be tame fate. He bad a long experience of the dift'ereut modet of catohiog fteh And Le muat aay oow u be uid before t.bat he wl\s oo ftiend of the cod trap, and the arau· meota of boo membere eau.fo't cbaoge bit opiuiou io thie matter. A requeat wu made to tiJie Hoose lut year tbat 11. oloee time be eoforood for tbe ae\liog of codtrape· It. waa vaguely poiuted oot tbeo that it would be impoeaible to do eo, utoaute t be caplio alwaye approaoiJ tbe aoothera pill t of our oout before the northern part. 11ud Lhe caplio eeuoo would be over in ooe part be· fo re it commeueed in tho otbor. Other modes of fiehlntc are at equally injurious aa the trep. A petitio~ waa eigned by expAriooced nnd iu · fiuc utial meo of Bounviatn praying tbi\L trnp,., uo111 and bultowa be aboliabod. Ho bad carefully atutlied tbia matter aud will give ~f!ia bill bie support wbeo a comes before a Committee of the whole Bonte.

Mr. ScoTT wa1 ool so sore that eome boo auem· bera woald oonaeot to the 1- ro•ieiona of this btll being enforced before two yeara uoleu ~her" it a ·~cial pro•uiooa for compeoution mado to owo. ere of trapa. He trusted that tho eeoouct reaC:iog of the hill will be thou referred to a select com­mitt~e.

Mr . .A1oK1N" llootidered that thia bill practical ly pro•!dea for oo-Dpeoaatioo' wheo it enaote that ita opomctiou io1 not to be tl.ayed for two ye&rs, j!IYiDg U1 11 owners of oodtrspe time to baYe their preaent trape worn out. He held ia bla baod a petittoo praying for the abolition of codtrapa sixoe•l uy fott r buodred practical Heheruaen of Uooa.ieta u well aa tbe repreeeotati\'el of tho firms doio~r bueiue"' there. ·.rho petitioners ore deairons th11t eucb 4\ meaeure u tbe present b1ll ebould be ttulloted but, failing tbia. they would be u tit6td to have local option accorded to them in tbia matter.

The Hill wu theu nad a tecood tim'l and ot · deret1 to be co;nmitted to a committ~e ol tho wboltt Houae to·morrow.

Pnrauaot to the order of the day, the fnllow:og Bille were read a &bird ime, pueed, titled, and ordered to be aent to the Leaialative Cooooil.

tfoo. Attoruey General t.id oo the table of the Bouee, bJ command of HiS Excellonoy the Go•­eroor the colla till coo tract.

Ordure\! that the said document lie on the Table.

The Hou. lteceinr Genom! preaeotcd " Bill for gt~wtinl( to Hor r.illjeaty a sum of mor.ey for defraying the local expeoditnre of tbe colooy fot the yur endin~ tuo Stat day of Dec 188q. aod for otbPr tJDrJIO&ea. which waa read a firet time and ordered t•J be read a eecond time w-morrow.

T hen the Uouse 11jjourued until Monday at s• o'clock. (To be couti11u~d)

Cornt cauao intolerabl" pain. Holloway 's Corn Cure remo• "" the trouble. Try it and ace what au amount or pain ia aaved.

G A. Dixon, FraoltYille, Oot., aay• : • He waa cured uf chronic bronchitis Jbat troubled him for eereoteeo years, by tbo uee of Dr. 'fbomu' Ecleotrio Otl.'

Free aod eatty expectoration immodiat.oly re­lieves nod frees the th roat 1\Du luo~s from viacid pblel;(m. and " mediclue that promotea tllia i11 tbo belli mediciol! to uao for cougb11. colrld, ioflam· matioo of the luDI{II aod all llffo:orio iUI of tbe throl\t and cho&t.. 'fhia ia preciac.y . h., t Bickle'• Auti. Coueumpti•o Syrup ia a

1 apo:ci fic for, aud

wlterner uaed it baa givoo apt>uoc · .. l··· l utiafae­tiou. Chi ld ren like i ~ beol\llee it ia pleaasnt, adults like it becaute it relicn•-1 ..,,.! cures the d iteaae. ·

lUOH'l! BEBli ,Dr O.ui'.ADA.I

:What Your ~enda and Nelghbora Ay OD a Katter ofViW Importance.


Below will be found a •mple of the mtlltitnde of lettere of eocouragemea* Me•rs. H. H. War­ner & Co, of Rooheeter, N .Y •• daily reeei•e. Tbe aobjoioed uoaollotted teeUmeuiale are from yonr frienda aad nel~ehbore, ladiet and gentlemen you know aod eat.oem for their boo or and am-i~:tbt.­forwardneta1 and wbo woold aooro w be a party to aoy deception. What baa been dooe for oc.bera cau be done for you. aod i~ ie folly, DAy euicidal, to longer aofftl' when the meaoa of re. ooyery lie at your nry door : ' • 1 · lnteruatiooal R. R. DiniuiC Salo'On, AKa~. l'Cova Scotia, Jau .. 1887.--[oiOctober, 1884, 1 wu tUeo down with bleeding from the kldneye, or 50me of tho artt~rlea leadlog from tbem( One day, while lifting, I feh aometbiog giYiug away in tbe region of my left kidoey and immediately after I commeooed to pau blood in mattery water. Tbree dootore could noa ttop tbe ftow of bloocJ. 1 got "Waroer'a Safe Cure," aod began taking it unknown' to the dootora, aod about the lOth of December the bleediug hegao to ge& lees, aod Ia two or tbreo dayt tbe dropay began to eet iu my lege aud feet. By thu time 1 waa rcdnced to a mere ekeleton, eufferin~ from orampa io my lege, feet and haoda, alao tho hiceou~tha. My fteth became like a piece of white aopoli11hed marble, cold aQd oo , if'DS of any woiatore. I here wiah to aay that 1 dtd oot take aoyuf" War­oer't Safe Core' ' from tlle 20th of D~:cember un­til March following. Tney tried al l they could to check the drCipey, but bad to resort to tapping at l&et, which wu done e•eryP"'lhirteen or four­toea dl\ys until tbe 28 of Marcb. Tbeo 1 wu given up aa hopeleu, my spiritul\l director giv· iog me tho Jut dyiog rites of my church. 1 told them, fear oot, I would, 'lfitb the belp of God and "Warner's Safe Core'' come out all right. I then began tak ing "\\'uoer't S11fe Core" every three hours Kight ~od dl\y, and " Warner 's Sl\fe Pilla" nleo, 11ud dieted u directed, aud to the 1111rpriau of tbe dO\Itora, toy family, fricoda 1\Dd t.Ue public, I wu nble to get ou t by tho lilt uf May for a abort walk or a dri•e. 1 ttill continu­ed to tllke •• Warner' a Solfe Core" 11od oow I feel u well io beat t.b u 1 enr did. ~ o more troub le with d ropsy, crnmpa. biccougLioi!C, or kidneys, auu consider myaelf a sound mao llgnio . '.fbe cat.Arrb iu tho bt:nd. or which 1 ,.1\3 barlly nfTect­cd, also diaappeared. 'fheae aro all the luct.e of my case, aa buudreda cao tell wh:> kuow bow low I wiUI. Aa a reference 1-will men tioo tho oame of Mr. S. Rogers, with .'ioe firm of Evaueoo & .Uuou, of Mootreal, who koowa my caeo in fu ll.

#~ TOROKTO, Out., (166 Wilton Avo. ,) Jan. Sh~

1887.-For ten years f aufYercd from quioey aod relued tbroaL, being ooofined to my rooro for "'ceke at a t ime. 1 11'1\1 nt laat ioducct1 to try " \Varoer't tiilfe Cure,'' aod Yith a moat bo:oeti­cial reeult.. I mllJ uy I have oot suffered in the eligl,teat frour quinsy aioce.

T ORONTO, Oat. , Sept. 19, 1887.-l suffered se· •erely tVith lamo bael, at difforoot timea. for ~hrcu years. l\ly phyaiciaoe aaid that my kidneys wero affected, and treated mo for llright 'a di&­OMO. 1 obtained no relief, bow.,ver. until I com­menced taking" Warner's Snfc Cnro."

Supt. Prowctioa Police and Fire Patrol Co. of Canada,

HAWitESBORT, Out., Mnch 27, 1887.-1 hue been terribly atBict.ed witb chronic Bright'a di.e,. eue. My bouy swelled 110 I coold scarcely move about and my eyeaig bt was affected so that l could hu dly diuiogoiah objeott 1\0rotll the room. 1 had a distroaeiog cough from tbe pro88Ure of water oo my Ionge, aod wu in danger of solfoca· tioo whenever 1 atte1.0p ted to lie down. My limbe were so awollen tlaat 1 could not beud my joiota or sit on a cbftir. The valvee of my heart refued their office. At timer circulation secmt'd euurely suspended eo tha& 1 was incapable of

.moving a limb, aod at othore tho iooretu.ed action of my heart would canso such a pnin iu my head u WQTda are iuadequato to deecribe. T hen Bgllio m • a1om1cb refused a ll oouriehmeut ancl 1 wM

growing weaker overy day. Tho phy•icifto who attended mo aatd tltore wu oo hupt·; he could do uo more for mo and thnt 11 ft' w clavs would see the eod· At thia atl,!lo I ruo11 ed ..0 " \\'nr­uor'a :::>nfo Curo" and •· W arucr'f! ~ 1fc l'i lis, " 1\nd with IDOI!L aatisfactory resulla. ahhoal(b it wn.e eomo two or three weeke aft.or I t:outoocnced their uso hoforo much decided impro vcnacu t wl\s m11ni . fedtod. ~1y recuYery theo wa~ v•·ry rllpid. My weigh' from dropeical awell iug w"11 tl.on 181! lba. nod ie now reduced to 101, nbou t my uormal weight. AMiyaie showed 9'> per ceut. albumen with a quantity of tube cnats, aaool is uow roducctl to 10 per ceot. I am so far rcoo ~·e rcd u to be Able to attend my dowestic •lu tie11, Inking mod· erately loojl walks and Yi11it fraeuJa .1a formerly. " Warner's Safr Nrrvioe" hl\8 so fnr corrected the aetiou of my beart that t l.u eevcre pain io my head hr11 en~irely ldt . •

A lady in Syracuae writea : ' F•tr nbout ae•oo yeara before t11king NoTthrop & Lymao'a Vege­table Diaco•ery aod Dyapeptio Core, I aolfered from a c.>:nplaiut Yfry pren leot with our sex I.,u uoable to wollt auy ,di~~ueto. or e~od ou rtf11 feeL for more tbao a few mio·ttt<ll at a t ime. The superiority o f Mother Gravll3' \V orut Ex­without jeeliog exhaoeted ; bo' ouw 1 am thank- terminator 111 altow11 by ita ~:ood effects on the fo~ co eay. 1 ~.n w•lk L"o mile• " it hnur., fee' iog chilcirou. Purohaae a bottle ftntl I!Civu it a trial. t l:e lea11t luoouiiloienre. For fen"'"' complaints -·--it h"t DO equaJ.' AI a hair dreaaio~ anu ren0\'1\tcr, Ayf'r'• Hair , ---- Vigor ia universally comwt udl'll. lt eradiolltea

llollotDai'•PiU..-LiYer, Laup,lltHI Kidneya - •land ruff, ouree oroptlooa of the ecalp, i~o•igor .. tea Mou diaN.td of theao deput&t.i•e orJraoa ' ariao 11n•l beaotifiea the bair. aod prevent.a it• fadrog from obawllct iooe, o•er the re111oval •of whloh ,,, toroiog gray. theM oelebr&Md Pille uero*' t.be muao perfecL --oootrol. A oonrM of them it stroni(IJ reeom. 'fbe exhausted aod drowsy fe.tl~tgt oom&noa to ~Beptfed u a remedJ for'lacb ohru .. ie alfeotlooe "!"ring tim<', iut1io4tee an t.ul"'re 11ud lllllt.'Jiitb aa li•er uol"rs:emttntA, eooge.Uon ••f t.'te luoga, cunditioo of the blood, whiub • way he reuaedied torpidity of t.be kidneys. aDd otb•r fuuutioaal dit· I•J the uao of Ayer'a &raaperllla. It is tlle 111101' or.dera wbit~h oauee much preliM "nfrerlag, and 1 o werfol, and, ar. the aame time, moat eeonoroioal if , Juos:lco&~d lay tbe loaa4auoo nf mpolo dla- t.luOd pnrifier koowo. elk• llolloway'e PUla are epecially adap&ed for --Uw ymtog,alld d.elicate ; tbeit pur.le aad porlry· CONSUMPTIOH.- .. any•y thl\t lhla diaeaee oao-l .. g &Otiob raoka them aboYe allutber modicioee. oot be core\!, ba& 0..1 roprilltOrt of Allc.m's Lang lu. it•tli¥eation, nt~no• alfeo&ione, gou'- and Balsam will aatitfy av ooe tl,at it hu boeo our~d ...,_QJDAtietn theee J_)illa bave aoblned for \hem. in very maoy caaea of the wor11t olcscrip&ioo. telue uniuraal flune. Thf'J ell.JM!Ialllmparitice 1 l'hey bue bnndredaof teetlmlmiala from tlu&ok. f~ Ute ~'o~l. and tbu ·~~ obeerfolQ• and

1• ful io~ivtduale who willingly adtui' i~ hu aav.~

••aour. 1

tbelr hvea. . J u ,

Advertisements. _ __.. .............. .......-..~-..-.:: .... ,"""""""'.............. • • f .

T his powder .novor ' 'arie11. .A manel of pDI· ity, streugtb and wholcaomcneas.-.More ecooo. mica! tbao the ordinary lduda, and cannot be sold io competition with the multitude of low tert, abort weight. alum or phosphate powders. Sold (tnly in ca n•-HorAL DAKINO Powou Co, 106 Wall · Rt., N .Y. J auS ·ly


lYiedicalllall. ESTABLISHED IN 1855.

----WHOLESALE & RETAI.L. Tb~ S11bscrib~::r lt1111 aga in addt:d to his largo

and \'aried !::itock, n few of the ne weat lellding Putent Medicines and Sundries, as follo ws: G•·een 's August Flo we&, \Varner's Safe Cure. Lime Fruit Juice. Boschee's German Syrup, Eno's Fruit. Sal~, H olloway's Corn Cure, Cur r.er's Little Liver Pills, Wiata.r'e Balsam of Wilri Cherry, Wyeth's L iquid Malt Extract., Bazeline M otber Gra\'es' W orm Exte rminator, L iebig's Extract of Meat, Drainage Tubing, P ear's Soap, Pear's Sba,·ing S ticka. White Enaruel (for filling teetb,) Benzine (for clean11ing purposes,) Ml\tt.tlon's Family Syringes. Lcmun 5yrup, Raepben ·y SytU)J, lk Wilson's H erbine Bittera, Johnson's Anodyne Liniment, Tamar IndiPn (lor costivene11a' , Eno'a Mer.iicded Sng11 r (lor worms), Guard's Hair Jyd, Trico?herous T eaber;y T ooth P owder, .. 111rrn.y's Flaitl Magnesia, H11of, Iron and Win<l, Northrop& Lyman's Ve~et.able.Discovery,

do do Quinine Wine, Kello~g's Asthma Remedy

do Catarrh Snuff. Daffy's Elixir, Hop Bitters Dr. \Val ~er's Vinegar Bitte rs Putman's Com Extrncloc· Keatil'\t:t's InsP.Ct. Powder. N• rthrop & Lyman's Etnulsior Ayer's ::iarRaparilla, Putnor's !<;mulsion

do C herry Pectoral Piorco's Golden M edical Discovery

J o Ptu gativo P elle ts do N naal J njcetorn

\V aterproof N nrsin~ Aprons do Sponge Bags do Bihs (for childnm t.oethin~. )

Follows' Cou pound y rJtp Steedman'-. Teethiug Powders Rubbllr Tu!Jing {or Feeders Ayer's tJ air Vigor, Bay Hum Allen's H l\i1· H.eH •Jt·er, C hild's Trusses Adult's Trui!Ses, Minnrd'a Liniment Caivert.'s Carbolic ··onp, F uller's Elltt.h \Vrigbt'b LT 11 !•·• uH.mted W ino Burdock BlvoJ Bitters , Ku~ler's CoJ Liver Oil und Malt. .Essanco ot ::ipn tcl', Al len's Lung B alsam Judson'11 Gv d· P •11nt., Judson's Gold Ink Cit.nlte of .Mag nP'Iia , C:tyenne T.ozenges P opporminl Lo7.c' IIS<'R, Ginger .Lol;engca Sa n11 v and M uo•·c'11 .Food Lime ·J u icP, C"n ned Oysters, D esiccl\tl'•l Cocoanut., Ne&.ve'l! Food W oodi ll'w Bak in;.[ Powdcr f Yorkshi• 11 J-telislt, \Vorco.fjtershiro Sauee Dried Savory, ))tied Sngo,' l>ried Thyme Vinegar io hottle11, Orit>d Mint, Piokstono'a Wuslting Crystal


l:lo,ir aud C lothes BRUSBF.S. fir Preacrpt i•Jos carefully. compounded and

with l'ure thuge. W. H.- THOMPSON.

.A.. E .A.. Z A .A.. R. --01-'-

Fancy and Useful Articles W~ll be helcl a t t5paoiud 's Bay, io NoYelrtber nest. Proceeds fnr the ereoUoo of a Me\bodiat Paraoo•ge. A11y cnntribu\iooe in mone1 or 1oode will be thankfully roceiYed b7aoy oftbe following Commit tee:-Mre Joeiab Goue, Sr, Mra lfeory <;oeee, Mn Rober~ Gouo, hire Stepheo Goeee, Mra Joeiah Goeeo (Robt..), Mrs Mark Goeae, Mra Joeepb Ban·ett, Mra Uuid Barrett, lttl• Mai'J A. R eader, .Min Sarah Goae. Mn•Soowdea, Mrt Frederick Gc.t8!11'. MM(.:apt. Robert Goeae, Mre Joeiab '"888, tNatb), Mra Ebeneaer Goeae, Mrs Leonard Ul\rrott. Mra Herber' Barrett, Mra William G"111e, Mite Mabel Goeee, ~fi• Lydi• Goaae, or by S. SNOWD.&N.

FttM .
