Alumni Newsletter March 2017 Homecoming Chapel Speaker and Distinguished Alum 2017 LTG Michael S. Linnington USA (Ret.) '76 LTG Michael S. Linnington USA (Ret.) '76 led the U.S. government's efforts to research, investigate, recover and identify our nation's missing/unaccounted for personnel from our nation's past conflicts. Prior to his retirement from U.S. Army as a Lieutenant General, Mr. Linnington served as the Military Deputy to the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) and as the Commanding General of the Military District of Washington/Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region. He also held General Officer positions of responsibility as Deputy Commanding General at Fort Benning, Ga.; Commandant of Cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.; and Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Policy for the International Security Assistance Force Joint Command (IJC) in Kabul, Afghanistan. LTG Linnington's combat tours include command of the Third Brigade Combat Team, 101 st Airborne Division in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. He is an Airborne, Air Assault, Pathfinder and Ranger qualified officer, and earned the Expert Infantryman's Badge and the Combat Infantryman's Badge. LTG Linnington graduated Valley Forge Military Academy in 1976 and then attended the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, N. Y. He earned a master's degree in Applied Mathematics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a master's degree in National Security Strategy from the National War College. The Wounded Warrior Project ® (WWP) Board of Directors appointed LTG Linnington to the position of Chief Executive Officer in July 2016. ALUMNI UPDATES

Alumni Newsletter - Leaders at Every Level · Alumni Newsletter March 2017 Homecoming Chapel Speaker and Distinguished Alum 2017 LTG Michael S. Linnington USA (Ret.) '76 LTG Michael

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Page 1: Alumni Newsletter - Leaders at Every Level · Alumni Newsletter March 2017 Homecoming Chapel Speaker and Distinguished Alum 2017 LTG Michael S. Linnington USA (Ret.) '76 LTG Michael

Alumni NewsletterMarch 2017

Homecoming Chapel Speaker and Distinguished Alum 2017

LTG Michael S. Linnington USA (Ret.) '76

LTG Michael S. Linnington USA (Ret.) '76 ledthe U.S. government's efforts to research,investigate, recover and identify our nation'smissing/unaccounted for personnel from ournation's past conflicts. Prior to his retirement fromU.S. Army as a Lieutenant General, Mr.Linnington served as the Military Deputy to theUnder Secretary of Defense (Personnel andReadiness) and as the Commanding General of theMilitary District of Washington/Joint ForceHeadquarters-National Capital Region. He alsoheld General Officer positions of responsibility asDeputy Commanding General at Fort Benning, Ga.;Commandant of Cadets at the United States MilitaryAcademy at West Point, N.Y.; and Deputy Chief ofStaff for Plans and Policy for the InternationalSecurity Assistance Force Joint Command (IJC) inKabul, Afghanistan.

LTG Linnington's combat tours include command of the Third Brigade Combat Team,101st Airborne Division in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation IraqiFreedom. He is an Airborne, Air Assault, Pathfinder and Ranger qualified officer, andearned the Expert Infantryman's Badge and the Combat Infantryman's Badge. LTGLinnington graduated Valley Forge Military Academy in 1976 and then attended the U. S.Military Academy at West Point, N. Y. He earned a master's degree in Applied Mathematicsfrom Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a master's degree in National Security Strategyfrom the National War College.

The Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) Board of Directors appointed LTG Linnington tothe position of Chief Executive Officer in July 2016.


Page 2: Alumni Newsletter - Leaders at Every Level · Alumni Newsletter March 2017 Homecoming Chapel Speaker and Distinguished Alum 2017 LTG Michael S. Linnington USA (Ret.) '76 LTG Michael

Pfc. Aaron M. Haley II, '15

Pfc. Aaron M. Haley II, '15 honor graduate for Platoon1089, Alpha Company, 1st Recruit Training Battalion,graduated boot camp Nov. 18, 2016. Haley II, from NewHaven, Conn., was also the company's high shooter with ascore of 337 out of 350 points. Aaron is an Academy Graduate with a long career of success.He achieved the rank of Cadet Captain and CompanyCommander of E Battery (LTRRTL) and on the AcademicHonors list. Aaron wanted to serve his Country as a member ofthe United States Marine Corps following in the footsteps ofour President Col John C. Church, Jr., USMCR (Ret.) Aaronalso excelled at sports here at the Forge.

(Photo by Lance Cpl. Maximiliano Bavastro)

LTG H.R. McMaster, USA '80

Left to right, Matthew Belfi '98C,John English '91, LTG H.R.McMaster, USA '80, FrankSpano '01C and Jake Field '10C.Valley Forge Military Academy &College Alumni and members of theFirst Troop Philadelphia CityCalvary, the nation's first volunteerCalvary troop formed in the defenseof the colonies. On February 17,2017, H.R. McMaster, the newNational Security Advisor, wasunanimously elected to membershipin the Troop. In all of history H.R.

McMaster is only the second person to be afforded this honor. The other was General ofthe Armies John "Black Jack" Pershing.

Gilbert L. Myers '83C

"After almost 20 years of state service, the past

17 with the Pennsylvania Game Commission,

Bert Myers '83C has accepted the position of

Director of Environmental Education with the

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental

Protection. Having served in the field for the

majority of his career, Bert finds himself in a new

Page 3: Alumni Newsletter - Leaders at Every Level · Alumni Newsletter March 2017 Homecoming Chapel Speaker and Distinguished Alum 2017 LTG Michael S. Linnington USA (Ret.) '76 LTG Michael

environment, working in downtown Harrisburg at the Rachel Carson State Office

Building. He welcomes fellow alumni to drop by for a visit.

Department of Environmental Protection| Office of Communications

Rachel Carson State Office Building

400 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. 17101

OFFICE: 717.705.3767

Diego Rubio '09 Diego Rubio '09 is the co-founder for Women Veterans on Wall Street (wVOWS). Readon to learn more about wVOWS.

Women Veterans on Wall Street is a sub-committeeof Veterans on Wall Street (VOWS), which strivesto raise awareness about women veterans, supportthose transitioning from the military the work-force,and establish a strong support network for womenveterans. wVOWS targets the specific issues andconcerns around women veterans that aligns with theoverall VOWS mission. Through a combination ofeducational initiatives, mentoring, outreach to themilitary, employee affinity groups, and multipleevents, wVOWS promotes career development,

support, and retention of female veterans throughout the global financial services industry.

Page 4: Alumni Newsletter - Leaders at Every Level · Alumni Newsletter March 2017 Homecoming Chapel Speaker and Distinguished Alum 2017 LTG Michael S. Linnington USA (Ret.) '76 LTG Michael

Central to the wVOWS mission is therecognition that many of the skills veteransdeveloped in the military - leadership, fast andaccurate decision-making, operational focus,and the drive to accomplish a mission - have adirect application on Wall Street. wVOWSalso recognizes that the cultural values ourveterans have developed in the military-passion, drive, commitment, and teamwork-mesh with the corporate values sought afterand practiced in the financial services industry.wVOWS works with military organizations,veterans groups, industry associations and vendors to build awareness and understanding ofhow these skills and cultural attributes make female military veterans outstanding employees.

Christian Minich '15

Congratulations to former VFMA RifleClub member Christian Minich '15,who was recently accepted into theUSMC Platoon Leaders Class (PLC)for this summer! http://www.marines.com/becoming-a-marine/commissioning-programs/four-year-colleges/platoon-leaders-class

Richard Leister '49, '51C On a recent trip to San Diego, Calif., John Meade'68, '70C had the great opportunity to meet with ourformer Professor of Military Science and noted alumCOL Richard Leister '49, '51C. They met at Mt.Soledad in La Jolla and had a chance to take a tour ofthis tribute to our various service men and womenwhose plaques are all around the monument. Johnreported that COL Leister was doing well and that heis definitely enjoying his retirement in SouthernCalifornia and wishes all his former brethren andstudents could visit. John is a very active member ofour N.E. Ohio Regiment.

Paul W. McKenna, Jr. '79C

Page 5: Alumni Newsletter - Leaders at Every Level · Alumni Newsletter March 2017 Homecoming Chapel Speaker and Distinguished Alum 2017 LTG Michael S. Linnington USA (Ret.) '76 LTG Michael

We would like to extend our congratulations toPaul W. McKenna, Jr. '79C for receiving theNESA (National Eagle Scout Award) Award. TheNESA award is a prestigious recognition grantedby the local council's NESA committee to EagleScouts who have demonstrated outstandingachievement at the local, state or regional level. Paul has served his country and community hisentire life. In September of 2015 he retired after 23years of service in the U.S. Marine Corps and theU.S. Army National Guard. His service includedKorea, Bosnia and Iraq. In December of 2016 hewas presented the Meritorious Service Medal inrecognition of his career. Paul has also beenelected to serve as chairman of both the City ofBurbank Transportation and Traffic Commissions

with continued service since 2003. Paul will be graduating from the New York FilmAcademy with a MFA in Acting for Film in May. He has appeared in many roles and he haseven played a U.S. Marine Corps General in JAG. Paul also serves as a member of theAlumni Association Board of Directors and is very active in the SoCal Regiment. Keep upthe great work!!!!


Miami Regiment

On March 4, 2017 the Miami Regiment met at HotelUrbanica the Meridian in Miami Beach for thepurpose of comradeship, report on the "State of theForge" and the Alumni Association AmbassadorProgram, and to enlist the help of our SouthernHemisphere Alumni in recruiting excellentcandidates for the Forge. The program wassuccessfully initiated by Brigadier GeneralTomas Puyans '48C and brought us many qualitypeople.

The initial meet was held around the pool at acabana. Afterwards, the attendees went into theHotel for a wonderful lunch. A big thank you toRegiments Chairman Robin Lahiri '85 andRegiment Leader for South Florida Jorge Loyo'96, '98C for making such spectaculararrangements.

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We were fortunate to have three members ofthe Board of Trustees and also members ofthe Alumni Association to give the "State ofthe Forge" address. Mike Ricketts '78,Roque Schipilliti '06, and Niles Dally '63. Also in attendance was VFMC AdmissionsCounselor Dylan "Skip" Hileman '12C,

who did a marvelous presentation on the AlumniAmbassador Program and how we can makerecruiting our number one objective. The following alumni were present and accountedfor, many accompanied by their significantothers: Jorge Rojas '97, Jorge Loyo '96, '98C,Oscar Rafols '95C, Ivan Brown '97, Greg Auerbach '99, Brandon Levy '01, Jon Renaudin '96, '98C, Maurice Escobar '80, '82C, Mike Ricketts '78, Juan Santana ;'79, '81C, Robin Lahiri '85, Michael Sparber '85, Rafael Borges '13, Dylan Hileman '12C, Roque Schipilliti '06, Jeff Winepol '72, Niles Dally '63,Juan Arce '78


April 13, 2017 - Academic Excellence Award Dinner - Mellon Hall 4:00 pmApril 28-30, 2017 - 2017 Alumni Association Homecoming Weekend - Post WideMay 8, 2017 - Trojan Golf Outing

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Minimum Bid: $4,500

Donated by: William Ridley USA (Ret.) '64Place your bid with Tom Goldblum '69, '71C

[email protected] or (610) 989-1329


The Alumni Homecoming Auction Committee is looking for items for our 2017 SilentAuction. Our goal is to obtain a wide variety of items to include in the auction, includinggift baskets, jewelry, wine, art and more! Thank you for your support!

If you would like to make a donation or have questions about the Auction, please contact Tom Goldblum '69, '71C, Director of Alumni Relations

610-989-1329 or [email protected]



The definitive book about the first 40 years of Valley ForgeMilitary Academy and College. Tales from the beginning in 1929 to1970 when our Corps of Cadets numbered over 1,200.

Here is your opportunity to add this amazing volume to your homelibrary.

Price (including shipping & handling): $40.00

To purchase, please contact Tom Goldblum '69, '71C, Director of Alumni Relations

610-989-1329 or [email protected]

Page 9: Alumni Newsletter - Leaders at Every Level · Alumni Newsletter March 2017 Homecoming Chapel Speaker and Distinguished Alum 2017 LTG Michael S. Linnington USA (Ret.) '76 LTG Michael



LTG Milton Medenbach BG Alfred SanelliBG Ralph Jones

Purchase your copy of this unique video history of the first 40years of Valley Forge Military Academy & College.

Price (including shipping & handling): $30.00

To purchase, please contact Tom Goldblum '69, '71C, Director of Alumni Relations

610-989-1329 or [email protected]


Check out these great items available through the Office of Alumni Relations. Tokens ofappreciation for family and friends who celebrate their connection to the Forge are ideal forholidays - Valentine's Day, Father's Day, Anniversaries, Birthdays - or just because! Wehave added Bow Ties.

To purchase, please contact Tom Goldblum '69, '71C, Director of Alumni Relations

610-989-1329 or [email protected]


Page 10: Alumni Newsletter - Leaders at Every Level · Alumni Newsletter March 2017 Homecoming Chapel Speaker and Distinguished Alum 2017 LTG Michael S. Linnington USA (Ret.) '76 LTG Michael



2015 ALUMNI PIN $15.00




The Society of the Golden Sword was established in 1975 to honor and recognize thosewhose continuing interest, service, and commitment contributed substantially to the health,growth, and reputation of Valley Forge Military Academy and College. Society membersgive a minimum of $1,000 to Valley Forge Military Academy and College in support of theinstitution's educational mission. For questions or to become a Golden Sword member,please contact Greg Brinn at [email protected].

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way foryou to support Valley Forge Military AcademyFoundation every time you shop, at no cost toyou. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you'llfind the exact same low prices, vast selection andconvenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon willdonate a portion of the purchase price to Valley Forge Military Academy Foundation. Thefirst time you visit select your charity: "Valley Forge Military Academy Foundation" andevery other time you visit under the search bar you'll see: "Supporting: Valley Forge Military