Lean UX Workshop I

Lean UX workshop - Part One

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Lean UX Workshop I

Lean UXAgility through cross-functional collaborationWorkshop

Chris BarklemLean UX Labs & Just UX

Looking at failureThe story of Plancast.The founder, Mark Hendrickson, was a writer and web developer at Techcrunch, he left and started Plancast naming himself "Product designer and developer".


Looking at failureHere is his discription of what happened..Plancast was to provide a really easy way for people to take whatever interesting plans they had in their calendars and share them openly with friends, with the rationale that greater social transparency for this particular type of personal information would facilitate serendipitous get-togethers and enable a greater awareness of relevant events.

Personally, I figured that knowing more about the events my friends and peers were attending would lead to a more fulfilling social and professional life because I could join them or at least learn about how they spent their time around town.

Along the way my team built a minimum viable product, launched from obscurity on TechCrunch, raised a seed round of funding from local venture capitalists and angel investors, and worked like mad to translate our initial success into long-term growth, engagement and monetization.

Looking at failureBut..Alas, our efforts began to stall after several months post-launch, and we were never able to scale beyond a small early adopter community and into critical, mainstream usage. While the initial launch and traction proved extremely exciting, it misled us into believing there was a larger market ready to adopt our product. Over the subsequent year and a half, we struggled to refine the product’s purpose and bolster its central value proposition with better functionality and design, but we were ultimately unable to make it work (with user registration growth and engagement being our two main high-level metrics).

Looking at failure"While the initial launch and traction proved extremely exciting, it misled us into believing there was a larger market ready to adopt our product.”

They did not look at :

• who where these people?

• what were their intentions?

Looking at failure“100,000 have registered and over 230,000 people visit each month.”

This is called a vanity metrix.

They are called that because they make you feel good about yourself. But they don't tell you how your product is performing. If its working well, or if its working poorly.

Out of these 100,000 people, how many have actually shared a plan?

How many people have followed a user, how many return a second time, a third time, a second or a third month. These numbers don't tell you that, they make you feel good, but they don't tell you if your seeing any traction for your product.

“This leads to a false sense of success and a false sense of market fit.”

Is there a better way?


The old fashioned wayNormally called the waterfall method

Design > Requirements > Development >

Support / Learn >

Software is continuous• Your product evolves from doubt to certainty.• It never stops evolving.• We are no longer delivering a finished product, instead we deliver a

continuous stream of incremental improvements.

Software is continuous

11.6 seconds• Amazon pushes new code to production every 11.6 seconds. Tests the outcome

produced by the change, if needs be rolls back the changes.• Amazon pushes code, designed to test an outcome, before committing to a


No more “Model Years”• No big changes with a finished product mentality• No cramming in features• No thinking about what features we can sell to the


InsteadDesign a continues learning loop

The cutting edge• Agile software development• Lean Startup• Lean

Agile software development• 17 software developers, got together in 2000 with their frustrations.• They were continuously missing deadlines, not meeting customer

expectations and continuously negotiating contracts as the project evolved.

Manifesto for Agile Software Development1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools2. Working software over comprehensive documentation3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation4. Responding to change over following a plan

The men valued the things on the left more then the things on the right. This is not saying they did not value things on the right, just not as much as things on the left.They stated that they did not know upfront all the details, that over time as the project evolved, so the plan needed to change as new information materializes.

Whats missing from Agile?

User experience, Design and Product Management were never factored in during Agile’s inception.

What is Lean?1. We are always moving from doubt to certainty2. We are always moving in small steps towards certainty out of doubt

This was developed by Taiichi Ohno and his team in the 1950’s. Its called the Toyota Production System. They could not compete with the Americas on scale. So they decided to compete by removing all waste from the system.

What is Lean?


Lean StartupDeveloped by Eric Ries

Every startup is a grand experiment. It intends to answer a question. Should we be actually building this?



Be Lean

Reduce wasteDon’t build things people don’t want

Combine all the goodSo if you combine all the good from Agile, Lean and Lean Startup you will get the inspiration which lead to Lean UX

“Inspired by Lean Startup and Agile Development theories, it’s the practice of bringing the true nature of a product to light faster, in a collaborative, cross-functional way with less emphasis on deliverables and greater focus on a shared understanding of the actual experience being designed.” – Jeff Gothelf

We start, thinking we all see things the same

Visualizing out ideas reveals inconsistencies

Between designers, developers, product owners, experts, marketers and customers.

Regular discussion leads to iterationWith each iteration leading to a broader understanding

Ultimately leading to a shared understanding

And team alignment (including your customers)

Working together grows understandingThe more you work collaboratively as a team, the more your shared understanding of the problems and solutions evolve. Ultimately you are all able to work effectively on parallel paths with the same clear understanding of where your going, why your going and how together you are going to achieve it.

How will this fit in with Agile?Use a cadenced Scrum process

End of theory, start of practice.