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The Power ofArea Code

Domain Names

Our mission is to helpsmall insurance agenciescompete more effectively

on the Internet.

We offer over 130unforgettable domain namesand reach over 190 million

consumers nationwide.

The Problem.It’s hard for small insurance agenciesto compete with big national brands.

Big brands have big advantages, especially on the Internet.

Big brands have big budgets for branding, SEO, and lead generation.

Big brands spend big to make Internet marketing look so easy...

How cansmall agencies


Here’s our strategy.1. Have an unforgettable domain.

Here’s our strategy.1. Have an unforgettable domain. 2. Advertise your domain locally.

Here’s our strategy.1. Have an unforgettable domain. 2. Advertise your domain locally.3. Get direct type-in traffic.

How it works.Consumers hear or seetheir area code + insurance and they type it in directly –bypassing search enginesand all of your competitors.

How’s this work again?

I’m in Denver, it’s 303.

Oh, it’s that simple.

What’s your area code?

Okay, so your domain would be 303insurance.com

We have bad news for most of you...

“You talkin’ to me?”

Your domain name is NOT memorable.

World leaders forget it.

Celebrities forget it.

Even Vulcans can’t remember.

But worse...

Your customerscan’t remember it

so they go to Googleand find all of your competitors.

Here’s wherewe can help.

Our area code domains are loaded with nutrients.

Ingredients1. Easy to say, easy to spell.

Ingredients1. Easy to say, easy to spell.2. Impossible to forget.

Could you ever forget your own area code?

Ingredients1. Easy to say, easy to spell.2. Impossible to forget.3. “Just right” coverage area.

Zip code is too small. State may be too big.Area code just right.

Ingredients1. Easy to say, easy to spell.2. Impossible to forget.3. “Just right” coverage area.4. Perceived as local.

Here’s a company in my area code!

Ingredients1. Easy to say, easy to spell.2. Impossible to forget.3. “Just right” coverage area.4. Perceived as local.5. Perfect fit with mobile.

4 out of 5 consumers use smartphones to shop.*

* comScore 2012

Ingredients1. Easy to say & easy to spell.2. Impossible to forget.3. “Just right” coverage area.4. Perceived as local.5. Perfect fit with mobile.6. Easy dot com address.

Our area code domains arememorable.

How memorable?1. Remember anywhere – no pen!2. Remember without Googling.3. Remember from the radio.4. Remember from the TV.5. Remember from a newspaper.6. Remember on a couch.7. Remember with a fish.

Our area code domains have extra uses +

added benefits.

Extra uses1. Point to your existing website.2. Point to a free quote landing page.3. Point to your local blog.4. Use for an agent finder site.5. Or, an agent recruitment site.6. Point to your mobile-only site.7. Use to prevent your competitors from getting their sweaty palms on it.

Added benefits1. Improves search results.2. Increases repeat business.3. Says your business is 100% local.4. Connects you with younger, more mobile customers.

190+ Million Customers130+ Unforgettable Domains
