Lunch & Learn: Facebook



Learn how to manage, market and use Facebook for your library.

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Lunch & Learn: FacebookDiana Silveira

Novare Library Services

Just the Facts

More than 750 million active users

50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day

Average user has 130 friends

People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook


Get Started: Create a Business Page

People do not have to be logged into Facebook or be a member of Facebook to see your business page.

The wording on a business page is better suited to a library. The Info tab, for example, is about your location and hours instead of about your personal likes and dislikes.

A Business page is placed in Facebook directory for libraries which makes it easier for people find you.

You can delete and rename business page, and you can have more than one business page (one for each branch).

Business page do not have advertising. (You, as the "owner" of the page, will see advertising on these pages, but visitors will not.)


Advantages of using a Business page vs a Profile page.

Creating a Business Page

Step 1: Click on Create a Page at the bottom of your profile

Step 2: Select “Local Business or Place” and complete form

Step 3: Customize with photos/status and fill in information on profile

Now What?

Create a strategy

Know your customers, know your goals

Engage users: make your page useful

Announce programs (create events)


Announce new titles

Promote Services

Use Insights: see what works…analyze...adjust…



Keep it human

Share news and exclusive content

People love “sneak-peeks” about new products and news.

post photos, videos, recipes and anything else that gets people talking.

Encourage fan participation

Reward fans

Handle negative feedback

Build Connections

Start with who you know

Make it a “call to action” on your in-store signs, newsletters, emails, fliers, menus and business cards. Install social plug-ins which are buttons you can place on your website to encourage interactions and Page likes

Partner with other brands or local organizations

Expand the reach of your posts (use the @ symbol to tag)

Encourage physical check-ins at your business

Consider ads

Logistically Speaking

Create a “Conversational Calendar”

Create a schedule if have multiple admins

If no one is responsible, no one will update page.

Find a rhythm for posting

Schedule time for Facebook (5-10 minute a day)

Schedule posts (Tweetdeck, etc)

Speaking of Logistics

Don’t post too much too close together

Be wary of auto-feed

Get updates on your page’s activity

Creating a Social Media Policy

Lay out what is acceptable and what is not for users

Post it on your Facebook Page

Adhere to this policy

Making the case to Admin

Have a social media plan

Have a goal for your social media

Have examples of other Florida Libraries, local organizations & officials (even Rick Scott has a page)

Try and get all “Social Media” approved in a bundle so you aren’t making a case individually for Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc

Contact Me

Novare Library Services 877-816-9638

Diana Silveira & sign up for a demo!
