Media Evaluation q2 new one


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Evaluation Q2How effective is the

combination of your main product and the ancillary texts?

What were you trying to achieve in your main production? Was this also reflected in the two advertising products?

Our aim was to produce a good short film that scared the audience andparticularly make them fearful of stalkers. We also wanted to provokeemotion from them with the death of each character. We wanted tocreate a teen horror that could be identified by the codes andconventions within the film, but we also wanted to go against some ofthe conventions in order to create a new, original horror film.

We aimed to persuade potential audiences to watch the film through aradio trailer and film poster, we used the same technique of conformingto parts of the genre when creating our poster but also going againstwhat is expected in some aspects.

Film PosterWe used the collage of images that the villain creates as the background of our poster as this gives the audience clues as to what the film is about, but could be interpreted in different ways which means that they will be interested to watch the film and find out what actually happens. The audience could interpret that the images are stills from the film itself which is a common technique used in rom-com film posters, however when they view the film they will realise that it is actually a collage of pictures that the killer has taken of the girls when he stalks them. We created the look of a blood splatter to confirm to the audience that it is a horror film and so they can expect blood in the film.By creating a poster that doesn’t give much away we have achieved our aim of persuading the audience to watch the film as they are eager, after seeing this poster, to find out what it is about and what happens.

We used the Steel Tongs font for the writing at the bottom of the poster as this is the font that all posters used and so made our poster look more authentic.

We also included the certificate of the film along the bottom as this fits in with the typical layout of a poster.

The sorority row film poster hassimilarities to ours in that it uses asort of collage of images of the femalecharacters that are in the film, theyalso look as if they have been takenby someone watching them as theimages on ours do.

The edges have also been darkenedon this poster the same as ours haswhich gives a dark, disturbing look tothe poster and suggests this aboutthe film.

The slight use of red in the posterinfers blood and death. We also usethe blood splatters on our poster to dothis, however ours is more obvious

This poster also places the production credits at the bottom of the poster.

Radio TrailerLink to radio trailer -

We have used typical sounds in our radio trailer that are expected from a horrorfilm radio trailer such as deep bass booms and tension building sounds. We alsoused dialogue and sounds straight from our film such as the sound of the knifescraping along the wall and the phone ringing.At 0.33 seconds into the film we included a slight pause between the tensionsound and the 'found you' dialogue which adds to the suspense.By creating a dramatic, suspenseful radio trailer, along with the poster it will givethe audience an insight into what the film is about and make them excited towatch the film. The conventions such as loud booms, scraping knifes anddramatic pauses also show the audience what genre of film it is without themseeing the poster or film itself, which is key in helping them to decide whether ornot to watch it.

The radio trailer for Halloween uses a voiceover and sounds from the filmincluding a knife scrape very similar to ours.Link to Halloween radio trailer -