AS Media Evaluation Q1 & Q2

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(PART 1 & 2)


Page 2: AS Media Evaluation Q1 & Q2

Preliminary EvaluationsAnswer the following questions. The answers must demonstrate “excellent skill in the use of digital

technology and ICT” (OCR Specification p69) to reach the top level. In what ways does your product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of real media texts? How does your product represent particular social

groups? What kind of institution might distribute your product and

why? Who would be the audience for your media product? How did you attract /address your audience? What have you learnt about technologies from the

process of constructing this project? What have you learnt about the production process

through this task?

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How does the product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions

of real media texts?

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Existing Media Products

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My Media Products and their USPI have used a range of typical forms and conventions of real magazines to demonstrate my thorough understanding of how they are produced and attract the audience to gaze and be interested. The forms which are followed include the adhering the rule of thirds done through the left hand side. Also widening the audience has been done through the use of social media links to converge the audience and allow the more younger audience to be attracted to the magazine. The use of having a issue number and date used shows that a typical convention of a magazine is used which brings familiarly and professionalism towards the product.

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ProfessionalismThe products are reinforced to be realist as a existing media product through

similarities to other magazines and following the conventions of the set genre of School magazines. They allow the audience to gaze and become intrigued through the use of colour and large images that attract the attention . By following the common conventions of magazines i was able to efficiently connect my product towards the target audience through the use of familiar and appealing words that the audience would understand and comprehend as well as catching their eye from the first glance and making them read on, this was reinforced by the masthead being the largest text on the page which directs attention to it as well as again following the rule of threes with 3 separate articles on the left hand side. The key image is direct and large/ covers the page making it attract the attention while also using an attractive model to fully engage the audiences attention. It features her looking at the camera which suggests direct mode of address and the use of having “EXCLUSIVE” in a dark red further stands out over the rest of the product allowing the audience to know that she is important towards the school and the magazine. The use of the yellow font below exclusive also draws the audiences’ attention which allows my audience to gather incite about the model used.

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How does my product develop these conventions?

My media product develops typical conventions by using a variety of them such as a bold direct masthead which allows the audience to become familiar and have it districted out over the rest that establishes the branding of the school. Moreover the use of the school building being used as a background further makes the audience familiar and professional while establishing the branding of the school while suggesting importance and relevance towards the magazine.

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How does my product challenge these conventions?

My media product challenged the conventions of typical school magazines by being more advanced and simplistic focusing on the upper school and disregarding the appeal of the younger years. This narrows down the target audience and appeals to the more focused and direct students.

I designed my contents page while looking at a more professional and established school and adhered and adapted their style into an appropriate way for the selected school Trinity School, Belvedere. The layout is very professional and minimalistic which goes against the iconic fun and colourful representation that media products based about school have which makes mine stand out over competition. In particular the whole 3 letters a line in headings stood out as it adhered the rule of three while also being bold and direct compared to a lot of other magazines.

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Representation of Social GroupsMy preliminary task media

represents a range of social groups such as Focused, academic students who are interested in school reviews, Students who may struggle at something such as a particular subject and also those who are into sports. The magazine contents apply to a wide variety of social groups and attract the audience to be larger. Furthermore, representing the social groups was simple as the social group variety applied to the school and was simple to pick up on. The use of specific language also relates to the target audience.

The social groups mainly consist of young males and females between the ages of 15 – 18 (Who are also the target audience) and this group is represented through original media and familiarity in professionalism. I link the audience to the magazine through having the model used in school appropriate clothes allowing them to relate as well as having a welcoming smile as students usually have.