Q2 for Evaluation for Media Magazine

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Page 2: Q2 for Evaluation for Media Magazine

Market ResearchI carried out market research by using primary

research.I asked girls between the ages of 15 to 19 living in

the UK to carry out a survey I made for this research. I created this survey on survey monkey, a quick, easy and simple way to create a survey.

To get people to complete the survey I resulted to social media sites like facebook and twitter and my emails, asking girls 15-19 to complete the survey.

Page 3: Q2 for Evaluation for Media Magazine

CoverThis is my cover page for my magazine.

The three colours my target audience picked out were red, white and blue.

The headline font was also chosen by my target audience. By doing this it gives them a chance to tell me what they would like to see and what they want to get out from the magazine.

Page 4: Q2 for Evaluation for Media Magazine

ContentsThis is the contents page for my

magazine. For this page I used the same font as the name of the magazine. I did this to make the magazine link together.

I decided to use pictures that were bright and to use bright colours to attract my audience.

I have used four different fonts on this contents page to give variation.

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ArticleFor my article I wanted to bring in and use the colours to

complement each other. For the background of the banner I used a colour from within the background of the picture to link the picture and headline. I have used the same font for the headline like I have for the cover and contents.

• I have used language suitable for my audience and not using words which are childish like “omg”.