Audience research results

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Audience Research Results

Question 1What is your favourite type of horror film?

Many horror films are centres around a main idea, whether that is someone being possessed, the film being funny as well as scary or maybe the main focus of the horror film is a zombie aspect. This is very important when making a successful horror film therefore I wanted to get it right and to create the best type of horror film for my audience.

The results came through that the majority preferred a possession horror film ( 42%) I will therefore try to add aspects of possession in my horror film.

Question 2If there are two people who mainly appear in the Horror Film Trailer, what relation should they be?

In a horror film there are often pairs or groups of four that are the centre of attention, when doing my research I noticed that the relationship between the characters was often varied, I wanted to find out what relationship the audience preferred most.

42 % of the respondents said that would prefer the relation to be cousins, therefore decided that this would be the best relationship for the two characters in my trailer.

Question 3:Which of the following factors would you mainly expect in a horror film trailer?

Many different horror films contain a variety of scenes which give them the label of being horror films. I therefore wanted to ask the audience what kind of factors they prefer in a horror film and what they would expect in a horror film.

The respondents where split between supernatural occurrences and high suspense scenes, I will make sure both of these factors are high on my list to include in the trailer.

Question 4What would mainly make you go and watch a horror film?

I believed it was important to include things in the trailer which would directly attract the audience, I therefore asked them what would mainly make them go watch a horror film.

42% of the respondents said that they would go and see the film is if “ it looked scary” therefore I focused mostly on how scary my trailer was and how the trailer showed the most scariest bits of the film.

Question 5What would most attract you to a film poster?

I also tried to ask questions that would help me create me two other products to advertise my film and to be paired with the trailer. I asked my respondents what would most attract you to a film trailer, the majority of them answer “interesting picture” which made me create more time for a photo-shoot for the main poster picture to ensure it was as high quality and interesting as possible. Not fair behind that respondent rate was a picture of high ranking celebrity, I also start to take this into considering but realised it might be hard when I cant hire real actors.

Question 6What title do you prefer for a horror film?

When creating my horror film trailer I realised that the title was very important, the title gives the audience a feeling and indication about what the film is about. Therefore I knew it was important to choose a hard hitting, powerful and explanatory title.

It was clear from the audience results what title I was going to pick, with the title “grandma grey” getting 75 % of the vote I knew it was the correct choice.

Question 7What location would be the most appropriate for a horror film?

In many of the horror films I had research I noticed that the location where the scary things happened was very important to ensure they maintaintence tension, therefore , to make my product as professional as there's I wanted to make sure I used the correct location.

It was clear from my audience feedback that a old house was most preferred, although it was closely followed by woods, I determined that it would be easier to control light and sound in a house.

Question 8 Do you think the main protagonist/antagonist should be male or female?

In many of the horror films I researched I noticed that there was a mix of there female or male protagonist/antagonist. I wanted to ensure I got the correct combination therefore I asked my audience what they thought best, they agreed with me in saying it should be one of each.

Question 9How old are you?

Finding out a age range for my advance was also important to ensure knew what my specific target audience was, I found out my average target audience is between 16-21.

Question 10What is your gender

I wanted to create a audience profile to make sure I was hitting not only specific target audience but specific buttons in my target audience. I therefore wanted to know what the majority of my audiences gender was who was giving me such crucial information such as a title for my film trailer. I gathered from my information that the majority of the audience was male.
