Rohan Dighe, Social Apps Develop Founder & CEO Beyond Pageviews: Measuring Interactions

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Google Analytics: Measuring Interactions.

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Rohan Dighe, Social Apps Developer,Founder & CEO

Beyond Pageviews:Measuring Interactions

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What about iPhone apps, how to? Future?

Lets meet outside…

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<script type="text/javascript">_lkpid = "bfa21ca532a19b85ddcbd6c41acdd5b8";_lkenc = "0";

</script><script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.lookery.com/j/pub/look.js"></script><script src="http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">_uacct = "UA-3815638-3";urchinTracker();</script>


Google's service was developed from Urchin Software Corporation's analytics system, Urchin on Demand (Google acquired Urchin Software Corp. in April 2005).

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ga.js <script type="text/javascript">var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script><script type="text/javascript">try {var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3815638-6");pageTracker._trackPageview();} catch(err) {}</script>

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But we don’twant pageviews!!

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In a web without,Pageviews,How do we

measure interactions?

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Today we explore…

How does it all work?Javascript/AJAXFlash ActionScript

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<a href='http://www.mgt_sys.com' onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/outgoing/mgt_sys');">www.mgt_sys.com</a>

Series of fortunate events..



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Can also be trackable points or steps in conversion funnels

-Eg-tagging the ‘next’ button in each step of an Ajax shopping cart can show you where in the checkout process users are abandoning their carts.

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Some Simple Examples

• DHTML “pop open" user reviews• Ajax shopping cart abandonment• Flash video engagement• 360 product views• Interactive ads or demos

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Lets See if we can solve some of their key issues…

Anthony says “For all standard pages, where there are links, I'm not worried. We're an AJAX and JS heavy site, and that's what I need some help with.”

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Next, testing. Do you have any way to test things? I can't get things to work through my localhost, and anyways, it takes 24-48h for anything to reach GA.... How do you do it? Or do you just put in the code, hoping it works, without testing it?

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Will analytics work on localhost?


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Will only work with websitesWhich have a fully qualified domain Name.

The following domain would not work with Google Analytics:


The following will work with Google Analytics


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Some people say that the <script> which I copied and pasted from GA has to be run before I run any TPs or TEs. Now I've tested it and it works if I use TPs even above that GA code - what's your take on that?

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In your code - how do you make sure it's maintainable, and doesn't get messy? I can see myself plastering all our HTML with TPs and TEs, but we have so many onclick= all over the place which do different thigns, that its really not a great solution, I think. I was thiking of either creating a generic wrapper which 'knows' what the TP/TE should do, and then dynamically create it or something like that - but not sure if that's feasible. What's your experience there?

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Do you know anything about overhead? how much does GA and TP/TE affect performance? Load time?

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Design methodology: did you also first create a list of events and pageviews which you want to track, get the wholistic picture, or just get in there?

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In Summary

• Simple, common technologies• Very flexible application• Measure a variety of interactions• Be creative!

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A Few things to look @




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Contact Me

Email: [email protected]: +91 9890326596
