How to Get Clients Online with Dallas McMillan The Webinar Funnel High Ticket Sales Funnels #2 The Webinar Funnel – High Ticket Sales Funnel #2 http://digitalinfluence.com.au/the-webinar-funnel-high-ticket-sales-funnel-2/ Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_23gwnz6eOA&t=34s See more High Ticket Sales Funnels http://howtogetclientsonline.com/

The Webinar Funnel - High Ticket Sales Funnels #2

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How to Get Clients Online with Dallas McMillan

The  Webinar  Funnel  -­‐  High  Ticket  Sales  Funnels  #2    

The Webinar Funnel – High T icket Sales Funnel #2

  http://digitalinfluence.com.au/the-webinar-funnel-high-ticket-sales-funnel-2/ Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_23gwnz6eOA&t=34s See more High Ticket Sales Funnels http://howtogetclientsonline.com/  


Page 2: The Webinar Funnel - High Ticket Sales Funnels #2

The Webinar Funnel - High Ticket Sales Funnels #2 Page 2 of 3

 Dallas  McMillan:   High-­‐ticket  sales  funnels  number  two,  the  webinar  funnel.  Hi,  I'm  Dallas  McMillan.  

This  is  part  of  my  high-­‐ticket  training  for  coaches,  consultants  and  professional  firms.  I  run  a  marketing  agency  where  we  help  our  clients  to  attract  high-­‐value  clients  using  online  marketing.    

  This  material  comes  from  my  book  on  high-­‐ticket  sales  funnels  for  coaches  and  consultants.  You  can  download  a  free  copy  by  clicking  on  the  link  below  or  by  Googling.  In  the  book,  I  cover  the  three  top-­‐performing  high-­‐ticket  sales  funnels  used  by  coaches  and  consultants  to  sell  high-­‐ticket  products  and  services  online.  In  the  book,  we  cover  these  three  funnels.  The  client  funnel,  the  webinar  funnel  and  the  launch  funnel  ...  Each  of  these  has  potential  to  dramatically  grow  the  sales,  profits  and  revenue  in  your  business.    

  Regardless  of  which  funnel  we  use,  we're  taking  the  buyer  through  a  process  where  we're  qualifying  them  as  our  buyer  and  getting  ready  to  sell  to  them.  Also,  they're  going  through  their  own  process  of  qualifying  us.  You've  heard  the  saying  that  people  need  to  know,  like  and  trust  you  before  they're  willing  to  try  and  buy  your  services.  We  need  to  build  up  that  knowing,  liking  and  trusting  when  we're  selling  online,  particularly  when  we're  selling  high-­‐value  products  and  services  that  are  genuinely  high-­‐touch,  high-­‐trust  sales  processes  when  done  off-­‐line.    

  Today,  we're  going  to  detail  on  the  webinar  funnel.  The  webinar  funnel's  really  popular.  It's  a  great  one  to  get  started  with.  It  lets  you  build  a  really  strong  relationship  with  your  clients,  and  it  works  well  for  coaches,  for  consultants  and  professional  services  firms.    

  A  webinar  funnel  looks  a  bit  like  this.  We're  going  through  a  series  of  steps,  where  we  first  make  some  sort  of  offer  for  people  to  download  something.  In  our  business,  we  generally  offer  a  free  gift,  some  sort  of  lead  magnet  rather  than  advertising  the  webinar  itself.  For  example,  here  I've  got  a  Facebook  ad  for  lead-­‐generation  for  a  ebook,  and  then,  when  they  click  on  the  ad,  they  go  to  a  landing  page.  Then  first,  we  have  the  ad.  They  click  on  the  ad.  They  go  to  a  landing  page  that  tells  them  more  about  what  they're  going  to  get  if  they  download.    

  If  they  enter  their  name  and  email  address  and  click  the  download  button,  then  we  have  a  thank  you  page.  We  say,  "Hey,  thanks  for  downloading  this.  I'm  also  running  a  webinar  on  the  same  topic,  so  if  you're  interested,"  and  we  know  they  are  because  they've  just  downloaded  the  ebook,  "then  you  might  like  to  sign  up  for  the  webinar."This  means  that  someone  is  already  partly  committed  to  working  with  us  to  learning  from  us  and  finding  more  about  this  topic.  It's  very  natural  that  they'll  sign  up  for  the  webinar  and  with  a  higher  rate  than  if  we'd  advertised  the  webinar  straight  out.    

  Then  in  the  webinar,  we  can  share  things  like  a  client-­‐success  story,  where  we  tell  our  audience  how  we've  worked  with  businesses  just  like  them  in  the  past  and  how  we  got  them  results.  In  the  webinar,  we  can  also  make  an  offer  to  go  to  a  strategy  

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call,  or  we  can  try  and  sell  the  products  straight  from  the  webinar.  It  depends  on  what  sort  of  ticket-­‐level  you're  selling  the  product  at.  Generally,  if  you're  selling  things  over  a  thousand  or  two  thousand  dollars,  people  will  want  to  talk  to  someone  on  the  phone  or  come  into  the  office  before  they  buy.  If  you're  selling  something  for  a  few  hundred  dollars  or  selling  tickets  to  a  live  event,  very  often  you  can  enroll  them  straight  from  the  webinar.    

  Now,  the  benefits  of  the  webinar  funnel  is  it  lets  you  sell  one  to  many.  They  other  video  that  I  cover,  the  client  funnel,  you'll  remember  that  it's  limited  by  only  really  being  able  to  sell  one-­‐to-­‐one,  whereas  with  this,  we  can  make  an  offer  to  dozens  or  hundreds  of  people  enrolled  in  the  webinar  at  once.  Because  we  have  a  long  webinar  engagement  process,  it  builds  a  stronger  relationship  with  buyers  that  increases  the  know,  like,  trust  process.    

  It's  also  easy  to  create  natural  scarcity  and  urgency.  There's  nothing  like  a  social  event  like  a  webinar  or  a  live  event  or  workshop  where  people  can  see  that  there's  other  customers  literally  queuing  up  to  work  with  you.  There  are  other  people  interested  in  what  you've  got.  That  makes  it  much  easier  to  sell  high-­‐ticket.  Getting  people  onto  a  live  event  online  or  offline  is  a  great  way  to  sell  high-­‐ticket  offers.    

  The  limitations  of  the  webinar  funnel  is  that  technical  challenges  can  sometimes  lead  to  problems.  Often,  when  people  first  try  webinars,  they  have  problems  with  the  software.  Secondly,  higher-­‐priced  products  often  still  take  that  strategy  call  or  the  phone  sale.  Often  you  need  to  followup  for  days  afterward  on  the  phone  if  you're  selling  high-­‐ticket  products.  Also,  webinars  are  more  complex  to  plan  and  deliver  than  the  client  funnel.    

  To  learn  more  about  the  webinar  funnel,  the  client  funnel  and  the  launch  funnel,  download  my  book  on  high-­‐ticket  sales  funnels  for  coaches  and  consultants.  You  can  click  on  the  link  below,  or  you  can  just  Google  it  and  find  me  online.  If  you're  ready  to  get  started  with  high-­‐ticket  sales  in  your  business,  you  can  book  a  high-­‐ticket  sales  strategy  call  with  me  now.  You  can  go  to  influential.com.au/high-­‐ticket-­‐sales  to  apply.  You'll  also  get  to  see  how  I  implement  this  process  in  my  business.  Thanks  very  much.  I  look  forward  to  speaking  to  you  if  you're  ready  to  start  selling  high-­‐ticket  in  your  business.  Look  forward  to  seeing  you  in  future  videos.