Emily Grimshaw Market Research I produced a questionnaire designed to explore my consumers preferred choice of music videos, the way they view them and their favourite themes within music videos. I used the website ‘Survey Monkey’ to collect quantitative data by creating a series of 10 simple questions which I sent to 10 participants via-email to enable me to look at the types of features my demographic will prefer to see in a music video. I then collected my data together and viewed it collectively so that I could see which ideas were preferred; I then tried to consider how I can develop these ideas and plan my own product around this information to ensure that my music video to make is as successful as possible. As shown in the graph there is a 40% of men completing the questionnaire and 60% of women, this works out well because there is almost an equal divide between the genders. This means that the information given will show a good variety and it will produce an accurate overall collection of data. Due to this split in gender the information won’t be particularly biased and will have a range of participants with different opinions and interests. The participants I asked to be involved were all between the ages 16-30 which is the range my video is targeting, however 80% of the participants were between the age 16-24 and 20% were between the ages 25- 45. This works in our favour because the primary audience of our music video are males and females between the ages 18-25, this means that the data collected will be more accurate.

Market research final

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Page 1: Market research final

Emily Grimshaw

Market Research

I produced a questionnaire designed to explore my consumers preferred choice of music videos, the way they view them and their favourite themes within music videos. I used the website ‘Survey Monkey’ to collect quantitative data by creating a series of 10 simple questions which I sent to 10 participants via-email to enable me to look at the types of features my demographic will prefer to see in a music video. I then collected my data together and viewed it collectively so that I could see which ideas were preferred; I then tried to consider how I can develop these ideas and plan my own product around this information to ensure that my music video to make is as successful as possible.

As shown in the graph there is a 40% of men completing the questionnaire and 60% of women, this works out well because there is almost an equal divide between the genders. This means that the

information given will show a good variety and it will produce an accurate overall collection of data. Due to this split in gender the information won’t be particularly biased and will have a range of participants with different opinions and interests. The participants I asked to be involved were all between the ages 16-30 which is the range my video is targeting, however 80% of the participants were between the age 16-24 and 20% were between the ages 25- 45. This works in our favour because the primary audience of our music video are males and

females between the ages 18-25, this means that the data collected will be more accurate.

I wanted to find out which music genre was most appealing to each participant especially to those within our primary audience, 18-25 age range so that I could gage what type of music they enjoyed listening in order for me to base our music video genre around this. This would ensure that our music video would be as successful as possible due to its high demand and popularity within my demographic. However if we choose a genre that wasn’t favoured by our participants, it means that we would not be meeting the audiences needs.I used a multiple choice question with multiple answers, I allowed the recipients to give a few different answers because most people listen to a varied amount of music meaning that a wide range of genres can appeal to people. The results show me that 70% of people listen to Indie style of music, 50% listen to Pop and Electronic and House are the least listened to, with no one voting for them. This lead us to

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Emily Grimshaw

choose the song ‘Youth’ by indie group Daughter because this was the most popular choice, meaning it is the most appropriate genre for our consumer.

Before beginning my music video I wanted to gage an idea of how often people from the ages of 16-30 watched music videos. The results showed that the answer ‘everyday’ was most popular with 40%, and then closely followed by ‘A few times a week’ with 30%. This is an answer I was hoping for as it shows that the majority of people will view my music video. This also suggests that participants will hear an artists song and then be inclined to watch the video when they have heard the song because they want to view more and explore other synergies. This question allows us to see that the responses we will be getting from our participants is reliable because they often watch music videos and will be able to give feedback that will allow us to be able to develop our ideas. No one selected the answer ‘Rarely’ meaning that everyone who answered the questionnaire had a lot of knowledge about music videos.

Once I have created my music video I need to know where it would have the most successful chance of being viewed. Therefore I asked my recipients where they were most likely to watch these videos. I used another multiple choice answer for this question. The results showed that 100% watch videos on Video sharing sites such as Youtube, meaning that I will upload mine on a video sharing site because that would give it the highest opportunity of being viewed. It also shows that

music channels were popular with 40% of people watching them from that source. However band websites were not as popular with inly 10% of people willing to search the website to view a bands music video this means that I am unlikely to upload a video to the website as they will not be viewed as frequently/

I suspected that ‘video sharing; would come up as the top answer on the last question. So in the next question I wanted to be more

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specific and try and find out which types of websites were most popular for viewing music video. Youtube seemed to be the main one people visited as that had a result of 90%, VEVO was the next favourite with 40% and Vimeo and Nowness were both less popular with only 10%. I also gave the opening of an ‘other’ box which would allow the participant to write down a channel which they preferred. I didn’t get any responses to this which shows that they are the 3 most common video sharing websites. This makes me more inclined to upload my video to YouTube so that my video will be more successful.

Another question I asked was whether my participants thought that music videos were vital in helping a song or artist a success. This establishes whether the audience think that the video they are watching is helping them to appreciate the song more or whether it has no impact. The results from my question show that 90% of people think that they do aid the success of a song or artist and 10% thought that it didn’t make a difference to its success. This mean that the majority of my consumers will

understand the significance in watching music videos, therefore this means that they will be interested in watching the video ‘Youth’ to gain further insight into the song and artist.

I asked the question “what type of music videos do you prefer watching” and gave my participants a choice between the 3 primary video types that are most common within music videos; narrative, conceptual and performance. The option most selected was a performance style video, with 50% of the votes. TThese type of vidoes show the artist performing to the song in the video and are extremely common with the indie genre. We considered using a ‘performance’ element to our video, however after discussing it we decided that we wanted to break the conventions and try and be slightly more original with our video. We choose to create a ‘Narrative’ style video instead because this felt like a more interesting video to film and allowed us to be more creative. Narrative videos was a close runner up to performance videos with 40% of participants preferring them, this meant that we felt we would still be creating a video that would be like by our demographic.

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Emily Grimshaw

The final question that I asked required my participants to put, in order the themes that the think are most important within a music video. The options were Relationships, Performance, Friends hanging out together, Party, Day in the life of th band or artist. I decided to ask this question because it is useful when planning a video to understand how your consumer would want to view your product and it allows me to conform to my audience’s needs. The result that was most favoured was the

‘Perfromance’ element, however me and my partner discussed that we wanted to break stereotypes and not create a conventional performance vioe of an iindie band. So instead we looked at the second most popular answer, which was Relationship and discussed ideas relevant to this. We decided this would work.

To conclude from this questionnaire I have gathered information that has allowed me to accurately plan and develop a music video that would be most suited for my demographic. This means that due to this accuracy it will enable my video will be to be as successful as possible. I learnt form this survey that my consumer watches video on Youtube and wants to see a video with a relationship/love element to it.

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Emily Grimshaw