
PowerPoint Presentation

Question 3 What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Rough Cut Feedback -

The feedback from our rough cut was mainly positive. They liked the whole concept of the film and the way that our villain stalked the female both online and in real life, as some films tend to focus on one or the other. They liked the way that we had used a green tint to represent the jealousy our male character has towards his former lover. When we added this in although we knew that the green represented jealously we were not sure whether other audience members would make this link. We therefore asked this as one of our feedback questions and thankfully that particular audience made the connection. This taught me that when you are watching back your movie you have to try and watch it from an audiences point of view and not that of someone who has made it. Audience feedback is curtail because they are the people that are going to go and see our film, we may like it because we have filmed and edited it but that does not mean it will necessarily appeal to the target audience that we are aiming for. Our classmates also suggested that we increase the length of our trailer as they felt it was a bit short. Although I was aware that it needed to be made longer the fact that the audience picked up on that was important to me as it showed that even seeing it for the first time, they were aware it was too short. We as a group therefore made making our trailer longer our next big priority. The main things that I learned from the rough cut

feedback were that the concept was good but maybe a few of the transitions between shots could have been a bit cleaner.

Storyboard Feedback -

- Storyboard Feedback- Storyboard

The audience feedback we received on the shot in the caf where the girl seems disinterested was very positive, so we decided to keep this shot.

The feedback we received was that it might be difficult to film this scene in the station. We listened to the feedback and decided to film the scene at the train barriers, also altering what happened in the scene. He no longer comes up behind her but stares across.

Our feedback was that this was one of the strongest scenes in our trailer. Although not mentioned in the feedback we decided to use a point of view shot from the eyes of the male character. This turned out to be very effective as it makes the audience feel like its them who are stalking the girl, this point of view shot is my favourite shot within the trailer.

We originally were going to film the man walking behind the women in the high street. But I had the idea whilst we were filming that it might be more effective if I looked down on our female character as she walked into the tunnel. In the end I think it looked effective.

Survey Monkey Feedback

The feedback that we received from the Survey Monkey was on the whole mainly positive. The main points were that they liked the way that our poster and magazine cover linked back to our trailer, and this promoted our brand well they felt. They liked our use of music and how we had linked a number of tracks together and the way that we had made it fit in with our shots. One point that I thought was important was that 100% of people whom took part in our survey understood the green tint. I believe this was important as I was slightly concerned whether audiences had made this link. They felt our poster was stronger than our magazine cover. From this particular part of the feedback I learnt audiences liked the concept of our movie and understood the deeper message behind the storyline. I found the survey monkey feedback very helpful as people were likely to be more honest as they werent giving the feedback to our face. By looking into the results of the survey I can clearly see patterns in what the audiences liked about our finished product and what we could possibly do to improve it, whether that be our trailer, magazine cover or poster.

Soundtrack Feedback

The feedback that we received for the music within our trailer was mainly positive. When we received the feedback on our rough cut we had not included much music at that point we had barely added any music and

that was one of the main points raised in our rough cut that music needed to be added. After the same people had seen the final cut with all the music included they said that it really made a big difference and enhanced the trailer, especially at the end when the choice of music increased the tension within the scene where the kidnapping actually occurred. They liked how we had not just used one track but picked music from all the tracks we liked and edited them together until we were happy with the finished product. When we asked them what they would possibly change about the music they said in the scene in the shop when the transition between the 2 tracks takes place, when the stalking starts, they suggested making this transition all as one as we had a little gap when one track had finished but the other hadnt started. We took on board the audience feedback and almost merged the end of the two tracks together so that one finished and the other began simultaneously. I believe without this audience feedback we may not have spotted this. But now when I watch that sequence back I can see how much of an improvement it has made to our trailer. One bit of sound that they particularly liked was at the end of our trailer when we had a rewind before a few big beats to which the credits appeared and disappeared too. They felt this looked very professional and liked the way that we had matched our music to the titles appearing. Before our end sequence only featured the villain coming from behind, but after audience feedback we decided to add the rewind and although this is something I had not originally thought of I now think it to be one of the strongest parts of our trailer.

Ident Feedback -

All though we did no form of formal feedback for our ident, when it was completed I went around the class asking people what they thought of it. They liked the Jupiter idea and having it in outer space with the camera panning over to Jupiter to then reveal the text appearing on top of the planet. They liked the way that the background faded first, leaving just Jupiter Productions against a black background as they felt this sent out a clear message about our production company. They also liked the music we had chosen to use and how the pace of this increased as the camera panned towards Jupiter.

Class Response to Final Cut Screening -

Once we had completed the final cut of our obsession we showed it too everyone in a class screening. As a class they really liked the whole concept and the way in which we almost told a story within our trailer. From them first meeting to there relationship breaking up, they felt we had clearly demonstrated a real change in the character of our male from the beginning to the end of our trailer. One thing they said that we could possibly do to improve would be to have included a montage of quick fast paced action shots, perhaps of the girl running before fading to black. Although this was something we as a group originally wanted to do after assessing all the other shots that we would need in order to have enough footage we found there was not enough time to film all of the shots required for a montage. Although if we had a greater time period in which to film our trailer this would be something that I would consider doing.

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