

Maggie Sears

You are going to gain a new student!

Acanthi is a new, foreign exchange student! She has just arrived in America and you wish to make her more comfortable in her new environment, so you wish to research what kids do in Egypt. Here are some key elements you need to know….

Hey Crank those hot tunes!!!!

What do Egyptians listen to? Today many girls in Egypt listen to Justin Beiber.

The more familiar music that their families play is Trance- Teckno a American and Egyptian style of music.

There is also evidence that girls just adore One Direction also.

Customs and Traditions

Many customs and traditions are based off of olden Egyptian pharaohs.

Most of the customs are based off of Muslim beliefs. Since must of the country is Muslim.

Even though these are two different religions there are evidence of both in Egypt’s customs.


Muslim (mostly Sunni) 90%, Coptic 9%, other Christian 1%.

Since most of the country is Muslim every Friday they go to the Mosque to worship and pray multiple times a day.

A few thousand years ago they used to worship multiple gods and goddesses.


•Since the majority of the country is Muslim the citizens will be dressed for their religion.

•The woman will wear burqas and men normal clothes.

•There are some stylish outfits they wear that look fabulous!

Food/ Cuisine •Kushari – Egypt's national dish

• Ful Medames – common dish

•Fatta – prepared for special ocassions ex. A woman’s birth.

•Mulukhiya – prepared diffrently in different cities

Popular games/ past time activities

• Senet- a board game




etiquette/manners/conduct• Treat everyone with respect ( The Golden Rule)

•Practice Humility: Have a conduct which shows kindness and forbids being harsh, rude, or even speaking loudly to others.

• Be Sincere- Never tell a lie or be nervous

•Use the right hand to eat, touch and present gifts. The left is generally seen as dirty.

• Eye contact during conversation.

Special Thanks to

Me andddddddddd

Justin Bieber and

One Direction