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Drama Roro Jonggrang Rara Jonggrang MANUSCRIPT STORY DRAMA In a village there lived a beautiful woman with her child named Bondowoso. They lived in peace, until the point when they're busy telling Bondowoso asked a mother to his beloved London: Mom, what mother would not be lonely if we lived alone together in this beautiful village. Mother: Loneliness ngopo to le? Mother wis seneng ana Kowe nang kene. We have lived well off, happy without disturbing anyone, would ask the mother what else to do this. New York: Yes, maybe the mother wanted to have a husband again out there. Mom is still beautiful, will be a lot of people who want to marry the mother. Mother: (with smile) Kowe say ki ora opo to.Ora .. .. Mother's okay to live like this widow. The important thing your mother had (he said, stroking his hair. London: Well, ma'am saestu. Mother, you need a companion of life. Mother: Accompanying life? Sakjane lakyo Kowe takoni not sing worth a son kuwi ngono patches. Kowe iku wis big, Moso Kowe arep dewean wae. New York: (mesem) Ah, menawi me, boten have in thought bu. Mom, me ajeng tanglet saktemene kalih mother, Nanging boten kepenak me, ma'am. Mother: Kowe arep takon opo? Kok nganggo ora kepenak goods. I'm your mother opo iki udu. Arep takon opo to Le? London: Ngeten you know Mom, me menika sinten saktemene Rama? Ngantos sakniki taksih really confused me. Mothers are confused about what to answer, his eyes shifted far to the rice fields in front of his house. London: Bo, why Mendel mawon? Wonten penggalih menopo to bu? Mother: My son Bandung (he said as he brought his seat). Today Sajake Wetu Pantes sing. Kowe saiki wis big, ora wedi karo Kowe story. Mother reti, Kowe must iso ngerteni iki. New York: Ana what, ma'am? Mother: Your father kuwi sakjane ong aristocratic tlatah Aduh kono. London: So my father mother still alive? Mother: Yen Kowe pancen want nemoni Ramamu, yo opo-opo ora. Golekana Ramamu kuwi, mung iso nanging mother a message. Listen to the messages of this mother. New York: Yes, ma'am. Mother: She may sing Kowe iso dongakake what would karepake tok Intersection. If you've menemuka Ramamu, immediately kissed her feet as a mark of respect. In a world out there, surely will be many strangers who will you meet, and they must have had the will respectively. You are a knight, Act like a knight. Face all the problems that confront with a cool head. Ojo seneng fighting muscle, iku ora my slick. Ojo Waton tumindak ing kono, ora liyo njaga keslametanmu dhewe mun. London: Inggih, ma'am. Mom: Lan Siji meneh amanatku (then entered the house and pick up a red colored shawl). Ramamu Show this thing on her to believe that you're his son. London: Thank you, Mother. Mom, mom kepripun nanging menawi me wander. Menapa mother earth safe Gesang piyambakan ing ingkang boten temtu niki (as he tipped his hand a sign equating vastness of this earth). Mother: Mrs. ora will keno opo-opo. Mother may nyangoni slamet iso yo son tresnani not sing. Then Bandung go wandering. She walked through valleys, forests, rivers and other natural

landscapes. On the way, he managed menakhukkan supernatural creatures, and now his slaves. After long wandering, he reached the kingdom Pengging and became king there. Wanting to expand the territory Bandung Bondowoso want to unite with the Kingdom of Prambanan Pengging kingdom. Prambanan kingdom led by a giant named Prabu Boko. Hearing empire seized by the authorities wanted another, Prabu Boko not stay silent. He prepared an army and fight the royal food for Pengging. King Boko: Hey Bondowoso! If you want to master the Prambanan, is not that easy you got it. Kingdom of Prambanan is a great kingdom. And I'm not going you ravaged my people who are peaceful and peace! London: Hahaha ... Yes. Kingdom of Prambanan is a great empire and soon, I'm the one who would master it. Hahahah .. King Boko: Cuih (spit)! If you are able, langkahilah my dead body! London: I'm stepping mayatmu! Hahahaha ... Never step over mayatmu, drain the ocean whenever I can! King Boko: Basic kumalungkung wong! Come on opposite me! Then they fought heavily in the Kingdom Pengging. But it prabu Boko dipeperangan punctured by kris of Bondowoso. Knowing King Boko fall on the battlefield, Patih Gupala back to the Kingdom of Prambanan and reported the incident to Roro Jongrang. Patih Gupala: Nyuwun sewu Princess. Jonggrang: Ana what Patih. Kok njenengan wis bali saka war, ana ngendi Ramaku? Patih Gupala: (bowed their heads and worship) Nyuwun sewu Roro. (Think-think) King Boko ... Jonggrang: Rama!? Ana what karo Rama? Opo does duwe news ora to penak Patih sing? Patih Gupala: Inggih Roro. Jonggrang: Ana ngendi Ramaku? (Confused and almost crying). Stories karo .. I Patih ramaku coffers? Patih Gupala: Prabu Boko fall menika ing war, Roro. Jonggrang: HA! What bener ngendikanmu kuwi. Opo does boten Goroh duke? King Gupala: Saestu Rara. Kula ingkang ngertosi piyambak, Bondowoso nusukkaken kerisipun. Jonggrang: Rama ... (crying) Wektu cry iku Bondowoso ngarepe Rara Jonggrang ing puzzle. Bandung pour thinkers-thinkers, greeted Queen ayu ing ngarepe iku? What selire King Baka pateni not want to sing? New York: (walking toward Roro). Got what cah ayu Kowe grief? Jonggrang: Sapa Kowe wani ing puzzle kingdom Today? London: Hahaha ... Sopo me? Opo Kowe ora recognize me, king of the Kingdom Pengging ing, lan saiki big sing sing duweni kingdom Today (with my back hand with arrogance, then lowered it and walked around Jonggrang). I sing Bondowoso duweni iki kingdom. Hahaha .. Ayu tenan Kowe What Kowe gelem not dadekake bojoku! Roro Jonggrang confused what are menehi answer. Bandung iku wong sing sekti.Ra maybe I wani refused. Atiku Nanging Tresna ora. Durung wae know, really get me dadi bojone. Penak tenan. I maneh, uwong Today I sing gawe kelangan beloved Rama. London: Alah .. accept it .. I'm not so bad. I ngganteng really. Got what ora Kowe gelem? Opo Kowe isin karo me? Hem? (Karo nggoda) I sing Wah.Apa arep lakokake.Aku mumet.

Sprinkle Jonggrang thinkers-thinkers. Jonggrang: Ngene wae, yen Kowe pancen duweni want me, syarate sitik wae. Make me a thousand temples in one night. Yen Kowe kasil, I gelem tock Bojo pitch. London: .. Weh weh weh .. .. Well, Kowe tenan kok ki slapstick! Wektu sewengni Sewu temple? 10 temples wae, what Kowe mending n arsietwae get from another condition. Sekarepmulah .. Moso con gawe 1000 candi.Arep tock nggo ngopo iku temple. Jonggrang: Kula tetep want digawekke sewu temple. That's my will. Prove you love me if Bandung .. London: Wis., sakiki ngene wae. Pase, njalukmu Piro? Jonggrang: I nyuwun sewu temple! (Karo arep nglungani) London: Y owes yo .. wes .. Aja mutung to! Buktekake mun love for you, I'll Make a thousand a special temple to love this. (He said while holding a sign promised chest) Finally, on second thought, would Bondowoso told the genie that has been ditakhukkannya to help him. Night time specified, Bandung Bondowoso and architects create a framework forms the flagship of the temple, then Jin-jin begins to build a temple with a variety of carvings on the advice of architects earlier. While elsewhere Jonggrang being confused. Jonggrang: Kepiye Today, what can Bandung gawe okehe semono temple. Dayang: La kepripun to Princess. Bandung menika lacquers nggeh tiyang sekti to Princess, miterat pamikir me, really panyuwun does, can keep. He wong samenika kalih taksih hours, wake anggenipun sampun badhe temple finished to Princess. Jonggrang: La keep what should I do. I do not want to marry him. His face was no good. Jeez .. I'm just disgusted with him. Dayang: Lajeng kepripun? Jonggrang pacing in his room. Jonggrang: Wis., saiki ngene wae. Dayang, please wake up all the people of Prambanan, tell the women pound rice, straw and baker as well which is near the chicken coop. We create the atmosphere of this evening as the morning has come. With so genies who are working will think kalu morning had arrived, they would immediately run away, and do not forget to sprinkle flowers. Ladies: Good idea, Princess. That way, London would not have finished the job. Jonggrang: Yes. Dayang, we do not immediately act to prevent terlamabat. Dayang: Good Daughter. Excuse me. Dayang then told the other ladies to awaken all women. The atmosphere became crowded at that time. Chickens are crowing, and burnt straw as a substitute bersinarnya sun on the eastern horizon. Jin: Well, my friends! Look! The sun was shining there! We should get out of this. If not, then our body can burn! Wow .. wow .. But, what about this work. The temple was founded less than a buah.Waduh Bandung .. what .. where he actually delicious sleep ... I have to report what later. Ah, I'd better just go, period kerjaanku bodo with this. Let our friends run away! Jin-jin was running around and leave his job. Soon Bondowoso come with shock. The night was so crowded, the sun was rising, roosters crowed, the women have started to pound rice and Jinns were to disappear all. Seeing the situation was very angry Bandung. In the morning, went to Bandung Jonggrang. London: Jonggrang, my request has been fulfilled, now marry Jonggrang: Oh really, Really? Have you managed to make me a thousand temples?

New York: Of course my love, Jonggrang: I do not believe it. London: Do you not believe? See for yourself, calculate the temples. Jonggrang: Good. But remember your promise, if it is less than a thousand temples, it means you get off me, Bandung. Jonggrang calculate the temples. After several counts, Jonggrang said. Jonggrang: Sorry Bandung, as I count, the temple which you Make a lack of fruit. London: Huh? The truth. You must have counted wrong. Jonggrang: I've had some time to calculate, but the result is the same. The number of new temple is 999 pieces. London: Yeah well, it's just not a fruit course, there are already 999 pieces. Later I'll Make again. But after you'd marry me. Jonggrang: No, Bandung. The deal is not like that right! You've failed to fulfill your promise. So you go from me. Do not approach me again. Or I'll go. London: Ha? After I made the 999 shrines, if only this seperrti Jonggrang repay. Jonggrang: Yes. Then you want anything else! (Yell) Admit if you are already defeated the ugly! London: Jonggrang! How dare you mock me! Jonggrang: That's the reality right! London: Jonggrang! You've made me angry! From the last I've tried to be patient to get you, but in vain this sacrifice. Never mind I did not get you! This temple is less one, and actually complete it worth it just you! Be you as a decoration of the temple Jonggrang keraajaanku! Jonggrang: Aaaaahhh !!!!!!!!!! Jonggrang suddenly turned into a Statue.
