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If the WHY is big enough, the HOW is usually not a problemJika alasan untuk mncapai ssuatu itu sgt kuat, maka cara apapun akan bsa kita tempuhWe are capable of doing great things in life, if we just frst believe in ourselvesIt is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped #Anthony RobbinsMake a resolution within time !!!I knew that I was dead serious about my resolution and I knew why I MUST ACHIEVE IT !Tujuan pncapaian hdup ku dlm 10 thun ke dpn :21th = Slesai kliah kerja 1thun di sbuah prusahaan dan bljr mnyerap ilmu kerja smbil mmpersiapkan usaha sndiri22th = Mmbuka usaha sndiri dbdang stem cell dan SUKSES keras. Mmbuka cabang dmana2.22th = menikah dgn sseorg yg sy cintai dan mncintai sy.23th ke atas, stiap 2 tahun kluar negeri bersama kluarga suami 1x dan kluar negeri bersama suami dan kluarga ku (Ppa Mma Akbar Dian) 1x. Jdi tahun 1 brsama kluarga ku dan suami, thun 2 brsama kluarga suami, thun 3 kluarga ku dan suami dst.Dengan 5tahun pertama mmbawa Ppa Mma Akbar Dian ke Jepang, Belanda, Swiss, ? , ? *LUPA*You could never reach your goal of achieving success and financial freedom if you were to work in a nine-five job.Vital elements to starting up a business are : Capital (modal), contact, capabilities.The drive to succeed early compelled me to try out a lot of different thingsBuild capabilities and skills from assets which are time, energy and willingness to hard workYou are free to live your life. Biarkan sj org2 yg skeptis thdp keputusan mu3 karakter penting yg hrus dmiliki u/ sukses (Hardworking, discipline, teachable)Lakukan tiap hri 10ribu jam. Berkali2 smpai mahir.I'm glad I knew what I wanted and went for itTrue success in life is not measured by how much u make, but by how much of a difference u make in the life of others.Knowledge is not power, it's only potential powerThe real power is actionpage 46