Page 1: Dalmain Primary School  · PP Lucy J, Kobe N TA 5 Finn H, Jasmine P, Elissa M ART Emily S (Yr 1), Matilda

From the Principal’s Desk

D a l m a i n P r i m a r y S c h o o l

NEWSLETTER CARE | STRIVE | ACHIEVE 64 Dalmain Street, Kingsley WA 6026 | Phone: 6207 2200 | [email protected]


Wednesday, 8 April

Last Day for Students

Thursday, 9 April

School Development Day

Friday, 10 April

Good Friday

Tuesday, 28 April First Day Term 2

for Students

Dear Parents and Community Members,

I wanted to acknowledge and thank our school community for the way in which everyone is managing what is a very difficult and uneasy time for all. Understandably, parents are making choices around what they believe is the best way forward for their family with the COVID-19 situation. The current stance taken by the Department of Education and governments is that schools should remain open and for students to attend school. The Department has also outlined to schools that their focus should be on the planning and preparation of learning for students who are at school. As such the provision of work packages for students not attending school is not an expectation. However, we have included in this newsletter a list of useful online programs, information and activities that parents in this situation may wish to use. Also included in today’s newsletter is a copy of the infographic information put out by the Health Department of the Australian Government outlining the different symptoms between COVID-19, a cold and the flu. Earlier this week I forwarded home additional information to parents around what actions we are undertaking at school to minimise the risks associated with COVID-19. At the top of this list is hand hygiene with students being regularly reminded about the importance of this practice particularly before and after eating. Social distancing is another measure that we are all being asked to abide by. This has meant the cancelling of many events and activities that would normally occur in our school such as assemblies, ANZAC Service, Parent/Teacher Interviews and the Joondalup Lantern Parade. We are not a large school, but students have also been instructed to “spread out” when eating which has meant opening our folding doors in the undercover area and allowing students to sit along the veranda areas. Further to this, the Morning Fitness Club, run by Mr Valentino before school on a Wednesday and Friday morning, will now also be cancelled until further notice. These are some of the changes and strategies currently being implemented. Communication of messages around COVID-19 to parents is being carried in several ways. We are using the MGM Outreach app which allows us to send text messages to parents. This has already been used this week. Hopefully by using this method parents are able to be reached promptly. We are also utilising the Flexibuzz app, newsletter and flyers (hardcopy) to inform and reach parents. If you have any queries or concerns around receiving information, please let me know.

ISSUE #7 20 March 2020

Page 2: Dalmain Primary School  · PP Lucy J, Kobe N TA 5 Finn H, Jasmine P, Elissa M ART Emily S (Yr 1), Matilda

Incursion/Excursion Payments

Parents are reminded that payments for school incursions and excursions

(with the exception of School Voluntary and P&C Voluntary

Contributions) must be handed in to the class teacher.




Thank you.

Direct Deposit Payments

Bank: ANZ BSB: 016-494

Account: 3408-18845 Reference:

Child’s Surname / TA

Please confirm payment by email, or send your lodgement receipt

to the office with the reason for payment

[email protected]


Direct Deposit is not available for P&C payments.


0409 885 439

Parents are reminded that they can advise the school of their

child’s absence by SMS.

Failure to contact the school will result in your

child/children being marked as UNEXPLAINED on

their attendance record.

Yesterday morning our prefects and specialist student leaders announced over the school PA system the recipients of the various merit awards that were due to be presented at the assembly. This was a novel way of still acknowledging these deserving students with families having already being notified prior to the assembly being cancelled. HARMONY DAY (Thursday) Yesterday we celebrated Harmony Day, all be it in a more subdued way. The display of students’ individual coloured fish is now up in the undercover area under the caption “We may all be different fish but in this school we all swim together.” This has attracted great interest from our students and is a very apt message for Harmony Day and our current circumstances. NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION (Against Bully and Violence) Across this week students have undertaken activities to further promote the positive messages and understandings through the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA). A sample of this work can be viewed in this newsletter. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING A short meeting was held last night for members of the School Board primarily to provide board members with an update on the COVID-19 situation. The school outlined the actions and strategies that are in place with regard to Coronavirus and discussed the need to adjust and adapt as the guidelines from the Department of Education have changed and evolved over the past week. NAPLAN NEWS Education Ministers met today and decided that NAPLAN will not proceed in 2020. The NAPLAN test window was scheduled to be held from 12 to 22 May. This decision has been made in light of the ongoing issues associated with COVID-19 and the clear complications that this would mean for implementing NAPLAN nationwide. Have a great week,

Don Boyes Principal

Page 3: Dalmain Primary School  · PP Lucy J, Kobe N TA 5 Finn H, Jasmine P, Elissa M ART Emily S (Yr 1), Matilda

PP Lucy J, Kobe N TA 5 Finn H, Jasmine P, Elissa M ART

Emily S (Yr 1), Matilda M (Yr 1), Oliver M (Yr 6)

TA 1 Thomas B, Lucy G TA 6 Disha H, Sophie H MUSIC Aeisha R (Yr 6), Chloe M (Yr 6)

TA 2 Koa G, Katie H TA 7 Jake M, Kiara B PE Annabelle R (Yr 1), Jasmine W (Yr 4)

TA 3 Zach G, Ruby R TA 8 Riley S, Madeline C LOTE Sofi H (Yr 6), Imogen H (Yr 6)

TA 4 Kieren G, Ainsley N TA 9 Seton W, Ella H, Ailin N

Merit Certificates - 19 March 2020

Congratulations to the following students who received Awards at yesterday’s On-Air Assembly.

Dalmain Dockets

Term 1 - Week 7

Star of the Week

Lawson R - TA 3

Junior Draw Winner

Jake A - TA 4

Senior Draw Winner

Hudson O - TA 8

Friday Maths

Friday, 20 March Addition Set 3

Best Class - TA 8

Runners Up - TA 6

Most Improved

TA 6

Runners Up

TA 9

‘Nude Food’ Weekly Winners

Zach G - TA 3

Hunter A - TA 1

On-Air Assembly Thursday, 19 March 2020

Page 4: Dalmain Primary School  · PP Lucy J, Kobe N TA 5 Finn H, Jasmine P, Elissa M ART Emily S (Yr 1), Matilda

Thoughts About Bullying - TA 7

“Please don’t bully. If you see bullying, stand up for people. Tell a teacher, or a grown up. If you are a bully, just stop now!“

~ George A

“At Dalmain Primary School there should be no bullying. If someone bullies you, find an adult and tell the adult quickly. Try and stand up to them. Not because you’re mean but because you are nice.”

~ Jasmine M

“I am a child against bullying at Dalmain Primary School. If I see bullying I speak up, reach out and be a friend. I definitely don’t join in. I am a child against bullying and I will reach out to others who are

bullied. Be a friend whenever you see bullying.” ~ William T

“Bullying is bad for people. Some people get scared, so if you see anyone getting bullied, you should stand up for them. Maybe they might be your friend?”

~ Charlee D

“Bullying is the worst possible thing that can happen to you anywhere. Bullying is when someone is being mean to you again and again. There are things you can do to stop bullying. You can tell a parent or teacher if you’re at school. People can bully in different ways. Some people bully on the internet by

messaging mean things. If it happens on the internet it is called cyberbullying. Bullying is very bad!” ~ Hudson N

“Stand up for people that are getting bullied. Help people up if they are hurt or pushed over. Don’t join in with people that are mean. Always do something when somebody is bullying you.”

~ Sophia G

Page 5: Dalmain Primary School  · PP Lucy J, Kobe N TA 5 Finn H, Jasmine P, Elissa M ART Emily S (Yr 1), Matilda

Many thanks to last week’s canteen helpers:

Kaye James, Rebecca Horsey, Kylie Wild, Nathalie Watson, Susan Hogan, Megan Kummerow, Jo Rochfort,

Courtney Burgess & Anna Richards

Thank you very much to Julie Morris for generously sharing her culinary delights!

Volunteer Roster

Week 8 - TA 3

Head online to SignUp:

Any extra help welcome!

Barbie - 0428 850 191 or Anna - 0411 406 554

Session Times - Orders: 8.30am - 9.30am Recess: 10.30am - 11.30am Lunch: 12.00pm - 1.00pm

Dalmain Delights Café Proud sponsors of the weekly ‘Nude Food’ winners

Out of bread?

Cheese Toasties - $3

Available Wed-Fri

In Term Swimming Lessons Credit

Due to a power shortage at the Balga Leisure Centre last week, the swimming lessons for Classes PP, TA1, TA2, TA3, TA5, TA6, TA7 and TA8 were cancelled.

All participating students in these classes are now entitled and will receive a credit for the cost of the pool entry for that day of $2.90. This will be processed as a credit and will be used towards future charged activities.

Pre-Primary Hospital Incursion Postponed

Due to the COVID-19 Virus and following instructions by the Department of Education, this incursion has now been postponed. We are hoping to re-schedule this event later in the year.

Payments already made by parents will remain paid against this incursion on your child’s record but should this event not go ahead payment of $5.00 will also be processed as a credit on participating student records.

Many thanks, Lynda Dilena Manager Corporate Service

Page 6: Dalmain Primary School  · PP Lucy J, Kobe N TA 5 Finn H, Jasmine P, Elissa M ART Emily S (Yr 1), Matilda

Mark your calendar!

Dalmain P&C News

Week 7 has brought about a lot of changes in our wider community and our Dalmain Community. As you would have seen on Flexibuzz early this week, the P&C took on-board the current advice and decided the responsible course of action would be to postpone the Sundowner that was scheduled for 27 March.

Although this is disappointing, the event will go ahead when the situation has changed and it is safe for our community to gather.

On a brighter note the hot cross bun fundraiser and the Easter Raffle are going ahead at this stage. If you have any items to donate to the raffle please bring it to the office. Make sure you bring your envelopes with your money and raffle tickets to the box in the office. You need to be in it to win it!

The hot cross bun notes will be sent home this week. Orders with money can be placed in the P&C box in the office by Friday 3 April. Orders will be delivered on Tuesday 7 April. This year, Bakers Delight Kingsley has also provided us with colouring-in for the students. Once these have been completed, please return them to the Kingsley Baker’s Delight store and your child will receive a free hot cross bun.

Thank you for continuing to support Dalmain P&C we really appreciate it. Please stay safe and help out a neighbour or fellow Dalmain family where you can.

Page 7: Dalmain Primary School  · PP Lucy J, Kobe N TA 5 Finn H, Jasmine P, Elissa M ART Emily S (Yr 1), Matilda

Order forms will be coming home this week. Once again we are

teaming up with Baker’s Delight Kingsley.

$2 from every pack sold will go to Dalmain. Fresh hot cross buns will be

delivered to school on Tuesday 7 April.

This year, Baker’s Delight has supplied a colouring-in for each child.

When your child returns this to the Kingsley store, they will receive a

FREE hot cross bun!

We are looking for a volunteer from our community to lead the project for our

school with a group of volunteers.

If you are interested and would like to find out more visit the website below

or email Courtney: [email protected]

P&C Message Regarding Novel Coronavirus 2019 (nCoV)

Due to the recent outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus 2019‐nCoV the Dalmain Primary School P&C Association Inc has a focus on preventative measures to avoid the spread of the Novel Coronavirus 2019‐nCoV. As always, the health and well‐being of our children, parents and our surrounding community is our top priority.

For that reason, we have decided to cancel the upcoming General Meeting which was scheduled for 1 April 2020 7:00pm. The meeting will be rescheduled to a later date as appropriate. All other events which have been planned for the year 2020 will be reviewed on a case by case basis as we go forward. For updates on the planned events and their status, please carefully check our weekly issued newsletter.

Together with the school we are closely monitoring the situation to ensure the appropriate health and safety measures are being adhered to. We are aware of the importance of keeping up to date with the most recent information and advice from the Department of Health and the Department of Education and operating accordingly. Regularly updated information and advice relating to COVID-19 can be found at:

If you have any questions in regards to this communication, please don’t hesitate to contact me under [email protected].

Sabine Steegmann P&C President

Page 8: Dalmain Primary School  · PP Lucy J, Kobe N TA 5 Finn H, Jasmine P, Elissa M ART Emily S (Yr 1), Matilda

Learning from Home Resources

HEALTH & WELL BEING Smiling Minds – APP (All students and families)

ENGLISH Phonics Play - Kindy to Year 2 Sound Waves - Year 3 to Year 6 students have password access Suessville

Storyline Online - Kindy to Year 6

MATHS Prodigy – Year 2 to Year 6 students have password access Funbrain – Maths Zone K to Year 6 Cool Maths 4 Kids PP to Year 6 Maths is fun Year 4 to Year 6

CROSS CURICULAR Go Noodle Scholastics learn at Home: Kindy to Year 6+ ABC Kids – Online lessons Kindy to Year 6+

ABC Education!/home

Page 9: Dalmain Primary School  · PP Lucy J, Kobe N TA 5 Finn H, Jasmine P, Elissa M ART Emily S (Yr 1), Matilda

Learning from Home

Other ideas to do with your children

Bake cookies for the neighbours - or your family.

Explore nature and go geocaching.

Act out your child's favourite book.

Make lanyard key chains.

Visit an interactive museum.

Have a catch in a local park or the backyard.

Play Simon Says - an oldie, but goodie.

Put together a jigsaw puzzle.

Create papier-mâché.

Make homemade play dough.

Follow a no-bake recipe.

Plan a scavenger hunt.

Construct an indoor obstacle course.

Choreograph a dance routine.

Explore small areas of nature with a magnifying glass.

Experiment with science. Make a papier-mâché volcano and mix baking soda and vinegar for an explosive reaction!

Learn a new card game.

Host a tea party.

Partake in brainteasers, such as Sudoku, crossword puzzles and word searches.

Teach kids to hula hoop.

Jump rope.

Rearrange your child's bedroom.

Make up a secret language.

Count and roll loose change lying around the house.

Start a mini garden.

Give the family pet a bath.

Learn magic tricks.

Run relay races.

Make up a fun song about the family (My name is Jim and I like to swim, my sisters name is Cate and she likes to skate, etc).

Write a letter to someone special (Grandma, Santa, the Tooth Fairy, your child's favourite athlete, etc.) then mail it.

Research popular constellations. At night, head outdoors to spot natures bountiful creations.

Learn origami.

Try to replicate a famous painting.

Learn the alphabet in Sign language.

Pick flowers (from your own garden, of course) and create a flower arrangement for the dining room table.

Practice cartwheels, somersaults and handstands in the backyard

Memorise all 50 state capitals.

Practice manners by pretending to go out to a fancy restaurant (at your own kitchen table).

Write a haiku poem.

Make an eye-spy scavenger hunt (something shiny and blue, something round that makes noise, something clear, etc.).

Play Hot Potato - use anything from a bean bag to a bar of soap.

Page 10: Dalmain Primary School  · PP Lucy J, Kobe N TA 5 Finn H, Jasmine P, Elissa M ART Emily S (Yr 1), Matilda
Page 11: Dalmain Primary School  · PP Lucy J, Kobe N TA 5 Finn H, Jasmine P, Elissa M ART Emily S (Yr 1), Matilda

Halidon Dental Therapy Centre

Dalmain Primary School students will now be seen at Halidon Dental Therapy Centre rather than Greenwood Dental Therapy


The clinic is situated at:

Halidon Primary School 38 Halidon St Kingsley - Ph: 9409 6362

Before/After School & Vacation Care

Care for Kids provide care at Dalmain Primary School in a fun and stimulating environment.

With qualified and experienced staff, the service is Accredited by NCAC.

Phone: 9309 2300 Or pop into undercover area [email protected]

School Banking Postponed Until Term 2

The health, safety and wellbeing of our communities and

our people is our first priority. Due to the rapidly developing

situation with coronavirus, School Banking has been

temporarily paused from 20 March 2020 until the start of

Term 2.

Please don’t bring your deposit book with your weekly

banking into school and we will notify you when banking

will recommence.
