TUGAS TRANSLATE FISIKA KUANTUM English hal 151 Boron has electronic configuration of 1s22s22p1. The 2p electron may be described by 6 sets of quantum numbers corresponding to 6 states of equal energy. Carbon has 6 electrons and the 2p electrons are such that they occupy different orbitals with unpaired spins (↑↑). hal 152 Hund’s Rule: When an atom has orbitals of equal energy, the order in which they are filled by electrons is such that a maximum number of electrons have unpaired spins. Exceptions to the rule occur in elements having subshells close to being filled or half-filled. hal 153 The Exclusion Principle can be illustrated as follows : Figure 47: The filling of electronic states must obey both the exclusion principle and the Hund’s rule. hal 154

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TUGAS TRANSLATE FISIKA KUANTUMEnglishhal 151Boron has electronic configuration of 1s22s22p1. The 2p electron may be described by 6 sets of quantum numbers corresponding to 6 states of equal energy.Carbon has 6 electrons and the 2p electrons are such that they occupy different orbitals with unpaired spins (↑↑).

hal 152Hund’s Rule: When an atom has orbitals of equal energy, the order in which they are filled by electrons is such that a maximum number of electrons have unpaired spins.Exceptions to the rule occur in elements having subshells close to being filled or half-filled.

hal 153The Exclusion Principle can be illustrated as follows :

Figure 47: The filling of electronic states must obey both the exclusion principle and the Hund’s rule.hal 154

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atomic mass is average over abundances of stable isotopes. For radioactive elements other than uranium and thorium, mass is in parentheses and is that of the most stable important (in availability, etc.) isotope,An alphabetical list of the elements is given in Appendix D.hal 155Elements in periodic table are arranged so that those in a column have similar chemical properties.He (helium, Z=2): 1s2 (first shell filled)Ne (neon, Z=10): 1s22s22p6 second (shell filled)Ar (argon, Z=18): 1s22s22p63s23p6 (subshell filled)Kr (krypton, Z=36):1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p6 (subshell filled)Xe (xenon, Z=54): 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p64d105s25p6 (subshell filled)

hal 156Topic Eleven: Lasers and Laser Light

LASER means Light Amplification for Simulated Emission of Radiation.

Laser light is an intense, concentrated, and highly parallel beam of coherent light.Laser is the outgrowth of MASER, a similar device used in microwaves instead of visible light.In 1960, the first laser was built by T. H. Maiman of the Hughes Aircraft Company Laboratories.

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Bahasa IndonesiaHal 151

Boron memiliki konfigurasi elektronik 1s22s22p1. Elektron 2p dapat dijelaskan oleh 6 set bilangan kuantum yang sesuai dengan 6 negara bagian energi yang sama.

Karbon memiliki 6 elektron dan elektron 2p sedemikian rupa sehingga mereka menempati orbital yang berbeda dengan berputar berpasangan (↑ ↑).

Hal 152

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Aturan Hund: Bila atom memiliki energi orbital yang sama, urutan di mana mereka diisi oleh elektron adalah seperti bahwa jumlah maksimum elektron memiliki spin berpasangan. Pengecualian terjadi pada unsur-unsur yang memiliki subshells dekat untuk menjadi penuh atau setengah penuh.

Hal 153 Prinsip Pengecualian dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut:

Gambar 47: Pengisian negara elektronik harus mematuhi kedua prinsip pengecualian dan aturan Hund.

Hal 154 massa atom rata-rata lebih dari kelimpahan isotop stabil. Untuk unsur-unsur radioaktif lainnya dari uranium dan thorium, massal adalah dalam kurung dan adalah isotop yang paling stabil penting (dalam ketersediaan, dll),Adalah daftar unsur-unsur yang diberikan dalam Lampiran D.

Hal 155 Unsur dalam tabel periodik disusun sehingga mereka dalam kolom memiliki sifat kimia yang mirip. Dia (helium, Z = 2): 1s2 (shell pertama diisi) Ne (neon, Z = 10): 1s22s22p6 kedua (shell diisi) Ar (argon, Z = 18): 1s22s22p63s23p6 (subkulit diisi) Kr (kripton, Z = 36): 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p6 (subkulit diisi) Xe (xenon, Z = 54): 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p64d105s25p6 (subkulit diisi)

Hal 156 Sebelas Topik: Laser dan Light Laser

LASER berarti Amplifikasi Light untuk Simulasi Emisi Radiasi.

Sinar laser balok intens, terkonsentrasi, dan sangat paralel cahaya koheren. Laser adalah hasil dari maser, perangkat serupa yang digunakan dalam microwave bukan cahaya tampak. Pada tahun 1960, laser pertama dibangun oleh TH Maiman dari Hughes Aircraft Company Laboratorium.