1 Trinity News Mission Statement Our mission is to proclaim the love of God, in Jesus, to all people Trinity Methodist Church, Rainsford Road Chelmsford CM1 2XB 01245 269079 Charity No: 1144617 [email protected] website: trinitymethodistchelmsford.org JUNE JULY

Trinity News · 2 FLOWERS FOR JUNE/JULY During June the flowers will be given by Music & Drama Group on 7th for their 50th Anniversary celebrations. Liz Tiplin on the 14th, Joan Sable

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Page 1: Trinity News · 2 FLOWERS FOR JUNE/JULY During June the flowers will be given by Music & Drama Group on 7th for their 50th Anniversary celebrations. Liz Tiplin on the 14th, Joan Sable


Trinity News

Mission Statement Our mission is to proclaim the love of God,

in Jesus, to all people

Trinity Methodist Church, Rainsford Road Chelmsford CM1 2XB

01245 269079 Charity No: 1144617

[email protected] website: trinitymethodistchelmsford.org



Page 2: Trinity News · 2 FLOWERS FOR JUNE/JULY During June the flowers will be given by Music & Drama Group on 7th for their 50th Anniversary celebrations. Liz Tiplin on the 14th, Joan Sable


FLOWERS FOR JUNE/JULY During June the flowers will be given by Music & Drama Group on 7th for their 50th Anniversary celebrations. Liz Tiplin on the 14th, Joan Sable on the 21st and June Franzen on the 28th. For July they will be given by John Parkinson on the 5th, Rev. Viv on the 12th, John, Annie & Sam Chandler on the 19th and Judi Mari on the 26th.

A message from Hazel Hallam & Family

We would like to thank everyone for all the cards, flowers and kind thoughts sent, following the loss of Bill. We would also like to thank all those who helped during, contributed food or attended Bill’s funeral.

We very much appreciate all the love and support we have received from our friends at Trinity. Kindest regards, Alison

************************ From Anthea Tayler : Thank you to the Church family for all the cards, kind words and many hugs on the death of her Dad (John Smoothy)

*********************** To Viv and all my numerous friends, I thank you sincerely for all your love and care, for all your time and prayer expressed in such a variety of ways to myself and family during these past few months. Your support has been, and still is, beyond measure. Thank you, God bless you all. Joy Duke

We welcome Anna Tayler who was baptised on 19th April into the church family, also baby Anna Boden daughter of Natasha Hind and

Martyn Boden baptised on 24th May

Shania Sutil who has taken the next step in her church life, was confirmed on Sunday 19th April

to Doris Ketley on receiving the Silver Acorn Award in recognition of her services to Scouting.

Page 3: Trinity News · 2 FLOWERS FOR JUNE/JULY During June the flowers will be given by Music & Drama Group on 7th for their 50th Anniversary celebrations. Liz Tiplin on the 14th, Joan Sable


From the Manse……………

Dear Friends,

Seven years ago I received an e-mail from Marjorie Hayman asking me to write a letter for Trinity News. The idea was to introduce myself , give a few details about my background and share some of my hopes and dreams as I prepared to come and minister among you and with you.

Well, now I write my final letter from the Manse and I don’t need to tell you anything more about me; for you all know my funny little ways and I know yours.

We have rejoiced in the joys of our common life together and we have mourned and wept together in the dark and sad times. We have been family, the family of God in this place. We have watched our church grow and change as we have welcomed new worshippers and members from around the world along with those who have come to Chelmsford from around the British Isles. Each has brought with them their own gifting from God.

Now it is time for me to move on and “Sit Down” but I thank God, with all my heart for the wonderful, faithful people of Trinity who offer a warm and friendly welcome to all who cross the threshold of this building. You are involved in the life of the community in so many different ways – don’t ever stop being church in the community.

Thank you all for just being TRINITY, I will never forget you and you will always have a special place in my heart.

I know you will welcome and love and support Rev’d Mike Lewis and Pam as you welcomed me. He is God’s gift to you and you are God’s gift to him.

Cherish the gift.

Philippians 1:3-5

Love, peace and joy,


Page 4: Trinity News · 2 FLOWERS FOR JUNE/JULY During June the flowers will be given by Music & Drama Group on 7th for their 50th Anniversary celebrations. Liz Tiplin on the 14th, Joan Sable


Bill Hallam

Mr Hallam, William, Bill, Dad, Grandad, the guy walking the cute dog down the park. However you knew him, he would be humbled to see you all here today. He would also be annoyed that this event is even taking place as he was sure he would live for ever.

He was born in Longton, near Stoke on Trent in 1936, the son of a master potter. On his first day at school he walked home at morning break time to pro-claim he had been to school and did not need to go any more. He was quite a handful at home sometimes, once charging down the yard with broom in hand to be let back in and going straight through a window. The gas mantles at his aunt’s house were not safe from his aim either! A few years later Bill managed to carry out his national service in the RAF without seeing a single aeroplane. Instead he used his financial mind in the pay office.

Bill and Hazel married in 1960 and later together produced two beautiful daughters.

Bill enjoyed a full career working for the Nat West Bank, rising through the ranks to be manager at various branches across the Midlands. The family moved to Chelmsford in 1979 when his job took him to work in central London in the then tallest building in London, the Nat West Tower. Bill used his ac-countancy skills outside of his professional life as well. He worked diligently as Church Treasurer here at Trinity for many years and also acted as Circuit Treas-urer. He even finished auditing a churches accounts the day before he fell ill.

After his retirement he was asked to be a Governor at the Haywards Special Needs School. We found a letter confirming his appointment for a four year term. Some 18 years later he was still a very active Governor at what is now the Columbus School and College having been Chair of Governor for a number of years, Bill continued to serve after his stint as Chair had finished. He was even nominated in the School Governor of the Year Awards a few years ago. Some-times he seemed to work longer and harder after he retired.

He once explained his perfect filing system for the paperwork on his desk. The documents were arranged into piles with the most urgent on the left, going to least important on the right. The process then was to simply do nothing. Once a week the piles were then moved one place right with the oldest and least im-portant stuff falling into the bin! As he said, “it’s amazing how in a busy world, somethings we think are urgent are not important at all, it’s just the little things that count”. continued on next page

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Bill Hallam continued……

Bill was a very precise man, he always took great care in his appearance. Many of the older gentleman here may have been jealous of his full head of dark hair, and no, before you ask, it was not dyed!

An example of how precise he could be was, he was once found prior to going away on holiday with freshly washed laces from his white training shoes in one hand and the iron in the other. And yes they did look perfect when he had fin-ished. Mind you the family had a lucky escape once in Portugal, Bill kept going back to a small shop that had a pair of bright red trousers in the window. Those that were with him heaved a sigh of relief when they got back to England without him having bought them! However Bill never forgot them and was still keeping his eye open in case he saw a suitable substitute pair, which became a standing joke with us all.

He was an avid reader of ‘Which’ magazine so whenever anyone was looking for anything from a new kettle to the best car insurance he was sure to have a back issue he could refer to, to give a recommendation. Bill was a Christian and dedicated family man, he was generous and was always there when needed. He was happy to offer advice and was not offended if that advice was not taken.

You could tell him anything in confidence and know it would go no further. De-spite a number of health issues in later life he never complained about them.

He loved all his family, and told Hazel he loved her every day. He also took great delight in teasing his grandchildren at every opportunity.

We are very grateful for all the cards and letters we have received in the last couple of weeks. One common theme running through them was that Bill was a true gentleman. We found one definition of “a gentleman” which sums up Bill very well:-

The Gentleman is always truthful and sincere; will not agree for the sake of complaisance or out of weakness; will not pass over that of which he disapproves. He has a clear soul, and a fearless, straightforward tongue. On the other hand he is not blunt and rude. His truth is courteous; his courtesy, truthful; never a humbug, yet where he truthfully can, he prefers to say pleasant things.

Bill will be greatly missed by all his family, friends and colleagues. He was truly loved and is irreplaceable.

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Farleigh Tea at Three Trinity Link

Friday 26th June 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm



When we don’t know what to say or do when someone is ill or bereaved, we often say “I will just send a card.” That card helps in more ways than one. CARDS ARE: Nice to receive and open the envelope to see who it is from. Help you realise all the friends who wish you well and are praying for

you. Brighten up your room and are lovely to keep looking at them Just by picking up and reading one or two gives you a lift. Gradually you get to know which to read depending on your mood and

thoughts. Each card IS special it is not JUST A CARD.

Meg Davies wishes to thank everyone for the many cards, texts, and phone calls she has received. They are appreciated during this long drawn out illness. Thank you very much. God Bless.


Page 7: Trinity News · 2 FLOWERS FOR JUNE/JULY During June the flowers will be given by Music & Drama Group on 7th for their 50th Anniversary celebrations. Liz Tiplin on the 14th, Joan Sable


Memories of Ted Joy Petts

I first met Ted when I was in my mid-teens, many years ago! I was a Sunday School teacher at the Methodist chapel in Southdown, Harpenden, and we had many children there. So anniversaries were grand occasions. Everybody dressed in their best clothes and wore buttonholes, and there was much singing and reciting and always a visiting preacher.

So down from North London came Edgar Duke and what an impact he made! All the girls fell in love with him and he was so popular that he was invited for a sec-ond and a third year. His preaching was memorable and I can even remember the theme on one occasion, “I cannot Lord too early take the Covenant divine”.

Because there was a shortage of preachers in the circuit and many small chapels Ted preached in other places too and always told the story of the dear elderly lady who invited him for tea. She made him her speciality seed cake which he hated but gallantly ate to please her. However, she invited him on a second occasion and once again presented him with seed cake because she said “He enjoyed it so much the last time”!

After David and I married and moved to Chelmsford we did not see Ted for some years, apart from when he was best man at a friend’s wedding in that same chapel.

And so starts the second chapter.

We attended the annual Carol Service one year and who should be in the congrega-tion but Ted, his lovely wife Joy, and their family. Unknown to us they had also moved to Chelmsford, but we didn’t get to know them properly for some time. It was only after our retirements that friendship really blossomed and we have been very close ever since. We enjoyed each others company so much that we holidayed together on cruise ships, twice to Norway as we knew that Ted loved the fjords and the mountains.

Over twenty years ago, Revd Hamer Savage twisted Ted’s arm to form the West Chelmsford house group. We have been going strong ever since even though sever-al of our members have “gone home”. Ted was a wonderful leader and we have had some very memorable discussions; nothing deep but very thoughtful. We knew that he was always ready to listen if any of us had any sort of problem. Ted knew his Bible and was a very accomplished local preacher. His prayers were very personal and thought provoking.

David and I have lost a true friend but we will help care for Joy as long as we are able. God bless you Ted. You have had a long and truly fulfilling Christian life. You will be greatly missed.

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FAMILY MEMORIES – EDGAR DUKE read at Ted’s funeral by his son Martin

In focussing on family memories, there are three key areas of his life that we can celebrate;

When we were growing up His work in the bank His love of cricket

A very vivid memory of the winter of 1963, with huge snow falls, is of Dad making the 2 to 3 mile trudge from the house in Bounds Green to Muswell Hill Methodist church to either steward or take part in the Sunday Morning service. Although only very young at the time, I remember his comments about there being not many people who had made it that morning – this was an example of his dedication – if he said he would do something – he WOULD do it.

As we grew up, we also remember the sporting firsts – The first football match Janet and I were taken to – Spurs v Northampton Town – at White Hart Lane The first F1 Grand Prix that Malcolm took him to at Donnington Park. All very happy memories Of his life in the bank - (He started at the bank the same day that Janet and I started school) Many may have a vision of a bank manager in the local branch – not dad – he was in the international division and travelled extensively, especially in Europe and South America. It was always exciting to welcome him home with the expectation of stories of his travels. From his travels in Ecuador, he told us of some foods that he had consumed (and possibly ‘enjoyed’) – this included Guinea Pig – at which point the guinea pig’s status was rapidly checked and the cage was locked with the key kept away from Dad; and goldfish – again, check the goldfish was alive and still in its bowl? Finally to cricket, where there are so many memories that I have to pick just a few. From playing to watching to commenting on cricket, this was a true love and passion. He took me to the Oval for what I said was my first ‘proper’ cricket match but at the same time was admonished for this comment as he said he played ‘proper’ cricket – its just that there were not as many people watching!! He loved Lancashire and I distinctly remember in August 1966 when England played West Indies at the Oval with England 399-9 with Ken Higgs and John Snow the last two in. Instead of staying in the car listening to Test Match Special, he thought it not worth the wait to hear our final wicket go down so he walked with us in the Sussex Downs

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Arriving back at the car, he turned the radio on and uttered a word or phrase that as an 11 year old I had never heard before when he heard that they had put on 128 for the last wicket – it certainly helped my education, but was told not to say anything to mum!! There was many a time in recent years when I would call him and he was often disappointed that it was me on the phone – he would explain that due to the dismal display of the England Cricket team, he thought it would be the chair-man of England selectors asking if he was able to fly out to Australia, West In-dies or wherever at short notice to play for England – and he would have gone!! I think that Geoffrey Boycott must have used dad as a mentor and writer for his comments, especially during the 74/75 ashes series in Australia. The number of times I rang him and he was castigating the England team saying that they were so bad, even girls were able to beat them. Somewhat confused, I would ask for clarification and I was informed that he heard on the radio that yet again, England were bowled out for under 150 by “Lillian Thomson”. As a final tribute to dad, I have amended the words of a prayer, so please forgive me……..

Our Father, who loved his cricket, Hallowed be the lords turf

Thy will: win the Toss, Thy will: bat first

In Heaven as you did on earth Give us this day our great British cricket tea

And forgive us for not walking (when we nicked it to the keeper and the umpire did not raise his finger)

As we forgive those who did not walk against us (even tho’ we all knew they nicked it)

And lead us not into the pavilion (until we have scored at least a century) But deliver us 10 wickets of the opposition

For you were the greatest The inspiration to us all

For ever and ever Amen

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. Letter from Chelmsford Foodbank

Hi Viv I hope you are well.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and Trinity for the hospitality which you have extended to Foodbank since our rapid eviction from the Waterfront last October. You have been most kind and generous in allowing us to use your space and flexible as we have settled in. We are very grateful. It was because of this generosity that despite our huge move we were able to offer an unbroken service to our clients over that period. Trinity has always been a very valued supporter of Foodbank and its heart for serving the wider church and the poor is so evident. We have benefited incredibly from this over the last 6 months or so.

As you know, this arrangement was originally supposed to be a short term one and we have been looking into finding premises which are more suitable for the needs of Foodbank. To this end, we have been talking to Mark Parrott at Grove Road Evangelical Church and feel it is right that we move two of our sessions currently running at Trinity to GREC. The Church in Grove Road is all on the ground floor and there is significant space which we can use for storage. Therefore, we plan, from July 1st, to run our Wednesday and Friday morning sessions from there but to retain one session at Trinity on a Monday. Trinity is an excellent location in terms of its proximity to the CAB, Chelmsford City Housing, bus station etc. and so hoped that it would be suitable for us to still hold this one session there a week. This will reduce the amount of stock we need to store (and therefore the use of the lift!). Carol is happy to continue to oversee this session in her role as centre manager.

I hope this is all OK with you. Please feel free to let me know of any concerns

Thank you again, Ruth

Chelmsford Foodbank can be contacted by:Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01245 790769 Post: Chelmsford Foodbank, Unit 9, Beehive Lane Business Centre, Chelmsford, CM1 9TE Web: www.chelmsford.foodbank.org.uk

Food donations can be delivered to our warehouse at Unit 9 Beehive Lane Business Centre during opening hours which are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00-12:30. Times may vary on Bank Holidays and during holiday periods so it is advisable to call ahead. For details of our other collection points and items currently needed, please visit our website: http://chelmsford.foodbank.org.uk/news-events?newsid=30192.

Chelmsford Foodbank is overseen by Oasis Chelmsford Ltd, a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England number: 7685257. Registered charity number: 1144804.

Page 11: Trinity News · 2 FLOWERS FOR JUNE/JULY During June the flowers will be given by Music & Drama Group on 7th for their 50th Anniversary celebrations. Liz Tiplin on the 14th, Joan Sable





Aquila Music Trust – www.johnglynn.org.uk and

Christ Church URC Chelmsford, present

John Glynn (Christian singer/songwriter)

& Aquila in concert.

Enjoy beautiful Psalms and Songs of Hope and Trust

including the world famous

“I Watch the Sunrise”.

The venue is Christ Church URC, 164 New London Road,

Chelmsford, CM2 0AW.

Admission is free with a voluntary collection for


CDs and songbooks will be on sale.

Refreshments will be available.


The Rota of volunteers for Singles Lunches for 2015 has now been prepared. This is a very valuable service which is greatly appreciated by those who stay to enjoy their Sunday lunch with friends once a month. If you think you can help or maybe offer to assist others on any of the lunch dates, or would like to know more about what is involved, I would be very pleased to hear from you. Please think about this. Don’t forget we have a shiny new kitchen to work in too! Jenne Essam 01245 461187. If I am not available please leave your name and number on my answerphone and I will get back to you, or my Mobile Number is 07739260389. Thank you.

Page 12: Trinity News · 2 FLOWERS FOR JUNE/JULY During June the flowers will be given by Music & Drama Group on 7th for their 50th Anniversary celebrations. Liz Tiplin on the 14th, Joan Sable


Easter Sunday Meg Davies

This Easter Sunday I was staying at my daughter Sheila’s in Rushden, Northhampton and attended the very old Parish Church St Mary’s standing tall and majestic on the corner of a busy ring road isolated on its own island with traffic rushing all round in the centre of Rushden.

There had already been two services, a watch the dawn rise and an 8am communion. Now, at 10. 30am, the monthly All Age Worship. On entering the church the usual old pews nave and chancel no alterations, (outside modern rooms and facilities had been built.)

What a hive of industry! People setting up guitar stands in one corner boxes of instruments, flags to wave being taken down to the chancel steps. Children running round, toddlers, babies sleeping on father’s laps. All obviously at home in the church filling it with greetings and joy

All the modern electrical equipment has been installed. A large screen in front of the chancel steps to show the hymns etc. When the vicar had all the children up to sit on the steps to chat, their faces and talking was all visible to all. A lovely idea.

During the hymns the children rushed up to use musical instruments wave flags or join the guitarists with their red plastic guitar’s. A toddler kept wandering up and down the aisle eating a banana. During the first hymn Jesus Christ is Risen Today all the choir and clergy processed up the aisle to the other side of the screen in the choir stalls. I presume that the choir were able to see the screen from their side.

The Sermon was on the screen as required . An exciting end to a film was shown with - to be continued ….! Christ is Risen - to be continued Death is Risen - to be continued Life is Risen -to be continued

Then the whole church joined in the communion going up to the altar to all the clergy serving.

The Service ended with Thine Be the glory Risen Conquering Son. A truly inspiring and memorable experience.

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Page 15: Trinity News · 2 FLOWERS FOR JUNE/JULY During June the flowers will be given by Music & Drama Group on 7th for their 50th Anniversary celebrations. Liz Tiplin on the 14th, Joan Sable


Bradwell Pilgrimage 2014


Preparations have been launched for this year’s Christian Pilgrimage at Bradwell-on-Sea, in Essex on July 4th.

Bradwell villagers will be preparing to welcome the annual influx of hundreds of people from churches across London and the Home Counties.

For 2015 the Pilgrimage has returned to its traditional time of the first Saturday in July and the keynote speaker this year will be Canon Michael Mitton, an influential speaker and Christian author. Canon Mitton has a ministry in the Derby area and is the Fresh Expressions advisor for the diocese of Derby. He is also an honorary Canon of Derby Cathedral. Acting chair of the Bradwell Pilgrimage Committee, the Revd. Brigid Main, said: “We are very pleased to have such an inspirational speaker at this year’s Pilgrimage.”

The Pilgrimage has a very-apt theme of “Generous Welcome” because for more than three decades Bradwell residents have afforded a warm welcome to their annual visitors. The event almost doubles the village population for the day.

The Revd. Main added: “There is always a buzz around the village on the day of the Pilgrimage and a lot of local people put a great deal of effort into the welcome they give.”

This year’s event is dedicated to being a family day out for people from all branches of the Christian faith. There will be activities for young children through to teenagers and acts of worship for all ages.

The centrepiece for the Pilgrimage is the ancient chapel of St Peter on the Wall, built in the 7th century by Saint Cedd as he brought Christianity to Saxon Essex. The ancient structure will provide a place for quiet prayer and reflection on the day. The chapel field and the nearby Othona Christian Community will be the venues for a full afternoon of activities and worship.

For further information contact: Graham Lowing on 01621 776832

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Hymn for distraught directors

Immoral, impossible, god only knows How tenors and basses, sopranos, altos

At service on Sunday are rarely the same As those who on Friday to choir practice came.

Unready, unable to sight read the notes

Nor counting, nor blending, they tighten their throats The descant so piercing is soaring above,

A melody only a mother could love.

They have a director, but one wonders why: No one in the choir ever turns her an eye

It’s clear by her flailing, she wants them to look But each singer slouches with nose in the book.

Despite the offences, the music rings out,

The folks in the pews are enraptured, no doubt. Their faces are blissful, their thoughts appear deep,

But is it no wonder, for they are asleep!

( To the tune of “ Immortal, Invisible )

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Six Scouts and four Leaders completed The Troop’s annual 24 Hour Sponsored Marathon at Easter, slightly different this year as the challenge was to complete 24 activities in the 24 hours.

Starting away from Trinity, due to Food Bank using The Hall, we visited the Quaker Burial Ground in Broomfield Road where there are a number of geo-cache to be found on the gravestones and plaques, each providing a clue as to the location of the final answer, which was to be found in one of the side roads off Rainsford Road. The final cache was in a tree trunk in a sealed plastic container which unfortunately was full of water! We then went to West Park Pitch & Putt for a round of nine holes and Crazy Golf, well most of it was crazy if truth be known!

Returning to Trinity via Central Park, the Scouts made pizza dough and with a variety of toppings each made a pizza of their choice for lunch and jolly good they were too, we even had a gluten free one.

With four activities sorted, the Scouts then played a very strange version of Monopoly, where nothing was recognisable to the traditionalist and made things very difficult. This was followed by a badminton tournament, then table tennis, twister and some more sedate card games and patience. Cake baking followed and whilst that was cooking, there was a Beetle Drive, which they all surprisingly really enjoyed. Indoor cricket followed to get us half way there.

Some very flat cakes, we are blaming the gluten free, were devoured before the activities continued with a cardboard box game which favoured those nearer the ground and then darts, some even managed to hit the board but I am sure they are ready fro Frimley Green just yet!

As it was Easter we had to have The Chocolate Game, where after throwing a double with two dice, you have the opportunity to eat some chocolate, providing you have managed to don the required clothes and gloves first. It is surprising how often one double follows another.

Volleyball followed and then Pass the Parcel where challenges has been concealed within the parcel and then Castles which the Scouts enjoy most weeks. That made eighteen. Shove H’apenny was not universally enjoyed but that was made up for by football and dodge ball. continued over …..

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continued…….. It was then I-Spy for a while before French Cricket and finally Sleeping Giants, during which at least two fell asleep on the floor whilst their parents waited for 9.00 o’clock to arrive and to take them home. That apart all stayed awake for the duration. The younger sister of one of the Scouts joined us for the last hour and enjoyed it so much she has now joined The Troop! We hoped to have raised over £350-00, which will be donated to a charity to be chosen by the Scout raising the most sponsorship.

David Fenton Group Scout Leader


Suzanne Ball, who has been Cub Scout Leader with The Group since Gwen Hudson left in 2002 was awarded The Silver Acorn at the St Georges Day Service, held at The Cathedral. This is only awarded after a minimum of 20 years service and which is deemed to be ‘specially distinguished and appreciably better than outstanding’. So many congratulations to Suzanne, who I believe I am correct in saying is the first Leader from the 14th to be recognised in this way. In addition to her role with the 14th, Suzanne has held the District role of Deputy District Commissioner for Youth Programme for a number of years and has now taken on a different role as Assistant District Commissioner for Cub Scouts.

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Extract from letter received from

‘On behalf of everyone in Community Partnership Fundraising and Action for Children, thank you very much for everything you and your Church do in helping make the lives of children better. With your help, £1.5 million has been directly raised and donated by Methodist supporters over the last twelve months; a truly outstanding contribution and one we never take for granted, thank you……….’

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Events during June

Week commencing June 1st

Wednesday 3rd 7.45pm Ladies’ Group - Member’s Evening

‘Favourite Poems or Readings’

Friday 5th 12 noon Lunches in the Link Week commencing June 8th

Wednesday 10th 7.45pm Ladies’ Group - Afternoon visit to

Perrywoods Garden Centre

Thursday 11th 2.30pm Women’s Fellowship

“The Toilet Twinning Project” - Rev Sue King

Saturday 13th 2.00pm Strawberry Tea at The Manse

Week commencing June 15th

Wednesday 17th 7.45pm Ladies’ Group - Pat Gilbey

My Titanic Connection

Thursday 18th 12 noon Christian Aid lunch in the Link

8.00pm Writtle House group at 19 Purcell Cole Rev Viv Gasteen

Friday 19th 7.00pm Friday Club

Saturday 20th 8.00am Prayer Breakfast

Church Family Day at Maldon

Sunday 21st 12.45 pm Singles Lunch hosted by Frances and Philip Couch

Week commencing June 22nd Tuesday 23rd 7.00pm Pastoral Visitors BBQ

Wednesday 24th 7.45pm Ladies’ Group - Strawberries at Jan’s

Thursday 25th 2.30pm Women’s Fellowship AGM -

Rev Viv Gasteen Week commencing June 29th Monday 29th 8.00pm Admirals House group

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Closing Date for August/September Edition of Trinity News

8th July for publication on 26th July Articles to be sent to the Church Office

or put a hard copy into the folder in the vestibule. Church email;


Events during July Wednesday 1st 7.45pm Ladies Group - Communion Rev Viv

Friday 3rd 12 noon Lunches in the Link

Week commencing July 6th

Tuesday 7th 12.30pm Women’s Luncheon Club - Visit

Wednesday 8th 7.45pm Ladies’ Group -

Annual General Meeting

Thursday 9th 2.30pm Women’s Fellowship - Afternoon Tea and

Bring and Buy for MWiB

7.45pm Men’s Supper Club - Lord Rosser

A Day in the Lords Saturday 11th 3.00pm Circuit Farewell to Rev Viv Gasteen Week commencing July 13th

Wednesday 15th 8/7.45pm Ladies’ Group - Summer Supper

Thursday 16th 12 noon Christian Aid lunch in the Link 8.00pm Writtle House Group at 98 Long Brandocks

Friday 17th 7.00pm Friday Club

Sunday 19th 12.45pm Singles lunch with Phil and Jan Roberts

Week commencing July 20th Thursday 23rd July Viv’s moving day

Week commencing July 27th Monday 27th 8.00pm Admirals House group

Page 22: Trinity News · 2 FLOWERS FOR JUNE/JULY During June the flowers will be given by Music & Drama Group on 7th for their 50th Anniversary celebrations. Liz Tiplin on the 14th, Joan Sable


Services for June Sunday 7th 9.00am - 11.30am Sunday Special

6.30pm No service Sunday 14th 9.00am Worship with Holy Communion led by Rev Viv Gasteen 10.30am Worship led by Mrs Glenda Griffin

6.30pm No service Sunday 21st 9.00am No service 10.30am Worship with Holy Communion led by Rev Viv Gasteen 6.30pm No service Sunday 28th 9.00am No service

10.30am Worship led by Mrs Maureen Crilley

6.30pm Worship led by Rev Viv Gasteen


Edition Closing Date Publication Date

August/September 8th July 26th July

October/November 9th September 27th September

December/January 11th November 29th November

Page 23: Trinity News · 2 FLOWERS FOR JUNE/JULY During June the flowers will be given by Music & Drama Group on 7th for their 50th Anniversary celebrations. Liz Tiplin on the 14th, Joan Sable


Services for July Sunday 5th 9.00am No service 10.30am Worship led by Rev Viv Gasteen and Music and Drama

6.30pm No service Saturday 11th 3.00pm Circuit Farewell to Rev Viv Gasteen

Sunday 12th 9.00am Worship led by Rev Viv Gasteen 10.30am Worship led by Mrs Gill Songer 6.30pm No service Sunday 19th 9.00am No service 10.30am Worship with Holy Communion led by Rev Viv Gasteen 6.30pm No service Sunday 26th 9.00am No service 10.30am Worship led by Mrs Kay Burton 6.30pm No service

Page 24: Trinity News · 2 FLOWERS FOR JUNE/JULY During June the flowers will be given by Music & Drama Group on 7th for their 50th Anniversary celebrations. Liz Tiplin on the 14th, Joan Sable