the evening star. BOW MT8 ARB MADE. As to* ghost manifestations at theatres are attacting a cou'id-rable .bar* or nttention juit row. the following description from the Am-Ti- can Journal of Photograph for August 15, will fcc interesting to our readers : On the raising of the curtain tor the gboet scene, the lights of the theatre were mostly ex- tinguiahed, the font-lights entirely, while the * tag* was dimly lighted from above and at the sides. A murderer starts up out of a troubled dream full of ugly, fearful sights, reads the passions to tatters, a la Bowery, when ghost pfo. l appears. This gnost is a simple skeleton which the murderer takes to be Death claiming him fur a victim, and of course the murderer begs to be excused, Ac. Death disappears, and shortly the ghost of a lady, deceased in a pre. vious act of the play, fully arranged in crino¬ line and jewels comes on the scene. This gaosi No. « talks, or course, In the manner of ghosts Ghost No. 3 takes the place of No. 2, in the form of the old miser who had been lately murdered, and displays his gaping wounds. Unaiiy *«. three ghoeta appear at toe same is reached, and the curtain tolls on the harrow¬ ing scene. The ladies ot the audience are all in terror, the gentlemen raise a loud encore, Out the curtain retuses to move. . n ¦ We proceed to give a more accurate deecrtp- tiun. The ghosts are of the normal sise oIia- ir.anltv, and their position on the stage is defi¬ nite! v'aeen. In sixe, form, color and action, ibey axe nearly like mortals. That they are not humau is, however, evident from the fait that they appear and disappear without moving lrom the spot where they stand. Moroever their bodies are impregnable, and sometimes objects behind them are seen through them; the murderer attacks them with his "trusty steel," eleaving them lrom head to heel without dis- turbicg them in the least. Our magic lantern and concave mirror theories melted away be¬ fore the facts we saw. The absence ot a screen, the life-size brilliantly illuminated, the natural movements of the lips, eves <J. JlKVfc.T'**" mcouBiewm wTin such explanations. We went away the first night qnite mystified: here were things which had not been dreamed of m our philosophy. We began to feel a sym¬ pathy tor those who said they smelt sulphur, and believed they had seen a genuine ghost. Spirit- rappiegs and table-iappins are only an awkward and distant approximation to the genuine ghost phenomena. Yet the manner of raising the ghost is ridicu¬ lously simple: a little judicious reflection and the thiug is accomplished. Thus: at the front of the stage there is erected a large sheet of plate glass inclined toward the audience, At an angle of about forty, five degrees with the floor. This glass is invisible to the audience, and it does not obstruct the view of objects behind it. In front ol the glass and under its inclination there is an opening in the floor of the stage, at which the person who acta the ghost is plaeed. Now, when the light is turned on this actor, the image of him is seen by reflection from the glass: the plate glass acts like a looking glass. Nothing in visible to the spectators but the im¬ age, and by varying the position of the actor the image or gboet Is brought to any spot de¬ sired; is made to advance, recede, etc; and by Yarying the intensity, color and position of the light, ot her interesting effects are obtained. This explanation will probably be sufficient to ena¬ ble any of our readers, If so disposed, to get np h ghost lof their private use. Coming down Broadway now, every day we see the ghosts of houses, stages, and people, in all the store win¬ dows. J7*Life in Richmond is rapid. A local paper savs if the gambling and drinking go on as at present tor two years, Richmond will be all faro banks up stairs, and all bar rooms on the first floor, and every body in town a king ot dismonds or a knight or the order of rum- punch. ¦7*The New York Post says capital is abun¬ dant. The merchants are making very little paper, and instead of the commission bouses having, as usual at this time of the year, a full portfolio of bills receivable, they have scarcely «hy on hand. .7* A young English Lord, who came over in a late steamer, waa arrested for robbing a fellow passenger of a draft on the bank of Eng¬ land Cor 9300. The draft waa found in bis lordships trunk. .7"Tbe heirs of John Hancock will present the original portrait by Copley, of tbefr illus¬ trious ancestor, to the city of Philadelphia, with the proviso that it be placed in indepen¬ dence Ball. CTAn astronomical sensation is reported in England, viz : that a figure of the cross was recently observed upon the moon. Was it like the elephant seen by the Berlinois.a Ilea on the telescope I VTbe shoals ol Portsmouth, N. H., are ODtirrtnine structure and situation, and the tides do not rise relatively as high on Gosport as former¬ ly- WT Among the prisoners captured by the French in Mexico was a woman who held the rank of a lieutenant colonel, and had been in active service for a long while. ¦ysimmon?, the sculptor, has nearly com¬ pleted at Portland a statuette in clay of the late Gen Berry, of Rockland, for the family of the deceased hero. V A judge in London has decided that a loYer cannot have the aid of the law to recover pifts made to a lady while couiting her. 9T Senator Rice is seriously ill at his home in St. Paul, Minn. Flash talk.scientific discussions about Lightning. CRAY EL E00F8! HOOFS! THE WILSON MANUFACTURING CO., (Successors to J. T. WALKER 4 BON J WASHINGTON. D. C., A>o PHILADELPHIA, PA. MAiurior^ititts or LAMP BLACK, ROOFING MATERIALS, AHD WILSON'S IMPROVED FIRE AND WATER PROOF FELT, CEMENT, AND GRAVEL OFFICE.Louisiana av nue, next door to the Bank of Washington. WOBE8.foot ot Twenty-second street vest, Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, Washington, and Thir¬ tieth and Hamilton streets, Philadelphia. H. 0. WIL80N, President. T. P. WILSON, Jr., Secretary. n. b.-pelt and cement fob bale, in large and small quantities, an orders through Post Offioe Box 534 punc¬ tually attended to. Bepairs to old Boob made promptly. All vork warranted. jy M-8m* ABBEY COLLINS A 00."8 PHILADELPHIA DRAUGHT ALE AND PORTER. 1 am now receiving large quantities of DRAUGHT ALB and POBTEB from this oelebrated Brewery, which I am prepared to furnish on short notioe to all persons vho will favor me with their orders. Satisfaction guarantied. Orders given to my drivers will be promptly at liodid to. good* delivered In all parts of Washington ana Georgetown, free of oharge Termsfiui m iiwei BILBT A. 6HINN, Agent, .Men Btttmi D*rot, »T Green stM ¦Of-tt Georgetown, D. O. TIBH-WANG, THE U REAT CHINESE BEMEUYfor GONORRHOEA, GLEET, 'Etc. One Box will PsaroHM a Cues 'Ingredients are purely vegetable. It is , pleasant to the taste, has no bad odor, and uay be carried in tfce rest pocket without fear of detection. Circulars free. Prioe 8' a box Bold by JOHN J KB'lMBB. successor to 8. C. Uphatn, 403 Chestnut st, Philadelphia, and in Washing ton by 8. 0. POfiD, M!*0 Penney I ran ia avenue. 8er»t by mail. 15-eoly t OP HAM'S PREMIUM TBUNK MANUVACTOBT «V9 Bstssth Bt., Wasbixqto*, D. 0. ¦liver Medai awarded by Maryland Institute of timore, November 7, lafifi. Also, Medal by Metropolitan Mechanic's Institute Washington, D. 0., 18». I am constantly making .and alwa' have od h&Qd, of tfee best mi- Ik* OOYBEBD and BBPAIBBB at "ksk" OFFICIAL, HliUQVAITIM PBOTOflT Mimbil, ) DUtrict of CoimmbU, lag. 17th. 1863. J TIM Board or EaroUmcntTor the Diitrtct of Colombia will moot at the City Hall* «rwy day, teem a a. m. to 6 p. m., until farther bo. tier, to examine cases of drafted men, either for exemption or aeoeptaaoo. Hikrt a. Scnw, an 17-tf Captain and Provoet MarehaL 1*7 AB DEPARTMENT, _ ** i »» Ajmdtiit OlIlUL^ Onion, Wasiiiotoi, Jaae 9,1M. I QmtraJ Ordtrt, N*. 1*. j The Adjutant General will provide aa anmri- ! ate medal of aoaor for the troop# who, after the expiration of tbetr term, have offered their eervioes to the Government in the preeeat emergency, aad also for the volaateer troop* from other States that have volunteered their service in the Btates of Peaarylvania and Marrlaad. Bp order of the Secretary of War. B. D. T0W1JSBND, je V Assistant Adjutant General j^BADQUABTBRSj DEPARTMENT OV WASH- Qtlet Ckitf Qmarttrwuuur, Mmv S3, 111. Duuii nt Aobioultubal Imnim, Gab- ota Basse, Ac., are reoaested to furnish thleofltoe priee lists of the varloue articles of their trade. The seme shoald be directed to Lleateaaat Colo¬ nel Blias M. Gbbsbb, Ohio Qaartermester, Do* partmeat of Washiagtoa. my 3S-tf Ja la eeaeetaeaeeoftho pre.re of hastaees at the War Department, passes Cor eltiaeas to visit the Amp of the Potomao will be givea at the o«ee of Ueit Ool. Cosbad, IBS Peaasylvaala aveaae ahoro Btaetecath street. £«OAL BT THB OABGO OR SINQIJi TOM. FOVR THOUSAND TONS ON HAND. W O O D or m aasr quality. At Yard corner 0 and 1st street, near B. A 0. B B. Depot; aad Wharf foot of 11th street, Islaad, an g-lm* 0. W. PALMER. T._ SEALING CHEAT. STOCK of rbady madb CLOTHING ean be seen at BABB A BRO.f. cor¬ ner of B aad Seventh streets. In order to redaee oar stock, we have determined to rednoe oar prices to wholesale fijrares.aa exoellentopporta- mtp to parehaeers. we iavite all to an examine - ion of oar snaerior Stoek of BOYB' as well aa MSN'S CLOTHING. Also, a very large Stoek of FURNISHING GOODS, to be sold cheap. We have Just received a fine lot of BLACK DBBSB COATS and FANT8. anJO-lm* BABB A BBO. gUTLBBS, ATTENTION BUTTER DEPOT FOR THE ARMY. Choice Batter neoked in class Jars, always on hand aad for sale by B. IINNIH, an 24-lm* 334 D st.. near 10th at. ^ A B E! 0 A S H! CASH! ^LIBBBAL CASH ADVANCBS made on all kinds MBBOH ANDI8B, FURNITURB, GOLD and SILVER WATCHBS, DIAMONDS .Ac. Ae. W. B. LBW1B A CO.. Anet'rs. an 38-lm 497 7th st , bet. G and H its. Troa BALE. HB TUG *?0. H. HA8WBLL," now laying at Alexandria, Ya., will be sold ebeap, on account of dissolutioa of partnership of the owaers. Apply to CAPTAIN TALBOT, Steamer *'Young America," running between Alexandria and Washington. an 81 lit* I /ton LIMB! LIMB t! LIMB!!! 1,4UU BABRBL9 LIMB Just arrived at Gun- nell's wharf, per schooner B. Bullwlnkel, and for sale by A. O McKlfBW, an » corner 7th street and Canal. JAY COOKE fc CO., BANKERS, No. 452 Fifteenth Street* vn sxill oobtikob ro rxraain UNITBD STATBS FIVE-TWENTY BONDS at par antil fnrtfler notice. fOT Persons desiring information oonoeraing this loan ean proenre at oar counter, or npon application by mail.oironlars answering all questions that map arise. WX BUT AID BILL ALL 18BOTM Of GOYBBNMBNT BONDS, TBBA8UBY NOTBB, OBTIVICATBS, AND Y0U0HBB8, COIN, OUBBBNCY, AND EXCHANGE, AID PAT TBI BIOHIST ri!OI8 P0I nVBTinni irr nuPmrc JAY OOOKB A CO., Bankers. an t-tf488 Fifteenth street. piTTBNHOUSB, FANT A CO., BANKERS , NO. 3«a PBNNSYLVANIA AVENUE, W ill continue to furnish D. H. riTE-TWEJITY BONOS As long as Issued by the Goverament, at par. . B. Coupon 6's of 1881. U. 8. 7-90 Treasury Notes. U. 8. Certificates of Indebtedness, GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD. Bxcbange on all parts of Europe and the Northern Cities sold in sums to suit purchasers. Stocks and Gold bought In New York exclusively on Commission. It 17 RITTBNHOUSB. FANT A 00. KENDALL'S AHBOLIRB VOE TBI HAIR* KMBOL1NB MOISTENS, BEAUTIFIES, ODORA TES, IaENQH THEN 3, Uf VIGOR A TES, NOURISHES, EMBELLISHES THE HAIR. KBNDALL'B AMBOLINB is a rare compound stimulating extracts from Flowers, Boots, aad Herbs, fer the GROWTH, BEAUTY, and PBR MAN EN T VIGOB of the HAIR, " Highly beneficial where the hair requires gentle stimulant." Dr. CHILTON. " Have never had anything whioh so perfectly answers the purpose of a hair dressing." WARRBN WARD. Bsq., No. 3TT Canal street, N. Y. . " After being bald for seven years your AMBO¬ LINB has covered the entire scalp with NEW HAIR." Prof. T0HN 8BNIA, No. 39 King Street, N, Y. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Put in boxes, (containing two bottles,) price 91. Manufactured and for sale at wholesale by KENDALL A BANNISTER, e lO-6m No. 543 Bxoapwat , N. Y. By W. L. WALL A CO., Auctioneers. EVCRSB AND OABRIAGB BAZAAR AND BB II P08IT0RY, Bxpressly for the ¦ALB OF HOB8B8, 0ABR1AGB8. STOCK, AO., 98 Louisiana Avenue, Between Ninth and Tenth streets. OAsa Advaioid oi Cobbiobmbbts. Storage for Carriages. orsee, Carr ages, Ac., received for private sa myg)-tf W. L. W. WALL A CO., Auots. STEAMER KEYPORT, CAPT. B. A. BYTHBB leaves Baltimore every FRIDAY, at 10 a. m.. for Alexand ia,Washing¬ ton, and landings on the Potomac1 river. Returning, leaves Washington every TUBS DAY, at6 a. ra., and Alexandria at7 a. m. For freight or passage apply on board, or to CHARLES W1LBON, Agent, Washington, D. 0. WAll Paxfieneftrs are required to have parses from Gen. Heinitleman. au4-lm* ¦ VAILY LINE TO CAPB MAY..On and after MF Monday, the Z7th July, 1863, the steamers MANHATTAN, Captain KiRBY.and WILSON SMALL, l'apt ¦ Bright, will leave Arch street wharf. Philadelphia, DAILY. (Sundays excepted.) at 9a m., for Oape May. connecting at Newcastle with the Baltimore trains- itetnrmng. will leave Cape May daily at . a m , connecting at Newcastle with Baltimore trains. Fare !rom Philadelphia, including carri¬ age hire, #».»>. an 4-lm* PUKIFIBD CIDBB t CLARIFIED CIDER i: I have Just received per schooners "George 8 Adams" and "J. W..'" from Boston, a large supply of Pure Masseehusette CLARIFIED OIDlB, whici I offer for sale at the lowest market prioe, la taaxr titles to salt purchasers. Hotel keepers, sutlers and all others ia waat of a prime article or Cider are Invited to call aad oz- Ualoa Bottling Depot, ST Green si, -tf Georgetown. D. O. P J, HBIBBBGBB A 00.. oitiI enb^aSd*b5l«Xbt m ** SJL&J.JAU:OMa* uraorouvAi Horn, 1 LEGAL NOTICES. TW OEMBMiSBft tgSESi'Jl the United Btotai lot tM mi* DUtrirt -TV all it may etmmu.&rtttyf- B®**®o. J* Jimbr Flotilla, aeind* mbo« (no nailud one box of oae hnadred u4 Im po*"4" of WbtMt. u4 §75 la Mur, and brought tt« same Into the port of WaahiB*taaT«lad Ue mmm liMi4 udproT nt*4la tkiitov<lt(hiiM«oftb«D0ltt4rUto( m lawful prisa. aad that aaid e*uae wMl lUud for trial at th* Oily Hall.ia the eity of Waihiu*t-m o> tkt first Monday of October next, when W- «k«« all ptrioa* are warned to .nar to ahcrw Mill Why eoadaroaatloa ikoaM tot decreed and to iatarrene for their intereata. aalO *. J If BIG8. Olark. Bl SUPREME 00UBT OP THE DISTRICT or OOLUMBIA. Holding a District Court 0f the United States lor the *atd District -To all whom it may tonttrn. Sreetint: Notice ie hereby given, that, oa the 17& day of July, 1869, the Cal¬ led Etatee eteamera Ooear de Lioa and Priori, eaptared a lot of dry goods. ahoes, Ao., aad brought them into the port of Waahiagtoa, aad the aama la libeled and psoeeeated la tbia Oeart la tha nam* ot the Uaitod State*, far eondamnation aa »awfu. wlae, and that eald eaaae will stand for trial at tbe City Hall, in the eity of Washing ton .on tbe tret Monday 01 Oetober next, vhaa aad Where all ¦««. eeaa are waraed to appear to abow eaaae why eon ah onid not be deemed aad to inter vane for thair iatereeta. By the Court. lr» »¦ J. M1IQ8, Clerk. mil wk.numay concern, Greeting: Notiae la bareby aires, that, oa the Mth day of March, UQ, the United State* acbooaer Kacar oaptnred aa lawful prise one email boat aad three draft*, aad brought uau to the voitof Waabiaatoa, aad th* same are libeled aad praaeontod la thla Oeart in tbe aame of tbe United Btatea, for condemnation aaaaeb lawful ¦rice, and that aaideaaae will etaad for trial at the ulty Hall, ia tbe eity of Waahiagtoa, ob the flrit Monday of October next, whan aad where all par- aoa* are warned to appear to abow eaaee why eoa damnation ifconld not be decreed, and to la terrene for their intereate. By the Court, it* *. j. Mugs,cierk. whom it may concern. Greeting: Hot! j* la hereby given, that, on the ITtb day or May, ISO, a lot of money aad bond* waa eaptared by the United Btatea ateamer Wyandank attached to tke Poto¬ mac Plot&la, aad brought to the port of Washiaa- toa, and tbe eame ia libeled aad prosecuted ia tail Court ia the name of th* United Btatea, for coa- dcarnation aa lawful arise, aad that aaid cause will stand for trial at the City Hall, ia the eity of Washington, on the first Monday of October aaxt, when aad where all parsons are warned to appear to abow eaaae why condemnation ahoald not be decreed, aad to Interrene for their interests. By order of the Ooart. _ _ h* B. J. MBIGS, Clark, w ILL]TAIBDSliTI (Scooaaaoaa to Mssbxs. Cotlb a Baos.,) LUMBER DEAL MRS, Comer Fourteen th street aad the Canal. jy 31-lm* Washington, P. 0. JJNITBD STATES S-90 BONDS. UNITBD BTATB8 7-90 TREASURY N0TB8, UNITBD BTATB8 COUPONS OP 1BB1, UNITAD STATU CBBTIPICATBS Of IN- DBBTBDMB88. Gold. Bilrer, Uncurreat Moaey, Bxchang* oa all parts or Barope aad the Northern Cities, BOUGHT AND SOLD, We are authorised to furnish 8-® Bonds at par until the 1st of August aaxt, whea th* pririledte of conversion ceases. Orders for Stocks and Gold exocatod ia New York .xclaalTely on commissloa. BITTBNHOUBN, PANT A 00., T 1 * Banker*, P*nn.avenue. p 1 L I St P 1 L E SI SOLDIERS AND SEAMEN, If you would obtain immediate relief from tM* distressing complaint, try DB. WITPIBLDTJ T1QITABLI PILLS. This is a lone tried and thmronchly tested reme¬ dy, sad baa never yet failed to core. Do not gnf- far when them ia a remedy wlthia reach. Bold by 8. 0. POBD, 380 Pennsylvania aranae, Washington, and by H. COOK, Alexandria, Ti. Sent to aay'address by mail. Prion fooeats per bOXe 9. YOUNG, Proprietor, Jy M 9m No. d81 Broadway, N. T. Th* Steam*h1p * GBBAT EASTERN, WALTBR PATTON, Commander, Will b* dispatched paoa LiTiarooL . raomivrou, ***!?».: each port. Pirst cabin, from «N to tl3S Seoond cabin, state room bertha, meals furnished at separate tables. r #70 Exsuraion tickets, ont and back in the first mid seoond cabin only, a fare and a half. Servants accompanying passengers aad children ander 13 years of age, half prloe. Infanta free. Third cabin . .. §80 Btoerage, with superior accommodation*... f 30 Price of passage from Liverpool, aame rates as above. All fares payable In gold, or ita equivalent la D. B. currency. Inch passenger allowed 10 cubic feet of lnggage. An experienced surgeon on board. Por passage only a|PlyRto>B ^ WHITN1T, PaHsage offlce, 26 Broadway, New York. HOWLAND A ABPIN WALL. Agents. JelA 8m 64 South stinet. New York. VRAN KLIN A 00., OPTICIANS S44 PamSTLVABIA Avisus. (north side,) between 1Tb and Uth sta. and S9B Pa. .*«*««, tmdtr (a* National HtUl. PSBBLB and PBB1BCOPIO 8PKOTACLI8, cor¬ rectly and a cientifl :aily suited for every eyesight, PIILD QLA8HBB, OPBBA OLA«8B8. MICliOaCOPKS. UAKOMKTBRS and THBRM0MBTKB8, 00MPA88C8, 8UKVBY0R8' IN8TBUMBNTS, PHOTOGl&APH ALBUMS. CARTR8 DB VISITS, 8TBRB0SC0PBS aud VIBWS^Ao. In « great variety and at the lowest Bastern prioea, wholesale or retail, Jy O-tf T'BBABCBY .DBPABTMBNT. OIFIOIOJ 1 COMPTROLLER OP TUB OURRINOY, WiBUiMQToi, July 10,1843..Whereas, by satisfac¬ tory evidence presented to the undersigned, it ha* been made to appear that tf>e Pirst National 13ank of Washington, In the county of Washington, and District of Columbia,has been duly organized under and according to tbe requirements of the act of Congress entitled .. An act to provide a national currency, secured by a pltdge of United States stocks, and to provide for tbe circulation and re¬ demption thereof," approved February J6,1863, and bas ecmplied with all the provisions of said act re¬ quired to be complied with before commencing tbe businets of Banking: Now, therefore, J, Hugb McOnlloch,Comptroller of the Ourrenoy, do hereby certify that toe said Pirst National Bank of Washington, county of Washington, and District of Columbia, is author¬ ised to commence the business of Banking under the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand [L. B.] and seal of office this 16th day of July, 1863. HUGH McCULLOOik. ly 17-dim Comptroller of the Currency. TRIBIKHAR. fretttttd by Royal Lttitrt Patmt of En*land, aa4 stcurid biy tkt Stair of the E> olt d* PkarmiKU it Parts, aad lbs Imperial Cclltt* if Medicine, Ftsaaa TRIE8BMAR No. 1 Ia the effectual remedy for RELAXATION. BPBB- MATORRHQLA AND BXHAU8TION OP TH1 SYSTEM. TBIBSBMAB No. J, Completely and entirely eradicatee all traoeo of those disorders for which Oopaiva and Oubebs have Knerallr been thought an antidote, to the ruin ot e health of a rant portion of the population. TRIESEMAR No. 8, Ie the great and sure remedy of the driliaed world for all impurities **f the system, a* well as seoondary symptoms, obriating the destructire use of Mer- cury.as well as other deleterious ingredients, aad which all the 8arsaparilla ia the world cannot remore. TRIE8EMAR Nes. 1, 3 and S are alike deroid of taste or smell, and of all nauseating qual ities. They are in tbe form of a lozenge, and m*y lie on the toilet table without their nae being aua pected. Bold in tin oases at fSeaob, or four 98 cases ia oae for 89. and in #27 cases, thus saring 99 as administered by Valpean, Lallemand, Roux, Ao.. AO. Wholesale and retail br DR. H. A. BARROW, 194, Bleecker street, (/our doors from MacDoagai street,)New York. Immediately on receipt of re¬ mittance. Dr. Barrow will forward Triesemar to any part of the world, securely packed, and addresseu according to the instruction* of tbe writer. Published also by DR. BARHOW, that popular and beaniifully Illustrated medical work, Humar Frailty. Price 3fl cents. Triesemar and Book cat be obtained by snecial authority from B.C. PORD Washington D. C. de 1] tr W BOTS CLOTHING. ¦ are now in receipt of a large assortment of BOY'S and CHILDREN'8 CLOTHING of the newest styles, suitable for the present season for Iresa and school wear, to which we Invite th* attention of parents. WALL, STEPHENS A CO., SSil Pennsylania Arenue, between aa Il-tfl Ninth and Tenth streets 0UTLBB8, ATTENTION! . O FOR SALE. 100 boxea 0A8T1LB SOAP. 100 " ADAMANTINE bANDLES, 100 M TALLOW Cheap for cash at Natioaal Soap aad Candle Worka,Gm*a atm*t aad th* Canal, Georgetown D. O. mar 30 pOTS AMP SHOES TO SPIT Banjaf boots DRY GOODS, Ac. i nn mi* mt ewiw. I UU PIBCBS White. Pish, Blue. u< ^ Mosquito Netting. llitibtd and Brown dttou. Sheetings, Tabic Ua«, Creak, Diaptra Irish'Liaea, Hoaery, Gjovee, Cambric eaa Pwiw Bdgiaga, and Baaertinna, Valeneiea and BnfUab Thread &dgiujtt Whita Goods in every rarletjr o^ualijrandgle* JUST RBGBIVBD- " ~ A larr* stock or Pusher and Preach .M« BhaaU, Potat Thread and V*l*n«tn «.>lUra and Bete, Thread Laea Veila. Bar bus and Coiffare.', f'oiata, Vaiana aa and Bmbraidered H 4k fa. nfante' >«# ik) Waists. Guipure l.aoea, all width*, Latoa' styles Heed Dr«w««. Vane? Good*. Bteel, Jet atd Tortninr Shvll Bar Dr-'p«. Pins, Bait Olaspa, Brace lata, Fane, A«. Wbloh will be sold at low prices A «*U la e»»- lioitad, WM WhUiHBRO, 1* I in Market Spaer. Puan. ar*nu'l between ?tb end 9tb streets G PRIOR* rbducbd RBNADINB Bfcawla. Mosambiqae Shawla, Black Lace Maatlea. Poiata. Burnnq* and Fioolominis in |TMt variety and re- Je**®** 9rl0m' H. TAYLOR ft OO. OAS FITTING, kc. WUA8 FIZTWRMS J Hare tadtore, and are daily reeeivina, WAS fIXYUBBB of entirely Few Patterns and Psejawe and Plnlah .enperlor In atyle to anything heretofore oflbred in this market. eoaBdent that we have the beet ee k in the ebove line Intrusted toou win be promptly attended to. «-tf MYBRB ft McGHAN. STB D (tree*. DENTISTRY. SIGESMOND A HAYWARD, H" ARTIFICIAL CIMPLlSTlt SOIK TIITB, Witioor Mbtaljpla*¦ oa Olaspb, DR. B. B. BIGBBMOND, BIB B*f4way, Ntw York, mmd 360 Pmmnhmmtm Aaenat, b*tw*m itti mmd lUhttt., Wmskimtum, Palls the attention of the pablle to the foUowlaa advaatagee of hie improved ayatem: 1. The Teeth of ala outhetua never ocraode nor ohaane eolor by any Midi being three-fourths Lighter than any other. 1. Mo teeth or roote need be extrated, aa tha artificial oaaa eaa be Inserted over them. I. The roote will be made inoffensive, aad aever to ache. 4. Ho temporary teeth are needed, af permanent oaaa can be made immediately, thereby pressrvlnf the natural expression of the face, whleh under the old mtem la frequently disfigured. i. This work hac been fully tested over Bye raara by many of the Brat ehemute and physician# of thla oountry. Br. B. haa also Invented a white uadeetructi* t Motel Ailing, with which the moat Mneltive teeth can be Bllep without pain, and can build ub a per Jaet, aound tooth on any aide roote, whleh will last thro orb lifetetime. Oall and examine for youraelf. Jy BMf bm TTSRTH SI; .5&LVi¥i*iiVs%ss/'to"" porec*ally at hU offoe la^th^s rtty. Man: peraons eaa wear theae teeth who cannot otheru, aad no peraoa can wear others who _ atweartheee. Peraons calling at my oflee eaa be aeaommodated With aar style aad prloe of Teeth they may desire; bat to those who are particular and wish the purest, t, strongest and moat perfect denture that art can produce, the MIHBBAL PLATB will he More fally warranted. Booma in thla oity.No. BBS Pennsylvania avenue between »th aad 10th streets. Also, »0T Arch at., Philadelphia. mar4-ly UIVITVI J0HV80II * CO., B89 PENNSYLVANIA AVENTXB, Barwaaa In ft 10** Bra., (OOMBB' BUILDING J Invite the Trade'to laapact their stock of WINMB AND LIQUORS, TOBACCO AND SEOAES, GROCERIES FOR THE CAMP, anmrpaaaed la thla city u> variety aad quality, Belaa the Bole Agenta for MBBBB0. PRANK BININGBB ft OO.. No. IB Baavaa Sr., Naw Yoa*, wa aell their Mlebrated BOTTLED WINES AND LIQUORS, at New York prloea.-freight added. . . We would call the attention of DIVISION PUR- VBY0R8 to the fact that we have the above *oods ready packed for shipment in caaes containing from one to twelve doaen each, and can fill any order for them on call. P. B..We also keep constantly on hand the larges and moat varied assortment of CHAMPAONE WINES to be found in thla city, embracing the following well-known brands VOB CLIQUOT, M0BTft OHANDON, G. H. MUMM ft 00., PIPBR HBID8I0X. HBIDB10K A GO., BUGBNB OLIQUOT, DB BT. MARCBAUX, OHARLBS RIVART ft 00. 8^ An Inspection of oar Stock la most respect- folly solicited. AUG. JOHNSON ft CO. may 18-tf For the Holidays. A. BIHIlTGEft k CO., Baaioa or Noa. 19 a*d 31 Baoio Sr., Naw To** OPPBR POR 8A LB AT THBIR 8T0RB, HO. 83T PENNSYLVANIA AVENUB, NBAR TH1RTJEXNTH STRUT, SIGN OF THE OLD KNICKERBOCKER, THB MOST OOMPLXTB ASbORTMBNT OP IMPORTED WINES AND LIQUORS TO BB POUND IN THB MBTROPOLIB. .ALSO. riNE OROCERIES, (JAN GKJODS, aiTS AND KEOS No. 1 MACKEREIj, KENNEBEC? SALMON, SOUSED ft PICKLED LAMBS' TONGUES PIGS' FEET, ENGLISH DUN CODFISH, Together with all the LUXURIES INCIDENT TO THE SEASON ifessrs. A. M. B. A Co. are a!w Sole Proprietors 0;BiNINOER S OELKURATKD LONDON DOCK GIN, Put op in Quart Bottles for melioinal use, Aleo, Bole Agents for OLD TOM LONDON CORDIAL GIN. All articles bought at their store warranted of the first quality, and forwarded to any part of the 9J*y free of expense. we intend to be permanently located, we re> ipaotfnlly request families to give us a call. ABRAM M. BININGBB, HKNRY T. OAPBN. WASailOTOX, December. 1861. A. M. BIN1NGER ft 00. have no connexioa wif any other House. d»-U BOLLIN OHUROH. Agent. MILITARY GOOP8. WALL^BTBPHBNa ft 00.. B99 Paaaaii-vaata Avaaaa. usts^tessaresais ,!H» W/ JvM ?gA " KLBB8' DIBBOTOBT. Ni) UMORK AW» OHIO RiIlRuAB. j Tastaaseassj^af?a 6.*> p, ta. _ On Buudays at . *»». a. omlf. IfOR BALTIMORR. Uitf «? t.St), 8 and 11.16 a. m. and 3. .an4 . tb. On Sundays at» a. m. and a and 6 30 p. m. onrr FJR ALL PART8 0F TER WIRT U»t- Wmhimtoa at 6-30 P.. *ud 3. 5, ana *3; p n; .daily, except Sunday. On Sunday at S aaa 6 p . 11 en>s oul*. Th'S the only r«nt* by wtlch .. Cher I "f ThrnvtS /mm Wa tkinrtrm. tOH WASHINGTON ANB THB BOWTH. U»T« Baltimore for Washington at «.sn, 8 and W i.aad 3.a'. ; and a p. a. On Bandarsat i.jnaad Kb. and5 p. m. « third and Aftk trains only from Haitimora tad the first fourth train* from Waahiacto*, ¦top at way poiata. IOR ANNAPOLIS. L*av« Baltimore at 8 a m and ft *. ra. Leave Washin#ton at 8 a. m. and A p. m. No train for Annapolis on Sunday*. For farther information, tieaets of every kind, A c. apply to G 8. KOONTZ, Agent, at Washing- ton station, or at tha Ticket oSc^ gjjITH, Master of Tranaportattaa, Ir. M. 00L1. general Tiaket Agent. an 9-tf X 0 8 ¦ BPB1NG AMD BUMMBR'sGHBDULB ot THB BALTIMORR AND OHIO RAILROAD. Tb# FROM WASHINGTON OITTI THE &REAT SHORT LINK TO THM WEST, SOUTH AHD NORTH-WEST Making the Quickest Time. And thsonly Route that ean sell a Throiyrh Tioket direct, or give a Thronth Cheek for iTaggaga from tfashington City. Vith Leas Chan** of Cars than on nay other Route, and ao Omnibus Riding. FOUR DAILY TRAINS FROM WASHINGTON CITY. (Sundays exoepted,) m.vin. connections with Traine levying BaHimora ¦ »t 7 « a. M. and 8 81 F. M. Ob Sundays, One Train at r. ejecting -* Relay with 9 r. u. Tram from Baltimore, 1 7 FOR THB WBBT. Train leaving Washington at 8.30 a._ M. makes oonneotion at Washington Junction (Relay House) with Train leavingBaltimore at 8.15 a. *. Trains leavingWashinatpn at.3,5, or 6^* r. K. make connection with Train leaving Baltimore at 9 r. *. . BB BURR TO BUY YODB TIOKBTB BY THB BALTIMORE AHD OHIO RAILROAD. Tkit it <*« Only Routt by which Through Ticktit er Through Baggage Check! can be procured in Washington. Knight's Latest Improved BLEEPING OARS. of the most snperier finish, attached to Night Trains. TBI BHORTBBT AND MOST DIHBOT ROUTE COLUMBUS, DAYTON, LOUISVILLE, ClJf- V INNA TJ, INDIANAPOLIS, TERRA HAUTE, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, etc*, dc.( tf c., Vwm LMI OlilflU OP OA ad Vlll »T ART OTHBB ROOTP.^EB WBT Special Notiu to Pasttugori for thtjfut from by tfc# Baltimore and Ohio Eiilroid, 8AV1 ONI DOLLAR in the Through price, and barethe priv¬ ilege of visiting Baltimore (if daairod) without additional charge. 7\J v A Aa vw Am U a . For THROUGH TIOKRTB please apply at tha TicketOffee-Wanhinaton otation. W.^. 8MITH, Master of Transportation M. OOLB. General Ticket Agent. apXl-tf 18631 THB I1W3_ rKNNSTLVANIA CBNTKA1* RAILROAD (with its connections) IS A FiBBT-CLASa^ROUTB WMTaRJf 0ITia8t SPEED. BAFBTY AND OOMFOBTI BTONB BALLASTBD AND ° FBBB FROM DDBT baggage ohborrd through FROM BALTIMOBB THRBB DAILY TRAINB FROM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURCH Two of them making OLOBB CONNBCTIONB AT HARRISBUEG with Trains on the NOBTHBBN OKNTRAL RAILROAD, THR GRBiYVlNYf&L BOUTS from WASHINGTON AND BALTIMOBB to all points in the WBBT, NORTHWEST, AND SOUTHWB8T. WW For Through Tickets apply at the ofleaa of the Northern Central Railroad Company, northeas corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Sixth a tract, Washington, and Calvert Station, Baltimore. BP LBN DID BLBBPING GARB ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. I BROKING aid SALOON CARS ON ALL TRAIN! FROM WASHINGTON. Passengers will take the 6.S*i a. m. and 0 »i p. m. train* connecting in Baltimore witb the 9.15 a. m. and 9.15 p. m. trains on the Northern Central Rail¬ road, aud arrive in Harrlsbur* at 1 p. ra. and 1.30 a. m., ihere making close connections with the trains on the Peansj Ivania Central Railread for all parts of the West. FRIIOHTB. By this route FreiRhts of all descriptions can be forwarded to and from any point go the Railroad! of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin lawa, or Missouri, by Railroad dirtct. The Pennsylvania Central Railroad also connects at Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goods can be forwarded to any port on the Ohio, Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee, Cumberland, Illinois, Missis* sippi, Wisconsin, Missouri, Kansas. Arkansas, aud Bea Rivers; and at Cleveland, Sandusky, and Chi¬ cago with steamers to all Northwestern Lakes. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transpor¬ tation of their Freight to this Company can rely with confidence on its speedy transit. TH* HAT KB OF FRRIGHT to and from any point in the West, by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. mri at all timts as fanorablt at an thargid by ttktf Railroad Commniu. _ Kr Be particular to mark packages "Via Penna Central R.R." .. WM. BROWN. Agt Northern Central R. R., No. 80 North street, Baltimore, BNOOH LBWIB, GenT Superintendent, Altona. Fa, ii. L. HOUPT, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. H. H. HOUSTON,General Freight Ageut, Phila¬ delphia. Ian Hyj ^BCRRT DieJtASBS I BBCBBT DIBBASBS! SAMARITAN'S GIFT! SAMARITAN'S OlFTf THB MOST CERTAIN RBMBDY KYRR U8BD. " Yes. A Potitive Cure" for GON-ORRHCEA. GLFET. STRICTURES, ft. Contains no Mineral, no Balsam, no Mercury. Only Ten Pills to b* Taken to Effect a Curt. They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor any unpleasant taste, and will not in any way in¬ jure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate. Cures in from two to four days, and recent cases in "twenty-four hours." Prepared by a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, one of the i lost eminent Doctors and Chemists of the present day. go *XPOBDR«, HO TBOCBLB, BO OHAHQB WHATEVBB. Let those who have despaired of getting cured, or who have been gorged with Balsam Oopaiva, or Mercury, try the^^^ ^ Bent by mail in a plain enyek>pe. Price.Mai#packages, 82. Female, 93- BLOOD I BLOOD II BLOOD III BOBOFUL A, U LOBR8. 80RRB, SPOTS, TRTTBBB, BCAlMb, BOIL§, SYPHILIS OR VB- NBhRAL DISBASBS Ac. SAMARITAN'S ROOT AND HERB JUICES BYPHILW^RhvlN^^^L*^8B^«8, the SA- scribed! it reaches and eradicates everv i^rticle of the venereal ooiron so that the cure is thorough MdU?S2Sint Tsirthen of this purifying remo- dy and be healed, and do not transmit to your pos¬ terity that for FBMALBBI FBMALBBJI In many affections with which numbers of Fa- ma°e.ro&erTthe BOOT AND HBRB JUICBB is moot happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uteres, in Whites, in bearing down. Falling of the Womb, Debility, and for all com plaints incident to the sex. Sent by express. Price ftl a bottle, or 6 bottles fOF "'BAMABITAN'B 0HAN0RB WASH. Price 25 cents. Full direction*. DBSMOND A CO., Box If I Philadelphia Foat 0fi081 Bold by 8. OALYBRT FORD.c met of 11th and Fa. avenne. HENRY COOK, Alexandria may 6-tr A DAMB BXPRRBB COMPANY, A. 0FFI0B B14 PA. aVBNDB, WasAington City, D. §. uRRAT BABTBRN, NORTHERN AND WBBT 1RN BXPRkB8_F0BWABDBB8l MBB0HANDI8B, MONRY, JBWBLRY, VALU ABLBS, NOTB8, STOOKB, BONDS, Ao. Forwarded w\th BAFBTY AND DISPATCH to aU accessible sections of tha oountry. This Company kaa agencies la tha prinolpsJ Railway Town* NOBTH, BABT, WBT, AND ROBTHWBBT. Boraw S^tJto^CANADAB4. WOT ALOOHOLML a um uw ooRonrmrD BXTBAOT. PIT RB TON IO DOCTOR HOOrLANiri GERMAN BITTER 8, nviin by f)U. V. M. JACBSOK, Philadelphia. r% WILL imOTfll \T oou LITBB COMPLAINT, dybpb. BIA. JAUBBIOb OHSoarec ob nbryoub d.ibilitt. du- ¦ASB8 or TP* KIDWBTB, AND »U PISBABBfl ARIB1KG »BOM A DIBBB- MBI> 1JT1I OB STOMA OB aueh M CoutiH- tlon, Inward Pll*. hlMM or Blood to ttt Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Ruim, Heartburn,Disgust for Food* ViIiicm or Weight in Stomach. Boar BVf* tations, Sintint or Fluttering at the Pit oM%g IWrnach, Swimming of the Head, Hurriod and DU- dealt Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, OfcokUw or BUoMtlui Pensetiona wbea la a lying paetapf* DtmscM of Vifloii, Doti or WiW before r Fever and Dull Pais in the Ueod, Deficiency < Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Bret, Pain In the Bide, Bach. Cheat, Llmbe, Ac., Sadden Flashes of Heat. Bnrnin* la the Pleeh Oonnlant Imaginings .f Bvil, aad great Depression of Bpirite. And trili ponhesiy prevent Yellow A m, Bitten* Frctr, fc. They tea tain !*. Alcohol or Bad Whis They will rare the fboT* diseases la aiae cases out of a handred. Indaeed by the extensive sale and nai venal pg» olarity of Ho« (land'a German Blttera, (parely rose - table,(hosts of Ignoraat Quacks and unserupu.<>«', adventurers. have opened upen Buffering humaatto the fioed-gatea of Ne<rvws la the shape of poor wbiahy. vilely #o»»e*rA^J with injurious dj and christened Tonics, Stomachics and Bitten Beware of the Innnmerable array of Aloof preparations in plethoric bottlea aad hi kegs. under the mod oat appellation of Bl' which, instead of eurmg.onjy aggravate aad learethe HOOFLAND'B GERMAN BITTEB8 Are not a new and untried artiele, bat hare ^ the teat of fifteen yeara trial by the American pah- lie; and their reputation aad aale, are not rivalled by any similar preparation. The prpprietora nave thonaanda of Letter* 1 the mofft eminent CLBRGYMRN, LAWYER*. PHYB10IAHB, OITIUBB, Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to th* beneficial effecta aad medioal rirtaea of them Blt¬ tera. Do Ton Want Something to Strengthen Ttuf Do Ton Want a Good Appetitef Do Ton Want to BuOd Up Tom ConrtttmUmf Do Ton Want to Feel WHIP Do Ton Want to Get Bid of Nmtumttf Do Ton Want Energy f Do Ton Want to Bleep WeUf Do Ton Want a Bruk and Tiforont TeeUnj IP TOO DO, USB HOOFLtAN D'S GEE MAN B1TTEBS. From Rem. J. Newton Brown, D.D., Editor of Ug Encvdoftdia of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or reoommeag Patent Medicinea in general, through distrust of their ingredients an>1 effecta, I yet know of a* auffleient reasons why a man may not teatiTy to the beneita be bclierea himself to hove received from any simple preparation, in the hope that ho mar thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do tbis the more readily in regard to Hoofiand's Germap Bitters, nee pared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them fog ff "7Y1 w»woaiaaa«i. ICUlOTil OI thia prejudice bj proper testa, aad for encoara#*- ment to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottlee of theae Bitters, at the beginning of the preeent year, waa followed by evident relief, and mrtoratioa to adegree of bodily and mental vigor which I >»M not felt for six months before, and had almost de¬ spaired of regaining. I therefore thank God my friend for directing me to the use of them. "WWW BBOWB. Philadelphia, June 23,1861. PARTICULAR NOTICB. There are many preparationa aold under the of Bitters, put in quart bottles, compounded of th« cheapest whisky or common rum, costing from SI to 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anioe or Coriander Seed. This class ef Bitters has caused and will oontinoe to eauae, as long as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their use the system is kept continually under the influence of Alcoholic Stimulants of the worst kind the desire for Liquor is created and kept up. and the result in all the horrors attendant upon a drunkard's life aad death. Por those who desire and will Kavt a Liquor Bit¬ ters, we publish the following receipt. Get one bottU HooAand's German Hitters and mix with three tna'ts of good Brandy or Whisky, and the result will be a preparation that will far excel in medical vir^ tues and true excellence any of the numerous Licsoy Bitters in the market, and will coat much lt*t. Yea will have all the virtues of Hoofiand's Bitters In connection with a rood artiele of Liquor, at a much less price than these inferior preparationa wlO co«t you. ATTENTION, SOLDIBR8 I AND TUB FRIENDS OP 80LDIBR8. We call the attention of all hs-ving relation* or friends in the army to the fact that "HOOFLAND* GBRMAN BITTKBS'' will ewe nine-tenths of tha dif.eaBji> induced by exposures and privations inci¬ dent to ec.ap life. In the lists, published almost dailjr in tae newspapers, on the arrival of the sich, it will be noticed that a very large proportion are suffering from debility. Every case or that kind can be readily cured by Hoofiand's German Bitters Diseases resulting from disorders of the digestive organs are speedily removed. We have nohesita tionin stating that, if these Bitters were freelp used among our soldiers, hundreds of livea might be saved that otherwise will be lost. We call particular attention to the following re¬ markable and well authenticated cure of one or the nation's heroes, whose life, to uae his own lanaruaae. 'has been saved by the Bitters Philadelphia, Augustjisd, 13dJ. Mestrs. Jones fr Evans..Well, gentlemen, voaz Hoofiand's German Bitters has saved my life. Thera is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of my comrades, some of whose names are appended, and who were fully cognisant of all the circum stances of my esse. I am, and have been for the last fear years, a member of Sherman's celebrated battery, and under the immediate command of Cap¬ tain R. B. Ayres. Through the exposure attendant npon my arduous duties, I was attacked in Novem¬ ber last with inflammation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the hospital. Tnis was fol¬ lowed by great debility, heightened by an attack ot dysentery. I was then removed from the Whito House and sent to this city on board the steamey "State of Maine."frem which I ianded on the Vth of June, Since that time I have been about aa low as any ene could be and atill retain a spark of vital¬ ity. ror a week or more I was scarcely able to swallow anything, and if I did force a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up again 1 could not even keep a glass ot water on my stomach. Life could not last under these circum¬ stances, and, accordingly, the physicions who had been working faithfully, thougn unsuccessfully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dread Archer, frankly told me they could do no more for me, ana advised me to see a clergyman, and to make suoh disposition of my limited funds as beat auited me. An acquaintance who viaited me at the hospital, Mr Frederick Steinbron, of Sixth, below Area at., advised me, as a forlorn hone, to try your Bitten, and kindly procured a bottle. From the time I 00m me need taking them the gloomy shadow of death receded, and I am now, thank God for It, months; for, gentlemen, I am a loyal Virginian from the vicinity of Front Royal. To yoor invalu¬ able Bitters I owe the certainty of life which haa taken the place of vague fears.to your Bittera will I owe the glorious privilege of again clasping to mr bosom those who are deareit to me in lire. Yery truly youra Ibaao Malopp. We fally concur in the truth of the above state¬ ment, aa we had despaired of aeeing our oomrale. Mr Malone. restored to health. JOHN CUDDLEBACK, 1st New York Battery GEORGE A. ACKLEY, Co. 0,11th Maine. LEWIS CHEVALIER, ?2d New York. I E. SPENCER, 1st Artillery, Battery P. J B FA8EWELL, Co. B, 3d Vermont. HENRY B. JEROME,Co. 6, do. HENRY T. MACDONALD. Co. C, 6th Maine JOHN F. WARD Co. E,5th Maine HERMAN ROCH,Co. H, 7Jd New York. NATEANIBL B. THOMAS, Co. P,95th Pena ANDREW J. KIMBALL, Co. A,3d Vermont JOHN J IN KINS Co. B 106th Pena. BBWARB OP OOUNTBSf1IT81 Bee that the signature of "0. M. JAOKBOB' OB the WRAPPER of each bottle. PB10B PBB BOTTLB Tt 01NTS, OB BALI DOZ. POR $4. fanmrAi. Ovpiob abb Mabvfaovobt, Ba. #11 ABGB BT. JOBBB A BTAJTB, J

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1863-09-07/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · theeveningstar. BOW MT8ARBMADE. As to* ghostmanifestations at theatres are attacting

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1863-09-07/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · theeveningstar. BOW MT8ARBMADE. As to* ghostmanifestations at theatres are attacting

the evening star.BOW MT8 ARB MADE.

As to* ghost manifestations at theatres areattacting a cou'id-rable .bar* or nttention juitrow. the following description from the Am-Ti-can Journal of Photograph for August 15, willfcc interesting to our readers :On the raising of the curtain tor the gboet

scene, the lights of the theatre were mostly ex-tinguiahed, the font-lights entirely, while the*tag* was dimly lighted from above and at thesides. A murderer starts up out of a troubleddream full of ugly, fearful sights, reads thepassions to tatters, a la Bowery, when ghostpfo. l appears. This gnost is a simple skeletonwhich the murderer takes to be Death claiminghim fur a victim, and of course the murdererbegs to be excused, Ac. Death disappears, andshortly the ghost of a lady, deceased in a pre.vious act of the play, fully arranged in crino¬line and jewels comes on the scene. This gaosiNo. « talks, or course, In the manner of ghostsGhost No. 3 takes the place of No. 2, in the formof the old miser who had been lately murdered,and displays his gaping wounds. Unaiiy *«.three ghoeta appear at toesameis reached, and the curtain tolls on the harrow¬ing scene. The ladies ot the audience are allin terror, the gentlemen raise a loud encore, Outthe curtain retuses to move.



We proceed to give a more accurate deecrtp-tiun. The ghosts are of the normal sise oIia-ir.anltv, and their position on the stage is defi¬nite!v'aeen. In sixe, form, color and action,ibey axe nearly like mortals. That they are nothumau is, however, evident from the fait thatthey appear and disappear without movinglrom the spot where they stand. Moroevertheir bodies are impregnable, and sometimesobjects behind them are seen through them; themurderer attacks them with his "trusty steel,"eleaving them lrom head to heel without dis-turbicg them in the least. Our magic lanternand concave mirror theories melted away be¬fore the facts we saw. The absence ot a screen,the life-size brilliantly illuminated, the naturalmovements of the lips, eves a® <J.JlKVfc.T'**"mcouBiewm wTin such explanations.We went away the first night qnite mystified:

here were things which had not been dreamedof m our philosophy. We began to feel a sym¬pathy tor those who said they smelt sulphur,and believed they had seen a genuine ghost.Spirit- rappiegs and table-iappins are only anawkward and distant approximation to thegenuine ghost phenomena.Yet the manner of raising the ghost is ridicu¬

lously simple: a little judicious reflection andthe thiug is accomplished. Thus: at the frontof the stage there is erected a large sheet ofplate glass inclined toward the audience, At anangle of about forty,five degrees with the floor.This glass is invisible to the audience, and itdoes not obstruct the view of objects behind it.In front ol the glass and under its inclinationthere is an opening in the floor of the stage, atwhich the person who acta the ghost is plaeed.Now, when the light is turned on this actor, theimage of him is seen by reflection from theglass: the plate glass acts like a looking glass.Nothing in visible to the spectators but the im¬age, and by varying the position of the actorthe image or gboet Is brought to any spot de¬sired; is made to advance, recede, etc; and byYarying the intensity, color and position of thelight, other interesting effects are obtained. Thisexplanation will probably be sufficient to ena¬ble any of our readers, If so disposed, to get nph ghost lof their private use. Coming downBroadway now, every day we see the ghosts ofhouses, stages, and people, in all the store win¬dows.

J7*Life in Richmond is rapid. A local papersavs if the gambling and drinking go on as atpresent tor two years, Richmond will be allfaro banks up stairs, and all bar rooms on thefirst floor, and every body in town a king otdismonds or a knight or the order of rum-punch.¦7*The New York Post says capital is abun¬

dant. The merchants are making very littlepaper, and instead of the commission bouseshaving, as usual at this time of the year, a fullportfolio of bills receivable, they have scarcely«hy on hand..7*A young English Lord, who came over

in a late steamer, waa arrested for robbing afellow passenger of a draft on thebank of Eng¬land Cor 9300. The draft waa found in bislordships trunk..7"Tbe heirs of John Hancock will present

the original portrait by Copley, of tbefr illus¬trious ancestor, to the city of Philadelphia,with the proviso that it be placed in indepen¬dence Ball.CTAn astronomical sensation is reported in

England, viz : that a figure of the cross wasrecently observed upon the moon. Was it likethe elephant seen by the Berlinois.a Ilea on thetelescope IVTbe shoals ol Portsmouth, N. H., are

ODtirrtninestructure and situation, and the tides do notrise relatively as high on Gosport as former¬ly-WT Among the prisoners captured by the

French in Mexico was a woman who held therank of a lieutenant colonel, and had been inactive service for a long while.¦ysimmon?, the sculptor, has nearly com¬

pleted at Portland a statuette in clay of thelate Gen Berry, of Rockland, for the family ofthe deceased hero.V A judge in London has decided that a

loYer cannot have the aid of the law to recoverpifts made to a lady while couiting her.9T Senator Rice is seriously ill at his home

in St. Paul, Minn.Flash talk.scientific discussions about





PHILADELPHIA, PA.MAiurior^ititts or




OFFICE.Louisiana av nue, next door to theBank of Washington.WOBE8.foot ot Twenty-second street vest,

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, Washington, and Thir¬tieth and Hamilton streets, Philadelphia.

H. 0. WIL80N, President.T. P. WILSON, Jr., Secretary.

n. b.-pelt and cement fob bale, inlarge and small quantities,an orders through Post Offioe Box 534 punc¬

tually attended to.Bepairs to old Boob made promptly. All vork

warranted. jy M-8m*



1 am now receiving large quantities ofDRAUGHTALB and POBTEB from this oelebrated Brewery,which I am prepared to furnish on short notioe toall persons vho will favor me with their orders.Satisfaction guarantied.Orders given to my drivers will be promptly at

liodid to.good* delivered In all parts of Washington ana

Georgetown, free of ohargeTermsfiuim iiwei

BILBT A. 6HINN, Agent,.Men Btttmi D*rot, »T Green stM

¦Of-tt Georgetown, D. O.

TIBH-WANG, THE U REAT CHINESEBEMEUYfor GONORRHOEA, GLEET,'Etc. One Box will PsaroHM a Cues'Ingredients are purely vegetable. It is, pleasant to the taste, has no bad odor, and

uay be carried in tfce rest pocket without fear ofdetection. Circulars free. Prioe 8' a box Boldby JOHN J KB'lMBB. successor to 8. C. Uphatn,403 Chestnut st, Philadelphia, and in Washington by 8. 0. POfiD, M!*0 Penney I ran ia avenue.8er»t by mail. J« 15-eoly


TBUNK MANUVACTOBT«V9 Bstssth Bt., Wasbixqto*, D. 0.¦liver Medai awarded by Maryland Institute oftimore, November 7, lafifi.Also, Medal by Metropolitan Mechanic's InstituteWashington, D. 0., 18».

Iam constantly making .and alwa'have od h&Qd, of tfee best mi-




DUtrict of CoimmbU, lag. 17th. 1863. JTIM Board or EaroUmcntTor the Diitrtct of

Colombia will moot at the City Hall* «rwyday, teem a a. m. to 6 p. m., until farther bo.

tier, to examine cases of drafted men, either forexemption or aeoeptaaoo.

Hikrt a. Scnw,an 17-tf Captain and Provoet MarehaL



i »» Ajmdtiit OlIlUL^ Onion,Wasiiiotoi, Jaae 9,1M.

I QmtraJ Ordtrt, N*. 1*.j The Adjutant General will provide aa anmri-! ate medal of aoaor for the troop# who, after the

expiration of tbetr term, have offered their eervioesto the Government in the preeeat emergency, aadalso for the volaateer troop*from other States thathave volunteered their service in the Btates ofPeaarylvania and Marrlaad.Bp order ofthe Secretary ofWar.

B. D. T0W1JSBND,je V Assistant Adjutant General


Qtlet Ckitf Qmarttrwuuur, Mmv S3, 111.Duuii nt Aobioultubal Imnim, Gab-

ota Basse, Ac., are reoaested to furnish thleofltoepriee lists of the varloue articles of their trade.The seme shoald be directed to Lleateaaat Colo¬

nel Blias M. Gbbsbb, Ohio Qaartermester, Do*partmeat of Washiagtoa. my 3S-tf

Jala eeaeetaeaeeoftho pre.re of hastaees atthe

War Department, passes Cor eltiaeas to visit theAmp of the Potomao will be givea at the o«ee ofUeit Ool. Cosbad, IBS Peaasylvaala aveaaeahoro Btaetecath street.



orm aasr quality.

At Yard corner 0 and 1st street, near B. A 0. BB. Depot; aad Wharf foot of 11th street, Islaad,an g-lm* 0. W. PALMER.

T._ SEALING CHEAT.STOCK of rbady madb

CLOTHING ean be seen at BABB A BRO.f. cor¬ner of B aad Seventh streets. In order to redaeeoar stock, we have determined to rednoe oarprices to wholesale fijrares.aa exoellentopporta-mtp to parehaeers. we iavite all to an examine -

ion of oar snaerior Stoek of BOYB' as well aaMSN'S CLOTHING. Also, a very large Stoek ofFURNISHING GOODS, to be sold cheap. Wehave Just received a fine lot of BLACK DBBSBCOATS and FANT8.anJO-lm* BABB A BBO.


Choice Batter neoked in class Jars, always onhand aad for sale by B. IINNIH,an 24-lm* 334 D st.. near 10th at.

^ A B E! 0 A S H! CASH!


W. B. LBW1B A CO.. Anet'rs.an 38-lm 497 7th st , bet. G and H its.

Troa BALE.HB TUG *?0. H. HA8WBLL," now laying at

Alexandria, Ya., will be sold ebeap, on account ofdissolutioa of partnership ofthe owaers. Apply toCAPTAIN TALBOT, Steamer *'Young America,"running between Alexandria and Washington.an 81 lit*

I /ton LIMB! LIMB t! LIMB!!!1,4UU BABRBL9 LIMB Just arrived at Gun-nell's wharf, per schooner B. Bullwlnkel, and forsale by A. O McKlfBW,

an » corner 7th street and Canal.JAY COOKE fc CO.,BANKERS,

No. 452 Fifteenth Street*

vn sxill oobtikob ro rxraainUNITBD STATBS

FIVE-TWENTY BONDSat par antil fnrtfler notice.

fOTPersons desiring information oonoeraing thisloan ean proenre at oar counter, or npon applicationby mail.oironlars answering all questions thatmaparise.



AID PAT TBI BIOHIST ri!OI8 P0InVBTinni irr nuPmrc

JAY OOOKB A CO., Bankers.an t-tf488 Fifteenth street.


NO. 3«a PBNNSYLVANIA AVENUE,Will continue to furnish

D. H. riTE-TWEJITY BONOSAs long as Issued by the Goverament, at par.

. B. Coupon 6's of 1881.U. 8. 7-90 Treasury Notes.

U. 8. Certificates of Indebtedness,GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD.

Bxcbange on all parts of Europe and the NorthernCities sold in sums to suit purchasers.

Stocks and Gold bought In New York exclusivelyon Commission.







KBNDALL'B AMBOLINB is a rare compoundstimulating extracts from Flowers, Boots, aadHerbs, fer the GROWTH, BEAUTY, and PBRMANEN T VIGOB of the HAIR," Highly beneficial where the hair requires

gentle stimulant." Dr. CHILTON." Have never had anything whioh so perfectly

answers the purpose of a hair dressing."WARRBN WARD. Bsq.,

No. 3TT Canal street, N. Y.. " After being bald for seven years your AMBO¬LINB has covered the entire scalp with NEWHAIR." Prof. T0HN 8BNIA,

No. 39 King Street, N, Y.For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods

Dealers. Put in boxes, (containing two bottles,)price 91.Manufactured and for sale at wholesale by

KENDALL A BANNISTER,e lO-6m No. 543 Bxoapwat , N. Y.


Bxpressly for the¦ALB OF HOB8B8, 0ABR1AGB8. STOCK, AO.,

98 Louisiana Avenue,Between Ninth and Tenth streets.OAsa Advaioid oi Cobbiobmbbts.

Storage for Carriages.orsee, Carr ages, Ac., received for private samyg)-tf W. L. W. WALL A CO., Auots.


at 10 a. m.. for Alexand ia,Washing¬ton, and landings on the Potomac1river. Returning, leaves Washington every TUBSDAY, at6 a. ra., and Alexandria at7 a. m.For freight or passage apply on board, or to

CHARLES W1LBON, Agent, Washington, D. 0.WAll Paxfieneftrs are required to have parsesfrom Gen. Heinitleman. au4-lm*

¦ VAILY LINE TO CAPB MAY..On and afterMF Monday, the Z7th July, 1863, thesteamers MANHATTAN, CaptainKiRBY.and WILSON SMALL, l'apt ¦Bright, will leave Arch street wharf. Philadelphia,DAILY. (Sundays excepted.) at 9a m., for OapeMay. connecting at Newcastle with the Baltimoretrains- itetnrmng. will leave Cape May daily at.a m , connecting at Newcastle with Baltimoretrains. Fare !rom Philadelphia, including carri¬age hire, #».»>. an 4-lm*

PUKIFIBD CIDBBt CLARIFIED CIDER i:I have Just received per schooners "George 8

Adams" and "J. W..'" from Boston, a large supplyof Pure Masseehusette CLARIFIED OIDlB, whiciI offer for sale at the lowest market prioe, la taaxrtitles to salt purchasers.Hotel keepers, sutlers and all others ia waat of a

prime article or Cider are Invited to call aad oz-

Ualoa Bottling Depot, ST Green si,-tf Georgetown. D. O.


oitiIenb^aSd*b5l«Xbtm ** SJL&J.JAU:OMa*uraorouvAi Horn, 1

LEGAL NOTICES.TWOEMBMiSBfttgSESi'Jlthe United Btotai lot tM mi* DUtrirt -TV all

it may etmmu.&rtttyf- B®**®o. J* JimbrFlotilla, aeind* mbo« (no nailud one box ofoae hnadred u4 Im po*"4" of WbtMt. u4 §75la Mur, and brought tt« same Into the port ofWaahiB*taaT«lad Ue mmm liMi4 udproTnt*4la tkiitov<lt(hiiM«oftb«D0ltt4rUto(m lawful prisa. aad that aaid e*uae wMl lUud fortrial at th* Oily Hall.ia the eity of Waihiu*t-mo> tkt first Monday of October next, when W-«k«« all ptrioa* are warned to .nar to ahcrwMill Why eoadaroaatloa ikoaM tot k« decreedand to iatarrene for their intereata.

aalO *. J IfBIG8. Olark.Bl SUPREME 00UBT OP THE DISTRICTor OOLUMBIA. Holding a District Court 0f

the United States lor the *atd District -To allwhom it may tonttrn. Sreetint: Notice ie herebygiven, that, oa the 17& day of July, 1869, the Cal¬led Etatee eteamera Ooear de Lioa and Priori,eaptared a lot of dry goods. ahoes, Ao., aad broughtthem into the port of Waahiagtoa, aad the aama lalibeled and psoeeeated la tbia Oeart la tha nam*ot the Uaitod State*, far eondamnation aa »awfu.wlae, and that eald eaaae will stand for trial at tbeCity Hall, in the eity of Washington.on tbe tretMonday 01 Oetober next, vhaa aad Where all ¦««.eeaa are waraed to appear to abow eaaae why eon

ahonid not be deemed aad to intervanefor thair iatereeta. By the Court.

lr» »¦ J. M1IQ8, Clerk.

milwk.numay concern, Greeting: Notiae la barebyaires, that, oa the Mth day of March, UQ, theUnited State* acbooaer Kacar oaptnred aa lawfulprise one email boat aad three draft*, aad broughtuau to the voitof Waabiaatoa, aad th* same arelibeled aad praaeontod la thlaOeart in tbe aame oftbe United Btatea, for condemnation aaaaeb lawful¦rice, and that aaideaaae will etaad for trial at theulty Hall, ia tbe eity of Waahiagtoa, ob the flritMonday of October next, whan aad where all par-aoa* are warned to appear to abow eaaee why eoadamnation ifconld not be decreed, and to laterrenefor their intereate. By the Court,

it* *. j. Mugs,cierk.

whom it may concern. Greeting: Hot! j* la herebygiven, that, on the ITtb day or May, ISO, a lot ofmoney aad bond* waa eaptared by the UnitedBtatea ateamer Wyandank attached to tke Poto¬mac Plot&la, aad brought to the port of Washiaa-toa, and tbe eame ia libeled aad prosecuted ia tailCourt ia the name of th* United Btatea, for coa-dcarnation aa lawful arise, aad that aaid cause willstand for trial at the City Hall, ia the eity ofWashington, on the first Monday of October aaxt,when aad where all parsons are warned to appearto abow eaaae why condemnation ahoald not bedecreed, aad to Interrene for their interests.

By order ofthe Ooart._ _h* B. J. MBIGS, Clark,

w ILL]TAIBDSliTI(Scooaaaoaa to Mssbxs. Cotlb a Baos.,)

LUMBER DEAL MRS,Comer Fourteenth street aad the Canal.

jy31-lm* Washington, P. 0.



DBBTBDMB88.Gold. Bilrer, Uncurreat Moaey, Bxchang* oa all

parts or Barope aad the Northern Cities,BOUGHT AND SOLD,

We are authorised to furnish 8-® Bonds at paruntil the 1st of August aaxt, whea th* pririledteof conversion ceases.Orders for Stocks and Gold exocatod ia New York

.xclaalTely on commissloa.BITTBNHOUBN, PANT A 00.,

T 1 * Banker*, P*nn.avenue.

p 1 L I St P 1 L E SI

SOLDIERS AND SEAMEN,If you would obtain immediate relief from tM*

distressing complaint, tryDB. WITPIBLDTJ

T1QITABLI PILLS.This is a lone tried and thmronchly tested reme¬

dy, sad baa never yet failed to core. Do not gnf-far when them ia a remedy wlthia reach.Bold by 8. 0. POBD, 380 Pennsylvania aranae,

Washington, and by H. COOK, Alexandria, Ti.Sent to aay'address by mail. Prion fooeats per

bOXe9. YOUNG, Proprietor,

Jy M 9m No. d81 Broadway, N. T.

Th* Steam*h1p*

GBBAT EASTERN,WALTBR PATTON, Commander,Will b* dispatchedpaoa LiTiarooL . raomivrou,

***!?».:each port.Pirst cabin, from «N to tl3SSeoond cabin, state room bertha, meals

furnished at separate tables. r #70Exsuraion tickets, ont and back in the first midseoond cabin only, a fare and a half.Servants accompanying passengers aad childrenander 13 years of age, half prloe. Infanta free.

Third cabin . .. §80Btoerage, with superior accommodation*... f30Price of passage from Liverpool, aame rates asabove.All fares payable In gold, or ita equivalent la D.B. currency.Inch passenger allowed 10 cubic feet of lnggage.An experienced surgeon on board.Por passage only a|PlyRto>B ^ WHITN1T,

PaHsage offlce, 26 Broadway, New York.HOWLAND A ABPIN WALL. Agents.

JelA 8m 64 South stinet. New York.VRANKLIN A 00.,OPTICIANS

S44 PamSTLVABIA Avisus.(north side,) between 1Tb and Uth sta.

andS9B Pa. .*«*««, tmdtr (a* National HtUl.

PSBBLB and PBB1BCOPIO 8PKOTACLI8, cor¬rectly and a cientifl :aily suited for every eyesight,PIILD QLA8HBB,




CARTR8 DB VISITS,8TBRB0SC0PBS aud VIBWS^Ao.In « great variety and at the lowest Bastern prioea,wholesale or retail, Jy O-tf

T'BBABCBY .DBPABTMBNT. OIFIOIOJ1 COMPTROLLER OP TUB OURRINOY,WiBUiMQToi, July 10,1843..Whereas, by satisfac¬tory evidence presented to the undersigned, it ha*been made to appear that tf>e Pirst National 13ankof Washington, In the county of Washington, andDistrictof Columbia,has been duly organized underand according to tbe requirements of the act ofCongress entitled .. An act to provide a nationalcurrency, secured by a pltdge of United Statesstocks, and to provide for tbe circulation and re¬demption thereof," approved February J6,1863, andbas ecmplied with all the provisions of said act re¬quired to be complied with before commencing tbebusinets of Banking:Now, therefore,J, Hugb McOnlloch,Comptrollerof the Ourrenoy, do hereby certify that toe saidPirst National Bank of Washington, county of

Washington, and District of Columbia, is author¬ised to commence the business of Banking underthe act aforesaid.

In testimony whereof, witness my hand[L. B.] and seal of office this 16th day of July, 1863.HUGH McCULLOOik.ly 17-dim Comptroller of the Currency.

TRIBIKHAR.fretttttd by Royal Lttitrt Patmt of En*land, aa4stcurid biy tkt Stair of the E> olt d* PkarmiKU itParts, aad lbs Imperial Cclltt* ifMedicine, Ftsaaa


TBIBSBMAB No. J,Completely and entirely eradicatee all traoeo ofthose disorders for which Oopaiva and Oubebs haveKnerallr been thought an antidote, to the ruin ote health of a rant portion of the population.TRIESEMAR No. 8,Ie the great and sure remedy of the driliaed worldfor all impurities **f the system, a* well as seoondarysymptoms, obriating the destructire use of Mer-cury.as well as other deleterious ingredients, aadwhich all the 8arsaparilla ia the world cannotremore. TRIE8EMAR Nes. 1, 3 and S are alikederoid of taste or smell, and of all nauseating qualities. They are in tbe form of a lozenge, and m*ylie on the toilet table without their nae being auapected.Bold in tin oases at fSeaob, or four 98 cases iaoae for 89. and in #27 cases, thus saring 99 asadministered by Valpean, Lallemand, Roux, Ao..AO. Wholesale and retail br DR. H. A. BARROW,194, Bleecker street, (/our doors from MacDoagaistreet,)New York. Immediately on receipt of re¬mittance. Dr. Barrow will forward Triesemar to anypart of the world, securely packed, and addresseuaccording to the instruction* of tbe writer.Published also by DR. BARHOW, that popularand beaniifully Illustrated medical work, HumarFrailty. Price 3fl cents. Triesemar and Book catbe obtained by snecial authority from B.C. PORDWashington D. C. de 1] tr

W BOTS CLOTHING.¦ are now in receipt of a large assortment ofBOY'S and CHILDREN'8 CLOTHING of thenewest styles, suitable for the present season forIresa and school wear, to which we Invite th*attention of parents.

WALL, STEPHENS A CO.,SSil Pennsylania Arenue, betweenaa Il-tfl Ninth and Tenth streets0UTLBB8, ATTENTION! .


Cheap for cash at Natioaal Soap aad CandleWorka,Gm*a atm*t aad th* Canal, GeorgetownD.O. mar 30


DRY GOODS, Ac.i nn mi* mt ewiw.I UU PIBCBS White. Pish, Blue. u<^

Mosquito Netting.llitibtd and Brown dttou.Sheetings, Tabic Ua«, Creak, DiaptraIrish'Liaea, Hoaery, Gjovee,Cambric eaa Pwiw Bdgiaga, and Baaertinna,Valeneiea and BnfUab Thread &dgiujttWhita Goods in every rarletjr o^ualijrandgle*JUST RBGBIVBD-


A larr* stock orPusher and Preach .M« BhaaU,Potat Thread and V*l*n«tn «.>lUra and Bete,Thread Laea Veila. Barbus and Coiffare.',

f'oiata, Vaiana aa and Bmbraidered H 4k fa.nfante' R© >«# ik) Waists.

Guipure l.aoea, all width*,Latoa' styles Heed Dr«w««. Vane? Good*.Bteel, Jet atd Tortninr Shvll Bar Dr-'p«.Pins, Bait Olaspa, Bracelata, Fane, A«.Wbloh will be sold at low prices A «*U la e»»-

lioitad, WM WhUiHBRO,1* I

in Market Spaer. Puan. ar*nu'lbetween ?tb end 9tb streets

G PRIOR* rbducbdRBNADINB Bfcawla. Mosambiqae Shawla,

Black Lace Maatlea. Poiata.Burnnq* and Fioolominis in |TMt variety and re-

Je**®** 9rl0m' H. TAYLOR ft OO.


WUA8 FIZTWRMSJ Hare tadtore, and are daily reeeivina, WAS

fIXYUBBB of entirely Few Patterns and Psejaweand Plnlah .enperlor In atyle to anything heretoforeoflbred in this market.

eoaBdent that we have the beet ee

k in the ebove line Intrusted toouwin be promptly attended to.«-tf MYBRB ft McGHAN. STB D (tree*.



CIMPLlSTlt SOIK TIITB,Witioor Mbtaljpla*¦ oa Olaspb,

DR. B. B. BIGBBMOND,BIB B*f4way, Ntw York, mmd 360 Pmmnhmmtm

Aaenat, b*tw*m itti mmd lUhttt., Wmskimtum,Palls the attention of the pablle to the foUowlaaadvaatagee of hie improved ayatem:

1. The Teeth of ala outhetuanever ocraode nor ohaane eolor by anyMidi being three-fourths Lighter than any other.1. Mo teeth or roote need be extrated, aa tha

artificial oaaa eaa be Inserted over them.I. The roote will be made inoffensive, aad aever

to ache.4. Ho temporary teeth are needed, af permanent

oaaa can be made immediately, thereby pressrvlnfthe natural expression of the face, whleh under theold mtem la frequently disfigured.

i. This work hac been fully tested over Byeraara by many ofthe Brat ehemute and physician#of thla oountry.Br. B. haa also Invented a white uadeetructi* t

Motel Ailing, with which the moat Mneltive teethcan be Bllep without pain, and can build ub a perJaet, aound tooth on any aide roote, whleh willlastthroorb lifetetime.Oall and examine for youraelf. Jy BMfbm TTSRTHSI;.5&LVi¥i*iiVs%ss/'to""porec*ally at hU offoe la^th^s rtty. Man:peraons eaa wear theae teeth who cannot

otheru, aad no peraoa can wear others who_

atweartheee.Peraons calling at my oflee eaa be aeaommodated

With aar style aad prloe of Teeth they may desire;bat to thosewho are particular and wish the purest,

t, strongest and moat perfect denture thatart can produce, the MIHBBAL PLATB will heMore fally warranted.Booma in thla oity.No. BBS Pennsylvania avenue

between »th aad 10th streets. Also, »0T Arch at.,Philadelphia. mar4-ly


Barwaaa In ft 10** Bra.,(OOMBB' BUILDINGJ

Invite the Trade'to laapact their stock of


GROCERIES FOR THE CAMP,anmrpaaaed la thla city u> variety aad quality,

Belaa the Bole Agenta forMBBBB0. PRANK BININGBB ft OO..

No. IB Baavaa Sr., Naw Yoa*,wa aell their Mlebrated

BOTTLED WINES AND LIQUORS,at New York prloea.-freight added.

. .

We would call the attention of DIVISION PUR-VBY0R8 to the fact that we have the above *oodsready packed for shipment in caaes containingfrom one to twelve doaen each, and can fill anyorder for them on call.

P. B..We also keep constantly on hand the largesand moat varied assortment of


to be found in thla city, embracing the followingwell-known brands





8^ An Inspection of oar Stock la most respect-folly solicited.

AUG. JOHNSON ft CO.may 18-tf

For the Holidays.A. BIHIlTGEft k CO.,

Baaioa or Noa. 19 a*d 31 Baoio Sr., Naw To**OPPBR POR 8ALB AT THBIR 8T0RB,








Together with all theLUXURIES INCIDENT TO THE SEASONifessrs. A. M. B. A Co. are a!w Sole Proprietors


Put op in Quart Bottles for melioinal use,


All articles bought at their store warrantedof the first quality, and forwarded to any part of the9J*y free of expense.A« we intend to be permanently located, we re>

ipaotfnlly request families to give us a call.ABRAM M. BININGBB,HKNRY T. OAPBN.

WASailOTOX, December. 1861.

A. M. BIN1NGER ft 00. have no connexioa wifany other House.d»-U BOLLIN OHUROH. Agent.MILITARY GOOP8.

WALL^BTBPHBNa ft 00..B99 Paaaaii-vaata Avaaaa.


,!H» W/



Tastaaseassj^af?a6.*> p, ta.

_On Buudays at . *»». a. omlf.IfOR BALTIMORR.

Uitf «? t.St), 8 and 11.16 a. m. and 3. .an4 .tb. On Sundays at» a. m. and a and 6 30 p. m. onrr

FJR ALL PART8 0F TER WIRTU»t- Wmhimtoa at 6-30 >¦ P.. *ud 3. 5, ana *3;

p n; .daily, except Sunday. On Sunday at S aaa6 p . 11 en>s oul*.Th'S i» the only r«nt* by wtlch ..Cher I "f ThrnvtS/mm Watkinrtrm.

tOH WASHINGTON ANB THB BOWTH.U»T« Baltimore for Washington at «.sn, 8 and Wi.aad 3.a'. ; and a p. a. On Bandarsat i.jnaadKb. and5 p. m.

« third and Aftk trains only from Haitimoratad the first fourth train* from Waahiacto*,¦top at way poiata.

IOR ANNAPOLIS.L*av« Baltimore at 8 a m and ft *. ra.Leave Washin#ton at 8 a. m. and A p. m.No train for Annapolis on Sunday*.For farther information, tieaets of every kind,

Ac. apply to G 8. KOONTZ, Agent, at Washing-ton station, or at tha Ticket oSc^ gjjITH,

Master of Tranaportattaa,Ir. M. 00L1. general Tiaket Agent. an 9-tf

X 0 8 ¦





WEST, SOUTH AHD NORTH-WESTMaking the Quickest Time. And thsonly Routethat ean sell a Throiyrh Tioket direct, or give aThronth Cheek for iTaggaga from tfashingtonCity. Vith Leas Chan** of Cars than on nayother Route, and ao Omnibus Riding.FOUR DAILY TRAINS FROM WASHINGTON

CITY. (Sundays exoepted,)m.vin. connections with Traine levying BaHimora¦

»t 7 « a. M. and 8 81 F. M.Ob Sundays, One Train at 8» r. ejecting-* Relay with 9 r. u. Tram from Baltimore,1 7 FOR THB WBBT.Train leaving Washington at 8.30 a._ M. makes

oonneotion at Washington Junction (Relay House)with Train leavingBaltimore at 8.15 a. *.Trains leavingWashinatpn at.3,5, or 6^* r. K.

make connection with Train leaving Baltimore at9 r. *. .


Tkit it <*« Only Routt by which Through Ticktit erThrough Baggage Check! can be procured

in Washington.Knight's Latest Improved BLEEPING OARS. of

the most snperier finish, attached to Night Trains.TBI BHORTBBT AND MOST DIHBOT ROUTE


etc*, dc.( tf c.,Vwm LMI OlilflU OP OA ad Vlll »T ART

OTHBB ROOTP.^EBWBTSpecial Notiu to Pasttugori for thtjfut from

by tfc# Baltimore and Ohio Eiilroid, 8AV1 ONIDOLLAR in the Through price, and barethe priv¬ilege of visiting Baltimore (if daairod) withoutadditional charge.

7\J v A Aa vw AmU a .

For THROUGH TIOKRTB please apply at thaTicketOffee-Wanhinaton otation.W.^. 8MITH, Master of Transportation

M. OOLB. General Ticket Agent. apXl-tf18631 THB I1W3_rKNNSTLVANIA CBNTKA1* RAILROAD

(with its connections)IS A FiBBT-CLASa^ROUTB WMTaRJf 0ITia8t


FBBB FROM DDBTbaggage ohborrd through





to all points in theWBBT, NORTHWEST, AND SOUTHWB8T.WW For Through Tickets apply at the ofleaa of

the Northern Central Railroad Company, northeascorner of Pennsylvania avenue and Sixth atract,Washington, and Calvert Station, Baltimore.BPLBNDID BLBBPING GARB ON ALL NIGHT


Passengers will take the 6.S*i a. m. and 0 »i p. m.train* connecting in Baltimore witb the 9.15 a. m.and 9.15 p. m. trains on the Northern Central Rail¬road, aud arrive in Harrlsbur* at 1 p. ra. and 1.30a. m., ihere making close connections with thetrains on the Peansj Ivania Central Railread forall parts of the West.

FRIIOHTB.By this route FreiRhts of all descriptions can be

forwarded to and from any point go the Railroad!of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsinlawa, or Missouri, by Railroad dirtct.The Pennsylvania Central Railroad also connects

at Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goods canbe forwarded to any port on the Ohio, Muskingum,Kentucky, Tennessee, Cumberland, Illinois, Missis*sippi, Wisconsin, Missouri, Kansas. Arkansas, audBea Rivers; and at Cleveland, Sandusky, and Chi¬cago with steamers to all Northwestern Lakes.Merchants and shippers entrusting the transpor¬tation of their Freight to this Company can relywith confidence on its speedy transit.TH* HATKB OF FRRIGHT to and from any pointin the West, by the Pennsylvania Central Railroad.

mri at all timts as fanorablt at an thargid by ttktfRailroad Commniu._Kr Be particular to mark packages "Via PennaCentral R.R."

. .WM. BROWN. Agt Northern Central R. R.,No. 80 North street, Baltimore,BNOOH LBWIB, GenT Superintendent, Altona. Fa,ii. L. HOUPT, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Philadelphia.H. H. HOUSTON,General Freight Ageut, Phila¬

delphia. Ian Hyj



" Yes. A Potitive Cure" forGON-ORRHCEA. GLFET. STRICTURES, ft.Contains no Mineral, no Balsam, no Mercury.

Only Ten Pills to b* Taken to Effect a Curt.They are entirely vegetable, having no smell nor

any unpleasant taste, and will not in any way in¬jure the stomach or bowels of the most delicate.Cures in from two to four days, and recent cases

in "twenty-four hours." Prepared by a graduateof the University of Pennsylvania, one of the i losteminent Doctors and Chemists of the present day.go *XPOBDR«, HO TBOCBLB, BO OHAHQB WHATEVBB.Let those who have despaired of getting cured,

or who have been gorged with Balsam Oopaiva, orMercury, trythe^^^^Bent by mail in a plain enyek>pe.Price.Mai#packages, 82. Female, 93-BLOOD I BLOOD II BLOOD III


BYPHILW^RhvlN^^^L*^8B^«8, the SA-

scribed! it reaches and eradicates everv i^rticle ofthe venereal ooiron so that the cure is thoroughMdU?S2Sint Tsirthen of this purifying remo-dy and be healed, and do not transmit to your pos¬terity that for

FBMALBBI FBMALBBJIIn many affections with which numbers of Fa-ma°e.ro&erTthe BOOT AND HBRB JUICBB is

moot happily adapted, in Ulcerated Uteres, inWhites, in bearing down. Falling of the Womb,Debility, and for all complaints incident to the sex.Sent by express. Price ftl a bottle, or 6 bottles

fOF "'BAMABITAN'B 0HAN0RB WASH.Price 25 cents. Full direction*.DBSMOND A CO., Box If I Philadelphia Foat0fi081Bold by 8. OALYBRT FORD.c met of 11th and

Fa. avenne.HENRY COOK, Alexandria may 6-trA DAMB BXPRRBB COMPANY,A. 0FFI0B B14 PA. aVBNDB,WasAington City, D. §.uRRAT BABTBRN, NORTHERN AND WBBT1RN BXPRkB8_F0BWABDBB8lMBB0HANDI8B, MONRY, JBWBLRY, VALUABLBS, NOTB8, STOOKB, BONDS, Ao.Forwarded w\th BAFBTY AND DISPATCH to aUaccessible sections of tha oountry. This Companykaa agencies la tha prinolpsJ Railway Town* 1»NOBTH, BABT, WBT, AND ROBTHWBBT.




a um uw ooRonrmrDBXTBAOT.



GERMAN BITTER 8,nviin by

f)U. V. M. JACBSOK, Philadelphia. r%WILL imOTfll \T oou


auehM CoutiH-

tlon, Inward Pll*.hlMM or Blood to ttt

Head. Acidity ofthe Stomach,Ruim, Heartburn,Disgust for Food*

ViIiicm or Weight in Stomach. Boar BVf*tations, Sintint or Fluttering at the Pit oM%g

IWrnach, Swimming of the Head, Hurriod and DU-dealt Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, OfcokUwor BUoMtlui Pensetiona wbea la a lying paetapf*DtmscM of Vifloii, Doti or WiW before rFever and Dull Pais in the Ueod, Deficiency <

Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin andBret, Pain In the Bide, Bach. Cheat,

Llmbe, Ac., Sadden Flashes ofHeat. Bnrnin* la the Pleeh

Oonnlant Imaginings.f Bvil, aad great

Depression ofBpirite.

And trili ponhesiy prevent Yellow A m, Bitten*Frctr, fc.

They teatain !*. Alcohol or Bad WhisThey will rare the fboT* diseases la aiae

cases out of a handred.Indaeed by the extensive sale and naivenalpg»

olarity of Ho« (land'a German Blttera, (parely rose -

table,(hosts of Ignoraat Quacks and unserupu.<>«',adventurers. have opened upen Buffering humaattothe fioed-gatea of Ne<rvws la the shape of poorwbiahy. vilely #o»»e*rA^J with injurious djand christened Tonics, Stomachics and BittenBeware of the Innnmerable array of Aloof

preparations in plethoric bottlea aad hikegs. under the modoat appellation of Bl'which, instead of eurmg.onjy aggravateaad learethe

HOOFLAND'B GERMAN BITTEB8Are not a new and untried artiele, bat hare ^

the teat of fifteen yeara trial by the American pah-lie; and their reputation aad aale, are not rivalledby any similar preparation.The prpprietora nave thonaanda of Letter* 1the mofft eminent


OITIUBB,Testifying of their own personal knowledge, to th*beneficial effecta aad medioal rirtaea of them Blt¬tera.

Do Ton Want Something to Strengthen TtufDo Ton Want a Good AppetitefDo Ton Want to BuOd Up Tom ConrtttmUmfDo Ton Want to Feel WHIPDo Ton Want to Get Bid ofNmtumttfDo Ton Want EnergyfDo Ton Want to Bleep WeUfDo Ton Want a Bruk and Tiforont TeeUnj


From Rem. J. Newton Brown, D.D., Editor of UgEncvdoftdia of Religious Knowledge.Although not disposed to favor or reoommeagPatent Medicinea in general, through distrust of

their ingredients an>1 effecta, I yet know of a*auffleient reasons why a man may not teatiTy to thebeneita be bclierea himself to hove received fromany simple preparation, in the hope that ho marthus contribute to the benefit of others.

I do tbis the more readily in regard to Hoofiand'sGermap Bitters, neepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, ofthis city, because I was prejudiced against them fog

ff "7Y1 w»woaiaaa«i. ICUlOTil OIthia prejudice bj proper testa, aad for encoara#*-ment to try them, when suffering from great andlong continued debility. The use of three bottleeof theae Bitters, at the beginning of the preeentyear, waa followed by evident relief, and mrtoratioato adegree of bodily and mental vigor which I >»Mnot felt for six months before, and had almost de¬spaired of regaining. I therefore thank Godmy friend for directing me to the use of them.

"WWW BBOWB.Philadelphia, June 23,1861.

PARTICULAR NOTICB.There are many preparationa aold under the

of Bitters, put in quart bottles, compounded of th«cheapest whisky or common rum, costing from SIto 40 cents per gallon, the taste disguised by Anioeor Coriander Seed.This class ef Bitters has caused and will oontinoe

to eauae, as long as they can be sold, hundreds todie the death of the drunkard. By their use thesystem is kept continually under the influence ofAlcoholic Stimulants of the worst kind the desirefor Liquor is created and kept up. and the result inall the horrors attendant upon a drunkard's life aaddeath.Por those who desire and will Kavt a Liquor Bit¬

ters, we publish the following receipt. Get onebottU HooAand's German Hitters and mix with threetna'ts ofgood Brandy or Whisky, and the result willbe a preparation that will far excel in medical vir^tues and true excellence any of the numerous LicsoyBitters in the market, and will coat much lt*t. Yeawill have all the virtues of Hoofiand's Bitters Inconnection with a rood artiele of Liquor, at a muchless price than these inferior preparationa wlOco«t you.


We call the attention of all hs-ving relation* orfriends in the army to the fact that "HOOFLAND*GBRMAN BITTKBS'' will ewe nine-tenths of thadif.eaBji> induced by exposures and privations inci¬dent to ec.ap life. In the lists, published almostdailjr in tae newspapers, on the arrival of the sich,it will be noticed that a very large proportion aresuffering from debility. Every case or that kindcan be readily cured by Hoofiand's German BittersDiseases resulting from disorders of the digestiveorgans are speedily removed. We have nohesitationin stating that, if these Bitters were freelpused among our soldiers, hundreds of livea mightbe saved that otherwise will be lost.We call particular attention to the following re¬

markable and well authenticated cure of one or thenation's heroes, whose life, to uae his own lanaruaae.'has been saved by the Bitters

Philadelphia, Augustjisd, 13dJ.Mestrs. Jones fr Evans..Well, gentlemen, voaz

Hoofiand's German Bitters has saved my life. Therais no mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbersofmy comrades, some ofwhose names are appended,and who were fully cognisant of all the circumstances of my esse. I am, and have been for thelast fear years, a member of Sherman's celebratedbattery, and under the immediate command of Cap¬tain R. B. Ayres. Through the exposure attendantnpon my arduous duties, I was attacked in Novem¬ber last with inflammation of the lungs, and wasfor seventy-two days in the hospital. Tnis was fol¬lowed by great debility, heightened by an attack otdysentery. I was then removed from the WhitoHouse and sent to this city on board the steamey"State of Maine."frem which I ianded on the Vthof June, Since that time I have been about aa lowas any ene could be and atill retain a spark of vital¬ity. ror a week or more I was scarcely able toswallow anything, and if I did force a morsel down,it was immediately thrown up again

1 could not even keep a glass ot water on mystomach. Life could not last under these circum¬stances, and, accordingly, the physicions who hadbeen working faithfully, thougn unsuccessfully, torescue me from the grasp of the dread Archer,frankly told me they could do no more for me, anaadvised me to see a clergyman, and to make suohdisposition of my limited funds as beat auited me.An acquaintance who viaited me at the hospital,Mr Frederick Steinbron, of Sixth, below Area at.,advised me, as a forlorn hone, to try your Bitten,and kindly procured a bottle. From the time I00mmeneed taking them the gloomy shadow ofdeath receded, and I am now, thank God for It,

months; for, gentlemen, I am a loyal Virginianfrom the vicinity of Front Royal. To yoor invalu¬able Bitters I owe the certainty of life which haataken the place of vague fears.to your Bittera willI owe the glorious privilege of again clasping to mrbosom those who are deareit to me in lire.

Yery truly youra Ibaao Malopp.

We fally concur in the truth of the above state¬ment, aa we had despaired of aeeing our oomrale.Mr Malone. restored to health.

JOHN CUDDLEBACK, 1st New York BatteryGEORGE A. ACKLEY, Co. 0,11th Maine.LEWIS CHEVALIER, ?2d New York.I E. SPENCER, 1st Artillery, Battery P.J B FA8EWELL, Co. B, 3d Vermont.HENRY B. JEROME,Co. 6, do.HENRY T. MACDONALD. Co. C, 6th MaineJOHN F. WARD Co. E,5th MaineHERMAN ROCH,Co. H, 7Jd New York.NATEANIBL B. THOMAS, Co. P,95th PenaANDREW J. KIMBALL, Co. A,3d VermontJOHN JINKINS Co. B 106th Pena.

BBWARB OP OOUNTBSf1IT81Bee that the signature of "0. M. JAOKBOB'

OB the WRAPPER of each bottle.PB10B PBB BOTTLB Tt 01NTS,


fanmrAi. Ovpiob abb Mabvfaovobt,Ba. #11 ABGB BT.